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  • 7/29/2019


    February 6, 2013 CW 7.5: Communism DBQ Page 1

    Why are Communists and Socialists organizing and what do they hope to achieve?

    Document 1Source: Unknown, Luigi Galleani, Revolutionary artist, 1880s

    Document 2Source: The Condition of the Working Classes in England, Friedrich Engels, 1844

    The strongest of all, a tiny group of capitalists, monopolize everything, while the weakest, who

    are in the vast majority; succumb to the most abject poverty.

    Every great town has one or more slum areas into which the working classes are packed.

    Sometimes, of course, poverty is to be found hidden away in alleys close to the stately homes

    of the wealthy. Generally, however, the workers are segregated in separate districts where

    they struggle through life as best they can out of sight of the more fortunate classes of society.

    The slums of the English towns have much in common - the worst house in a town being found

    in the worst districts.

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    February 6, 2013 CW 7.5: Communism DBQ Page 2

    Document 3Source: Declaration of Fundamental Principles, Socialist Labor Party of Germany, 1875

    Having outlived its social usefulness, capitalism must give way to a new social order--a social

    order wherein government shall rest on industry, on the basis of useful occupations, instead of

    resting on territorial (political) representation. This new system can only be the Socialist formof government that attempts to meet the needs of the vast majority through the use of

    governmental power to better the condition of human beings and to reform the excesses of

    industrial capitalism.

    Document 4Source: The Internationale, song by Eugene Pottier, member of the Paris Commune

    Arise, the workers of all nations!

    Arise, oppressed of the earth!

    For justice thunders condemnation:

    A better world's in birth!

    It is time to win emancipation,

    Arise, you slaves, no more in thrall!

    The earth will rise on new foundations:

    We, who were nothing, shall be all!

    Just we, the workers of the world-wide,

    The greatest army of labor,

    To own the planet have a true right -

    But the parasites never!

    For too long we've endured exploitation,

    Too long we've been the vulture's prey.

    Farewell to days of condemnation!

    The red dawn brings a bright new day!

    Forward, brothers and sisters,

    And the last fight let us face;

    The Internationale

    Unites the human race!

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    February 6, 2013 CW 7.5: Communism DBQ Page 3

    Document 5Source: The Gotha Program, Revolutionary Party Manifesto, 1875

    The emancipation of labor must be the work of the laboring class itself, opposed to which all

    other groups are enemy groups attempting to subvert the workers. The workers are the only

    legitimate class to hold power in society.

    Document 6Source: Evolutionary Socialism, Edouard Bernstein, 1909

    In all advanced societies we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding step by

    step to democratic organizations and reforms. Under the influence of this, and driven by the

    movement of the working classes which is daily becoming stronger, new legislation becomes

    possible. Factory legislation, the democratizing of local government; the freeing of laborunions and systems of cooperative trading all are efforts we must undertake.

    Or must we await for the system to fall and in its place and the proletariat emerge and take

    conquest of the means of political power. Should the power of the state be used exclusively by

    the workers against the non-proletarian world?

    That is the dispute and that is the battle for which our movement must decide.

    Document 7Source: Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx, 1848

    In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the

    existing social and political order of things. They seek to overturn Capitalism and establish a

    new order for the world. In all these movements they bring to the front, as the leading

    question in each, the fight against the bourgeoisie, no matter what its degree of development

    at the time.

    The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends

    can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling

    classes tremble at a Communistic revolution.

    The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

    Working men of all countries, unite!

  • 7/29/2019


    February 6, 2013 CW 7.5: Communism DBQ Page 4

    Document ______________

    1. Who is the author? 2. What is his/her purpose in writing thisdocument?

    3. What is the major topic of this document? 4. What are 2-3 important ideas of this document?

    5. What are the sides of the issue? 6. What side is the author on?

    Document ______________

    1. Who is the author? 2. What is his/her purpose in writing thisdocument?

    3. What is the major topic of this document? 4. What are 2-3 important ideas of this document?

    5. What are the sides of the issue? 6. What side is the author on?

  • 7/29/2019


    February 6, 2013 CW 7.5: Communism DBQ Page 5

    Document ______________

    1. Who is the author? 2. What is his/her purpose in writing thisdocument?

    3. What is the major topic of this document? 4. What are 2-3 important ideas of this document?

    5. What are the sides of the issue? 6. What side is the author on?

    Document ______________

    1. Who is the author? 2. What is his/her purpose in writing thisdocument?

    3. What is the major topic of this document? 4. What are 2-3 important ideas of this document?

    5. What are the sides of the issue? 6. What side is the author on?

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    February 6, 2013 CW 7.5: Communism DBQ Page 6

    Document ______________

    1. Who is the author? 2. What is his/her purpose in writing thisdocument?

    3. What is the major topic of this document? 4. What are 2-3 important ideas of this document?

    5. What are the sides of the issue? 6. What side is the author on?

    Document ______________

    1. Who is the author? 2. What is his/her purpose in writing thisdocument?

    3. What is the major topic of this document? 4. What are 2-3 important ideas of this document?

    5. What are the sides of the issue? 6. What side is the author on?

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