thesecretlaw.tv http://www.thesecretlaw.tv/recent-posts/protect-your-dreams-the-law-of-attraction-quotes-and-articles/ Protect Your Dreams The Law of Attraction Quotes And Articles Want to Change Your Life?.. Then "Like" Us on Facebook To Get Your Special FREE Report Revealing The Strangest Little Known Number # 1 Law of Attraction Success Secret of Oprah to Create The Life of Your Dreams! Learn The True Secret To Success With This FREE Report Download Your Copy Today Here!.. The Law of Attraction Quotes & Articles Positive Inspirational Motivational Daily Picture Quotes And Sayings About Life

Protect Your Dreams The Law of Attraction Quotes & Articles

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Want To Know Why Some Achieve Their Dreams When Others Don't? Then Check Out The Law of Attraction Quotes & Articles Latest Inspirational Picture Quote & Article From The Law of Attraction Blog Bringing You The Worlds Best Inspirational Quotes And Sayings About Life http://www.thesecretlaw.tv/go/protect-your-dreams

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thesecret law.tvhttp://www.thesecretlaw.tv/recent-posts/protect-your-dreams-the-law-of-attraction-quotes-and-articles/

Protect Your Dreams The Law of AttractionQuotes And Articles

Want to Change Your Life?..Then "Like" Us on Facebook To Get Your Special FREE ReportRevealing The Strangest Lit t le Known Number #1 Law of Attract ion Success Secret of Oprah toCreate The Life of Your Dreams! Learn The True Secret To Success With This FREE ReportDownload Your Copy Today Here!..

The Law of Attraction Quotes & Articles

Positive Inspirational Motivational DailyPicture Quotes And Sayings About Life

Page 2: Protect Your Dreams The Law of Attraction Quotes & Articles

“Your Dreams Are The Seeds of GeniusWithin You That The World Needs”

Quote by:- Chris T Atkinson -1st of Oct 2012The Law of Attract ion Blog


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Chris T Atkinson


The Law of Attraction Articles & Quotes


Subject: Protect Your Dreams The Law of Attract ion Quotes AndArt iclesBrought To You By: Chris T Atkinson & The Masters of The SecretFounder: www.TheSecretLaw.Tv – The Worlds #1 Law of Attract ionBlogCreator of: The Masters of The Secret , The Law of Attract ion Quotes,The Law of Attract ion Art icles & The Lit t le Known Success SecretsSeriesSupport ing Subject: A Message From the Masters of The Secret

Date:Thursday, November 01, 2012

Dear Master of The Law of Attraction Quotes

Do you wish to better know how to live your life to the fullest?… Yes?… Great!… Becausetoday I Am bringing you another Message From the Masters of The Secret .. So you can join theranks of those using and living the law of attract ion the right way… Yes today I Am bringing youanother one of The Lit t le Known Success Secrets that when understand and applied can bringyou true wealth, health, happiness, love and wisdom beyond your wildest dreams.. Just as it hasdone for many past and modern day Masters who’ve applied this same lit t le known successsecret in unity with the law of attract ion…

Ok enough of the intro, lets get into it ! …

A Message From The Mastersof The Secret

It was Will Smith in the Inspirat ional Movie The Pursuit of Happyness(Happiness) who said thewonderfully inspiring words:

“Don’t ever let somebody tell you, you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream,you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can’t doit. If you want for something, go for it. Period” - Will Smith The Pursuit of Happyness(Happiness)

And below is the 2 minute inspirat ional t railer for the f ilm that I encourage you to watch to give youthe background story to the life changing things I am about to share with you…


Have you ever had people tell you why you couldn’t

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Have you ever had people tell you why you couldn’tdo something you really wanted to do?…

Perhaps close family & friends have discouraged you from doingsomething that you have carried in your heart for years?… If so… Beencouraged you are not alone…

Now I am not saying we shouldn’t listen to the advice of close family,f riends and advisers… For there can be much wisdom in the counsel ofothers… Especially if they have a proven track record of love, wisdom,happiness & success in their own lives.. But even that is not a 100%guarantee that there advice will be right for us every t ime… For on the other side of the coin, therecan also be much foolishness in the counsel of others if it potent ially takes us away from the Godgiven dreams planted in our hearts… This is why we must…

Never follow the advice of others when…

For you should never ever(and I mean NEVER) follow the advice of others when you don’t have apeaceful resonat ing feeling in your heart about the advice given you..

And how do you know if something is resonating with you?

You will know if something is resonat ing with you when the fruits(feelings) bubble up from withinyou and manifest through such feelings as peace, happiness, joy and courage… For the fruits ofThe Great Spirit (The God Force) are love, joy, peace, pat ience, kindness,goodness and faithfulness..

