PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H., Lasman H., and Osimitz F. (1950): Moderne Vorschriften zur quali- tativen Kationenanalyse. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,98-114. Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1953): Die Infrarotspektren von Kettenmolekiilen der Formel R'CO(CH"CH")nCOR". 1. Rocking- und Twisting-Grundtone. Helv. Chim. Acta 36, 1659-1670. Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1953): Die Infrarotspektren von Kettenmolekiilen der Formel R'CO(CH"CH")nCOR". II. Die Normalschwingungen des Sym- metrietypus Bu- Helv. Chim. Acta 36,1791-1803. Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1954): Spectres infrarouges de derives carbonyli- ques du type R'CO(CH"CH")nCOR" contenant plus de dix groupes methyl- eniques. J. de Physique et Ie Radium 15, 209-211. Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1954): Theorie der Form von Absorptionsbanden suspendierter Substanzen und deren Anwendung auf die Nujolmethode in der Infrarotspektroskopie. Helv. Chim. Acta 37,360-374. Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1955): Theorie der Intensitaten der Schwingungs- spektren von Kettenmolekeln. 1. Allgemeine Theorie der Berechnung von In- tensitaten der Infrarotspektren von grossen Molekeln. Helv. Chim. Acta 38, 1254-1262. Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1956): Theorie der Intensitaten der Schwingungs- spektren von Kettenmolekeln. II. Zur Berechnung der Intensitaten der In- frarotspektren von freien Kettenmolekeln der Symmetrie C2 h. Helv. Chim. Acta 39, 1182-1192. Giinthard Hs.H. and Primas H. (1956): Zusammenhang von Graphentheorie und MO-Theorie von Molekeln mit Systemen konjugierter Bindungen. Helv. Chim. Acta 39, 1645-1653. Primas H. (1957): Ein Kernresonanzspektrograph mit hoher Auflosung. 1. Theo- rie der Liniendeformation in der hochauflosenden Kernresonanzspektroskopie. Helv. Phys. Acta 30, 297-314. Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1957): Ein Kernresonanzspektrograph mit hoher Auflosung. II. Beschreibung der Apparatur. Helv. Phys. Acta 30,315-330. Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1957): Herstellung sehr homogener axialsym- metrischer Magnetfelder. Helv. Phys. Acta 30,331-346.

PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,

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Page 1: PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,


Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7.

Primas H., Lasman H., and Osimitz F. (1950): Moderne Vorschriften zur quali­tativen Kationenanalyse. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,98-114.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1953): Die Infrarotspektren von Kettenmolekiilen der Formel R'CO(CH"CH")nCOR". 1. Rocking- und Twisting-Grundtone. Helv. Chim. Acta 36, 1659-1670.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1953): Die Infrarotspektren von Kettenmolekiilen der Formel R'CO(CH"CH")nCOR". II. Die Normalschwingungen des Sym­metrietypus Bu- Helv. Chim. Acta 36,1791-1803.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1954): Spectres infrarouges de derives carbonyli­ques du type R'CO(CH"CH")nCOR" contenant plus de dix groupes methyl­eniques. J. de Physique et Ie Radium 15, 209-211.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1954): Theorie der Form von Absorptionsbanden suspendierter Substanzen und deren Anwendung auf die Nujolmethode in der Infrarotspektroskopie. Helv. Chim. Acta 37,360-374.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1955): Theorie der Intensitaten der Schwingungs­spektren von Kettenmolekeln. 1. Allgemeine Theorie der Berechnung von In­tensitaten der Infrarotspektren von grossen Molekeln. Helv. Chim. Acta 38, 1254-1262.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1956): Theorie der Intensitaten der Schwingungs­spektren von Kettenmolekeln. II. Zur Berechnung der Intensitaten der In­frarotspektren von freien Kettenmolekeln der Symmetrie C2h. Helv. Chim. Acta 39, 1182-1192.

Giinthard Hs.H. and Primas H. (1956): Zusammenhang von Graphentheorie und MO-Theorie von Molekeln mit Systemen konjugierter Bindungen. Helv. Chim. Acta 39, 1645-1653.

Primas H. (1957): Ein Kernresonanzspektrograph mit hoher Auflosung. 1. Theo­rie der Liniendeformation in der hochauflosenden Kernresonanzspektroskopie. Helv. Phys. Acta 30, 297-314.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1957): Ein Kernresonanzspektrograph mit hoher Auflosung. II. Beschreibung der Apparatur. Helv. Phys. Acta 30,315-330.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1957): Herstellung sehr homogener axialsym­metrischer Magnetfelder. Helv. Phys. Acta 30,331-346.

Page 2: PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,


Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1957): Field stabilizer for high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 28, 510-514.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1957): Hochauflosender Kernresonanzspektro­graph. Chimia 11, 130-132.

Primas H., Frei K., and Giinthard Hs.H. (1958): Protonenresonanzspektren ein­facher cyclischer Aether und Ketone I. Helv. Chim. Acta 41, 35-38.

Primas H. (1958): Ein Modulationsverfahren fUr die Kernresonanzspektroskopie hoher Auflosung. Helv. Phys. Acta 31,17-24.

Primas H. and Giinthard Hs.H. (1958): Eine Methode zur direkten Berechnung des Spektrums der von quantenmechanischen Systemen absorbierten bzw. emittierten elektromagnetischen Strahlung. Helv. Phys. Acta 31,413-434.

Primas H. (1959): A new method for analyzing spectra in high resolution NMR spectroscopy. In Proceedings of the Conference of Molecular Spectroscopy, ed. by R. Thornton and H.W. Thompson (Pergamon, London), pp. 19-25.

Primas H. (1959): Anwendungen der magnetischen Kernresonanz in der Chemie. Chimia 13, 15-23.

Primas H., Arndt R., and Ernst R. (1959): Die Konstruktion von Kernresonanz­Spektrographen hoher Auflosung la. Z. fUr Instrumentenkunde 67,293-300.

Primas H., Arndt R., and Ernst R. (1.960): Die Konstruktion von Kernresonanz­Spektrographen hoher Auflosung lb. Z. fUr Instrumentenkunde 68, 8-13.

Primas H., Arndt R., and Ernst R. (1960): Die Konstruktion von Kernresonanz­Spektrographen hoher Auflosung. II. Die Konstruktion des Hochfrequenzteiles von Kernresonanz-Spektrographen hoher Auflosung. Z. fUr Instrumentenkunde 68,21-29.

Primas H., Arndt R., and Ernst R. (1960): Die Konstruktion von Kernresonanz­Spektrographen hoher Auflosung. III. Einige aktuelle Probleme der Kernreso­nanz-Instrumentierung. Z. fUr Instrumentenkunde 68, 55-62.

Primas H. (1961): Uber quantenmechanische Systeme mit einem stochastischen Hamiltonoperator. Helv. Phys. Acta 34,36-57.

Primas H. (1961): Eine verallgemeinerte Storungstheorie fiir quantenmechanische Mehrteilchenprobleme. Helv. Phys. Acta 34,331-351.

Primas H. (1962): 35 Jahre Quantenchemie. Chimia 16, 281-289. Primas H., Arndt R., and Ernst R. (1962): Group contributions to the chemical

shift in proton magnetic resonance of organic compounds. In Advances in Molecular Spectroscopy (Proceedings of the International Meeting of Molec­ular Spectroscopy, Bologna 1959), ed. by A. Mangini (Pergamon Press, Ox­ford), pp. 1246-1252.

