- PUGET SOUND 'VEEICLY AHGUS SUPPLE)IENT. PORT TOWNSEJ\D. \VASHINGTON TERHITORY. APHIL 2(', IBi8, Tailor, MEA. TS Washington Hotel Wholes.'llo Dclller In A!fD .vA!fU'ACTCKIo:II or PORT TOWNSEND JOHN P. PETERSON CHOICEST Gents' and Boys' Fashionable Snits. AT PRICES thst Defy Compotitlon. - \Vatel': t. BO\'S' LADIES', MISSES, AND ClIILDREN'S Boot. d3 Shoe.. Of thu \'cry l)C,lt '1111111111'i lIml or Ihe J.lltl'st r Veaetabl.e... Corllt.'d Decl 11m! Pork. Smokell Pork IIIHI llel\li CIIl .. 'eIiC, 'J'rlpe. &u., .'te, L. SMITH" F. TE R RY Merchant J. J. HUNT Gcnt'i llud l,ll,lll'''' .A.rotl0 Ovor-Shoo•• Gerlt'·, L,ulles', MI",sc"tltldChllllrcll'j R.u.bbor Ovor'Shoo. Thllil!. the Largest and Beat ... :;tQt'k ur Houlililiul tillo\:j 011 l'u- ::,·t Solllld, C01ll1lrlsing S,\1'IX ;\L\5o:o;'s FII,\XK MII.u:u's \\' .n;R PUOOF IlI,ACKI E SI1.K I\NIl X F: 0 I. r. s. Shoe Findings. or ]':"'CI'Y Dc...cI'lpllnn. Rigging" Harness Leather. &c., &e Opposite A COlllllleto (J( Miscellaneous Stock i 'Custom Work Ami Uuplllring II-lillI, aud Bllt- [s(t\ctloll j{1Il(mllt ... ;7 A Illir or- tllll l"lll1>ungo 01 the pullllel!4 solicited, ,. I hll\'C:l Orellt HEVEJn:SCJo: ror C .. \::ill t,;u§tomcl'll• John Fitzpatr ck. l:Boot &; STORE. T. J, r.. I'LOIl Minor C. II. llA:srUKIJ "",'r.:H PtiT,n:.:T, a. MORRIS HALLER. 1·, ••'1 BRADS HAW" CENTRAL HOTEL, Dr. Thos. T \" .. \, 'r]·: It ""Til 1':-1,:'1'. Port Townsend, W. DALGARDNO'S HOTEL Dr.lsaac N. Power PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. '1'111,1,,11111' JIlUl'lCtlUl, Jlllrlul! 110 p·I"I. l·ol'L \V. Cllnl!Ccou .. nlUHI, or thl)', lit A1'1'I)II:-'.;\' .\:0;1) ;\1' I.A\\' l'I'OI'Ior hi Ath.. 10011lf'tl. lIeul .:_llIllll"'lIghllllld;ool1l t'nrlll_ Iu 1"'11'01', t.:OIIl'C1101l Illll.lc, l·lIIl1ll)·lInl.:!Il;.r• .t'I.:. W. T. Larrabee & Hanford. COUNSElORS'" mORNEYS AT LAWl"olJ·;A·I."rr ... Jo:, \", ".. , I'MII.:I k\l In \lIU l 'ourl>l of tllll :ltl JIll1tc1r11 III I. Port Townsend, W. T, urtlrl'll "1'111 lie llltl ot II, S 31111I.:r'" THOMAS DRUMMOND, Wines Liquors & PORT TOWNSEND, W, T. ' Bricklayer. Plastorer. and CIGARS ,...Innl.' ,'hl.-nlh Cib- "11'1'111 fur ","u .Imm l.hIU!,..Jl'!iJ l&Y" W"rk 'hmr Illllll'lOWNI TeU"llnnItIIlM(!';", Receiving Qoods every Stgsmer .101,1.1"11" 1"'O'UI,II)'.tle",l",t I". hi New Barber Shop. IX l:1,;STHAL lIon:r. ll\;IT.I>IXG. Joseph de I)et1'l'OIVS. t Sh:I\·lnl;. Ilalr Cuulng, /lUll Color- lug. dnllo Illllt}'le, T I t willi '\C!'lr'j ;\ ;\SI' SICt: l'I,ACt: III lIollrd. ltnd t'lunllle' '_'_"_' ---IP E0PL E'5 MARKET, W. H. ROBERTS, TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. W.1I.1I111111. nfl'llIon Whurr. '"url ''''I''· .. "ellll , .... ,,'. T. llllUolC 1;0 no\\' IIncl tlewly III1J tliu Ul'IMllnlUWtll.... 'J'1 EJ:otol. Itml TllhJI.l Itcu1llll11 IhW'1JI In rllt'Huld :O;"lhtnll' will I'" It'll '1IHI",m II! millie 1111" Ilt"o:l .oI:\.'OllIIIO 1l0111,l11l Ill" '1','rrll".·I . :r.: l'OI,jl,'t I'CI:!l. i\ 1,;\1\" ASII 1'1ll11."fll\IS 1'1rt 1"I\\'I",::nlt, \\'.1' I'. I' ••".'.', .'I'OI.rlelur. 'r 1 : I rn ::: IJ1111l 1 1l"lnll elhl'lhJ)' II 1,; "f .. 1;1 11 1.'.1 nl1i,r;I,. II...""" t"r ... '!th l!Oeol,\1 ;1)' hu ,11I)' ..r \\'cuk, III Liniment, TRUE. MEXICAN rI'RIED, FOR MAN AND BEAST. Shipping Intelligence. Mustang ,....'1'1.. r. ...' j:\"lr". .. I_Il,1 110"... "h" n", lI"l nU,lhl '" l ....wllh II", ","n,lc'!111 ""'tU,, ..! Iltllll("",<1 A",.·,kln ..I,.. cll" OLD, 1'hll U"ln"'IlI ..t[Rl"n!""ln I'll, "·h,,,.. SIl"'.... I'Myltl... ln her l:tmMlnry.,lt'h '111$11'1.111" IInll,""r< for lito "l/iltull... ,,( ",.n ,ll'tll. rlll,h' Ill.'t"n t", ::.,,......... UllllI n"'" II ""l."!n:lt-tllll! ..., 'Tbt' 11":::'"1111 111\ •• n'n" ,I)' f"rll:lt'lltt:;'I;',tltlltnMluaf Inn'!ltn.II"'...,. ""'tI1'1'Il fnm,l'u I: I' 1:1.. 1"111"". A h"'·l" 11th'll l'I\Vt', 1\ Imm"I' lire",,, 'I"rr' I'."J I' .-rulnl."'" "r nn nlcellenl 11"",., ">l. "n-... "rl', .... :'. :. c',' , f It,' mI. rloor'lI:t, hollOW horn, 11""" 'n'" ,... , l' I. :'tot, 1I1111l;rt. lho I,t"... nl"l : ::" 'lI' r 1"""':1'1::'1\';.:11, '''::'lln.f'<'(.,"ntlr .... r,. ,:.,'" ': tlltt· ...k I,r,rd::l,,\, "",I b".tt lit,'. 111'J:!" I rJ ,,,(('Til. I Imtlltl'lnf hn""".I"eh Il':_·,m, n I, l"'_L:,·:.Lc·, ""·:1111)· •• 1 ....111'" funll"e •• .. :1. T·,. .. ·I "', lIfO" C·I.". .:" "11: t, lite qnlekf'tll 1'1:," :11 ::'0 ''''rol,t t·,: "...,:,1('111" OC<'t1,.ln. In "". .. :;", I" l:,' r' .-nr.· cf "l'h111('1101I ••"eh II' I!","·::.... ... 'I'f':· ",ClIl1.'le.,III1,1 fll, rhrulIII I' l"L,l'rtl L .·::':u "":;T",lIr"..11I1ellJOlu",. l'n, :. -: II !,l!'t'r:lr.I"" I r'mr,11 III Ihll ...-orlll, fur It I' n '1:'1<, I• crll! bnnl', 1:,,1 n I! :.:: r ""r ,:1, 'l1r.lcll'lIt hIMl ..·• :1 ,.:... ·1: 'II'IM:': 1,:n';I",nt I. Illlt \III Itl Ih"... ,ll",'t .. I·'" I.'t .r' Illll'lll.e.lltllllf\lj.... rtlun- ;&\("1 :.Iud,ll ....·I..... IIuhl aV"'1""-nt. \I:UI\',\U'-AI'UlI. la. Xutl1L 1·.ll'Illo:. l'I:I',\llTl;ltt' '1':1\.'''1111. Slnllt ... 4j"1I1111, :-Op lillie .1:H·k,·t. )1e1holtTllC, 1':llIaulol, St.·"IIII.:. W, 10'11 \·"rill'. 1"IIIIIII111, :-M:ltlllt· I' :-0 Olin'r W"k\JIl, \' Icturll1 FIl\·"l'ill'. :-;"atlltl l'UWltllli. :'\":1'11'111\, "11111\',\1,",-;\1'1111.. I,. F:I\'"rll,'. ,I lalt. SII y" :o't.'lIllll'. F (',lllt"l'lIln. \'It-l..r!,\ J' •. US '1'11011111" r"l'It"1l1. Imy, \IIIlI\·.\I .. 11:1, :'IIIHIc!';. I't ili",:u\'ury t:.. lInll. IIlr,il·. Uk ,IUlll'IIl:lu"!I'I" IItll10luln . l'II'\IlTI'm:s, I 'Illit'"rllltl, 1'1 Fmllc!",'V, Fur"ril'" 1,11,\1",,", ,\la·III'1•. :'\t·.I1I1I· :-0" y" .:','11111,'. s.,::lUIIl Ilk ,IUUlI" L!1l"tcr, t.;lllllulo Ilolillh, lilllllhil'. Alllll\',\I,"--AI'llIt. HI. 1)I.p,lldl, !'kIllIk·. 11j,p:ndl, &'IIIIIIIIIIOtl In. IIl'1g S'1)r.l1 l'l.lll" Sr. '1"'1' I; I Ilut. 1'\ t-' :!:1. III; H 1I1Ii,'I·. IItIllU!ulll :!.j, 1J.lkulll. SF .,;, In. S/lll1P 1"lInle, \'11'1 urill. Ill, 1Ir1,! .\"'1'111 :;\111" S to' :lei. HI.: \Jill: :-;"I'¢lll'. \'1111'111"111,... rn:moi, ('111\1 \1 \' ,\1.1.1"", ,\pl'1l :!;,. 'j."l, \\' r. :m: 111110·1.1, .llu Illl'!'ICl' IlI'Cw,Hl'r. (II lllU 111l.Ula. I,ll' r,II·"n<. CIolIII';..'r Unl\l',l 1' .... 11' :-'1111 FI'illld.l!t1 ,11111 'alll,1 I;, :ok,ltlle .\111, )kl\'wlll'l, uf :-:1·:ll1lu. C:lIIU: 111'1'111111 Sail I.y 11,1.: j),II."la. .\s Udd F,'lIl1lh' Ij,.Ij.(t! \11., OI;;IIIII1.c,1 ,II :O;W,IUlIlli·1l Cily 1111, 111.:1'k. --- .._---- --- .. _--- '1'111: JUk"I:1 arrln,1 III lhl .. p"rlill i A. 1I"lul "III' il"IlI" J1:'Ogl'C.- III 'I.. '1'111' 1',,11011'111;': i.llt'r 11,1 ,,1 \'Ilhllaclllll \',Il'I'.V. !'lIll '('''11'11 ... ·1111: )11·. )!t- l'lItll.\·. \11 ... ,\!o-CI'n1r, ,I. II 1':'111. Till: S,I"h'Jllll_h ,. [, Illll-t all .ltll' 111;:::111-.,1. Mo.:F:I Itllil'. I.. S.•\Il'·n. T. 1,1"lllI·1l1. .I,ll klllllll, 1:1 III .. : I,. C. 1\"IIIUIl lIl,,1 \\,11'1'. l', II. 11.. "hlllll a .11' "Ill', \'. 1.,.,1\.• C. II. l·.II· lUll. )11 I \)n:llIlI. :lml:!·\ I", :'11,1'-· 1"11 '"III f'IIIIII\'. I.. t', \ll1UIIIIII, I,;, EUlltll1 ,\I:IH',.-:WI' 1;,.,1 it Irn'uml,('ul )1 rs, I';. AI,th·r.'''II. ;1;, ill ''''''W;':'''llIl'lIl1 II· III "'1111 y,m 11ll"" IICIII" UI,,;II1'l:I: .I, HllrIll"1, ulld I III "1''1·rllgl'. 1;','lInl! rhllt Illl'.\· Ill'lr Ill.: IIf illt",I'C,t II> ___ ••• --- 1I,111l1·"!\·,,llrl"IlI,'I··. Ox 1'11Y. :-\11 K .1"1111;: f.1l. 1Il1 1 1\',::ltlll'r 1'.\1' Ih,' 1,·1.1 111'0 11'.",1., 11'1 I Ull III 11.;11 .-1111 1.1111).( '11l1It' Ill, .\1 .... 1 ..... 11 'lIdl II" 1J,.Ih,:hl- Ih,' 1"'111'1 "I tl... )It \'I'll I \'1'1'.1' IIII' ... ·\"·nll,IIII •. fU·I'\II'r. \1"., "f "ur IITlll"I'_ hili'" 1\11- .\11'" I.. 1I,l:lly-, "I Illlll).:IIII·.••• IllIu I-Iwd ""',Illl:.(. IIl10t ill .Illlll· itt.;I .• I,!.\·- tilt' hell:ol' \"1'.\' 1111\\1·11 I11Irlll;': lilt' 1'11'1 It'll .t,·,11 tlt" t:I\·"I"IIt!\·. I, IC,·IIWl'lllg. )11'. A, :-:. ,101111", HI.h"p rlhll 1,:1,111.1:':1' 111111 ...,\·....III·., nl' 11'111\ h:l- 1 ... ·l'll III (011 ... 1'- 1111\'\' ';0\\'11 1:11111 Ihl_ :ll II'lJ l'n.IIHlllulilllll r,lt "null' 11111t' 1fil·l. \·,':11' III I,f II,,· II" I 1111,1 1"10'1, 1\',1 ttl cllllllIll'.1 111111 .. rUt1i11 lUI' '1'11".\' :mJ nil hk'hllll! '111'\\'11111 ,hy.; lluIII. 1I'('lIk, 1\llh ItOI'-"I ur 1't'alll.iuJC II Iklllllllc'II1 IHlr --- •.• --- ·.,I\'I'·r. )lK. ,11... :klllllll. ,,( tile nrlll nl 1'1' . InckllllUl .t ('0" IIUllltlhll'llltl'l"" '111,1 I'li' '1'111' .... ol'lh 1'111'1111' ('hl'('<I' ','IUI \. I.. III llOlh'N 01 dll·II", 1"1111'111'11 h.l· 1111' r!l.ll hlll'l, 11111111;': UllIllll .c:'(,'t·lh'ut l'ltldc Ihlkllln Iltl .. \\"'l'k. hUI \\'111 n'lImlll II .hurl "I "'1"1"" ill 1111'::" Iht· r,IIl,111111 ,Iuli' 0111,)' 1111 Ihu :0;'11111,1. Ill' I.. " .. ,kl,,): IlI'ln.!: III IllI: 111'11:1111<'1'111",,1 "r 11\'" 1111l'dr",1 hUI "lIy" II+' d,"·';Il·1 111,1' 1"'111101< 1"'1' .h.\·, 'I'1 ...y hlln' f:H'illlll',lnr n,ILL): III Hall !o'rnlld.cn II_ w"11 ,._ 1'11:':"1 utI/lilt :!.{)(ltj Iltllllld. IlI'r :;'1111111. 111111 Ihnllll'J L'!llIUlI'1 oI""," I!lt.rtl I hI' '11IliI I'xtllhll,'tllo,l' \\ \111101 1'0l1l >:It'\l IIlW'I'llhly wllh I!lU 1":llllrl"I.,r a III I hi' ;11I. ... oellllc \ .. tl" ...·I·\·· III": III rile ":I',:II!('.I prnl"U :ltlll 1·llt'(IIlr.I}.. ... ·• )111, l-:dlnml l'lllllI'r, llltr jall"r, who III1'HI 11'111\'11 w,· 11'111 1"-1 llOo·ruP., " UIlI III JllIfi:lIlt of I Ill' "'('IIIIC,I l,rl"I1III'r, I I tlr 0111' (arllll'ri. '1'. Idl. hClll IOIIIIII! ttr,,:'I'ul"OUl:I. ---- •• ----- 11l1'{'\'t In X,'all lI:t,. fr.'lu \I lilt'll FIl.\"I·I"'·I' )1,\uI"R Itl,:!','r:..- Itl' 1'\'orkl'll \\"I)' 11,\l1I1'1HII,1 Ul"ll:.( -Sdlr. \\' Ill. 1., Bl·,·h,,(, frolll I'orl Ihe IlI'lIell. lie tlrrh"'I1 lit thli \,111," lilli' (iuIllblf',lokllw.l\ati,· rrtHll 011 MUlIll:I.\' .·\·I'uill/:. hlwlll)t III·l't)\·{'I1:.1 Stllllll", SII'!Iltlcr('llliful'lli,. frllml' .. rl hO whnll'\'I'r u(I1I(' rllllllwap,. I '!'(IIyns91L11, and (j i1'":<iu Tf'l Illir frllitl Illl\·,.lIrri\·('t! 111 :-:"11 Ih' 11111111." III HITI' IIlII·'·I·tl,lll!! Frllll(·i!lI·II'111 thl' :.! 1... 1. l'klllP It " It will 110 11111\ our l"OlIllly IJllar,lllflll lltll ror Plirt BIlikul.l', !turk S,llIlt' be nt Ihu "o:!l'lOl III rhl·!l',.t rill' '1':\("'1111.1, Ii,hill .!'·b!.tlllll"rt' (IIr IOWII 1111 \\ l'II Wol(luy tU'llr. lor the GIUlllllc, 1I1l11 !l11I1' CWl'llInbn fill' Pllrt IIOlte IIr 1I11i1 jlltllllu::, or Ihe sllill'd frOIll Sun F'rllllcilwO nrallY :tllli Illl' tN1CIl· the :'lllll{! day. t:rll' r"l' 1't1tl11l101l lll'lluuls. I\-pl. ranlil 1"1111,11':1'" n'1llt'lIlher, Ulllkt"l.y.-·I·hiligs lit Hlllko>lr nrl' htillht IIlId li\,,'ly liS e\·"r. 'fIll) nd Mil. Gco, CooIII·I.. wit" Il'lUlIlI),:' lu die mill will jii(lOn cull folr II loW' 1It'llr I'llrl :\11'""11'''. l':Il1l1J IIl l rrllll\ I I f I I I ' I. 'II I·.k II II" 101·" C\'cr '111111' IU'::l! 1111111 lei'" lIew 1l(lIl:O, tr In, 111 It re t I i I e I 1111I.t.·jll}' thu SlIrA 111111 "I:l'ullt.'111 pu.\' 111I11't 110\\'11 Illat 11'1\)'. r:llrly t)f tlte Bll1kuly Campa"", IH(I lIfl'cr .. lilt: b,l .. ill!!"· UUII ('ll:- illlot' thllir !ollrl'i{'L.'li frlllil v nil IllltiS IIf III.'cr-lolio n lIn:tlr Hvt:!)' hll_IUl,,,.. rtlr 11 PUIl,'t Hound. \Villt Il.u II .... "' IllI,t 'In:111 crull' Ihlrlllg the [1111111111'1' Illd lllil1i1lu.llulhllr, the !illllml.v GVIIl pllll}' \vill hI' tllll1hletl III IIII'll tllIt 1'l'llt:TS!:lrxlJ IJllr41'li1ilO liS Illmller in 8S tlul tn I hI' 1')o1111tl h)' II,,: 1),llo"III 1I111111 lit (jlllll ,I", IhlR 1I"1'k. IIc I" luo)dug qllllu Wl'III.. ----------- llllllhlllkolOr n:turlllllll I" 1.111' ,'11." A:o;nl'lllm -G"lrI"nlllllp, ill ncxt rull. Hlllllorllll- It thlll E.I, I'UI1"11 "liddtat l'OIlIlI,V, lUI .. l"kt'l1 lllilll.. I marrt...'ll. 9(.'11. 1I11l1lkclI .. hlll :JIIlI I·'n'll. !'ljlurt III JrrnwillJ!, II lit! nr Cllllrl;I' 11111.'1' !'tOkh, W(! lellrll, IlrlJ hutll Ilulu); wt'il. il IH·wlIlltIlll)r. E'ljll'IIC CUlIIP' ___...,.' holl, or Ort'Jo\'ml, 111l1l1!IIIH' Mn, IJRI,ltIIl'lluo. fir 1'1111:'" no· tllcrc rllr Ihl'! purposu of j!'l'Iltifyill,::r '1!lltl)' .lOI1\O "prchul'lI' 01 \'I"T tldlt delliru, Mill! !lllIlIl "0 mny look fur IIl1e nlltlllnf'rt bcl\\'!'ell IJlIlIA:I'IIC'" 111111 I llppCltrllllCe of lhe t went.v.ruurth &'1111111 Ony. It I! tl,ollght to ho "II]Ulllolullil'ill,ll' 1·laimillt.:' nIl nrillill f"t Cll'l\llllljl: UIlII IIlh'crw!\"·. 1111,1 "mile ill 'I'l'rritory iilledlllcllM of It will tJu '111 10 San FI'111l4j di(,'O for Irlal. Sixty-live VhillltllH'11 aro clllplo.rl'l1 ---__ 1ill hllilllillJ( 1116 rOMd from OIYlllpill Wllternlllll.t; KlltZ.llll\·C JIHI to Tcnino. It!I"t:h·t. .. I. Ilt!r Stt'lutl-h1V l).lkutll. u lurll.... .,-__ 'Itlt.:k of wdl I\""'tlt'll clolllltlSC Capt. n U. F'inoh Ilulll his i.l "'hh'lt. II Isholled, 'the ImOUe will ,llIll' :ll- tcrest in the water works at 'I'uUlwa I 1'l'e\.ilue. Itel'. Lo r.? I and News Items. I'I:OF. I:, will 1I ';0II'1!1111:llIl'C l!ll 1(11 Judson & McFadden _n Hall OIL \\CIIIIl, .. II.r ,>""Hill;':. prllllcd 1l1L1l011llt"'lllt'lil. I), \ .Ullllil. _ I "",' ,.1, ,\,1",1·,1"" .' ,,',' ""'1'''', E, II', '1''',>'''''' .I, '1', 11,·01,,,,,,, """\ ATrO lNEYS COUNSELORS·A T·LAW \"\111''''- fl':I·Oll- h'\!lIJ,:IIl',·u;.:i\·l'llf,r II,Ull'ltlg'\\IIII·"Il11lll'HI'CI·/lI:,·t-l.l.lllldo:lll will ""lIlprisl' It \1,'1". Ill" n'I")II,·,1 01' IVHlk :II 11'0' ,,'e1'I.:!;, Ulld d,"\JIlL Illhlui;;ht. 1'\11'1111)' of tIll! l'Il).:"OL :"III1Iu1 "Ull""lhl"'; 1II11'1... "III1H')IUIt""11. '\1', .\(' 1"'I'II;111I,ltk ':111.1111,1. :11li"";:: wldeh 11""" ---- ••• --- m'jo:": l'nllt'''c IIhnut tr> hI' instituted I',mr T"II'S".:SIl W 1I:It \', ..... .. 1\"'1'" _,'lilt·,· 1,,1" :LI'I',I lit:! hllll' 1\ WIlIJ' hllllli. C:IPUuJlJ III ,llIillg ;:1'111.:1',11 ill \\'hil'h I •. C, GUlll1 t tlml . . h'r. lit· art' :Iulh. t" Itlilk,' ""dl"'ll11Il';, Illl'lll w.nk. luc,u,lill:': IlIilhllll;' Iltl 011 E. \\". 'I'w\.lur will 110 IlIW'1l1g:{'r!l, Tho 1'.:\1. 1111"'1''':11.\\\'. Wltt ..... IS'IAS III 111l' 11I'·t Itll{, "I' III" mll1'IU 1".·to",II":I ... II IIIUllll,,.· jult til' at l't\Ur!tO of' in<;trul'tiol1s lYilll'llInprise 1IIIIt Ilulul Ih! 1I111 IIUI'. 1m.. I"TII ",1'111 1111s .,III ... 'C. 1111 tho llSll/tllu s,lll'h ill.-lIi· ,1,'\\'11," \l I}\'I'II 111'1' 1111 1I1','''lIl1l 111 11,,\., )Ir. I'aul', I tlllimlil, 1I11r1 tim ratus lIhout the SlIlIlO ,'rl,alr-. A lit'\\' hllllllltltlull 111,,1 dUIl'dl, hllhl, lVWII, wllll'I'C1H:11 ill ,'ltllll'IIIS thllso chwr/:e,1 in similllr hlll,r-'\"'Illt'1I1< 1IIIr III. WIIII'I·th., '":1I111 ulI:-oullll:ll' III'Xt, III II, .\ .. \1. The lirst tClrm will ('0111· "r WIIIII"I', atlll it !11l1'lICtl April :Wlh, ill hnll. 1.111 .t;trl III' 1111 .. 1l1OJ1·1l11l;.:'. '\'h,' TilE \"lctllr 11I;L\.:lIllJll 111l'1i ii- IllSU'Ul:li'llI of dIU dUlTlleter ndWlr, ;11'1\' lIlilllltl ... hl'I'lI rlllllllTl;': llil Ill\! II u1I' dl:IIlUc! t" l'III,/1t: tlllclillull tltr'm;;11 uur tistJtl111 IIH·irc'ircular is ttllwh Ilc+!dctl '1'Ill'1'l! 110" ;J hark_ HII,I 2 ·1·1UI1IIIC .... l\JILIiLlIl" I".'\.I!. '1'1')' it, I,y 1'111' )'tllltlt, Iwd if Iho lll'lItlCIIWIl 1"11,1111;': lIIoll'\'I'-, 'I'll' hll\'illl! IlliK tllu!ertu'killg in chltrl!c '11i"h' 11'1':11"'1111 lilt' "hi 111111 11"t!· ""11 "l'OIIlI'" llHtkl' Iho Kdl'llli wlml it !!houltl 110), LA. OON'N'EE'l.. or. 1111'11',111'1111 tl'III:lrl,lIhlu 1"11'1111,1' 11I1I1 ,11·- I.. I'j"t', U....... :tt·· Ilollllu l!t.. e;1'lfll Ull W,·\I. I' "ill 111'111'011 hll'ssillg to lI"th le\\'11 -- ... lltIwlu;.: 111I0I11I1.1t 1I"'day 1'1'1:11111;; Trihulle." N. D. TOBEY, In 11""1'1111: \\1111 llltJ ).("lIl'r:11 chal'.ul'l' or lklOl' Ik'IIUVI:i lIlU lI'urlh 1"'1' Ship Wright and Caulker t'1I: , UII.lwJ; I'Xllll .1·... ,1, 1'1'10.:, .,11. Tho Pl1yullup IIUlil111!l 111'0 pnl. 'l'ln: h"It'UIlI H"ill'cltl',1 & I'll .. ,,1'1111- dillllJlll in two hUlHlreli of mlW ---- hunJ. IJ·IIL'!·. 1m· Ju·t 1,'1,,1\',,11)' ·h'llIlIl'.-1 lak"lll. Ihl' Ilr:.:.· .... ,·It';::llIt Ilud iIl:'1 ,...:10'1'1"11 ,If lit'\\' ;;:';1.111; C\CI' l'n'u;;l.t I" Illi· IIIIUI.I'!. It '1,:,'\'1,,11'.1 thc '1'111,,1' r "I' I lie 111'111. II h"l· '11lI 1,1J tlllll .. I' Illlll'l,lt"", '1'111'... · .. 11111 hI' 111,1'11 1,,1' 11I'l'o.'Cll"lI 1'\'II'UI" I'VI\'. 1.:1,11.. , 11\" 1"I,,'d,llly ill\ Il1"II" \'11)\ 1II111 CXIIIHltll'. \\"1' :l Iltl'l)' 1111.1,· C""III1'I'" lilll\, t'll"lIIC.