And the God Force will always guide us through our intuit ion(inner-tuit ion)ie through peace in our heart(inner calm within our feelings)… So if youdon’t have PEACE about moving in a certain direct ion f rom the advicegiven you by someone(whether it be it advice relat ing to career,relat ionship, f inancial, health or any other area)… Then you should stop &wait and do nothing unt il you have this PEACE about which direct ion to move in… For deep innerPEACE within our heart and feelings is the internal “Happiness Success Compass” giving us thegreen light to move forward in a desired direct ion…

As the Masters Book Teaches:-

“Let the peace of Christ(The God Force) rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you werecalled to peace. And be thankful.” - Colossians 3:15

I love Stuart Wilde’s take on this below from his book “Inf inite Self”where he says:-

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“So when things don’t feel right be careful. When you don’t know whataction to take, do nothing. Remember that and put it on the fridge. When youdon’t know don’t go. And also remember when in doubt, do nowbt. “Nowbt”is a term from the north of England meaning “nothing.” If you don’t knowwhat to do, wait. Build energy, clean things up, organize things, seek outmore information – but don’t act(take action) until you know you have to act.

If you operate out of your feelings, you’re never really going to have to makeany more decisions. Decision making for most is an intellectual process. (But Infinite Self decisionmaking is not intellectual but rather spiritual, from the heart) ie Either something feels right and youproceed, or it feels wrong and you don’t proceed. Or there is a neutral feeling, and you either don’tproceed or you move very slowly and cautiously. So either it feels right to marry Harry, and you say,“I love you Harry; yes I’ll marry you Thursday.” Or you say “No.” There is no maybe. If you don’tknow, wait. If it feels wrong definitely wait.

Under this discipline, decision making changes from the intellectual turmoil of conjecture and theego’s agenda to “Hey, does it feel right?” – Stuart Wilde

So I encourage you to make this your mantra:-

If you don’t know then don’t go!

For when we follow the tangible peace that we feel within us, it isthen that we begin to follow the lead of the God Force within us…This is what The Master Jesus meant when he said:-

Jesus gave them this answer: “I tell you the truth, the Son(Jesus) cando nothing(ie nothing of real significance) by himself; he can do onlywhat he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father doesthe Son also does” - {John 5:19 The Masters Book}

So the Doorway to True Success that leads us to operate in mountain moving faith are soliddecisions we make in the Doorway of “Internal Peace” that enables…

The impossible to become possible….

The ordinary to do the extraordinary…

Which is Good News for us! Because I’ve felt kind of ordinary at t imes.. What about you? …

This is what Jesus meant when he said:

I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed(The GodForce Type of faith that only knows Success), you can say to this

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mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and … Nothing will be impossible foryou” - Matthew 17:20

So how does all this t ie into using the law of attract ion to createthe life of our dreams?…

Does the law of attraction really work?…

Does the law of at t ract ion really work?… Yes it does… But one of the lit t le known successsecrets to both using the law of attract ion and living the law of attract ion so that we mightcreate the life of our dreams that I said I would share with you at the start is this:-

The Little Known Success Secret Is This:

Protect & Nourish Your Dreams Or They Will Die

And that ’s why I really love the f ilm “The Pursuit of Happyness”… Especially the scene in the belowshort mot ivat ional video clip where Will Smith talks to his son about protect ing his dreams.. Andwhat makes the “The Pursuit of Happiness” even more powerful is it ’sbased on a t rue story..

Yes, in this f ilm you have Will Smith who plays the character of ChrisGardner. A man in the midst of great personal & f inancial dif f iculty as hetravels on the road less t raveled in the pursuit of his dreams.. All whilstdoing his best to love and Father his young son. And in the midst of thisstruggle, his partner and the mother of his son leave them both. And ifthat wasn’t enough, Will Smith and his young son then become homeless for a short period…

There are so many scenes of this movie which touched me deeply… And one of these scenes iswhere Chris Gardner(Will Smith) makes some t ime at the start of his busy day to play basketballwith his son. And whilst on the basketball court his son enthusiast ically shares with his Dad abouthow it is his dream to play professional basketball(have you ever shared a dream with someoneclose to you?.. what did they say to you?)…

You’ll Never Be Any Good?

