Prologue book 1: Triple M

Prologue Book 1: Triple M

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Seven oxes a Outfit on the server Briggs for Planetside 2. This Book is about an alternate origin story and a fan fiction of the beginning of the outfit and the progression that takes place.

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Page 1: Prologue Book 1: Triple M

Prologue book 1: Triple M

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29th of March 2846 3PMTR Virtual Training

“Move your asses you three they are going to catch you!” yells the training commander.

“Yes sir.” Yells Mblades, Mgram and Mikhail in response as they run through a destroyed battlefield. Which is based off an Indar conflict, which is one of the many battlefields that the Terran Republic fights for the freedom of its people.

These Brave men and women who fight for the Terran republic are one of three factions who where set off course and are stranded on this planet called Auraxis. This planet is much like earth with its geographical looks, climate and Continents. Unfortunately a war has struck making it very hard for people to marvel or study this wondrous planet.

The Vanu Sovereignty seeks to worship this alien race, which has left behind all its technology and unfortunately their weapons. Which allows this faction to build deadly weapons and a destructive force, which can destroy many things and we have felt it they have destroyed many Terran republic cities and have executed more civilians then the Holocaust. But they are not the only danger to Terran Republic armies and our forces that defend our freedom.

The New Conglomerate is what the Terran Republic call rebels and they have caused just as much destruction as the Vanu Soverignty. They broke off from the Terran Republic after they thought that we are controlling them as well as denying them their freedom. But they are the ones who are ruled by a dictator. They have improved their weapons so they can kill men faster and have stolen some technology from the Vanu. Which have created shields for their tanks.

But back to this training session, this training session was transfer of information where a team of 3 would run the information in a cylinder to the other side of the map with only 3 respawns or revives and 400 nanites, which is enough for 3 revives with a medical applicator. Lucky for Mblades, Mgram and Mikhail they are all medics of which they all get a Medical applicator. This training session was rigged from the start but they are where put up against the

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best trainees in the worst condition for them everything was stacked against them.

“Mgram pass me the information and I will run it,” Yells Mikhail, keeping a nice steady pace.

“Sure.” He replies and passes Mikhail the information cylinder. Mikhail is fast but not fast enough. He has 30 seconds to run 200 meters or they fail the training session and the other trainees are picking up the pace in harassers or buggy’s of a sort. Jump over the hill around thirty meters behind. Mikhail legs it, as Mgram and Mblades try to place C4 on the ground to try and stop them from getting to Mikhail.

Vrrmm, the harassers don’t even hit the ground where the C4 are, They spin the Vulcan which is on the harasser around landing in front of Mblades away from the C4 that Mblades and Mgram had set and go to town on Mblades and Mgram who are shot 20 times each in the chest. Each hit more accurate then the last. Unfortunately it is to late for Mikhail they have been one minute over time which no one has been this late before. Mikhail throws his T1S cycler onto the ground when he sees the time board.

The hologram shuts down and they see the Commander just staring at Mikhail, Mgram and Mblades who have just become the lowest of the low.

“You guys.” The commander shakes his head in disgust, “you are dismissed.” he says just not even looking at Mblades, Mikhail and Mgram. They walk out the door of the simulation room and into the hallways of barracks, simulation rooms and commander officers.

“What happened out there guys?” asks Mblades in a concerned tone.

“We failed the mission.” Replies Mikhail,

“We could have won that.” Replies Mblades trying to take charge of the group.

“We were screwed from the start.” Replies Mgram, he threws his arms up in anger and walks into their quarters which Mikhail and Mblades follows.

“We stopped working as a team towards the end and we had run out of resources.” Says Mblades,

“We couldn’t do anything.” Mikhail says to Mgram.

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“We always can do something.” Snaps Mblades he places his T1S cycler and medical applicator into his cupboard.

“We will just have to train harder so we can pass the next test.” Says Mgram,

“That’s the problem there is no other tests.” Replies Mblades his face in his hand.

“What there must be.” Replies Mgram, Mikhail just packs his weapons away and then looks around at the computer screen, which is flashing frantically with a message from the Training Commander.