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Washington Hotel

Wholes.'llo Dclller In

A!fD .vA!fU'ACTCKIo:II or




Gents' and Boys' Fashionable Snits.


thst Defy Compotitlon.-\Vatel': t. POl"tTown~end

~fEN'S, BO\'S'


Boot. d3 Shoe..Of thu \'cry l)C,lt '1111111111'i lIml or Ihe

J.lltl'st r :\llo.ll·lI~.

Veaetabl.e...I\l~o, Corllt.'d Decl 11m! Pork. Smokell

1l1t':II,~. Pork IIIHI DOlrlglllll)lll~ag\.'@,

llel\li CIIl..'eIiC, 'J'rlpe. &u., .'te,




Gcnt'i llud l,ll,lll''''

.A.rotl0 Ovor-Shoo••

Gerlt'·, L,ulles', MI",sc"tltldChllllrcll'j

R.u.bbor Ovor'Shoo.

• Thllil!. the Largest and Beat~II'CI...~I :;tQt'k ur Houlililiul tillo\:j 011 l'u­::,·t Solllld, C01ll1lrlsing

UltU,.1.~: A~l) S,\1'IX DJUlS.'il~(I,

;\L\5o:o;'s Cll.u,u::o;,a~ BI,'\"KI~G,

FII,\XK MII.u:u's \\'.n;RPUOOF IlI,ACKI ~G.

:\IACJll~E SI1.K I\NIl X F: ~; 0 I. r. s.Shoe Findings.

or ]':"'CI'Y Dc...cI'lpllnn.

Rigging" Harness Leather.&c., &e


A COlllllleto tl£..~rtrnt'llt (J(

Miscellaneous Stock i'Custom Work

Ami Uuplllring uX~utetlll~II-lillI, aud Bllt­[s(t\ctloll j{1Il(mllt ...'t.~1.

;7 A Illir ~lltInl or- tllll l"lll1>ungo 01 thepullllel!4 solicited, ,.

~::--v I hll\'C:l Orellt HEVEJn:SCJo: rorC ..\::ill t,;u§tomcl'll •

John Fitzpatr ck.

l:Boot &; ~hoelSTORE.


J, r.. I'LOIl


C. II. llA:srUKIJ

"",'r.:H PtiT,n:.:T,


1·, ••'1



Dr. Thos. T

\"..\, 'r]·: It ""Til 1':-1,:'1'.

Port Townsend, W.




'1'111,1,,11111' JIlUl'lCtlUl, Jlllrlul! 110 p·I"I.

l·ol'L 'l.~C1"'II"'UllCl, \V. 'l~,

Cllnl!Ccou..nlUHI, Ill~ht or thl)', lit H~lllttll

A1'1'I)II:-'.;\' .\:0;1) 1")l'S~.;I.I.tlH ;\1' I.A\\'l'I'OI'Ior hi Ath.. II'lIII~·.

~Iolle\' 10011lf'tl. lIeul .:_llIllll"'lIghllllld;ool1l• t'nrlll_ Iu 1"'11'01',

t.:OIIl'C1101l Illll.lc, l·lIIl1ll)·lInl.:!Il;.r• .t'I.:.t~'IlT TOWS~.:SI1, W. T.

Larrabee & Hanford.COUNSElORS'" mORNEYS AT LAW•

l"olJ·;A·I."rr... Jo:, \", ".. ,

I'MII.:I k\l In \lIU l 'ourl>l of tllll :ltl JIll1tc1r11 III I.

Port Townsend, W. T,urtlrl'll "1'111 lie llltl ot II, S 31111I.:r'" ltlll~le ~Ioro.


Bricklayer. Plastorer. and CIGARS,...Innl.' ,'hl.-nlh •

Cib- "11'1'111 fur ","u .Imm l.hIU!,..Jl'!iJ

l&Y" W"rk 'hmr Illllll'lOWNI TeU"llnnItIIlM(!';", Receiving Qoods every Stgsmer~.101,1.1"11" 1"'O'UI,II)'.tle",l",t I". hi

New Barber Shop.IX l:1,;STHAL lIon:r. ll\;IT.I>IXG.

Joseph de I)et1'l'OIVS.t ~rJ' Sh:I\·lnl;. Ilalr Cuulng, /lUll Color­

lug. dnllo Illllt}'le,

T 111~';11I~ ~Il~~r ~:oI WI~;1O~~(·:·~nll::~~lllltt~;~·~:n~twilli '\C!'lr'j ;\ In:~EIl\·.:H ;\SI' SICt:l'I,ACt: III lIollrd. ltnd C~IM.'('lttll)' t'lunllle'

'_'_"_'~_,o_'_"_"_'_~_'_'_"_"_"_"_"_"'_'_'_~_'_"_'_' ---IPE 0 P L E'5MARKET,




~llu:IIIl<lllll\l'II'1 nfl'llIon Whurr.'"url ''''I''·.."ellll , •.... ,,'. T.

TlIl~ llllUolC 1;0 no\\' IIncl tlewly ru.nl~li,·<l, III1J1~.....e."C.lll1 tliu Ul'IMllnlUWtll.... 'J'1F1r.t.O~a.. EJ:otol.

1~1~11:~,1::"~;1l'i1:1~1':~~~ ~.II~~~~\*~'l\ 11~~:'t~Sn~\:I::fri'Itml TllhJI.l llll'~ Itcu1llll11 IhW'1JI In rllt'Huld:O;"lhtnll' will I'" It'll '1IHI",m II! millie 1111"Ilt"o:l .oI:\.'OllIIIO 1l0111,l11l Ill" '1','rrll".·I .

:r.: l'OI,jl,'t I'CI:!l.

i\~'I~t~~~;lti~l~t;~.T 1,;\1\" ASII 1'1ll11."fll\IS

1'1rt 1"I\\'I",::nlt, \\'.1'

I'. t·II.'~I' I'••".'.', .'I'OI.rlelur.

'r1::~11 ~\;I~~~' II~:'~I~~~rn t~'~.'1 ft~:~~;ltl'~~l::: \~:: IJ 1111l,'II;~~" r~:~~~~ ';'~~~~::III~~I~;ll~,':~(II~~

1 1.lln."~, 1l"lnll elhl'lhJ)' ~'llltlle,1 II 1,; l~''')' "f

::~~~~..~ '?~.I !:~'1~11~~1' 'I~~l~ll 1;1111.'.1 ~'IIII~I~II~:~rk~l:nl1i,r;I,. II...""" t"r 1ItIUIh~...'!th l!Oeol,\1 ;1)'hu ,11I)' ..r \\'cuk, III







Shipping Intelligence.


,....'1'1.. r. ...' j:\"lr". r.'~I(I.IIII,.. I_Il,1 110"... "h"n", lI"l nU,lhl '" l....wllh II", ","n,lc'!111 ""'tU,, ..!Iltllll("",<1 A",.·,kln H~"'I..I,.. cll"


1'hll U"ln"'IlI ,·~t1I'n'1l",11J' ..t[Rl"n!""ln Mn~rl.

I'll, "·h,,,.. SIl"'.... I'Myltl... ln her l:tmMlnry.,lt'h'111$11'1.111" IInll,""r< for lito "l/iltull... ,,( 1t~r ",.n,ll'tll. ll~ rlll,h' I~,' Ill.'t"n 'I,n'ml~nll: t", ::.,,.........UllllI n"'" II ""l."!n:lt-tllll! hlth~l:tbl"lrl<>l ...,

'Tbt' 11":::'"1111 'h:a.ln::~ 1.1·I~nwn' 111\ nU\ll'hl~ ••n'n" ,I)' f"rll:lt'lltt:;'I;',tltlltnMluaf Inn'!ltn.II"'...,.TI!.lor~""'tI1'1'Il ~::<l fnm,l'u I: I' 1:1..1"111"".A '~1I~" h"'·l" 11th'll l'I\Vt', 1\ Imm"I' lire",,,

'I"rr' I'."J I' .-rulnl."'" "r nn nlcellenl 11"",., ">l."n-... "rl', .... :'.

:. c',' , f It,' mI. rloor'lI:t, hollOW horn, 11"""• 'n'" ,... , l' I. IIIU~I.lc, :'tot, 1I1111l;rt. lho I,t"... nl"l: ::" 'lI' r 1"""':1'1::'1\';.:11, '''::'lln.f'<'(.,"ntlr....r,.~~,lt ,:.,'" ,~, ': tlltt· ...k I,r,rd::l,,\, "",I b".tt lit,'.

111'J:!" I "~I' rJ ,,,(('Til. I Imtlltl'lnf hn""".I"ehIl':_·,m, n I, l"'_L:,·:.Lc·, ""·:1111)·••1....111'" funll"e ••\t'~n!, .. :1. T·,. .. ·I "', lIfO" C·I.".

':"I.~ ~:. -::~"l .:" "11: I,l~hlt.ne t, lite qnlekf'tll1'1:," :11 ::'0 ''''rol,t t·,: "...,:,1('111" OC<'t1,.ln. In "".~~::'.. :;", I" l:,' r' .-nr.· cf "l'h111('1101I••"eh II'I!","·::.... ~,I... 'I'f':· ",ClIl1.'le.,III1,1 fll, rhrulIIII' l"L,l'rtl L .·::':u "":;T",lIr"..11I1ellJOlu",. l'n,:. -: 1'·,,'·~I';~·ll'·""I:r.~r~.

II !,l!'t'r:lr.I"" I r'mr,11 III Ihll ...-orlll, fur ItI' n :r~~. '1:'1<, t;l::~'~' I • crll! bnnl', 1:,,1 n .11l~1oo

I! :.:: ·:::~··lll r ""r ,:1, 'l1r.lcll'lIt hIMl..·•:1 ,.:... ·1: 'II'IM:': 1,:n';I",nt I. Illlt \III Itl Ih"...

,ll",'t 1.'lll~.. I·'" I.'t .r' Illll'lll.e.lltllllf\lj....rtlun­;&\("1 :.Iud,ll....·I.....I"~c. IIuhl aV"'1""-nt.

•\I:UI\',\U'-AI'UlI. la.Xutl1L 1·.ll'Illo:. ~:lIIlu

l'I:I',\llTl;ltt' •'1':1\.'''1111. Slnllt ...4j"1I1111, ~II.III~

:-Op lillie .1:H·k,·t. )1e1holtTllC, Au~.

1':llIaulol, St.·"IIII.:.,~Il1tl\',\I.:ol-AI'IIlI" W,

10'11 \·"rill'. ~.':Itlle

1"IIIIIII111, :-M:ltlllt·1'~:I·,\ltTt:Ilt:jl.

I' :-0 Olin'r W"k\JIl, \' Icturll1FIl\·"l'ill'. :-;"atlltll'UWltllli. :'\":1'11'111\,

"11111\',\1,",-;\1'1111.. I,.F:I\'"rll,'. ,I lalt.SII y" :o't.'lIllll'. ~ F(',lllt"l'lIln. \'It-l ..r!,\

J' •.I·\ll'rt;m:~.US '1'11011111" r"l'It"1l1. ~1'llh Imy,

•\IIIlI\·.\I ..~-.\I·llll. 11:1,:'IIIHIc!';. I't ili",:u\'uryt : ..lInll. IIlr,il·.Uk ,IUlll'IIl:lu"!I'I" IItll10luln

. l'II'\IlTI'm:s,I 'Illit'"rllltl, ~ 1'1 Fmllc!",'V,Fur"ril'" 1,11,\1",,",,\la·III'1•. :'\t·.I1I1I·:-0" y" .:','11111,'. s.,::lUIIlIlk ,IUUlI" L!1l"tcr, t.;llllluloIlolillh, lilllllhil'.

Alllll\',\I,"--AI'llIt. HI.1)I.p,lldl, !'kIllIk·.


11j,p:ndl, &'IIIIIIIIIIOtl1:~n:Il.:IJ.

In. IIl'1g S'1)r.l1 l'l.lll" S r .~ll, Slil~. '1"'1' I; I Ilut. 1'\ t-':!:1. III; H 1I1Ii,'I·. IItIllU!ulll:!.j, 1J.lkulll. S F

.,;, ~:.\IU;I):

In. S/lll1P 1"lInle, \'11'1 urill.Ill, 1Ir1,! .\"'1'111 :;\111" S to':lei. HI.: \Jill: :-;"I'¢lll'. \'1111'111"111,...

l:1I1~1.\lT~1 rn:moi,

('111\1 ~t" \1 \' ,\1.1.1"", ,\pl'1l :!;,. 'j."l,

\\' r. :m: 111110·1.1, .llu Illl'!'ICl' IlI'Cw,Hl'r. (IIlllU 111l.Ula. I,ll' r,II·"n<.

'I'II~: ~dl'lUll"I' CIolIII';..'r Unl\l',l ye~II·l'tIIlY

1'....11' :-'1111 FI'illld.l!t1 ,11111 'alll,1 I;, :ok,ltlle

.\111, ~;Cll. )kl\'wlll'l, uf :-:1·:ll1lu. C:lIIU:

111'1'111111 Sail FI~llId'I'"I.y 11,1.: j),II."la.

.\s Udd F,'lIl1lh' Ij,.Ij.(t! \11., OI;;IIIII1.c,1

,II :O;W,IUlIlli·1l Cily 1111, 111.:1'k.

--- .._---- --- .._---'1'111: JUk"I:1 arrln,1 III lhl .. p"rlill i A. 1I"lul "III' il"IlI" illllic·ltll·,'~nl J1:'Ogl'C.- III

'I .. l·c-lcnl:l~·. '1'111' 1',,11011'111;': i.llt'r 11,1 ,,1 \'Ilhllaclllll \',Il'I'.V.I~._~'II::"I": !'lIll '('''11'11 ... ·1111: )11·. )!t-l'lItll.\·. \11 ... ,\!o-CI'n1r, ,I. II ~'illA" 1':'111. Till: S,I"h'Jllll_h ,. ~l.(r" [, Illll-t all .ltll'111;:::111-.,1. Mo.:F:I Itllil'. I.. S.•\Il'·n. T. 1,1"lllI·1l1.

.I,ll klllllll, 1:1 III ~1"''I.'llI:'::C. ~1I111.. : I,. C.1\"IIIUIl lIl,,1 \\,11'1'. l', II. 11.. "hllllla .11' "Ill', ~. \'. 1.,.,1\.• C. II. l·.II·

lUll. O~O )11 I \)n:llIlI. :lml:!·\ I", ~ll'-. :'11,1'-·1"11 '"III f'IIIIII\'. I.. t', \ll1UIIIIII, ~Ir-. I,;, ~'. EUlltll1 ,\I:IH',.-:WI' 1;,.,1 it Irn'uml,('ul

r'lll~·. )1 rs, I';. AI,th·r.'''II. ;1;, ill ''''''W;':'''llIl'lIl1 II· III "'1111 y,m 11ll"" I~" IICIII"UI,,;II1'l:I: .I, HllrIll"1, ulld I III "1''1·rllgl'. 1;','lInl! rhllt Illl'.\· Ill'lr Ill.: IIf illt",I'C,t II>

___ •••--- 1I,111l1·"!\·,,llrl"IlI,'I··.Ox 1'11Y. :-\11 K 1.1~1'.-U:n· .1"1111;: f.1l. 1Il1 1 'I'I~' 1\',::ltlll'r 1'.\1' Ih,' 1,·1.1 111'0 11'.",1., 11'1

I Ull III 11.;11 I· .-1111 1.1111).( '11l1It' Ill, .\1 .... 1.....11 'lIdl II" 1J,.Ih,:hl- Ih,' 1"'111'1 "I tl ...

)It \'I'll hll~ I \.~·II \'1'1'.1' ~lt'l. IIII' ...·\"·nll,IIII •. fU·I'\II'r. \1"., "f "ur IITlll"I'_ hili'" 1\11­

.\11'" I.. 1I,l:lly-, "I Illlll).:IIII·.••• IllIu h;l~ I-Iwd ""',Illl:.(. IIl10t ill .Illlll· itt.;I .• I,!.\·- tilt'

hell:ol' \"1'.\' 1111\\1·11 I11Irlll;': lilt' 1'11'1 It'll .t,·,11 tlt" :Ill1lltll.kill~ t:I\·"I"IIt!\·.II;I~'''. I, IC,·IIWl'lllg. )11'. A, :-:. ,101111", ~I.',.;r,. HI.h"p rlhll 1,:1,111.1:':1' 111111 ...,\·....•

III·., nl' 1I1l11~l'IIC'" 11'111\ h:l- 1... ·l'll '"tll.~·III:': III (011... 1'- 1111\'\' ';0\\'11 ",,".ItI'·I~lhll' 1:11111 Ihl_:ll II'lJ l'n.IIHlllulilllll r,lt "null' 11111t' 1fil·l. \·,':11' III ,I"IIIIIII~' I,f II,,· II" I 1111,1 1"10'1, 1\',1 ttl

1~llIlJt't'li cllllllIll'.1 111111 .. rUt1i11 lUI' '1'\'I'I~111 ~l'I"hH.:. '1'11".\' :mJ nil hk'hllll! '111'\\'11111

,hy.; lluIII. \'Ilr~' 1I'('lIk, 1\llh ItOI'-"I ur 1't'alll.iuJC II Iklllllllc'II1 IHlr---•.•--- ·.,I\'I'·r.

