P R T E S O L Visit www.puertoricotesol.org 1 PRTESOL-GRAM Pre-Convention Issue This is the issue you were waiting for. Here are all the details you need to make the most this year’s convention: preliminary program, workshops, keynote speakers, registration forms, hotel information. The 35th Annual Puerto Rico TESOL Convention and Exhibit is fast approaching, and this issue is your guide to all the exciting events and activities you don’t want to miss. Let me share some good reasons to attend this convention. Keynote speakers This year’s speakers will give you inspiration, motivation, vision, renewal, as well as scholarly research and knowledge. Keynote speakers are highlighted on page five. Workshops Check the list of workshops on pages 18-21. There are plenty of workshops to fill out your day with worthwhile materials, techniques, and hands-on practice. There’s something for every grade level and about every language arts skill you may be teaching. Exhibitors You will have ample time to visit the exhibit area. Dozens of exhibitors will be there to help you find the right materials and tools you are looking for for your students. Friends and Fun Meet old friends and make new friends while you have fun attending the lunches, the chapter meetings, the raffles, the closing ceremonies. I look forward to meeting you. A publication of PRTESOL: An organization concerned with the teaching of English to speakers of other languages. Keynote Speakers Meet our Convention Keynote Speakers Dr. Mario Herrera International Educational Consultant for Pearson Longman, ELT Group, in New York. Dr. Rosalie Porter, Executive Director of READ Institute. Page 10 Professional Articles Cell Phone Use: A Convenience, A Hazard or An Addiction Prof. Florence Quilinchini Page 4 About Faculty Resource Network by Prof. Ilsa López-Vallés UPR-CAROLINA Page 5 Teachers: Who are they? Ms. Daphne Martinez What do some professors have that many students want to take class with them? Page 6 Video Games as a Potential Tool for ESL Instruction Prof. Kenneth Horowitz Page 7 Pre-Convention Section Information, schedules, and forms for the 35th Annual PRTESOL Convention Page 10-22 Convention Concurrent Sessions There will be around 60 exciting sessions to attend. Start choosing the right topics for you. There are topics for all academic levels. See a sampler of the topics on Page 18-22 A Quarterly Newsletter Volume 35, Issue 2 Fall 2008 The Gran Melia Hotel !"# %#&’ (#)#*+’,-) -. /012 !+3#4’*5 .-* 0677#44 !"# %#&’ (#)#*+’,-) -. /012 !+3#4’*5 .-* 0677#44 !"#$ %&&’ !"#$%&$’ )*+)), )--. /’01 2$345 67$’8" 94:" 9$;"’8 94" /’01<$, 67$’8" 94:" !"#$%&$’ )*+)), )--. /’01 2$345 67$’8" 94:" 9$;"’8 94" /’01<$, 67$’8" 94:" => 8? @11703 67$’8" 94:" ABCDE F"1#$184"1 G BH?4&48

PRTESOLGram Fall 2008

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PRTESOLGram Fall 2008

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Pre-Convention IssueThis is the issue you were waiting for. Here are all the details you need to make the most this year’s convention: preliminary program, workshops, keynote speakers, registration forms, hotel information.

The 35th Annual Puerto Rico TESOL Convention and Exhibit is fast approaching, and this issue is your guide to all the exciting events and activities you don’t want to miss. Let me share some good reasons to attend this convention.

Keynote speakers

This year’s speakers will give you inspiration, motivation, vision, renewal, as well as scholarly research and knowledge. Keynote speakers are highlighted on page five.


Check the list of workshops on pages 18-21. There are plenty of workshops to fill out your day with worthwhile materials, techniques, and hands-on practice. There’s something for every grade level and about every language arts skill you may be teaching.


You will have ample time to visit the exhibit area. Dozens of exhibitors will be there to help you find the right materials and tools you are looking for for your students.

Friends and Fun

Meet old friends and make new friends while you have fun attending the lunches, the chapter meetings, the raffles, the closing ceremonies. I look forward to meeting you.

A publication of PRTESOL: An organization concerned with the teaching of English to speakers of other languages.

Keynote SpeakersMeet our Convention Keynote SpeakersDr. Mario HerreraInternational Educational Consultant for Pearson Longman, ELT Group, in New York.

Dr. Rosalie Porter, Executive Director of READ Institute.Page 10

Professional Articles

• Cell Phone Use: A Convenience, A Hazard or An Addiction

Prof. Florence QuilinchiniPage 4

• About Faculty Resource Network

by Prof. Ilsa López-Vallés


• Teachers: Who are they? Ms. Daphne Martinez What do some professors have that many students want to take class with them? Page 6

• Video Games as a Potential Tool for ESL Instruction Prof. Kenneth Horowitz Page 7

Pre-Convention SectionInformation, schedules, and forms for the 35th Annual PRTESOL Convention Page 10-22 Convention Concurrent Sessions

There will be around 60 exciting sessions to attend. Start choosing the right topics for you. There are topics for all academic levels. See a sampler of the topics on Page 18-22

A Quarterly Newsletter Volume 35, Issue 2 Fall 2008

The Gran Melia Hotel


















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TESOLGRAMTESOLGRAM is a periodical service to English language educators and administrators published by Puerto Rico TESOL, P. O. Box 366828, San Juan, PR 00936 -6828.

Newsletter Staff Editor: Carmelo Arbona Assistant Editor: Dr. José R. Sellas Aponte

Contributions Articles on English language teaching, theory, and education in general, creative writing, book reviews, poems, and short stories are welcome. Submissions must be typewritten, double -spaced, and no longer than five pages. They should be sent in a diskette or e-mail along with a letter authorizing its publication. If photos are sent along with the articles they should be properly identified on the back with the name of individuals appearing in the photos. Include school affiliation; return address, e -mail address and telephone number. Articles are subject to editing for style, space, and other considerations. If photo files are sent, please send them in .jpg, .gif, or .bmp formats.

Copy Deadline for 2008 Articles and advertising copy must be submitted by: February 1 for the spring issue, May 1 for the summer issue, August 30 for the fall (pre-convention issue) November 15 (post-convention issue) for the winter issue Bibliographies should follow APA or TESOL Quarterly style.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the President 3 Cell Phone Use: A Convenience, A Hazard or An Addiction 4About Faculty Resource Network 5Teachers: Who are They? 6Videogames as a Potential Tool for Classroom Instruction 7Pre-Convention Section 9-16 Convention Registration Guidelines Keynote Speakers p.10 Hotel Information p. 11-12 Pre-Registration form p. 13 Concurrent Sessions p. 18-212008 PRTESOL Membership form p. 22

TESOLGRAM Advertising Are you looking for the best audience for your ESL resources?You get maximum exposure for our advertising dollar by placing your ad with Puerto Rico TESOL. ESL teaching professionals, department heads, consultants, and school administrators in both the public and private sectors will see your ad. Circulation: 1,000.

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Copyright Notice May reproduce articles for classroom use. Quotations up to twenty - five (25) words are permitted if credit to the author and the TESOLGRAM are included. In other situations, written permission is required.