He opens the message on the screen and in Terran republic standard messaging they put a photo on top of the message for which they are. A picture of Mikhail a brown haired 18 years old with brown eyes. Mgram picture appears, his black hair is not concealed by his helmet which he normally wears his green eyes are very visible and you can say they are almost glowing. Then finally Mblades an 18 year old guy with brownish hair with Blue eyes. Then the message appears,

Dear trainees ,

You are required to go to a hearing in one hour in the Simulation room. We will be discussing your most recent scores.

From Commander Griffin of the 107th Ravens”

“Oh god we are in trouble.” Says Mikhail covering his mouth with his hands and shaking his brown hair showing his tanned skin.

“It can’t be that bad I am sure we can find some sought of agreement with the commanders or another test.” Says Mblades as convincing as possible.

“No we are done for we will be sent back to civilian life and won’t be able to join the war effort for the Republic.” Replies Mgram slumping down into his bed.

“Well we must at least try and get another test.” Says Mblades,

Then silence for another 45 minutes until it is time to leave for the commander and to see how their future is going to turn out.

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29th of March 2846 4PMTR Trainee barracks

“Ok boys.” Mblades says, breaking the silence of the three men.

“Time to face the music.” Replies Mgram who picks up his T1 cycler and his medical applicator. TR standard protocol to be armed at all times in case of an attack. So Mikhail and Mblades do the same; Mblades leads them out the door.

“Ha good luck.” Says another trainee called Muffin who is jogging away as he passes Mikhail, Mgram and Mblades.

“Come on let’s pick up the speed boys.” Says Mblades and he starts to jog ahead of Mgram and Mikhail. So Mikhail and Mgram do the same keeping a nice pace with Mblades. They run past the Mess hall and a few of the commander’s offices. They pass red banners as they fun down the hallway; they have famous solders from the war. Aegon being one of them who leads a squad in the southwest fighting off the NC, he has saved over 100 lives from a VS super weapon, which destroyed a city. Many others are up on the walls for heroic actions in the war for freedom and justice.

“We are almost there.” Says Mgram who is keeping a steady pace with Mikhail and Mblades as they jog.

“Ok let’s just hope for the best.” Replies Mblades trying to look on the bright side. They enter the Simulation room. No simulation is on it is black with blue cubes. Mikhail, Mgram and Mblades all fall in line and salute the 107th Ravens Commander Griffin.

“Well.” Says Griffin standing up giving them all looks of displeasure. Mikhail shuffles his feet just slightly and Griffin just stares him down. “Your training scores pathetic, you work as a team is non existent and would get you killed on the battle field and the communication even worse. I am sad to say that you are

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even Terran republic citizen even soldiers for that matter.” Yells Griffin, he marched right past all of them all looking at them one by one.

“Yes sir, sorry sir.” They all say at once.

“You aren’t sorry.” Yells Griffin he kicks Mgram in the shines making him fall over. “Pathetic. But you have a very powerful friend. He personally threatened to come back from the battle field and talk to me so you have one more chance.” Says Griffin.

“Yes sir.” They all reply,

“You will have to hold out against waves of enemies at the last stand simulation. That is all i will tell you for now details will be released later.” Yells Griffin, he walks out the front of them. “Dismissed!” he yells and Mgram, Mblades and Mikhail run out the door.

“So who is our friend?” asks Mgram as they run down the halls back to their quarters.

“Don’t know?” replies Mblades, They keep a steady pace as they turn the corner to grab a bite to eat, the guys who was chasing them in the harassers are standing there.

“Hi guys.” The group says. They walk over to Mgram and spit right on his shoe.

“Ha mate.” Replies Mikhail.

“What do you want retard?” they ask,

“Fuck off!” yells Mikhail in reply. The group looks at each other and two guys pin his arms and legs and the other dude prepares to punch Mikhail in the stomach.

“Any last words?” asks the guy, Mblades and Mgram stands in shock as Mikhail is beaten in the chest. Then suddenly an infiltrator uncloaks.

“Yeah leave these three alone or you can deal with Me.” says the infiltrator holding the guys arm. The infiltrator is wearing tightly fitted cloths witch acts as armor but is also is easier to move in because it is tighter than the Medic or heavy assault armor. His helmet has a zoom already on it so it can zoom in and go even further with the rifle.