)lK. 'I'lIo~. ,11...:klllllll. ,,( tile nrlll nl 1'1' .•InckllllUl .t ('0" IIUllltlhll'llltl'l"" '111,1 I'li' '1'111' .... ol'lh 1'111'1111' ('hl'('<I' I· ','IUI \. I.. III

llOlh'N 01 e:ulllt~1 dll·II", 1"1111'111'11 h.l· 1111' r!l.ll hlll'l, 11111111;': UllIllll .c:'(,'t·lh'ut l'ltldcIhlkllln Iltl .. \\"'l'k. hUI \\'111 n'lImlll II .hurl "I "'1"1"" ill 1111'::" 1III.'IIIrlll~", Iht· r,IIl,111111,Iuli' 0111,)' 1111 Ihu :0;'11111,1. Ill' I.. " .. ,kl,,): IlI'ln.!: III IllI: 111'11:1111<'1'111",,1 "r 11\'" 1111l'dr",1

a~ n:ltm:lIl\~ ~\·t'I·. hUI "lIy" II+' d,"·';Il·1 111,1' 1"'111101< 1"'1' .h.\·, 'I'1 ...y hlln' f:H'illlll',lnrn,ILL): III Hall !o'rnlld.cn II_ w"11 ,._ 1'11:':"1 1II111l1l1~1~'lllrl'l).( utI/lilt :!.{)(ltj Iltllllld. IlI'r:;'1111111. 111111 Ihnllll'J L'!llIUlI'1 oI""," I!lt.rtl ,I.I~·, I hI' 1·IIIt:rl'l'l.llI~ '11IliI I'xtllhll,'tllo,l'

\\ \111101 1'0l1l >:It'\l IIlW'I'llhly wllh 1JI11~. I!lU 1":llllrl"I.,r a III I hi' ;11I.... oellllc \.. tl" ...·I·\··_::-:_I-:~ III": III rile ":I',:II!('.I prnl"U :ltlll 1·llt'(IIlr.I}..... ·•

)111, l-:dlnml l'lllllI'r, llltr jall"r, who III1'HI 11'111\'11 w,· 1~·llt'Y" 11'111 1"-1 llOo·ruP.," UIlI III JllIfi:lIlt of IIll' "'('IIIIC,I l,rl"I1III'r,I"ll:II'llIk~ I tlr 0111' (arllll'ri. '1'.I.I~t\\·('I'k. Idl. hClll IOIIIIII! ttr,,:'I'ul"OUl:I. ----••-----~1111I~ 11l1'{'\'t In X,'all lI:t,. fr.'lu \I lilt'll ~\,. FIl.\"I·I"'·I' )1,\uI"R Itl,:!','r:..-Illt1I~' Itl' 1'\'orkl'll hl~ \\"I)' 11,\l1I1'1HII,1 Ul"ll:.( -Sdlr. \\' Ill. 1., Bl·,·h,,(, frolll I'orlIhe IlI'lIell. lie tlrrh"'I1 lit thli \,111," lilli' (iuIllblf',lokllw.l\ati,· Fh('kill~"J'rrtHll

011 MUlIll:I.\' .·\·I'uill/:. hlwlll)t III·l't)\·{'I1:.1 Stllllll", SII'!Iltlcr('llliful'lli,. frllml'.. rlhO Ir:'!.1!~ whnll'\'I'r u(I1I(' rllllllwap,. I'!'(IIyns91L11, and ~1f'IUl\tH (j i1'":<iu Tf'l

Illir frllitl L:(I'I~ Illl\·,.lIrri\·('t! 111 :-:"11Ih' 11111111." III HITI' IIlII·'·I·tl,lll!! \.~Ilmllll~ Frllll(·i!lI·II'111 thl' :.! 1... 1. l'klllP It "

It will 110 ~I'('II 11111\ our l"OlIllly IJllar,lllflll lltll ror Plirt BIlikul.l', !turk S,llIlt'

"XIIIIIIlIC~\:'1I1 be nt Ihu "o:!l'lOl III rhl·!l',.t rill' '1':\("'1111.1, Ii,hill .!'·b!.tlllll"rt' (IIrIOWII 1111 \\ l'II Wol(luy tU'llr. lor the pllr~ GIUlllllc, 1I1l11 !l11I1' CWl'llInbn fill' PllrtIIOlte IIr l'litechl~illlt 1I11i1 jlltllllu::, or Ihe Mutli~lln, sllill'd frOIll Sun F'rllllcilwOlIIer1t~ nrallY :tllli ulIlll'plll':llIf~ Illl' tN1CIl· the :'lllll{! day.t:rll' IIcctl!lt!~ r"l' 1't1tl11l101l lll'lluuls. I\-pl.

ranlil 1"1111,11':1'" n'1llt'lIlher, Ulllkt"l.y.-·I·hiligs lit Hlllko>lr nrl'htillht IIlId li\,,'ly liS e\·"r. 'fIll) nd

Mil. Gco, CooIII·I.. wit" I~ Il'lUlIlI),:' ~IlWlditilll1 lu die mill will jii(lOn cull folr II

loW' 1It'llr I'llrl :\11'""11'''. l':Il1l1J IIll rrllll\ I I f I I I 'I . 'II I·.k II II" 101·" C\'cr '111111' IU'::l! 1111111 lei'" lIew 1l(lIl:O, tr In, 111

• It re t I i I ,~. e I ~,,: 1111I.t.·jll}' thu SlIrA 111111 "I:l'ullt.'111 pu.\'111I11't 110\\'11 Illat 11'1\)'. ~1I)'IlIIU I~ r:llrly t)f tlte Bll1kuly Campa"", IH(I lIfl'cr..tnrlt.~111I lilt: 1'lIul~'rllllt b,l .. ill!!"· UUII ('ll:- illlot' thllir !ollrl'i{'L.'li frlllil v nil IllltiS IIfIII.'cr-lolio n lIn:tlr Hvt:!)' hll_IUl,,,.. rtlr 11 PUIl,'t Hound. \Villt Il.u II .... "' IllI,t

'In:111 crull' Ihlrlllg the !.'l.1I1111l~ [1111111111'1' Illd lllil1i1lu.llulhllr, the !illllml.v GVIIl1lI0Ilth~. pllll}' \vill hI' tllll1hletl III IIII'll tllIt

1'l'llt:TS!:lrxlJ 1·1~ISTl:K!'.-.lollll,l' IJllr41'li1ilO liS 1~1'";111 Illmller in JS7~ 8S tlul

lI~II'ellll'lll,1 tn IhI' 1')o1111tl h)' II,,: 1),llo"III 1I111111 lit (jlllll ,I",IhlR 1I"1'k. IIc I" luo)dug qllllu Wl'III.. -----------llllllhlllkolOr n:turlllllll I" 1.111' '~Ir ,'11." ~1'l1,1, A:o;nl'lllm -G"lrI"nlllllp, illncxt rull. Hlllllorllll- It thlll E.I, I'UI1"11 "liddtat l'OIlIlI,V, lUI .. l"kt'l1 lllilll..

I marrt...'ll. 9(.'11. 1I11l1lkclI..hlll :JIIlI I·'n'll. !'ljlurt III JrrnwillJ!, II lit! nr Cllllrl;I' 11111.'1'

!'tOkh, W(! lellrll, IlrlJ hutll Ilulu); wt'il. Illlt~,: il IH·wlIlltIlll)r. E'ljll'IIC CUlIIP'___...,.' holl, or llill~ltorol, Ort'Jo\'ml, 111l1l1!IIIH'

Mn, .In~, IJRI,ltIIl'lluo. fir Ihl~ 1'1111:'" no· tllcrc rllr Ihl'! purposu of j!'l'Iltifyill,::r'1!lltl)' 8howCtl1l~ .lOI1\O "prchul'lI' 01 \'I"T tldlt delliru, Mill! !lllIlIl "0 mny look furIIl1e \'II1~'. nlltlllnf'rt bcl\\'!'ell IJlIlIA:I'IIC'" 111111 I t11~ llppCltrllllCe of lhe t went.v.ruurth&'1111111 Ony. It I! tl,ollght to ho "II]Ulllolullil'ill,ll' Jlel\'spap~r 1·laimillt.:' nIl nrillillf"t Cll'l\llllljl: wnlcht·~ UIlII IIlh'crw!\"·. 1111,1 "mile ill \\'II~hill~tOIl 'I'l'rritory

iilledlllcllM of It will tJu '111 10 San FI'111l4jdi(,'O for Irlal. Sixty-live VhillltllH'11 aro clllplo.rl'l1

---__ 1ill hllilllillJ( 1116 rOMd from OIYlllpill~ILe~n~. Wllternlllll.t; KlltZ.llll\·C JIHI to Tcnino.

It!I"t:h·t... I. Ilt!r Stt'lutl-h1V l).lkutll. u lurll.... .,-__

'Itlt.:k of wdl I\""'tlt'll I~\r!l' clolllltlSC Capt. n U. F'inoh h~8 Ilulll his i.l

"'hh'lt. II Isholled, 'the ImOUe will ,llIll' :ll- tcrest in the water works at 'I'uUlwa I1'l'e\.ilue. Itel'.

~-------------~----------------"""----"""""""''-'"'''''''''-'-''''"'''''''''7'''''''='''''''""""'~.~""""='-Lor.? I and News Items. I'I:OF. I:, hcrl~ will ~1\'O: 1I ';0II'1!1111:llIl'C l!ll .lir~I~H:"~ ('oll"~c.-A,·(·()~di~,.!." 1(11 Judson & McFadden

_n F"IYI,'I"~ Hall OIL \\CIIIIl, .. II.r ,>""Hill;':. prllllcd 1l1L1l011llt"'lllt'lil. I), \ .Ullllil. _ I

"",' ,.1, ,\,1",1·,1"" .' ,,',' ""'1'''', E, II', '1''',>'''''' .I, '1', 11,·01,,,,,,, """\ ATrO lNEYS ~ COUNSELORS·A T·LAW\"\111''''- fl':I·Oll- h'\!lIJ,:IIl',·u;.:i\·l'llf,r II,Ull'ltlg'\\IIII·"Il11lll'HI'CI·/lI:,·t-l.l.lllldo:lll ~lr~.I,.II.Gllllll will ""lIlprisl' ""~ I'HI'l·T'llI.~ I~ ,\l'~l It \1,'1".

Ill" n'I")II,·,1 "U·I~·Il.;I"1I 01' IVHlk :II 11'0' ,,'e1'I.:!;, Ulld d,"\JIlL Illhlui;;ht. 1'\11'1111)' of tIll! l'Il).:"OL :"III1Iu1 Illl.~i· "Ull""lhl"'; 1II11'1... "III1H')IUIt""11. '\1', .\('1"'I'II;111I,ltk ':111.1111,1. :11li"";:: wldeh 11""" ----••• --- m'jo:": l'nllt'''c IIhnut tr> hI' instituted I',mr T"II'S".:SIl W1I:It \', ..... ~,.. 1\"'1'" _,'lilt·,· 1,,1" :LI'I',I lit:! hllll' 1\ WIlIJ' hllllli. C:IPUuJlJ III ,llIillg ;:1'111.:1',11 ill Sf"ntflo~'lr \\'hil'h I •. C, GUlll1 t tlml . .

h'r. lit· art' :Iulh. Tll,l~1 t" Itlilk,' ""dl"'ll11Il';, Illl'lll w.nk. luc,u,lill:': IlIilhllll;' \~11l Iltl 011 E. \\". 'I'w\.lur will 110 IlIW'1l1g:{'r!l, Tho 1'.:\1. 1111"'1''':11.\\\'. Wltt ..... IS'IASIII 111l' 11I'·t 111:u~'. olll~' Itll{, "I' III" mll1'IU 1".·to",II":I ... II IIIUllll,,.· jult til' Ill'j!lylll~ at l't\Ur!tO of' in<;trul'tiol1s lYilll'llInprise

1IIIIt Ilulul Ih! 1I111 IIUI'. 1m .. I"TII ",1'111 1111s .,III ...'C. 1111 tho brulll'hc~ llSll/tllu s,lll'h ill.-lIi·

,1,'\\'11," \l hl~ I}\'I'II 111'1' 1111 1I1','''lIl1l 111 11,,\., )Ir. 1111\'I"";':~l. I'aul', Itlllimlil, 1I11r1 tim ratus lIhout the SlIlIlO

,'rl,alr-. A lit'\\' hllllllltltlull 111,,1 1II111'~' dUIl'dl, hllhl, lVWII, wllll'I'C1H:11 ill ,'ltllll'IIIS thllso chwr/:e,1 in similllr ~l'1Hl(jlshlll,r-'\"'Illt'1I1< l'IIVI'I~"'1l 1IIIr III. WIIII'I·th., '":1I111 ulI:-oullll:ll' III'Xt, III II, .\ ..\1. l'lse.dll~rc. The lirst tClrm will ('0111·

~1I1"'I'\'I""" "r ~Ir, ('~"'1I' WIIIII"I', atlll it !11l1'lICtl April :Wlh, ill \rhitc'~ hnll.1.111 .t;trl III' il~111I 1111 .. 1l1OJ1·1l11l;.:'. '\'h,' TilE \"lctllr ~('I\IIl;': 11I;L\.:lIllJll 111l'1i ii- IllSU'Ul:li'llI of dIU dUlTlleter ndWlr,

;11'1\' lIlilllltl ... hl'I'lI rlllllllTl;': llil Ill\! II u1I' dl:IIlUc! t" l'III,/1t: tlllclillull tltr'm;;11 uur tistJtl111 IIH·irc'ircular is ttllwh Ilc+!dctl'1'Ill'1'l! ~II" 110" ;J hark_ HII,I 2 ·1·1UI1IIIC .... l\JILIiLlIl" I".'\.I!. '1'1')' it, I,y 1'111' )'tllltlt, Iwd if Iho lll'lItlCIIWIl

1"11,1111;': '1IIIttJl"IIII\':LIlY'~ lIIoll'\'I'-, 'I'll' hll\'illl! IlliK tllu!ertu'killg in chltrl!c'11i"h' 11'1':11"'1111 lilt' "hi 111111 11"t!· ""11 \\'~.ul·klltl\\·ll.:d~Clh"',,:\.'CIi'lula "l'OIIlI'" llHtkl' Iho Kdl'llli wlml it !!houltl 110), LA. OON'N'EE'l.. ~. or.

1111'11',111'1111 tl'III:lrl,lIhlu 1"11'1111,1' 11I1I1 ,11·- I.. I'j"t', U.......:tt·· Ilollllu l!t.. e;1'lfll Ull W,·\I. I' "ill 111'111'011 hll'ssillg to lI"th le\\'11 --

1~lldl, ... lltIwlu;.: Lt1,IIIl'~-":I1'ill'ity 111I0I11I1.1t 1I"'day 1'1'1:11111;; lI"~I:_ l"I11IIJ\lul'le'-"~onttlo Trihulle." N. D. TOBEY,In 11""1'1111: \\1111 llltJ ).("lIl'r:11 chal'.ul'l' or lklOl' Ik'IIUVI:i lIlU lI'urlh ~l;,I) 1"'1' Ship Wright and Caulkert'1I: cnllllllll~ , UII.lwJ; I'Xllll .1·...,1, I.~, 1'1'10.:, .,11. Tho Pl1yullup IIUlil111!l 111'0 pnl.

'l'ln: h"It'UIlI H"ill'cltl',1 & I'll .. ,,1'1111- dillllJlllh· lill~ in two hUlHlreli Iler/,l~ of mlW---- hunJ.IJ·IIL'!·. 1m· Ju·t 1,'1,,1\',,11)' ·h'llIlIl'.-1 lak"lll.

Ihl' Ilr:.:.· .... :IIH~1 ,·It';::llIt Ilud iIl:'1 ,...:10'1'1"11

"I,~·I; ,If lit'\\' ;;:';1.111; C\CI' l'n'u;;l.t I" Illi·IIIIUI.I'!. It htl~ 11{'1'1I1':lIl'hlll~' '1,:,'\'1,,11'.1

thc '1'111,,1' 1Ill'11I1~ r "I' Ilie 111'111. II h"l· '11lI1,1J "llllll:lI.ill~ tlllll .. I' Illlll'l,lt"", '1'111'... ·~,II.~I .. 11111 hI' 111,1'11 1,,1' 11I'l'o.'Cll"lI 1'\'II'UI"I'VI\'. 1.:1,11.. , 11\" 1"I,,'d,llly ill\ Il1"II" \'11)\1II111 CXIIIHltll'. \\"1' 11ll~1l,'l :l Iltl'l)' 1111.1,·

11~"'I'llll'lr C""III1'I'" 1"1'~"1ll1' lilll\, t'll"lIIC.



S220 TO S701S80 TO SAOO






And all Artlcl.. u..d for Iho

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All In-UII"",." .... _d tltll, ....u ..I...II.....l.l,..~

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l Upl'ight


A ('A.UI).




I, the ullilersi~netl,CllrtHin or tlu'Vrrmch Lmrtllle (~lIilllJllI, c~rli(~' Ihl\l,~I r. It W: DeLion liaS hee'll 1111SIO\'ellllft} ill tllldn}!.m htlllrtlll f1Il.I'WIo( Illtllhcr. Itt Purt LUlU",,., all rUKtltSOIlI\lI, lind tlllll. ho hilS RCllUiUtHIhitll~·11 In Illy jlrellt lIatislllotiull.

I take plOlLsur(' ill rccollll1lcllllillghim as (Japable, ttllil4ble IlIlJlllmi£lhtforwani in 11.11 his relatiotlsjfor which reason it is my pleasurc torocolnmenJ his 1I1.'1\·ices to IlI1 Ill)'fellow shiplllllster!. _ L. '1'1I0nt:lIx ,

POri Towns.ml, Feb. 24, 1878.

I }'oke of hell')' work O.fll1 for 10It~lrlJ;

CAlli I' II-I'; 7 Or 8 ,'cllnoohl; 7 k~t5 hn:h~p:lrlh. lit n',\'i'k:lnIAX tt KA I'Z. G

, 1:\\ .....'I.''''''' '\Ii, ", n' III 1~1'1": lc,,'tlllu"" I., 1"11 .1.1.1', t 1l1l1 • ,M ,., ll,i ... , "~I 110", I~ .·llarJ:.~1 \\ Itll l'CCI:IIJIl.h~1 til !"Ilka 111ll·lllJ.; tlle l'HIlIIIIS;"1,, ,.. ,II .. · 111'11. \1 \\'IlI.:,·1 1~;'II"\hl:'::I~'!1 l'li,llh,' '11111 "f'IH.I~~llllr 111111111". 'I'h..,~("T'f'. whll lhcrort'j.\:nlug

..... I,h" ••,,~""""f'II. _1111 ,,".... l\IU"tllo: 1\ I,"n, "" tl,,1 ; lUI r, I i'1II1_, :, h,'; till ,l.ir:,: II ,llllI'IUill):' "'1.'11. ,,, thl· 1"tr1·1 (.'l't~ h..ronlll~. \<; It IIllt Jll'lloo In till..... , .. "II..•• ",1 I. 1""'4.. :! 1••1..-", :! ·h... II ,).. r·, .t 11·,- '''1"\ "II 11 1''''lwr ....-:,.1"11, all.1 III" 'I"er.' mllo'll :lhllo{,lll·trltnr~·. that tl.\,\ wrllluJ;'

.11\11 '! 1,1" L,"llllll ... I •• rl" ,11,'1' "lid I II"" I·. 1,,,\\ I"IIo·1t 01 ,II .. ' I",~·h.· (n'"1 th~ or )Ir. ,.~::. 011 .\I~,"ka. !Ihoul,IIJI,t ~howlI1,IIo't'.:r:II'II,'r. 'Ill "I' \1,,""1lI 1\ •• , •• 01,,1..:: I _.111'.' '"111\''' rur Illi. IIi. la·1 ·t:lb :Il th"llllI ~1l.1 pl·Ollntlll...."lll I~I'C libel?Ilwh In j, In II.. Ir Ihw .\.101.' (,,1111 11,1· •"'"l1r'·. \lonl....1 IlIl'l1 :11'1" (':I'IIIIA' ,ltl:\IlI'f"O Inwo"1I~:, .11 \\ 1111:,,1 II, Ii' "1,,,," rl.lt'.· ImUlII ... t r. UI:'n. lI"I!ll.. ~ III .\l.-k:'l I~ll 11M' "fllr thi .. l....trltllr~·. Caplt:lll-t- :lru brglnnlu,l.!1,·llIn".. IIIIIIII"" Ir'lII I ,••1". wlt'l 111\"" 1r:1,J•• )''' '1'1 ... ::lllh'r ..1 ,,,!,I II-t.ll1111,I,..1 I" ~ ..' tll\' "/11111' of Ihl, t'OlllItr}' nllt! areIII.·.. " "'\.o: mlu",· " .. 1"10'1"'1 i ...\1."1.'1: II,,' :lIltl."r III' II ....... 11,'-1,' "Ill'h nlll'xl"lIl ~'t'lillll: 1II:Il't~ 10 III\"('Ot. Dtlrll1~ thc po,'"t....r II,,' 1Illh"r I" ·1 .1'·lh.·~· 11<\',· 11,,1. I. lin' Ill' '~UIII"1 .,~. :1It\lhlu:: IUIIII .. "'rrl- \"l':'lr tll,llt_1ml. of llolI:lr- hJ.\·e lleell In·

III II..' I "'1111 ..••• :1·..·"II,l:: tI.,,1 ,,1.I,h ItI, 1.t,1",. 1I"r1,IIll.! Inn' 1,,1t "':I:••l..ill_ :t1l:1 !tarl "111'C'1l11l'.:·! \'1""1(.'11 III .\Ia"k:l. Ami the pl'Ollle who,.".t1" I" \I••tllhl~" (.,~ ').'''''''11''.''•• ;;. ,I.·.. t '111l" .··bl'lIIiJrl'r· II \\ I 11110'1'-1 X,: wh••• III .\I ••k I: I" ..'~ hl'IUX kllOw hll\1) 1Ilw"Ii'l1 Ihclr mOIlCY III Ir}'lllg 10

......I~ltl .. ~tI 1I:1I·lat ...1 nil,.· IlllUi th·· .·1. III .\h·l./I III ~"IWr:11. :11"':11 \\ rill· tlton II WIIlIIlT1·1.t1.1I .. ill.\la.":\ lI'lI'\for~'. 111'\"\:1'111 Ille h'trilorr. Ilclll:llllllhM 1:1\\' beI"" ••,,,tIl' ,'I Ill" '.\ l\·k~ 1"",Itl"n'hll ,.. II ::,'1 itt 1':llti. III Ir. )llu, ..1 11"'m lI ...·l:IlI,1 ,I..... Ill' 1111' I.ttl'" lh"l tho.l J'f'11()r1~~1 f'"tN,,11'01 o\',·rthi~I.."ItlHry" The territor}'I~"ll"'"'' ,,,,, •• ,"tll 1 "1"11 1.':11"-' :I,'. .\111",11-:111 1'1111.·..... :l1t,1 \\'r;/'ll::..1 I· lh··lr AI 1·""",,1,1 lullt~.. :tn' 011 IIlrlltlnll 1-11\11,1 h"'"~ undcr thc l,.'Outrol of Ille ~reulr}'

'1""Iltlllllll" \\ 1111 .\l., ,... Illl~ltI;.: .ill·1 ••1"1",.. 11\ 11th r ""lIu·. 'I'll,"" an' l'to'I"'II, I:1",111, .~.r\'I" III .\I;I..k,,: 111111 lIvt 011 til(' l'lflhC tr~:I"lIr~·. Ifho ~ liO 110wcrful tlnd....." 1111.1 "'·...1 ,hO' ;If,.r··.. i.1 ",tith 111.1 1111\<1·· .... ;11 \\ 1"1111-"1:1. :llhl n", 1 .."i.lll. I.' :->lil."11I' rh'''' III lI.ltl.h t'OhUlIhl.ll' ,\lltllll ,,'\ItllllCIl'lt ll)c.. fun."'C all lIad!'lIl lilw :lIlll.. ,,0'1'11111: II In I.... IW"lllttI"Io·II.-1 \\1111 till' Iilt\.· 11\\' :u,,1 .,rol.'r I'XI"II,I"I "'""r II... Ilwllml.ll'r 01 .\11.1.:1 lIduJ: too jtllllltlly nnler. wh,.. wun"k.lIoll·t he do It? Wh)'fl!llh. I ,1t"1II It 1I1...·llh:\1 .\!'t·k.. •• 1'11,'11.1· .'t)Iullr~·. III "nll'r Ih'll Ihl'~' IIl:l~'IJC 1'1'0" :11,,1 rt'.I'''''I.I~lr tt~ "rIIOll-t.!.lmlltllll!:, nllli Is It t1t:tt he lloc! 1I0t lid, nnd l'flll"tl Ihe..h"ul.1 n'''I~\llll :lml h.,rHO:ld. Ihl' 1,·1 .. ' Iw.:: 1~'1f11 III 11~'lr ,rl;:I......:n·rr 1~lal.~ .Ih,"Ihll'ulllll'\J IIm"III):. I null·tlc. '1'111: Ihllbl..rl!lIGIC of dlllllllill which wc haye IiYl'Il. 10111111 ,lit' ~IUI\"C fro'"1 "hlt-It fill'" 1·1Il:lIHlh11. ;:.1l''' lu Illl' I .1".l.lr mill ..•• ur 1I:I .. I1I.IIrIl ....... \I( .\lll.l.:I mttUllu" lo'~" ;!:llIlllltlll re~11l th:llllgh'o IllllOC to llt'lll.'e llml flnlet.