Ernst R. and Primas H. (1962): High resolution NMR-instrumentation: recent advances and prospects. Disc. Faraday Soc. 34,43-51.

Ernst R. and Primas H. (1963): Nuclear magnetic resonance with stochastic high­frequency fields. Helv. Phys. Acta 36, 583-600.

Primas H. (1963): Generalized perturabtion theory in operator form. Rev. Mod. Phys. 35, 710-712.

Banwell C.N. and Primas H. (1963): On the analysis of high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. I. Methods of calculating NMR spectra. Mol. Phys. 6,225-256.

Ernst R. and Primas H. (1963): Gegenwartiger Stand und Entwicklungsten­denzen in der Instrumentierung hochauflosender Kernresonanz-Spektrometer. Ber. Bunsengesellschaft phys. Chemie 67, 261-267.

Primas H. (1964): Was sind Elektronen? Helv. Chim. Acta 47, 1840-1851.

Page 3: PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,


Huber A. and Primas H. (1965): On the design of wide range electromagnets of high homogeneity. Nucl. Instruments and Methods 33, 125-130.

Primas H. (1965): Separability in many-electron systems. Modern Quantum Chem­istry, part 2, ed. by O. Sinanoglu (Academic Press, New York), pp. 45-74.

Primas H. (1965): Was sind Elektronen? Chimia 19, 399. Primas H. und Riess J. (1966): Linear diamagnetic and paramagnetic response. In

Quantum Theory of Atoms, Molecules, and the Solid State. A Tribute to John C. Slater, ed. by P.O. L6wdin (Academic Press, New York), pp. 319-333.

Gunthard Hs. H. und Primas H. (1967): Prof. Dr. A. Stieger, 80jahrig. Titania Winterthur AHC, 5-6.

Primas H. (1967): A density functional representation of quantum chemistry. I. Motivation and general formalism. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 1,493-519.

Primas H. (1968): Zur Theorie grosser Molekeln. I. Revision der Grundlagen der Quantenchemie. Helv. Chim. Acta 51, 1037-1051.

Riess J. und Primas H. (1968): A variational principle for the phase of the wave function of molecular systems. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1,545-548.

Primas H. (1968): Lars Onsager - ein Meister der theoretischen Chemie. Neue Ziiricher Zeitung, Nr. 700, p. 5.

Primas H. (1973): Chemische Bindung. Ausgearbeitet von A. Wokaun (Verlag der Fachvereine, Zurich); 2. Auflage 1975.

Primas H. und Schleicher M. (1975): A density functional representation of quan­tum chemistry. II. Local quantum theories of molecular matter in terms of the charge density operator do not work. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 9, 855-870.

Schleicher M. und Primas H. (1975): A density functional representation of quan­tum chemistry. III. Rigorous realization of the program in lattice space. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 9, 871-886.

Primas H. (1975): Pattern recognition in molecular quantum mechanics. I. Back­ground dependence of molecular states. Theoret. Chim. Acta 39, 127-148.

Primas H. (1976): Gibt es eine theoretische Chemie? In Studienfiihrer Chemie, hrsg. von der Vereinigung der Assistenten an den chemischen Laboratorien der ETH Zurich, 85-87.

Primas H. (1977): Theory reduction and non-Boolean theories. J. Math. Biology 4,281-301.

Primas H. and Muller-Herold U. (1978): Quantum mechanical system theory: A unifying framework for observations and stochastic processes in quantum mechanics. Adv. Chem. Phys. 38, 1-107.

Saraswati D.K. and Primas H. (1978): A system theoretic representation of me­chanical systems. I. Decomposition of a mechanical system into a hierarchy of orthogonal stationary linear dynamical systems. J. Math. Phys. 19, 2646-2654.

Saraswati D.K. and Primas H. (1978): A system theoretic representation of me­chanical systems. II. Stochastic interpretation. J. Math. Phys. 19,2655-2658.

Primas H. (1978): Kinematical symmetries in molecular quantum mechanics. In Lecture Notes in Physics 79 (Springer, Berlin), pp. 72-91.

Primas H. (1978): Elemente der Gruppentheorie (Verlag der Fachvereine, Zurich). Primas H. (1979): Chemie, Reduktionismus und Quantenlogik. Match 7, 217. Primas H. and Gans W. (~979): Quantenmechanik, Biologie und Theoriereduk-

tion. In Materie-Leben-Geist. Zum Problem der Reduktion der Wissenschaf­ten, hrsg. von B. Kanitscheider (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin), pp. 15-42.

Page 4: PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,


Primas H. (1980): Foundations of theoretical chemistry. In Quantum Dynamics of Molecules. The New Experimental Challenge to Theorists, ed. by R.G. Wool­ley (Plenum Press, New York), pp. 39-113.

Primas H. (1981): Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics and Reductionism (Springer, Berlin); 2. Auflage 1983.

Primas H. (1982): Chemistry and complementarity. Chimia 36, 293-300. Raggio G.A. and Primas H. (1982): Remarks on "'On completely positive maps

in generalized quantum dynamics". Found. Phys. 12, 433-435. Primas H. (1983): Quantum mechanics and chemistry. In Les Fondements de la

Mecanique Quantique, ed. by C. Gruber, C. Piron, T.M. Tam (A. V. C. P., Lausanne},255-270.

Primas H. (1984): Verschrankte Systeme und Komplementaritat. In Moderne Naturphilosophie, hrsg. von B. Kanitscheider (Konigshausen & Neumann, Wurzburg), pp. 243-260.

Primas H. (1984): Concepts of quantum theory. Review of Quantum Theory and Measurement by J.A. Wheeler and W.H. Zurek (Princeton University Press, Princeton). Nature 308, 782-783.

Primas H. and Muller-Herold U. (1984): Elementare Quantenchemie (Teubner, Stuttgart); 2. Auflage 1990.

Primas H. (1984): Was ist die Teilchenforschung wert? Beitrag zu einer Podiums­diskussion. In Bild der Wissenschaft 21(9}, 126-141.

Primas H. (1985): Kann Chemie auf Physik reduziert werden? Neue Zuricher Zeitung, Nr. 42, 67-68.

Primas H. (1985): Kann Chemie auf Physik reduziert werden? Erster Teil: das molekulare Programm, zweiter Teil: die Chemie der Makrowelt. Chemie in unserer Zeit 19, 109-119, 160-166.

Primas H. (1986): Die Quantenmechanik als umfassende Theorie der Realitat. In Europiiisches Forum Alpbach, hrsg. von O. Molden, (Osterreichisches College, Wien), pp. 140-155.

Primas H. (1987): Objekte in der Quantenmechanik. In Grazer Gespriiche 1986: Ganzheitsphysik, hrsg. von M. Heindler und F. Moser (Technische Universitat, Graz), pp. 163-201.

Primas H. (1987): Contextual quantum objects and their ontic interpretation. In Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1987. The Copenhagen Interpretation 60 Years after the Como Lecture, ed. by P. Lahti and P. Mit­telstaedt (World Scientific, Singapore), pp. 251-275.

Primas H. (1988): Zum Theorienpluralismus in den Naturwissenschaften. In Wozu Wissenschaftsphilosohie? Hrsg. von P. Hoyningen-Huene und G. Hirsch (de Gruyter, Berlin), pp. 172-178.

Primas H. (1988): The essentials of the Copenhagen interpretation. Contribution to a panel discussion. In Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1987. The Copenhagen Interpretation 60 Years after the Como Lecture. Re­port Series TURKU-FTL-L45, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Turku, pp. 17-21 and p. 83.