Whack. The guy tries to punch Infiltrator but he catches it with his other hand. And instead of holding it he breaks the wrist so it flops over.

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“What the Fuck did you do?” he screams.

“Basic Infiltrator training now fuck off!” yells the Infiltrator. The other two guys just help the other guy up and move as quickly as they can away. The Infiltrator turns around and looks at the three medics just stunned by the Infiltrator.

“What...how?” stutters Mgram.

“A thank you would do but that works too.” Replies the Infiltrator.

“What’s your name?” asks Mblades,

“Shadowkat the name what’s yours?” replies Shadowkat/the Infiltrator.

“Well mine is Mblades,” says Mblades he walks over to Mikhail, “this is Mikhail” says Mblades, then he turns and walks towards Mgram, “this is Mgram.” He says.

“Cool nice to meet you all.” Replies Shadowkat. Then suddenly a few guards rush round the corner all pointing guns at the four. Out of nowhere Griffin comes round the corner he doesn’t look pleased.

“You Shadowkat will do your final exam with these three medics in their final trial now.” He says really pissed but he turns away and walks away with the guards following quickly behind him. The four walk into the mess hall where they pick up the food for themselves and find a seat together.

“So what class of infiltrator are you in?” asks Mgram,

“I am in Infiltrator class 1.” Replies Shadowkat,

“Wait you mean the elite class which there is like only 5 in each year?” asks Mblades,

“Yeah that’s the one.” Replies Shadowkat impressed with himself. They all eat the slop that trainees get when they sign up for the war. Which is made up of like potatoes and some unrecognisable vegetable.

“We are going to need our rest for tomorrow.” Mblades suggested.

“Oh yeah we have training for our final test.” Replies Mgram,

“I will come and help seeing now that i am in your test.” Replies Shadowkat. They all stand up and put the trays of empty food onto a pile.

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“We will start our run at 6 am.” Says Mblades before we split away from Shadowkat. The three medics jog slowly back to their quarters where they will rest for the night

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30th of March 2846 5:30 amTR Trainee barracks

The three medics awake at the sound of their 5:30 am alarm that they have set for everyday. As usual Mblades was already up for at least an hour booking the simulation room for nearly whole day training. Mikhail slowly puts on his new medic uniform and polishes his weapons. Mgram takes a shower and gets a new weapon out of the cupboard he grabs his PD-15 Hailstorm. While Mikhail sticks with his T1S cycler and so does Mblades.

“You boys ready?” asks Mblades,

“Yeah as ready as we will ever be.” Replies Mgram, as he says this the clock turns 6 am.

“Time to get moving.” Says Mikhail. He pulls himself up and heads to the door. It is a dark corridor and the lights don’t turn on until another hour. Mikhail walks out followed by Mblades and Mgram. They walk out it is almost pitch black but Mikhail is able to see something move in the darkness just ahead. He raises his weapons and gestures towards the corridor and the other two know exactly what he means. They slowly were moving in a triangle all with their weapons torches on. Suddenly whack Mgram is taken out and dragged into the dark. Then suddenly Shadowkat walks out holding Mgrams gun.

“Now that is why i am the best at what i do.” replies Shadowkat.

“You scared the crap out of us!” says Mblades angrily,

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“Ha you need to be ready for stuff like that,” says Shadowkat, they continue to walk together towards the simulation room. It is black and dark, Mblades walks in and turns on the lights and decide to do the gear simulation. They use the gear they are supplied with and set up a pick up zone.

“Ok you boys ready to do this?” asks Mblades, Shadowkat gives the thumbs up and the simulation begins. They are in a field with trees and a cliff about 10 meters away but is high up and is a good sniper spot. The table appears, it has tank mines, recall beacon, turrets and a self deploying cube base which builds a landing pad and some kind of cover. They deploy the base and it creates it, it makes it out of silver blocks that you would find almost everywhere in the battlefield and most likely use if you needed to make a forward base.

“Shadowkat, do you want to take the sniper position on the cliff and be called back when we call you?” asks Mgram,

“Yeah i will take it just tell me over the radio.” Replies Shadowkat.

