AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hello again faithful reader! I just want to take this time to inform you of some changes and explain to you a brief history of this story. You may discover that this story is written FAR better then stories that have come after. Well that’s because the original version was written in 2000, but just recently, at the start of 2008, I updated the writing in it. I didn’t add or remove a single scene, or changed anything at all. I just fixed up the dialogue and made the writing better, and that is it. I still want it to be the exact same story, complete with its crappyness, however I wanted to still be able to read it without tearing my hair out at the bad writing. I plan on doing that for all my old original stories (Not the scripts, just the stories), so depending on when you read this, the others may or may not have been updated yet. Now, here’s a bit of background info on the story. I’ll be doing this with all my re-writes on my older stories, explaining a brief history behind them. Despite the open ending, originally the first School Day story was supposed to be the only School Day story. I never had any plans of doing a sequel. However, it was such a huge hit among the people in my class, and among my friends, that I knew in the back of my mind that a sequel was now quite possible. I went on to write a couple of other stories first, such as Terror in the Tunnels and Invisible Killer, but found my mind often switching back to School Day. In February of 2000, just two months after I had written School Day, I began work on School Day 2. Some things I had known right off the bat, such as wanting to have it take place while Jeff and Allison were in University, and that during the time between the first and second stories, Jeff and Allison had dated and since broken up and were no longer on

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Hello again faithful reader! I just want to take this time to inform you of some changes and explain to you a brief history of this story. You may discover that this story is written FAR better then stories that have come after. Well that’s because the original version was written in 2000, but just recently, at the start of 2008, I updated the writing in it. I didn’t add or remove a single scene, or changed anything at all. I just fixed up the dialogue and made the writing better, and that is it. I still want it to be the exact same story, complete with its crappyness, however I wanted to still be able to read it without tearing my hair out at the bad writing. I plan on doing that for all my old original stories (Not the scripts, just the stories), so depending on when you read this, the others may or may not have been updated yet.

Now, here’s a bit of background info on the story. I’ll be doing this with all my re-writes on my older stories, explaining a brief history behind them.

Despite the open ending, originally the first School Day story was supposed to be the only School Day story. I never had any plans of doing a sequel. However, it was such a huge hit among the people in my class, and among my friends, that I knew in the back of my mind that a sequel was now quite possible.

I went on to write a couple of other stories first, such as Terror in the Tunnels and Invisible Killer, but found my mind often switching back to School Day. In February of 2000, just two months after I had written School Day, I began work on School Day 2. Some things I had known right off the bat, such as wanting to have it take place while Jeff and Allison were in University, and that during the time between the first and second stories, Jeff and Allison had dated and since broken up and were no longer on speaking terms. Everything else about the story I pretty much made up as I went along.

However, I needed a school and I needed a cast of characters. The first story had all my friends from Alberta in it, so I decided to give my friends in Newfoundland the same, um, ‘privilege’, and so thus the characters in School Day 2 were based upon my friends and teachers from Newfoundland. From there, I decided to have the entire thing take place in Newfoundland and have the University be MUN, the University of Newfoundland located in St. John’s, my old city.

Although since this took place slightly in the future (I was only in Grade Nine when I wrote it), I was not able to have any of it be based off real events that had happened, like the first half of the original story had been. The entire thing had to be made up, so it was a lot harder to write. On top of that, I needed to have a plausible way to get them all stuck in the University with the killer, and that was probably the most difficult part.

Like with most sequels, the character list has been raised, and with more characters then the first time around, I wasn’t able to have nearly as much characterization as I had hoped. Although, again like with most sequels, I tried to make

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up for that by upping the gore factor. This is a teen slasher after all. People read these things for the gore and not the deep thought-provoking characters anyway. One death in this story, involving a toilet seat, went on to become famous among my friends as one of the most inventive deaths ever, and even got nominated for, although I cannot remember if it won or not, an award on a Horror Fiction site during one of the site’s Annual Halloween Awards.

So here you go, I now present to you:


By: Jeff Long

The cloudy night sky covered the Newfoundland city of St. John’s like a black blanket. Somewhere under that blanket on a cul-de-sac that was located on the edge of a hill looking down at the rest of the brightly-lit city, was an upscale expensive house, which was currently housing only one occupant – 13-year-old Jacob Adams.

Jacob was lying on his bed, his door wide open which was something he never did when his parents were home as he loved his privacy, and he was in the middle of reading a stack of paper that was printed off from his computer, while chatting on the phone with his best – and only true – friend. Jacob had been in the middle of reading the stack of paper when his friend had called.

“Not too much,” Jacob answered his friend’s question of what he was doing that night. “Just reading this story I got in my e-mail.”

“What story?” the friend asked, not really caring but just acting like he did to further the conversation.

“You heard about the Wainwright Murders, right?” Jacob asked. When his friend replied with a solid no, Jacob explained, “Four years ago, in this small town up in Alberta, some people got stuck in their school during a snowstorm and one of them went psycho and killed the others. They never caught him. There was a story written by one

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of the other students before the incident, that the killer based his killing spree off of, called School Day. Apparently this is that story.”

“Dude, you’re so morbid. Why would you want to read something like that?”

Jacob shrugged. “Personal curiosity. Spent forever trying to find it. I can’t even count the number of message boards I had to leave messages at before some dude that was lucky enough to have a copy, e-mailed it to me.”

“Is it at least any good?”

“The writing sucks but the story is good. Some chick just got offed after going to the bathroom.” Jacob was a huge horror movie fan, and although as soon as someone was by themselves during a horror movie, such as to use the bathroom, he knew from a mile away what was going to happen, he still looked forward to the death just the same.

“You should let me read it when you’re done,” the friend gave in, admitting that it sounded at least half-way decent. Might just be good for a chuckle if nothing else.

“Sure,” Jacob replied as he flipped one of the pages over to read the next one. “I’ll bring it to school tomorrow.”

Jacob droned out what his friend said next, as he concentrated on a sudden distinct scratching noise drifting up to his ears from some place on the ground floor of his dark house. “Hey man, I’m going to have to call you back,” Jacob said to his friend as the noise stopped for a minute and then started again before stopping once more. “I think my parents are home.”

“A’ight dude, talk to ya in a few.”

Jacob hung up his phone. He called out and then listened intently for the reply that never followed. He called out two more times as he made his way out into the hall and then down the stairs, flipping

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on every light switch along the way to brighten the darkness all around him and to defeat any scary shadows.

After not getting any reply by the time he reached the kitchen, Jacob doubted very much that it was his parents who had just come home. He went over to the closet and pulled out a tall broom, which he grasped tightly in both hands as if it was a powerful weapon that would be used to frighten off any intruders that may be trying to break in to steal his mom’s jewelry collection.

“I’m armed!” Jacob called out loud enough for anyone that may have been hiding in his house to hear. “So you better leave right now!” To his surprise, he was actually given a reply this time, however it was only a return of the scratching noise from before, this time coming in through an opened window.

Jacob went to the front door and stepped out into the cool spring night breeze, still clutching the broom as if his life depended on it. He scanned the nearby area, and upon not seeing anything out of the ordinary, he slowly made his way to the side of the house, but saw only his mother’s prize-winning plants rustling against the side of the house from the breeze.

Content that it was only the wind and plants making the noise he heard, Jacob turned back around to head inside, but instead found his path back blocked by a figure dressed in a dark grey grim reaper costume, holding onto what appeared to Jacob, as a very realistic-looking scythe. The only clue to the identity of the figure, was that the hood revealed only a small portion of the chin.

“Who the fuck are you?” Jacob asked, however quickly raised his broom in both hands again, to block Grim Reaper’s answer – which was nothing more then a simple raising of his scythe.

The scythe swung down and easily chopped the broom into two pieces as Jacob jumped back. “Holy shit!” Jacob then began shouting for help as he threw the two pieces of wood onto the ground and turned, breaking into a panicked run to escape his attacker.

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Voice hoarse from screaming for help so much and legs wobbly from running so franticly as he made his way to the back of his large house, he finally reached the back door and quickly turned the handle, only to discover much to his shocked disappointment, that it was locked.

While he breathed heavy to catch his breath, Jacob quickly looked all around behind him, hoping to see the location of the attacker but seeing nothing but trees blowing in the wind and his well-kept lawn.

Just as he was about to make a mad dash back to the front of his house, he heard the sound of the back door unlocking. “Mom, dad!” he cried as the door swung opened. “There’s someone out…”

Jacob stopped short when he saw that it was not his mom or dad that had opened the door, but Grim Reaper. Jacob didn’t even have time to think any kind of ‘Oh shit’ thoughts, as Grim Reaper instantly swung his scythe and had it connect with Jacob’s soft face and sickly exit the back of his head.


The thousands of students that attended the main university of MUN in St. John's, Newfoundland, were filled with happiness as for the first morning in over a week the sun was shining brightly instead of hiding behind thick rain clouds. Despite that however, many of the students still could be found wandering the halls inside of the gigantic university.

Among those students was a much older and more mature Jeffrey Long, now with longer hair on his head and facial hair covering his chin and mouth area in a rectangular shape. Walking with him were his two friends, the short and plump Ryan Miller and the taller and more fit Justin Lundrigan.

They pushed their way through the crowded underground tunnel hallway, away from where the hundreds of lockers were located, as they continued on with a discussion about how much Jeff hated his English class due to his overly-strict know-it-all professor.

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“So glad I never went into that course,” Ryan said as they reached their set of lockers and started changing up their text books.

“I’m even more lucky,” the empty-handed Justin bragged as he straightened his glasses. “I’ve only got three classes during the day. The rest are all Spares.”

“Yeah, just wait until next semester,” Ryan warned. “You’ll be making that up then.”

“That’s what happened to me,” Jeff replied. "Last semester I only had a few classes but now this one I’m swamped so much, I can’t even party on the weekends anymore.”

“And man, you are missing some nice parties,” Justin informed Jeff for the billionth time. “This upcoming weekend there’s supposed to be a real killer one at Darryl’s place, if you can make it.”

“I’ll try,” Jeff smiled. He used to be such a huge partier, but the constant school work he had been getting swamped with recently put a real quick turn in that road, and he was constantly disappointed as he had to hear about all the fun times he was missing.

They closed their lockers and continued walking down the hall together, pushing through the sea of moving bodies crowding the hall.

“So did you guys hear the news this morning?” Ryan asked after a long silence.