Primas H. (1988): Visszavezethet6-e a kemia a fizikara? Merlwg 88/3, 247-266. Primas H. (1988): Can we reduce chemistry to physics? In Centripetal Forces

in the Sciences, Vol. II, ed. by G. Radnitzky (Paragon House, New York), pp. 119-133.

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Primas H. (1988): Rebuttal to the comments by Marcelo Alonso. In Centripetal Forces in the Sciences, Vol. II, ed. by G. Radnitzky (Paragon House, New York), pp. 137-143.

Primas H. (1989): Great expectations. Review of Beyond the Atom. The Philo­sophical Thought of Wolfgang Pauli by K.V. Laurikainen (Springer, Berlin). Nature 338, pp. 305-306.

Primas H. (1990): Biologie ist mehr als Molekularbiologie. In Die Frage nach dem Leben, hrsg. von E.P. Fischer und K. Mainzer (Piper, Munchen), pp. 63-92. Partly reprinted in Einzelmaterial 6, Sek. II, 6 RAAbits Biologie, November 1995.

Primas H. (1990): Zur Quantenmechanik makroskopischer Systeme. In Wieviele Leben hat Schrodingers Katze? Hrsg. von J. Audretsch und K. Mainzer (Wis­senschaftsverlag, Mannheim), pp. 207-243.

Primas H. (1990): Realistic interpretation of the quantum theory for individual objects. La Nuova Critica 13-14, pp. 41-72.

Primas H. (1990): Mathematical and philosophical questions in the theory of open and macroscopic quantum systems. In Sixty- Two Years of Uncertainty. His­torical and Physical Inquiries into the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, ed. by A.1. Miller (Plenum Press, New York), pp. 233-257.

Primas H. (1990): Induced nonlinear time evolution of open quantum objects. In Sixty- Two Years of Uncertainty. Historical and Physical Inquiries into the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, ed. by A.I. Miller (Plenum Press, New York), pp. 259-280.

Primas H. (1990): The measurement process in the individual interpretation of quantum mechanics. In Quantum Theory without Reduction, ed. by M. Cini and J.M. Levy-Leblond (Adam Hilger, Bristol), pp. 49-68.

Primas H. (1990): Beyond Baconian quantum physics. In Kohti uutta todellisu­uskiisitystii (Yliopistopaino, Helsinki), pp. 100-112.

Primas H. (1991): Besprechung von The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics von R. Healey (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Physikalische Bliitter 47, Nr. 1, 68.

Primas H. (1991): Necessary and sufficient conditions for an individual description of the measurement process. In Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1990. Quantum Measurement Theory and its Philosophical Impli­cations, ed. by P. Lahti and P. Mittelstaedt (Singapore, World Scientific), pp. 332-346.

Primas H. (1991): Remarks on our conception of reality. In Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1990. Quantum Measurement Theory and its Philosophical Implications, ed. by P. Lahti and P. Mittelstaedt (Singapore, World Scientific), pp. 504-506.

Primas H. (1991): Vor-Urteile in den Naturwissenschaften. In Wissenschaftsthe­orie und Wissenschaften, hrsg. von H. Bouillon und G. Andersson (Duncker & Humblot, Berlin), pp. 49-63.

Primas H. (1991): Reductionism: palaver without precedent. In The Problem of Reductionism in Science, ed. by E. Agazzi (Kluwer, Dordrecht), pp. 161-172.

Primas H. (1992): Umdenken in der Naturwissenschaft. Gaia 1, 5-15. Primas H. (1992): Die Einheit der Wissenschaften: Ein gebrochener Mythos. In

Auf der Suche nach dem ganzheitlichen A ugenblick. Der Aspekt Ganzheit in den Wissenschaften, hrsg. von C. Thomas (Verlag der Fachvereine, Zurich), pp. 267-271.

Page 6: PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,


Primas H. (1992): Mut zur Ganzheit. 400 Jahre einaugige Wissenschaft sind genug. Kleine Schrijten Nr. 21 (ETH Ziirich).

Primas H. (1992): Time-asymmetric phenomena in biology. Complementary exo­physical descriptions arising from deterministic quantum endophysics. Open Systems & Information Dynamics 1, 3-34.

Primas H. (1992): Umdenken in der Naturwissenschaft. Vierteljahrschrijt der Naturforschenden Gesellschajt in Zurich 137, pp. 41-62.

Primas H. (1992): Warnung! Besprechung von The Meaning of Quantum Theory von J. Bagott (Oxford University Press, Oxford). Nachr. Chem. Tech. Lab. 40, 1152-1153.

Primas H. (1992): Ein Ganzes, das nicht aus Teilen besteht. Komplementaritat in den exakten Naturwissenschaften. In Mannheimer Forum (Boehringer Mann­heim, Mannheim), pp. 81-111. Reprinted in Neue Horizonte 92/93 (Piper, Miinchen 1993), pp. 81-111.

Primas H. (1992): A propos de la mecanique quantique des systemes macro­scopiques. In Erwin Schrodinger. Philosophie et Naissance de la Mecanique Quantique, ed. par M. Bitbol et O. Darrigol (Editions Frontieres, Gif-sur­Yvette Cedex), pp. 385-402.

Primas H. (1992): Es gibt keine Einsicht ohne innere Bilder. Gaia 1, 311-312. Primas H. (1993): The Cartesian cut, the Heisenberg cut, and disentangled ob­

servers. In Symposia on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1992. The Copen­hagen Interpretation and Wolfgang Pauli, ed. by K.V. Laurikainen and C. Mon­tonen (Singapore, World Scientific), pp. 245-269.

Primas H. (1993): Mesoscopic quantum mechanics. In Symposium on the Foun­dations of Modern Physics 1993. Quantum Measurement, Irreversibility and the Physics of Information, ed. by P.J. Lahti, P. Busch and P. Mittelstaedt (World Scientific, Singapore), pp. 324-337.

Primas H. (1994): Vom sanften Umgang mit der Natur. In Denkanstosse '95. Ein Lesebuch aus Philosophie, Natur- und Humanwissenschajten, hrsg. von H. Bohnet-von der Thiisen (Piper, Miinchen), pp. 173-177.

Primas H. (1994): Umdenken in der Naturwissenschaft. Rotary 69(8), 48-51. Primas H. (1994): Endo- and exo-theories of matter. In Inside Versus Outside.

Endo- and Exo-Concepts of Observation and Knowledge in Physics, Philos­ophy, and Cognitive Science, ed. by H. Atmanspacher and G.J. Dalenoort (Springer, Berlin), pp. 163-193.

Primas H. (1994): Realism and quantum mechanics. In L09ic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IX, ed. by D. Prawitz, B. Skyrms and D. WesterstAhl (Elsevier, Amsterdam), pp. 609-631.

Primas H. (1994): Hierarchic quantum descriptions and their associated ontolo­gies. Symposium on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 1994, ed. by K.V. Laurikainen, C. Montonen and K. Sunnarborg (Editions Frontieres, Gif­sur-Yvette), pp. 210-220.

Atmanspacher H., Primas H., Wertenschlag-Birkhauser E., Hrsg. (1995): Der Pauli-Jun9-Dialog und seine Bedeutung fUr die moderne Wissenschajt (Sprin­ger, Berlin).

Primas H. (1995): Uber dunkle Aspekte der Naturwissenschaft. In Der Pauli­Jung-Dialog und seine Bedeutung fUr die moderne Wissenschajt, hrsg. von H. Atmanspacher, H. Primas, and E. Wertenschlag-Birkhauser (Springer, Berlin), pp. 205-238.