“Mikhail you take the anti vehicle turret on the roof of the base,” says Mblades he walks over to the tank mines he looks at them and holds one in his hands. “Mgram you are good at making things go boom you have fun with these.” Says Mblades smiling,

“Ok sir.” Says Mgram and runs away over to the tank mines and walks out of the base. Mikhail sets up the stationary anti vehicle turret making sure it won’t over heat straight away and ready to shoot at the incoming men and vehicles. They just have to hold out for 5 minutes until the galaxy gets here to pick them up. Mblades watches the line where the force will come from. Mblades looks over the field filled with trees and grass. It has quite a bit over cover for the enemies to come at them. Rocks block the line of sight and the road is covered by trees with low lying bushes making it hard to spot infantry very easily.

“Mblades we have liberators incoming and it seems like a galaxy is incoming as well.” Says Shadowkat over the radio. Mikhail raises the turret and prepares to fire at the galaxy. Mgram is still haven’t returned from setting up the tank mines, Mblades looks frantically around and he isn’t back so he pulls his T1S cycler and aims down the 4x scope at the tree line. Mikhail takes down a Liberator with a miracle shot before the other two-drop rounds on the tree line. Suddenly out of nowhere Mgram jumps out of the tree line and is holding the explosive charge in his hand and suddenly at least 20 guys charge out of the tree line after him shooting randomly towards Mgrams position. He presses a detonator quickly and the whole tree line is destroyed revealing a sunderer and at least three lighting tanks. Mblades open fires on the lines that are charging towards Mgram and he hits most of them. Then a problem arises the Sunderer has started to

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drive towards Mblades and the entrance to the base. The combat medics has nothing to deal with it either and it is probably dealing with around twelve men inside it. Mikhail gets out of the turret and runs down stairs towards the stairway and he opens fire down the stairs at the enemies that came in with the sunderer.Mikhail fires not down his sight of his T1S cycler because the enemies are closing the gap quickly. He kills at least two combat medics and suddenly heavy assaults come up with the heavy shields and they seem to be armed with blades of some kind. They get close enough and it cuts right through Mikhail so he is reconstructed in the base at the observation lounge. Mgram is still running and is able to take down the heavy’s and a engineer before being shot down by an infiltrator. Mblades is still fighting with the only medic to still be alive on the field of battle. Then Shadowkat takes his sniper rifle and lines up the cockpit of a liborator and fires. It goes right through the glass and kills the pilot and it flies out of control into the other liborator and crashes right into the base. As this happens Mblades leaps onto the field bellow.

“I need evac position.” Says Mblades into the radio, aiming up a engineer and getting a clear shot into the head.

“Ok there is a rock at your 12 o’clock run to it.” says Shadowkat through the radio. So Mblades starts to run towards the rock. He leaps over smaller rocks and into long grass. “Enemies at your 6’oclock.” Says Shadowkat, so Mblades turns around and opens fire with his T1S cycler and kills a light assault. Mblades continues to run towards the rock but after about seven bullets to the leg he is down and he has lost to much blood to stay alive and quickly after Shadowkat is overwhelmed and is respawned in the observatory.

“So it is obvious we won.” Says Mikhail with a sarcastic voice looking over at the base which is blown up and crashed vehicles and dead holograms are everywhere.

“Yeah we really won.” Says Mgram hitting Mikhail across the back of the head and heading out towards the armory to rearm himself. Mblades leaves and heads towards the shooting range. Mikhail and Shadowkat are left in the room together.

“Can you train me? You are one of the best at hand to hand combat because you are Special Forces of a sort or in training at least.” Asks Mikhail feeling ashamed because of what happened with the heavy assaults.

“I can, so for your final test you will be good enough to fight in close combat situations. I can help you be like me and get on my level.” Says Shadowkat as he activates a program filled with trees.

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“Lets go.” Says Mikhail. Shadowkat begins to train Mikhail and he picks it up quickly and he adds his own style because of his armor and his medical applicator not as good as Shadowkat but is still very impressive for only a couple of hours training.

30th of March 2846 6 pmTR hangar

Mblades wanders across the base contemplating how they are going to win this final test and they are going to pass it. He passes liborator pilots just getting in from bombing runs on the front. He passes a liborator pilot who is sitting on his Liborator cleaning the window and he calls Mblades over.