“Shit, yeah,” Justin replied, but Jeff had to go the ‘No’ route.

“Some Grade 9 kid from MacDonald Drive got murdered last night,” Justin explained to Jeff.

“Man, that was our old school,” Ryan exclaimed.

Jeff’s heart instantly came to a grinding halt and his eyes filled with familiar fear as Justin went on, “The police think the murder

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weapon was a sword or something cause of the long, deep, gashes all over the body.”

“Or a scythe…” Jeff whispered, stopping on the spot, not even realizing anymore that there were other people in the hall other then him and his thoughts. Grade 9 student…possibly a scythe…it was sounding all too familiar to him. The day had arrived that Jeff knew would happen eventually but still hoped against it.

“Go on ahead,” Jeff said to his friends as he came back out of his own head. “I’ll catch up with you guys later. I need to go talk to someone.” Before they could ask any questions, Jeff turned and headed back down the stairs into the locker tunnels at high speed.


Roberta Hammond brushed her long brown hair out of her eyes as she watched her friend turn the combination for her locker. A much older and more developed Allison Luk, with her previously-blonde hair now dyed bright red, easily turned the lock as Roberta waited patiently next to her.

“They’re saying that everyone should stay in large groups until the killer is caught,” Roberta continued informing Allison of the news from that morning. “They don’t know yet if it was random or if there was some motif behind it, but they want everyone to be safe just the same.”

Allison, trying really hard not to think about the murder, continued rummaging through her locker as she put her previous class’ books away and started the search for the next set. “What class do we have next?” Allison asked, quickly changing the topic. She had spent too much time in the company of killers. She hated thinking about that fateful day at her old school, and any topic that made her think about it even the tiniest bit, she’d either ignore or change to something else.

“Artistic Designs, then Folklore,” Roberta answered as she paused for a second in her relaying of the news, before continuing on with it again. Allison sighed heavily as Roberta went on, “Like really,

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what is this world coming to? A 13-year-old being murdered in cold blood like that. There are some real demented people out there, I tell you.”

Allison closed her locker a bit harder then she meant to, out of frustration at Roberta not catching the hint that she didn’t want to talk about the murder. Just as they turned to walk away, Jeff arrived right in front of them.

“Hey Jeff,” Roberta greeted, smiling. After the nightmare events that happened to Jeff and Allison in High School, they began dating and then when Jeff moved back to his home in Newfoundland, Allison followed. Shortly after however, they broke up and rarely ever spoke to each other again, even after Jeff started dating Allison’s best friend Roberta. It was a long time after, but they also eventually broke up. Unlike Jeff and Allison however, Jeff and Roberta remained close friends after the break-up.

“Hey yourself,” Jeff greeted back before turning to Allison and slightly nodding his head in a greeting gesture. “Allison.”

“Why are you here?” Allison asked frustratingly, brushing her neon-red hair out of her eyes and glaring at her ex-boyfriend. Jeff tried a few times to get back together with her, despite her lack of courtesy towards him, and if that was what he was trying to do yet again then Allison really didn’t want to hear it.

“It’s about what happened last night. And four years ago.”

Jeff and Allison never mentioned the Wainwright High School Massacre to any of their friends in Newfoundland, and so Roberta was completely lost and had the feeling she was being pushed out of the conversation. Those feelings were confirmed when Allison, not taking her glaring eyes off of Jeff, said to her, “Go on to class, Roberta. I’ll meet up with you there.”

Roberta sighed, fearful that Jeff and Allison were about to get back together, as she still had feelings for Jeff. Not wanting to upset her friend however, Roberta nodded and walked away, heading to class.

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“The murder from last night has me thinking that…”

“I know what you’re thinking, Jeff,” Allison instantly cut him off. “They’re not connected. It’s impossible.”

“No it’s not, Allison!” Jeff exclaimed louder then he meant. They got a few weird looks from passer-by’s and Jeff lowered his voice. “They never found Dillon’s body.”

“This isn’t a horror movie or one of your stupid little stories. This is the real world. Start living in it. He more then likely crawled away before the cops showed up and then died someplace from loss of blood.”

“But what if he didn’t?” Jeff countered, annoyingly and pointlessly pressing the subject matter as far as Allison was concerned. “What if he’s still out there? It’s possible.”

“No, it’s not.”

“The weapon that killed that kid,” Jeff continued, not giving up, “could have easily been a scythe.”

“It’s not him, alright!” Allison shouted before running off down the hall, tears of pain and frustration flowing freely down her face.

Jeff was left alone in the hall, as other students by this point were already headed to their classes. He stared after Allison as she ran down the hall and around the corner. “Dillon is still out there,” he whispered to himself.


Roberta had been sitting at a large round table in the Artistic Design room with her tall naturally red-headed friend, Andrew Hennebury.

“So Berta,” Andrew started his daily ritual but was cut off.

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“Don’t call me that. How many times do I have to tell you? I hate that name.”

“So, Roberta,” Andrew continued. “What are you doing tonight?”

“Nothing with you,” Roberta snapped back.

Andrew frowned, but only for a fraction of a second before continuing on with, “Is it just me or do you get more and more beautiful every day?”

Roberta sighed. “Andrew, why do you even bother? I’ve already told you I’m not interested in you like that and we’ll never date.”

Andrew shrugged. “What can I say? I’m persistent. You know, most girls find that…”

“Alright, shut up,” Roberta rolled her eyes, cutting Andrew off. “You’re overdoing it now.”

“One day you’ll be desperate enough,” Andrew finished, which got a smile from Roberta. She opened his mouth to say something back, but stopped when Allison rushed into the room wiping tears away and apologizing to the professor for being late. Upon being called over to her desk, Allison walked towards the professor while everyone else worked on their projects in conversating groups.

“Is everything alright, Ms. Luk?” the concerned teacher as she noticed Allison’s recently-wet eyes.

“Yeah,” Allison shrugged as she wiped one of her eyes and played it all off cool. “Just stubbed my toe, which is why I’m a bit late. Had to limp here and stop in at the nurse briefly.”

The teacher gave Allison a disapproving look, knowing she was lying, but not able to say anything about it. “Take your seat with your group and start in on your project, please.”

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After Allison nodded and approached her friends’ table, Roberta slid over slightly so Allison had room to move her chair into the circular table. As Allison removes her current art project, Roberta and Andrew watch her.

“Is everything really ok?” Roberta asked.

“Sure,” Allison lied. “Just peachy.”

“It’s something Jeff said to you, isn’t it?” Andrew asked, not believing Allison in the slightest bit. “Roberta said you were talking to him, and I know you were fine before then, and suddenly after talking to him you’re upset. I’m not an idiot, Allison.”

Allison sighed and looked up from her art project to her friends for the first time since entering the room. “Ok, fine, yes, it does have something to do with what Jeff said to me, but Andrew, please don’t get involved.”

“Honey, what did he say that made you this upset?” Roberta asked as she brushed some of Allison’s hair out of her eyes and behind her ear.

“Nothing,” Allison answered. After seeing her friends’ unbelieving gazes, she added on, “Just got me thinking about some things, that’s all.”

“Like what? He wants to get back with you, doesn’t he? That two-timing son of a bitch. He likes Jolene Tucker, yet he’s trying to get back with you at the same time. Oh man, just wait until Jolene finds…”

“Andrew!” Allison shouted loud enough for the entire room to stop their work and glance at their table. After a half minute of awkward silence, everyone went back to their projects and Allison continued in a lower voice, “Just mind your own damn business and stay out of this.”

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Andrew returned to his work and stayed quiet for the rest of the class, in fear of Allison snapping at him again. Roberta quickly did her best to change the topic to a more cheerful one.


Jeff rose up slowly from hiding behind an aisle of movies and peeked over the top of the aisle. He saw Grim Reaper walking towards the aisle that he was in.

Still bending down low, Jeff moved quickly over to another aisle, and then another, putting his back up to it, trying his best to hold his breath. He looked to the side and saw the shadow of the killer getting closer and closer.

Crouching down still, Jeff ran over to a nearby fire extinguisher and removed it from the wall before rushing back to his previous spot. It wasn’t long before Grim Reaper appeared from around the corner and looked down at Jeff once he noticed his victim was there.

Jeff jumped to his feet and with a battle cry, slammed the extinguisher with as much might as he could muster, right into Grim Reaper’s gut, causing him to double over. Jeff then slammed the device up into Grim Reaper’s head, sending him reeling back and falling to the floor onto his back with a grunt.

Jeff dropped the extinguisher as he ran around the fallen body and out the room, slamming the door behind him as he ran out into the dark hall.


Jeff opened his eyes groggily and breathed a sigh of relief that he had only been having a dream and he was, in reality, long-past that part of his life.

He looked around the giant gymnasium and his eyes fell upon a girl dressed in all black with jet black hair sitting on the bench next to his sleeping body. Once Jeff got his bearings and realized that Jolene

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Tucker was sitting next to him, he remembered that he was in a gym course and he had fallen asleep.

“You better sit up before Kerry catches you sleeping in his class,” Jolene warned the object of her affection. Mr. Kerry Park, the gym professor, was extremely strict and always automatically kicked out students from his program that were caught sleeping in his class. Jeff yawned and stretched as he sat up.

“Thanks,” he said to her, which got him a wink in return. “This class is so boring when you’re always excluded.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Jolene agreed.

“How about I tell you about it in the locker room after class,” another student, Richard Ago, asked Jolene as he put his arm around her. Jolene rolled her eyes with disgust and shoved his arm off of her. This wouldn’t be the first time that Richard’s tried getting Jolene alone.

“Just leave her alone,” Jeff said to Richard, who just sneered back at Jeff with an evil smile but didn’t say anything in return.

Jeff and Jolene shuffled down the bench further to continue with their conversation, without having to worry about Richard’s antics. Richard however, kept glancing at them every couple minutes from the corner of his mischievous eye.


Justin and Ryan spent their free periods either in the lunchroom playing card games with others, or doing exactly what they were doing at that moment – messing around on the computers in the near-empty giant computer lab. A third short person with red hair that looked strikingly like a smaller version of Allison’s friend Andrew, named Adam, sat next to them.

“Hey check this out,” Adam said as he tapped Ryan’s shoulder. Ryan and Justin turn to look at what Andrew’s younger brother was talking about and saw that on his screen was the website called

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Newgrounds and there was a video playing of a Pokemon being shot by hunters, animated in the same style that a four year old would do. Adam broke out in fits of laughter, while Justin chuckled and Ryan just stared at the two of them like they were on drugs. He didn’t see what they found so funny about this piece of shit animation. It was far from funny. He understood now why Andrew was always so embarrassed of his brother.