III In.II.... If! .\1:14.::\ 11..'11. we llik,' 1If1 "·1111 lit It '~Itlllirr. I" "111ft.· lIr II'·" hilt 1- II". 1I1II1ICf ..I 1''';':''1 :"I'"IlII. Oregt,n orI Wo 11'1 AlIlult::m t.'itlzon i dClnnmllhat11".ll.f,,!'t"al.lllrlld.·. :111,1 11ll!ltt flUt Ihal CtMIIn Ah·kll·· \\dflfl'. :\11 han' II.·~I· ,l'alilurlll:l, r.UIII .til'k Ie th:tt "C:ll\.'C IICI'\: 50UlClhlllg IlO Iione. We flcm:lllt! Ju"tll'e.whkh IA 11I('Ona.1. lllg~ ""\til Ih(' I~HI'I" ,If Wnlll)lci. nltll III Ih:1.I millcr". J:f1It1J,; \tpllte :'5Ukll1e rln'r 011 We Ilclll:lllli flfOtt.'('tloll III lifc :lllli 1'1"1 11)&TI~ rrnlltl~11II'\.'e o( Ihe flrlklll l'lllhnltlJf 1lI:11l~" hl"IIIllI'C" Ihe ull"t'Il\'t' uf lall' 10< kl,\·II· I.,. to II ... ra",lar ll1lm'c. Ltrlug with Ihem ert~·. X. X. X.

tn bo.. a ....."Ile nl " 1t~·.lah l~IIIM Illtd Ill' IS rdl. Til" l",flple or 1111, t('rrll~r)' llill friltll \'kh.lrla. It l'.. gUlll tick III onler Fort Wl'Iln;rl'l. Aln"kn. AllrlllO, H'i

,11.,,_ I" \'leI lit .. 01 tlkille rll"'r .\!tllt. Iltlt Il:lrl'llt}t llllil ho\\'lIng (III' a tertil/'rllli I II •. - I" " I".... 'J' I 1 I ttl :It::. 'e 10 IIla ..1.\ 1'1 III1 C.. I'\l Otl go

ka," n."tICIllLtlell whnllt clnl1llJ41tl hc IlltOlIl Itlt\·,·tlllll('lli. All Ihc)' n~k ;/, I lilt :11l' InlO 1';llllll. When the Imllatls III till ..

I I '-1"" I ' /11111" Ill' l'xlt'IlII,~1 over 1111. 1'01.'\'1 In1l , lIu!\'iii'" 111111: 111;/,1L turt e l't8ell!u 1'1l.1 I< " ..111 • ~.ctl,,1t uf AIll~kll Ihul 1l1~ll 1.'OlltallllllS::110001111jlliowIl Iilu Mblll"jIIIl'pl. If IIII' 111- 1ll1l1IJy l\'hl1lllllll' In\\' h l'lt""lll".' III InllllU. milch "'1I111. fl'l'l' lI:n'" II 1It11l1l1l1.:l. The

Jo 'k' I I \,1 1.:'1 tl!rlal. r,UI""'" Iltminl{ fill' llll:ih" uf lill' ,. .1Iior I 11 I 110\\ Illl~' mOle It lIi1l I /l~ • ... • "Hill l)t'rlioll tile)' CIlI till 1111/\ kh.llIlll~'

th III hodllt'S nhOlllllliCldlluA: II)'hah mlllll"'" ll:rl'ilfll'S 111"CI' It, lilt' I ~'II'lIr.l· .1i·p:II'IItlt'1I1 ~"Illil :11111 ",.11 It rl':Idll~' lit 1111: r:lttl ()f i';IUOtllen Ihere IIICJtCIUII.' rur hili 1II,t'101111 urt1l'I.·. \\Il l ~'~Il (rolll WIN.!. lilllill" jo\,'cll'l.IIrr III p 'l'I.~'nl. ....1' Ihe IIl;rliO"c.~ of lIhlll ulIII

1111.1'1 t1'IIMllr)' willi Ihe n~-I'IIII1l" I.f UI'\'C-1I11t wc htlllpen W kno\,' Ihe 'Will. nllli IIlIU t'l1lh!l"If, l'llIl'I'lor~ Itlld 1I"llltI)' \'(lIIt'I'. hUII"f'-llnlllll"r.;. IIle, Illmher 01 i\hl-ka III

wc kilO\\' Ihlulte I~ Illforllu·1! 01 the tr'lll, lor." l'III; ..'I)u 1111 111'1111111 Ill\\' Ilud Ol'lh'r III ,," I.," ;111,1 luI' Illl'llltlll'O 111111 Cl,lJlllutl"C{I'llnllnjt fhlll IImltory. llllt! kllOll'llI1: Ihl~ I I \\'lIl'k Iho /:lIlHlll~ l\hlSk:1 rCIlOI\'-t.'Cllu

I" '1' ·\lIh;kll? No; f:lr f"111I1 II: 111111 IC I\' II' I Iwe IWlLlralo not III n3"l!I'llt1,1t' fhllt "ell . ~ I I ·t:l\ltl~ IlllO<Uflmil!t't! IJ}' :IllY \\'OOI II IlIl'.rellnl• lIl1lt1oltllnm:o with l\IIr"kll" \\'Il~ pro· lII .. kl'~ IIl1dl till 11~.:cr1101l I~ IIIOt'\! un 11:111 [Idtl'll. lIy Ic~L,j, tho,oo lactil hll\'lj IIl~1l

Illll..''Il lit Ihe III\'Intloli ofthe "mug.I·lho Ikllll'·C. . I I II 1·,laLtIl.llI'tl, I·OIl"t.'11,1011U)· there 1:4 110 u;;eTI ' 1I01\'. Ill~k. 1111' nn,·no.ro/ 11111 cr tlIC". I h

'd.cll"''' of whom 10 him I~ Inw. "'~ I I I ,.., I' .lwel11t11f 011 IITt! 'l.lIhject,I I I I I II ' Illtlt·.lllll l'OlIQJ II IIti 10 uC Ilt'll l't .)' n!\·e· "

IBve but to 1111 UlRic. am lei II' r p ,1111 I I I II Gotll Or illvcr lll"l.'O\·eI'ClIIll AI/\ kll nlllJIII r t I II lIue CllI:"N. l'Ol ~1lJf'$ nlll \ CIJIII}' l'O t..••

tool Uet'lllC', I'Cgll" e16 0 1I1.1.11lUll i' tOl"ll III lilt ul'lSClIl."e 01 (A\\'1 III Olllf'r to til' 1101 bo 01 IIIIII-U',1 rh'llIlcc/I I. 111\}' to work.

l'ret. It 1\11111111'11" Ilot Ilell'.':UIl,1 11lI1;/,t bl: 115- Otllli~cnlltnlr)'. mill"" ItCl'Ill'lll be l)rotlL-On lUI_BOO. the writer ml\k~ the rol··, .'1' " ,...' I' I C II' I Nevltll'l"-"... . 811llll'tllllllll'xerdoretl. 'I'hl~\\'flll'I'I\'nrklll lIu~ \\(lr ..t.'u II.U II II IMUII••.

lnwhllC IIHrtlol1: "I ell }'Cllni 1I1l'0 \\e . I II I I I Cot II' . II 1I0t lJI·, _. Alu"ka. Thc milltllr)' trll'll IImt whll,' .1111 f 1!l1 II til '.1 \\0111t~k AI:\!'~ IU .Ltlg b!l) lakCtl ~ .. II-nlle"e 11t,'rt! 111111 lJillal. tOllched. The llhll~r 11l111e5 at ~hllck.til). Illld Il\o:e Ihe boy IUl\'lug t'xlIlIIlIl'd It. I I I . I . SO'I I I \\'hlch h~u Jt:l~lI 1),'1111 M loW' a #:1 Ill!rAlUl hu~ IAltllhtl lO)·A8Ith: .. Jlllhl"II~'r. t II hll1. It:r l\ltSerlCt Oil IllllCc . 11ft.

'. "We IIlII'C l"tll·IIl..1 ~"Otl"h or Ihc l'Onlltr\' ,1'Iy wl'n·l:'tIUtil to mllll-'Ilin Cfl45lt1r Ihat 9-'111tlOll ""ho 11l1lll'Jtllt b)' WE iii ll<'lt Ihllll.-nilio ,.. '10 Jer tlNr Ami \\'hy" 1k't.'1Ill"tl of Ihedh'h ~ T1'll,UOlillIIlllJt:hw lIuiCCPlllJl~ of Iliiddlol:ue b~' rlll~ tl.lle. 10 kuow lhlll tlll·~. I· . •

I.. " • Iii I I II • " I I 1 • thlftlrtllp:" III the ~t or Ih'IIIj,t. fill'f"lI.:IUlllng 1l0W\ but hllll"l:l( runl Ihe"~ IIr In III lUll 1:11 IIA' \\'1UIlI~ 1101' 1'11.'1:111' \'t '} . • bell:ollllNUlV •• WI;! Infcr tl\:h l~ fhe 1ll""III1J~. tlil' IIl1lh',,,, lOf Alll"k:1 wlllllt'\'t't bo: oI~'-'\'I. 11111,('" I ~lItlck Itll' lit IJrtolClit • Il~

• n I (or II~ cUI ,ItUI \. or tllir lil>fll,t,··· AIIII 1.11 \\'orkl'tl. lilitl "0 IRlIJl. a 111I'r t.'IllitillIlC toOn Ihctllllle IllIgelmaOOlitt11lCi!. "nlA. cr tl~ 1,""I.!4l!;j we ~II,I Ihk "SO; till IIcu' ..1 lilt)' f,'llerlbI1 lhey will be worl.;.1:I1. TIll'IIC'UOI'I of l..-..hll hltltl ry n>g:1 IIlIC lie ,..... •• 01 I I I .', NOTICE, •• "'!! lu"'\! jll-I 1'l't.c1\'f~d

I ,• I ,-', ". II I the \'u"l tJ,mllllnll:li ~n or t.':I1I be -lie- Aln·kll l! ( III It 11K COtlllllll1) ~ fltl.ll1l lJen"lr. D:aloll\:l." lill"!.'e 101 o( Ilr....1lfIl1'.Illlllll'll reeoUI"l'el 0 I Ie t:rn orr \\C III . _ k.. I"e lit SlIkn It I. in ) ,,1 wlll,lClV f'~tl'n tootill. we t1oll'l Iwow 01 1I111"lltluK' l...~fttlly l'llh·atal. Autl \\'t: 1It1I·t III :1111 ,. .: It· , • - '":uklfl·ry. ell'. :\1"4) II Int Ill' 1I:I"h\::"..~ ~ • I . I f k r. Ii 11 In ,he 1011. •• ,"eu II It 1t:1}'" (111)' flO II \'OIl-I.lll1g' of (,HltIhlJ; IlIlfllt!lllCUU 01 /til

~"l!:ne"t fu,,"- Ihat III filet lht. l~'UII' CUll 1'1' 111'011011111» t It! A II .. :1118 c:'r II ." 1\'111 he t\llllllllcl'II&I\'I'. '1'111 mine IlM ~n I.:httl", "ltdl I. wcre 1tt!\"I'r k~IlI.£11l 1'01'1fry I worthl~ .,1Il "lIc\"cr wlU lie 1~i1lre well Illlllil' fur IIIe nil'" l,.'()ullfr1 \,"1111.'11 rnll' . 'I. l'owll"·lltlllCrOre. W An:lllIA:C" KATl.

. I' rt 1 rI" lIaa 11tll'ret!'t1 lor loom," 'I'hrtMl/(h whal "lIltl~I('t1 ol1e I1I11l11t'\.'t1l\1I'1 t\\(lnI1 leeIto\\:l'ilrllle"lut!rorl\lI: CUltl !t. I ~tthl~ dl.llill('C'~"·llll[ ,.'llrUl10rrl....II,'S· 1',ITF'.S."r::'lIlltl 1101\' In OO\:lIn Ihem •• •, fl\:hoollllllllllihor II:I~ Il' "l.'f hi u"lt'r 10 llt· "

AlltL Ala~k;I: ""Ill llr. "E. •. ". IIIlII!. Aboul aoo.OOO tOllc o( ore 1!l11I Ihe rIUlIl,hll·t til 00 I}:I~ rreP. "1'011 ~lpl111, rrk'tllo 1IIakl' the I)(-'Ollie lee Mb.e III IlIl\lie 'liCit kllflWhll{ 1l1.~'II()IU I· .Ium reltll)' (i'f enlihlult. IUllllll Mn)' 01 tllllll.lJ for l"",f:lJlc. Alltlrel,;/,'J'hllr yon Itt\! h\11l" 1I11l11ll0UlllIthl>ll'Olt.I. (0)"01111 Ottr l'OIltIlIt'hcu"loll. p. III III I." 1_' I. II n II,~IOH E. iUIITl1. &; CO.,Utvold ofl'(\(ll••t1\~r nr ~\lli .. " II' II' . 1I(>3I:t "Ill W utl e~ ...... II If' Solicitors of 1'/\1('111 ... lifn: 41-111 fl\li. wflflh1l!:!'s. Iltt~rl)' ~_ The Irulh III the Ill"Clul.. I II ,. . .1II~ mille.allli Ihe 1'rork 01 tltl.:ltlll ntlt jlokl 47 WlISlilnglolt. I) C.l~l[l.'el't fflrt.hu AI:IIP:1.l:olllltlen.illl Co" SlAIe>' hi tilli. )t:lorlou~ Uuloll 11Il\'e (ur wllll'OIIIIUChl'e. Thl\ll\lthor 1Il1ally wlllll .. --0--:--:-:--:--="---:"'-=-=--="7-:---

TCII )'cIl'lago Ihe I'nnllli Alrll' W/tll WOM' dllUllh' ~hllll hi fOll;"1 01l.1Ilt: ~1.1l~- till hi Ilbe~l1~lUtlde Ltr IIIJhl~: "Thotl~1t J 0 HNT. NOR RIS,hoi ted o't't!r IhlJ lIew l'lI~hllPe 't~ Irue. kl'll'Olii. rrom KfJf.lkk 10 CalM! FfiJI:. J lit' .\ln~1.:a 1U1ikes 110 offer o( :111)' I\rt or Illllu~Bot It ~ SOT true 111:11 tlurlng Ihe p:ut lell Inlltl. IIlftlll; Illl~ ,[Ilrclch or l,.'Ul\!It I.. mflln- Iry or Invlt:ttloll ~Illtal to ollr pt.."flplc. 1111('~'Ollllllll tcrrltnr)' h.. bet·" 111O""":.tIII~' btl' lor it- tlmtJtr IIIlII mlllt'~.ll,[1. Il1ltl 11ll' :llllltl:llly p.'lr. IUIlI Iho 'l'rca;/,lIl'}' r;lr ilion'alDlmlneti. Ilnlllolllll'l!flworthle.«. 111'11 C/t,ol. wnteu .UK ·1n·n-un: lro,'d t(J~ Illt Willi 111lI1I "he Il~k.. III relum. 111 111 1:1\'1"1 I~ STOVES1l.1lt~. Sluoo the 0l'fI"101i of AIII;!k" to lhe 11111)" ellK,Iil:t'tllll 1'OlIlllll'M RlIdehe 11~11I.'r- !:!'UIlIlllc for flltllt.-lIl1tlltlIC thall .10 m:lI1Y of ,United Stit~. bllt f~w effort.! hll\'u been lei. The .'t'I~\llIlr III our 1100,.10" '" 11111"1'1111; ~tlled. Stille.!. Ih.1t hll\'e nnillrulIIIlf'" ttl Iltlnlttp Ilt'f rt'30tlrt."e'I. ThOi't! 1"'"CIIlI: AL..ltl.:ll" tobfo lonketlillto. HIIII tilt' 1It1\'nllta~., which tlilJ ll11hlll'I1Y l'Ountr)' Pumps, Iron Pipe,who haft luId lile l'OlltllCtl tn t:lllI.·It\"cr to hum O(llllhl'lr,\' wII18llOu,ltt'I~ltlllutlOllA' tluer hnl hnd nllll llC\'cr ('illl IIII\'\', hi our AIIII Kene"iJbrille to light the hl,klen "'I'allh ot .-\llllJkIl. hllr Ihon~lltl li1hlthl~. "II klll\\\' IlhOIl~11 t1:l~' lit ICll;lt,"hll.re I\lld 10 bllck IIJ(nlllllt mOlllallnllllcnl'6 01 "HukH'lI Cllllllllt' 1l11l1~lllo KSOW Ihlll IloefIllOt Alr1!kn mnkf' IIll)' onior or RIl)'(\(the AIMb,Cal1llllercllll Coll1IUllJ·. the Cllltllgh CAS lit: CUI.TIVATt:1I t'l 'Iltll,l)' Mrt nr IllIlllClrr ~ IJit{'M aile not c;ttollli 1111"Il",!te 1"IIlllilloll ot Cong~. Dnd the 1~lollmtllUldol' I1n}·tllull~llll hrhllblfltlt!... Iltvitllll hlllltl to our llcoplll~ AI'u tlUI 1'1""."11.111,. .lId III n.lp t.o..,"t'1I&nll)' M,d 1Il11·nl\tl or IJ~IIY ollll'('ri. ,hou1l111lilt 11l1iUr 1IICJItlllhort'. So I'cr· Ilcr rC!-OIlI"l'Cllllrlll llIllllrnl WClllih \1'OI'lh~' For e'er)' l\rllliltJ lIuule or 10111.1I0w!v!'f. t1eIlllte nil thl/1 ol'p05lltloll we lull 1,I,t'l.l (cllr rOI' Almlkn dllllnll'. Tlil- 01 HttclIllolll' Am lIut h"r wldl' 'XIHtlIIll1 --- ----are hllp"" to ·11!I.'01"I1 tlun It fcw 11101100.... l.'OlIlllr)· \.. "or lJO 1·IlI/e. Illlil t116 clhllllfC III nf wntcrll lIlld IClls;tlll'lI Ill' hlllt! 0lltll lIlItl;: ~ '7 ....Alatu" tflM! Irlend!, 111IYO by Iler'*lcllt 1I0l iIO rl"onJll~ that IlCIJJ,It! hllv!! to Iitl fl'lIr- (ree to 1\11 whn 11lay liCilIl-e 10 "Ilgllgo In go: ~ ~ ~ W,,"'urU fnl1)' dtYl'lflped thc bict thllt Ihl' IIIIIJ"lIml wotllierrull)' mlilio III onltlrlo Cll- linin-I rill I 1)1In;1l1~ P Or. \I111"t IIIO!!lJ whu ;~ ~;; (') S CD c=tlown.tl'Qlklen 1I11t1 much RbuJt.'(1 Lenitory JO)' lif", IIlltl tlltllJclllltl,,~ of llIUlltu whldl h:l\'c "lll'f,lmllll1llll1.' with AIII'klt" l'Oll- _ t::l .=~.' ;; ~I. rk:hlll n,lncrtll.. t1lh.luruber. Alill e,.ery- here 11Irr(lllllllll· OIH,l\Wr hum!. tlllllC to Iibclll,o ('Otltllry, IhrtC blockllljt :::"J .g ~ ~ )1ftIhinK CllculAllltt to mltk" I\. "",Itt /lUll Olt [.IIItU 810 Ilc IIIIWI IIUlt •• IWrl'elllnl tll(l wllt'tll~ "f IlroJ{Tt8~. nllt! IH'eYUlItlhP: r > ~ ~. 0 U>",., ...1,,"IU.y Itlde, Ihe Pole Itar III thlt our fOgi III1lI ;,IClllll I1lI'"B lIullg like n 111111 O\'l~r Imtlllgnltlon. l'Ill-llI)( IlI.'r \'/Illlrlble n." ! ~ ~ .. ~ I.ofIl ~jntal Republic, our 1I111hor',1 itluement 10 thtl hlml n1nllll Ihll ('011;;1 Inllll SlIktl 10 thc ,[IOUI'l.1:iIIu llellorllUillt. (01)11111 Alter }'t:Hr' ~ ~ c::r <::::> "'iIhI l,.'Ontrarr notwhhffll1lllhlK. AI~u·.. Arctic, !lllli t\llllll'fit of no \'lIlll~ (or cuUI. I(Hbhll't.1 till hr the AhL.ka COlllltlf'n:1111 Co.? iiI!!l;) : ~ S» 0tblrkf'ld_r'"11l pilI!. The elolldil of o~ \'lltlotl." 'I'hl~ llJ!ltrllon Ij II 1Mil6 111)1,.'1 till 'l'1~ (,Ict fir AIIl.lkl\ pitying 111111111'11)' IlIlu .~._.! ~" ~ ~,-"tloll, prejudIce lind Ijtllontnll8 ate fll_-'t SlIk:l dlmtlle. Uow 11lI11; I\'I! nn dl,l }·nll. t1w ')'rellilllrr of Ihc Unital foIllllel! fl .11In ....:.i !!. t>J L!lIdllapve'lnng from ,.lel.. TI"Itl '1111 or )Ir. "E." e\'tf "ljlmrll Ht Sltk.... 10 lJu HIJle Ihllt 110 lXIM'r lle\¥' 'J'ertllory 11:\ tl'er IWII,t ~0 - ~ ~ Q. P"iIprotperlt, it lllUvnlllg nlld I\. brlKht f.hl'" to ulltkc 'Udlllll nl"l:r1.loll. A fUlIr ~'Cllf~ 1,& Ollie 01 Ihe 1Jt.h;t 01 n:AlIOU' why ehe I"v. ~., §. ~ OJ ~=It berore beT. Vore the 1apM: or mllRY comilluou- mltlcllw lit BilkA 113~ IHlIghl erll.IlClit ihou!l1 ;/,IIO\\' II Ill'~lre 10 IIHYt: Ihe .: ~ S ~ ~1811 lhe lflllh of the:ltl lI~rtloru will be II! to kllo~' Ilmt liD JIl'I'JICIU:11 rtlJrl amJ l..'Otllltry 1;Jt'OI)lt:t1Slld pl'();/.lIe~:letl. nut lin: ~ g tt [m&l1f 'IIInlr~, TlM'refm\! howl on ye Slt.ll/U'lIIl.u hU1I1l O\·U 111II1 IJlllce. Foggy Tht! ~o\'tnllllclll 1101It'1 10"'/1"1 AI:l.·kl\ ~ Q ~ c. 0 ~ 0 ...hlftllnp; you hllV't dotle.U the hnrm }'on "'l'lliher f*t :SitkA Is eXl'f'llflolllll. We hll\'~ h:u beeu • cllnll1l "'''IIIl1C. II wi!!: IC,ICI I". ~ -< F~ ... ~ '< ~ .,_,.('SO, freq~lIll)' known II Ilt'rint.l fir Il"euty IlaYiI 11011. IUIII IllrelhlJt ,,·rlle,... 11Il\'e 1"11 It blllE 11l ?- t::l ~ Q ~ .~

RetPnllnK the pnpulAUOll fir Ihla terri· tlurlnj( which UIII~ Ihe 11I;'1I'·ellll \\'~,e t'k'ltr 011 tlte lerrltory which 1lI llill1l'lh 10 ('nlili. ~ = ~ ~ U> 0tory, on pI~ 803 .. till! tolln..-Illtl': ·"n.ere AIMI clolRlI\S.. Af III 1,.'11111'/11111; Iho hUIII t,Ul!. 'f1~ OOlltlllllt\1 III.wl by All\slm'" ~ trJ .. ~_re not O\'1!r ORe hnlllirt'd whirl" re-ltlelil' luIJ:It'f'ut to Sltb. It III TRl'~ Ih:ll Al.L Ihe tllCIIII Ihllt "Ihl! terrhnr, I~ " hnrn.'11 ~ == (j ~ ...