“You trainee why do you look so down?” asks the pilot jumping off the Liborator and down onto the ground next to Mblades.

“If we don’t pass our next test we fail and we can not go and serve and I will not live up to my father expectations.” Says Mblades saluting the pilot and standing in front of him with hid chin slightly up how he would stand to any other member of the armed force.

“Relax. My names Mike.” Says the pilot holding his hand out. Mblades shakes it and looks even more confused.

“Mine is Mblades.” Replies Mblades relaxing a little more.

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“No way. You're the great Blades son? Wow it is an honor.” Replies Mike, he walks over towards his liborator and cleans it off a bit. “where is your father now?” asks Mike looking up at Mblades who is slightly confused.

“He is looking after his seven oxes in the hills behind the great city supplying food and being a farmer. It was his retirement idea after he finished commanding Nightrage.” Replies Mblades.

“Well what seems to be your problem? Your father has saved me on many occasions so it is least I can do.” replies Mike now looking directly into Mblades eyes. Mblades start to see the grey eyes and the worn out look on Mikes face but it seems to glow not literally but a glow you get from a friend when they are happy. Mblades looks at Mikes hair which is almost pure black except for the very middle which is grey.

“My squad isn’t getting the results that they should be and I have no idea how to fix them it is a problem.” Says Mblades almost ashamed to say and has to look away from Mike.

“Well let me put it too you this way. Up there in the skies, I am not alone. I can't fly this baby of mine without my trusty men. Without them, I'm only a flying hunk of metal.” Says Mike pointing at his liborator. Mblades takes a minute to take in what Mike has said and nods in agreement.

“How do I fix this problem?” asks Mblades curiously.

“Well work as a squad. Make stick togther use the skills that you have in the squad and use it to your advantage. Don’t concentrate on the negatives hone the things that are good so you can improve your self and the others in your squad.” Replies Mike.

“Thanks.” Replies Mblades as he nods and walks away back to the training room. He is greeted by Mgram standing there looking down onto Mikhail and Shadowkat who are training quite hard. Mikhail has seem to improved his skills in close quarter combat and is giving Shadowkat a hard time.

“He is training hard he has been like this for about and hour.” Replies Mgram watching more closely.

“So what have you been doing?” asks Mblades.

“I have prepared new explosives and rearmed myself because our test has been decided for tomorrow.” Replies Mgram looking concerned but still keeping strong.

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“Tomorrow before we fight we are nor going to do our normal plan to clear the battlefield of all cover. Instead we will hold them inside the base and we will set up small defences inside it. We will use Shadowkat to take out any resistance on the ground that won't charge at the base.” Replies Mblades.

“Ok. We can set explosive charges in the place where the Sunderer would try and get in. as well as set mines along the stairs for max crashes and put them in the armoury and blow the whole based to kingdom come. If there are to many of them.,” replies Mgram.

“Agreed as long as we last for at least ten minutes we pass.” Replies Mblades confidently.

“No we have to kill a certain amount of kills as well.” Replies Mgram.

“When did they change the passing system?” asks Mblades.

“Only recently.” Replies Mgram, as Mikhail is put on his ass after Shadowkat kicks his supports out. Then Shadowkat helps him up and they start to run, they climb trees and the free run across the field of battle.

“Give them ten and then call them in for rest.” Says Mblades walking away from the observation lounge towards his quarters. Mgram just stares at them training and eventually after ten minutes call them up for rest.

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31th of March 2846 5:30amTR Trainee barracks

The three medics awake to the sound of knocking on the door. It is Shadowkat who wants them to get up for a warm up and for strategy. So Mikhail and Mgram clean their weapons and put on some new uniforms with new armour and makes sure they are ready to go. Mblades on the other hand gets up and searches his mail and he sees a message from his father wishing him good luck. Then he cleans his weapons determined to make his father proud of him make his family name go down in history.