“You guys are idiots,” Ryan just shook his head and turned back to his own computer, which was loaded up on an Internet Java Script-based racing game.


During their break between various classes, Jeff and Jolene walked down a hall together, pushing through the sea of other moving bodies, which was slowly thinning as some moved off to class and others moved off to various other locations such as the computer room or the common room or even outside onto the lawn or to go home.

In mid-conversation about the better and worse parts of their gym teacher Mr. Park, in which Jeff discovered that his name spelt backwards is Mr. Krap, they bumped almost directly into Allison, Roberta, and Andrew, who were walking in the opposite direction.

“What did you say that made Allison so upset?” Andrew blurted out when he saw Jeff magically a foot in front of him, as a clenched fist made itself visible.

“Andrew, don’t…” Allison ordered just as Jolene stepped between Jeff and Andrew, cutting off any further sentence from Allison.

“If you lay a finger on Jeff, I promise you’ll regret it for the rest of your life,” Jolene warned the taller red head brother.

Jeff put a hand on Jolene’s shoulder as he said, “It’s alright,” and tried to diffuse the situation. He faced Andrew and said to him,

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“I’ll tell you exactly what I said, but first I’ll need to start at the beginning.”

“Jeff…” Allison pleaded, which just caused Jeff to turn to face her.

“Allison, if you don’t want to hear it, then you’re more the welcomed to leave. Nobody is stopping you.” Allison stayed rooted in her spot but looked visibly torn on if she should leave or not. Jeff waited a second and when it was clear to him that Allison was staying, he began his story, “Four years ago, when me and Allison lived in Alberta, this new high-tech school opened up, which we attended. A few others got stuck in there with us when a snowstorm knocked the power out. One of the others that was trapped in there with us, dressed as the grim reaper and went around, killing our teachers and friends one by one. The killer turned out to be Dillon Lavergne, one of our classmates.

“We thought we killed him, but his body mysteriously vanished before the police arrived,” Jeff finished as Allison shivered from the memory. Everyone stares on in silence for a moment, not quite sure what to make of it. Andrew is the first to make a noise, and that noise was constant non-ending laughter.

“Oh man, you sure got one imagination. You should get into writing and make that into a story. I’m sure it’d sell. That material is gold right there.”

“It’s already been done,” Jeff continued to explain. “I wrote a short story based off that very idea, before the events happened. Dillon used that story as the basis of his murders to try and get the blame pinned on me.”

“And now he’s back for the sequel, I suppose,” Andrew rudely commented as sarcastically as he could, still not believing Jeff.

“As a matter of fact, he is,” Jeff replied with complete seriousness. Allison turned on him, shocked feeling causing her body to tremble with a cold sweat. Jeff faced her. “I’m sorry, but I did make a sequel a couple years back.”

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“Why didn’t you tell me?” Allison asked in a near-whisper.

“I don’t know,” Jeff responded. “I never released it really. Just on a Horror Fanfiction site, and that’s it.”

“What happened in it?” Roberta asked. Andrew threw his hands up in the air out of frustration that anyone could believe this load of bullshit. Jeff ignored him as he answered Roberta’s question.

“It took place at a University, around this time in our lives. Dillon followed me and Allison here and started killing our friends off, trying to get to us.”

“Is there anyway that this Dillon could have gotten a copy?” “I suppose it’s possible,” Jeff answered. “But I only uploaded it

to one site and made sure it wasn’t mentioned in any search engines, so if he did find it, it was purely by chance.”

“Oh come on, you’re all a bunch of dumbshits if you’re buying into this fucktard’s bull,” Andrew yelled. “I’m out of here. I have better things to do with my time.”

Chuckling to himself out of annoyance, Andrew walked off down the hall and away from Jeff’s little group of ‘losers’.


Mrs. Judy March, the short and strict Dean of the University walked down one of the empty halls of the school with fellow teacher Kerry Park. Judy may have been shorter then most of the students in her school, but what she lacked in height, she made up for with strictness.

“So are you heading home now that you’re done teaching your last class for the day?” Judy asked.

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“I will be,” Kerry replied. “Once I sit and relax in the lounge for a bit so I can do a crossword in peace and quiet before heading home to the wife, AKA the Nagging Queen.” Judy laughed along with Kerry.

“Speaking of nagging, it’s nice that we finally got that new janitor,” Judy mentioned. “He’s been such a great improvement over the last one.”

“Was he the one that came up with the idea for the new plexi-glass windows?”

“Sure was. He’s always thinking of ways to improve this school. I’m impressed with him.”

“I don’t think I even know his name,” Kerry admitted. “I’ve never taken much stock in the cleaners.”

“Dillon,” Judy answered. “Such a nice young man he is too.”

The two teachers turned the corner and entered the Teacher’s Lounge to join a couple other teachers that were on a break from teaching at the moment.


Ryan Miller and Jolene’s annoying immature cousin, Steven Tucker, walked down a semi-crowded hall and came across Jeff and his group of people that included Jolene, Allison, and Roberta, only a couple short minutes after Andrew stormed off in a fury.

“Hey gangstas,” Steven greeted as the two groups merged together. Jolene rolled her eyes, as she couldn’t stand her cousin and was publicly embarrassed to be related to him.

“What’s up, Vampire?” Ryan jokingly said to Jolene, who just gave him a dirty look back and ignored Steven’s dorky laughing. Ryan always referred to Jolene as a vampire due to all the dark colours and black lipstick she normally wore. Steven of course, initially was the instigator in getting that idea in Ryan’s head.

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“So I made another cherry bomb last night,” Steven informed them with child-like glee.

Jeff just sighed heavily with annoyance and said, “Steven, don’t bring it to school this time. You’re lucky they let your immature ass stay here after the last time.”

“Too late,” Steven continued his laugh that grated everyone’s nerves except his own. “It’s already in my locker.”

“God Steven, you’re such an idiot,” Jolene scoffed before she turned and began to walk away, hoping to leave Steven behind. The rest of the group, including Steven, followed her down the hall.


In another hall, Andrew met up with his shorter brother Adam, and Justin. After being greeted by them, Andrew, still in a huff from before, asked them if they’ve heard Jeff’s bullshit story yet.

“No,” Adam replied. “What’s he saying now?”

“It’s not bullshit,” Justin defended his friend. “And you’d know that if you watched the news once in awhile.”

“Doesn’t mean he was there for it,” Adam picked his brother’s side. “He probably just heard about it in the news and is just saying it happened to him so he can be the centre of attention.”

“And the sad thing,” Andrew added on. “Is that those morons are actually buying into it. He has them all right where he wants them.”

“Do you guys even hear yourselves?” Justin asked. “What do you have against Jeff anyway?”

Andrew opened his mouth to release a long rant, but before any sound could come out, the school was plunged into instant darkness as the power went out and several females in the hall let out a couple of unexpected screams.

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“Great,” Andrew frustratingly looked around. “Now what?”


Jeff, Allison, Roberta, Jolene, Steven, and Ryan instantly stopped walking when the lights shut off and put them into a dark blanket.

“Oh shit…” Allison whispered as her eyes only took a split second to grow twice as big. If it wasn’t for the constant chatting among everyone in the hall, discussing what was happening, it just might have been possible to hear Allison’s heart thumping.

Jeff turned to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Hey, it’ll be ok,” he assured her. “Even if this is Dillon, the doors of this school aren’t like our old one. We can just walk out of here.” Allison slightly nodded in petrified fear and Jeff turned to the others. “We’re leaving. Anyone that wants to stay alive should come with us.”

Taking the lack of disagreement as a sign that everyone was on the same page, Jeff began to lead the group through the other bodies filling the hall and towards the exit doors in another part of the school.

By the time they near the doors, other students had begun to leave due to an intercom announcement, informing the students of the school that they were free to go as the problem is due to faulty wiring and will take a long time to fix. Before they could reach the doors however, while they were still several halls away, the intercom came back on and a familiar muffled raspy voice filled every hallway and room of the university, which sent extreme cold chills down the backs of Jeff and Allison.

“Jeffrey Long and Allison Luk, can you please report to the Dean’s office immediately?”

Jeff stopped cold on the spot, everyone else stopping as well. Allison was in quite the panic. “Why’re you stopping? Let’s go! Let’s get out of here!”

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“No, Dillon’s not an idiot,” Jeff stated. “He’s probably some place near the entrance doors, just waiting for us, knowing we’d ignore the page.”

“Then why would he even bother making a page?” Roberta asked.

“If there’s one thing that can be sure when it comes to Dillon, its that he likes playing head games. He gets a kick out of fucking with our minds.”

“Well then what are we supposed to do?” Ryan probed.

“You guys can leave if you want,” Jeff stated. “But I’m staying. I’m staying to stop Dillon once and for all so this can’t happen again.”

“Then I’m with you,” Ryan stated. “I’m not gonna let my homeboy do this by himself.” Everyone else quickly agreed to all stay in this together. Even though Allison was reluctant, she couldn’t just let her best friends stay behind while she escaped.

“If that’s the case, then everyone stick together,” Jeff ordered. “No matter what.”


Judy and Kerry were approaching the entrance doors a short time later, their shoes echoing down the now-empty dark halls.

“We seem to be the last ones left,” Judy observed.

Kerry reached the doors first and pulled them open, only to be met with restraint. “What the hell?” He tried pulling again, but again, the doors would not open. He tried pushing, only to be met with the same result.

Judy stood up on her toes to look out the window in the door and saw that the outside of the doors were chained shut. “What’s going on here?” she asked.

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“What is it?” Kerry asked.

“The doors are chained shut.”

“That doesn’t make any sense at all.”

“Come on,” Judy urged. “Let’s go make a phone call and get someone here to cut that chain off. More then likely it’s a sick joke by one of the students.”

The two teachers turned back down the hall again to make their way to a phone.


Jeff, Allison, Roberta, Jolene, Steven, and Ryan walked down one of the dozens of long, empty, now-dark corridors of the university. Jeff had tried breaking many of the windows along the way, but found they had all been replaced with unbreakable plexi-glass.

“So what exactly is the plan now, dude?” Ryan asked shortly after Jeff finally gave up on trying to break every window they came across.

