Proposal Unit 31 : Social Action Project


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Unit 31 : Social Action Project

Name of ProductionUnder The Hood

• The issue I have chosen to cover is gang violence. It is a huge problem in my area with over 300 reported crimes a month in ‘SLOUGH’. Slough has been given a bad name due to the gangs. They can be very dangerous and intimidating. With less gangs mean less crimes and violence.

Issue I am Covering

• I have chosen this issue as it is very important to me as it is my area and it does affect me as a person. I have always been very interested in gangs and have always watched programmes and documentaries on them on TV. As we all know the London Riots happened just last year due to gang members. Gangs have a big part on our country and are destroying it. It needs to be stopped.

Reason for following this issue

Length of production

• I am hoping the length of my production will be around 5-6 minutes long as it is just enough time to get my point across and give a good message to the audience but yet not long enough to bore them and repeat myself.

Interviewees in production

Firstly I will be interviewing the head of ‘Serious Youth Violence in Slough’ I will be asking her about how she would like things to change and also what things she has had to deal with. I will also be interviewing some public on there thoughts about Gangs. And lastly I will hopefully be interviewing members of a Gang.

Production angle

The angle I am hoping to approach is by starting of with short interesting information with achieve frottage rolling over the top. It needs to be exciting yet informal and keep the listeners tuned in. So it will start of by informing the audience on the issue and giving them some shocking facts. that will make them keen to listen on. I will then lead onto the interviews with the professional and the public. This mix's things up a bit with different opinions that some of the audience could agree on. I need to focus on putting my point across and making the audience aware of the issue I have choosen.

Production layout

StartI am going to Introduce my chosen social action project to the audience. I will inform the audience on the issue by using shocking facts to nail it into the audience heads about how bad it has really got these facts will also have achieve footage playing over the top of gangs and violent acts. At the end I will also talk about the groups I have been working with and why we need to change things. After the audience should have a clear understanding of my social action project.


The middle of my production will contain my interviews that I have had with various people. It will start of with Bev Pearse the Head of Serious Youth Violence in Slough she will be able to tell the audience more information and the audience will take listening to her more seriously and will take it in more. It will then go on to the interviews with the members of the public who will give their own opinion on the matter which the audience may be able to relate too.


the lead for Serious Youth Violence in Slough

I will end my production by bringing everything together and giving a over all look to remind the audience about the most important bits and then I will summarise it.

Target AudienceMy target audience for my social action project is 14-21. As they need to be aware of things that are happening out there and also to put them off becoming part of a gang in the near furture.

Where will my film be uploaded?

When I have done editing my video it will then be unloaded to youtube.com. It will then be embed onto my blogger.com