In n.len~ IIn,l hreldth or "'!ub: allli 1110"1 h:ltlly \'l'1;1'lulJlt:t t::Ill hu ~nll"l1 10 w:lot;e.··llnll'llIlIl"~ It 10. Hllul,·1 \Vc~h'r .... ::= ~ ~ 0 WIhrleonehlllKlrf'11 lire ll.'2lmretl between ~rret..1101l. Illlrte}'llIlloal! w1l11l1ltlll1!, 0111,=.:1111 In IIIe It.S, ~lllll.tl c!1:llllhrr. ." Q::::l ~ - L'Jllonou 1011011 Ilud Behring 1k"Il. The Imll\e bt-1I1'\'t: \'Oulil he lIl:ulc n lfoun.... of 111:11 "AII C:thlorhb I\'II;/, ;It'1)fl\1 for. Wlt,to f ... !~ IR ~whltfolat Wran~1 Irt\ nlell ,,·Ito l.~~ lip IlmiU. TllIlolll}' inti do,'l'r 110 well h.-.:N htlru~1 toa.l~ 1I11i1 r:utl",""llllkt:t:' g~. . ~ 0and down IIMl Stiklne rh'tr 10 rl~ ,-Cllfl .·ort~· 1011.8 or h.,\r hltw bl'eu ,'lIt :11111 ettn:tl Wc n:a"""rt III"t 1\1l\-.kll I~ rldl I.. re- ..T: ~ P:' :;. ~ ,.... W ..mll\f!l lit Cutalllr••ud IUI\'e no lIael'f"leltl lit Sltk:1 Itt II 't'llV\It. C:lhh.~... h:n"bPl'" '"0l111.'Cl". A.ifl" flOW Ittlr millcr.I'll nwl (j ~ ~ l4J ~ .~ ..,.thelerrhory. ThcI1l1ll111!"11lo·hltf'<lllalur.llllOwlitherelltll·fl.'11IYIlOIIlIIIUlltlwelglllUI: Ilmhl!r. 1M! ,.fft:1"'l ~I"l'at lrl!lllt.~nlelll' 10 ~,:I~ :: Q ;; ~ 0-U1 enough are lIOt Illllklng mlk'h lklllind nftl"t'll pUllmJf t"'ch. 1111,1 l)(ItlllOC uf II t.'llllt:lll.u. Iler 1I"llf'rld Rru Uh'II~I\',. ~:. ~: ~.~ _. hi ..!IlOr 1I1enientllli p:'OVt'f1t11WIlt. and COllp:'1flI I)()ulal ell\·h. Cllrrol". IIRNUill·. IUnlll"'· "1ll1 J:r-lili. III her 1I.herlC-f "lOll" He ;?" i;':;'.l ~ "P"iIbu wl§ely tnnu.'(lllte elltlre c1~~JYt 01 the blo;elit tlml IIl'M 110 \\·l'Il. CnrT:IlllC, tmw· 1Il11llrtli. ur lIIUllt'y. The AIRck,. \\,!l(CN ;.. trt\Inlf!'le-II 01 Ihe JtO'enllll~lIt Illlllehe II.· herrle'".", IffiforrlCilllll1 1111111)' olher khltl~ 1,;0l1f;111I 1II0~ '11111011 1111111 1111 Ihc nlhcrl -=-.....,=--':?-=:-:=:::u:-:''''':-::-=~-:..-',Itl1'h oycr 10 eh('8N:ret.'1I')· 01 tile TI'l:O"urr. ofhtlrrle! C1lU b6 ~ro""R IlIltl til eXl"l!llelll 1"AltN III the known world ('111 Ilrotllll'e. J F SHEEHANwho lublllKiJlllll)' able 11'IenfOn.'e:a1l nee'll. l)UlIIItS IIlltl itllvnr. J.l!len 10 the r:lI~· \\'1111111 II fl'w yean ~1I11l01l l'UllltrlCI 11'111 •• ,tlll1lw lUll o"ler.·' I.Pt·~ P!CIllllne l"le hnntl ('11 11r.••Iz: be e.1I11I1I;/,11(.,,1 nllnlolll! tlIG Ailio/ku l'oJI'I~l. Importer of Tin Plate, Sheet....~tellJellt t..reMI~·. Clill It Ilt'" fltJIl'IMt: I "Uc)'olul the (IIr tnule. Illere Iii nOlhlllg Alreall)' II.u 1'101I1't'rt.~IIIIll:r)' uf Aln..kn Iron, Copper Zinc, Bancoll1nt II. Imhof made It lit IP:1I011lIll'e of Ihe "llIlIoYf'r 111 I\ln"'kn. 110 !!CUll· .... 1I01ll111C;t.. I.lli !.Jet'll 10call,,1 :It 1\"1111\'lIlIk. I'In I'rllll'tl 01 Tin. Wiro.IrllthP "'heu hili bmlll 1\';111 IIn-.lllclng lin 111111•. Tllc IlIlIIlJcr I~ too J:tltluuy ""II \\'III('!I 1~11l1H1. Tile lfllllll.lll)' with II rIIll- &-tove_, B.an...e.,'-Tell)'''II",III:I I'lallllll1('1' wllh .\Ulllkll.·· rf'!llllflU~fllr lilt! onlltmrr II"" 01 l'UII-l'" IInln( fIW.t100 1.:1\"1' !'Ol\' .:m:un:u lilt! J'(·)U"'tI. IIOS~;. 1HON"flll LI':ADIhe millellt "Iille population 0(1111 lerrl- ImUdlng nUtI fllrllltul·ti IIIU1l11l,l(. If If:ohl 1let.'t.'S.otIlry hlllltllll,llfil rur "~lrr}'IIlr: 011 1116 PII'.:. OAS'I" 'I'INS.:I)

:::~I;~~~ew~~ h~t '~;II~:. ~~~ ~~"~:~~~: :::t1:li\;:~~ll:;;;~~a;I~~7.:;c"'1(l:.lIlt·~~':I~~I.:~ll:: :::!:::;~I~::.II1~~~;II·I~le:~·tJ~;:~itl,llllr;:~;I~\~I:~~Or..~~:~.~.A~ 21,

(Darwin mhllRlt II!;alder. Alrtllkn 'I'1'rr·'·' 1);1" In work. 'fhe rt'f'<'IrtCt"1 "'Inch gObl 1gh'c CIlIpl"y'"f>rlt lor AI..ltlt :.tOO IIII'll Ilur.t'll 11111 ooaJl, 701Jl1'e~ to tho llurtllwurd or jll1ll11'>o ..... IInl III A111Cklint IIIL hut 011 Ihe, hl'1' ll1f' ~Il.hll/\lt 4':1.0011. .\-Itlt! (1OO1Il thl. House Furnishing Hardware.Wrlillfl) 36 meu l plAt.-er golll mhlllll( ullli 1l'i11l.IIIC rl\'cr, III Hrlthll COllllllblli. ,. '.·lIe II'll '1Jt'r)' Ilt nl:l\'1111k, fltlUlher Ii tu be P01.t 'l'OWDsond

lw. '1".

_,_'" I" II·.. \,', I·.. \\ 1",,' I.:"..rll"'· !.!. I.", • I" I 1,,1.'

"I..... Hut "I~ 'I II 1"1'" Ir (-'ri•• li'll1...1• 1_1... I,,,"t ,,111·1 1'1"" ~ .. I I" I, ,11Il!,I..' .111' I" I., 1,0111.; 11"'11 Ill II,,· liltloI I' ."...,. t .. 1t ....IIII II•. ,111,,··I ..f II ... Ihl'


A,.\ TUtnl,\1tLA t l'lll'::b"'rlll

Jilt""llI. i\,~"'K>I.

Port TOtC1lsend.


c. D, tll ....U.F.,

Gilmore & Co.,629 Fat.WASHINCTON. D.C

WILL PltAC'I'I";E m:FOltl-: 'I'II~;

flrnernl f.nllli Ofll ...~,. nlllCt' ..{ bllllnll Af·r..I"". 1~1);lrtl1ll'lIt or 11M' l..t'·~lnr. 11...C"lIrt (lr Chllill • lint! L;1l1r, II • t Ill"" !'tn·Ill't'lllt' ('Ollrl, t,;lalrll. nr .11 Lil,ll. IIrr.lllj{!llliler 1:lw~ lClU"'rllillJt tlMl ,1i"p"·,,I,,( I·nl..II,' l:lml. or tlill luijl1"IJlII'IlI "f rrrl,dl.!'tllll.ul,h. IIl1tl llt'xll~lIl 2",1"'••), Illl','rIlrh'lIIl~ IAllIl cJ,.hll~. :"l1'll't'\,,1 MII,,"I1"11j:l"'l'll tn I~I~ hU'nl"llIll lit ... 'tl ;!.lIlltImlll~ IUlII llllllhl~ d:111I1~. 1.:,,"1 """r_",uv /)'1.1 IIUlll -"rlr 1.1111111:111 1',,_11 1'11',1(,., Ilnlllll''''' 11.111111011 hlllll..-11'111 r'lo:hl·..... ·1111 ~r:IIlIl\ 'lit clnlllAr flf hl~IIlIC,\nll,l,

TI1I"1'1' ~1:lIlIII" 11l11ll\'- 1,,"IIlW" J( .""n "'·'lIItfull ~t Orb~Il11Ii~ Illllllr.4Mlt,·I"".



WIIiSIOR,'-'"'-\~~ '\\\l;.GRAND PRIZE••_ANO_


AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE.1\1 competitors receivin( only an awafd (or lome ,peel., feature of their mJchi_

The World·remed WiIslm Shnttle Setin( lachineau UllllmUI' C.,.dlJ" '.IJI ~II" or '''Ill 111' aDd llaauft.clurlll"

" ITS PiTE~l' iUT01.lTlC "CUT OfFO' Oft Ute d ",He! pn'tllu the ...ehlae from nlllllas MeD'aris, ..4 oll'lateI tM .eMIIltT of talar Ole workfrom the maehlae to wlat tIlrMd oa tile blbblDJ, "JdeIl.ut be dODe wlUl anetlae:r 8e'ft'inr .lCb1DftJ to tile IIft&t ....,uee .t Ute epuat.r, apedall,latutklDr, IlfmmlDr and nafllDr_ U. don oDe-tlInl ••re werk Ia. rI,tIlltqtkClf time tban 01 otbtr 8e"mr aadllae.1I'JTII EVERY 1I0TIO! dille FOOT tile IUCIIIlIE IUDS 81X ST1TCIIE8.

, fAn•• KloChwnUl 40 IIIlW lilt lud'1 u fnr oIUI ....1I ......1na •••p«W Lodnelltu to uelll ..mulnW DiItelJo. Boot Isfurnllbe4 with eatb ...~

I IT CAJfMOT GIt Oln' 0' OlDlII, QD T1tI aD,lorrwnn afll AUOt8TILT nulCt.A ,,,,.,Iy ....ato4 Ctrlil.... Ie 1...1.104 ,,11Il _ ...11.1, raarulooial

It. keep it I. re,air, fret .t dlllPl f.r lve Jean. 1.1 Id •• eM'I......1P'1."~ ui dollmN, !no .1 Wrp, II uy Ilell Depella 1MtJD.lte4 Statel wbere we ~"••0 .qe.tI.

.... Ior m.....Mll 0......... __£patll w..telFop rowt ~r1lcuJ.~ .clcl~ ,

WILlOW UWDIO 1U0IIDIJ: co.In I"".". :IfDW YO~ lew OiJ.BU~L.l.t OKI<a~ u.L.,_urpuro~OJ,L.

C. O. BAH'1'L~.;'1''1'.A~"ut.


@""Though the e ~ra('hincs huebt>en greatly rcducl.."l1 in p,.jc!:~. tile Quality will he ~rahI1"lnt"(1 at It!!Highe" S.."d.,d. The Public is Cautioned Against Illlyillg

ImitaticlI Marbin p !" which are alwa)'1 mll.de ill a veri in(~riur manner,8ml Art sold b~' ir:e'P?"siblo partie, whose guarallteel are worthless.

AI! Genuill6 SINGER Machme8 are IOld through authorizcd Ap;entl8t II. lei'" price than any uther aoOO machinell can be lolt! (ur, allCl 11.1·

ways Lear the patent~d THADE MARK aUll the name o( l'b~ SingerCompllny distinctly printed on the Arm O( the mllchine.~~lachilleB Bold on note and lease plan, Itnd a Iiboral dilCount. made

(or Ca.h.

J. P. Peterson, AGENT,


U. S. :Marine Hospital.

A.. ~;rH~~N,~ 1~li~.~I.(::~ 1~~,II~flnllll'~~l1~~\~'~~1I1.t hIll I\rlr~"-"Ilfh"l ("f lI,hllt"", IOll,is entitledlolh"'lllhIINI!a,r,

PIU·t ~J~IJ"I\'n"'clld JlolJ1,ltnl.Tlwnho,., 11l~llllIl"'" hll\'lrt llI!tlo t'tlll"etl

011 II p'llIllllll'1ll I'~ltlnlt•• ~ Ihe I nlll'lI~,II~~~~ ~"II:~~I:lt~~,. '!~~lI'~:,I:~,~I~.~'~J~~~~lI~~

I~llIr:~'~:~I~~il:IIlII:::tol~~e~~~"~'f1or'h:JlI~~:Itlllllntlt't'\tI\"lllelll'!: II( ,wlvlIl~I",'I,·nt~.

Thl.. l~ 11... htr.cc..1 H,·r... r.r.J 1I....I'lIul northor "' ~'n\n"'",-.. ,.•1111 I,)' fU' III" mn,;1 ~ot\m·

r~~ll~~~: ~~l:III~~I;;:~~; 1~:11'~~'''11~~~.n~l;:;i~~~'~Imn~ 1..,-'Omm(Mllirloll~ lor 'lhoUI one h.. nllrntl I....llenl~ lin' I IU1I ...."'.liIorl)· .tllllllt..1lnr \11_ nlll'IJrllllC IIl1' mH'" '''''''(lll 1,.,..,·UII'nl I~rtll l"IIl~lunl IlIlt"nl••l'Irl AI 1111111 .....1fll"'"~' 1 I"..., who 'k~l", Ih"'l" 1II1J1 beurlll.ll,·1 ...1111 IUWl\I' "lI,nl'" eOlln'hef'!,n,t.. "n I ,11",lInel,:tot ;l. ,,11<c'bt .aLllllu""l0011.

t#"1'l!i' Allenllno 01 )1111 0""1''',11111:::~CII~'I~:~'~~~~"~:: "~~IW::~::'.; ~';..~-:I~~~I~~.1011" .11..."ill' will h,' In..11't1 o"l~hltl Ih~11l"'I"llOlwllholll""''''n'l'lnth" l~""l.

'l'IIUlIAS T. MI;SllH. ~1. D"1l.llu,rlnlt ~lIn:Cl'''',

A Kansas poetl'S"oI wl';~hin$! 190jllIlIlUl:ll w.llls to 10 twiuer Ilk\! Il lit·til.' hird UII IOllle IUl10 Sltnay." l'h,'~'1l\1l!S1 h."" nw(ully stout IiprHylt mulhl"re. I (she W\lre here, it wUlllt1 ""rluire 1111 UIl"lllllllInn he.lth)' (ellce rllilhllHCVelltlUlIHISh up irslul t",itturllt..ltill it \'cry lil'ely,

""""'"''''''''''''''''''''Sn:II,At:-.KIM.-Tho "lmrnt. dis·trict" will !l1I11I1 he hllilt over IllC\\'..\1,. IIKrmllu Ilu Hln·.d)' l'IlIl.I... II·"a hOU!l6 111'1111 ilj ~Ir. \\'1·lIt-r IIIISItllueller IIlltll!r \'''.\,; ~Ir. \Vesthrclllki~ prl'Jlarill~ fllr a thirt..l; .illld I'IIlCU!I& Pack5rlwr IIXJhwt to hll\'A If, (IHIrth(huilt uf hrick ~1l'1 8tWII') h.;i.w!J lhllt'xflirittilill uf tlw pfCMent wllrleiu,2'~'"iOll. Propcrty is ill lll!llllJ.rlll, tlluoIlrNlU ar" in /lund COIltlit;OIl, gllr­Jells., fl ~IIOOUlill/l, KIlll IIJ(~ peuJllpIro hHIIPy as "",'f Illlli ~Iill hllpe(uluC a glcrsl. ("111ft,! for HleillluOlllll.

Tur. \\"Ilshilllllt:n cnrrelll'"fldent oftilt' ~;tll't.'Ill! City ",lnurll"I" SIJ811111tSi"lllltt.rGrO"'tlr 'ha!! pt"sf'lllp,ltu CUll/oCres", tIll! flf'litinll 1I{ C. II. \\'",,01·wlnl and uthers, o( PoJrtlltllll, IIsklll;:thllt thl! 'J'tmitory '!I( Alukll heIlttllch!:11 to tht,! 1)1'triCt o( Oreg"ll(IIr .lU1liciat VUq)flSCM, which wu re.ferred to the L:olllmittee nil JUllicillrv.~11'" I'et \Vashilllltoll 'l'erritnr ... 11.;­tllt·htld (llr puliliclil IIml conllll. 'r ... illl

\,ur/JUM:.ll, alII I OrcllOll will ollly uettll,h.lo anll Utah lCl make her intlo·

ptl~t1~llt o( the ,urruulltling ttlrri­IUrl1~S

Ff:oU lho Astorilt 1)lIlll'r it ill!t!lltntHI th..t Cape. ,I. W. Whitl", "ho1_ a.t prtlSell.t in ch..rl{e or thc lire.!la\'1I11l ."nlce o( thill el\lISt i'Irrh'l"d\\"eolnclldIJ, all the (;pn. S. Elder,(rul1I Sun Francisco, .ilml ptllct'i'lh't..Ill~.mh, .\'85tenI1l1, on Iho IStelmer~ hOlllllli Corwill, in.tlllllill~ to "i itShnal"ater anti Nellll ha), 'llltinl1~.1I111ll'lacill/Z thelll in rpatlillelol (ur illl.Inelilntt:.' use. Duriull tllo IllUl1 "'{'('Iethe Thoma Corl... in, ulllicr CUmll11111rlof Lieul. Urllllll, hl1ll 1""IIClll!.\.'" Hut­IitallJ equipIRent8 fur Iho lift:.' Ililvill'"Iltatiml At Cape llillllllpuilltllll"llt, ItIlJl,rul\lI.red th, Iire·hoat for illllllellinte8flf\'ic(lj a lilr~1t I'Hrl. o( !the crow'hc.ill~theu emplo!I'.! (or fh·e dll.\·:I. 1'hl'lvllriolls. outfits lllld eljltiplll"IIIS Wl'rellture~ 11\ pl,nco aile! put III fClllJillPasfor IInllletllliltp USI', ""Ilhllt wilh IIprupcr ere", ill II (ew Illillutell. 11.11LOltt CIUI he 011 lun WilY to p"I'{I'nll'Illy hUlIlllllQ 8or\'itlll rf'quirod f.r IllJr.Thoro are tWI! nl' ~lerrYIlI'III'~ lifu'Illl\'illil l;uilS lilt Iho IIIHthm lUll! lJUlm'l'xljIJrill1Qlltill~ w,~s 1II1"ltl Wllh t helll,Cllpt, ~tephell Ihn'is i:lllt proSellt illcharg~ uf tht: litlltioll.


Till' fJrep;nn Ilepllbliean Con"p'I1'tlon lIlel. at Sllltlln, IllSt Wednest..lllt)",IIlId nominated II. K. Hillell, (ur CUll-

ESTlRl'l,Y PK.l.TICH.-)(,. Pick·et o( Tlcoma. uy. that the Iun'ey­ing part ... which le(t Tacuma. AomaCour weeki ago to luncl the P.ck·wood or Co.lill: Pa~ returued tothll1.lllace on t.he Illh insl., huillgcompleted their work. The !luneywal madf! much IOOner than "IS ex­pected. The plrty eneounteled lJut(e. difficulties, there MinI( little or110 Innw. It WaA estimlltcli that"ork would COlt t1tOO,but the latulllf'lptlllU hue (1lkn short u( 'GOO.Mr. Clarle i. flO" at "ork Ofl hill reoport, "hi"h it il said will he (afur·ILle to .Ie adoption of the CowlitzPIl' rou te (or a road.