“Honestly, there really isn’t one,” Jeff admitted. “Dillon will find us soon enough. Until then, we need to find out if there’s anyone else in the school.”

A gust of wind ominously travelled down the hall and hit the group, causing the hairs on their spines to stand on end. Allison subconsciously moved slightly closer to Jeff. Jeff noticed, but didn’t bother saying anything. Now wasn’t the time for that kind of stuff.

They turned a corner and came across a four-way intersection by a bunch of windows, which allowed bright light to shine in. The group stopped while Jeff contemplated which way for them to go.

“I think we should split up,” Stephen suggested, which Jeff and Allison both quickly shot down. He went on to explain, “If we do, we

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can cover more ground and find more people, if there’s others in here with us.”

“And we also become easier targets for Dillon. You don’t know this guy like I do. I know how he works and as long as you listen to me, you’ll stay alive.”

“Jeff, I have to go with Stephen on this one,” Ryan sided against Jeff. “As long as Stephen has others go with him, he’ll be ok, right?”

Jeff sighed heavily, knowing that there was nothing to do if Stephen wanted to go his own way, and silently agreed that at least he would be somewhat safer if someone else went with him. “Be careful.”

“We will,” Jeff and Ryan knocked their knuckles together before Ryan parted with Stephen down one hall and the others went the opposite way, the darkness soon swallowing both groups up and cutting them off from one another as they moved further away from the wall of windows.

“Ok, we have a new plan,” Jeff said after he thought about it for a minute while they walked. “I’m going back to find Ryan and Steven. Two people won’t be enough to keep Dillon away. The rest of you guys, get to the office where you’ll stay put. The office is a likely place for people to show up if they’re also in the school so you’ll probably meet with other people there anyway.”

“Jeff, watch yourself,” Allison warned, genuine care in her voice.

“You too,” Jeff said solemnly to her. As he turned and started to rush back down the hall the way they had just came from, he’s stopped.

“Wait!” Jolene shouted out, stopping Jeff in his tracks. He turned to face the group as Jolene jogged over to him. “I’m going with you.”

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“Jolene…” Jeff started, but got cut off.

“No, you just said no one should be alone.”

“But we should also be in groups of more then two.”

“Once we find Ryan and my dumbass cousin, we’ll be a group of four, and as you just said, there will probably be others in the office soon if there aren’t already, so that brings Allison and Roberta up to more people as well.”

Jeff sighed in frustration at nobody listening to any of his advice at all since the power went out, yet knowing there was nothing he could do to force them to. “Fine,” he whispered, silently a bit thankful that he wouldn’t have to be alone, despite his thoughts of frustration.

The two rushed back down the hall, while Allison and Roberta made their way through the long stretches of dark, with occasional light spots, to the Office.


Ryan and Steven reached the bottom of a set of wide stairs and made their way down the new hallway.

They suddenly heard the noise of wet sneakers on the floor, for a split second, but when they whipped around, they saw nothing out of the ordinary behind them. The two exchanged glances.

“What the fuck was that?” Steven asked, voice slightly quivering.

“We better keep moving,” Ryan suggested slowly, before turning back around to continue on.

Only seconds after he and Stephen continued on their journey, a dark-shaded figure in a grey grim reaper costume walked around from the upcoming corner, glistening scythe held firmly sideways in both hands.

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“Oh shit!” Steven shouted just before he and Ryan ducked in unison as Grim Reaper took a lunge forward, swinging his scythe in a sideways direction, scrapping against the wall where their necks had been just seconds before.

Ryan and Steven remained ducked down as they rushed around the figure. Once behind him, they retained their full height so they could run at their top speeds down the hallway, quickly passing the science lab section, which unbeknownst to them, had exactly the people in them that they would have been looking for.

The terror had officially begun…


Inside one of those exact same science labs, Justin, Adam, and Andrew, who had originally went to the office once they discovered they were trapped in the school, but found no one there and decided to see if there was anyone else in the school, were systematically going room-to-room to further their search after finding no one else in the halls at the time.

Adam was the first to break the minutes-long silence, “I don’t think there’s…” however he was quickly cut off by a slight distant popping noise.

“What the hell was that?” Justin asked as they all stopped and glanced around the room, searching for the source of the noise.

“It sounded like a hydrogen test being performed,” Andrew answered after a half minute, after they heard it a second time. “This way,” Andrew was a Science major and knew his way around the labs fairly well. He led them to the adjacent lab, which was accessible from both inside the room and out in the hall. This was the only one of the labs that had a working gas system, which as Andrew knew, was one of the key parts for a hydrogen test to be performed.

Almost instantly after walking into the room, they could hear the hissing of gas and the smell assaulted their noses. Andrew took off at a run towards the nearest gas valve, turning it off.

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“Shit, I don’t know what’s going on here,” Andrew huffed, “but someone left all the gas on.”

Justin and Adam followed suit and quickly moved around the room with Andrew, turning all the gas valves off at all the tabled stations.

Justin held his hand up to his mouth and let out a loud, long, cough. “Man, this gas has my throat hurting. I’m going to go get a drink.”

“I’ll join you on that,” Adam wheezed.

“I’ll join you guys in a minute,” Andrew told them. “I just want to double-check to make sure we got all the valves. At the moment this school could go up like a rocket.”

Justin nodded and he and Adam left the room to go find the nearest water fountain. Andrew turned back to face the majority of the room and made his way to the nearest gas valve to double-check that it was securely turned off.

After a few, he found one that was still on, however slightly, and tried turning the switch to turn it off like the others, however the switch seemed to be stuck in the on position. He tried putting more force behind it, but all that managed to do was break the switch completely off, leaving it in an on position for good.

Once Andrew began to panic, he almost didn’t even notice the door leading to the hallway shut seemingly on its own, with a loud locking noise from the other end. “Hello?” Andrew called out in a panicked-filled voice as he rushed to the door, only to find it locked shut.

He called out again as he banged on the door repeatedly and tried ramming into it, to little effect. He looked over at the other door to the room, the one that led into the previous lab, but once he rushed over to it, he discovered much to his dismay that it was also locked.

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As he backed up and ran his sweaty hand through his hair, he noticed something peculiar. The brief light that was coming in from under the door was quickly being covered up. Realization dawned on him that someone was covering the door cracks from the other side with cloth and towels – someone wanted him dead.

That was when the volume of gas escaping from the broken valve instantly increased ten fold with a loud hissing noise to fit. Andrew quickly whipped around, eyes bulging wide as he realized someone was controlling the overall gas input from the external gas control, and that he would be dead in a couple minutes and there would be nothing he could do about it.

He began his useless screaming for help.


Jeff and Jolene entered a gigantic room on the top floor that was home to the giant swimming pool, which was used mostly by the school’s award-winning swim team. The glistening lapping water cast dancing reflections off the walls and ceiling.

“I don’t think they came this way,” Jeff hesitantly said as he scanned the room with his eyes, seeing no sign of Ryan and Stephen.

“Hey Jeff,” Jolene said from behind him.

“Yeah,” Jeff asked without even turning to face her while he continued scanning the room. “Justin? Ryan?” he called out. The only answer was the echoes of his own voice bouncing around the room.

“If we get through all this,” Jolene went on, lightly biting her black-lipsticked lip. “Would you maybe want to go to a movie or something? Like on a date?”

Jeff stopped his searching and turned to face a nervous Jolene. Despite the situation they were in, he found himself smiling. “I’d love to.”

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Jolene reached up put one hand behind Jeff’s head as she moved her lips to meet his in a long embrace. Once they parted, before Jeff could do or say anything, she led him by the hand towards the sauna.


”Man, where are the fuckin’ fountains in this place?” Justin complained as he and Adam walked down what seemed like the hundredth hall, trying to find a water fountain.

“Normally they have one in every other hall,” Adam explained. “But all my classes are in the other half of the school so I’m not familiar with this area.”

“This is bullshit,” Justin mumbled. “That’s what this is.”

As they passed by the marked janitor’s room door, Adam stopped and backtracked to it. “There’s probably flashlights in here, and maybe even a map of the school”

“Good,” Justin continued to mumble as Adam turned the knob. A heavy weight fell against the opening door and once Adam opened it wide enough, the mangled blood-soaked body of their previous janitor fell out, half-decomposed with pieces of skin starting to slip off the bone.

“Holy fuck!” Justin shouted as he jumped back and only waited a split second for Adam to join him, before running off down the hall, leaving the grisly display far behind them.


Located deep in the heart of the university was the office, which Judy March and Kerry Park were currently occupying. Judy slammed the phone down, angrily.

“The line’s down,” she sighed to her fellow teacher.

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Kerry Park glanced out the window at the fading daylight outside, spotting street lights beginning to flicker on. “It’s just us that’s without power,” he stated. “Everything around us seems to be working fine.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense,” Judy stated. “And who was that voice that was on the speakers earlier? Not one of our teacher’s, that’s for sure.”

“Strange things are happening here,” Kerry obviously stated. “We need to get to the bottom of it before things get even more out of hand.”

Judy opened her mouth to say something else, but before she could get any words out, she was distracted by Allison and Roberta walking into the office and both groups were just as surprised, yet relieved, to see the other.


Justin and Adam returned to the Lab hallway at a quick run, with the plan of getting Andrew and getting the hell out of there. Adam skidded to a stop outside the clogged door to the lab they left Andrew in, and he and Justin looked at each other before quickly jumping forward to remove the cloths and towels from the door cracks.

“Just what the hell is going on here?” Adam asked as they threw the cloths down the hall behind themselves. He unlocked the door and threw it open, revealing Andrew’s dead body crumpled on the floor. Adam’s face moved into the position of a silent scream as a hand covered his mouth.

“Fuckin’ Dillon, man,” Justin said. “Jeff was right,”

“I…I don’t believe it,” Adam stumbled over words as he gazed down at his brother’s dead body.

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“Let’s get the hell out of here,” Justin stated as he dragged Adam by the back of his shirt until Adam gave in and turned and ran down the hall with Justin.


Lips met lips, hands moved against skin, as Jeff and Jolene furiously explored each other's bodies inside of the windowless sauna while they made out. Suddenly Jolene slowly pulled away, wiping large drops of sweat from her head.

"Are you finding it hot in here?" she asked.

Jeff wiped sweat from his head as well. Now that she mentioned it, he did. "The Sauna was off when we came in here," Jeff reminded her.