Well, af ter Smith’s son shares his dream with his Dad about playing probasketball… Smith then tells his son that he would probably not be verygood at basketball because he himself wasn’t a very good basketballplayer. Smith then going on to tell his son that he shouldn’t waste toomuch t ime playing basketball. His son then becomes really hurt & upset…Can you relate?… Has someone poured cold water on your dreams?…

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How did it make you feel?…

But the Good news is…. thankfully, Smith who has also seen his own dreams shattered over theyears, realizes his mistake. And so instead of discouraging his son. He turns a negat ive into aposit ive by encouraging his son to protect and nourish his dreams. Even if that means ignoring thewell meaning advice of those close to him(which includes his son ignoring the advice that his wellmeaning Dad just gave him)… And I’ve included this touching “Pursuit of Happyness” scene belowto inspire you…

“Don’t ever let somebody tell you, you can’t do something.Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it”


And along the road less traveled pursuing his dreams, Will Smith and his son f ind themselvesfacing many problems… And likewise on the path to our dreams we will be faced with problems orchallenges… Are you experiencing some challenges right now?… What are they?… Keep going… Keep moving forward!…

For Problems are simply stepping stones that allow The Heroand Master that lives within us to Rise up & Win… But part ofthe challenge will be to stay resolute and steadfast in the faceof the Goliath of fear that will shout at you, words like thefollowing…

“You can’t do it !”..

“Give Up”..

“You’re a loser why even try”…

Where Winners Are Made…

But it is here at this crossroads where Winners are made.. And one must have the at t itude of TheMaster who once start ing the journey toward their dream will never turn back to return to Egypt ontheir way to the Promised land… Egypt in the old testament scriptures being a symbol of the “landof slavery where one is not free”.. where one is a slave to fear… a slave to doing work onehates, a slave to being in a relat ionship or relat ionships that are not nurturing you but ratherstealing life f rom you, yes a slave that allows others to dictate to you how you will live and die….As The Masters Book Teaches…

Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts their hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for theKingdom of God.” - Luke 9:57-62

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But you are worthy… Because you have decided to put your handto the plow in the pursuit of your dreams… Therefore it is only amatter of t ime before you succeed… Oh you’ll fall down plenty oft imes, make mistakes, take wrong turns and maybe even get lostfor a season on the road to your dreams… But a good and nobleheart will get back up each t ime it falls and keep moving forwardon the narrow road less t raveled…

I like to call this process “Failing Forward” or “FallingForward“… As depicted in a football or Gridiron game where every t ime the player is tackled tothe ground by the opposing team.. They will gain a few more inches forward towards the tryline(end zone) each t ime they fall, by simply “Falling Forward” on the ground each t ime, insteadof falling backwards… This way they will cont inue to gain ground towards their goal(as will we)unt il eventually they will succeed in scoring a t ry(touch down) across the try line(end zone)…

How does a child learn to walk or ride a bike?..

For falling down isn’t really failure at all… After all how does a child learn to walk or ride a bike?..Yes!.. By falling down, then gett ing back up, again and again and again… All the whilepract icing unt il one perfects “The Art of Walking or Riding a Bike”… And int ime you will learn to savor any mistakes or so called “failures” youexperience on the road toward your dreams. For these mistakes are oneof your teachers in disguise in the School of Wisdom… For they will helpmake you better, wiser and stronger!….

And you have a good and noble heart… And you will never ever give upunt il you have achieved your dreams… Yes you will not look back… For ifyou do, you may crash, just as we cannot drive a car well when we look back in the review mirror allthe t ime… But YOU will cont inue to keep your eyes on the prize unt il you achieve your dreams andenter with JOY into your own personal promised land… But no great batt le is won without af ight… Just as Chris Gardener played by Will Smith had to f ight for his dreams as seen in thismoving scene where Will Smith and his son experience a night of homelessness on the road lesstraveled…


And yes you will fall down and stumble and make mistakes on your journey to your promised landof dreams… But you will get back up…

But you might say,

“Chris there are no guarantees in this life.. What

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if I never achieve my dream in my lifetime?..What then?”…

And to you I say…

So what if we never in our lifet ime achieve ourdream?… So what?… At least we will dietrying.. And our tombstone, shall say,

“Here Lies A Brave Soul…

Who Showed Us…

It Is Better To Try & Die…

Than To Live a Lie”…

And in using metaphorical language… If we die t rying… Thenwonderful!… At least we shall enter into eternity to meet ourbrothers and sisters as one who had the courage to leave Egyptas a f ree man or woman… As compared to those who sadlycont inued to live in Egypt as slave, because of fear…

For Fear makes us a slave… But Courage makes us Free!…

So I encourage you to decide right here.. right now with me thatyou are going to do something…

Will you make a solid decision that you are going to…

…To Protect, Nourish & Grow The God Given Seed Dream Within You

For the reality is…

When one decides that no matter what they are going to leave the land of their fear(the land oftheir slavery, failure and unhappiness)… To journey to their promised land(the life of their dreams)..Then it is only a matter of t ime before you achieve your God Given Dreams… If you will standstrong and determined holding onto faith that the God Force will help carry you through if you willdo your part…

And what is your part?.. simply this…You must f irmly DECIDE that you are going to..

