1 IIEP Policy Forum 16-18 October 2012, Paris ENGAGING YOUTH IN PLANNING EDUCATION FOR SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION International Institute for Educational Planning P R O G R A M M E

Programme Plan with Youth

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IIEP Policy Forum16-18 October 2012, Paris



International Institute

for Educational Planning










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International Institute

for Educational Planning

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IIEP Policy Forum, Programme

Tuesday, 16 October 

UNESCO Fontenoy Room I09.00–10.30 Launch of the 2012 EFA Global Monitoring Report: Youth and Skills – Putting education to work 

Keynote speakers include:

Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General, UNESCO

Mr Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy for Global Education

H. E. Emmanuel Bonginkosi Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education andtraining, South Africa

H. E. George Pau-Langevin, Minister Delegate for Educational Success,attached to the Minister of National Education, France

12.00–14.30 Lunch – UNESCO Cafeteria, 7th Floor 

UNESCO Fontenoy Room II 

14.30–15.00 Opening remarks by Mr Khalil Mahshi, Director, UNESCO InternationalInstitute for Educational Planning (IIEP)

Inauguration of the Forum by Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General, UNESCO

 Welcome by Mr Alan Smith, UNESCO Chair, University of Ulster 

 Welcome by Mr Pat Dolan, UNESCO Chair, National University of Ireland,Galway

 Welcome by the Hon. Datuk Wira Ir. Idris Haron, President, World Assemblyof Youth (WAY)

15.00–16.00 Global Perspectives of Youth Engagement

Chair: Ms Suzanne Grant Lewis, Deputy Director, UNESCO InternationalInstitute for Educational Planning (IIEP)

Ms Nicola Shepherd, Focal Point on Youth and Head of the Programme on

 Youth, United Nations, New YorkMs Moufida Goucha, Team Leader, Youth-led Social Innovation Team, Socialand Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO

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Mr Miika Tomi (youth delegate), Finland, co-rapporteur of the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum ‘How Youth Drive Change’ October 2011

16.00-16.30 Coffee break 


Voices from the fieldFeedback on youth projects from around the world from event participantsand online discussions

Facilitators: Mr Brad Brockman, Equal Education South Africa (youth delegate),and Ms Ediola Pashollari, Secretary General, World Assembly of Youth (WAY)

17.30–18.30 Reception hosted by UNESCO Chairs, NUI Galway, University of Ulster, andUNESCO-IIEP: Celebrating Partnership (Bar des Conférences, Level -1)

 Wednesday, 17 October  UNESCO Fontenoy Room II

Session 1: Youth supporting education for conflict transformation andpeacebuilding

09.00–09.15 Introduction to the session and overview of conflict transformation and

peacebuilding, by Mr Alan Smith, UNESCO Chair, University of Ulster  Video Keynote speech: Mr Forest Whitaker, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Peace and Reconciliation

09.15–09.45 Keynote Speech: Mr Mark Hamilton, Professor, American University’s School of International Service (SIS)


Structured conversation between ministers, youth activists, and researchers/practitioners from the peacebuilding community


Mr Aram Barra, Projects Director, Espolea, Mexico (youth delegate)

Ms Lyndsay Bird, Programme Specialist, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)

Ms Brenda Haiplik, Senior Education Advisor – Emergencies, UNICEF

H. E. Mr Jean-Jacques Nyenimigabo, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture,Burundi

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Mr Lakshitha Saji Prelis, Director of Children and Youth, Search for CommonGround

Moderator: Ms Kate Moriarty, Chief of Section, Section of Education for Peaceand Human Rights, UNESCO

10.45–11.15 Coffee break 11.15–12.30 Group work: What are the drivers of conflict in your country? What are thetheories of change, and do these match up with the drivers identified? Whatare the implications for youth policy and programming?