Jolene smiled seductively. "Must just be our excitement."

Jeff smiled back, but his eyes drifted past Jolene and saw steam rising from the sauna rocks in the corner. "This isn't right," Jeff stated as he pushed away from Jolene and got to his feet, straightening his cloths.

Jolene felt hurt by Jeff's sudden distance. "What did I do wrong?" she asked, on the verge of tears.

"Look at those rocks," Jeff nodded to the rocks in the corner as he made his way to the door. Jolene did and gasped. Jeff went to exit the sauna, but the door wouldn't open. "Something's wrong! The door won't open!" Jeff gasped. "Someone's locked us in here and turned the heat on!"

Jolene and Jeff continued to sweat profusely as the closed-off room heated up more and more. Jeff just kept wearing himself out by continuously ramming the door while Jolene began to panic.

"I need your help," Jeff said to Jolene, fighting to stay awake in the blistering heat and fighting to keep Jolene calm. "We need to ram this door together, at the same time."

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Jolene nodded nervously, eyes wide. Jeff counted out loud, and on three they both charged at the door. The second before their shoulders touched it however, it swung open on its own and before the two students could stop themselves, they ran right off the edge and into the shivering cold water of the swimming pool.

By the time Jeff surfaced, Jolene had already come up for air and was making her way back to the edge of the pool. Jeff's eyes widened.

"Jolene! No!" he shouted as Jolene reached the edge and saw a gloved hand lower to help her up. As she turned to see what Jeff was shouting about, she instinctively took the hand. She swung her head back around instantly once the hand gripped her wrist and forcefully lifted her up out of the water. When she saw that it was Grim Reaper that held her high in the air, she let out a blood-curdling scream.

Jeff started swimming to the edge as quickly as possible, but had to stop when he witnessed Grim Reaper swing his scythe with his other hand and Jolene fall back into the pool. As the body sunk to the bottom of the pool, thick blood floated to the surface followed by some stringy insides that had fallen out.

"Dillon, you sick fuck!" Jeff spat and made his way back to the middle of the swimming pool, away from Grim Reaper. Grim Reaper just stayed rooted to his spot, staring out at Jeff, who swam on the spot in the middle of the pool.

After a few long moments of nothing changing, Jeff felt his arms and legs getting tired of moving, and knew he had to somehow get out of the water. His eyes scanned around the edges of the pool, looking for the closest ladder out, that was furthers from the killer. Finding it, he took off swimming for it as quickly as he could, while Grim Reaper realized where he was headed and made a mad dash for it.

Grim Reaper reached the area just as Jeff jumped out of the pool. The scythe rammed down a second to late, just missing Jeff by

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mere inches, and Jeff ran with as much speed as he could muster, out of the pool room and down the flight of stairs.


Ryan and Steven made their way down the hall filled with tall lockers on either side, still having not found anyone else. Steven was constantly looking in all directions for the killer.

"What if he's already got all the others?" Steven asked, panic filling his voice. "What if we're the only ones left?"

"We'll know soon enough," Ryan admitted. "If we haven't found anyone else within the next ten minutes, I say we try to find a way out of..." he instantly trailed off as he saw Grim Reaper walk down the flight of stairs in front of them, holding his blood-splattered scythe. Grim Reaper turned his head and looked directly at them.

"Oh shit," Ryan whispered. Steven, who had been looking in every direction except in front, turned his head around to see what had Ryan scared, and his eyes widened at the site of the killer. "Go!" Ryan screamed repeatedly. "Go! Go! Go!"

Ryan and Steven turned back the way they had come from and sped down the locker hall. Ryan was forced to stop and bite his lip when he noticed Steven had stopped at a locker, and Grim Reaper was moving very quickly toward them.

"What are you doing!?" Ryan shouted at his friend.

"Getting a weapon," Steven answered as he quickly moved the combination lock on his locker.

"Forget about it! We have to run!" Ryan glanced past Steven again and saw Grim Reaper almost on him. "Hurry!" he screamed.

Steven got his locker opened and quickly reached in, removing his home-made bomb that he joked about earlier in the day. He ducked and jumped to the side just as the razor-sharp scythe blade

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dug into the cheap metal of the locker where he had been standing a second before.

"Chew on this, you bastard," Steven growled. He flipped the switch, arming the bomb and threw it at Grim Reaper. Not even waiting to see what happened, he rejoined Ryan and the two rushed away down the hall. A small explosion made them stop at the end of the hall and look back, half the way obscured by heavy smoke.

"Did I get him?" Steven asked, his face lighting up with joy.

"I...I think so..." Ryan stammered, a slight smile forming.

Grim Reaper walked very quickly out of the thick dissipating smoke, part of his suit now burnt and torn.

"Oh fuck..." Steven swore as he and Ryan turned back around and picked up speed as they ran around a corner.


In the Office, the teachers Judy March and Kerry Park, along with Allison and Roberta, sat around in chairs and on the sofa. Judy had a romance novel opened in front of her, which she was reading, Kerry just sat in his chair, constantly fidgeting, Roberta kept glancing at Allison, concern on her face, while Allison kept her eyes dead set on the Office doors.

After several more moments of that silence, Kerry stood up with a yawn. "I'll be right back."

Allison whipped around sharply, her eyes narrowing. "Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom," Kerry replied. "Or is that not alright with you?"

"Damn right that's not alright with me," Allison snapped. "Did you not listen to a word I said earlier?"

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"Oh come on, Ms. Luk. That's just your imagination going into overdrive. I'll be fine, don't worry." Before Allison could continue to argue, Kerry Park patted her on the head and exited the Office.

"Nobody ever listens to me," Allison mumbled, turning back to stare at the door. "He'll be sorry..."


Ryan and Steven rushed into the bottom floor of the University's giant three-floored library. They stopped by the empty librarian's desk and glanced back, keeping their eyes on the entrance for several long moments.

"I think we lost him," Steven said.

"Yeah, me too," Ryan agreed. They kept staring at the entrance for another few moments, before Ryan turned to Steven. "So what now?"

Steven glanced around the room they were in. "You stay here and keep watch on the entrance. I'm going to search for something we can use as a weapon."

"In a library?" Ryan asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

"There could be a fire extinguisher or something," Steven answered. "You never know. Just keep watch."

Ryan nodded and turned back to the entrance while Steven made his way down the nearest narrow aisle of books. After several long moments, Ryan looked into a nearby bin of recently-returned library books and pulled one out, scanning the text on the back and then flipping through the pages.

"I'm going to the second floor," Steven's voice faintly reached Ryan from the back of the room. Ryan acknowledged and then picked up a second book, flipping through that one, constantly checking the entrance.

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Steven reached the top of the stairs and walked out onto the carpeted second floor of the library. There were fewer aisles of books on this floor and more of a nursery for a daycare of some kind. Steven glanced around at the walls painted in cartoon characters and areas of toy blocks and pop-up books.

Knowing that he wouldn't find anything more dangerous then a Buzz Lightyear action figure on the daycare level, Steven decided to just continue on up to the third floor without wasting any time on the current floor.

As he made his way to the next flight of stairs across the room, he tripped over the edge of a small plastic slide, and tumbled to his chest, landing hard and knocking the window out of him.

"Steven?" Ryan's voice faintly floated up to him.

"Yeah, I'm ok!" Steven called down to Ryan. "I just tripped. I'm going to the third floor."

Steven got back to his feet, but before he could take another step toward the next flight of stairs, he heard a squeaking noise and turned his head, seeing a door that led to a hallway was closing. Then he heard a very distinct footstep behind him.


Ryan picked up yet another book from the bin to glance through. He turned it over in his hands and saw it was the movie novelization for 'Halloween'. His eyes glanced back at the entrance, yet again seeing nothing out of the ordinary.


Steven turned, only to find himself face-to-face with Grim Reaper. Before he could move out of the way, Grim Reaper dug the scythe into Steven a sickening thwack. Steven's eyes widened as his body straightened. He looked down at the blade coming from his

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chest as blood trickled from his mouth. Grim Reaper removed the blade with a hard tug and Steven's body fell to the floor.

Raising the scythe and swinging it down, Grim Reaper decapitated Steven, the head rolling across the floor and coming to rest right next to the little plastic slide.


Ryan laid the Halloween book back in the bin and stared back toward where the stairs were located.

"Any luck?" he called to Steven. No answer. Assuming he must just be too far away, Ryan took one last glance at the entrance, satisfied that if Grim reaper hadn't come through yet then he wasn't going to, and walked to the back of the room where the stairs were.

"Hey Steven!" Ryan called as he walked around the corner to face the stairs. The only answer he got was something heavy thudding against the bookshelf behind him. "What? You're throwing stuff at me now?"

Thinking it was something Steven had found to fight with, and Steven being his immature self had just thrown it down at Ryan instead of bringing it with him, Ryan turned and bent down to the floor to pick the circular object up.

"What the hell kind of weapon is this?" Ryan called up the stairs as he picked the 'ball' up and turned it over. Steven's dead face, mouth still opened in horror, stared up at Ryan. He screamed as he instantly dropped his friend's dead and whipped around to see Grim Reaper making his way down the stairs.

Without even thinking, Ryan started quickly removing books from the nearby shelves and threw them at Grim Reaper, hoping to slow him down. The killer stumbled and had to take a moment to catch his balance when one thick hardcover book slammed right into his face.

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Ryan took that opportunity to turn and run as fast as his already-tired legs could carry him out of the library.


Judy March folded the page she was on in her romance novel and closed it, getting to her feet and looking at her watch.

"Hmm. Kerry sure has been gone a long time..." she said more to herself then anything. "Maybe he's found some others."

Allison got to her feet as well. "Please Mrs. March, don't go out there," Allison pleaded.

"Oh, I'm sure everything is fine," the Dean assured Allison. "But I should probably go find him. If he has found more people, he may need help if they're running around like hooligans."

Allison stepped in front of Judy. "Mr. Park is already dead."

Judy placed her old hands on Allison's shoulders gently and moved her out of the way. "My dear, please don't start a panic. Everything is fine. I'll be back shortly with Mr. Park, as well as any other people he may have found."

Allison opened her mouth to protest some more, but decided to close it. If she wasn't going to be listened to, then she may as well save her breath for those that might actually listen. She folded her arms and sat back in her seat, allowing the Dean of the University to go out into the halls of the school – allowing her to go to her death.