“Lets get moving.” Says Mblades as he picks up his T1S cycler and forwards out the door. Mikhail closely follows and finally Mgram, they take a jog with Shadowkat and many people wish us good luck and say they are coming to watch our final exam. They take the next corner and find themselves in the mess

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hall. They take their seats and they prepare there meal and they begin to eat they eat as much as they can before they head out.

“Ok I am full.” Says Mikhail rocking back on his chair.

“Ok good that's our last meal until after our exam.” Says Mblades, Mikhail nods and in the action of nodding it knocks him off the chair and onto the ground with a thud. They laugh and Mikhail slumps back into his chair and looks a little pissed off.

“Ok Mikhail you just remember what I taught you in close combat training and we will all do fine we can all walk out of this alive and with flying colours.” Replies Shadowkat.

“Agreed, but we aren’t going to split up we are going to secure the building and set up our own trap for them.” replies Mblades.

“Sounds like fun.” Replies Mgram remembering the plan from yesterday while Mikhail and Shadowkat are training. They all stand up and jog towards the prep room where the map will be shown to them and they can rearm themselves and prepare for the onslaught ahead. The room is dimly lit from a light in the middle of the room. A table is in the middle with a hologram of the base, which seems to have two entrances and three levels. The top level has a flag on it with a anti air turret and stationary Vulcan turret on the roof. The next level down has hallways and has an open area where the staircase up is and a smaller room, which is an armoury.

On the bottom floor there are a two entrances big enough for a sunderer to get in and one final hallway connecting them, which leads to the staircase up to the second level. The area around the base has many trees with low-lying shrubs and it almost surrounds it so the enemies can come at them from every angle. But there is only two roads leading too the two base entrances on the ground levels.

“So game plan?” asks Mikhail looking at the battle field hologram analysing they all do it.

“So Mgram and I will begin the assault on the ground floor while Mikhail prepares for combat on the second floor for when Mgram and I eventually run out of ammo and nanites. As for Shadowkat, we need you to go invisible and go round the enemies and find the COM sunderer that the holograms will be using to communicate between each other. Also we will call you when to come back to base. Ok and we set up explosive in the two entrances and rig up the second

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floor big enough to blow the whole building to pieces.” Says Mblades pointing to certain sections of the map and the base building.

“Sounds good. When we come up it will be up to you Mikhail to hold them off while we set up another ammo supply on the third floor above you. So we need you to use what ever close combat skills you got and hold them back for as long as you can.” Replies Mgram pointing to the armoury and the staircase just next to it.

“Just remember we have to put on our healing nanites so we don’t die after jumping off a three story building while it is being blown up.” Say Mikhail pointing to his wrist guard and opening the nanite storage system full of nanites.

“Good sounds like a game plan. Now remember Shadowkat we will call you in when we may need you but find that COM sunderer so they are at a disadvantage and they can’t communicate to each other.” Replies Mblades confidently. Mblades starts to pick up all the tank mines and C4 they can carry as well as Mgram follows and so does Mikhail who prepares the Com beacon which will go on the roof of the base so people can communicate. They step out into the field and are about five meters away from the first entry point to the base. Mikhail sets up a tank mine in the entry point and puts two C4 onto the roof of the base prepares to do the same in other entry point. Mblades on the other hand is setting up the ammo supply for the second floor and prepares explosive charges in there so they can blow the building to kingdom come. Mgram makes sure the weapons are operational and the turrets are also operational.

“You guys ready?” yells Mgram preparing his rifle and running down the stairs to meet Mblades who is also preparing his weapons and preparing to hold the line with Mblades.

“Yeah just hold that line for a few minutes.” Yells Mikhail from down the stairs. Mikhail is putting up the barricades of sandbags on the balcony outside so they will block that entry point if they Galaxy drop in. Shadowkat is in the treetops holding his sniper rifle and is preparing to move on anything that moves.

“We have about five seconds before the enemies are incoming.” Says Shadowkat over the radio. Mikhail looks up and goes onto the third level and looks at the scoreboard which has a countdown on it with three seconds left on the countdown.

“Shadowkat find that Com sunderer quick.” Says Mikhail through the radio jumping into the anti air turret and preparing to open fire.