Page 7: PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,


Atmanspacher H. and Primas H. (1996): The hidden side of Wolfgang Pauli. An eminent physicist's extraordinary encounter with depth psychology. Journal of Consciousness Studies 3, 112-126. Reprinted in Journal of Scientific Ex­ploration 11, 369-386 (1997).

Primas H. (1996): Synchronizitat und Zufall. Z. Grenzgeb. Psych. 38,61-91. Amann A. and Primas H. (1997): What is the referent of a non-pure quantum

state? In Potentiality, Entanglement, and Passion-at-a-Distance. Quantum Mechanical Studies in Honor of Abner Shimony, ed. by R.S. Cohen, M. Horne, and J. Stachel (Kluwer, Dordrecht), pp. 9-29.

Primas H. (1997): The representation offacts in physical theories. In Time, Tem­porality, Now, ed. by H. Atmanspacher and E. Ruhnau (Springer, Berlin), pp. 243-266.

Primas H. (1998): Emergence in exact natural sciences. Acta Polytechnica Scan­dinavica Ma 91, 83-98.

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Anton Amann Universitatsklinik fiir Anasthesie Leopold-Franzens-U niversitat Anichstr. 35 A-6020 Innsbruck Austria

Harald Atmanspacher Institut fiir Grenzgebiete der Psychologie Wilhelmstr. 3a D-79098 Freiburg Germany


Max-Planck-Institut fiir extraterrestrische Physik D-85740 Garching Germany

Charles P. Enz Departement de Physique Theorique Universite de Geneve 24 quai Ernest Ansermet CH-1211 Geneve 4 Switzerland

Richard R. Ernst Laboratorium fur Physikalische Chemie ETH Ziirich CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland

Bernard d'Espagnat Laboratoire de Physique TMorique et Hautes Energies Universite Paris-Sud F-91405 Orsay Cedex France

Karl Gustafson Department of Mathematics University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 U.S.A.


International Solvay Institute Universite Libre de Bruxelles CP 231, Campus Plaine Boulevard du Triomphe B-1050 Brussels Belgium

Vittorio HosIe Forschungsinstitut fur Philosophie Gerberstr. 26 D-30169 Hannover Germany

Wilhelm Just Donaulande 12 A-4100 Ottensheim Austria

Page 9: PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,


Frederick Kronz Philosophy Department University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 USA

Giinter Mahler Institut fur Theoretische Physik Universitat Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 57 D-70550 Stuttgart Germany

Ulrich Miiller-Herold Departement fur U mweltnaturwissenschaften ETH Zurich CH-8093 Zurich-H6nggerberg Switzerland

H. Narnhofer Institut fUr Theoretische Physik Universitat Wien Boltzmanngasse 5 A-1090 Wien Austria

Alfred Rieckers Institut fUr Theoretische Physik Universitat Tubingen Auf der Morgenstelle 14 D-72076 Tubingen Germany


Dennis H. Rouvray Department of Chemistry University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-2556 USA

Abner Shimony Departments of Philosophy and Physics Boston University Boston, MA 02215 USA

E.C.G. Sudarshan Physics Department and Center for Particle Physics University of Texas Austin, TX 78712-1081 USA

W. Thirring Institut fur Theoretische Physik Universitat Wien Boltzmanngasse 5 A-1090 Wien Austria

Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker Maximilianstr. 14c D-82319 Starnberg Germany

Page 10: PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,


abstraction 121,124,191-193,207, 256,261-265,268,280,282

absurdity 289-290 Accardi L. 150-153,157-159,163 actuality, actualization 144,235-236,

238,240-244,278 Adorno T.W. 316 age, aging 166, 181, 186 alchemy 325,341,347-348,355,358 algebra

*-algebra 125 algebra of observables 54,58,81,

118,126,211,277,279,363-365 C*-algebra 1,42,53-64,67-70,

123,129,138 CAR-algebra 122-124,130 center of an algebra 47,71,74-75,

105-108,123,211,365 Jordan algebra 57,129 von Neumann algebra 128-129,

131,138-139,142 quasi-local algebra 125 W*-algebra 1,42-47,53-66,71

alternative 98, 369 ur-alternative 363-365, 369 yes-no alternative 365

Amann A. 39,53-57,363 ammonia 40, 48 Anaximander 354 Anderson P.W. 213,219 Anselm 235-236 anticipation 70 antieigenvalue/-vector 153,155,161 Antigone 349,352,358 apeiron 354 Apel K-O. 296

appearance 242-243,247,249,254, 257-258,264

Apsu 339-343 archetype 227,281,291,326-327,

339,341,344,347,349,354 Aristotle 44, 76,213,233,305,316,

368-370 Arndt R. 23 Arveson-Borchers theorem 137 Arveson spectrum 118, 129-130, 136-

137,142 Aspect A. 149,232 Atmanspacher H. 53-57,271-273 atom 193,200,206-207,213,223,

233,281,284 atomic physics 284 atomism 213,231,305

attribute 234 A verroes 358

Babylon 344 Bacon F. 249,251 Baez J. 149-150 Banach space 125, 128-129, 136, 138 Banwell C.N. 31 Baudelaire C. 329 Beauregard C. de 76 Bednorz G. 217 Bell J.S. 150-153,156,159,251-253

Bell inequalities 75,81-84,87,91, 96-97,100,149-152,217,232

Bell theorem 251,264,267 Bell-Wigner-Accardi theory 154-

155,162 Bergson H. 326 Berkeley G. 258,303

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Binnig G. 221 biology 39,212,224,231,281,283 Birkhoff G.D. 165 black hole 215 Bloch F. 14-15

Bloch equations 21,171 Bloch vector 84,87,89,92-94,122

Boethius 304 Bohm A. 165 Bohm D. 196,248,252-254, 278 Bohr N. 58,121,144,151,226,278,

290,332,368 Bohr-Einstein dialog 278,281,

326 Bohr model 263

Boltzmann's H-theorem 171 Bommer P. 26 bootstrap theory 196 Born M. 14

Born-Oppenheimer picture 40-41,48,189,200,205-207, 271,282-283

Born probability rule 250,253, 268

Bose condensation 223 brain 274 Brecht B. 39 Broglie L. de Brouwer L.E.J.

252 370

Brussels-Austin group 166,281 Buchner G. 247 Burri A. 286

cancer 224-225 Cantor G. 368 Cartesian cut 8,76,266-268, 333-334,

338 Cartesian distinction (cf. dualism)

274-275,291,320,327,337 Cassirer E. 199,247 Castell L. 370 catastrophe theory 274

causality 70,76,151,235,247,251, 253,291,304-310,314-315, 320,342

causation 301 cause 224,234-235,237,303-308,

310-311,313-314,317-318 Cayley A. 202 chance 83-84,224-225,327 chaos 71,74,107,313,334-335,342 chemical bond 189,201-202 chemical graph 203-204 chemical potential 61-62, 121, 123,

281,283 chemical shift 26 chemical substance 40-47,190-191 chemistry 5,8-15,23,39-40,44-47,

197,199,206,282,301 molecular chemistry 283 organic chemistry 189 physical chemistry 3, 13,28,35,


quantum chemistry, see quantum chemistry

structure chemistry 197-198,202 theoretical chemistry 1,3,39,51,

189-193 Chernobyl Chew G.F.

