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    Psychometric Test Percentage Questions

    Learning about percentagesmay be yet another essential topic for peopl e who want toperform well in psychometric tests. In fact, once you start to understand such

    concepts you will begin to enjoy challenges of such ques tions. In essence, the word percent consists of two parts per which m eans di vide whereas cent which refers to

    hundred. Hence problems build around such concepts are related to calculating quantities per 100. To get you on the track we have compiled some straightforward and

    easy to follow up tips that you may want to study to get ahead with your preparation for your online ability tests. The below e xamples provide you with basic s tarting point

    however to review all ne cessary topics see numerical test percentage guidewhich summarises all essential concepts for occupational standardised examinations.

    Finding number as a percentage of another

    Often in your numeracy tests you may be required to use this arithmetic operation to calculate wide rang e of problems . To demons trate this, study the question below .

    If 30 undergraduate students pas sed finance exam what percent pass ed?

    When you will be wo rking out similar problems in psychometric or aptitude tests the formula to express the above may be formulated as follows: Q1 / Q2 x 100; that is if

    Q1 equals 30 whereas Q2 is equivalent to 50 then30 of 50 would be 0.6. To finish your calculation si mply multiply it by 100. As time will be tight in a bility assess ments to

    quickly calculate questionsof this type input into your calculator only 30/50 and then mentally multiply by 100. Alternatively, you can mentally multiply numerator, in the

    above case 30 x 100 and then divide by 50 in your calculator. If you find it difficult to coordinate me ntal computations and you want to improve in these areas then see our

    tips on how to improve mental arithmeticwhere you can find few se crets to train you mi nd to perform s uch workings s wiftly. Remem ber, to be quick som e parts of your

    calculations will always have to be performed in your head.

    Finding percentage of a quantity

    On your psychometric or occupational standardis ed tests it is high likely that you will e ncounter problems related to calculating percents or fractionsof some amounts.

    For example cons ider the below.

    If 20% of all pos t-graduates are part time students then how m any part time mas ter degree students are there?

    To get such problems right divide percent by 100 and multiply it by given number. For example, to find 20% of 150 calculate as follows: 20 / 100 x 150. To make thes e

    quicker and m ore effective mentally divide each number by 10 which would give you 2.0 an d 15 and then multiply these two. Alternatively, if questions provide you with

    more com plex numbers divide in your head e ither integer or given quan tity by 100 and then only perform m ultiplication on your calculator. Additionally, you can formulate

    the above calculation in the following s teps: 10% of 150 equals to 15 so 20% m ust equal to 30.

    Finding quantity of percentage of given amountYou ma y encounter questions in which you will need to find nu mber whe re you will be provided with unknown for which you will h ave to solve. For example consider the

    problem below.

    If Mike spend s GBP 240.00 or 20% of his salary for rent then how much he earns?

    To calculate this you may use formula 240 x 100 / 20. When you are presented with challen ges that require you to perform the above calculation mentally multiply the

    number b y 100 and input into your calculator only division. Otherwise, you may turn the above calculation around 10 0 / 20 x 240 = 60. Rem ember, it is i mportant that you

    make as many calculations as you can mentally in your head when working out psychometric test percentage questionsto save valuable time during your asses smen t.

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