P ark Chung Hee S chool of P olicy and S aemaul Yeungnam University The PSPS committed to world prosperity and peace through the glocalization of the Korean development experience and Saemaul Undong 박정희정책새마을대학원 학생모집요강 Year 2013 Application Information

PSPS 2013 Application

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Page 1: PSPS 2013 Application

Park Chung HeeSchool of Policy and SaemaulYeungnam University

The PSPS committed to world prosperity and peace through the glocalization of the Korean development experience and Saemaul Undong



Year 2013

Application Information

Page 2: PSPS 2013 Application

The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul(PSPS) of Yeungnam University contributes to mutual prosperity by sharing the Korean development experience and Saemaul Undong and cultivating human resources with leadership.

Page 3: PSPS 2013 Application

Park Chung Hee School of Policy & Saemaul,Yeungnam University

The PSPS as a professional education and research institute promotes thedevelopment of self-support competency with the spread of the Self-DevelopmentAssistance (SDA) model in developing countries.

Page 4: PSPS 2013 Application

석사학위과정 00명


• 새마을학과 (새마을운동이론 및 실천 전공, 산림자원 및 생태복원 전공)

• 공공정책리더십학과 (공공정책 및 리더십 전공)


▶ 공통자격

• 국내·외 정규대학에서 학사학위를 취득한 자 또는 취득예정자

• 법령에 의하여 위 호와 동등 이상의 학력이 있다고 인정된 자

• 출신대학 전공학과와 관계없이 지원할 수 있음

- 단, 산림자원 및 생태복원 전공 지원자는 이학, 농학, 임학, 환경공학 및 관련분야 학사학위를 취득한 자 또는 취득예정자

▶ 공무원 및 공공기관 종사자

• 공무원 : 지방자치단체의 장 또는 중앙행정기관의 장의 추천을 받은 자

• 공공기관 종사자 : 해당기관장의 추천을 받은 자

※공인어학시험 성적이 일정수준 (TEPS 570점, TOEFL CBT 213점, TOEFL IBT 79점, TOEFL PBT 550점,

IELTS 5등급, TOEIC 700점) 이상인 자

▶ 일반인

※공인어학시험 성적이 일정수준 (TEPS 570점, TOEFL CBT 213점, TOEFL IBT 79점, TOEFL PBT 550점,

IELTS 5등급, TOEIC 700점) 이상인 자

▶ 기타

• 박정희정책새마을대학원 운영위원회의 추천을 받은 자


서류(학업성적+학업계획서 평가) 및 면접전형

학위논문, 학위보고서 및 논문대체과목이수 중 택1하여 학위 취득


2012. 10. 29(월) ~11. 23(금) 17:00분 도착분에 한함 (토·일요일 제외) ※우편접수

▶ 접수처 : Tel. (053) 810-1316~8 Fax. (053) 810-2055 (경상북도 경산캠퍼스)

※주 소 : 경상북도 경산시 대학로 280 영남대학교 중앙도서관12층 박정희정책새마을대학원 행정실 (우편번호 712-149)

※원서는 홈페이지(http://www.yu.ac.kr, http://psps.yu.ac.kr)에서 양식을 다운로드 받아 사용할 수 있습니다.

※서류전형 합격자 발표 : 2012년 11월 30일(금) 14:00

원서교부·접수일시 및 장소

▶ 전형일시 : 전형일시 : 2012. 12. 8(토) 14:00 ▶ 전형장소 : 추후공지

면접 전형일시 및 장소(서류전형 합격자만 해당됨)

2012. 12. 14(금) 15:00 박정희정책새마을대학원 홈페이지에서 개별 확인

※신입생 등록기간 : 2012. 12. 19(수) ~ 12. 21(금) 16:00 대구은행

최종 합격자발표

| 내 국 인 |

Page 5: PSPS 2013 Application

▶ 입학원서 1부 (소정양식/ 입학지원서는 홈페이지에서 다운로드 가능)

▶ 학업계획서 1부

▶ 학사학위취득 (예정)증명서 1부

▶ 학사학위과정 성적증명서 1부 (평점평균/만점평점기재)

▶ 주민등록초본 1부 (남자는 병력 기재된 초본)

▶ 사진 (3cm X 4cm) 1매 : 최근 3개월 이내 촬영사진

▶ 공무원, 공공기관 종사자 재직증명서 1부 (해당자에 한함)

▶ 공인어학시험 성적표

▶ 추천서 (해당자에 한함, 자유양식, A4용지 1매 이내,

추천자 성명, 기관명, 연락처 명시)

▶ 영어를 제외한 기타 외국어로 된 서류는 원본과 함께

번역문을 첨부하여야 함

▶ 접수기간 중 도착분에 한함


▶ 장학금 지급

▶ 기숙사 우선배정 (희망자에 한함)

▶ 본 박정희정책새마을대학원에서 석사학위를 취득한 자는 박사과정 응시자격 부여


5만원 (₩ 50,000)