224,226,355 196

chirality (handedness) 66,281-282 Chrysippus 352, 354 classical (Newtonian) mechanics


classical physics 193,242,248,253, 258,332,367,370

clock 83,140-141 closed theory 368 cognition 247 Cohen H. 247 coherence vector 84 coin tossing 84

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collapse (of a quantum state) (cl. reduc-tion) 113,211,257

Collatz L. 189 commutation relations 41,58,66 commutativity 81,144,149,161-162,

211 compassion 212,227-228,317 compatibilism 309-310, 312 compatibility 127,144-145 complementarity 191,227-228 completeness 252,266 complexity 98,256-257,353 Compton scattering 195 concept formation 233 conceptual scheme 129,286-289 coniunctio 355-358, 360 connectivity 205 Connes A. 42 consciousness (cl. mind, psyche)

222,233,242-243,268,274, 281,290-292,302,305,327-349,352-360

consistent history, see history constructivism 259 contextuality 60,100,121,143,232,

241-242,275-276,280-281, 288,363

contingency 235-240, 250, 254, 275, 369

continuity 256-257 continuum 368-369 contraction 171, 173-174 controlled NOT 90,92-94 convex set 166, 168-173, 176 Cooper pair 133-134, 142 correlation

correlation decay 104, 107 correlation function 30,70,87-

93,105,108 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)

correlation 55,194,216-217,


222-223,231-232,251,258, 261-264,268,279-280,284

holistic (nonlocal) correlation 232,280

multi-time correlation 141 pair correlation 96-97 particle correlation 87,91


psychophysical correlation 222-223

two-time correlation 84,91,96,99 correspondence (quantum-classical)

43,58 Coulson C.A. 199

Coulson-Rushbrooke theorem 204

Cramer J.G. 75 creation myth 327-328,333-339,346 Creon 350 Curie-Weiss magnet 68 cut (cf. Cartesian, Heisenberg) 232,


Dalton J. Dawkins R. Daza C.E.E.

197 281 206

decoherence 71,103,142,216,242, 250,254,257-259,264

decomposition 126,231,280,284-285 central decomposition 129,131,

142 decomposition of states 50, 55,

63,66,93,242,280,365 decomposition of systems 64,69,

284 Schmidt decomposition 239-240 spectral decomposition 142

Dehmelt H. 220 Delphi 351,353 Democritus 213 Denman C. 349, 352 density distribution 165-172, 175-186

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density matrix (cf. density operator) 87,94,103,107,142,166,172, 174-175,251,258-259

dephasing 103 Descartes R. 213-214,222,249,251,

303,305,319-320,330,336-337 d'Espagnat B. 233,247-249,278-279 detailed balance 161-162 determinism 70,76,224,277,291,295,

297-318,320-322 Dickinson W.C. 15 differentiation 333-335,339-347· diffusion 162 Dirac P.A.M. 3, 165, 195-196

Dirac delta function 165,177,221 Dirac equation 195-197 Dirac formalism 165 Dirac-Friedrichs-Lee model 186

disjointness 129, 135, 142, 179 dispersion 107, 239 dissipation 59-61,65,71,145,171-

172,174,180-181 distributivity 144 divisibility 213-216,223 DNA sequence 283 dressing 55,59,61,63-68,122 dualism (cf. Cartesian dualism) 275 duality 291

particles/waves 219 states/observables 172,176

Duhem-Quine-thesis 231 Dummett M. 254-255, 261 Dunne B.J. 222

economy 348 effect 234 ego 348,354-357,359-360 Eigler D.M. 221 Einstein A. 151,193,195,206,222,

236,253,278,300,332,340 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen

correlation, see correlation

Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment, see experiment

Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox 124,151,278

electrodynamics 252 electron 65,122,195,199,214,216-

220,282 electronics 8, 10, 13-15, 35 Emch G. 57 emergence 117,256,274-276,281-

284,289,291-292,334-336, 340,354

empiricism 303 enantiodromia 331 endophysics 232,238-239,241-243,

254,261-263,265-268,297-299 ensemble 40,49,61,64,67,71,94-95,

255,258,268 entanglement 59-64,68,91,98,121,

124,130,132,207,216-217, . 240,244,264

entropy 121 Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy 73-75 large deviations entropy 69 maximum entropy 55, 76

Enuma Elish 328,334,338-341,345 Enz C.P. 211-213 environment 48,55,58,64,69-71,76,

104,122,216,255-258,281-282, 291

epiphenomenalism 320-321 epistemic description 271,276-285,

291,297,334 epistemology 231,236,238,261-262,

275,307,310,313,315,317 ergodicity 44,63-64,67,363 Erlangen program 45-46 Ernst R.R. 2, 9, 24, 34 Esfeld M. 296-297 essence 234-235,247 eternity 234 ethanol 17,20

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ethics 302,307,318 ETH Ziirich 2,11-13,39,54 Everett H. 196,332 event horizon 215 evolution 233,337,340 excitation 130,133-134,137-138,

177,182 existence 235,252,259-260, 277,302 exophysics 232,238-239,241-243,

256,261-262,264-268,297-299 expectation value 7,59-60,68-70,73,

75,84,86-88,93,238,364 experience 303, 341 experiment 249

Aspect experiment 149,232 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)

experiment 76,91,262 Stern-Gerlach experiment 128

face 118, 126, 142 fact 99,254 fascination 211,213,327 fatalism 310 Fechner G.T. 336 Fedullo A. 150-152,157-159 feedback 70, 75 Fermi E. 212

Fermi distribution 134 Fermi energy 221 Fermi's golden rule 50,60 Fermi surface 122,133

Feyerabend P. 295-296 FeynmanR.P. 195-196,367 field 250, 367 Fierz M. 223 filling factor 218 filter 126,138-139,142 filter theory 32 first principles 191,241,249,274,279,

339 Fock V.A. 3

Fock representation 44,111,278


folium force forest

131,135 237 283,285

Fourier transform 24, 30 Frankland E. 197,202 Franz M.L. von 227


freedom 227,295,299,302-303,305, 307,310-315,317-319

free will 224,299-300,305-307,309, 312,321,360

Freud S. 325,328,335,356 functionalism 286 fuzziness 92,95,100,145-146,205

Galilei G. 249,251 Galilean kinematics 43-44 Galilei group, see group Galileon 122

Garg A. 81,113,143,145 gauge invariance 220 gauge transformation 117-118, 128,

132,136-137 Gebser J. 334 Gel'fand I.M. 57,165 Gel'fand-Naimark-Segal (GNS) con-

struction 54,60-64,71, 279 Gell-Mann M. 103,242 gene 224 geometry 149,163,368-369 gnosticism 269 goal-directedness (cJ. teleology) 76 G6del K. 353, 368 graduation 255,257-259 Gram matrix 154-157,159,162 graph theory 189,202-205 gravitation (gravity) 212,215,237 Griffiths R. 103, 242 group

conformal group 370 Galilei group 44,271,363 gauge group 45-46 kinematical group 44, 363

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Lie group 369 Lorentz group 44,271,363,369 pattern group 45-46 symmetry group 118

Gunthard H.-H. 2,11-16,19-24,204 guilt 327 Gustafson K. 72,149-151,153,160 Gutowsky H.S. 15

HaagR. 53-54,57 hadron 214-215 Halbach K. 21 Hall effect (quantum) 218-219 Hampshire S. 313 Hardy class function 178, 180 Hartle J.B. 103,242 Hartree approximation 48, 68 health 225 Hegel G.W.F. 247,326 Heisenberg W. 13,194,196,222,233,