Protect , Nourish & Grow The God Given Seed Dream Within You

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For Ralph Waldo Emerson knew the TRUTH when he said:-

“Once You Make A Decision The Universe Conspires to Make It Happen”…

For it is a lie that we live… if we live a life where we have the seeds of aGod given dream within us that we never allow to grow into all it wasdest ined for.. Even as the orange seed is dest ined to grow into an orangetree if it is planted in good soil and sun and is watered and nurtured tomaturity unt il it grows the fruit of an abundant harvest… As The MastersBook teaches…

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do notgive up” - Galat ians 6:9

So make the decision right now with me that you are going to put yourhand to the plow and never stop unt il you have achieved the God Givendream within you so that you may fulf ill the wise words of Goethe whosaid:-

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back —concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truththat ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:

…that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of thingsoccur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues fromthe decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and materialassistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.Begin it now” ~ Goethe

Ok let ’s Begin it now together shall we… Lets agree together as there is metaphysical spiritualpower when two or more agree on any one thing… So if you feel comfortable then lets agreetogether by reading these words out aloud for all The Universe to hear… and I shall do thesame…


Ok here we go..

Dear Universe(Higher Power, God Force etc) and Creator of all that isGood, Love and Light…

I agree with Chris that today, right now I

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decide that I am going to Beginto Protect, Nourish & Grow The GodGiven Seed Dreams That You HavePlaced Within Me…

I will do my part if you will do your part..For only you can grow the seed becauseof your life and power within the seed…Just as only I can protect and nourishthe seed by watering it daily and bybringing it into the light and by keepingthe soil of my heart soft so that yourdream within me might in time produce aHarvest of Life and Love that wouldBless both Me and all those aroundme…

I ask you this very day to empower me with your strength and faith and to bring me all the peopleand resources I need to achieve the God Given Dream within me… Give me eyes to see and ears tohear to recognize the people and resources you bring around me to help me achieve all that I amdestined to achieve…

Thank you

Your Kid …

PS Oh yeah… Help me to ENJOY the Journey and to be grateful each day for all that I haveright now… For I will never be happy in the future unless I Am Happy now…For I know that like anelectrical appliance plugged into the wall and switched to “on”… You can only work on my behalfthrough the law of attraction when my faith switch of gratitude is switched “on”… So help meto ENJOY (In-Joy) the JOURNEY right now on the road less traveled to achieving my dreams!

PSS And one very last thing… Bless Chris T Atkinson too… Cause He’s Pretty Cool! ..

{lol … just thought I’d slip that PSS line above in there as I need all the help I can get too ha }…

Onwards and Upwards Fellow Pilgrim!..

So be encouraged that dreams really do come true.. And there are really such things as happyendings in real life… And on that note below is the last inspirat ional scene in The Pursuit OfHappyness f ilm which is absolutely GOLD!… And If you watch the scene carefully you will see thereal life Chris Gardner make a quick cameo appearance right at the end.. As he and Will Smith walk

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Chris Gardener, Will Smith & WillsReal Life Son Jaden Smith


past each other on a street and acknowledge each other as they pass by (so cool) …

“Don’t ever let somebody tell you, you can’t do something.Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it” – Will Smith


Short Bio of Chris Gardener (The Character Played by Will Smith in The Pursuit ofHappiness)


Yes dreams really do come true(just as they can also cometrue for you)… Yes there really are such things as happyendings in real life… As seen in the real life story of WillSmiths on screen character Chris Gardner who went on toachieve his dreams as a stockbroker in the movie and in reallife. Here is a lit t le bio of his life courtesy of wikipedia…

Christopher Paul Gardner (born February 9, 1954 inMilwaukee, Wisconsin) is an American entrepreneur, investor,stockbroker, mot ivat ional speaker, author, andphilanthropist who, during the early 1980s, struggled withhomelessness while raising his toddler son, Christopher, Jr.Gardner’s book of memoirs, The Pursuit of Happyness, waspublished in May 2006.

In 1987, Chris Gardner founded his own stockbrokerage f irm, Gardner Rich & Co, based in Chicago,Illinois doing business with some of the nat ion’s largest inst itut ions. Gardner credits his tenacityand success to the “spiritual genet ics” handed down to him by his mother, Bettye Jean Triplet t ,born Gardner and to the high expectat ions placed on him by his children, son Chris Jr. (born 1981)and daughter Jacintha (born 1985).

Gardner’s personal struggle of establishing himself as a stockbroker while managing fatherhoodand homelessness is of course portrayed in the 2006 mot ion picture The Pursuit of Happynessdirected by Gabriele Muccino which he was also an associate producer of…

Fatherhood amidst homelessness

Gardner worked to become a top trainee at Dean Wit ter Reynolds. He arrived at the of f ice earlyand stayed late each day, persistent ly making calls to prospect ive clients with his goal being 200calls/day. His perseverance paid of f when, in 1982, Gardner passed his licensing exam on the f irstt ry and became a full employee of the f irm. Eventually, Gardner was recruited by Bear Stearns &

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Chris Gardner in Sept


Chris Gardnerspeaking in 2007

Company in San Francisco.