12.30-12.45 Summary of recommendations, by rapporteur Ms Louise Haxthausen,Programme Coordinator Post-Conflict Post-Disaster, Section for Conflict and

Post-Conflict Operations, UNESCO12.45–14.15 Lunch – UNESCO Cafeteria, 7th Floor 

Session 2: Strengthening young peoples’ skills and opportunities for civicengagement within formal and non-formal education systems

14.15-14.30 Introduction to the session and overview of civic engagement in formal andnon-formal education, by Mr Pat Dolan, UNESCO Chair, National University of 

Ireland, Galway14.30–15.00 Keynote speech: Ms Chaeli Mycroft, founder of Chaeli Campaign, South Africa(youth delegate)

15.00–16.00 Panel presentation: Opportunities for young peoples’ civic engagement informal and non-formal education systems

Presenters: Ms Constance Flanagan, Professor, University of Wisconsin

MadisonH. E. Ms Frances Fitzgerald, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Ireland(Video Presentation)

Mr Brad Brockman, General Secretary, Equal Education, South Africa (youthdelegate)

Moderator: Mr Rob Chaskin, Professor, University of Chicago

16.00–16.30 Coffee break 

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16.30–17.30 Group work: What skills are needed for civic engagement and promoting civicengagement of youth in education at national and local levels?

17.30-17.45 Summary of recommendations, by Rapporteur Mr Mark Brennan, Professor,

Pennsylvania State University

Thursday, 18 October UNESCO Fontenoy Room II

Session 3: Connecting education, learning, and the world of work:developing skills for youth transitions


Introduction to the session, by Mr Borhene Chakroun, Chief of Section,Section for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, UNESCO

09.10-09.25 Overview of the youth transition from education to employment, byMs Francesca Rosso, Labour Market Expert, European Training Foundation(ETF)

09.25–09.45Keynote speech: H. E. Mr Haroun Ali Suleiman, Minister of Labour, Economic

Empowerment and Cooperatives, Tanzania-Zanzibar 09.45–11.00 Panel debate between senior policy-makers, development agencies, youth,and non- governmental providers: ‘Roles of the state and other stakeholders inconnecting education, learning and the world of work.’

Presenters: Ms Ishita Chaudhry, CEO of the YP Foundation, India (youthdelegate)

Ms Rosemary Vargas-Lundius, Senior Research Coordinator, International Fundfor Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Mr Marek Lawinski, Capacity Building Specialist and European ProjectManager, French National Committee of Apprenticeship in the ConstructionIndustry

Ms Pauline Rose, Director, Education for All Global Monitoring Report,UNESCO

Ms Mereana Te Père, Member, Māori Youth Council, New Zealand (youthdelegate)

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Mr Michel Carton, Education Specialist, Network for Policy Research, Reviewand Advice on Education and Training (NORRAG)

H. E. Mr Emmanuel Bonginkosi Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education andTraining, South Africa

Moderator: Mr Borhene Chakroun, Chief of Section, Section for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, UNESCO

11.00–11.30 Coffee break 

11.30–12.30 Group work: How can education and learning better support youth transitionsto the world of work?

12.30–12.45 Summary of recommendations, by rapporteur Ms Laura Brewer, Senior Policy

Specialist in skills for youth employment, Skills and Employability Department,International Labour Organization (ILO)

12.45–14.15 Lunch – UNESCO Cafeteria, 7th Floor 

Session 4: Developing an Agenda for Action 

14.15–14.45 Summary of recommendations: presentation of key recommendations fromeach session rapporteur centred around three areas of education policy,

research, and programming14.45-15.15 Plenary discussion on summary of recommendations

15.15-15.45 Coffee break 

15.45-16.30 Setting the Agenda for Action: Panel of minister representatives and youthdelegates discuss their commitments to the Agenda for Action

16.30-17.00 Concluding remarks

Mr Khalil Mahshi, Director, UNESCO International Institute for EducationalPlanning (IIEP)

Ms Pilar Álvarez-Laso, Assistant Director-General, Social and Human Sciences,UNESCO

Closing statement

Mr Qian Tang, Assistant Director-General, Education, UNESCO

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Introduction to the Policy Forum

