Protein 3D Structure Determination Using Homology Modeling and Structure Analysis

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  • 8/10/2019 Protein 3D Structure Determination Using Homology Modeling and Structure Analysis


    125 Science Vision 2011 MIPOGRASS. All rights reserved


    Protein 3D structure determination using homology modeling and

    structure analysis

    S. Brindha1, Sangzuala Sailo1, Liansangmawii Chhakchhuak1, Pranjal Kalita3,G. Gurusubramanian2and N. Senthil Kumar1

    1Department of Biotechnology,2Department of Zoology, MizoramUniversity, Aizawl 796 004, India3

    Department of Information Technology, ICFAI University, Aizawl, India


    The protein sequence of aspartate aminotransferase of pig was retrieved from the Swiss-Prot data-base. The appropriate template for homology modeling was determined using Blastp. 3D structureswere determined by homology modeling softwares such as Swiss Model and EsyPred3D whichpassed quality test by ProQ software and set for further analysis. The pockets determined by CASTpserver for the predicted structures showed a significant difference in the pocket area and volume,which were due to structural deviation between the residues 30-40 found in the 3d-ss software.Both the structures were analyzed using ProFunc tool which showed different functions as they haddifferent structures and active sites. Thus the structure plays a vital role in determining its function.

    ey words: Aspartate aminotransferase; Blastp; CASTp; 3D structure; ProQ.

    Proceedings of the National Level Workshop on RandomAmplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers and Its Ap-plications organized on 20-21 May 2011 by the Departmentsof Biotechnology & Zoology, Bioinformatics InfrastructureFacility & State Biotech Hub, Mizoram University, in associa-tion with MIPOGRASS, and sponsored by DBT.

    For correspondence: [email protected] (NSK)[email protected](GG)

    Phones. +91-0389-2330859(NSK)/ 2331021 (GG)


    The structure of the protein plays a vitalrole in determining its function.1The proteinswith same structure and pocket area (activesite) have been found to have different func-tions.2The proteins that perform similar func-tion show different structure.3The structuresare primary factor for any disease-related pro-

    tein. There are four levels of protein structure:primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary.

    Primary structure is the linear sequence ofamino acids. Secondary structure is local con-formation of -helixes, -sheets and randomcoils. The angle between two adjacent aminoacids is called torsion angle, which deter-mines the twists/ turns of the sequences result-ing in Secondary structure. Tertiary structure(3D) results from the packing of secondarystructural elements at a stable conformation.

    Quaternary structure is combination of morethan one subunits or chains.Today protein sequencing is increasing at

    exponential rate, till date more than 1 millionproteins are sequenced and are available inthe databases (SwissProt, Protein ResearchFoundation and Protein Information Re-source). The only protein structure database isPDB (Protein Data Bank). Determining the3D structure from a protein sequence is a dif- Sci Vis11 (3), 125-133July-September, 2011ISSN (print) 0975-6175

    ISSN (online) 2229-6026

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  • 8/10/2019 Protein 3D Structure Determination Using Homology Modeling and Structure Analysis



    Science Vision 2011 MIPOGRASS. All rights reserved

    ficult and challenging problem. Basically X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic reso-nance (NMR) techniques are used, which areexpensive, time consuming and complex proc-ess. Therefore, computational methods/algorithms including homology modeling,threading, and ab ini tioare developed. Homol-ogy modeling is the most accurate. I t is basedon alignment to a known protein structurewhich is derived experimentally (template). Ifthe similarity of the sequence is greater than30% then it can act as template.

    Aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) of pigs

    primary sequence is functionally similar withfollowing functions (Swiss-Prot Annotation):a) plays a vital role in amino acid metabolism,b) significant for metabolic exchange betweenmitochondria and cytosol, c) aids cellular up-take of long-chain free fatty acids. The presentwork focuses on predicting the 3D structure ofAAT using two homology modeling softwares- ESyPred3D and Swiss model, which runs onWindows operating systems, validating(ProQ), analyzing their active sites (CastP),comparing predicted structures for structural

    similarities and dissimilarities (3d-ss) and an-notating the functions from the structure(ProFunc).


    Sequence to 3D structure using homology mod-


    The sequence of AA T of pig was obtainedfrom Swiss-Prot (http:/ / sport/ ).

    The protein sequence was given as an input

    (Fig. 1). After the result was displayed (Fig.2), the accession number P00506 was enteredto retrieve the sequence. From the fasta link(Fig. 3), fasta sequence was obtained and cop-ied (Fig. 4), it was saved in a notepad.

    Selection of template

    Blastp (http:/ / used to find template for homol-ogy modeling. The sequence similarity greaterthan 30% with known structure was selected astemplate. Sequence from the notepad waspasted in input box, Protein Data Bank wasselected from the database and BLAST button

    Brindhaet al.