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Dr. José R. Sellas Aponte

President, PRTESOL 2008

I extend a warm greeting, to all our PRTESOL members and friends on behalf of the PRTESOL Board of Directors. Working in the ESL profession for over twenty-five years, I have observed how the field has grown, changed, and improved. I am proud to be an ESL professional that has grown under the wing of PRTESOL. I AM PRTESOL and YOU ARE PRTESOL. This is our organization, and for over thirty years, it has provided top quality professional development to all ESL professionals on the Island. As President of PRTESOL, I proudly invite you to attend PRTESOL’s 35th Annual Convention and Exhibit. Let no one stand in your way! This year’s theme is The Next Generation of ESL: Tapestry for Success. This year we salute, honor, and pay tribute to you, The Next Generation of ESL Professionals of Puerto Rico. We are extremely happy that our two day convention will be held at the Gran Meliã Hotel in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico during Friday, November 21st and Saturday, November 22nd. Please mark these days on your calendar! In this Pre-Convention Issue, we provide the necessary documents and information to facilitate your hotel stay and pre-registration process. The PRTESOL Board of Directors has been working all year on this Magna Event. We are proud to announce that this year’s Keynote Speakers are Prof. Mario Herrera and Dr. Rosalie Porter. Both Keynote Speakers are well known in Puerto Rico and the United States for their outstanding work in the field of ESL. Each Keynote Speaker will also host a Spotlight Session, so they will be with us on both days. You will have over 60 Concurrent Sessions to choose from over the two day period. And of course, Continual Education Credit will be available at an additional cost. In addition to the Professional Development Activities that will be carried out throughout the day, we will have a social gathering during Friday evening. Don’t miss out on the 1st Annual PRTESOL Talent Night, where you will be able to demonstrate your talent. Come and see for the first time on stage the PRTESOL Band under the direction of Prof. David García. Don’t wait; act now, the Convention is just around the corner! I hope to greet you personally.

Thank you for Being the Heart and Soul of PRTESOL! God Bless, Have A Wonderful Day!


Being the first issue of the PRTESOL-Gram I work on, the challenge for me has been truly unique. I want to thank the members of the Board of Directors for having entrusted me with this vital task.

This is a professional journal with excellent articles from authors who are teachers, professors, and researchers in the field. I look forward to ensuring that our members have both the opportunity to read well-written articles on timely subjects and to publish their own articles to share their experience, expertise, and achievements.

This journal is also a forum where the issues pertaining to our profession are discussed, debated, and discerned. English language teaching and usage in Puerto Rico never ceases to be a source of debate. A case in point is this year’s election ballots which will be in both Spanish and English for the first time. I would like to encourage PRTESOL members to express their views on professional issues through the PRTESOL-Gram.

I look forward to serving the members of PRTESOL through this journal.

Prof. Carmelo Arbona, PRTESOL-Gram Editor

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Cell Phone Use: A Convenience, A Hazard or An Addiction

By Professor Florence Quilichini

The cell phone has become a popular technological device used by a great number of people around the world. It is an essential practical tool that has multiple uses. Most people use it to stay in touch with their work place, family and friends. It not only facilitates and speeds up communication in close and far distant places, but it also serves as a safety device in emergencies. Those who have learned to use it well benefit greatly. Unfortunately, there is a great number of people who make poor use of this device. Many use it for prolonged periods of time exposing themselves to the radiation released by the mouth piece and the key pad. Some feel that they need to be connected and available at all time and become nervous if they don't receive an answer to their call or send a response.

The radiation transmitted by the cell phone is hazardous and may cause cancer. Scientific evidence gathered from research up to now indicates that the use of cell phones does not pose an immediate danger, yet cell phone users are advised to lower exposure levels. More research is necessary to determine what effects actually occur from cell phone radiation emissions and how dangerous these are. Over exposure to cell phone use can cause users the following effects: headaches, fatigue, memory loss, digestive problems, muscle spasms, stress, mood changes, burning sensation, skin rash, and the possibility of brain cancer.

Luckily, we are not alone, organizations such as EPA, FDA and the United States government agencies responsible for public safety, work together and monitor the latest findings on cell phone use necessary to protect human health.

A cell phone is a microwave transmitter. Microwave energy oscillates at billions of cycles per second. Scientists have found that cell phone radiation causes cancerous cells to grow aggressively. Radiation penetrates the brain, ear, and eye tissues which are all very susceptible to microwave damage. Both the mouthpiece and the key pad of the cell phone release radiation. If this is so, we ought to take the necessary precautions and lower the exposure level using the cell phone only when necessary.

Cell phone dependence has become addictive for a great number of users. The emotional attachment some people have is such that they don't seem to be able to disconnect from it. Some users suffer of stress and anxiety when they loose their phone or leave it at home. Others impose their private conversations with little or no regard for those who are near forcing them to overhear their one-sided conversations.

If we wish to make good use of this valuable technological device we should learn to identify the warning signs exhibited by users who have become excessively dependent on cell phones.

1. Can't enjoy a meal, a face to face conversation or a recreational activity without the cell phone.

2. Need to be available at all time.

3. Feel annoyed or anxious when the phone is disconnected.

4. Need to buy the latest cell phone gadgets and models in the market.

5. Show an uncontrolled need to check messages constantly.

6. Need to be informed and know what is going on at all time.

7. Have a compulsive need to use the cell phone in all places.

If you find yourself falling into a number of these habits and wish to stay away from them, try some of the following suggestions:

1. Learn to give time to yourself. Turn off the mobile phone and spend time alone to reflect and ponder on the day's happenings as well as on your particular needs or situations.

2. Set yourself a time limit for the use of the cell phone.

3. Learn to set specific time to share with your family, focus on your work and dedicate time to leisure activities that will keep you away from its constant use.

(Continued on page 17)

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About Faculty Resource Networkby Prof. Ilsa López-Vallés


Faculty Resource Network Summer session sponsored by New York University is an educational program geared to foster the professional development of faculty members of over 50 participating educational institutions. Several universities of Puerto Rico are among the participants: University of Sacred Heart, University of Puerto Rico campuses and UHS Secondary School. The network offers lectures, symposia and seminars of numerous disciplines that enhance teaching techniques and broaden its participants’ knowledge. For more than twenty years FRN has successfully been operating and equipping its affiliate institutions with innovative and creative seminars of general interest for those in the educational field or related areas.

As a three-time participant, I can attest to the excellence and professionalism of the seminarians, administrative personnel and services provided. First, to become a participant, you must fill out an application made available through NYU’s website ([email protected]), submit an updated curriculum vitae and write a one to two page letter of interest. A liaison is appointed to each institution who is responsible for writing a letter supporting each candidate. However, the FRN committee is solely responsible for the acceptance of its candidates who are notified via e-mail. Upon notification of acceptance, the participant will receive several instructional e-mails about readings or books required for each seminar, assignments posted in Blackboard, syllabi and other related communication. If books are required, FRN will provide them by sending copies to the institution’s liaison. In addition, housing, breakfast and lunch are supplied by the program.

Arrival to the Big Apple

Once the applicant has made a commitment to attend the five-day seminar of his/her choice, accommodations at NYU’S dorms at Hayden Hall will be arranged. A Meet and Greet Reception organized by the FRN staff will await participants who arrive a day before seminar commencement. The classes are offered on a 9:30 am to 5:00 pm schedule. For assignment completion, computer access and reproduction of material, one can use the resources available at NYU’s Bobst Library by simply getting a temporary user card. Thereafter, one is free to cruise around the Big Apple and go on walks, to museums, boat rides, tours, sightseeing, window shopping, and enjoy the delicacies of international cuisine.

Enrichment group discussions and class work

I have attended the seminars Critical and Creative Writing in 2006, Teaching Creative Writing and Poetry in 2007 and most recently Teaching Visual Storytelling in 2008. In all three seminars, group discussions are conducted in a

roundtable environment with the convener at the head of the table. Participants interact with an amazing group of people of different regions and cultural backgrounds who enrich class discussions with their expertise and diversity. The array of these seminars has allowed me to integrate novel teaching techniques and ideas to my classroom as well as share it with faculty members of my educational institution through workshops. In my most recent seminar, I tried my hand at film making, co-producing and co-directing a three-minute film and putting my acting talent to use. Mr. Sean Charlesworth gave us an intensive tutorial on camera handling and filming. Dr. Sheril D. Antonio lectured on posture, movement, distance and angles. Our convener, Dr. Rosanne Limoncelli, introduced us to films made by amateurs, and allowed us to constructively criticize and discuss their work as well as ours. Moreover, I was given the opportunity of team-working with four wonderful professionals from Puerto Rico: Profs. María Teresa Martínez (Sacred Heart University), Sylvia Álvarez (Sacred Heart University) and Rosemary Morales (UHS). We learned the basic film terminology of extreme close-up, close-up, medium shot, long shot, panning shot, tilt shot, zoom in, zoom out, etc. The four of us put our talents together and produced two mini films as the final assignment and requirement of Teaching Visual Storytelling with the help and guidance of Dr. Limoncelli.