278,290,368 Heisenberg cut 55,59,65,71,76,


Heisenberg dynamics 132 Heisenberg equations 84 Heisenberg representation 88-

90,107,129,132 Heitler W. 14

Heitler-London theory 189 Heraclitus 83 Herzberg G. 14 hidden history, see history hidden variable 151, 156, 162, 243, 305 Hilbert program 6 Hilbert space 31,41-44,60-62,66,82-

88,98,103,111-114,118,122, 125,134,138,149,152,154, 158-160,165-166,170,181, 183,194,238-240,364

rigged Hilbert space 165-166 Hepp K. 113

hierarchical description 120-121, 125, 281-282,288,291

history 74-75,81-84,91,95-100,103-110,113-114,242,259

Hobbes T. 307,319 HosIe V. 295-299 holism (cf. quantum holism) 1,222,

231-240,271,280,284,327 holomovement 196 Huber A. 27 Huckel theory 189,204-205 Hume D. 247,303,306-307,309 Huygens C. 249

Ibn'Arabi 358 idealism 257,259,274,279,288,290,

307,316,320 incest 349,356-358 indefiniteness 239-240 index representation 85 inertia 308 infinity 234-235

infinite regress 310 inflation 327,359-360 information 59-60, 64, 90

flow of information 74-75 genetic information 283

instability 187,212,215,274 intentionality 314 interaction 104-105,237,370 interactionism 320 interference 136,258, 261 interpretations of quantum theory, see

quantum theory introspection 309,312 intuition 308-309,311-312 Iocasta 349-351,355 irreducibility 5,53,58-59,81,111,

139,149,277-278,363-364 irreversibility 58,71,162,169,277-

278,281,335 Isis 355

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Jahn R.G. 222 Jain J.K. 219 James W. 233 Jaspers K. 266 Jauch J.M. 3

Jauch-Piron condition Jonas H. 322 Jordan P. 14,53,57,103 Josephson effect 140


Josephson junction 118-121,130-132,136,140-141,222

Jost R. 53 judgment 299, 308, 315 Jung C.G. 1,290-292,325-329,334,

338,340,342,353,356-357,360 Just W. 325,327,329

Kant I. 7,233,236-239,242,247-248, 250,258,260,279,288-290, 308-312,316,325-326,369

Karplus-Schwinger equation 33 Kastler D. 53-54 K-fiow 55,70-74,103,106 Khalfin time 177 Khinchin A.I. 32 Klein F. 45 Klein-Gordon evolution 75 Klitzing K. von 218 knowledge 59-60,62,64,241,252-

253,259-261,266,277,304,365 Kochen-Specker-theorem 267 Kolmogorov A.N. 32,71,151 Krein M. 154 Kronz F.M. 271-273 Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condi-

tion 42 Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) state,

see state Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) theory

42-43,46 Kuhn T.S. 367-368 Kummer H. 26-27


Laius 349-352, 354-355, 359 LandauL. 149-150 Laplace P.S. de 237,301

Laplace transform 24 large deviations statistics 69 Laughlin R. 218 Laukien G. 29 laws

deterministic laws fundamental laws moral laws 312

277 274-275


natural laws 301,304-305,312, 320,330,340

phenomenological laws 277 universal laws 238,249,254,277,

279 Leggett A.J. 81,113,136, 139,143,

145 Leibniz G.W. 236-237,249,297,302,

305-307,309-310, 316-322 Leucippus 213 Levy-Bruhl L. 334 Lewis G.N. 197 life 224,281,302 Liouville dynamics 174 Liouville operator, see operator Liouville representation 31-32, 72-

73,166 liquid 219 liquidity 190,282,292 Ljapunov exponent 74 locality 149,151,162,251,299 localization 40-41,145,258-259 Locke J. 303, 307 logic 99,302

classical (Boolean) logic 242 formal logic 331,355 fuzzy logic 206 modal logic 302,315 quantum (non-Boolean) logic


Mach E. 222

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magnet 16-18,20,24,28 magnetic flux 118, 141, 143 magnetization 68,105,108,111,114 Mahler G. 81-83,223 Mann T. 319 Marduk 344-345 Margenau H. 144 Marx K. 325 mass 214-215 materialism 213,223,247,274,307,

315 mathematics 6,8,236,331,353,367-

368,370 matter 42,211,213-214, 266-267 meaning 254-256,263,285,329,332,

348,367 measurement 1,3,6,54-55,58-59,69,

71,74-75,90-96,99-100,103, 106,110-114,121,124,143-145,232-233,239-244,247, 249,255-264,269,271,278-281,284-285,290,330-334, 338,353

meme 281 memory 70,84,92,94-97,99-100 Mercereau J.E. 136, 139 mereology 300 Mesopotamia 339 metal fatigue 225-226 metaphysics 235-236,247,252,301-

302,305,307,315-318,360 Mezey P.G. 205-207 microscopy 200, 221 Misra B. 72-75,81 mind (cf. consciousness, psyche) 267-

268,274,290, 302,310 mind-matter problem 8,76,222,

267,272-275,277,290-292, 302,320-321

mixing 70,73,109-110 mixture 41,46,61,64,126,258-259,


modularity 84 modulation 21 molecule 40-41,43-49,65-66,121,

190-193,199-200,205-207, 233,261,263,281-284

chain molecule 12 macromolecule 66 molecular shape 49-50, 66, 200,

262,282 monad 305, 321 monism 235 monomer sequence 66 moral 227,306,309,311-312,316-319 morphogenetics 274 motivation 309,317 Miiller A. 217 Miiller-Herold U. 3,39 mutation 224

Naimark M.A. 57 Narcissus 341 Narnhofer H. 103-106 Natorp P. 247 necessity 235,260,315 nervous system 244 Neumann J. von 5,42,53-54,57-

59,165,239,244,251-252,257, 277,332,364

Newton I. 236-237,249,300 Nietzsche F. 307 Niniveh 338 Nishitani K. 347 noise

colored noise 32 noise decoupling 34 random noise 32 white noise 32-33

nondemolition 91 nonlinear dynamics 242-244 nonlocality 81,92,99,149,211,233,

266-267,280 temporal nonlocality 75,81-83

Page 18: PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998)...PUBLICATIONS BY HANS PRIMAS (UNTIL 1998) Osimitz F. and Primas H. (1950): Tiipfelreaktionen. Schweiz. Laboranten-Zeitung 7,2-7. Primas H.,

normal mode analysis 12-13 noumenon 233,238-239,242,288,311 nuclear fission/fusion 224,226,348 nuclear industry 226 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

1,8-10,13-32,34,212 nuclear spin 17 nucleotides 283 nucleus 65, 205, 282 numbers 151, 163,370 Nunn C. 281 Nyquist diagram 24

object 55,121,232,238,241-244,250, 262-264,268-269,276,281, 286-289,327,370

approximate object 55,66 dressed object 65-67,69 exo-object 61-67,69,71,74-75 fuzzy object 205-207 macro-object 131-132,142 quantum object 61-67,69,71

objectivism 249-254,257,259-260, 263,269,278

observable 121,143,239,277,370 classical observable 3,5,41-43,

46-51,58,61,68,71,103-107, 110,114,117,122,124,128-131,142,215,264,278,281,365

contextual observable 54-55, 60-61,64,71,74,239,277

energy observable 72, 118 exterior observable 118 incompatible observables 6 intrinsic observable 54-55,59,61,

64,69-71,238-241,277 Mackey observable 128 macroscopic observable 143-144 metric observable 127 non-commuting observables 58,