▶ 제출된 서류는 정정하지 못하며, 제출서류 및 전형료는 반환하지 않음

▶ 입학원서의 기재사항이 사실과 다르거나 기타 부정한 방법으로 합격된 사실이 확인된 경우에는 합격 또는 입학을 취소함

▶ 제출서류의 누락, 작성오류, 기재사항 누락, 판독불능 등으로 인한 불이익은 지원자의 책임으로 함

※문의사항 : 박정희정책새마을대학원 행정실

Tel. (053) 810-1316~8 Fax. (053) 810-2055 E-mail. [email protected]

※주소 : 경상북도 경산시 대학로 280 영남대학교 중앙도서관12층 박정희정책새마을대학원 행정실 (우편번호 712-149)

※영남대학교 홈페이지 : http://www.yu.ac.kr

박정희정책새마을대학원 홈페이지 : http://psps.yu.ac.kr


Page 6: PSPS 2013 Application

• Master’s Degree

Degree Offered

• Department of Saemaul (Saemaul Undong Theory and Practice Major, Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration Major)

• Department of Public Policy and Leadership (Public Policy and Leadership Major)

Departments and Majors

• Applicants can check the status of their application on December 14, 2012 at http://www.yu.ac.kr or http://psps.yu.ac.kr.* Registration : December 19, 2012. ~ December 21, 2012 at a Daegu Bank branch

Admission Notification

• Dates : October 29, 2012 ~ December 5, 2012 * Email applications are accepted for international applicants.

• Mailing Address PSPS Administration Office, Yeungnam University 280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-749, Republic of Korea Tel : +82-53-810-1316~8 Fax : +82-53-810-2055 E-mail : [email protected]* The application form can be downloaded from http://www.yu.ac.kr or http://psps.yu.ac.kr

Application Deadlines and Mailing Address

Admission Requirements

• A foreign national• Overseas Korean who has completed at least 16 years of education (equivalent to Elementary, Middle, High School

and Undergraduate) in a foreign country• A Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university in Korea or abroad (or undergraduate students expected

to earn a Bachelor’s Degree before the semester for which they apply for the PSPS) • Sufficient communicative English skill and a letter of recommendation from applicant’s own government • High level of proficiency in English (TEPS 570 or above, TOEFL CBT 213 or above, TOEFL IBT 79 or above,

TOEFL PBT 550 or above, IELTS level 5 or above, TOEIC 700 or above)• Applicants for the Forest Resources and Ecological Restoration major should have a Bachelor’s Degree in Natural

Science, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental Engineering or a Bachelor’s Degree in a related subject area• High level of proficiency in Korean(TOPIK level 3 or above, KLPT 300 or above) will be favorably considered in the

admission decision(optional)

* In special case, those who do not meet the above requirements may be considered being admitted by the decision of PSPS standing committee

| For International Students |

Page 7: PSPS 2013 Application

Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul YEUNGNAM UNIVERSITY

• Official Application Form (Official YU form)• Autobiography (Official YU form)• Statement of Academic Purpose (Official YU form)• Affidavit of Financial Responsibility (Official YU form)• Official Agreement for Academic Record Verification (Official YU form)• Official Transcript• Bachelor’s Degree Certificate• Color Photos (3.5cm X 4.5cm): Chinese – 3 Photos, Others – 1 Photo• Official Report of English Proficiency Test Results • Official Report of Korean Proficiency Test Results (When applicable)• Employment Certificate (When applicable)• Recommendation Letter (Including Name, Organization and Contract Number of Recommander(s))• All required documents must be translated into Korean or English.

Required Documents

• Tuition Waver and/or Scholarships• Living Expense Support for International Students• Dormitory priority

Scholarships and Benefits

• All the required documents must be submitted by the deadline.• Documents may not be revised after submission.• All submitted application documents and application fees cannot be returned under any circumstance.• In the case where the applicant has submitted any forged documents and/or information, his/her application will be cancelled and revoked. • Any mistake and/or incompletion on application forms may disqualify applicants.• Applicants who fail to transfer Application fee at designated bank during Application Submission Dates will be dis-

qualified. • It is applicant’s responsibility to pay bank fee.• Applicants may be subject to interview if necessary.

* Please contact PSPS Administration Office at Yeungnam University for more information. * Address : PSPS Administration Office, Yeungnam University 280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-749, Republic of Korea Tel : +82-53-810-1316~8 Fax : +82-53-810-2055 E-mail : [email protected] Yeungnam University : http://www.yu.ac.kr Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul : http://psps.yu.ac.kr


• 100,000 KRW or USD 100.

Application Fee


Page 8: PSPS 2013 Application

Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul, Yeungnam University 280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-749, Republic of Korea712-749 경상북도 경산시 대학로 280 중앙도서관 12F

Tel. +82-53-810-1316, 1317, 1318 / Fax. +82-53-810-2055Home-page. http://psps.yu.ac.kr E-mail. [email protected]