In short, the FRN program has been around for more than two decades because of the effort, diligence and special attention to the minutest detail of those behind the network: FRN executive director Dr. Debra M. Szybinski, Program Operations Manager, Magda Amaya, NYU’s Bobst Library staff and the security staff at Hayden Hall. The excellence and thorough preparation of the Teaching Visual Storytelling convener and lecturers merit special distinction: Dr. Rosanne Limoncelli, Dr. Sheril D. Antonio and Mr. Sean Charlesworth. Thanks to the professionalism of this outstanding trio, I came up with a new focus for my institution’s English Department Annual Literary Contest. I trust that the integration of both technology and literature will be of special interest to students and faculty alike.

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TEACHERS, WHO ARE THEY?by Daphne Martinez

If you want to become a teacher, you will touch the future. Teaching is one of the most challenging professions there is. Working in the academia has always been a challenging experience. What do some professors have that many students want to take classes with them, while others are not so popular? For this writer, a good teacher is the one that can relate to his or her students and can walk in the student’s shoes. Students should not see teachers as superior, perfect beings, but rather as role models who want them to succeed as they have succeeded. Teachers should constantly learn from others and from their students as well; life as such is a learning experience and everyone learns until the moment of death. As Socrates stated, “I am the wisest man alive for I know one thing and that thing is that I know nothing.” As a professor, teaching for the past 22 years, I often reflect on my teaching and how I am immersed in the process of educating the future of a country. How fulfilling can that be! As a Socratic believer, I agree with what Socrates said! “The highest knowledge is possessed by that individual who truly knows himself, this knowledge constitutes wisdom.” In this process, it is significant to find out what students are expecting from a course when they enroll in a class, and what they are looking for in a teacher. As part of the learning process, students write reflective essays. Indeed, they are extremely honest. Each student has a different perspective, but most of them pointed out the qualities of dedication, compassion, patience, and discipline in a teacher. Last summer, students in the course wrote essays about a teacher who made an impact on their lives. They watched the movie The Miracle Worker, and I asked them if they had had a teacher like Anne Sullivan. Most of their essays were enriching experience as I read their opinions of teachers. What I gathered from their essays was that teachers should make a difference in students’ lives by living for their teaching. Teachers should see students as human beings and respect their opinions. In addition, they stated that teachers should teach students to be better people. An extremely important point noted was that teachers should teach by example. Teaching to be disciplined is demonstrated by being disciplined; one teaches to be aware of the importance of time is also be a person that teaches the meaning of being punctual. As Socrates said, “For who is there but you? Who not only claim to be a good man and gentlemen

for many are this, and yet have not the power of making others good. Whereas you are not only good yourself, but also the cause of goodness in others”. When analyzing the students’ comments, I realized that in the academia few teachers possess these characteristics. Professors at the university level often want their students to believe what they believe in and students should be willing to agree with them unanimously. Essentially, academics should give the students the necessary tools to learn independently and provide an environment of mutual respect. The irony of the situation is that the professors assert that they are philosophers like Socrates who “do not teach anybody anything, but only make them think.” However, some have tunneled vision of the reality they should teach. They want to be the protagonist of the classroom, so, where is the free thought! Respect is an abstract noun that includes many aspects of the academia. Respect should rule the world and of course should be present in the classroom. A teacher should offer respect to her students, in order to receive respect from them. When educating, a teacher should respect every students’ opinion, not tell them what to think, but rather draw from the students the probable answer. As an educator in constant search of excellence, I have studied for many years and have learned about many techniques in education, which includes taking into consideration the importance of having great rapport with the students in order to establish a mutual respectful learning environment for them. Students should learn as much as they can, so they can thrive in life and become citizens who contribute to our society. It is important to teach by example. To be a teacher at any level from kindergarten to graduate school, one should be willing to go back to school and learn new ideas and beliefs. To be a good teacher, one has to be a student as well and learn from today’s youth. As Socrates asserted, “An honest man is always a child.” Teachers should try to fulfill students’ expectations by being honest, admitting that they do not know everything, and connecting with them by understanding where they come from. Let us ask ourselves, what constituted a good teacher in the 19th century? I would imagine the qualities were the same as teachers today.

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Video Games as a Potential Tool for ESL Instruction

Kenneth S. HorowitzUniversity of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez

Ever since they first exploded into American homes in the mid ‘70s, video games have been mostly cast in a negative light by both parents and educators. Decried as everything from a waste of time to the prime catalyst for juvenile obesity, adults have traditionally seen video games as a major obstacle to forming productive students and children. To that end, every effort has been made over the past three decades to separate them as far as possible from formal instruction, even as gaming increased in popularity and now generates more sales worldwide than both Hollywood and the music business (Bangeman, 2008).

This course of action, while natural and expected, has been too broad in its scope. Until recently, almost no one has made any sort of concentrated effort to evaluate video games as a worthwhile tool in education, and its potential benefits have gone largely ignored by both parents and teachers. With the growth of the gaming industry, and the rapid sophistication of video games and other digital media, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to separate the classroom from cyberspace, and educators must accept that today’s generation is more tech savvy than any other before it. Video games have the potential to become an ideal platform for immersion and language practice for ESL students in Puerto Rico and around the world, because they provide instant access to vital skills in an environment that students know and in which they feel comfortable.

As contradictory as it may sound, parents are mostly to blame for the popularity of video games. The average age of America’s 174 million video gamers is now over thirty, and that majority which grew up with the Atari VCS in the ‘70s and the Nintendo Entertainment System in the ‘80s is now passing its love of the hobby on to its children. Modern consoles like the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 are built from the ground up for online connectivity, and Internet staples like chat, file sharing, and micro transactions are increasingly being integrated into the hardware itself. The PC has been leading the charge in this regard for years, and where kids from say, my generation, spent a lot of free time in computer class trying to avoid getting dysentery in Oregon Trail on the Apple II, today’s students in countries like China could potentially be learning English through popular games like World of Warcraft.

That last part was not a joke. More than a few studies have already been conducted in regards to using Massive Multi-player Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) for language instruction (Waters, 2007). Originally conceived by Northwestern University professor Bruce Gooch and two graduate students, the concept of using MMORPGs as a means to teach English involves having a group of

instructors play the game along with the students in a persistent, virtual world. Games like World of Warcraft and Sony’s Everquest - the title used in Gooch’s study - permit learners to not only receive visual stimuli for things like vocabulary, but they also allow them to use them in context in real time. MMORPGs allow gamers to work together in large groups to reach a common goal, and teamwork is essential for success.

Though not as popular, Gooch and his students preferred Sony’s game for their study due to its concise visual cues. “We thought it would be a better game for language learning than World of Warcraft,” graduate student Yolanda Rankin explains, “because everything in the game is labeled, so you have an opportunity to get visual reinforcement of information, you see a noun and you get a label: This is a bird, this is a fortress. Also, the game's quests are documented and displayed on the screen. As students complete these quests, they develop an appreciation for verbs, adverbs, and colloquial meanings” (as cited in Waters, 2008, p. 3).

Gooch and his students aren’t the only ones who see the potential for video games in ESL instruction. Researchers from the non-profit group SRI International began a project last year in the popular virtual world Second Life, which currently has over ten million subscribers worldwide. For its research, SRI purchased a virtual island in the game, on which it intends to open a hotel where ESL students can check in, order food, and perform many of the basic tasks in English that they would if they traveled to an English-speaking country (as cited in Waters, 2007).