280 phase observable 141-142


pointer observable 106 positive-operator-valued

observable 72


thermodynamic observable 45, 47,128

time observable 55,71-76,81,83 observation 191,232,236,241-242,

252,327 observer 212,226-228 occasionalism 320-321 Oedipus 328,341,349-360 Oerlikon, Biihrle & Co. 9 Omnes R. 242, 264 ontic description 146,264-265,268,

271-272,276-285,289,291, 297,334

ontology 212,237-238,243,261-268, 275,285,299-301,305-309, 313-314,317,320-321

ontological commitment 286-287,306

ontological relativity, see relativity open finitism 368 operationalism 259,265,326 operator

accretive operator 153-154 basis operator 84-85 boson/fermion operator 66,70 bounded operator 42,62, 154 cluster operator 85-88, 93 creation/ annihilation operator

122-123,142 density operator (cf. density ma­

trix) 31,42,50,60-62,64-67, 71,86,124,131,365

Hamilton operator 30-34, 44, 73, 123,125,132,141,173-174, 181,183,186-187

Heisenberg operator 251 information operator 73 isometric operator 174

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Liouville operator 73, 144, 171-174,181,186

operator trigonometry 150, 152-157,159-163

particle number operator 44-45,118,123,138

ring of operators 53 shear operator 74 shift operator 72-73 superoperator time operator


31,172 59,73,75-76,99,

trace class operator 170 unbounded operator 54

optics 13 order

implicate/explicate order 278 order parameter 121 temporal (sequential) order (cf.

time direction) 75,82,90,99-100,308

Osiris 355 Osterwalder K. 3

Paley-Wiener theorem 176 panlogicism 304-305 parallelism 223,321 Parmenides 235 particle 43-45,220,237,250,252,367,

370 elementary particle 215 quasi-particle 218-219

particularism 231 partition

generating partition 74 partition function 40, 45

passion-at-a-distance 280 pattern recognition 242,279 Paul W. 220 Pauli W. 1-2,11,13,72-73,81,212-


Pauli committee 326 Pauli-Jung dialog 326 Pauli matrix 68, 158,363

Pauling L. 199 Paz J.P. 81 pedophilia 352,354-355, 359 Peirce C.S. 233 Penning trap 200, 220 Penrose R. 290 Peres A. 145,239 perspectivism 311-312 phase difference 117,135-136,140-

143,222 phase space 243 phase transition 113-114, 218, 278 phenomenalism 299,312

phenomenological principle 232, 243

phenomenon 121,194,233,238-239, 242,248-250,260-261,311,340

phenotype 283 philosophy

analytical philosophy 315 natural philosophy 233-234,236,

247,262 philosophy of mind 290 philosophy of physics 290, 302 philosophy of science 9,29,190,

299 phonon 66 phosphate 283 photon 66,76,217,284 physicalism 274,281 physiology 243 pilot wave 252 Planck 11. 214,300,312-313,368

Planck action 214,222 Planck constant 211-212,218 Planck mass 212,215 Planck scale 216

Plato 247,304-305,326,339 Poincare catastrophe 171

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polarization 70,111,217 Polya G. 43 Popper K.R. 313 positivism 243, 253 possibility 235-236, 369 potentiality 233,238-241,243-244,

278,334,339 Pothast U. 313,316 pragmatism 259 predictability 74,103,212,223-226,

250,252,301 prediction 70,167,255,265,269,367 preestablished harmony 321 Prelog V. 22-23,40 Prigogine I. 166,281 Primas H. 1-35,39-47,50,53-54,58,

100,118-121,146,150,189-190,197,202-207,211-212, 222-223,227,231-233,238, 241-242,249-250,254-256, 260-268,271,276-280,295-300,302,325-327,363-367

probability 165-167,222,225,268, 365,369-370

conditional probability 151,157-158,162

Kolmogorov probability 151-152, 157-158

probability distribution 62-64, 74,91,182

probability of failure 225 quantum probability 149-153,

155-157,159-161 scattering probability 182 survival probability 175-179,

184-187 transition probability 60, 128,

134-135,139-140,152,157-162 process 370 Proctor W.G. 15 projection 327,338,340,347-348,



projection postulate 58 property 126-127,136-138,142-145 proton resonance 16-17,20-21,25-28 psyche (cf. consciousness, mind)

244,274,340 psychoanalysis 317,325,339 psychokinesis 222 psychology 243,281,302,311,325-

326,335-336,339,353 analytical (Jungian) psychology

1,325-327,329,338,342 depth psychology 333

psychotherapy 325,348 Purcell E.M. 14-15 Putnam 272,286-290 Pythagoras 213,233

qualia 274 quantization 58,66,369 quantum bit 365 quantum chemistry 29,48,271 quantum computation 98 quantum coherence 145-146 quantum condensate 120 quantum corral 221 quantum dynamics 165-167,172,244 quantum field theory 5, 253 quantum gate 98 quantum holism 59,66,120-121,149,


quantum interference 136 quantum jump 50,71,75,211 quantum logic, see logic quantum mechanics 3,5-7,13,40-

41,57-58,83,190,196,200, 232-233,236-240,247-248, 252-257,271,277-278,299-300,312-313

quantum network 82, 85, 92, 100 quantum object, see object quantum parallelism 82, 94, 98

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quantum physics 330-334


quantum probability, see probability quantum relativism 84 quantum system, see system quantum theory 29, 193, 206, 222,

238,281,288-289,326,340, 363,367-370

algebraic quantum theory 1,39, 42,46,53-54,57-58,103,117-120,124,142,149,240-243, 262,264,268,277

Copenhagen interpretation 103, 114,365

individual description 65, 238-240,243,253,264,277

statistical description 65,261, 265,269,277

many-worlds interpretation 98, 196,268,332

modal interpretation 253 transactional interpretation 75

quark 215 quiddity 286 Quine W.v.O. 261,264,272,285-288

Rabi I. 14 radiation dose 224-225 radiation field 41,53,58,65,69 Raggio G. 150,364 rationalism 234-237, 239-240, 295,

299,303-307,310,315,317, 328,331,333,339-340,356

realism 1,197,205,211,242-243,252, 254-257,263,265,271-276, 299-300,307,312

anti-realism 254-255,259 common-sense realism 283,287,

290 empirical realism 271,278-279,

288-289 holistic realism 279-281,288-289 internal realism 286-289

local realism 284,289


macro-realism 143-146 metaphysical realism 287-288 naive realism 276, 286 non-standard realism

256-257,279 physical realism 287



pragmatic realism standard realism

261,264 7,248-250,254-

reality 7,82,97,212,217,222-223, 247-249,251,260,263,265, 273-276,283,326,335-337

background reality 326 empirical reality 238, 249-250,

260-267,278 external reality

345-346 331,333-334,

independent reality 238,248-250,255,260-263,266-268, 277-279,288,326

physical (material) reality 149, 268,273-276,281,290-291

psychic reality 340 sUbquantum reality 267 ultimate reality 267

reason 303-315,318-319,360 sufficient reason 237,301,303-

304,306-308,311,318 reduction (of the wavefunction) (c/. col­

lapse) 60,103,106,114,124, 211,244,268

reductionism 1,40,118,121,271,274-275,300,331,340

reference 286-287 relativity

general theory of relativity 233 conceptual relativity 287 ontological relativity 261,264,


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relative onticity 271-273,281, 283,285,288,291

relativism 273,275-276, 286 relativity theory 83, 195-196,

206,312,370 special theory of relativity 44,

233,253,280,301 relaxation time 70-71,74-75,110,

113-114 religion 223,327,347-348,355-356 resonance 165, 182 response theory 17,30,34 responsibility 212,227-228,309-310,