CONDENSED ITEMS. I MISCElLANEOUS, I\f ••IIlIU~TO~. D.l'...\1)111 5. lSi:;. C"'l'T. Wm. Mnorc j" huildil1p: II • Thf' I: huzzard" dl11lar. i:oi tho 1~lest

III hi. !!C"l'rlll I.:lrUlI;h~lI ",Ilh t1~ IlltlU· !Helllller AI Victoria about the liize 01 lilt. It II do to CllrrlUll tlll:tlllee!l

11I'r- or' Ihe l!lI.nkhljl; Ami 1'lIrn'IlCT ('flm· the AUllie Stewart. Iwith.mllh.oe I'fi.~nll)·. St·...n'tu)' :-tlll"fm.i11 ha~ \1' I I) (' \. C Ih It i8 1~!!illr,illsr In he lIu'Ip"cl",,1n I 1 I

",1 \

"I " earn lll't r. I. • it mill, h I '1 II' I"~ rIe lie 11l11l'\,,"!11Il III 1C11r1:1)' Il)rotlJ;l· ~ I r ,. 1 'II I I t lit It. >lIHy ll.-:er P;4UIS III

1)' t1l1lkl ....lltlllli Ihe INlft R!ilglled him In orOllr 1 n till P ace, "I II lOll 'J I vrcmo"e 10 Coupeville, IshllHI Count,.. II or.. . r ' I

lllf' mauRjE\llllflut 01 ollr 11111'11\.,\"'. The • .."" No., IS the tllne or sprllll' (' t!,U1.lIl~t hllwrljtib'e !1olh'er cxtI'Cmi,t, tlw. O~ the I;jth, golll In New \~rk ill~" if you 1I....e not got a spring,IIIMt r:&U1I)ft:lt 11ll1MlIolll~t, the mo~t llltm declined to 100" the lowflst p'Hllt clean out your wea.Alh·UC'..l(t! Ilr Ihe ~ltlgle gold t:au.l:lnI A/wi touched linee the premium be&;lI.ll 17 A larfe numbt'lr o( Ilairics buethe m(}lt hlucr Il.'lnl :til ot thllt Commit- years ago. heen startftd in the Arahian de!!crl.1t,.~.!O r>lr IU )'l'l. hell"l from, 4t1nlltlll01 to TUK cout IlIr\'''Y party, untll"r DrOlue.lar'es. (OrigiuII.)l1a\"f~ :lhO"lI hil1l~lItlM! I»,~r 1)1 ""011- C C '11 b' kllpt, • I~tts, WI 50:111 e~ln "nt, Go \Vest young women, TheIlerrlll re!Ull~ b)' hl~ prompt :!11K' ellix- l1ear Stella{'()('Im: Cl.pt. 1.....5011 '[populalion o( Ari;luna i, in the pro.tl\'tl I~IIOII-e.a to thecatedJl~r"l. Tht'IIILe summer work Will be all tbe lower 1)I,rtion of one ,,,olllen to (our mell.followed h)' the Secretllr1 III elllclll:ltlllg Souml. Authors o( 8prin'" P""Y' arc rei'his mC111Ol1.t lor rcachlulC ~ltnllltlOfl At ..the tllll~ lJejlgrllual b}' IRtY, "':1,_ nb )llt the TilE Portlanll pIpers fleclar. the pert~ully rf'4m~stet..l to write upun1U1ie au Ihlll.nllhen.'li to ~Iore tile ~n:.tc lIew 8tellmt>r built hy rhe Ore(loll neither .ide of the paper tbey scnll

Steam Navi~ation COlllpany to be us."'llIall~"6 Commlth.'U 1\ (ey,' 11:IY~ agn. lIu I I

the "the tineAl. stern W lee steamer Th. mul. w,'11 h••·• to look to hist'XI)te'"-~'tl hlm"Cll aJl'Olltlllent tllat If Coll-. I II6(1'C!ll \\'Dultl provltlc I rcYI!IIIM! orf.5O,OOO,- III t \I worl .n Ilurel!l. A Ne.... Yorle 1Il11l1 WitS

000. we conlil. IICIOIllI a IloulJt. resUlIlC Ax accillell1. 10 the train ocourretl kicked to death by • WOlnell IllSt~1)l.,..Il! IJ")'llltmt .hulll:lry I. l~j!l. with the ntar Teninll,. (ew l.Iays ago, "hflre' week.",~)Ill 011 hllmlill thu 'I'rcnll.11ry au,1 ~l\lIOlllil by the 10,)llInoti", Alld two or three All elohnnlte "ants 10 know how1I1111k!!. 'I'hu ~llur,,1 elli:i:t of lilli illlt-r- elm. "'erc tlltch&t1, l'ut 110 grelltt dlllU' to keep lIn umbrella. Th.t ;III't. hlrddUI1I~~orvlcwsUct,...t.'t!IlIIII,:it.'Cn.'tKr}'l\lltl tiRe ''''111 don.. to do. Break 1111 the ril,ls, leI thot'lnruldlll COlllllllltt:t'~ lJfCOIII;"·'~"l.."ClIl~ to I IJISlIol' Morrill rl"ocntl v 8olemn!.\' co"'er become flldf'tl, anll punch holl"!!Ilil\'C lll..~'11 (0 cllililll(.~ t'nllllt1cllI'C III thl' dcpo~efi the He\·. lieD. Ullrtoll (rom I1I1 over it. Then ~·o I can't gi\'t,l It"l'cot'llt .iltllllllll-tr:ulull oC Ollr 'I're:l;,lIry tho Itlilli~tr>" ill ll('c(Jfllltl1t~tl wilh Ill/' awa~·.lIt'pKrtlllenf. c'lIloni(·ul rl"qllitl'lIHHrt~ of tollo Pro h Politelless crlsts lh\lhiu,!!'," hilt it

'I'lll! Ila;gllg:o or Ululr',!! I't..'~(llnlloll lnokill:; teslcnl Epiljcllilal Church. is IlOt expectct.l tlilit ~'uu will wu ke 'I

10~'f,IIIL)'l'~'llt\'()1111ll.lIl'yr'I'tll'tJlll(Jtltlr'Olll J\f.l.IIIlII-:JI.-t\t til" II"n~f' ..{ tlJr' IlHlII.ilt ruidrdJ,(ht touk pcrlllissil lll In

I ""II " 111111 11 I I ' "0 tl:roll!!h hi!l hell hOllsu. It istllJ l.tJ IJll'tJ lim ((lot I ~ II IICC 11 hrlile'll ruurml!'l, Apl'i1 11/, 187rl. 1)\· ~ ..•, ""II I I r . more courteous to let hilll CIIJ'"y his• r, ItCll.t::lUilC..'4unttl\'t:lllll'lllll·O ex· He\', \V. I. Cosper. MI', Arull'ttNdtellluul, 'i4'II" tlUI !Jll !':t:1I hert:. (Jerlalll- Smith Itnt! Miu Ar1I4ill M, ~f ".!\lalf. neetled rl'puse.I,v llllUl)' locul Ol~UI'rell\.'Cll llurillj! the~· buth o( ChohlltJi, CoulltV, \\" '1'. \\' hat a 1;1~!I!!ill~ tho pholl(lgmph~IUll hll\'U 11:111 n f:lr .:,,'oI.ll'r ,,-,Iulul UIllll t:1~ )(r, C. 'VOOII lUI Oh;.. ''''I,tl~lIIRIl will be to cllitllrs! '1'ho Imrt:1i callf,cllll polltlt::l.ldn:lt:-~, It 1~ 1"i'llllrlell(,r' lI I \1 (. 1$:.11 'lilipril{htilltuthAphono,:lraphruolll,,Mnrl·lallll'. Atlotl,cj·..(;t!l1e,al. th:lt he:tu "I SllProrae, ' "Q' ~..'11,,,.1,'" I' IlIlry I" I I d . hi' IRJ=crlt IJ 1 Ie UlfUll1 t III IItIlS til' ll.fH pel. Wit t It,l Ill!llrlllllll!fltl:lr nil(

Ikl')<Itc!I no 111l1l1~lIilltl"::lll"'f hli ,;ervka~ I.tt~r hl\'irw Il'lldcrllll hi" rl'si~lIl1' tilt! elJitor ClllI ,s:rrifld it all out Mfter·to 111l-h the IJI"Ol.'tl"tl1uKi llUlhorh;t.~1 by til" tion o( the !)u3itlull liev~rll.l Illllllths wIHt.I:t-i( htt Willits ttl.1.1·J.!I~':llUl't" lit: 8:1.\'.1 11I1tt firsl. or nil ago. "Duns !nur listf'r Alll1;O e ... l"r lay('on6(l'\'tI~ Ulll~1 l)ol~'§ l\ I:IW "clure 111'O\.~"C\I, "n~,thin,l: abuul 1llP. siuy?" ask~d anItl'" l'lIJl hu 11I~lllIItetl, tll~'ll. shoul\! tilt' 8'•.\I.J. nrns.~ n( \\"llllll.\V1111." hll.vo

" I I I I" 1 r i'I11xitlllli lo\'cr U( lI.litde "ir!. "rl!!I,"l'O"illlttllt It:(lloU 111~ t\~;;Clll. tllutw'l'-tlllnl~ U''lllllll t Hl slc"rll Iud ."1 Irt 1\V,·~t n ..c·.... '." /"'1 r ' "'as tile ml'l!; U she said i( y"u lultlvme n.~I"II't~lto ...'l Ito,'tlr a ,'cIO I~ 1101 ,,'Ipt. "IUII.ljI, IliI"lll;! ~'. '." (I "f.H, k1- II I , " k I I ".'C (Of!! Ull ynur Iho~s thtty'tJ 1ll.lktt Ii.lIa.;III'1)I', AlItI the Iloubt hlll)11etl "'em- It,l 11111 WI lila,': Ir.tJ~ rUllIl1 trl.p~ d- k I U II , L nice crlt Ie (or my dolL")t1'1l1'r:III}' ImmJ alllrlllg all sh:w cr 1M1. It wei'· j~twdwn IIUi.1 11 ,lilt ~WI'"

1111{'tllllrefc~lIl'lIK're.ll.lltllO31ll11ly jll-tl- ton. 0 .. the 6th and 7th iUSIIUI18, IIH'rclIed h}' the c1rl·lIln~.llte!l. A Tl;"T o( 'fllcom'l I' \:11. m'ltll'l at IHrlVI~d ill hl1l1 F'rllneiscfl frl)lll Pultet

'111t riglltaMtUueol b.v I~:ld ,f bllrt:lII1::1 the 6htlp~ o{ Ih., C~IlI",1 P..cili~ Bllil !iuuII,I, fi ... e \'tlS t'ls with 3,Ut'W,OOIlollhe *-,veral f'xt't.'tltl,u l.Iell:lrtlLleuli h..re. rnall L:1IlllIlAIl\', at l')ICrlllllcutll, WI'! (C(,t fl( lumbl!r, (j 15,000 htth .., KIIII :.It

r I . r I .i1}IIt~Sj bhides tWII olher h.,li:. luaded10 dellAr IIUOr11e,\' lrom 1)I'll.i1klu" bo,ftJrt. ucr tlet.v 1I11t:Jj Iwter,. I WII prn• I I I .... ilh lumber and oue IURlluJ withIheul. WI" lIublu to ..~:u IlhuM'. llwl ha~ nUUlu'e· t"quil to allY e,llI u~ed ill" I I co:11 , Ihcir lunollllt not kllo",n.110 drmht onrn beell enn:I.....~1 III lUI Oil, t It' ~ wps.1'1'(....' ...0 way W Ilr:Hllr IM'NllIal l'llllt" BI~Il()I' ~Iorril Ami R ..... C. n:IUllllll"t"judlt'l"ol. A 1.1111 "",",,'lItly lrllrotlll~"'11 Bmllu~1I ",ill snortl" I... l'e f"r I-:ulUlU Ihe ScnrJte llNhlhlt~ !'Ildt l1~llell~lou. rllp<', to rf'pr"lo"ut tile Ejli"enplll .'IillIImll Llle l'lUlo(! hili h'\\"C lJL"'l1 r(llly 111:."' ..i"uMr:r .1 uri:.t1i,·lioll II( I Jf"'~tlll 1I1ltllltlhre Ihc ,\uoruf},.ocncr41 H~'(II\II11g: III ''v"a.,hill~tclII ill a ~rltlJtJ g.thering- tlllite IUliJI nlll"" of l:tw aut! jIKII.:IIllllrtll'\.'f"II, Lc held ill }o;Il/{llIllt..I,Ill)t~. Al,,,,,lIult to tlltl Icrm~ or Iltl' hili '\'oOl,llrnwtl'rs o( Pitrce elllll.t\'.:11t: ,-,l!cmIlM/( IHIT'l.·llllllC'iltl will btl ~ubjl'Cl \\'. T., 1If'lt..I", Inl't·till~ Ih~ other II~\'

10 II flue nrllot le!I;c 111:111 "1.000. /lor mon' ~t Hillhnrllt 8l.li,\n, lItid "PIM,iutt'll ~I

thllll t5,OOOlllllllmlJrliOlllllclit III the IW!IlI. cofnlllilleO tit otTcr th ·ir 1\'0111 to pur,tcuthtry ror a t.errn varIhlg frOlIl fll1~ chaStlr!t ill PMth1.ll11 nr S"n F'rlll1ciSCtl,1m II 10 two l~"f'I. All "tt.rlnll·1' hl.'n·t,,· Thllir elip will IItl 75,000 p(lurrtJ".

loro 811~1)C1l11~1 wlthont llllC Irlnl allil 011- Ulllir'!1 re!Olulioll tn nll,l PrellilJunll'0rllll1ily rortler... l1.ocAI"(' re.otorel1. lIlL)'ell h.s lllinl'll til" ~1"r ... IKfIll St.",

'rilere WIlI.!Illllrlvtlte mcclllljt or the 'il!l! lito 1l0l1 0111,\' Itwliu tlltt Grn'Cfunr'i1J.!l1nttl" Inuhkllllg lIlclllber~ or lh~ 0111 ll;,Il"natllr". If the Vll\'ertlilf '/llli! it,(;ollKl'I'ulollnlltolll1hlll'lll1 COlllmlllcc'Rlul 11,,)'1'11 "ill ha"e III tfl,I, 11.1111 tllf'C)fthu IJI'\'llel1t HertlbJ1'~llI I-:xcclltlvo Com- .'treat S'ufe o( ~rllryhllltl Ifill hu\'t"mittCt'. 'l'hlll'iillllY e\'tllllllg. lit tho ollke or slIl'etl the courltrJ'!~Ir. Gnrhlllll, ~'('relltrV of 1110 ~llRW. I' Inell, 1.0'""11 11re8lllln.~. 'I'hd OIIJl'Ct I_ T 18 rf'rnrtf'~ lhllt the", ".re (rmn"" two 10 tlltlle IhnUlllll1d Imh"l1l1 1111

~lnlcel.tn hMe 1l(,'C11 J\ thoroulth rt~or/otl\lll- Tullllil) re/wfv.t;oll, Ilclllw 8"11111,.,7JltlOll ill vlcw of tho l'OlI1hl lC COlllo:n'~- \... 110, illluelid lIe elltinj? Ihe c1IUIH II{,1011111 t'lectl11ll~. al1lllt hI' as~rLt,.'11 tll:ll. III idlerwSit as heretn(nre, are hflillllthe fl1!t Irllon'hall)t:e or olllnlClllllllllllly of tnu,l{ht to eat thtt brf"lIllo( irHlulIlrIhe t·rc.~ltlellr. nlll)ollltmellbll.'l&l1le hi for .ilccurdil1Jf Itl thll Icripturllllllill. yH:\'ero l'OlIIl1Ieut. ".

The vote 011 lll'Clllrlllll Polli', Itlll\... VA- \\ ITII lJllrtlAI r~lllrfls (IOI~ llH'lft ,,(~'allt 'I'll )'eR9 l:!O, Ill)'i1 IIr" the. Snlliltl Ouulltrl~s l" lIl1u uh IS kllOWII

t" Insurc Iho tlf"ctlon lIe Gf!(lr~ .. lrulJas Gould ', .fTurtlllll_ leAller of the rllll- Gill11urol, Republlcl." CllllllltJlll1'1I (rmll

l'IlIlIl lobby to InllmhhUt' AmI IMIlI·doze the the Territnry Ilt IlIrllll. nut the~tmlte, II re-4l'lhl¥, e\,itlcully. In IK'1i A eonlf!!lt hetw"cll Ehlrillge autJ Gtlr.~'ay a 10 l!m:lllcipate Ih:lt bl:d1 (rom Ill'! rish is Itill in dOllbt.l,..orn1llt Illnllenl't'l,urrumhUna: ItlD lUI n· .Itllt thllt ",oult! nOI hll\'., been I1ltely hltll Tile drletl c1am~, ptf"l)llret..l II)' ~ttl.he .nJ hi, ,kl, ~1I. little lOOn! I,'\n"llhl- 1:I0"'M",I'1I £'lulIlllll'r Ur.w·r,IIIIt'·I· IIcen'I)at. Ksox. tOl;,ted .in 7.arH'I\·ille,. Ollio, IIlld the

"Cotltler" o{ that. CllY. alllill!". illI:lo",ill~ t~rmll to Iheir "nor, I... hiellit arlpears "a nnt ill thtt leul dlllll'a(etl by their long trip.

As opellln,c' has he~1l mall\! in theSka~it J'm whieh IIllowl oC lhe flU'a)le o( CII1OC:l, alltl loon as the lUI.

lIuIII (reshet occurs It willl'lf1lbahlvcause the "holo tna!! til II" rPtIlo\,ttd.The rh'er i "lll! o( tit" lillen ill IheTerritory, Illd "hell t1lill ohlllrllu!i"11ill rflmU"ed ",iU lLlllllit nr Illl\'i,:r<lliullhy stelmerl a diiitancd iuhmtl IICeighty miles.

So Car as we nue hCArd, t11f' rol.lo_inK gelltlemell hue heel! "II,(.tPt.lin ,lIe lSeveral l:OllllCil dislrict!: InJelferlUfl,l'tC., C. M. Brau!'IllIlw' IIIKinap, ctc., rcsult IItill ill dOllht'· illKill,l[, I.. U. A:lIlrtlwlSi ill Pil'n:o, ~I('.,n, U. Hl.tlllah; in Thuriltllll, elc,Erallcill I-J8I1ry; in COwlilZ, elc. reo

Il,rell'; O. O. l!L'oklllAlI l nf J~ek!oll Illlt ullkno\tll; ill L:l.rkl", e\l',: G.COllnty, (fir Govllrllnrj H. ~,~ar W. StflwKrclj ill WMlI" W"lIa, 0, I'.Ileart, Secretary. Otl.lt,r 1I0111lUlltllOnlll Llloy; olher tliatriChlllnt hellrll (mill,

1l0t/cllrllCu. In the judiuilllli.,triot!'l,C. II. Lura'• - beft Illld n. ~'. nelllliltlll hl\J 110 ufl'

WM. fll. T ..... eed cli.d in his room inlPo,itiOllllllld are. o( UOllrl'l(', olected.the Ludlow Itruet jllil, New Vurk, I n ~he liMit t..Ii!lrict \It'tl hue llot hellrdal the 12th illlit. tht) rClult.


0"" .

Potatoes01·' 'l'ln;


At lhe my Lowesl Rales, for Cash.Port Townsend.


T. B. Jayne,Co••land. leland Co. W T

err TIl(!!le Illlt.t.lt~ lire nil nr Ill)'groWlllg. ft\JUl tlltlllCCll rC\.'Ct\·L11.


"r. 'I"•



Blacksmith, Wheelwright

II" '''III. ':"1." IS 1U ':'IIIUII\'I1'I.

EDITORI\l NOTE),~1't:I·I.\I. l'IIIlIl!-::\I't1'Ut:,\,j'I·:. 1""11f' ,'~t""III\' (,}l:uwltl;: :I11flll,,'t"_wc l OLY~P:I:A.

-- 1111\ It"! ",,·IIII,IIII'.lrO(IoUIIIC nlhl Wl':llhct UNION A\',. '''1:1 \. \', I.. H. I',..\plll :.!~. I";". Irllllll~'llg "lIr -11..1'\.'';, eADEM Y

.•EI'lT."a .\L' .. ·~: _.\. lit'., 1111. 11m., 1\ "Hul: 1'1'-"111 111111.'111,)1", ~.h:ltltm' n Lrl!::htef, " , ,•

• - • "1I1ll-' 1)'11 ;",,! ,,' K' .. 1·"IIlI,my.1Il·lth 1\, II lI'rlll \ I \ I,'l"rll :1 1'1<~:""11 hlllo· ..11,\'. :r,;" \\ lit Il' rllllll"l' hIt till .. \\ lUll,' ~orlhctll .'011-.\ 111111 I";LI,1I:01 'I""k "I f 1O.1''''. ,m.ll. ,I•• lm",II<I lur

I 111_11 IIll' llO~'I,Io··,r WlI'hl'IlU"n l\'rrlh,r)' II":II Ilo",I"~'-·"llll',l"IlI'.I'II.\·l"-I'..a!o "~ ".1 II,,· ",',,1,1 ~I II',· I •.. ·to IM'II"r I,..... "I' :11".' -",'11 III III,· l'l.'rl:lllll,Y ,jr the .1"\'1'10\1. \lIl1ll'~l'" rOll' ,·,hlmll<>1' I" 111"'" 'onlll'·I1...... '

I I II II I 'IIItl·tr·lll.11 I 1.1 I I I I] I ·llIhn'"IIII'·IIIII"'II...II" \,'U,Io,ltlh"lIl1!llIh:h~Ir. ~1. "'. B.llI. dl" r;"I'I·lltl.l· :11'- :llIlllh"r ,1"lllrllllertl He till! ....:.lIurco=. 111<11'·· I' '~I'IU • r \.... It I II ' lilt IlllllII ,\,11" Il~ " I IC '1"'11'1, ,~):I" 11 ... h,.,I_.IM.\,I,·. lit" "n'I"I""'::::,m'n,lI) I""'"ht

l'''UlI''.1 t' ,,11"1'11 ,I' "r ('11 ,I I'III" l+ 'I' Ilf IHI r ,'. '11111 r.\·. II .. , ,j' .1' :tIlll •·..11111 r\'. '1'1 .. , I"~ '1'10' III'" 'IIIII\M'. 1111+1 III .\11·1..,1-111,' IlIuhll'l}'lrl): hi.;:::: '-;':I;::~~" i~ ~\',~i~:,': II~:';,: .;t::~I~)·lll'l"'1:rl.\111 ..1\.1. i.. "i.IWI'lI',1 I" !!I'I Ihcll' -\I II'" U_lltWII:" .'11' ,,\ \1;1:11:,..; .11\',.' tid III,,:,: IIkl' "llr ..'llI-\·.lI..·I.... 'I·I,· :111,1 ,·xI"u·I,11I of 11·Ilt'tl,·.. :a1"1I;:' tlM'lr "10'011 •. 017.: \".,1"",10'. l.nlllllllllr 111..1 1'1'1.

