Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

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Page 1: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Project Administration

Hanna Poikela22 June 2015

Summer School

Page 2: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015


• Training events• Deliverable and Milestone reports • Outreach and dissemination• Non-technical responsibilities• Secondments• Summer School practicalities

Page 3: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Training EventsTraining event Tentative timing

Summer School June 2015, CERN

1st Joint training event September 2015, AUEB

2nd Joint training event December 2015, CERN

1st Joint training event concentrates on business training 2nd Joint training event includes training on CV writing and

interview skills

Technical meeting Testing campaign

Page 4: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Deliverable reportsNo W

PDeliverable Author Reviewer DL

D-4.2 4 Flexible system architecture of display setups, usability Yuta Itoh G. Klinker 31.3.2015

D-2.3 2 Algorithm designed for WRM tested and design concept translated in the first executive layout for multi-project run.

A. Abdallah, D. Felici, NS. LakshmiPrabha, P. Mousouliotis, A. Crivellaro, Y. Verdie

G. Aielli 31.3.2015

D-3.3 3 PSS module, CS, DAQ first prototype developed, performance test and system documentation F. Alam, E. Adamidi S. Katsikas 31.5.2015

D-5.3 5 Technol. assessment & reverse engineering potential V. Mantzios K. Pramatari 30.6.2015D-3.4 3 PSS module, CS, DAQ 2nd prototype developed, performance test and system

documentation 31.10.2015

D-4.5 4 New gamma imager, reconstruction algorithms and new fast dose calculation algorithms, including AR features performance and validation test campaign 31.10.2015

D-4.3 4 Report on scenario, technical options and evaluations of suitable display setups for selected scenarios 31.10.2015

D-6.1 6 Integrated VR/AR system prototype 31.1.2016

D-2.4 23D imaging, visualizer & tracking system and patch recognition method developed and integrated into visualization system and WRM acceleration platform. Validation tests completed.


D-2.5 2 Final prototype, evaluation board and starter ready for final test in ATLAS 31.1.2016

D-5.4 5 Business plan, Financial plan, IPR protection plan 31.1.2016

D-3.5 3PSS system module, CS, DAQ HW+ SW final doc. incl. final tests results and recommendations, and incl. report on scalability and adaptability to different infrastructure and environmental conditions


D-6.2 6 Validation of data from demonstration 30.6.2016D-5.5 5 Market feedback on prototype and demonstration 31.7.2016

Page 5: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Milestone reportsNo WP Milestone Author Reviewer DL

MS-20 3 PSS module first prototype manufactured, Control system and DAQ first prototype developed

F. Alam,E. Adamidi S. Katsikas 31.3.2015

MS-16 2 First WRM layout, prod. and system integration; function library for executing patch based algorithms and Hough transform on WRM

A. Abdallah, D. Felici, NS. LakshmiPrabha,P. Mousouliotis, A. Crivellaro, Y. Verdie

G. Aielli 31.3.2015

MS-27 5 Reverse engineering methodology completed V. Mantzios K. Pramatari 15.5.2015MS-26 5 Technology assessment and framework + market study completed Vasileios Mantzios K. Pramatari 30.6.2015

MS-17 2 Final WRM prototype integrated in the DAQ system; performance test of the pattern recognition libraries accelerated by the WRM

A. Abdallah, D. Felici, NS. LakshmiPrabha,P. Mousouliotis, A. Crivellaro, Y. Verdie

G. Aielli 31.7.2015

MS-21 3 PSS module final prototype developed F. Alam,E. Adamidi S. Katsikas 31.7.2015

MS-24 4 Display infrastructure interactivity protocol and user interface developed, gamma imaging camera HW/SW prototype developed 31.10.2015

MS-30 6 Integrated VR/AR system tested and integrated into CERN PSS 31.1.2016

MS-31 6 Integrated VR/AR system demonstrated in simulated planned maintenance activity at CERN and results validated 31.7.2016

Page 6: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Outreach and dissemination