The aforementioned studies only represent a fraction of the research being conducted nationwide about how video games can be instrumental in producing a positive learning experience. Despite this, there’s still a lot of understandable apprehension about welcoming video games into the classroom. To this end, the American Library Association recently launched a project to track and measure how gaming impacts literacy skills, as well as create a national model for library gaming. The Verizon Foundation donated a million dollars for the project, which involves working with a dozen game developers to document how video games are being used in education. The ALA hopes to compile its findings in a “Librarians Guide to Gaming” (Morales, 2008).

Thus, as unlikely as it may seem, such research has a solid pedagogical base. Books and articles have appeared consistently over the past ten years that delve deeply into the cognitive processes of video game playing. For example, University of Wisconsin-Madison professor James Paul Gee has been a major proponent of the educational benefits of video games, and he has published several books on the subject. Gee’s work has primarily centered on how video games help us to understand learning and provide better conditions for it than many of today’s schools. He

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Video Games as a Potential Tool for ESL Instruction (cont.)argues that video games "situate meaning in a multimodal space through embodied experiences to solve problems and reflect on the intricacies of the design of imagined worlds and the design of both real and imagined social relationships in the modern world" (Gee 48).

In his work, Gee (2006) explains that video games offer learners information “on demand” and in the proper context precisely when they need it, whereas traditional methods of instruction tend to bombard them with verbal information devoid of context. He states that learners create their video game environment through their actions and choices, and that proper real-time context is vital for this to be successful. “What we need people to learn, “he says, “is how to think deeply about complex systems (e.g. modern workplaces, the environment, international relations, social interactions, cultures, etc.) where everything interacts in complicated ways with everything else and bad decisions can make for disasters. Games – not as stand-alone entities, but as part of whole curricula – will eventually be crucial to this.”

Now, I, for one, am in no way suggesting by these examples that video games should replace formal instruction. The point I’m trying to make is that traditional teaching methods are consistently proving to be more and more ineffective on today’s students, and we as educators must adapt to the changing landscape. Children today are digital in nature, and many have never known a life without iPods, high speed Internet access, and cell phones. MySpace and Facebook are parts of their daily lives, which makes it all the more important that teachers don’t fall behind. I see this rapid change each semester when I survey my university students about computer and Internet access. Five years ago, fewer than half owned an online-ready computer. That number has been reduced to a mere few today.

It’s often said that Puerto Ricans don’t speak English. This, in my experience, is true. Puerto Ricans write English, read it and understand it but are highly fearful of speaking. ESL students in Puerto Rico don’t find themselves under constant pressure to speak the language, so they don’t receive the practice and exposure necessary to lower their affective filters and develop the necessary confidence for fluency.

Consider this: If every ESL student gave a ten-minute oral presentation every week without exception during the school year, every year from first through twelfth grade, that would amount to only seven hours of speaking over twelve years of schooling. We all know that our students don’t give ten-minute presentations, and we surely know that they don’t have the benefit of uninterrupted classes during the school year. Think of how much more extra exposure could be had through the use of games like World of Warcraft. Imagine students running through quests in groups, coordinating and organizing their efforts as a team - all in English. Students could lose their inhibition to speaking English altogether, or at least make strides to that end,

outside the classroom and in an environment in which they feel at ease and enthusiastic. We’re always complaining about how hard it is to get our students motivated to speak English. Why not use their interests to our advantage? Students get to play a fun game and interact with friends and classmates, all without the pressure of learning English thrust upon them. To me, that’s a goal worthy of some playtime.


Bangeman, Eric. (2008). Growth of Gaming in 2007 Far Outpaces Movies, Music. Retrieved on July 22, 2008 from http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080124-growth-of-gaming-in-2007-far-outpaces-movies-music.html

Bendigian, Louis. (2006). Professor James Paul Gee Shows the World the Importance of Video Games. Retrieved on August 3, 2008 from http://www.gamezone.com/news/07_03_03_06_17PM.htm

Gee, James Paul. (2003). What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy. New York, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ivan, Tom. (2008). NPD Group: 174 Million Gamers in U.S. Retrieved August 12, 2008 from http://www.edge-online.com/news/npd-group-174m-gamers-us

Jenkins, David. (2006). ESA Stats: Average U.S. Gamer 33 Years-Old. Retrieved on August 3, 2008 from http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=9342

Morales, Macy. (2008). American Library Association Receives $1 Million Grant from Verizon Foundation to Study How Gaming Can Be Used to Improve Problem-Solving and Literacy Skills. Retrieved July 15, 2008 from http://www.ala.org/ala/pressreleases2008/june2008/verizon08.cfm

Riedel, Chris. (2008). UCF Study Finds Video Games Increase Student Achievement. Retrieved August 4. 2008 from http://www.thejournal.com/articles/22786

Waters, John K. (2007). On A Quest for English. Retrieved August 4, 2008 from http://thejournal.com/articles/21380_1

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PRTESOL 2008 Chapter ElectionsMake a difference - become involved in your regional chapter Board of Directors.It is never too soon to consider running.

Would you like to be involved in a professional development experience that • Gives you a perspective on ESL at all levels of the educational system• Helps you develop tremendous leadership skills• Provides valuable networking opportunities with ESL professionals throughout the island• Enhances your resume• Informs you of and involves you in sociopolitical issues relevant to ESL and education• and is fun at the same time?

If your answer is yes, you may want to consider nominating yourself or a colleague for a position on your regional chapter Board of Directors. The following positions are open this year: Chapter Vice-President.The election will be held on site during the chapter meeting in our 35th Annual Convention, November 21-22, at the Gran Melia in Rio Grande.Guidelines

• Nominees need to be active PRTESOL members.• Nominees will be accepted on site during the chapter meeting.• Votes will be submitted in writing by chapter members.• If a chapter has a vice president, he or she will become the president. If the chapter does not have a Vice-

President or the current Vice-President is not available to continue as President, then there will be an election for President.

• The chapter president will appoint executive secretary, membership secretary and treasurer.• Representatives may be elected on site.

Chapter Meetings

During the Convention each regional chapter will hold meetings and events including elections. It is vital that every member attend his or her chapter meeting. Find your chapter below and make sure you take an active role in your chapter’s activities.

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35th PRTESOL Annual Convention & ExhibitThe Next Generation of ESL: Tapestry for Success

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Mario HerreraInternational Educational Consultant for Pearson Longman, ELT Group, in New York

Mario Herrera has taught English at all levels and has focused his research and methodology development on young learners. As a speaker, he has given workshops throughout Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, as well as in the United States.

Mr. Herrera is an International Educational Consultant for Pearson Longman, ELT Group, in New York. He travels extensively to participate in conferences and academic symposiums, where his presentations are highly regarded for their level of participant involvement and creativity.

He is the recipient of academic presentation awards from various countries.

Mr. Herrera has authored or co-authored many worldwide best-selling ELT series, including New Parade and Balloons. His most recent best-selling series published by Pearson Longman, are Pockets and Backpack, for young learners.

Dr. Rosalie PorterDr. Rosalie Porter is an accomplished author and scholar. She is a consultant for school districts across the country, the executive director of the READ Institute (The Institute for Research in English Acquisition and Development), and founder and editor-in-chief of READ Perspectives.

Dr. Porter, who arrived in the U.S. at age six, not knowing a word of English, has also been a fellow at Harvard University, a Spanish Bilingual Teacher, the Director of Bilingual/ESL Programs in the Newton, MA, Public Schools, and Chairman of the Massachusetts Commission on Bilingual Education.

