PUJI Cover Letter

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  • 8/17/2019 PUJI Cover Letter


    Application Letter 

    Indonesia Power 

    Jl. Tanjung Emas 3

    Semarang, Indonesia 505!


    %ear Sir&'adam,

    I am (inis"ed m) stud) in Energ) *on+ersion Pol)tec"nic State o( Semarang. I am

    interested in a position o( operate turine. As )ou can see (rom m) *-,I "a+e een acti+el)

    in+ol+ed in organiation (or +arious project. Iam capale to operate turine and maintenance

    turin T"en, I ale in computer tec"nolog) suc" as programming microso(t o((ice. T"ere(ore, Iam capale cooperate wor/ team and good communication.

    As a consideration wit" t"is I attac"ed m) curriculum +itae attac"ed wit" certi(icates,

    cop) o( m) I% card, TE1L score, certi(ication o( graduation, and academic transcript. T"en I

    am "a+e e2perience maintenance sootlower and pul+erier o( oiler section.

    ') resume is enclosed wit" t"is co+er letter. It s"ows m) o+erall e2pertise and

    e2perience in t"e (ield. I would welcome t"e opportunit) to discuss m) suitailit) (or t"e

     position and compl) wit" )our ot"er reuirements.4ours sincerel),

    Puji artati