After his partner Jackie lef t him.. He willingly accepted sole custody of his child; however, therooming house where he lived did not allow children. Although he was gainfully

employed, Gardner and his son secret ly struggled with homelessnesswhile he saved money for a rental house in Berkeley, California.Meanwhile, none of Gardner’s co-workers knew that he and his son werehomeless in the Tenderloin District of San Francisco for nearly a year.Gardner of ten scrambled to place his child in daycare, stood in soupkitchens and slept wherever he and his son could f ind safety—in hisof f ice af ter hours, at f lophouses, at parks and even in a locked bathroomat a Bay Area Rapid Transit stat ion.

Concerned for Chris Jr.’s well-being, Gardner asked Reverend CecilWilliams to allow them to stay at the Glide Memorial United MethodistChurch’s shelter for homeless women, now known as The Cecil WilliamsGlide Community House. Williams agreed without hesitat ion.Today, when asked what heremembers about being homeless, Christopher Gardner, Jr. recalls “I couldn’t tell you that we werehomeless, I just knew that we were always having to go. So, if anything, I remember us just moving,always moving.”

Career as a stockbroker and entrepreneur

In 1987, Chris Gardner established the brokerage f irm, Gardner Rich & Co,in Chicago, Illinois, an “inst itut ional brokerage f irm specializing in theexecut ion of debt, equity and derivat ive products t ransact ions for someof the nat ion’s largest inst itut ions, public pension plans and unions.” Hisnew company was started in his small President ial Towers apartment,with start-up capital of $10,000 and a single piece of furniture: a woodendesk that doubled as the family dinner table. Gardner reportedly owns 75percent of his stock brokerage f irm with the rest owned by a hedge fund.

After Gardner sold his small stake in Gardner Rich in a mult i-million dollardeal in 2006, he became CEO and founder of Christopher GardnerInternat ional Holdings, with of f ices in New York, Chicago and SanFrancisco. During a visit to South Africa to observe elect ions around the t ime of the 10thanniversary of the end of apartheid, Gardner met with Nelson Mandela to discuss possibleinvestment in South African emerging markets as indicated in his 2006 autobiography. Gardner isreportedly developing an investment venture with South Africa that will create hundreds of jobsand introduce millions in foreign currency into the nat ion. Gardner has declined to disclose detailsof the project cit ing securit ies laws.

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Gardner Giving Back

Chris GardnerMentoring The


Philanthropic initiatives

Gardner is a philanthropist who sponsors many charitable organizat ions,primarily the Cara Program and the Glide Memorial United MethodistChurch in San Francisco, where he. and his son received desperatelyneeded shelter. He has helped fund a $50 million project in San Franciscothat creates low-income housing and opportunit ies for employment inthe area of the city where he was once homeless. As well as of feringmonetary support , Gardner donates clothing and shoes. He makeshimself available for permanent job placement assistance, careercounseling and comprehensive job t raining for the homeless populat ionand at-risk communit ies in Chicago.

Dedicated to the well-being of children through posit ive paternal involvement, Gardner serves onthe board of the Nat ional Fatherhood Init iat ive (NFI). He is also a board member of the Nat ionalEducat ion Foundat ion and sponsors two annual educat ion awards: the Nat ional Educat ionAssociat ion’s Nat ional Educat ional Support Personnel Award and the American Federat ion ofTeachers’ Paraprofessionals and School-Related Personnel Award.

In 2002, Gardner received the Father of the Year Award from the NFI.Since then, Gardner also had the honor of receiving the 25th AnnualHumanitarian Award and the 2006 Friends of Africa Award, presented bythe Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women (LACAAW)and by the Cont inental Africa Chamber of Commerce, respect ively.

The photo on the lef t is Chris Gardner serving at a “Mercy HomeThanksgiving Dinner” gathering of f riends and “Leadership All-Stars”designed to encourage young people to develop and demonstrateleadership skills. At the event Chris Gardner spoke and encouraged theyoung people there to lend a helping hand to those in need bycontribut ing a combined total of 1,000 hours in community serviceprojects by Christmas..

In popular culture

Gardner realized his story had Hollywood potent ial af ter an overwhelming

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Chris Gardner & HisSon in 1984

Gardner & Will Smith

Gardner realized his story had Hollywood potent ial af ter an overwhelmingnat ional response to an interview he did with 20/20 in January 2002. He

published his autobiography on May 23, 2006, before becoming anassociate producer of the major mot ion picture The Pursuit ofHappyness, directed by Gabriele Muccino and released by ColumbiaPictures on December 15, 2006. The unusual spelling of the f ilm’s t it lecomes from a sign Gardner saw when he was homeless. In the f ilm,“happiness” is misspelled (as “happyness”) outside the daycare facilityGardner’s son at tended.