Planning for change

 Youth around the world are making a difference. And yet young people are

still too often disenfranchised politically, socially, and economically duringthe transitional stage between childhood and adulthood, between the worldof education and the world of work. The resulting frustration and sense of alienation has been a factor in the events of the Arab Spring, and can be seen

in the protest movements around the globe against the excesses of capitalismand rising unemployment.To engage the positive energy of youth activism, education (both formal or non-formal) must provide a pathway to active global citizenship, promote values that

contribute to peacebuilding, ensure that young people feel empowered withintheir communities, and overcome the skills mismatch between education andthe world of work. Such a pathway needs to be planned for, and young peopleneed to be active partners in the planning process. Ministries of youth, labour,

and education must work collaboratively with young people to develop policiesand plans that are coherent, relevant to the needs of youth, and promote themas active citizens.The annual IIEP Policy Forum on Engaging Youth in Education Planning for Social 

Transformation has created the space for such a dialogue between young peopleand policy-makers, academics, and development partners. Many have alreadyengaged online at www.planwithyouth.org.The three themes of the Forum build on the core thematic areas and

recommendations of the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum (2011) on ‘How YouthDrive Change’:

1. Youth engagement in planning education for conflict transformation andpeacebuilding;

2. Strengthening young peoples’ skills and opportunities for civicengagement within formal and non-formal education systems;

3. Enhancing the relevance of education systems for young people in their transition into employment.

Three discussion papers


will stimulate the thinking and debates on thesetopics. This brief introduction summarizes a few of the key points raised in

1 The full papers can be found in your conference pack

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these papers and their implications for future planning and implementation of education policies and programmes.

Planning with youth promotes peacebuilding

Conflicts reduce education and employment opportunities for youth, often

putting them at risk as both victims and participants in violent conflict. Intraditional conflict mitigation strategies, young people are often marginalized –either perceived as drivers of conflict and perpetrators of violence, or simplyoverlooked. From a peacebuilding perspective, a key issue is how to ensure

that multiple youth perspectives are included, and whether youth programmesdeveloped are likely to bring about positive social, economic, or politicaltransformations. Ultimately, these questions can only be tackled by addressingunderlying causes of conflict in context.

Regardless of the perceived root of a conflict (e.g. social inequalities, lack of economic opportunities), youth should not be seen as a homogeneous groupthat exists in isolation from conflict. To achieve genuine youth engagementin any planning process involves significant challenges, in terms of identifying

multiple youth perspectives on a conflict, and the politics of choosing whoproperly represents youth opinion and which youth organizations will receivefunding and resources.In conflict-affected societies, youth have a positive role to play in peacebuilding

by contributing to greater safety and security, involvement in political processesthat work for the public good, creating an economic future that providessustainable livelihoods, and fostering cooperative relations between diversegroups within society. This is a transformative agenda, and youth may be the

key to transforming the conditions that generate conflict.

Planning with youth increases civic engagement

 Youth have a critical role to play in social change, not just as future adults, butas active citizens today. The involvement of young people in education – which

means regularly attending and completing school – is key to their well-beingand development. Policy-makers, planners, and educators must ensure that

 young people attain essential competencies that foster self-identity, leadership,

and personal responsibility. Youth civic engagement is often considered a part of active citizenship. It includesparticipation in school and community life, leading to leadership development.

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Civic engagement can be promoted through both formal and non-formaleducation, and can provide the support necessary for the social, political, andeconomic development of youth. It may include civic education, volunteer 

service, political activism for social change, and leadership development and

practice.Engaged youth are more likely to be resilient to stress and benefit from increasedsocial interaction, allowing healthy development of themselves and ultimately

their communities. Civic engagement activities encourage young people notonly to be actively involved in society, but also to contribute to it through their support of others, and can thus shape the development local communities.

Planning with youth improves relevance

The growing number of ‘educated unemployed’ underlines the weak linksbetween education and training systems and the labour market. Skills requiredin the labour market are insufficiently provided by national education and

training systems. There is a growing demand for soft or generic skills (teamwork, communication and social skills, adaptability, languages, analysis andsynthesis, critical thinking, and work discipline), and a need for job search skills.