She has delivered public lectures for the U.S. State Department in Bulgaria, China, Finland, Japan, Israel, Italy and Turkey; and has been keynote speaker at Georgetown, Harvard, Brandeis and Northeastern Universities, and at Wellesley and Mt. Holyoke

Colleges. Porter has served as an expert witness in court cases relating to the education of non-English-speaking students in California, New Mexico, New York, and Texas.

Chairman, Massachusetts Commission on Bilingual Education

Executive Director, The Institute for Research in English Acquisition & Development (READ Institute)

Founder and editor-in-chief, READ Perspectives

Member, National Advisory Council on Bilingual Education

Author, Forked Tongue: The politics of bilingual education,

Author, Language and Literacy for English Learners

Dr. Porter will be speaking on “Language & Literacy for English Learners: Grades 7-12” during the concurrent session on Friday.

Upwards of five million children enter U.S. schools without a sufficient knowledge of English to do regular classroom work in that language. One-third of these children are students of secondary school age.

Major emphasis in developing second language programs has focused on ELL students in the early primary grades. Yet the plight of students between the ages of 13 and 18 without fluency and literacy in English is especially pressing. For these students, learning the common language of the school graduation in a few short years is a serious undertaking that calls for extraordinary measures. Four programs of proven success provide a road map for necessary improvements for this age group.

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Excellent hotel facilities at the Gran Melia.The Gran Melia Hotel Resort is the venue for this year’s convention. You’ll want to take advantage of the beautiful

surroundings and facilities.

Stay at the hotel. Special rates are available for PRTESOL participants. You’ll find all the reservation information needed on page xx.

The exhibit hall promises to be the best source for teachers to find the innovative resources needed to stay up-to-date in the modern classroom: software, videos, books, teacher’s resources.

Special attention has been given to provide practical workshops that will give you the know-how you can use next Monday. Check the preliminary listing to find workshops for your grade level or interest.

Lots of fun, fun, fun. Activities include great food, raffles, music.

Gran Melia Hotel and ResortWith an idyllic location on Puerto Rico's northeastern coast in Coco Beach, Río Grande, Gran Meliá Puerto Rico brings the privacy and exclusivity you deserve and allows you the opportunity to escape from the rest of the world. From the moment you step inside this tropical oasis, you will be enveloped by the beauty and grandeur of Gran Meliá Puerto Rico.

Excellent hotel facilities at the Gran Melia.

Don’t miss the PR TESOL Band’s first concert on Friday, November 21. They will be playing Latin jazz, rock, and rock en español. There are openings for musicians to join the band. Contact David García of Cambridge University Press/Puerto Rico. Call 787-675-4714 or email [email protected].

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PR TESOL November 20-23, 2008

Name___________________________________ Last Name _________________________________ Company __________________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code_______________________ City/Country________________________________________ Telephone_______________________________ Fax _______________________________________ E-mail_______________________________________________________________________________ Arrival Date _______________ Estimated Time ___________________ Departure Date __________________

Room Category Rate (BEFORE TAXES) # of Guests # of Rooms

Deluxe Jr. Suite Garden View

$155.00Per room

• Shared with: Name _________________________ Last Name __________________________ • Shared with: Name _________________________ Last Name __________________________ Rates are subject to 11% Government Tax & 11% Resort Fee. Taxes are subject to change according to government regulations. Third person rate $65.00 per night. Two children under 16 yrs. are free of charge, when sharing the same room with adults, maximum of 2 children per room. Maximum capacity in our rooms is 2 adults and two children or three adults. A one time Portage Fee of $7 (USD) plus 7% sales tax per person and a daily charge per room per night of $3 (USD) plus 7% sales tax for Maid Gratuities will apply to each reservation. SPECIAL REQUEST ______________________________________________________________ (Not guaranteed) FORM OF PAYMENT to Guarantee the Reservation

Credit Card Visa ____ Amex _____ MasterCard ____ Dinners Club _____ Card Number ____________________________ Expiration Date _____/______ *ATM cards with a credit card logo will be automatically debited. In case the amount is not utilized your bank might take 2-3 weeks to process credit.

Signature ____________________________________ Date ___________ Please send by fax or e-mail to: F. 787-657-1055/ [email protected] ATN: DARLENE RUIZ/ Reservations Dept. T. 787-657-1040

Reservation Cut-off date – October 20, 2008/ after this date rooms are subject to availability. Cancellation policy 5 days prior, one night’s stay will be billed directly to the client’s card as a cancellation charge Less than 3 days, the total number of booked nights will be billed directly to the credit card as cancellation charge. No-show

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Last Names__________________________________________ First Name _______________________________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________

City:__________________________________ State/Country :______________________________ Zip_______________

Phone: Home ______________________ Work _________________ E-mail:_____________________________________

Fax:__________________________ Type of institution in which you work (Circle): Public Private

Level (Circle): Elementary Secondary Higher Education Administration Other (please specify) _________________

C o n v e n t i o n P r e - r e g i s t r a t i o n F e e sCheck the

appropriate option. Both dayswith lunch

One day with lunch FRIDAY One day with lunch SATURDAY

Member $150 $110 $110

Non-Member $170 $130 $130

*Student members $90 $70 $70

*Student Non-Member $110 $80 $80Retired Teacher $110 $80 $80

*Please note: Rate applies for full-time students only (nine credits or more) with a copy of class program.

Use separate form for each registrant. If payment is through a purchase order or institutional check for more than one registrant, please include a separate registration form for each individual: purchase orders must list each attendee’s name and have an original signature. Submit all requests to substitute names on registration forms in writing. Substitutions on registrations (including purchase orders) will not be accepted after November 7th, 2008.

TOTAL AMOUNT INCLUDED _______________________________________________________________

Money Order

" Check (Please have some form of identification at hand during on-site registration.)

Number: __________________________ Bank: _______________________________________

VISA or MASTERCARD Card # ________________________________ Exp. Date: ____/___ Name on credit card (please print) _______________________________

Signature: ____________________________

Puerto Rico TESOL 35th Annual Convention & ExhibitFriday and Saturday, November 21 - 22, 2008

The Next Generation of ESL: Tapestry for SuccessGran Meliá Puerto Rico Resort, Río Grande, Puerto Rico

www.puertoricotesol.org * [email protected]

PRE-REGISTRATION FORMPlease READ and print clearly)

Important: Pre-registration rates applicable until November 7th , 2008.

After this date include a late fee of $20.00 to each rate.

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Inocencia Nieves Enrique [email protected] [email protected] Cel. (787)-627-9433 Cel. (787)-615-8188


Company ______________________________________________________________________________

Contact person ___________________________ Position/title _________________________________

Postal Address _________________________________________________________________________

City ___________________________________________ Zip Code _______________

Advertisement(s) in Convention Program

Size Price Quantity Total

One fourth (1/4) of a page $100.00 _______ _______ One half (1/2) of a page $175.00 _______ _______ One (1) page 8”x11” $300.00 _______ _______ Inside cover B/N $325.00 _______ _______ Total: _______

Exhibition area at the Gran Meliã Hotel & Resort:

One (1) table 8x30 $550.00 ______ _______ Additional tables $450.00 ______ _______ Combos:

a. One (1) table 8x30, one (1) page ad, one (1) lunch ticket $750.00 ______ _______

b. Two (2) tables 8x30, one page ad and two (2) lunch tickets $1,200.00 ______ _______

Additional lunch tickets $50.00 ______ _______ Electrical Facility $50.00(per day) ______ _______

Total: _______

_____Check made to: Puerto Rico TESOL

_____Cash 1. It should include art (logo) and message ready for camera and printing.

2. Last day to hand in is June 6, 2008. 3. No refunds due to cancellation, please verify contract before signing.

___________________________________ ________________________ Name and authorized signature Date

__________________________________ José R. Sellas Aponte – PRTESOL President 2008

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35th Annual Puerto Rico TESOL Convention & Exhibit

The Next Generation of ESL: Tapestry for Success


The PRTESOL Board of Directors & Its Executive Board are working very hard to make the 35th Annual PRTESOL Convention & Exhibit a rewarding experience for all our membership. This year’s theme is: The Next Generation of ESL: Tapestry for Success. The Gran Melia Hotel in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico will be the host of our 2 day Convention. Please mark these two days on your calendar, Friday, November 21, & Saturday, November 22. In order to facilitate your Convention Registration Process, we have provided a series of guidelines & contact information that we feel will be of help.