    Figure 1. Swiss-Prot webpage with aatm as input.

    Figure 2. Result of the input aatm of pig.

    Figure 3. Complete information of accession no.


    Figure 4. Sequence is displayed in the fasta format.
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    127 Science Vision 2011 MIPOGRASS. All rights reserved

    was entered (Fig. 5). From the Blastp result(Fig. 6) accession 3PD6_A had sequence simi-larity of 93% with known structure marked Sin red color, which can be chosen as templatefor homology modeling.

    Software ESyPred3D

    Software 1: ESyPred3D server predicts 3Dstructure based on homology modeling.5

    Inputs: Email id, name of the protein, pro-

    tein sequence and PDB ID of the templatewhich is chosen from Blastp result (Fig. 7),after submitting, the results were sent to emailid provided (Fig. 8), and the attachments ofPDB (.pdb) and atomic coordinate (.ali) fileswere downloaded. The .pdb file was openedin the Rasmol viewer (Fig. 9), which can bedownloaded from http:/ / .

    Protein 3D structuredetermination usinghomology modelingand structureanalysis

    Figure 5. BlastP with input and necessary parameters.

    Figure 6. Results of BlastP.

    Figure 7. ESyPred3D webpage with corresponding


    Figure 8. Predicted 3D structure result in the email.
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    Science Vision 2011 MIPOGRASS. All rights reserved


    Swiss Model Server

    Software 2: Swiss model server (http:/ / ) predicts 3D struc-ture based on homology modeling.6,7To inputthe sequence, Automated mode was selected(Fig. 10). Inputs: Email id, name of the pro-tein, and protein sequence. Alternatively, tospeed up the process user can enter the tem-plate under the advance option and click Sub-mit Modeling Request (Fig. 11). Significanceof this model: Blastp will be done by the

    Swiss model server and from the result itchooses the template on its own. The qualityof the model will be displayed along with the3D structure predicted (Fig. 12). The resultswere sent to email with direct link the web-page. QMEAN Z-Score was used to evaluatethe generated 3D structure.8The reliable scorewas between 0 and 1, i.e. 0.355, which ishighly acceptable score. The predicted struc-ture was visualized using Rasmol Software(Fig. 13).

    Structure validation

    ProQ-Protein Quality Predictor9is the soft-ware to check the quality of the model(http:/ / ~bjornw/ ProQ/ProQ.html) (Fig. 14). If the predicted struc-ture satisfies the validation parameters ofProQ process then the structure was taken forfurther analysis. The .pdb file predicted by

    Brindhaet al.

    Figure 9. Rasmol viewer displaying


    Figure 10. Swiss model webpage.

    Figure 11. Inputs of the Swiss model webpage.

    Figure 12. Re-directed page from the email link show-

    ing the predicted 3D structure.

    Figure 13. Rasmol view of aatm_pig 3D structure mod-

    eled by Swiss model server.
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    129 Science Vision 2011 MIPOGRASS. All rights reserved

    ESyPred3D uploaded (Fig. 15). The results ofthe structure file modeled by ESyPred3D isshown in Figure 16. Similarly the file withSwiss-Model was processed and the result isdisplayed in Figure 17.

    Structure analysis

    CastP server10predicts the active sites withtheir respective volume and area (http:/ / castp/ calculation.php).

    The active pocket (active site) with more vol-ume and area is always taken for furtheranalysis. The .pdb file was uploaded to get theresult (Fig. 18). A ctive site of the 3D structurepredicted by EsyPred3D and Swiss-Model isshown in Figures 19&20, respectively, and theamino acids involved in pocket formation inboth the models are displayed in Figure 21.

    Structure comparison using superposition tech-


    3d-ss (3-dimensional structure superposi-tion) positions the 3D structure one above

    Figure 14. Webpage of the ProQ web server.

    Figure 15. Upload 3D structure in ProQ webpage.

    Figure 16. 3D structure modeled by EsyPred3D.

    Figure 17. 3D structure modeled by Swiss model.

    Figure 18. CASTp web server.

    Protein 3D structuredetermination usinghomology modelingand structureanalysis
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    Science Vision 2011 MIPOGRASS. All rights reserved

    another to find similar and deviated regions(http:/ / cluster.physics.i 3dss/ )between the structures.8Input was given as inFigure 22. There are only two structures forcomparison. Hence, the option superimposeonly two structures was selected and their re-spective pdb file were loaded (Fig. 23). All theoptions were kept in the default mode andproceeded as per Figures 24 to 27.