The changing nature of the labour market, and the skills it requires, need to bereflected in the curricula of education and training systems. Many educationsystems perpetuate the skills mismatch between labour market demand andthe education received, and are too inflexible to adapt to the realities of the

evolving job market situation.Education has a role to play in facilitating the transition from school to work.It is vital that educational planning address these skills gaps and the difficulties

 young people experience in becoming active members of society, and so

facilitate the transition from school to work.

Strategies to plan with youth

 We know the issues and have many data. But how can we tap into the energyof young people to engage with them to plan for and participate in educationsystems that promote peace, tolerance, and the principles of global citizenship?

The three discussion papers suggest some broad strategies for discussion during

the Policy Forum, as follows.Create positive peace by ensuring youth commitment to and engagementin peacebuilding. This implies conducting a conflict analysis and engaging

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 youth as part of the peacebuilding process; and looking at youth engagementthrough social, economic, political, and security lenses. This might be facilitatedby conducting a critical review of programmes involving youth, and considering

their relevance to social, economic, and political transformation from a

peacebuilding perspective. If such programmes aim to contribute to ‘positivepeace’, they need to: engage youth in understanding the root causes of conflictand in analysing power relations within society; increase potential livelihoods

and therefore the opportunity cost to an individual of taking part in conflict; put youth in direct contact with politicians, to act as a mechanism of accountabilityin support of political transformation; and rebuild relations between youth andthe police and justice system as part of the peacebuilding process.

Use formal and non-formal education for civic engagement of youth. For example, civic education interventions such as school-based mentoringor friendship programmes can provide benefits for both mentor and mentee.Community service and voluntarism offer structured programmes that enable

students to make a civic contribution. Tackling systematic injustices in society areat the heart of many political actions led by youth. These increasingly includeparticipatory, community-level programmes aimed at youth empowerment that

support skills-building, reflection, planning, and action. These are useful inproviding marginalized groups with the skills to address and investigate socialand political inequalities. Structured extracurricular  leadership programmesare a way to equip young people with the skills to become positive role modelsas youth leaders. Engaging young people in research and evaluation activities

allows them to be active partners in the design and implementation of researchon issues that affect their lives.

Increase the relevance of education for the transition to work . This can beachieved in a number of ways, including by: improving the level of analyticalresearch and evidence-based policy-making to more effectively relate theeducation system to labour market needs; improving the quality and relevanceof  career guidance and career management to provide better accessto information on education options and skills needed for different career 

paths before and during education and employment transitions; providing

multiple pathways and a variety of TVET options, including second-chanceopportunities and self-employment support programmes; and providingtargeted work experiences, including internships that would allow youth to

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acquire practical experience and put their existing skills into practice, as well ashelp them determine future professional choices and enhance their ability toenter the labour market. Improving the targeting of transition programmesis fundamental, so that they can reach a greater part of young labour market

entrants, with particular attention devoted to the most fragile categories,namely the low-qualified, NEETs, and women. Strengthening the cooperationbetween education and business and involving local stakeholders, in

particular enterprises and youth representatives, is a key factor of success for implementing transition measures.

An Agenda for Action

Issues of demographic change, the fluid nature of social, political, and economicprocesses, and the proliferation of social movements will all influence forms

of youth engagement in the future. These factors need consideration in bothformal and non-formal education settings, and to be planned for as part of future education research, policy, and practice agendas that are informed byand implemented with youth.

These issues will be debated over the three days of the Forum, andrecommendations emerging from the discussions will provide an Agenda for 

 Action for youth, policy-makers, researchers, and practitioners to take forward.

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Irina Bokova, Director-General, UNESCO

Irina Bokova is Director-General of the United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Elected in2009, she is the first woman to head the Organization. ABulgarian national, Ms Bokova graduated from the MoscowState Institute of International Relations and studied at theUniversity of Maryland and the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in the United States.