I • I II ~ I II I \\ ~.llh • hi"11111""11 1 I I . IIIl1r,.11II'llllll'II.II"'e.\I"···"·IIVI_"~1"1I111IU.Il 10'111 I Ilw Illltl,IlI,,,rnl''lil 1I1t11l1 I. '1 I' \\'11 " (> .\.,.. 'n I .... " .... 1' I.. :.." - , \"I~I·.:Ill' "I IO'rll\'11t·lllt·ll.n ..••. 1.·•• ··11,'1111' Ihllw·tJ:m'h'.lu ro'luL'f.m!o'f·

('xI_I:llIlbe ~"Ulllfili. I .Il~' II. hl~llu.. ,'r tlll'IIl.allllll" ,'11111_,.. ,1111 :llli 4'",,1,1 ml\,'IlIIII'l· .... III.\\;I-1.:t. ,1111\' 1,'1\(-' lu··lflll .1'1'1"11 1·~lIl11hlUll.'n~ hll,n'\'lolI~Ih' II "ri"IlI," It'll/'r ,lal.,.1 rll FI If! 11II,I.t \111 "Iua 1'1 \'(-'rol --1I11 l'u'::011 :"" 'uud II llflllmlil i,· ... :t 1l~1".~II 'Ii"" 1",~I"lI>lll 11111;:. I. III 1111' ..11.1\\ III fl"-'ll'l:lltJtl. :tIll.l 1:IIt..1I1r. ~~:~!~i:" 11II~.erlllll ... ,,,,r • "111. "I 'IUC·tIOiI"

. , ,\., , . Ba~lIi ,,,,01 II .. C "1II11lll'r rl\"I~ IllIw, I r' \ C f S"·IItIlU"!. Ala~"'II. 1111 I II' .t I III~I.. . ., .• I .'llIIy \1" "'I", 1,,1\, \,·r." "I I "'·X... ~. Ill.:' I'" III :llf,lnl,.llhl" d.I". flf 1lII'1'lturl;llI~ our8e 0 tUdy"n.' 1"111'11 11,:ltlllt' 1II;I1I'r-II:1I1 :111 ::"nl\.· 11Il: IIItu 11."' :,":II--Idl. uf "'(III1'h l'Iol\'1' \\'-Irll. ~Ill'.k\· al'IM·lr.uII\·. ,·,'tllr ....I'1 Ihl 1"'11,,1•.• h\' Ih,·li,I\'·r1II1l ... "t or 1111 .. .I·rn\· C \,)L'\'I n

, 'k' . IIlt,:dmu 111,1,· lIlll'I'II"" It _1,""11 " A. I·•• C EP.\lfI'.\IEXT.fwm tll:lt ,,1:1"''''' "l' tiC :"It '11\,--, rl\l'r. .••• '. .I,,"!II to\· ·1111 .. ::" :ll'tllllld l'IIIlP I n~ pI'''' hl",,·.lhll Inrll..r\· uf Ilc C. ~ .• \\'lllI~1 t· Jl'1I 1'1' \Ilt" F\ II I

IW"I,.IIIII" )1, It) .It 11,0:. llvt'r.I!.:llI~ I '. l """"""""""'0""".;,'.',",',',',"."; us~.. • \\. I. It I-II ." I-I "I', I " I \1lt1 .... I1UII.I}' III 1:'.111.\' ,II~'''. II III Illy II·-·I·'"llIllCl'''''IIon.~1 .1.1\11 flfOo<~IClI. :\ut:1II,,' n'\"'IHIH t·ul.cr 111" I ""ldl·I.1 I~ le\'~lIl") I W:O'1Ultlil _ .

"\IWlI; 1Il. , B. C. f"r -\In ..k:l. 1'" tli"\ :r'IoIt;l!cd \:1'1\11\. j .. Ihr",' Jl'.llliltll" "I \",,'1· 1110' 11l~: I.Io,L_ Ilkl' nil .\HlI'rll~lIl .. ,I .. m. \\l' lllC h,lli. I,:l·.;j,!" wllhout Ihl~ "I~'''T 1'11:\11. :011"'1,,,,, \":.",.

". \\'. \\. t· \1 It: ·i ..1 I "1'" k" I I,mll. hllr 111)"\ Ill;: I",/,r"\"""'ltl' :l1l11! I i'1\IIlIIIU'1l1 n'lI'''''rlll'' III ilOlUC f.)rIlI or l.nlht ',"111I111.11'. IBl IJ~IIIII IIn\1l11l1l1r. ,-',),lh IlJ. Ill. ,.. llrrll'·l'l·\: t1"lIllr~ '" "CIIIHIlI ~ltllll)lIlllt . . I .. :'\1.llInlllll·I,If')·. 1,1.-clol.n"lllIlilr.

. '" I ,. • 'l'r"lI un' n·lllrt. I ' . "I' I' . I " , ' ' " I I'lh lit·;......·• III :I,ll Ill'" ..I .1I1~ 01 HIli"!' \\ "'11 nlhl'r.m tlI'lhl :tl.1 tn l·ull·rprl,;l·Hlr!!UI\l.l~1 1:1""10'111111')' ,\ll:l'I l l'1l. l'r1·..tf·-I·""l11l""11I'ieJo11"t'1l1 I' I I" ., ..... ,. t 10 .... 11 11111 11:1. Il' I Ie 1Il£'''. ...1'11" I I I I I I I I I I • Ilfl"",,'I,' .\1...10'111111_"'1')"ll~"lIt. "'l'lll III' "" hl'r hi Illakl' 11I\ l·l'·II'nlll,. Cllllllu! i", iIlVt!",If'.1 ill IlIi ... 111_ 1'111111,"11'1" ". I I m· "."'~ :111' 1

1111'11.:11 "II. I" 1·...lII.'n·. IU')'IIl'd :11111 ,!t'\dolP 111" 1'0111\1- \tllllnll.hlllf....-'Il'l)·. III::::h .\I;.·lon.l. . 1"1

. . . ., ~ It 1t:1" lUi IlIl'xli ul-Ill>l,' ~Illll'h' 'll 1"11'1' II \. '1'111' t ~rlbJO "0'11 111'11. wllit'll IIIW' I'hl .1·~.'ln. Illlolh ,\rllhllte t, '-'Ili:!lIlh'118 p"'I'"r:ltor.. til "'I-,,'rtlll;: 011 ,II1Mr'l'. \,111\'11 1'Ic1tl~ IIr;:I' prolll:". . r. .. " 1I1.:h \l"Ilh"II'II'·.C1I) 1,'·tJlIlClr)·. III\1 .),;, Illl\tler~ ill JIeacllll. '1'1 {lrf'i rl 11f'1I;i&I1t1 i~ulllilUilCll t"~. 11,"" ,,·.tIl'l·. t~lll.llId...lln 11\111 plll\'~ rrnlll IIIrlH'tI'Il11lhl'1r 1I111l101l .. of ;:"1\11. bllt fi,,· 1~11\.1 .. I'l'~"IIlII,h)••.Io·"It·1I1"n· \"lron'DIY

: Ill! I I~ 1'\ ~ I~. \ I II, ~.w Elk .i.'lkl·. :a 11l~1a111~' or ",'\','11 lIIih'~: ).:11" :l •• I.ltlll'~' 11"rh·t'l..l fro", the 100\"'I1I'III'lIt t.llo:h-h lonlllllllllr. t.1I8'll~h Hnllllllwr. IIIo I \ - • f 11"'!l1f am!'r Cnl· Pf'CI:l 'I' III l".. II!! 11TH, II., 1111•• C f' I 1 f I I I'll I TIIIKIl 'KAII. .·!!tltT" VlC"I/'• ". 11(-' ll:-t Irlll

OI. . 11 FOr \'mk ~Ild :\lI~lrHlill. Thi~ i~ II 1II0:lt wurk": lee "'1011 "-Olll'" Ill' 11I.1 11).:"1 \\'''11101 h:n'I' 10000'u llIll.:nowll 10 Ihl .. Ihr· 1.ln.,..·....... I....IIII'lIIl.n.1J ..Il'IIrl".. U'Iet\

,r"rlii/\ tH.. :\ 11I",,"1I. It MIss }o\l' II~~- Iwlilt\hle lI11dNllikill!!. rl"luirin!l II lor wllkh \\ 0111,1 IJi.' 111I ,\I'II'lllll'llt :llltll'I,.. I_\ TIlf' ':IIl'C Illay I"' tl:I\oI .. r(),IlIIIt'l·.I. l·u •.llr ';101:.11'" ..t.III:11I, 1.11). •\\tolll tn S,t),; .. , where "he \\IIIIlS"I,,1 I ., 'k'll it If) 1,11\' t'in': till I'Sh·II·I\·C I\hr.HI" 1\\'11 • , I ... II 1'.1' '1< \11 11'1' II, .. " .. l..llon,lc..... IIl·....ltlll"·.

I. 1\' I' mO,ICrlItl'lI1l101ltlt or Cltl'llll lUll i" I . ,. ,1 .Ull III l~r _'" II riC •• I. II \m,h".. I_. :\lo'lII"nlhllln

llli5"iltnnr~ Bral)' III estlt 11:-lll1~ II "" • • f hilh"rtll n.licllnll I~IIII.:". ""·JUI.llrl·"II;.:IIl'·': 11 1111·:11,....': sl·\·· w,,"I,I.I". IHlwl:IIIT\....... 11110 .\llt~\"ll T"rri. !\"ruulII llo'lIlI,·r. .:~·lh.IIt .. ·.. ',Ii.·hrl.l!I!An.'.' I ·!Lool aIHOII" Ihl' Ill' lecltrllll\ljt Irlll~ 1.11" r I· I' . 1I'i;l"I"""'·II·)'. \\111.'1,'11. (II)'

1tl1l'1'11I1I .lUll III ,. I' th",ir 11'0\'11 cllich' 1I."t hltdy the I'r:to, l'r;11 \."'1I111111,11,,"~ l.I '. HilI' lU'p 1.113; Il'lI I"lrr,II':-Irt'JII~1 11lI\\'. I.. l)nllo....·llo"I-a tl1all· ~1,· ..~III"'I,,". BUr\"')' ~l"nll 1'.lt·IlI'·. •

oIinliK III thut plnc~·,. M.r;1 1:1~1:;I\t:,);~ Ih.u hUll h.cl, 'illlitilllied of huyimr dlltl'l'!I"!4-t';qllhlc 01 .llllllA: nit 1110' 11I1·1t. "f'~\·:lr. tIr j.:I1I1IHl:lIl·rlli.1:I::" II: 11,1 \\~I"'I'!t- ~,I:I~!i'i:~::'I~I;1\ I'. ~.I.nlt'·lt;::~~II:~:"·llt-'ntlllru,rf'IInrtf't1 tu hu " II\A 1ll,1 I Ii.l fr lltl Ih,,'o Ii ·henllell willi Ilrl'l W,IIl"'11 111111 dliloln·lt III Ihc dl~·. II· ·101,· Illldlf,·llI"'I·""" '>II.lr.IIl".. "I. jll,l.dL'~ rrolll1I 1:"lllh,11t':'.'lIt1111)·. llo'''Io~o:)',

h wmkcr Great Al\ll lrOIlt reo ~ I I ~ l'I •• I " ,., ,... I 11l'11l1.. tr). 1.":1I~'.III'~ • I I ,. ",it IIII II t callillil 111111 tho pril'f' plli,1 w:II,,:<. {eX.....·I,1 HilI\' :Ull I It'll n ~11"ll' 1.1 whal 11,1·:lr.1I 1111111[""f 1,1" 11:11"11\' :111I1"klll"11 t \'· ... ·1 ..•.. 1111·011I''''.1111111 11",1 Ik'!" ,"'<lIt" ure eXllectel rum 11111 II1U\·O· . • . I \..... III' II" \ . '1" . It' " , '111I111 nil, . ;11 SIll'h I'll:;Clll:; "1'III'I'JlIl~' tWI·lIly·hn· ar,' It .1 It:I~ I .11' 1.1" CHIli llll- 1""'1""'1"1'. \\111 "'''1111111'111'1' "x"llIrlll::" IllI' '''>lIlt' I" II I1U ,""11''', I.. II ... Uh )":01'. whcnment ,.. . '. I ,. I . " \. I I . "1'1:,111111 11I\llIulI •. 11'1'111"11 n'\ luw. ulo,Untel, CI'nIS rllr 1'11\:11 hlih or IWtllll}··h\·I· I' C""ly rlill 1111...11,'. p:II'1 ,'11 :II' ~ III II;: 11- Il'rllllllr till- ·1':1"011. '1 It,. '~lIl1l1l11l1,Io'l'lotif ,'11' .... '.IU1.1I"'I. • ,

!II r. 8, G. H,'tocl, \·iCf! presidflnt or pl1lllldll. TlLu ll ..herltU·1I Illlpl'l.~· II .. • Illll 111111.. II lid ,l1,1l1l"~I'~ rl~llIil "huw 11'1' ~nlll~'.IIJ4 III III,' Willt·!'" nf r111~ l'I'lJ\'llll~·. G Il:\ ~DI.\ It IH:P. \ HT~I ENT.the O. H. N. (JO'1 is Ollt ill II. Illlf"r 1101111' 1Itllrk"t with frc!\11 IIl1d !'lIlt ti~II.I·~III.r:lt'C Iltl~1I lort"ll Iwllt··. \\"'nrltl;': lrllllll): :ll't.·tll\·'·~lI',1 1\'1111 11l:1;;1~lr;III~lw,'1'!'l 111111 I!' Till. "llIl'nll~'~ lilt III .. ~III'II,'. 1/"'''''11111puloOl'llCcI i It lilt!. VIlIII:lIU \'I'r -" l1~lt!. till I:unll trull t IIrc \fOlld~r'fllll~' prql ili'I, ..klrl". 111'-:111 ..Itlll' ling! .11I~1 tllll "11ll'r I I III Ilull" l"1ll111l11 "IIII~Il;'I''', ", ~'IIII.III' :tll.\· 11111:1111 III "'1I1l1ll11l ",·hIM,I... 1"'1 II ""11 1111l1'1I1J(

.. I (I I 0 III tl I I I I I II II llo'lI'Io·I·.I'I·lIIll1r)· .\1'11111I11'111'. 'I'lIlr,! I:l'fll;n,.p(llll!tmi. Ie CIl( lll~ 11li corp n. II ill 0\'01')' !llrt'llIll. JIllI lIuI I·a:;." II '1.1' 11111' Wtl~ ,'all;': It II I I ~ WUY·IIIII 11'1<111111'. nn' UTr,"I,·,1 nlld tll';1\1 with 1111111_ I'h)'III1,1 '·"rJ"l·.1I"nll1ll'.111 II.· ... 111'1 .. Ihe III'ljLlI.rllllllot the c1111ru:o (If Iw;.",[r IL "11~llId l.. ltt<"h.tn rfllll.!('r it ....ltlll ... l'0rl. n..'.· ... to'· I'II.hi")r It/' III tlm'r III.\, ...... 1·\·Io~·•. "111'1111·,,..1 t111l,ll.\'-,·..lI.;t'lIIlI'llll.I' Wl' 1i1':lr j,f hili rl'II' "lilt,> .\'.'11'10'11"" 1~'I~lrl1l11'lIr, 111 whl"'l llouOJ• "1\ • I 1' 1I 1,11.III'j'''q ... ·I'·.. '''IWI •• '·ljllllllllllll,,"11lIhOJil1jZ' 1II(\lloJ1ol~·.' t WI rfOljlllrl' II hshcncll (>XIllt Itl ;-,Ilo·d "'111"1'. II Ill' '"111,,1. lluh"..k,.1 11"1'''11I1 lind 11'1"':111·.111110 11llll1!","-:llIlllh"" t1r :.....n·...11111 111'0: 1,,·t..11II 11111"1' hilI' ..111'",..... lI'h'di ",m.III",,· Ill! hl",h.~reRt 1Il1111~' such Iclt~r~ 10 ('OI'fOr lip Iltook Rllcl \'uqu;l1:l 11I1.n: 1I11t! el~1 a 10.\'.1\'11.\' 10 n'pah' II;llllllj.;C'" 'I·hl. IiiII"I 1'1): llhllll~t 1I11klln\\·,I."""'I'1'(\ OIr, 01111'1..' C!"I~~:i,I:;II.~ 11~~:I~n~ll.'lI~I::~.II~:ll~::~:"~·::~~nlrotIYIhe (llet tllllt thc lUll ('OlllPllll~' II' pin)' B 81~lall lIl'cl I1f Iil;hl~ntl\.!r! III '"11' Wll~ 1111 AIlIi'l'l"'lllI, r"lllI YOllr "Ide III' ,'1"11.,.,1 \tilt. ~11Il1I:lr 1l1llhll II)' aUtI p' ~;:I,'I.!~.::!:',':.,~.:.:-~~..:~i:!tl'J~:,:.~:U' 11"11111 IHCIIIOl'YIIllinll e\·er.'( ItIf'RIIIl to tlelll)' the build· t~1l1l81"0r'1lt1t the 1I.1·lllc,r~ to :S.IIII· rail' Ihl: I\"all'r. lI111llt 1.. 111 lit! hUl'I.l wlllllt'\'l'r l':lI'\~IIO"IIr.'rwII. hilL lill\u II'Ulll,lll 11',ml,l lIl"c'lrr ,,( 111+' I'nl"'d ."In"·. 111l11l111'1! nr· f Ihe N P rll;lroad I r II I I hl'rl! ItI'U 1\'1'11 I I I I I \ , I EIIIlII·h 1!1.',or)·. t'I"h 11"11'10'1': I'. I'!I'~"_illS 0 ••• • elSCll ~lll lOr IIII~. It· '"llIg It 11:11'1 ,'u ;11')' II I lilI \\It)' Ilglt It. hi) rtlll'I'I'IIt'",II~lltll\!'l~k:l. 1ll.1"1·)j \\rllh·Il.'-IM·lIhllc. 1"'111111111.11111, l'I'ltI"

Tho up. C. Al1\'orRtc" tellll or 1\ factoflt'io!llt ASlorla for ltuultlfltf'llIr· The "lelUller "'iI,ollll. 1111111. IIIl,h.'r 1111.' 'I'lll!IIi"'>lll'lIl1l1l1ul' Ihe ('ol'lllllll 1'lIrllll_ :I!,'~:t.~r Ihlllllll"l'Qlllplulc,III11,1 jlClIIII .\rltli.

rf'\'ival in t('mper.ttncc work. hrnulrht in.if' lIl\llIIllll nil rr"m Ihe rt,ru"e ,,( l'Olllllllllltl .. r t '1'1'1:1111 ~1:llll'lnl. l'llllll) 111 1 1I11'llt 11'1" lJ..'t'li tllllfll\'CII willi f1nl"r~ fur PHI ~l:\ n\" DEP.\ HT~tEXT.,1" ",, ")' a fflw uar.room rOlH!hzi.\\'ho Illmon. IlerrillJt:nf l'xc('ll,,"llI:I\'or r"'lIl .'111 F.,tlIl~·~l'U In :I 111~1I 111111 ~I 1ll.\\·I.'Io....II,IlI ... wllkhl'OIUl'olt'ml llln;'nmt

~ r" J II Thl. 11t'I·urI1l"'1I1 I.. lilt' \l'~"T ..,t1'lIllTA~"hl'ldIllOCk~fr.thol'llstclllS!lmectlll~:"CIlIlIO rlllll ·"lln 11111 j,{" lilt II h""r~ l"1I1111IIl~IIIII'·. l"hehll~lloth'l",rot- 1)1\'" Iliroll~hulIl IllI.' .l'rll\llll'f' 1:'llh lIt1dll"-'III'U'" .... · ... lIl1l/,'llt"... lIHlh."rkhllnill,jin. aloon unlil one ft!lltlw sober",,1 Ihr~ll;rh II~I' S.u IlIlll~·r.. .. h'll hl'r 0:,1 '"Ill." II. 1111,1 rl.r :l l'nlll ur 110'1' 1:,;\ l'nlllll'III :11111 OPI'..o.lllnll p:;rl)' II n' ;~~~r ~~I~'r•.~l;;::III:II:~r·:I~~I~:r,.III:\:;.::;'~ ..1;11~~j;,::i.llo~'n I"UJ told hi re.1 experif'!Ic(, I:.llto'rprl!JJt Ill. tl,,!!! fl,r"'Ctllll.' .'~ 1Ie' nl:"I'-:!'J .\'1.0:1 r.. -1I01tl.. hl'r 0\111 relll'II·I.::tIJl.\· IllInl:It" "1'1. llllli 111'uoullt'ln;.: (':\1'11 uillt'r 1'11111' 1I11t1 II~ .. I 161'IInl\ \....1..) .. r"1II" I"t

If I '\. II , in" Jl',· .. IUI),·l! 1111111"'" IUI'lI!tIIf'S UII . " \1 .. I' , ,\\\',\)\t:~I~tl .\SIII:,\"TUI'I'TISt:which 10 II cctt"< lie Islellf'rl 11 ,"'... ~., \\". "rIlCl\ OI\lII'n1 gll\'e WI' ., 11111" Illlllllllt·.I~lll"l".lII'nll"-":Il;h lrl'llill III hU'11u IUlai a1> tinellce looiel)' wu rmlllcd. I 1~.I!~t Hind: KII,j Ihtt 'nl~II1IIH O,'lf ,,"~II o\"t'r·llJIlIlllill IlIltl 1It'1\' blllll'''~, II I~ Ihe 'lll ..'r 1'I~1W"l1I.lhll' fur ~Ill" 'II( Ih•• P:I~t. l,ll': ~~":~~II'II{NIIII~. ~,~~II~~!::I' ~:~Il~ "ll~~L~~~n~1A I Ih .b "t ,", " ""1,,.-,,)· '" ,h. f"tur" IS hllrl 1\' I '1' I I """" .,., " b ftilt. a(-'I'Ollllll pre .... fOre II ". I' II.IIIIOllllt.1,.1I~81101l1\-.''''II;:Il:: lI.'fllll· 1""""111. 1Il1l1 IhtloC Ih:ttlll:I\' l·f\lIIC. nulll Wit ': •• ,',"'I ....,~I.,III.,'~ .... I"Il;tlll rolll. '8 k' I l r f'l\hl':ed eV~lI b)' Ihll5f Will 111'011.1 . '-"'II' "'111 )liIIl ,,1'''' llillrl"'''"I1IIIlo'Y].100 "iner.. ' 0 rna I'll tie ' . I . IT tk".:Illr.I·. th;ll ·IIC ",III 11111 IJctl\·...'l.:1I IlIli :,.,. I't.'III"IIl a(),lIlt Ihe UllIlIlll:1II .l':lcllil' 1'.11'11 Inl't'OlI.l>IIn,1 Ihl'III"~'" III 1''''',,1'.•1 Itlll

h ( • II'" \lreilelltnuttln'J' (t}rtl lLotl\·u lit urt " ",. I I l"'IIIII'IIIII"n"'I'I\'l lt ll'tl",IIII.,rtt"lltlll'ln 1.11.\ll'rat 0 UlIIl! to prll.se 1111. . : II'" ... I)/)rt aUI . C\\ C<llIllllllcr. 1l'llIrn;ltl. ,..... ·mlu.' willi".. (oll't Ihe Im"l' ~lll.tll·. l·mulll".Hull" tlr '"'"111...,.... l'l'llwln