The movie, starring Will Smith, Thandie Newton and Smith’s son JadenSmith, focused on Gardner’s nearly one-year struggle with homelessness. The movie grossed$163 million domest ically at the box of f ice and over $300 million worldwide making it one of WillSmith’s consecut ive $100 million blockbusters as a result it earned Will Smith an Academy Award-Nominat ion for Best Actor .

The movie took some libert ies with Gardner’s t rue life story. Certain details and events thatactually took place over the span of several years were compressed into a relat ively short t ime andalthough eight-year-old Jaden portrayed Chris Jr. as a f ive year-old, Gardner’s son was just atoddler at the

t ime. Chris Gardner reportedly thought Smith—an actor best known forhis performances in act ion movies—was miscast to play him. However,he said his daughter Jacintha “set him straight” by saying, “If Smith canplay Muhammad Ali, he can play you!”

In the hope Gardner’s story would inspire the down-trodden cit izens ofChattanooga, Tennessee to achieve f inancial independence and to takegreater responsibility for the welfare of their families, the mayor ofChattanooga organized a viewing of the f ilm for the city’s homeless.Gardner himself felt that it was imperat ive to share his story for the sakeof its widespread social issues. He said:-

“When I talk about alcoholism in the household, domestic violence, child abuse, illiteracy, and all ofthose issues—those are universal issues; those are not just confined to ZIP codes,”…


Pretty cool stuf f hey Regarding Chris Gardner .. Yet he is just an ordinary guy, no dif ferentthan you and I who learned how to do extraordinary stuf f .. And likewise we can also go ontoharness our t rue potent ial!

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But before you read on further below to discover another amazing Master of the lit t le knownsuccess secrets with the same overcoming spirit as Chris Gardner… Yes, someone else whoalso changed their world and the world around them for the better by Protect ing, Nourishing &Growing The God Given Seed Dream Within Them.. I want you to be inspired by the words andpresence of real life Chris Gardner in the powerful interview below …

“Your Dreams Are The Seeds of GeniusWithin You That The World Needs”

Part 2:-


A Message From The Masters of The Secret In A Story

About How A Mothers Love & Dream For Her Boy To Live ABetter Life Grew Into Him Finding A Magnificent LifePurpose That Changed His World…


For the reality is… that The Masters of The Secret like Chris Gardner, Will Smith and others whoare using and living the law of attract ion can bring forth so much Love, Light and Posit iveness…That its ef fects can be felt around the World like a ripple ef fect… Even as “The Pursuit ofHappyness” f ilm has helped to inspire count less numbers of people around the world to create abetter life for themselves, their loved ones and others.. Inspired (In-Spirited) people like thefollowing person who followed the same advice of Chris Gardner & Will Smith to protect andnourish his dreams…

“We are poor not because of God”…

S. B. Fuller started work at the age of 5 and was brother to six otherafrican-american children born to a poor tenant farmer in Louisiana. Likemost children of tenant farmers, because he was used to hard work, bythe t ime he was nine years old he was driving mules. For families like S.BFullers poverty was their life and few were those who dreamed they couldbuild a better life….

However fortunately young Fuller was one of those few, who believed hewas dest ined for greater things.. (Just as we all are if we will embrace this reality)… For he had abeaut iful mother who believed in him and his t rue potent ial. And although poverty was all hismother had ever known she dared to see beyond these limitat ions for her son. And she right lyrecognized The Truth that set her f ree to see… To see that there was something terribly wrong inthat her family was barely surviving from week to week, whilst the world was full of happiness &

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And so to impart this Truth to S.B she would say to him:-

“We shouldn’t be poor, S.B. and don’t ever let me hear you say that it is God’s Will that we are poor.We are poor — not because of God. We are poor because Father has never developed a desire tobecome wealthy. No one in our family has ever cultivated a desire to be anything else.”