Pilar Álvarez-Laso, Assistant Director-General, Social and Human Sciences,

UNESCO  Ms Álvarez-Laso has been UNESCO’s Assistant Director-

General for Social and Human Sciences since July 2010 andacts as Secretary of the Conference of Parties of theInternational Convention against Doping in Sport, Secretaryof the Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Educationand Sport CIGEPS, Secretary-General of the InternationalBioethics Committee IBC, and Executive Secretary to the

 World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge andTechnology COMEST.

Aram Barra, Projects Director, Espolea (Mexico)

Youth activist for the past decade, Aram Barra has beenworking on HIV & AIDS and harm reduction issues in Latin

 America for the past four years. He currently acts as ProjectsDirector of Espolea, a youth-led, Mexican-based organizationworking on human rights and empowering of young peoplein their own communities, with a gender perspective.

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Lyndsay Bird, Programme Specialist, UNESCO International Institute forEducational Planning (IIEP)

Lyndsay Bird joined IIEP in September 2008 and has over 20 years’ experience of working in education in developmentand emergency settings. Lyndsay is also Chair of the INEE

 Working Group on Education and Fragility, and is a member of the Capacity Development Task Team of the EducationCluster. She holds a PhD from the Institute of Education,University of London.

Brad Brockman, General Secretary, Equal Education (EE) (South Africa)

  Equal Education is a movement of students, parents, teachers,

and community members campaigning for equality andimprovement in education in South Africa. Brad Brockmanwas elected as General Secretary in July 2012. Previously, heworked at EE as an editor, researcher, and communityorganizer.

Michel Carton, Education Specialist, Network for Policy Research, Reviewand Advice on Education and Training (NORRAG)

  Holder of a PhD in Education from Geneva University, MichelCarton completed his academic career in the Psychology andEducation Faculty there (until 2002) and at the GraduateInstitute of Development Studies in Geneva, where he wasdirector from 2005 to 2007, before serving as vice-director of the Graduate Institute of International and DevelopmentStudies until his retirement in 2010. With Kenneth King, heanimates NORRAG, a network devoted to a critical analysis of 

international education and training policies.

Ishita Chaudhry, Founder and CEO of the YP Foundation (TYPF) (India)

  TYPF works with groups of youth from 18 states across India,including those in and out of school, to set up youth-ledcommunity-based interventions and policy initiatives. Sheworks with diverse youth communities to build the capacitiesof young people to advocate for and implement programmes

that ensure their sexual and reproductive rights and health.She has worked as a consultant for various UN Agencies, andserves on UNESCO’s Global Advisory Group for SexualityEducation.

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Pat Dolan, Joint founder and Director of the Child and Family ResearchCentre and UNESCO Chair in Children, Youth and Civic Engagement atNUI, Galway (Ireland)

  Pat Dolan holds the UNESCO Chair in Children, Youth andCivic Engagement, the first to be awarded in the Republic of 

Ireland. The UNESCO Chair delivers a comprehensiveprogramme of work towards promoting civic engagementand leadership skills among children and youth. Theprogramme is built around core strands of research, teaching,policy, and good practice, and is underpinned by a range of national and international collaborations. 

H.E. Frances Fitzgerald, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Ireland  Minister Frances Fitzgerald is TD for Dublin Mid-West and wasappointed Ireland’s first ever Cabinet Minister for Childrenand Youth Affairs in 2011. Among her key priorities is todeliver a Children’s Referendum, which aims to protectchildren by putting Children First Guidance on a statutoryfooting, to establish a dedicated agency for Children andFamily Services, to continue to offer a free pre-school year for children, and to develop youth services throughout thecountry.

Constance Flanagan, Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies,University of Wisconsin-Madison (United States of America)

  Connie Flanagan is a professor in the School of HumanEcology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where sheteaches courses on civil society and youth civic engagement.

Her research concerns adolescents’ theories of the ‘socialcontract,’ i.e. their views of the rights and responsibilities thatbind members of a society together. Her book Teenage Citizens: The political theories of the young  was published in2012 by Harvard University Press.