314,327,359 retrodiction 70 reversibility 92,107,161,168-169,

281,335 Rieckers A. 117-119 Rilke R.M. 347 Rig Veda 340 Roberts J.E. 165 Rohrer H. 221 Rouvray D.H. 189, 193 Ruedenberg K. 204 Russell B. 368 Rutherford E. 368 Ruzicka L. 2, 13

sacrifice 328, 346, 348-349, 355, 360 sanction 309-310, 316-317 scattering 181-183,187 Scheibe E. 271,276 Schelling F.W.J. 319 Schopenhauer A. 307-310,318-320,

326 Schrodinger E. 13,105,196,224,240,

278,332 Schrodinger cat 64,66,105,111,

119-120,216,278,332 Schrodinger dynamics 50,59,65,

133-136,242-243 Schrodinger equation 60-61,196,



Schrodinger representation 58-59,88-89,111,129,132

Schwartz L. 165 Schwarzschild radius 215 Segal I.E. 54,57 self-reference 285,353 self-repair 225 self-reproduction 283 semigroup 71, 153, 166, 171-175, 185-

186 semiotics 329 separability 81,250-254,264-266 set theory 368 Shannon C.E. 32 Shimony A. 231-233,296 Shoolery J.N. 15 signal 253

signal processing 14 Sinai Ya.G. 71 solidity 190 Sophocles 349,352 soul 331,334 space 247,367,369 spacetime 206,215,237,244 spectroscopy 13, 29

carbon-13 spectroscopy 34 double resonance spectroscopy 26 ensemble spectroscopy 50 Fourier spectroscopy 30, 34 infrared spectroscopy 12-13 molecular spectroscopy 18,26 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

spectroscopy 14-29,35,46 single molecule spectroscopy 48-

49 time-domain spectroscopy 35 ultra-short-wave spectroscopy

223 Spectrospin AG 29 Sphinx 349-354, 356-358 Spinoza B. 231,234-237,239-240,


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SQUID 117-120,136,141,143-146 stability 42,55,67-68,71,74,106,

215,224,285,364 StappH.P. 233,290 state 85,237,252-253,269,364

coherent state 169 disjoint states 103 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)

state 91 epistemic state 54-55, 60-62, 64,

71,74,277-280 equilibrium state 43, 122, 133-

135,137,142-143 extremal state 168-170, 172 factor state 105-108, 110, 127 Gamow-Breit-Wigner state 178 Gibbs state 131,142 Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS)

state 42-44,105-108,113, 125,134

metastable (decaying) state 165-166,170,177-178, 182-186

nascent state 178 non-pure state 60-63,66-67,365 ontic state 54-55,59,61,64,74,

76,238,268,277-280 product state 59,63-69,71,91,

216,280 pure phase state 125,131,142 pure state 41,47-51,59-68,71,

74-76,87,89,103-108,110, 113-114,168,238,280,363-365

reference state 60, 71 state space 58, 126, 136, 166-169,

176-177,277,369 statistical (mixed) state 51,104-

106,111,113,168-169, 176 thermal state 42,47,66

statistical invariant 151-152,157,159 statistical mechanics 40,45,47,144,

277 Staub H. 16

Stieger R. 11 stochastic resonance 32, 34 stochastic dynamics (process) 17,32,

48,55,60-68,71,81,166-172, 211-212,242-244

stochastic perturbation 17,32-34,53 Stone-von Neumann theorem 59 Strawson P.F. 310,316 subjectivity 309,320 substance 234-235,237,260,264,275,

302,304-305,308 Sudarshan E.C.G. 165-167 superconduction 117-122,130-131,

139,142,217-218,222 supercurrent 135,141,146 superfluidity 190,222 SuperpMnix 226 superposition 66-68, 95, 98, 119-122,

136,139,184,216,244,340 superselection 5,58,68,103,111,122,

278 supervenience 274-275,284 Sumeria 338 Sylvester J. 202-203 symbol 223,227,325-334,339,354,

356 symmetry 241,243

symmetry breaking 75-76,122, 124,241-243,280,284,288, 291,297

time-reversal symmetry, see time synchronicity 216,327,342 synergetics 274 system

classical system 58,71,112,168, 241

complex system 251,256,274,281 conservative (Hamiltonian) system

168,171 ecosystem 283 elementary system 43-45,122,


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endo-system 59-65,75-76 exo-system 60-67,71,74-75 finite (dim.) system 47,58,71,

107-108,114,130,174,277,364 infinite (dim.) system 41-43, 46,

49,58,70,103-107,113-114, 117,149,238,248,262,277,364

isolated (closed) system 49,58-


59,64,82,84,88,97,99,119,177, 276-277

K-system 105,107-108 large Poincare system 171 macroscopic system 117-121,

149,279 many-body system 124,128,142 open system 50,58-61,64,83,99,

177-180,277,279 spin system 32,34,53,68-69,86,


Takesaki M. 42 technology 212 Teiresias 350-352 teleology (cf. goal-directedness) 305,

315,346 Teller P. 284 temperature 42,61-62,113,124,126,

262,281,283 temporality 243, 370 thalidomide 282 Thebes 349-352, 358 theology 236,302,305,318-319,322,

347 theory of everything thermodynamics


236,286,339,348 13,40,124,191,

non-equilibrium thermodynamics 274

second law of thermodynamics 171-172,179

thermodynamic equilibrium 43, 71


thermodynamic limit 120, 127, 131,142,282

thermodynamic phase 124 Theseus 352, 358 thing-in-itself 238,242,247,260,288-

289,316 Thirring W. 103-105 Thomson cross section 195 Tiamat 339-346 time 243,247,302,305,308,367,369

eigentime 73, 83 parameter time 75,82,84,90-91,

94-95,99,140 time dilatation 83 time direction (cf. order) 76, 99 time observable, see observable time operator, see operator time-reversal symmetry (breaking)

70,75-76,171-172,178-179, 242,297

Tjl'lstheim D. 72 Tomita K. 42 topology 53-54, 120, 125-126, 129,

200,204-207 totality 286,347-348,353 transitivity 363 tree 283, 285 triangle inequality 150,152,154,157,

159,163 Trinajstic N. 189 Triib, Tauber & Co. 22-29 truth 254-256,261,268-269,308-311,

315,364 tunneling 134-135, 139,224

tunneling microscope 221

uncertainty relation 222 energy-time uncertainty 72

unconsciousness 290-291,317,326-330,333-342,345-346,352-360

unitary transformation (dynamics) 82-99,113-114,118,170-171

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universality 253, 259, 276-277, 285 unus mundus 292, 327

vacuum fluctuations 220 Varian R. 32

Varian Associates 15,18 Villaveces J.L. 206 Vinci L. da 191 virtual watchdog effect 95

Ward identity 220 water 190,282,287


wavefunction 193-194, 199,211-212, 216-222,251-253,264,266

Weizsacker C.F. von 363-367 Weyl H. 233 Wiener N. 32, 71

Wiener-Khinchin theorem 17 Wightman A.S. 57 Wigner E.P. 14,151-152,156-159,

233,290,332 Wigner-Moyal distribution 169,

212 Wittgenstein L. Wollaston W.H.

Yu F.C. 15

Zeno 83-84

311-312,340 197-198

Zeno effect 82,94-97 Zeno paradox 99 Zeno time 177

Zurek W.H. 103,257