PRTESOL Executive Board 2008 – Contact Directory

If you have questions or need help email the following Executive Board members:

• For questions about payments-Treasurer, Enrique Chaparro Ramos – [email protected]

• For questions about PRTESOL documents- Executive Secretary, Liliana Arroyo – [email protected]

• For questions about On-site Registrations- Membership Secretary, Ines M. Arroyo – [email protected]

• For questions about PRTESOL documents- Immediate Past President, Auda I. Perez Vazquez -- [email protected]

• For questions about Presentation Proposals- Southern Chapter President, Miguel Camacho-- [email protected]

• For questions about Convention Site & Hotel- President Jose R. Sellas Aponte – [email protected]

• For questions about Exhibits & Advertising- Department of Education Representative, Inocencia Nieves – [email protected]


STEP 1Membership

Instructions: In order to become a member or renew your membership visit our Website at WWW.puertoricotesol.org and download the Membership Form. Complete the form and send by mail or submit via E-Mail to the PRTESOL Executive Board Treasurer. Payments can be made by check or using a major credit card. You can also become a member or renew your membership at any Regional Chapter Conference or activity.

If you have any questions that are related to Membership please contact via E-Mail the corresponding PRTESOL Executive Board Member in charge of this process.

Note: Membership must be in good standing in order to request this year’s special Convention Rates. Non-Members will have to pay an additional fee.


STEP 2Pre-Registration (Regular & Student)


Instructions: In order to Pre-Register visit our Website at WWW.puertoricotesol.org and download the Pre-Registration Form. Complete the form and send by mail or submit via E-Mail to the PRTESOL Executive Board Treasurer. Payments can be made by check or using a major credit card.

If you have any questions that are related to Pre-Registration please contact via E-Mail the corresponding PRTESOL Executive Board Member in charge of this process.

Note: Membership must be in good standing in order to request this year’s special Convention Rates. Non-Members will have to pay an additional fee.


STEP 2 (For Presenters Only)

Presentation Proposal & Pre-RegistrationPRESENTATION PROPOSAL DEADLINE: June 6,


October 7, 2008

Instructions: In order to Pre-Register visit our Website at WWW.puertoricotesol.org and download the Presentation Proposal Form & Presenter’s Pre-Registration Form. Complete the Presentation Proposal Form and send by mail or submit via E-Mail to the PRTESOL Executive Board Vice President. Complete the Presenter’s Pre-Registration Form and send by mail or submit via E-Mail to the PRTESOL Executive Board Treasurer. Payments can be made by check or using a major credit card.

If you have any questions that are related to Presentation Proposals or Pre-Registration please contact via E-Mail

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the corresponding Executive Board Member in charge of this process.

Note: Membership must be in good standing in order to request this year’s special Convention Rates. Non-Members will have to pay an additional fee. No Audiovisual equipment can be provided for presenters

-------------------------------------------------STEP 3

Gran Melia Hotel – Reservation ProcessROOM RESERVATION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER

20, 2008

Instructions: In order to make Hotel Reservations visit our Website at WWW.puertoricotesol.org and download the Hotel Registration Form. Complete the Hotel Reservation Form and send via fax or submit via E-Mail to the Gran Melia Hotel. Reservation must be made using a major credit card.

Please submit a copy of the Confirmation Number and the number of nights you will stay at the GRAN MELIA HOTEL. Please send this information via E-Mail to the 2008 PRTESOL President. We need this information in order to know if we have to add more rooms to the hotel block we have reserved.

If you have any questions that are related to Hotel Reservations please contact via E-Mail the corresponding PRTESOL Executive Board Member in charge of this process or the Gran Melia Hotel.

Note: Membership must be in good standing and the Pre-Registration Process must have been completed in order to request this year’s special Hotel Room Rate.


Exhibit Area Contract & Advertising Contract (For Book Representatives & Exhibitors)CONTRACT DEADLINE: June 6, 2008

Instructions: In order to reserve a space in the Exhibit Area or Advertise in our Convention Program visit our Website at WWW.puertoricotesol.org and download the Exhibitor / Advertising Contract. Complete the Exhibitor/Sponsor Contract and send by mail or submit via E-Mail to the PRTESOL Department of Education Representative. Please send a copy of this Contract with your check to the PRTESOL Executive Board Treasurer.

If you have any questions that are related to Exhibitor’s Contract or Advertising Contract please contact via E-Mail the corresponding Executive Board Member in charge of this process.

Note: The Exhibitor’s Contract must be paid in full prior to the beginning of the 35th Annual PRTESOL Convention. The Advertising Contract must be paid in

full before the Ad is included in the Convention Program.


On – Site RegistrationInstructions: On – Site Registration will be available for Attendees if space permits. On – Site Registration will have a late fee charge added. PRTESOL can not guarantee lunch for On – Site Registration Attendees.

If you have any questions that are related to On – Site Registration please contact via E-Mail the corresponding Executive Board Member in charge of this process.

Note: We strongly for all attendees to Pre-Register in order to avoid last minute inconveniences.

Hope to see you at the 35th PRTESOL Convention & Exhibit!


















Register Now!Pre-registration form is available on page 13;

Hotel registration on page 12.

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(From page 4)

4. Turn on the vibrate option in places where the cell phone is not permitted or it is not appropriate to use.

5. Lower the ring tone to avoid eardrum damage.

6. Use a headset and carry the wireless phone away from your body.

7. Use a hands-free- kit when driving. Use an external antenna.

8. Buy a more basic simple phone with less functions.

9. Use the phone speaker while driving to avoid accidents.

Twenty years ago cell phones did not exist, and we were able to carry out a normal life without them. At that time we used the home phone or the mail to solve our daily problems and situations. It is true that with the advent of the cell phone we have been able to speed up communication and this in turn has brought progress and prosperity to our lives. Nevertheless we must bear in mind that regardless of how helpful cell phones might be, we can't let them take control. They were made to help us not govern us. We must learn to unplug and enjoy life just as well. Remember, cell phones are always going to be there for us, so let's use them adequately.

Grammar in a Nutshell

Three little words you often see Are articles - an, a, and the.

A noun is the name of anything As school, or garden, hoop, or swing.

Adjectives tell the kind of noun, As great, small, pretty, white, or brown.

Instead of nouns the pronouns stand - Her head, his face, your arm, my hand.

Verbs tell of something being done - To read, count, laugh, sing, jump, or run.

How things are done the adverbs tell, As slowly, quickly, ill, or well.

Conjunctions join the words together As men and women, wind or weather.

The prepositions stand before A noun, as in or through the door.

The interjections show surprise As Oh! How pretty!  Ah! How wise!

The whole are called the nine parts of speech, Which reading, writing, speaking teach.


Education Quotes

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of the fire.

William Butler Yeats

Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten.

B.F. Skinner

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.

Henry Adams

Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man,

and writing an exact man.Francis Bacon

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.Alvin Toffler

Education is the transmission of civilization.Will and Ariel Durant

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These are just a few of the approximately 60 concurrent sessions being offered at the convention.

1 Plenary: All Levels

The ESL Teaching Genome: It Takes One to Teach One!Presenter: Marrio Herrera is an International Educational Consultant for Pearson Longman, ELT Group, in New York.