No one had ever cultivated a desire to be wealthy

And so the thought that “No one had ever cultivated a desire to be wealthy” became so etched intoS.B.’s heart & mind that it changed him from the inside out. For he began to desire to be wealthy.And so as all masters of the law of at t ract ion do… He focused all his energies on the things hewanted and of f the things he didn’t want. Because he intuit ively knew that:-

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Thus S.B kept his mind and at tent ion on the things he wanted and awayfrom the things he didn’t want. And so within S.B. grew the dream andburning desire to create wealth for himself and others. Wealth… So he, hisfamily and others would no longer have to suf fer the realit ies that comewith poverty & living life as a slave…

And so true to the philosophy of “The Greatest Salesman In The World”author Og Mandino… S.B. decided to sell soap because he believed thisto be the quickest way to create wealth… For in reality we are all selling something whether weknow it or not… Heck the late Mother Theresa was a master sales person running a mult i milliondollar enterprise in selling her enlightened vision of helping the poor in India… For it took millions ofdollars for her and her t ireless workers to feed and care for the poor, sick and needy… For themore you have the more you can give…

No other trade or profession has more opportunity

Just as the late Steve Jobs founder of the company Applewas a master salesperson in harnessing a champion teamaround his vision to create world class products that madepeoples lives happier.. As Og Mandino put it so well whenhe said:-

“No other trade or profession has more opportunity for oneto rise from poverty to great wealth than that of salesman.” - Og Mandino

And perhaps why one has the most opportunity in sales is

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because those who become wealthy in an enlightened way are not the greedy type of snake oilcar salesman who rip people of with bad products and services… But rather those who experiencetrue wealth, both materially and spiritually are those who fulf ill the words of Jesus who said thatthe greatest leaders are those who serve and help the most amount of people… Because:-

We are paid in direct proportion to the service we bring to the market place of life… So if we wish tobecome wealthier then we must add value to a growing number of people. Yes we must help morepeople in an enlightened way to become happier in a win win way through quality products andservices we sell… For the reality is, if we would desire to experience true wealth we must becomemore selfless in our quest and cause to help people… Which can be successfully done in aneffortless like fashion through the the power of love… The power of love welling up from within uslike a river of living water that comes from our Best Self / God nature within..

As the late great Jim Rohn affect ionately known as America’s Foremost BusinessPhilosopher said so well:-

“You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour” - Jim Rohn

And so when S.B. Fuller chose to sell soap he unknowingly joined the ranks of a long list ofMasters who all began their journey to success and achievement as sales people… Masters ofenlightened win win persuausion such as Robert Kiyosaki, Mary Kay, Jack Canf ield, Bob Proctor,Napoleon Hill, W.Clement Stone, Earl Night ingale, Chris Gardner and many others..

Then one day something happened that changed his fortunes in anamazing way…

So for twelve years S.B. sold soap, door to door. Then one day something happened that changedhis fortunes in an amazing way… It came to Fullers at tent ion that the business who supplied himwith soap was going to be sold at an auct ion… The equivalent asking price in today’s money valuewas $1.4 million…

Over the 12 years S.B. had manged to save $240,000. And so they came to an agreement that S.B.would put down a deposit of $240,000 and then secure f rom other sources the remaining balanceof $1.160,000 million(just over 1.1 Million dollars).. However the tricky part was that S.B. had onlyten days to secure the remaining money he needed.. Or else the contract stated that if he failed toraise the money, he would lose his life savings deposit of $240,000.Wow…

So S.B. went into act ion… For necessity is the mother of invention…

Fortunately over the years as a soap salesman, S. B. Fuller had won the respect of many businesspeople. And now with the clock t icking away he needed their help… And help they did… Just ashelp also came from personal f riends, investment groups and loan companies. But their was aproblem… For on the eve of the tenth day, he had only managed to secure $1.120,000 million.

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S.B. Fuller

Sadly he was st ill $40,000 short… What would have you done?

I asked God to give me a sign…

In S.B’s words he recalls:

“I had exhausted every source of credit I knew. It was late at night. In thedarkness of my room I knelt down and prayed. I asked God to lead me to aperson who would let me have the $40,000 in time. I said to myself that Iwould drive down 61st Street until I saw the first light in a businessestablishment. I asked God to make the light a sign indicating His answer.”

It was nearly midnight (11:00 pm to be precise) when S. B. Fuller steered his car down Chicago’s61st Street. And then f inally af ter driving for awhile, he saw it .. He saw a light st ill on in the of f ice ofa contractor.

S.B. knew he would have to be bold…

It was now or never…

It was do or die!…

S.B.Fuller walked in to the of f ice… And there he found sit t ing at his desk t ired f rom his days work,a man he knew a lit t le of…

And so S.B. asked him boldly:-

“Do you want to make $10,000?”

Quite shocked by S.B’s quest ion the contractor replied:

“Yes, of course”

To which S.B.Fuller replied:

“Then make out a check for $40,000 and when I bring back the money, I’llbring back another $10,000 profit”

Fuller then gave the contractor the details of all the other peoplewho had loaned him money whilst explaining the ins and outs ofthe business venture…

And lo and behold…

And lo and behold before S.B lef t that contractors of f ice he hada $40,000 check in his pocket. Furthermore he went on to secure

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controlling interest in that company and in seven othercompanies… Companies that included four companies in thecosmetic industry, a label company, a hosiery company and two Newspapers (the New YorkAge and the Pittsburgh Courier)..