Judy walked through the hallways, following the path she assumed Kerry would have taken to the nearest bathroom. Even though she doubted very much that he was still in the bathroom, she had to remove that possibility before she started searching the rest of the school.

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As she walked down the dark and lonely halls, she had to admit that while she didn't show it, that girl's frightened ramblings had hit a nerve in her and she'd be lying if she said it didn't make her just a tad bit more cautious then she would normally have been.

Once she reached the bathroom, she knocked lightly on the door, calling out Kerry's name. Upon receiving now answer, she slowly opened the door and called out his name once again, after sticking her head in the room.

Damn that girl, she silently thought to herself, realizing just how paranoid Allison had gotten her. Taking a deep breath, Judy stepped into the bathroom, allowing the door to close slowly behind her.

"Kerry?" she called out one more time, once again receiving no answer.

Judy walked the few steps to the line of stalls and started pushing open the doors, one-by-one, revealing nothing out of the ordinary in them. If only she had looked at the sink counter behind her, she would have noticed a long, thick, smear of blood on it.

When she reached the last stall and pushed on it, it remained tightly closed – locked. "Oh, sorry," she quickly apologized. "I didn't think you were still in here, Kerry." Without even waiting for an answer, she turned to leave, but stopped instantly and let out a quiet gasp as her eyes immediately fell on the smear of blood on the counter under the mirror.

"Kerry?" she called out again, much more nervous this time, as she slowly turned back to the stall. "Are you ok?" She tried to push the door opened again, but indeed, it was locked from the inside.

Knowing she wasn't going to like what she saw, Judy stepped into the adjacent stall and carefully stepped up onto the toilet bowl, her foot almost slipping into the water. Once she steadied herself, she rose to her full height and stood up on her toes so she could take a peek over into the next stall.

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She let out an ear-shattering scream as she saw Kerry Park seated on the toilet, his body limp, and a thick hunting knife jammed into his neck, allowing blood to flow down his shirt.

Constantly screaming and allowing panic to set in, Judy quickly jumped down from the toilet and ran out of the bathroom and back into the hall, where she ran right into the soft chest of another person.

"He's dead!" Judy cried, allowing the tears to flow. "He's actually dead!"

"I know," a muffled voice said down to her.

Judy March instantly paused and her eyes widened as she realized who she had ran into. Grim Reaper shoved her into the wall hard, and before she could regain her composure, he swung the scythe blade into her, over and over, each swing weakening her life more and more, and squirting out red more and more.

With the last swing, he had to tug the scythe out of her body forcefully, as it had gotten stuck into some bone.


Jeff quickly ran down a flight of stairs and turned the corner to run down one of the many dark empty halls. When he neared an intersection in the hallway, another figure slammed right into him, sending him sprawling backward.

Instinctively, Jeff let out a scream and instantly jumped back to his feet to run off down the hall the way he had just come from. He only stopped and turned back after he heard "Wait! It's just me!"

Jeff saw Ryan sprawled out on the floor, his eyes also wide with fear. Jeff ran back to him and helped him to his feet.

"Steven! He...He...he killed Steven!" Ryan exclaimed in disbelief.

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"Jolene is also dead," Jeff grimly informed his friend. "From now on, we stay together, no matter what."

Ryan quickly nodded his head, eager to agree to such a thing. While the two of them brought each other up to speed on what happened to them since they saw each other last, they made their way through the University's dark corridors.

After roughly twenty minutes of that, they approach an area that split off into a couple of bathrooms.

"With all this running around and trying to stay alive, I never really noticed how much I needed to use the bathroom," Ryan stated as he eyes the approaching Men's Room.

"Be quick," Jeff warned. "I'll stand guard out here." They knocked their knuckles together and Ryan disappeared inside the bathroom while Jeff kept looking from one end of the hall to the other, listening intently for any footsteps.

Suddenly Ryan lets out a scream from inside the bathroom and Jeff quickly runs in, ready to save Ryan, no matter what it took. However, when he got into the bathroom, he saw that Ryan was fine...but the others weren't: Mrs. March's body was slumped in the corner between the sink counter and the wall, and there was a large blood smear on the counter.

"Let's get out of here," Jeff grabbed Ryan by the shoulders and started to lead him away. They stopped though, when they heard the creaking of a stall door open. Jeff and Ryan looked at each other and then looked back behind them to see Mr. Park's lifeless body fly out of the stall, followed by Grim Reaper walking out.

Grim Reaper slowly turned his head and stared directly at the two boys. In his hand was the toilet seat, but its edges were razor sharp from being sharpened by the scythe.

"Oh shit," Jeff whispered.

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Without any kind of warning, the killer threw that toilet seat like it was a Frisbee, and Ryan had to quickly duck to avoid getting his head sliced off. It stuck deep into the wall above Ryan's ducked head and the two boys turned and ran out of the death-filled bathroom.


Back in the office, Roberta was still seated on the comfy sofa, but Allison had taken to pacing back and forth across the room.

"Will you sit down and stop worrying?" Roberta asked. "They're teachers – they know what they're doing."

"The teachers were some of the first to go last time," Allison said without even looking at Roberta or stopping her pacing.

"Well you wearing out the carpet like that isn't going to help anyone," Roberta stated.

Allison stopped and turned to look at Roberta. "You're right," she admitted. "We should go out there and find them ourselves. I've been through this before, and as much as I'd hate to admit it, I'm the best chance you guys have at surviving this."

Roberta got to her feet and joined Allison. "I'm scared as fuck right now, but if we stick together, we should be fine. Are you ready for this?" Allison hesitated, but ended up nodding her head. They turned to leave, but found Grim Reaper standing in the doorway, holding the sharpened toilet seat.

"Run!" Allison screamed as she turned to run out the side entrance of the Office. Before Roberta could join her however, Grim Reaper threw the toilet seat like a Frisbee and it cut right through Roberta's midsection and stuck into the thick desk behind her.

Allison stopped and turned back to see if Roberta was with her, and gasped in horror as she saw Roberta's body from the waist up tumble to the floor. The legs remained standing for a few more seconds before they also followed.

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Turning back around while trying not to throw up, Allison began running again, but Grim Reaper ran after her and easily caught up. He grabbed her hair and tugged back tightly on it, putting his arm around Allison's neck in a headlock.

Tears flowed freely down Allison's face, as she knew her end was now just seconds away.

"Don't worry," Grim Reaper said in his muffled voice as he raised his scythe. "It'll all be over soon..."

When the scythe reached the pinnacle of its height, Allison swing her foot back and kicked the killer as hard as she could in a very private area. Gasping in pain and falling to his knees, the killer dropped his weapon to the floor and let go of Allison.

Allison turned around and swung her foot right into Grim reaper's head, knocking him onto his back with a loud grunt. She ran past him, out into the hall, turning a few corners, passing by the Cafeteria, changing hallways, running around another corner, and then down another hall.


Justin and Adam sat uncomfortably at a table in the middle of that giant Cafeteria, the only entrance into the room in plain view in front of them. The were in the middle of a friendly game of poker, which they started to relieve some of the nerve-killing tension, but at the same time both were quick to constantly be checking the entrance to make sure Grim Reaper didn't show up.

After winning for what seemed like the dozenth time, Adam got to his feet. "You want anything?" he asked Justin. "I'm starting to feel a bit hungry." When Justin declined, Adam made his way over behind one of the stations, knowing where all the supplies were from his many times working behind that counter, and started making himself a couple hamburgers.

"Are you sure you don't want one?" He asked again. "They can't be warmed, but they're better then starving."

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Justin glanced at the door, then back at Adam, hearing his stomach growl. "Yeah, actually," Justin gave in. "Better make me a couple too."

After a few moments of Justin having to hear his stomach growl some more, Adam returned to the table with a tray of four cold hamburgers and the two of them started pigging out on the burgers.

Around the time that Justin finished both of his and Adam was nearing the end of his second, they could hear the fwmp sound of an electric stove being turned on. Adam place the rest of his last burger down and he and Justin exchanged worried glances.

"Have you looked at the entrance lately?" Adam asked, unable to keep the fear from trembling in his voice.

Justin shook his head. "I was busy eating. You?" he asked back, hardly above a whisper. Adam shook his head in reply. They both immediately started looking around the room at the various food stations, but they appeared to be alone with the shadows and echoes of the giant room.

"I don't think we're alone..." Adam whispered.

"What are you..." Justin started to ask as Adam got to his feet, but Adam shushed him quiet and held up a finger.

Adam tried to listen to see which direction the feint noise of the electric stove was coming from, and then slowly moved toward that station. Once he reached it, and was sure that was where the noise was coming from, Adam ran behind the counter and saw an electric stove lit up.

"I found it!" he called back to Justin, but before Justin could reply, a gloved hand forcefully shoved Adam's face down onto the stove, while the other gloved hand turned the power up to full, the small flame flaring up instantly into Adam's face. As Adam's screams raised in pitched and became inaudible, the gloved hands kept his face rooted to the stove firmly.

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Justin jumped to his feet, knocking his chair to the floor, and ran out the room without hesitation.

Grim reaper removed his hands and Adam's head instantly shot up away from the flame. He no longer had any of his red hair, and his entire face and head was covered in deep black burn marks and gooey peeling skin.

Adam continued to whimper as he stumbled around the food station, feeling for his way out, as his eyes had been burned out of his skull. Grim Reaper stepped up behind Adam once more, this time raising his scythe and slashing it down. Adam started to fall forward at the last second however, and so instead of digging into his head like planned, the scythe only sliced the back of his head off, which allowed for his brain to slide out of the back and flop to the floor in a pool of blood.

Grim Reaper stepped on the brain, squishing it beneath his boot as he wiped the blood off his scythe with his glove and made his way out of the room in pursuit of Justin.


Ryan and Jeff rushed down a flight of stairs, Jeff having to slow down as Ryan was running low on breath and had to slow to a quick walk.

"We have to keep running," Jeff urged his friend.

"I don't think he's after us anymore," Ryan huffed as he stopped and bent low, catching his breath.

"Think again!" Jeff shouted.

Moaning, Ryan looked back the way they had come, and saw the outline of a figure rushing down the dark stairs behind them. "Oh come on!" Ryan shouted as he stood back up and joined Jeff in running away again.

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They only got a few feet however, when the outline of another figure started to emerge form the darkness in front of them.

"There's two of them!" Ryan panicked. "We're trapped!" he looked at the figure approaching from in front of them, and then back at the figure coming up behind.

