Puerto Rico the “rich port”

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Puerto Rico was almost a bridge for the Amazonian people between the northern part of South America and Florida.

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Puerto Rico the rich port Puerto Rico was almost a bridge for the Amazonian people between the northern part of South America and Florida. It was populated by peaceful Arawak or Taino tribes
Christopher Columbus landed in Puerto Rico during his 2nd trip in 1493 The Indians served willingly as slaves because they believed the Spaniards to be Gods
The structures of San Cristbal and El Morro were constructed to protect the Island from the numerous attempts to take it over by the Dutch, the English and pirates. The island remained under Spanish control and in 1508 Ponce De Leon wasmade governor
Spanish rule impeded economic development and trade The Island fell into deep poverty. In 1889 Puerto Rico was ceded to the United State following the SpanishAmerican War. The Foraker Act of 1901 established the relationship of the United States with Puerto Rico and many of its provisions are still in force.However the citizenship status of its citizens was not clarified until the Jones act of 1917 by which Puerto Ricans became American citizens and Puerto Rico became an unincorporated territory of the United States. Partial self-government was granted in 1947, enabling citizens to elect their own governor for the first time. In 1952 a new constitution made Puerto Rico an autonomous part of the United States called the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has developed into the only Caribbean island where industry and commerce has exceed primary agricultural production. Puerto Ricans now have most of the benefits of American citizenship, including federal welfare aid but Puerto Ricans are unable to vote in United States presidential elections despite being subject to service in the armed forces. There is public interest in resolving this political status issue
There is public interest in resolving this political status issue.There are 3 opposing points of view: The Partido Independista calls for total independence as a nation-state. The Populares support the present commonwealth status The Partido Nuevo Progresista advocates statehood, hoping to see Puerto Rico become the 51st state of the United States. La Puerta de San Juan San Juan San Juan is known as "La Ciudad Amurallada" (the walled city). San Juan was founded in In 1508 Juan Ponce de Len founded the original settlement, Caparra, now known as Pueblo Viejo, behind the almost land-locked harbor just to the west of the present metropolitan area. A year later, the settlement was abandoned and moved to the site of what is now called Old San Juan. San Juan is one of the biggest and best natural harbors in the Caribbean and is the second oldest city in the Americas. La Muralla Que Encierra Al Viejo San Juan
La Capilla De Cristo Monumento En La Plazuela De La Rogativa En 1797 la flota invasora Britnica huy al pensar que la procesincon antorchas era un gran ejercito Espaol . La Fortaleza El Morro La Casa Blanca Condado district Las caretas Los Santos