So what was his success secret… Well apart f rom him using the law of attract ion in unisonwith the lit t le known success secret of “Protecting, Nourishing & Growing The God GivenSeed Dreams Within Him”… So what was his success secret? Well… When when asked thisquest ion, he answered with his mothers words that had been planted in him many years before:

“We are poor — not because of God. We are poor because Father has never developed a desire tobecome rich. No one in our family has ever developed a desire to be anything else.”

And S.B. also added:

“I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t know how to get it. So I read the Bible and inspirational books fora purpose. I prayed for the knowledge to achieve my objectives. Three books played an importantpart in transmuting my burning desire into reality. They were:

1. The Bible(akaThe Masters Book)

2. Think and Grow Rich, and

3. The Secret of the Ages. With my greatest inspiration coming from reading the Bible.

If you know what you want, you are more apt to recognize it when you see it. When you read a book,for example, you will recognize opportunities to help you get what you want” …

He also went on to give back…

And as many like S.B.Fuller do who come from disadvantaged backgrounds.. He also went on to give back. For as Founder of the FullerProducts Company. It is widely believed that in the 1950′s Fuller wasprobably the wealthiest African American man in the United States.His cosmetics company having $18 million in sales and a sales forceof f ive thousand (one third of them white)… An incredible feat forthose t imes…

His business giving invaluable t raining to many future entrepreneurs and leaders such as John H.Johnson of Johnson Publishing, George Ellis Johnson founder of Johnson Products, and Dr.T.R.M. Howard… He declaring:-

“It doesn’t make any difference, about the color of an individual’s skin. No one cares whether a cowis black, red, yellow, or brown. They want to know how much milk it can produce”…

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S.B.Fuller successfully using the law of attraction the right way…

So here we have S.B Fuller an ordinary man who went on to do the extraordinary…

Yes… Here we have in S.B Fuller someone who made the seemingly impossible possible… How?..Because he protected the dream seeds planted in his heart by his mother.. Because he nourishedand cared for the dream seeds planted in his heart… He dreamedBIG!(And so can we).. So that in t ime these seeds grew and produced aharvest… S.B.Fuller successfully using the law of at t ract ion the right wayby him focusing on what he wanted…

For S.B. intelligent ly assessed the problems(as we must also do) and thenhe took intelligent act ion by putt ing all his energy into solving his problemswith the Answers… S.B.Fuller doing his part by following his intuit ion(inner-tuit ion).. The God Force then doing it ’s part to bring to S.B. the people and resources he needed tofulf ill his God given dream… A winning combinat ion one two knockout punch! …

No matter what your dreams are you can achieve them..

So if S.B could achieve his dreams then so can we… No matter what your dreams are you canachieve them.. and your dreams don’t have to be to become super wealthy or to secure controllinginterests in various companies… For every ones seed dreams are dif ferent just as there aredif ferent types of seeds in nature that grow into dif ferent f ruit t rees… The important thing is tojust be the BEST you can BE!…

If you are an orange tree, be the best orange tree you can be.. If you are an apple t ree be the bestapple t ree you can be… For you will be happiest when you are growing in accordance with yourGod Given design and dream seed within you… So if your dream is to be the best Mum or Dad youcan be then Be that… For this desire comes from the God Force… If your dream is to be the bestteacher in the public school educat ional system that you can be, then BE that… The importantthing is not to compare yourself to others… But to discover what type of dream seed has beenplanted in you… For when you know this you are halfway to achieving your dream…

As Napoleon Hill taught:-

“For unless your goal is against the laws of God or society,you can achieve it. You have everything to gain and nothingto lose by trying. Success is achieved and maintained bythose who keep trying with a Positive Mental Attitude”

For whatever you decide to Be, Do & Have the choice andpower remains in your hands… For The Universe gave uswills to choose and determine our dest iny… And no matter

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what you choose.. If you do it with love and through love,you are a winner!

So if you would allow me… If we want to change our lives…. The question we must ask andanswer is…

How Can I Protect, Nourish & Grow The God Given Seed Dream Within Me?…

For indeed….

“Your Dreams Are The Seeds of Genius Within You That The World Needs”..

Helping You Determine Your Dest iny

Chris T Atkinson The Law of Attract ion Life Purpose Coach

PS If you’re enjoying both The Law of Attract ion QuotesAnd Art icles and my Daily Posit ive Inspirat ional Motivat ionalPicture Quotes Sayings About Life… Then you’ll enjoy theLife Changing Special Report & Video below that will teachyou the secret to both using the law of attract ion and living the law of attract ion inorder to Create The Life of Your Dreams…


The Law of Attraction Special Report/Video


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