• Visits to universities (D-1.5)• Visits to high schools (D-1.6)• Participation in annual Researchers Nights (D-1.7)

• Publications (D-1.8)• Conferences (D-1.9)

Page 7: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Non-technical responsibilities

• Career Development plans– Update annually (responsibility of the beneficiary)

• Annual appraisal of research progress and training – Remember to do this (deliverable in Annex I)

• 2nd Progress report due in September 2015– WP annual reports– Researcher reports– PCDP update

Page 8: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015


• Length: min 2 weeks– Otherwise considered a visit

• 30% rule

• Academia Industry • List of secondments in Annex I, p. 27• Internal reporting

Page 9: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Communication training

• Novotel, Ferney-Voltaire– Start at 8.30 am– Transportation– Lunch at Novotel

• Pre-course work– 3 min presentation of your (life) story

Enjoy! Have fun!

Page 10: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Dinner Café de l’Aviation

• Café de l’Aviation, today at 7pm• Public transportation

Tram 18 from Cern to Blandonnet (at 18.32)Chemin des Coquelicots 18, 1214 Vernier

• Menu Salade PaysanneEntrecôte Caravelle , Frites maison Moelleux au chocolat

Page 11: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Page 12: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Deliverables WP1 (not reports)


Deliverable DL Status

D-1.1 1 Kick-off meeting minutes 09/2012 Ok

D-1.2 1 Project website completed and internal + external communication channels set up 09/2012 Ok

D-1.3 1 Scientific, management and progress reports 08/2013, 08/2014, 08/2015,08/2016


D-1.4 1 Agenda/minutes of SB and EC meetings - Ongoing

D-1.5 1 Outreach: Visits by Fellows to universities completed 02/20142/20152/2016


D-1.6 Outreach: Fellows’ visit to high schools completed 10/2015 Ongoing

D-1.7 Outreach: Fellows participation in annual Researchers Nights completed 1/2014,1/20153/2016


D-1.8 Publications in journals 8/2016 Ongoing

D-1.9 Participation of Fellows in conferences 8/2016 Ongoing

D-1.10 Final report to the EC 8/2016 Not started

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Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Milestones WP1 (not reports)No WP Milestone DL Status

MS-1 1 Project kick-off meeting; recruitment process for all partners validated 9/2012 Ok

MS-2 1 Intake: 10 ESRs recruited 2/2013 Ok

MS-3 1 Kick-off week for ESRs completed 2/2013 Ok

MS-4 1 Review of periodic appraisals (supervisors-fellows) between CO and supervisors completed 08/2013, 08/2014, 08/2015,08/2016


MS-5 1 Second intake: 2 ERs recruited M18 Ok

MS-6 1 Summer Schools 1 + 2 completed M18, M33 Ongoing

MS-7 1 First Joint Training Event 1 + 2 completed M22, M26 Ongoing

MS-8 1 Midterm review completed and accepted by European Commission M24 Ok

MS-9 1 All Outreach activities (see deliverables list) completed M41

M-10 1 All Fellow secondments completed M42

M-11 1 Participation of Fellows in external conferences completed M42

M-12 1 Final conference completed with presentations from all Fellows M48

M-13 1 Articles in scientific journals published M48

M-14 1 Final report completed and accepted by European Commission M48

Page 14: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Milestones WP2-WP5 (not reports)

No WP Milestone DL Status

MS-18,MS-22, MS-25,MS-28

2,3,4,5 Local specific trainings completed 4/2016 Ongoing

MS-29 5 Exploitation plan accepted by all partners 8/2016 Not started

Page 15: Project Administration Hanna Poikela 22 June 2015 Summer School Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Edusafe Summer School 22 – 26 June 2015

Deliverables WP2-WP5 (not reports)No WP Deliverable DL Status


2,3,4,5 Annual appraisal of research progress and training 2/2014,2/2015, 4/2016



Presentation of Fellow’s research at end conference 8/2016 Not started