This plenary session explores how in order to live a full and successful English life-learning outcome, we must learn in terms of competencies, and how it takes a competence-aware teacher, to teach such a process adequately. Participants will value the importance of “playing the part” of the today’s needed role in the ESL classroom, at the time they foster autonomy in learners, as well as the use of cutting edge learning tools in a teaching ambiance where tolerance and acknowledgement of differences prevail. Genomes making it to the learning outcome!

2 Paper: Secondary and Higher Ed

Using the Right Thread for the Tapestry of ReadingPresenter: Dr. Michael A. ShandEmail: [email protected]

Presents “laws” of language learning and reading. Discusses benefits and pitfalls of reading as a source of L2 input and provides methodology for overcoming pitfalls.

3 Paper: All Audiences

Communicating In English: Comments and Suggestions Regarding English Language InstructionPresenter: Dr. Susana De Jesús obtained her Doctorate from Columbia University, in Educational Policy and Administration. Her original research and dissertation studied the attitudes of Latino parents regarding language learning in urban schools with 50% or more Latino student populations (in the United States). She obtained her Masters Degree from New York University, New York, in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), and holds numerous Teaching, Professional Development, Supervisory or Administrative Licenses from the New York and New Jersey Departments of Education.Email: [email protected]

An approach to English instruction: Teaching language is not following the chapters of a book. Instruction must provide students what they need to accomplish goals.

4 Workshop: All Audience

Making Magic with MusicPresenter: Lonnie Dai Zovi is teacher, author of many books for language teachers and is a frequent presenter and speaker in the U.S and abroad.Email: [email protected]

This exciting and active presentation will demonstrate many ways that music can enhance any lesson at any level. Teachers will use these techniques on Monday.

5 Demonstration: Higher Ed

Technology Integration into ESOL Teacher Education Presenters: Dr. Vicky Giouroukakis is assistant professor in the Division of Education at Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY where she teaches courses in English Education and TESOL. She taught English in the New York City public school system and ESL to adolescents and adults. She earned her Ph.D. in Literacy Education and Masters in TESOL from the University of Pennsylvania, and Masters in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research interests include standards, assessment, and teacher preparation. E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld is associate professor and coordinator of the Master of Science in Education: TESOL program at Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY. She has published extensively on working with

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English Language Learners and/or providing individualized instruction based on learning-style preferences. She has received several awards including St. John's University's Outstanding Dissertation Award, a Fulbright Lecturing Award in Iceland and NYSTESOL's  ESL Educator of the Year Award. E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Maureen Walsh is currently Dean of the Division of Education at Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY.  She taught English at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, from 1986-1994 and earned her Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction in TESOL from the Graduate School of Education at the University of Puerto Rico.  Her dissertation title was "Puerto Rican English: An Ethnographic Study with Implications for the English Curriculum in Puerto Rico." Maureen maintains many of her personal and professional contacts in Puerto Rico and is a frequent visitor to the Island. E-mail: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

The presenters demonstrate through PowerPoint and handouts how technology is integrated into their TESOL teacher preparation program.

6 Workshop: Secondary and Higher Ed

Discovering Fiction/Writers at WorkPresenter: Andy Martin is the Senior Sales and Marketing Manager for Cambridge University Press. He has an MEd. In TESOL and has been an ESL teacher, trainer, and publisher for more than 40 years.Email: [email protected]

Cambridge can help your students in the critical areas of English composition and reading comprehension, with two, new multilevel series, Discovering Fiction and Writers at Work.

7 Demonstration: All Levels

Photo Story 3 for Windows: Creating Capstone Projects for Students of ESLPresenter: John M. Espósito Santore is a professor of English at the Universidad del Este in Carolina, Puerto Rico. He has been teaching foreign language and ESL for the past 16 years. Prior to his current position, Prof. Espósito was the Director of the

Modern Languages Media Center at the College of Staten Island/CUNY, where he also taught Italian and ESL. His areas of interest are Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).Email: [email protected]

Photo Story 3 for Windows is a powerful tool for language learning and allows users to incorporate audio and video in web-based projects for language instruction.

8 Workshop: Secondary and Higher Ed

Using Dictionaries in Puerto RicoPresenter: James Goldstone is the Eastern Regional Sales Manager of Cambridge University Press. James has a teaching certificate in ESL and an extensive background in teaching ESL in the US and throughout Latin America. He has been training and presenting to ESL teachers for more than 30 years.Email: [email protected]

Description:1. Diccionario Cambridge is a bilingual dictionary for Spanish-speaking learners of English.2. The Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary defines content vocabulary students need to succeed in school.

9 Workshop: All Levels

Writing Samples as Formative AssessmentPresenter: Vanessa Austin, a professor at Universidad Adventista de las Antillas in Puerto Rico, teaches grammar and college writing to second language learners. Her experiences range from teaching at the pre-kindergarten through the college level, providing instruction in both Spanish and English in all content areas, as well as being a SDAIE (Specially Designed Academic English Instruction) teacher and trainer. Designing courses to meet the needs of SLLs through her focus on the theory and practice of academic English instruction has increased her participation as a facilitator and instructor in numerous workshops and classes. Austin has taught in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Africa.Email: [email protected]

Periodic writing samples used as formative assessments contribute to better inform instructional

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practices as well as better decision-making as students adapt their learning strategies.

10 Workshop: Secondary and Higher Ed

Developing a Voice in WritingPresenter: Dr. Brenda A. Camara has taught a variety of courses such as, Basic English, Intermediate English, Grammar, Composition, and Reading Analysis, Business English, Business Report Writing, Syntax and Morphology, Comparative Analysis of English and Spanish, Business English for Secretaries, Conversational English for Secretaries, Cross-cultural Communication. Her professional curriculum includes numerous workshops and conferences of the most varied types such as metacognition, reading, writing, communicative interactions, humor, culture, multiple intelligences, and linguistic skills. Her background for these involvements lies in her B. Ed. in Bilingual Education (Sacred Heart University, Puerto Rico), M.A. in TESL (Inter American University, Puerto Rico) and Ed. D. in TESOL Curriculum and Instruction (University of Puerto Rico).Email: [email protected]

During this session the presenter will demonstrate how to make choices during writing that allow a unique voice come through. The participants will explore a variety of possibilities to help students discover and develop their own voice when writing.

11 Workshop: All Levels

The Use of FACEBOOK in the ESL ClassroomPresenters: Johnathan A. Reece Moore obtained a BA in Teaching English as a Second Language with Multimedia Technology from the University of Puerto, Aguadilla campus, and will finish his MA in TESOL this December from Interamerican University, Arecibo campus. He is currently teaching second grade in Carib Christian School, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.

Mary Moore de Reece is originally from Arkansas, but has lived for 38 years on the island. She came to the island to teach in a private, Christian school in San Juan, and helped start another Christian school in Levittown. She also taught in Carib Christian School in Aguadilla and was elementary principal there for 5 years. Mary is currently in her 9th year at the University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla campus.Email: [email protected]

This workshop is designed to give practical tips on the use of a social network which students are familiar with in their English development.

12 Demonstration: All Levels

Technology Tools for Learners of EnglishPresenter: Ian Martin is the International ELT Director for Heinle, based in Boston. For seventeen years he has lived and worked extensively throughout Asia, Latin America, and Europe. He has been a teacher, teacher trainer, syllabus designer, and director of a language school. His special interests include the teaching of reading and vocabulary. He is the holder of an RSA TEFL Diploma.Email: [email protected]

This is a demonstration of new Online and CD-ROM based materials for learners of English, with an audience discussion of exactly how they help learners.

13 Paper: Secondary and Higher Ed

You’ve Got Mail: Using E-mail in the ESL ClassroomPresenter: Catherine O’Hallaron received her MA in Teaching English as a Second Language from Inter American University in San Germán. She currently works as an English professor at Universidad del Este in Yauco.Email: [email protected]

Ideas for and the benefits of using e-mail as a teaching tool. The presenter’s experiences and suggestions for dealing with common problems are shared.