. III ItS me. '1"1 G I .. , ".. , ,. ,,- ~ 1··Il~u.Il~hl,.lIndt' '"I ' • If.~Ir Hunler. r prerenllll~ the Cllt· . II.' r.tl'l·r. '" 1)lln II .l\(>a., ,lnIlCr) '\wlll.lll' ~lllll'lllilll 1lI01ltlll!ClIt or Ihe I Itll C .:l"II'.~,. I).

l' PckinlJ' Cllmp"Il\', hnill)lllltitl H~I'IlII'" Illlmoll I)f ~1l('1.I f'X,,;1It'1l1 01 lIllJ lAltr.mll:l ..·I~llllll.1 10f ",r:tIlKd Olt 10 btl ph.., .. 1 III I),IIl1l11hm In~atle;l nrul t. :Lt!~U:'H .•tn~ a,.. qultltt\. Ihe WIlll'r'lOr l-'u2'et H+lllnd I 1 (I HIli I tiki t OItTllft IIlll,L \tAli l0i71••

A 1.,1k. I visit. has relurned And reo . I' i'. b f r ,I "1 I Ie "wnl II:;: ° I til I U·.. II. II;{:I 1III'd~"I" Thl. 111i1"n,1 ;llullJlhcr mullcr- .·Ir-I 11'1'111 ~hl. ,\11;1. " 111111 1'1111. SO". ,

IIar."orl\hle itnlltCHilin in h;S·IICI .rjlt!lIll111 t'ran fl~lllt .11.11 lilt 1I11111~r"rlJ;ll<~·II:.c.. , •• llIellltlll.t'~t;U(,lllm,. 1'(l1l11l'l..1~lwhh Imloll tAllre UOlrlltllotl ........"111 ~ .. :'\m." .. Ju.ll

flO S as ('a" bo fOllllrl IIl)'",ht'rl' 1lI the I I" \ I' I "I I TlIlnl .1"... II )1111' ~." d rf'lJ'arrlil1!r Ihe country anti pm.· . . 1I111l1-al .... 1lI'1I l'lr I IC ;lA'1 r l>;0" III Il~. \\111 W "·(l·rn.IIU III III)' IIl'XI. It'Ollrlh" .. Mllr. ~ .. )tllyai111 1\ P • '" h 1.1 lIt"urirl l-If'rrllllt IIholllnl. an,1 III (nel • ,. . ! .uf'cuofblllllllell upt ere. "le"';c· I . 'I I I II . " , Col.\\.K.I.ltllutll'art)·.whhlll·IChill' lI...m"lIl'1! 'l;':11'\'\!, The t.:IIIUoruln h.".. 111T1U~1• . h . II 1Il0it ant 10 1I1111l 'lr \'l\rll' U'S n . I Tnlll,," I. tlu,,,!,..1 Imlll IL,'" uf "nlntnf'@lnl lfOCl1 tn <TO lip ""1111 on 1 e n"''I1 triP t::' E h' \ I I crv a",1 1,,,,"1<1'111'\. Io..·U heN 011 Ill.. 01'11\0 "mil' In !'till rr:lIIcl"l'O III 1111Ii.' 1'1.11I., re· rh_ ..' "'n-" .", "",_, 1_ ,,',',' ,,' "

I"" • ,. • h 1111 I rlllUiot 11111 neen 1 cYt' ('1'(>( . '" . .' ... "Inl~.(I( the Clilirmllllt, ",h"n he will prt)· , " . I I "I II..r fur !'ritll"e 01 ,,'lIk I ..L"IlII. tOQIlt'1i ttlltl Ililh'-IlI'"mlolt... 1 to Ilti I....re 11I1 Ihe :llllilf :roo" d..IIIII"'" .UIllilUlltl" , lo'~1'1 111 t..._or

• ". h t Irou" 1 f'Xllerlmetll IlIll I IrUll:! I It· 1'IlIII't1'lI~llllrlt"'.'ahltv talie WIt I lI.m t e nee.. _ar~ ma- ac(uRi rllrlJuil or coi .. ill our ti:lher work Ii c"I'llCr Illl",' \\lllcll PnJIIlW1.1l'tJ Vl'r~' ~lay_1U her \lay II' Slll.:a. The UIlt'r I~ .\"1'1"11111' 1~1.lrl. tor I,.rlll"r IlllI~Ii...tltllllltrrll~ Ind ma~hmery r~)t !llllrtll~~ a ice "'ithill the put reow ytillra !u "r. rich LI_1 r.llI. II I.. tIM: Illtenlh,1ll of Ihe nll\'erl1...~1 f,lt "'r:lll:l'Il1t1 Ille :.!lth !tH. ~::f~~::~I:r:: :::: .. ; =".clcm,:! I'It"h.lttlhlllen~ In the 1I~!;Zh. ford r~uon.blll"roulldl!l for .... ertinJr 1,:lrty ((lI'Iloe Ih'" or :llx huwlNI ttlll'" of 1'1.... \\,11'''11 II. lIulIt II:.'! Inlll u.lde 11ll' 1.otIII1:t."-'f", Itf k.k'''·I'h.IIl1ml H,.rnu:.;horhllOllof 51th. No ulle IlIlklllS', It t' tl fl n.ar futurtt tllo fillhill' ill che lll~ :u.II1 "lllp Ir Illwd 10 :S\'l'llIl~Y· IIl,_ al.11 ilr111t"l IiII' IIIC ))"11I1,,1')11 IliaI-!. ca~IIUII'll. : ~.wAI ." . 00 d to p,o'per III \U I J.l • I r I I )1. II. ttO\ .\1.. l·rhtt:II_1.

.1..1 II 1.111 • terestli ..r thi terri to')' will r('rrc~l"llt ~Yt'M w..h 0 Iii., 0"' Wl'rR Uillt C II l5.11.t t IYhleh IIll II III n'gll.·t II Ihe Bu ••hull

• The tanning establillhment at. Cia. une or the lIlOil \'IlIUllblc df'p~rt. ~ rull~~,j()"} :Illrh:g Ihe j)/I,oit. wllllllr-lIImu \.'0111(-' IIlulIl; t1~ 1~rt'lllt1t.;I.) .11111 C(ltIlllICllt....II---------------­_II uk AI811klo we learn by prl\'llle montl of her rtlllOllrcos. A new Ill· f'llllu,.,10 110\\ I,,,,~ 11l.'~I 1.1 lle~ l1lllt. or IlI.'r 11'11'" 1(1 ;\:1'\\' \\l,..'iII"lul·lcr 10....1.1)'.letter' i, turnin2' out .hout ti,OOO dustry hit!! ruc'llitly bUllu uttfllcdllg l'lJl'lM.'r. tll'.hlt:~. :-OWtl "Ih·cr. KUrI:1 Hlr TI,c Holtl.: 1"'11 III/:. Cllllillh, 1'1I1l1l1l. nr-IC.1I1 Per day, Salmon at that POili1 .ttolHioll, viz.: lIe;lr CIIIl"'\I"w ~lI':Iil"-lh~ ",111 cnll'\.~II(J. rhL..1 1It'I\J Oil thl' 21"1. 1\\(,lIly lhl):t Irmllwill oommf'nce rllllniniI Ihultt tilt' ,'" :rooSISG CI"UI..... Ihu w:'II'r t~lg'l 1111\.1 ut.'\.'\I'·llJlo 10 \'C~'cli III . '111 Fr:llld·t.~" willi :tOO IUIl< nr (n·I;:ltt-fina' of lIt'xt month. Our inrnrffiBll1 Thf'!IO IUl'lciIlUli hi'VKI\'I''l (f"r thl'.\' tltcl:uXC,"L dill•• TIl"N clIlIlIl'llnlcl,)' ltu n A:oell In 1Il'IIIrIllN .III)' lilr n l'llr::n nr ...~1I11.fllrtlter ,"ltIlS that the wPltther At "liE Iu OiOUli lind COU"illl·r'l.l hi:.rhl.\· ,ll)lIht blltlhlll Ihl~ millc \\'1111 11'11\'" II grc:ot '1'1'1' 31:1,,,,," 1I1"tl hl)'lllg 1111' 1i,lllllhllllll' EARLY VARIETIE8.\V ...nJlIlI hl8 befl!" '0: fin.e thllt he pltllll!lhl(l, I!!lflocilllly I\hero Illcil" .lh:l'l.'lI·. ~Icll of lla"i1Ii1I\l1w ll.k'·ll h"l\I "101'" 01 IIt,·ir II\'\\' Imll I'l.tln)'. l:tll"iIItM'lr ...• . . , ... .COllllllerll"c1 pll1ntlll~ III hill A'llrtlcll ilCIHI'lly Inftkc~ thOlll f1'lIIght lIfl~r) Ilrh. IHltllJ)' Ihe !:.tilL ufthcc.t11I1I1i.\' 11I011111. ~Iflt:k I.. Ill:tI'tl""-1I0IlC "t'IIIII~. Xf'I'nll rIJ'~·IIl:I~.I,I,~;,I,II~I!I;i~lt;I:IOt'~':I:Il~·~'I~g.f,~:on the Oth 1)( Mirch. all~1 Ihllt .t lhf' Me IIlrenuy btllll.':' Cllokl·U. p"t III' III It I.. CUllflllclllly CXI"'dL~lll tIllrgl,olllmuru • llrlllli ~"t f:IU.OOI} 011 rl'I'I~llt f,"' Illklll/l '.'1'10'>111"111 Ih,' t~I'" Ihft rnIl<1l1lnll' ,·"rl.·rl""tllne or writinil (A pri I 12th) ho hid CIIIlI Alld ahi Pl)I'll R\\'11)' III IIIllrkl'l. "'III lit: re'I II)' IiiI' I>Ihlllllll'lIl. lllllt II \'I'1tIItI1 It 'llIfU'IZ IlIllIlIllll .~II·:1l1l l'IIj,(IIt" rnull Yr.llc ~irl~;~,'n~~I~~':;::;I~;~;1 r~'1:,I. r~;~:~ ,,'f'II:~':~~~:~:r.radilshee lettuce, turnips tLllIl pell~ All O!lllll>lillllllllwt fur Cotrryil1ll UII thill h:.~ llt.,\.1t ol\lIm••1thel·l: Inllll :;·111 Fl'lIlIl'llll.'Q. luio l:nrllll){l. l)1111. ,11I\:k 1I1l11 ('OUlllnll\' 1.....1·1"11,lloliny IMlrlllr IhOJ "nUII'r)',

"I) lllltlI1ookin.'" \"'cHj II "cold SllIlP," i!ldll!l.lry is It!routly. ;'.1 IIflurlldnu III ThOIIUI\'" Irlllu Silkll. b)·lhllllhlt~lenlll. nm plll)'hn! 11t)m LO lIlOth·rilll'l.\' 11IIe;1• . ~ lIUBY. ALPHA. Snowflake.'illit lit lhat tune. Itowe ycr. WIlS ell· ;"ellllllll hll'i ulle 11111I I'rtlj.\'rtl~1I all cr. lin: 111··ltly I.Il1l~lllr;I··ltl'~ II ''''·IIlII·llle 'Illll....~. TI,u \l'1'luhcr Is bJu~terlltl>; 1111I1 SUI·~:IUOI(. Jo: X'J' 1(.\ t:I\IlI.YChllgeriUll' them to IlIlI1e f'xtent. J)p Shll.w'~ llilatlul, ill 1111 J 111111 count)'. 1II111C-~. 'fllc Purtl:lIIll VUU:I'·ItI)' 1~1i" l\'Cl'U ~'1J"I-IJOCIl to lor Illn Ihn."ll ,Iny . V I-:IDION'l'. H1tE~:C";~' I'rw.not 1heIO iact. p~o'l'e tha.t. Aln~kl Itl~o. 0110 IIlI Sill .111I'" lilhwd. RIllJ rllllllcllhl].; Ollihu !;ICl\'llrt 1L.I~c 11'1'1\1 Rt PAUI.Pllf. .I.WUJ. fo;UHt:Kt\. 1"11';:-.' 1'1·hn 1011I0 r~ep.m,"g quahtltl!l, III wllhlll '1.'0 next .rew ytlltrS 11I11111 such \\'/lrk. c1llll'1tl:lerlll rock dllllll(lll~ 1l1lC1lm. XEI. Ii ItU \V 1'\ fo:I..I .•fltud of belll~ 10th only for pullll' C0l'llOrltllJ~11I \'111 hllVtJ localecl 011 IIr"vhl).:rt~thtly 1J"'g"'lI~'11. 'I'llt'y 1111\',. l)iu I.tl",is 88'15 a man nledll't ·:J~:~:i1~1~~I~O.bearl to dwell In ?" our Illal~y .1llhuul bll~1 ~\'htlre r C\'cr,)' 11I111'" Iull~ w:ul)' f+ll' ...r'h.hlllj(. 1IIIIIIhl /Ir lilUleze 1I111t'58 he wanl,. to. 1ft! most ~n:EIH..I:\'O.

By a priule letter rrom Prof. E. F. lalld 8/1111' th~ hnllllR,tlun 0, 1I .. 1t Wlildl goillwa8 \'''IIIJI~'' III Ill"". O:I\'4l11lr L:'I'llllrlllly "'MllIll to, Ihou:.;h, by the Calcutta seedllDg•• Peerleu.Kubel, president or the ACRdemy of me~n~~ a;ld fnll:rul cu nil)' 0 4lt1lt8. III (oJflllllllC. Ihe CIl1l'l .. III)' 111111101 ]Il'CIClld tilll11 tilts l!ll1cezo get II rllid), 011 deck. Monitors,Science. loclted Ilt Olympia, to !II .41 rOlll ,I III Ikl~O!l~"Clli U ?ur 10 lO:l\'I:l "II)' o( "rlto ruck Iroul lillt 1L'l..lgl' ---J udlJ'o J, G. "an, o( this Illace, ',IlIlIlCflfOl .RlIt ,)Iac. lIlg,cl'''llIIp.IIlC~. "'ltllllllt H.:ehw ""It I III It. S(j{j'II II .eek In "nu, """ Inw" , llllllil

• ,. (1ft ructlllt llItruulu;twn u Ullllller"li ... " 1n..·. S'I 1'1.10 Ill!I\,l... r. Ir ) 1 ...·111I111k",d ly handf'd UI for perusa WI' III \. 1"1 " b f hn~hll''''III''h'''hl··''''''''·''''t!tlhl·rOl·J• dn'flMl hll8 CIIII!lf'(1 eII't'rimentil which .: OIV I Ie ~Icw:.r ...'\.I(C. I I Ie ;Iof;l 0 k Jl I I llearn o( the. P~OJl~f'5I and pr~ prove COIICIU!I;I'cl,. lillil our ehum thc IllI)lllll.lllI. n.·tIl t'nlUcbll,'lI l'QIIWUI)' i\I:~~~j!II)i:Hr~~~~'i'::Ik.~~~ it. ~I~I~:~I&"~~'h"1' of ~h.t(mltlt~tIO:I: from which and fillh C~II t!1I ..ily be Ilricl1alltlsUll' Il1lf~'r Iht! "llpcrlllICIlll.·lIt.'t III 311'. S. ~1lI.• • veop e II our j'fTl orr rna, rea- to eAlllf'lrll IIml foreign lIIark"18 al 1111 :11. ltC'l' flllf."lllll:': :1 111I:ar11, 1,.,I::c wlli<.:hlonahly e~pe..:t so much III Ihe fu pri('e& which their ~rtl:ltly flJtluceti "1"111"I1.~11C\1\.'tJ \'",)' .1I11.rlll·lorll)'. uille Iture. ~\ II eO!,',fidclIItl'b''',umetJ thaht bulk will rcnder Cnlll,).rlllh'eh. 110m Ull' lid!)' It !111I111Il'h, allli lire Ult.'l:II11gthe ICk:lety wt loon e.r enou~ . . • ,. '1 I

d.· k' h' llIal oUlIIDlired wllh thai or 111:01 lilt! \\ I I e/llIllJr:I;:ClIlClil.

ad.,.ncf! tn III wor inKS 10 ....e It~ . oJ ... ••roceedin .nJ all ila .,..Iuable es. lht'11l III 1!lylllht'r Ii III If>: .. hlt.OUI The" h.llIdl I,{\I~·•• It" II I~ "IIIN,

~. I rint~. The writeqrrC'al: . dA' iupply of nlll~ .11,) ~11I1Il I:. I"rltcur.l. IIl·:tr II~ ·rtllllllltn(lht: "'''"'' 1I1mlnlaill 0111)I~fe~ the teodel1C'f'1 on Iht' ));rlOr I)' IllfOxluu.I!ltlhlc, I", lI"II.ly lIlHlIUII' \\'111\'11 tll~ 1,~I;:l·,..n: .llll,ll'l..l, 111111 Itlllch

nOli r",lideota or Oh'mpia, to re;rard itrA!ed lty Ihe fact tlMI 801110 or the hll~ 1..-." 1'''''IJl:l111Ig 110 \W~· I'll'll Ilurllll(the inltitutioll I' ni.rel" a Illcal af e~rhc t lelll~l'Il)f the liurllorr I'!"}f Ihe l:11li I.\VII 11I· .. .011 ... rt!lIllhl' U"'lIIll1t­flir. H, \'err properl;' thillk:! iu lIlee I""set! IIlll"'.1t .earf'le!l~ Itll, shift· Jll~ MtOW" Im'l'llll: rendnr.... 1 It l!llu'l.'I.'II.llJIu. ALI. iii:\' OS OF ~IIIP S}IITIII:\,nimmediate bene tits alld u!'erulne leu 1II.llIIer or h\'lIIg. IIWI!IJ: til I.h~ 11 Ii lII"le .... I' ... llI. t'IIIIII):IIIY III Sill .·l"lIll-can and wilt I>f' made territorill al IIhs.nlule .f'~l'" Itlld eerllllnt., WI tt. d~ lire "1Ju1lt Inklll;;' htlltlnml \llIrklll~ ox 1'1.0,"". "~t."'o."....de .. ttHIU~.,lealt, .nd cordially ill\'ite!l the at. wlllC'h II. In'lIlg could btl 1II111le Ileal fhlllmhlf'-IIl.lIl1IJrlrt)' \\lIh 1Ill1'll):hlf!er

hmtion of .11 Ideotific prriOns Ihe alt ':,1\.'C',r. , \\'11I \'I~ll II nil ~()(IIlI\.IJr:It;tlt..'Ilhle :11111 lie.. . .• (\JUnl rIllet.l nest \IIt.'l! ... ]

,h,OUllhout the tHrltor!' III hrllJ~tnJ: 1",,"ll1e Ille kind o( IlIl1dlhll'r)' \\llllll:t.1ahoulthislnuchueliredre ult. TIll'. h ,'Id .Iytl the hlll'lllollOrlhlllllll l"ol'C ·row'll,"~·.ul, •

•"llIong I e !>Creat ,"PIlIl t Itl wnrA'O·d,l'mr.fJf5C,'iences "\' °lr¥alliz,eal hlue e)'~~ Iil'f'lIl In ha\'e pretlOinillJlted 'l'ht'lte 11I1,.e! nre wlllllillen nr I\\'dve Upland Nursery, ASI).III yml'" 18CllO e llat p Itce. If'- SnctIl.lt'lI. Shak"IlJl"lrc.J.-IK'k,'. B'u·ulI. 11I11.... III ~Irk:' RII,llroltlllllt· III I\\"o mil GinJ{ tld,e C.:rihl or the tt!~ritor.(\" \l'.a~ ~Iiltull. GoC'the. Xaplileull. l"rllllklill frum IIll' (Ollt 01 ::o.llvt'r HI)', \\Illell lll\ol'tl~ "l~I>UIT 'I'I>E~"S, . roc e r lesI'UUII ere mOit approprlatc ur III' lind 1-lullI!.wlJt had bluB c.""'~' :til t:xl-eI'I·IIIIl;lIbor. \11'''" w:ller for Ihe .r \.. .\' rJloc'liun. We trust it will reeei\'f' JI'1[elltd:l~.. or\·L"\'!lCI... AI.SO'he .illalld etlcnura~mentor all who The sleamer C.lifnrlliiL hli5 IIlIue '.I'hn \\'c:llher IllIrlllllllte wlllll'r 1l1"lIthll At R d d R tcuultl become CO.Il1J1~It'lIt IIltd Vlllull' to SIIU Frllncisco. ttl elfu.:t K f"..., rc· IIIlIIIlIlIIJ thc ;jll, of .\111'11. III !-oIl 1m_II 1111 e uce a es- GCllt'...·{lu'Jl;sh i,,!! ~nli(lsh)e lIIP,lnher, of, II. Ihf(Ju~hou.t hoth pllirs. Shn e:cpecillo rtltllrll t·, till!! Ih\, loIlrt of tl,c l"J:I~I-\'I':I~ \'CtV Illllll, J.A.lmt: STOCK. CI I' C' I

EUlern IUld. \\@sterll \\ ~ih.llllltoll. plllCli ill limu rllr her lIut IO~lIllLr 111\'0rlll" Ilcilher ~IIO\\' or It..e, 111111' lltn iii_ FIX 1': Ql1Ar.ITY. nt I lilli, "or,lf'I'Y~~e~r:il~I'~tl~hl~;ltylll~)~r~;~u:,~iRco~l~trip to Alllllkll, h~:e_,_._,_,_ l~ fr'llllt~ At thnt 11.1101111I1 P" tilt IU Ihe PH1CB I.IST "~ltU;. fI nu Gl(t!J'sll'{f I'e,, I · h d II" I WI IlIlItllllt. 1111' wfO:ltlwr UIl.:! 1111\'1111,,,, (

t 10U& I It 15 lila " all exce l'llt )e· UI-:rwra:s JO lilt! 75 of tho princi· I I III I l'il k I' '.I ·Hrl·~·"'I,".ndlJn(j1J ~ullulh·c1.$(illrdIiK. 11m) bills fllir to lICClIllI\lliftl1 pILI hOlilU of Clllrk''I'illl', Te.lI:li8, JlI "gH"n U II I II, cOllllli 'mlill., .."OW ,h&!. .'n,ll· .. 1;j my ngclIt at I'ort '.l'owll~mlIIUUle of the mUlt \'UIUlILlo ami grltt· "'ertl!Jurllctl 011 tho l:.hh. 'J'hu t:~ti· :;III1l~I: ~~I~:\.~llorl~l:lI.1l:I"llllldl :lllt:k • .Ill JNO. M, SWAN.i(,illg result" mated 1015 ;ii .500

1000. c II I IC o1l alllJ:'C IJNV liS Iruo- 3U:1I111 Olymplill W. 't'.

(IIII' "1'lIu\ I'n'" ),'111'''' h;II·1" III·

r":IlI'\'Ill''''''l'lilll.~ ill'·"·.I-' ,I til" ole111111I11 "f lilt: .\ 1:,.1 ~.