    Here, both the protein structures modeledusing two homology modeling techniques(Swiss model and EsyPred3D) were chosen,two ways of superposition were carried out asper the following criteria:

    a. 3D structure by Swiss model was keptas fixed molecule and EsyPred3D asrotated molecule (Fig. 28a).

    b. 3D structure by EsyPred3D model waskept as fixed molecule and Swiss modelas rotated molecule (Fig. 28b).

    Predicti ng function from structure

    ProFunc identifies the likely functions of aprotein pertaining to its 3D structure (http:/ / thornton-srv/ databases/

    Figure 19. Model predicted by ESyPred3D.

    Figure 20. Model predicted by ESyPred3D.

    Figure 21. Pocket area of the 3D structure modeled by

    EsyPred3D and Swiss model.

    Figure 22. 3d-SS web server.

    Figure 23. Input of the structures.

    Brindhaet al.
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    131 Science Vision 2011 MIPOGRASS. All rights reserved

    profunc/ index.html) analyzing the proteinssequence and structure by identifying func-tional motifs.11 The .pdb file was loaded inthe ProFunc online tool as in Figure 29. Pre-liminary information was entered (Fig. 30).

    The result was sent to the email provided.Similarly the pdb file modeled using Swiss

    model was performed. The sequence motifs(Fig. 31), matching folds (Fig. 32), nest analy-sis (Fig. 33) and 3D functional templatesearch results (Fig. 34a&b) were obtained.

    Figure 24. Step 1 of 3d-SS result.

    Figure 26. Step 3 of 3d-SS result.

    Figure 25. Step 2 of 3d-SS result.

    Figure 27. Step 4 of 3d-SS result.

    Protein 3D structuredetermination usinghomology modelingand structureanalysis
  • 8/10/2019 Protein 3D Structure Determination Using Homology Modeling and Structure Analysis



    Science Vision 2011 MIPOGRASS. All rights reserved


    Both the 3D structures modeled usingESyPred3D and Swiss model resulted withLG Score of 6.29 and 6.32, respectively,yielding to an extremely good model accord-ing to ProQ validation criteria (Fig. 16&17).

    CASTp Server shows the pocket (activesite) for ESyPred3D model: Area = 1379.9and volume = 4401.9, respective, amino acidsforming the packets are blocked in the se-quence as highlighted in Figure 19. The

    Figure 28. Graphical result of 3d-SS showing deviation

    between residues 30-40.

    Figure 29. PDB file uploaded in the ProFunc tool.

    Figure 30. ProFunc preliminary information.

    Figure 31. Sequence motifs results of ProFunc.

    Figure 32. Number of folds matching (predicted struc-

    ture Vs PDB) - ProFunc software.

    Brindhaet al.

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    133 Science Vision 2011 MIPOGRASS. All rights reserved

    pocket for Swiss model: Area = 534.9 andvolume = 1015.5, respective amino acidsforming the packets are blocked in the se-quence region (Fig. 20). The pocket size of3D structure by Swiss model is aligning wellwith 3D structure by EsyPred3D (Fig. 21) be-cause the pocket size of the 3D structure bySwiss model is smaller. The residue deviationfrom 30-40 (> 0.5 Armstrong) is high (Fig.28), which plays a vital role in the pocket dif-ference observed in the CASTp server (F ig.21). Amino acids between 30-40 residues areinvolved in the pocket formation in the modeldetermined by EsyPred3D which is not seen

    in structure predicted by Swiss model. But theresidues from 43 to 430 remain less deviated(< 0.5 ), which is negligible.

    The results of sequence motifs of theESyPred3D and Swiss model 3D structuresreveal the presence of transaminase region inESyPred3D model and presence of G3DSAmotif in Swiss model structure (Fig. 31).

    There are more matching folds and nests inESyPred3D model compared to Swiss modelstructure (Fig. 32&33). In reverse templatecomparison versus structures in PDB one hit/

    function is observed only in ESyPred3Dmodel (Fig. 34). The differences in the func-tions from protein structure are due to devi-ated site regions between two models whichare observed in Figure 28.

    3D structures of AAT of pig showed highdeviation between residues 30-40, which af-fects the active site areas in the structure. Thefunctions of the 3D structures are also in mo-tifs, nests and reverse template comparison

    versus structures. Further study is required toprove the functions in the wet lab.


    The authors thank DBT, New Delhi, for supportingresearch related to bioinformatics by providing Bioinfor-matics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) through BTISNetDBT/ CT EP/ 01/ 201100105 dt. 23 March 2011 and StateBiotech Hub (BT/ 04/ NE/ 2009 dtd. 22nd Dec. 2010).


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    Figure 34. 3D functional template searches ProFunc.

    Protein 3D structuredetermination usinghomology modelingand structureanalysis