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“Will do.” says Shadowkat running across the tree branches. A massive alarm goes off and everyone hears it, from Mblades and Mgram aiming down the hall back to back and is prepared for the enemies, From Shadowkat with his Sniper holstered over his shoulder and running along the tree line and from Mikhail who is aiming towards a Liborator incoming from the edge of the map.

“Ok boys lets do this.” Yells Mblades. Shadowkat starts to run and starts to do aeriel drops from above dropping and cutting the guys throat bellow and climbing up vines and preparing to leap from branch to branch almost silently.

“Ok one Liborator down.” Says Mikhail as it crashes down into the forest a little ahead of Shadowkat.

“Can you watch where you’re shooting please? Because night hawk needs to see his prey.” Says Shadowkat seeing a hologram holding a radio system and may be listening into his conversation. Shadowkat drops to the ground just in front of him kicks his legs out pistol whips the guy and crushes the radio tower. And shoots the guy in the fore head.

“Mblades how is the tunnel?” asks Mikhail as he shoots down Reavers. Reavers are small anti air aircraft and sometimes carries anti ground weaponry they are pretty chunky and are very square like with thin wings with two lights on the end of the wings.

“Nothing yet but I am starting to get worried.” Replies Mblades holding his scope at the hallway where nothing has moved yet. Mblades is starting to sweat and Mgram is just holding his ground pointing the gun towards the enemy’s empty hallways with only the company of the metallic walls.

“Shaodwkat I have visual on the enemies sunderer. It is too the southeast.” Says Mikhail aiming down the sights of the anti aircraft gun right at the forest which has the a radio satellite sticking just over the trees.

“Going in to intercept now.” Says Shadowkat as he races across the trees and then activates his invisibility system and moving as quite as he possibly can. Shadowkat gets to the road and suddenly a Sunderer rolls down the road towards the base. “Mblades incoming a sunderer is on route.” Says Shadowkat just as another one rolls down the road. “Wait make that two.” He says fixing up his mistake then another and another. “Um four Sunderers on route to your position.” Says Shadowkat a bit stunned by the number of sunderers that rolled down the road.

“Copy that.” replies Mblades kneeling down and aiming down the scope down the metallic hallway. As the sounds of Sunderers come into the entrances of the

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base and so Mblades has his hands on his trigger and starts to aim. Mgram does the same and aims down the sight.

“I am at the location of the sunderer.” Says Shadowkat now at the Com sunderer and sets up explosives on wheel right next to the guard who can’t see Shadowkat thanks to his invisibility. So Shadowkat sets up two more and runs into the jungle and uncloaks and hits the detonator. BOOM, the sunderer goes up and all the guards around it die within a second of the explosion.

“I heard that from here.” says Mikhail through the radio then hearing gunfire from bellow. Mikhail gets out of the turret and runs down the stairs and prepares his rifle and points it down the stairs where Mblades and Mgram are shooting and seem to be holding the line pretty well. Well suddenly Mgram gets shot right in the shoulder and blood splatters across the wall where Mikhail can see.

“Guys how are you?” yells Mikhail down the stairs.

“We can’t hold them for much longer,” says Mblades as he comes into view and seems to be retreating slowly towards the stairs. Mikhail runs to be around the corner closest to Mblades. Mgram seems to be using his pistol and limping back towards the stairs.

“Mblades get Mgram out of here and prepare for the third level I can hold them back for awhile.” Yells Mikhail as he takes off the safety on his Rebel pistol and taking a deep breath.

“Ok copy that.” yells Mblades dragging Mgram up the stairs closely followed by hologram NC heavy assault. Mikhail smashes his rifle right into the face of the NC heavy making him drop his Jackhammer and Mikhail quickly shooting it twice into the guy’s stomach. Mikhail throws the body into another light assault trying to jet pack over him up the stairs. Mikahil fires his own rifle right into the head of a combat medic who is trying to revive the Heavy assault who just ate his own jackhammer bullets. Mikhail notices that they seem to be getting more and more intense with everyone he kills in close combat.

“BLOW THE ENTRANCES!” yells Mikhail bolting for the second level-firing burst down the stairs at the NC holograms. Mikhail rolls and seems to face the back and opens fire down the stairs and BOOM. An explosion from either end of the tunnel and screams from bellow makes Mikhail feel relived and a little more relaxed now. But they still hasn’t taken down all of them there are still a few alive and suddenly Galaxies come into view for Mblades and Mgram. Massive bird like planes that can hold 12 or so people in one of them.