"Wait!" Jeff shouted. "No there's not! Look!" As the shapes got nearer, Ryan was able to see what Jeff had seen – one of the figures was really Allison, the other Justin.

"Run!" Justin shouted as he neared them. "The killer is right behind me!"

"We need to get out of here and fast," Allison suggested as she reached the others.

"I like her," Justin stated. "She has good ideas."

"I know where we can go," Jeff said. "Come on."


Much to Justin's dismay, the group entered the Cafeteria shortly after having re-grouped. When he voiced his concern, Jeff made him feel a tad bit better by suggesting that since Grim Reaper just left that area, than he probably wouldn't check back there for them anytime soon as long as they keep quiet.

"His body is over there," Justin pointed across the room, voice quivering with sadness after telling the others about what happened to Adam.

"Nobody go over there," Jeff commanded. "None of us needs to see that."

"We need to figure out what our game plan is going to be," Allison said matter-of-factly. "Are we going to hunt this fucker down and take him out for good, or are we going to try to find a way out of this school?"

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Before anyone could voice their opinions, the sound of approaching footsteps drifted into the room from the empty corridor outside and everyone hushed up and held their breaths, eyes glancing back and forth from one another, to the doorway. Each one of them prepared themselves to run at any second.

Richard Ago, Jeff’s classmate from Gym, suddenly ran into the room, sweat dripping profusely form his head, eyes wild in terror. "The killer's back there!" he cried out. "He's coming this way!"

"How do we know you're not the killer?" Justin shouted at him, backing away a few steps. "Where have you been all this time?

"Shhh!" Jeff snapped and they all quieted, except for Richard's heavy breathing, and they could hear slow and deliberate footsteps slowly come nearer and nearer to the Cafeteria entrance, only to pass right by and go further and further down the hall, away from them. Once they could no longer hear the footsteps, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Justin raises a good point," Ryan said, continuing the previous conversation. "Where the hell have you been for the past few hours?"

Everyone, including Jeff and Allison, waited for Richard's reply. When he finally caught all his breath back, Richard explained, "I got stuck in this school and spent some time looking for others, until I started thinking that I was alone. That is, until I started finding dead bodies. I knew I had to get out of here, and while searching for a way out, I came across this psycho in a grim reaper costume that attacked me – he came right up out of the boiler room and chased me here, which brings you guys up to speed."

"This is better anyway," Jeff informed him. "As long as we stick in a group, we should be safe, and the bigger the group, the better."

"So just what the fuck is going on here?" Richard asked.

While Jeff, Justin, and Ryan took turns explaining the events of that day, Allison left the group in search of some food. She made her

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way around on of the counters on the opposite end of the Cafeteria from where Adam's body laid, and rifled through the cupboards.

Upon finding anything other then spices, Allison located a tall pot still sitting on a nearby stove and went over to look to see what had been cooking inside before the horrible events of that day started happening.

When Richard was only part-way through being brought up to speed, they all heard Allison's loud ear-shattering scream and immediately jumped to their feet, and ran over to the food counter that she was stepping away from, a hand over her mouth.

"What is it?" Jeff asked, trying to keep the panic out of his voice, but the only answer he got was Allison's trembling finger pointing at the pot as she backed away. Jeff went over to it and lifted the top, looking down at Steven's severed head floating in thick stew.

Jeff dropped the lid to the floor with a clang and quickly moved away from the area, trying not to throw up. The others, now also curious, took turns looking in and leaving the area with similar reactions.

"This guy ain't human!" Richard cried out upon looking into the pot and almost tripping in his own feet to scramble away from it.

"Yes, he is," Jeff said sternly after wiping some excess vomit from the sides of his mouth. "And because he's human, he can be killed." Jeff made to his way to another food station, walked behind the counter, and started removing various knifes from a knife block. He counted them out and then returned to the others, handing each person a knife.

"If we stick together and work as a team with these, there is no way Dillon can beat us." With everyone feeling slightly more confident and safe now that they all held weapons, Jeff led them out of the Cafeteria. "Now let's go find this fucker."


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While the group of Jeff, Allison, Ryan, Justin, and Richard made their way down one of the many empty, dark, shadow-filled halls, Jeff tugged lightly on Allison's shirt and he and Allison slowed their walking a bit so they moved to the back of the group, and lagged behind slightly.

"Allison, what ever happened to us?" Jeff asked her once they were far enough behind that the others wouldn't pay attention, but still close enough to help if Grim Reaper showed up. "We were so close for so long. We were great together."

"Now's not really the time for this, Jeff," Allison said, trying to shrug him off.

"Why not?" Jeff continued with a slight whine. "I figure if we're going to die, I want to know a few things."

"Fine!" Allison said slightly louder then she meant to. "I needed a bit of space, ok? You didn't expect us to get married or something, did you?

"No," Jeff argued back. "We could have at least stayed better friends then we did."

"Ok, you want the truth? Fine. It was just the long distance," Allison confessed. "I can't do long distance relationships. When I'm in a relationship, I need to have the person there with me."

"But you ended up moving here after we broke up anyway," Jeff reminded her.

"Yeah, because I wanted to get back together with you and try to make things work. I missed you."

"Oh," Jeff looked sadly at the floor. "You never told me that."

"No," Allison continued. "I was going to, but by the time I got here, you were already dating Roberta. Then when me and her became best friends, and once you two broke up, I couldn't go behind

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her back and go back out with you again. We had become so close, I didn't want to hurt her like that."

The two remained silent for a minute, until Jeff noticed how far ahead the rest of the group had gotten. "Come on, we better catch up."

Dropping the conversation, Jeff and Allison sped their walking up so they could catch up with the others. They all made their way down the long corridor in near-silence.

The group reached an intersection of corridors, and they suddenly all gasped and jumped back when they saw Grim Reaper standing just around one of the corners. He walked out in front of them, blocking their path.

"This fucker is mine!" Ryan jumped forward and took a stab at the killer before Grim Reaper could even react. The small knife blade dug deep into Grim reaper's arm and a muffled cry escaped from under the hood while he took a few steps back. "Take that you asshole!"

"Let's finish him!" Justin shouted and ran toward Grim Reaper, brandishing his own much-larger knife.

Just as Justin reached Grim Reaper, the killer painfully removed Ryan's knife from his arm and with one fluid movement, slashed it forward, slitting Justin's neck wide open, blood quickly seeping from the gash and making Justin gargle for breath as his body just tumbled to the floor.

"Now!" Jeff shouted. "Everyone together!" They others all leaped forward with their knives, but Grim Reaper swung his scythe out in front of him and made sure the blade connected with all the knifes, with enough force to knock them all out of his attackers' hands. Then without even pausing, he turned the blade around and swung it sideways, digging it deep into Allison's side.

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Allison let out a long, blood-curdling high-pitch scream as Grim Reaper removed the scythe and drop after drop of blood started to quickly land on the floor.

"Allison!" Jeff screamed as he watched his ex-girlfriend fall to the floor on her knees.

Grim Reaper reared the scythe back and swung it toward Allison again, however, she fell backwards onto her back at the last second, the scythe blade just missing her by a hair.

With a warcry, Jeff ran with as much strength as he could muster, right into Grim Reaper, knocking them both to the floor. On the way down, Grim Reaper knocked his head hard against the wall, and once down, never moved. Jeff however, was quick to get to his feet.

"Richard, help me with her," Jeff pleaded desperately as he and Richard grabbed Allison's arms and helped her to her feet.

"I just want to go to Lollipop Land..." Allison giggled weakly as Jeff and Richard held her tight and rushed down the hall. Jeff kept his hand pressed tightly against Allison's wound.

Ryan ran quickly behind them, glancing back to see Grim Reaper still unconscious on the floor behind them.

Even though they moved slower while having to carry Allison, and it took them much longer then it normally would have, they reached the doors leading into the gigantic gym.

"Why are all the frogs eating ice cream?" Allison asked once they entered the room. Jeff and Richard exchanged worried glances.

"Let's get her over to the benches," Jeff suggested. Ryan ran on ahead of them to shove everything off of the nearest bench, so Jeff and Richard could lay Allison down.

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Jeff grabbed a nearby jersey and balled it up, holding it tightly against Allison's wound as he sat next to her. He looked down at her closed eyes and gently stroked her sweat-filled hair.

"That pop is flat," Allison quietly mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"I'll be right back," Ryan said. Jeff nodded his head without even looking up from Allison, and Ryan rushed off across the gym, soon entering the Gym Professor's messy office.

He shoved boxes of junk off of the main desk, and tore hangers of sweaty clothes from the walls, searching franticly for a First-Aid kit. After rummaging through half the junk and garbage littering the room, Ryan stopped to collect his thoughts. His eyes scanned the room as calmly as he was willing to allow, thinking to himself as to where the kit could be.

His eyes fell upon a stack of messy binders on the desk that seemed to be elevated a bit further off the desk then they should have been. Ryan rushed over to them, swiped them off of the desk, and saw the dust-covered First-Aid kit sitting there. Snatching it up, he returned back to where Richard and Jeff sat, next to the passed-out Allison.

"Good idea, Ryan," Jeff said quietly as Ryan opened the kit and rummaged through it for what they needed. He took out a roll of bandages and some clips and closed the kit back up again.

Jeff lifted Allison's shirt up enough to reveal the gory wound, and he and Ryan wrapped the bandages around it, until the entire roll was used, and then Ryan put the clips on to secure the bandage in place. Allison slept through the entire thing, having passed out long ago from the unbearable pain.

Jeff stood up, standing next to Ryan. "Richard, I need you to stay here and look after Allison," Jeff said.

"What are you planning?" Richard asked.

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"I'm hoping he's still unconscious. Me and Ryan are going to go back there and finish the job."

"Jeff," Richard called out as Jeff and Ryan turned to leave. Jeff turned back to him. "I'm...um...sorry for being such a prick to you before."

Jeff smiled, and then he and Ryan were out the door.


Jeff and Ryan reached the area they had left the killer at earlier, but his body was gone.

"Shit," Ryan swore in a whisper. "He's gone. I thought we really had him that time."

"Yeah, he's good at that," Jeff said grimly. "Come on, we have to find him before he finds the others."

They picked a different path of the intersection and ran down that corridor. It wasn't too long until they passed by a small amount of thin stairs leading to a door slightly below the current ground level. Jeff stopped by it, so Ryan backtracked.