14 Workshop: Elementary

An Overview of Scientifically Based ReadingPresenter: Dr. Maria Antonia Irizarry is 2002 Marie E. Aloise Distinguished Educator Award for Lifetime Service in the Teaching of English as a Second Language recipient. A graduate of Teachers College-Columbia University with a Doctorate in Languages and Literature, she is Past President of PRTESOL and Past Dean of Education at UPR-Rio Piedras. Her heart is in TESL, and that is what she does at UPR-Rio Piedras in the Graduate School of Education.Email: [email protected]

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Interactive workshop in which elementary school teachers will be familiarized with the latest findings from scientific research regarding reading. Based on it, they will practice.

15 Workshop: Elementary & Secondary

Journey into English as a Global LanguagePresenter: Dr. Evelyn Lugo is a professor and an educational consultant for Pearson Education Caribbean. Also, she is currently the PRTESOL Eastern Chapter Vice President.Email: [email protected] can teachers take advantage of the multicultural implications of teaching our students as citizens of the world? Audience will participate in hands-on activities using Keystone Pearson Longman products.

16 Demonstration: All Levels

Exploring Learner English: A Corpus PerspectivePresenter: Dr. Jesus Lopez holds a Master degree in translation and an Ed.D. in curriculum and teaching from the University of Puerto Rico. He is currently doing research on learner English at the University of Puerto Rico at HumacaoEmail: [email protected]

Interest in computer corpora and learner corpora is steadily increasing for both ELT and SLA specialists given the practical and theoretical value they can provide. The presenter will discuss the relevance of learner corpora to language teachers interested in making informed decisions of what goes on in the language classroom.

17 Demonstration: Elementary & Secondary

Developing a Community of Learners in your ClassroomPresenter: Prof Gladys Cruz has taught ESL for over 30 years. Her ESL teaching experience ranges from K to Higher Ed; in addition, she has occupied a variety of positions as an ESL specialist: supervisor, department director, grant writer, and educational consultant. Currently, she teaches at Inter American University in Bayamón where she has taught basic, intermediate, and advanced level English course, as well as, participated in ESL teacher training. At the Bayamon Campus she has also designed and currently teaches online courses.Email: [email protected]

Developing a community of learners in our classrooms involves more than class discipline and participation. It involves the creation of an innovate classroom where all our students will be tutors and participants. Why not give it a chance?

Have teachers understand the concept of communities of learners and the way they can implement them in their classrooms. Ideas and practical techniques will be discussed.

1st Annual PRTESOL Talent NightFeaturing the Presentation of the PRTESOL

BandFriday, November 21 – 7:30 p.m. – Plenary Area, Gran Melia Hotel

Come join us for this first ever PRTESOL Talent NightBe a part of the Show!



Cell Phone_________________________________________


Description of Act ___________________________ Example: (Song – Magic – Comedy – Dance - Band)


Submit Via E-Mail toPRTESOL Talent Night Committee

[email protected]

Observation: This is not a competition, purely for Recreation!

Enjoy the PRTESOL Social GatheringOpen to all PRTESOL Members Free of


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22 Visit www.puertoricotesol.org

Puerto Rico TESOL Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages


NEW RENEWAL NAME: ________________________________________ Member ID # _____________ Last (Names) First Middle Initial

MAILING _____________________________ HOME PHONE: ____________ADDRESS _____________________________ CELL PHONE: _____________ _____________________________ E-MAIL: _______________@________ Town Country Zip Code


PLACE: _______________________________ ____ Elementary _______________________________ ____ Secondary _______________________________ ____ Higher Education Town Country Zip Code ____ Administration

____ Other (please specify)

TELEPHONE(S): _______________________ cell phone ___________________________ FAX: _________________

MEMBERSHIP FEES (Please check the rate that applies to you.) ONE YEAR CHAPTER ____ CAGUAS REGULAR .......... $25 ____ EASTERN STUDENT .......... *$20 ____ METRORETIRED .......... $20 ____ SOUTHERNINSTITUTION ....**$30 ____ NORTHERN ____ WESTERN

* Rate for full-time student only, undergraduate 12 credits or more, graduate 6 credits or more. A copy of the present class program is required with membership form.

** This fee entitles institutions to mailings only.

PAYMENT:_____ CHECK ______ MONEY ORDER _____ CASH (No cash through the mail, please.)

Referred by ___________________________

MAIL TO PLEASE DO NOT FILL OUTMEMBERSHIP SECRETARY PUERTO RICO TESOL Membership List: ________________P. O. BOX 366828 Membership Card Sent Date: _______SAN JUAN, PR 00936-6828 Check No. _____________

Date: _______________ Banking Institution: ______________

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Visit www.puertoricotesol.org 23

2009 Puerto Rico TESOL Board


PRTESOL is seeking outstanding professionals who are willing to become Board members. The nominating committee is in the process of preparing a slate of candidates for the 2009 Board elections. We need and want your valuable input to identify those dedicated, active members who are interested in assuming leadership positions within our organization. Nominate yourself or someone you know who is willing to run for one of the available positions. Nominations are being accepted for the following positions : 1. PRESIDENT2. Vice President 3. Elementary Representative4. Higher Education Representative5. Member at Large6. Private School Representative

Please submit your nominations of candidates for these positions by October 15, 2008. Send their name, telephone numbers and email address by email to:

Arlinda López at [email protected] Youwillreceiveelectionballotswiththecandidatesthroughthemail.Sendinyourvotesthroughthemail.YouwillhaveuntilTheConventiontovote.Finalresultsandnextyear’sboardwillbeannouncedduringtheConvention.

PRTESOL METRO CHAPTER’s 13th Annual Conference Research and Innovative Practices in ESL

ESL Research Round Table Panelists: Dr. Loretta Collins (UPR- Río Piedras), Dr. María Antonia Irizarri (UPR- Río Piedras), Dr. Evelyn Lugo, (UNE), Dr. Maritza Sostre (UPR-Bayamón), and Dr. Milagros Martínez (UPR- Bayamón). The panelists will explain their research project and research method. A great opportunity for master¹s level and doctoral level students to participate in a round table on research that will go beyond institutional boundaries.

Concurrent Sessions Plan on attending two of the following workshops to be held at 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Title: "iLearning": Use of iPod as a tool in the ESL classroom. Presenter: Amarilys González

This workshop is an introduction to podcasting. Participants will learn the basics for developing podcasts to be used in the teaching learning process. Teachers will receive a step by step guide to create podcasts.

Title: Differentiated Instruction- One size doesn’t fit all Presenter: Elsie De JesusIn most classrooms we have a diversity of students with different academic abilities and learning styles. We can meet their needs by differentiating instruction. In this workshop you will be provided with the knowledge and skills to implement effective strategies to meet the needs of your students and improve student achievement.

Title: Digital Storytelling Presenter: Eileen HernándezDigital storytelling is the modern and technological expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Participants of this workshop will learn how create a digital story using the program moviemaker. The presenter will show how you can use it in the classroom as a powerful instructional tool to have your students retell and create stories.

Title: Fun Writing Activities: Presenter: Crucita OramaPresentation of activities that will engage your students in talking, listening, reading and writing English. The students will have fun while learning, and therefore be more interested in their English class.

For more Information: 787 728-1515X 2383 or http://metro.prtesol.angelfire.com Saturday October 18, 2008

Universidad del Sagrado Corazón

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PRTESOL VOLUME 35, Issue 2, Fall 2008

35th Annual PRTESOL Convention and Exhibit

Next Generation of ESL: Tapestry for Success

Look inside to find all you need to enjoy a great convention experience at the Gran Melia Hotel in Río Grande, Puerto Rico during November 21 and 22.


















PRTESOLP. O. Box 366828 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936 -6828

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