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“Guys we may have to skip step two in the plan we need to move to the roof now!” yells Shadowkat coming out of the forest. Mikhail retreats to the roof with sweat pouring down his head and his eyes filled with fire. Luckily Mblades has been using the Nanites as a stream from the medical applicator to repair the damage from the bullet to Mgrams shoulder. Mblades hands Mgram his gun and helps him up.

“Ok we wait for the exact moment.” Says Mblades pulling out the flag and putting it on his back and preparing his rifle for the onslaught that is to follow. Mikhail pulls his Rifle and aims it towards the falling troops that are falling from the galaxies. He shoots down five or six of them before he retreats towards the edge of the building with Mblades and Mgram who are covering the other sides.

“It’s time.” Says Mgram looking at Mblades who looks at his detonator on his belt. He keeps firing for a few seconds and them slams his nanites to heal mode and he has about a minute of healing nanites and so he jumps off followed by Mikhail and Mgram. When they hit the ground Mblades blows the base to kingdom come destroying all the men on the roof and on floors bellow.

“We got to move!” yells Shadowkat running past them all running towards the forests. Mikhail, Mgram and Mblades are all tired and are sweating and are almost out of energy to fight any more. Suddenly more Liborators come and they start to blow the ground around the place to kingdom come.

“Ok I am coming.” Yells Mblades as he notices the Liborators and starts to run for it towards the tree line, which suddenly a friendly Sunderer appears.

“Quick into the Sunderer.” Yells Shadowkat who dives for the inside of the sunderer.

Mikhail, Mgram and Mblades all jump in the sunderer and the program deactivates and they are back in the armoury where they started. Everyone is so tired they all collapse on the ground and breath very heavily.

“So any idea of what the score was?” asks Mgram curiously and looking towards exit.

“No idea. I was concentrating on the enemy liborators trying to kill us.” replies Mikhail as he looks at his weapon.

“Hopefully we got a good score.” Replies Mblades.

“All being tested in that last exam please report to the examination room for final grading.” Says Commander Griffin over the speak system. So the three

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medics and Shadowkat all get up and walk over to the door and back into the simulation room where Commander Griffin stands there with a couple of other officers and a few men from the front lines. They step into a line and salute the commander and hold that position for griffin to speak next.“You guys have passed with flying colours, you have beaten all expectation of everyone with a score 25 000 beating all other attempts which have fallen around the 5000 mark which is the highest mark ever recorded until today.” Continues Commander Griffin a little impressed. As for Commander Aegon is standing there holding a piece of paper.

“We are all stunned by the scores you just got and that is why we come with some bad news Mblades. Your Father got the News a few seconds after you finished and had a heart attack. We are so sorry to bring bad news. To our knowledge he is looking in bad shape but we are applying nanites to him to stabalise him.” Says Commander Aegon.

“Oh god.” Says Mblades as he looks to his teammates who look just as stunned as him.

“But we do come with some good news. You have been selected to command a outfit and it is your choice of what to name it and then we will supply you with enough guys for first platoon and you will have control after that.” replies Commander Aegon.

“I..I..” Mbaldes says speechless and still a little taken a back from the News of his fathers heart attack.

“He is very grateful for that. Can you please gives us a minute or two for Mblades to be able to answer more questions.” says Mgram stepping forward.

“ok we will give you a minute.” Replies Commander Aegon.

“Mblades it is fine they didn’t say he was dead just that he had a heart attack.” Says Mgram looking right into Mblades eyes looking for life for a shimmer of hope that is always there.

“Well I know what I will be calling the Outfit but it may sound a little ridiculous so you guys have to support me on this.” Says Mblades look over at the score board which has big 25 000 on it.

“We will,” says Mikhail and Mgram at the same time. They fall in line and prepare for the commanders to return.

“So have you decided on a name?” asks Commander Aegon.

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“Yes sir.” Replies Mblades.

“So tell me what it is.” Replies Aegon.

“Seven Oxes.” Replies Mblades.