"What's up?" Ryan asked.

"The Furnace room," Jeff pointed at the stairs leading down to the door.


"Richard said he saw Dillon come up from there," Jeff explained. "Maybe that's where his base of operations is or something."

"Think we should check it out?" Ryan asked. Jeff nodded and the two boys cautiously moved down to the door, opening it up, and heading down more stairs. The rounded a corner at the bottom of the stairs and found the room lit by the dim glow of a few candles.

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The candles were kept on a metal work table in the centre of the room, and splayed across it, also lit up by the candles, was the dead body of the Artistic Design professor, her entire body etched deeply with bloody satanic carvings. Jeff and Ryan both gasp out loud, quite in shock.

"Dillon is so much more fucked up then even I thought," Jeff said, unable to take his eyes away from the horror.

"Unless maybe it's not Dillon," Ryan suggested.


Richard looked down at Allison, who was still peacefully sleeping on the bench in the gym. The sound of metal clanging against metal could briefly be heard before all was silent again. Richard paid no attention to it as he kept looking at Allison, who stirred awake at the noise.

"What was that?" she asked in a weak voice.

"Nothing," Richard replied in an almost stern voice. "It was nothing. Go back to sleep."

"Where's Jeff?" Allison asked, using what little strength she had left to painfully sit up and look around. "And Ryan?"

"They're gone," Richard replied in the same tone. "It's just you and me."

Allison looked at Richard, fear returning to her face as realization started dawning on her. However, all that realization suddenly left again, as blood splattered her face and an upside down scythe blade stuck out the front of Richard's neck.

Grim Reaper, on a landing above them, lifted his weapon, raising Richard's impaled body up into the air, before gravity took over. The weight of Richard's body tugged him down and his neck

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and face sliced right in half, spraying blood and brain mater to the floor just seconds before the body fell into the mess.

Allison somehow found the strength to scream and jump to her feet when Grim reaper leaped over the edge of the landing and landed perfectly on his feet in a crouch right next to her.

As Grim Reaper stood to his full height, Allison ran as fast as her injured body would allow her, and quickly made her way painfully out of the gym and into the hallways again.


While Jeff and Ryan was still mesmerized by the horrific scene in front of them in the Furnace room, Allison's scream brought them back to their sense.

"Oh no, Allison!" Jeff shouted, and the two boys turned and ran back up the stairs. When they emerged up into the hallway, they heard Allison scream again and turned, seeing her already past them down the hall.

"Allison!" Jeff called out and she instantly stopped and an back to them, holding her hands tightly against her blood-soaked side. The second she reached them, her and Jeff tightly embraced.

"I thought you were dead!" Allison exclaimed. "When Richard said..."

"Never mind that now," Jeff said, kissing her on the lips. "We're fine and you're fine."

"And I'd like to keep it that way," Ryan suggested. "Let's get back downstairs. I don't think he'll think to look for us in his own hideout, and he can't be much further behind Allison."

The three of them rushed back down the stairs into the Furnace room, slamming the door behind them and locking it. If they hadn't been so occupied on getting back down there however, they would

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have noticed Grim Reaper was approaching and saw exactly where they went.


Inside the Furnace room, Allison fought to keep her gag reflex in check as the horrible sight came into view.

"Where's Richard?" Jeff asked, already knowing the answer.

"He...he's dead..." Allison answered, not taking her eyes off her Satanic-carved professor.

The sound of wood splintering destroyed any further conversation and all three of them whipped their heads around to see the blade of the scythe cracking through the wooden door.

Everyone backed up together as the blade retracted and three hard kicks sent the entire middle of the door into flying splinters and Grim reaper ducked through and entered the room, blocking their only means of escape. As he walked down the stairs, one step at a time, he pulled his hood back to reveal that it is indeed Dillon underneath, although now obviously older then the last time around.

"This time I win," Dillon growled as he reached the bottom of the stairs. Without warning, Jeff charged forward with a shout and rammed into Dillon, punching him in the gut and sending both of them toppling back onto the stairs.

Dillon shoved Jeff off of himself and punched him in the face, knocking him back several feet. Dillon got to his feet and punched Jeff a second time, sending him flying back against the hot furnace. Jeff screamed as his hands burned and he quickly shoved himself off the boiling metal, falling back to the concrete floor.

Dillon swung his scythe up, severing several pipes that lined the ceiling, raining water down on everyone in the small room. As each rapid drop hit the furnace, they made a constant sizzling noise.

Page 55: Prologuehorrorfanfiction.com/SchoolDay2.doc  · Web viewI didn’t add or remove a single scene, or changed anything at all. I just fixed up the dialogue and made the writing better,

"I must admit, Allison," Dillon said with a gruff growl as he walked closer to her and Ryan. "When we went to school together, I always had a bit of a crush on you. But here now that you're all soaking wet, I have to say, you are just plain desirable. It's too bad I'm going to kill you."

From the floor, Jeff reached over and pulled tightly on Dillon's feet, tripping him and bringing him to the floor, his scythe falling from his grasp. Dillon let out a furious roar and Ryan quickly reached up and snapped off some loose piping, instantly ramming it down. Dillon rolled out of the way, dodging the pipe attack.

Dillon returned to his feet, picking his weapon back up. "You missed," he snarled. Suddenly Dillon flew forward and slammed face-first into the wall. Jeff stood behind him.

"Didn't dodge that, you bastard," Jeff said as he spit some water from his mouth.

Dillon whipped around and his grip on his scythe tightened in anger. "You'll pay for that, maggot." He ran at Jeff and swung his scythe with as much force as he could at Jeff's head, but Jeff ducked and Dillon only managed to bust more pipes open.

Dillon did a half-turn kick and send Jeff flying back into Ryan, knocking both of them down with painful grunts. Dillon's eyes scanned the room. "Now where's that bitch?"

"Right here, asshole." Dillon whipped around just in time to get a thick piece of broken pipe rammed right through his chest with such force that it dug into the wall behind him, pinning him to the wall. Allison stood triumphantly before him, clutching her side. Blood trickled from Dillon's mouth and dripped to the floor, meeting with the blood pouring from the pipe wound. His body slumped forward.

Jeff walked over and removed the pipe from the wall and Dillon's lifeless body fell to the floor in a heap.

"Is it over?" Ryan asked as he joined Jeff and Allison. "Is he dead?"

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All of a sudden, Dillon's body jumped up with a horrid scream and he raised his scythe. With a shout, Jeff rammed the pipe right back into him, pinning him to the wall again. Dillon gurgled up some blood and then dropped his scythe, slumping forward once more.

"Now he is," Jeff said, putting his arm around Allison. "It's finally over."

"Jeff?" Allison asked. "Promise me you won't write any more stories about him this time."

"I'm with her, man," Ryan agreed. "I don't think I could go through all this again."

Jeff chuckled, but stopped when a loud echoing bang reached their ears. They all looked at each other and rushed up the stairs, emerging out into the dark corridor. They heard a sound that seemed like dozens of rushing boots.

"What's going on?" Ryan asked. "What's that noise?"

"I'm...I'm not sure..." Jeff admitted.

Suddenly a dozen armed S.W.A.T. members rushed down the corridor in full-on riot gear, all shouting at the students to get on the floor. The instantly applied and the S.W.A.T. team surrounded them.

"Just what the fuck is going on here?" The leader of the team shouted his question. "We've had people calling with reports of seeing a costumed person killing people through the windows, and the school was boarded up tighter then my daddy's smoke shack after we busted him."

"There's two bodies in the Furnace room," Jeff pointed from his spot on the floor. "The male was the killer. We got him, sir."

The leader cocked his head in the direction of the Furnace room and gave a hand signal. He rushed toward it, followed by half

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his team while the other half stayed behind to keep watch over the three suspects.


A couple of hours later, after the school had been cut off from the public and the dark parking lot was lit up by all the lights from ambulances and police cars, Jeff and Ryan sat on the back of an ambulance. Inside it, Allison slept soundlessly on a stretcher.

"I'm so glad all the questioning is finally over," Ryan exclaimed, watching as the police brought yet another bodybag out of the school and loaded it up into one of the ambulances already filled with bodybags. "I can't believe they actually thought we were behind it all."

"It's just procedure," Jeff said, remembering the last time, never taking his eyes away from the entrance of the school.

"Well I'm exhausted," Ryan exclaimed. "I just want to go home."

Another bodybag is wheeled out of the University, and as it passed near the ambulance with he two boys, a police stopped the cart to unzip the bag and look at the body – Dillon's body. He said something to the medic wheeling the body away, and the medic continued bringing the body to the corpse ambulance.

Jeff let out a huge sigh after finally having seen Dillon's body this time. "It really is over," he said, feeling more relieved then he had felt since he was 13 years old, before his life was turned upside down.

A paramedic walked around to the back of the ambulance. "I've got to close this up. It's time to bring your friend to the hospital."

"Is she going to be ok?" Jeff asked.

"She'll be fine," the medic smiled. "We patched her up well enough here, but I do need to get her to the hospital."

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Jeff and Ryan jumped off the back of the ambulance so the driver could close it up and drive off. The two boys started walking away from the area, down the sidewalk.


The ambulance carrying all the dead bodies to the morgue turned off down a dark alley, off of the main road.

"What are you doing?" the medic in the passenger seat asked.

"It's a shortcut to the morgue," the driver informed him. "It gets us past all the red lights and late-night traffic."

Suddenly they heard the sound of something ripping. "What the hell is that?" the driver asked.

The paramedic turned in his seat to look, and saw the tip of a scythe blade ripping open one of the body bags.

"What the hell..." The paramedic unbuckled his seat and rushed into the back. "We have a life one!" he shouted. The second he reached the bodybag however, Dillon sat upright and swung his scythe right into the paramedic's face and out the back of his head, spraying the inside of the ambulance in blood.

Dillon got to his feet and, with a sickening noise, removed his scythe from the dead medic. He walked to the front of the ambulance and just as the driver turned to see him, Dillon swung the scythe into the side of him. The driver let out a scream as Dillon removed the scythe and sliced it into him again and again, using his other hand to keep the steering wheel straight.

He dropped the scythe to the floor and used his hand to reach past the driver and open the door, shoving the dead body out of it and into the dark alley. Dillon climbed into the blood-soaked driver's seat and slammed the door closed, turning the ambulance out of the alley and back onto the main road, disappearing into the heavy city traffic.

The End