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Moufida Goucha, Chief of Section for Human Security, Democracy andPhilosophy Section and Team Leader of the Youth-led Social InnovationProgramme, UNESCO

  Moufida Goucha has been Team Leader of the Youth-ledSocial Innovation Programme, in the Social and Human

Sciences Sector at UNESCO since January 2012. From 1986 to1992, she was a member of the Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC) of Tunisia and was also elected Vice-President of the National Union of Women of Tunisia (UNFT). In 1992Moufida became Tunisia’s Deputy Permanent Delegate for UNESCO. From 1994 to 1999, she was principal specialadvisor for the Arab region to the UNESCO Director-General.

Brenda Haiplik, Senior Education Advisor – Emergencies, UNICEF  Brenda Haiplik is a Senior Education Advisor – Emergencies, at

UNICEF New York. She was formally the Chief of Education for UNICEF in Sri Lanka and has worked for UNICEF in Somalia,Kenya, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, where she managed andcoordinated UNICEF’s education programme responding tothe Pakistani earthquake in November 2005. She has alsoworked for Save the Children as a senior specialist for 


Mark Hamilton, Professor, American University’s School of InternationalService (SIS) (United States of America)

  Mark Hamilton is a scholar-practitioner with research,teaching, and training expertise focused on the dynamic rolesof young people in conflict, security, and development. His

PhD dissertation examines why and how youth are mobilizedinto violent and non-violent movements, finding practicalgrounding in field-based work experience in Latin America,South Asia, and the Middle East. Mark has consulted for anumber of global organizations on themes related to

curriculum design, programme evaluation, conflict analysis, and security sector reform.

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Hon. Datuk Wira Ir. Idris Haron, President, World Assembly of Youth(WAY)

Hon. Datuk Wira Ir. Idris Haron is President of the World Assembly of Youth (WAY). He is also a dedicated professionalengineer and a Member of Parliament in Malaysia. He oversees

the strategy and leadership of WAY in playing its role as theinternational coordinating body of national youth councilsand organizations. Before taking the helm at WAY in December 2010, Hon. Datuk Wira Idris served as Deputy Minister of theMinistry of Higher Education in Malaysia.

Marek Lawinsk i, Specialist in Capacity Building Systems and Head of theHuman Capital Development Department at the CCCA-BTP – French

National Coordination Committee of Apprenticeships in the ConstructionIndustry (France)

Marek Lawinski is a specialist of educational projects based onEuropean vocational education and training (VET) policyprinciples. He represents the CCCA-BTP, an educationalinstitution managed by social partners, linked to the FrenchMinistry of Education and under control of the FrenchGovernment. Mr Lawinski is also an operational leader of 

REFORME, a European network of training institutions andorganizations. He works with the European Commission as anexternal expert in VET projects. His main domain of competence is therelationship between capacity development systems and market needs.

Khalil Mahshi, Director, UNESCO International Institute for EducationalPlanning (IIEP)

Before joining IIEP, Khalil Mahshi was Director General of 

International and Public Relations at the Palestinian Ministryof Education for six years. In this capacity, he worked on thedesign and implementation of development projects and onfundraising. He also coordinated the production of the firstfive-year national education development plan.

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Michaela (Chaeli) Mycroft, Co-founder of the Chaeli Campaign andwinner of International Children’s Peace Prize 2011 (South Africa)

  The Chaeli Campaign was founded on 6 August 2004 by fivegirls between the ages of 6 and 12. Chaeli, her sister (Erin),and lifelong friends the Terry sisters (Tarryn, Justine, and

Chelsea) started the Chaeli Campaign to raise 20,000 Rand(US$2,500) for Chaeli’s motorized wheelchair. The mainobjectives of the Chaeli Campaign are to promote and providethe mobility and educational needs of disabled children under the age of 18 throughout South Africa.

H. E. Jean Jacques Nyenimigabo, Minister for Youth, Sports and Culture,Burundi

  H. E. Jean Jacques Nyenimigabo was appointed Minister for  Youth, Sport and Culture in the Government of Burundiin 2005. Prior to this appointment, he held several academicand political positions: Dean of the Physical Education Facultyat the Institut pédagogique of Rwanda, advisor and Chief of staff to the rector in charge of the social, sport and culturalportfolio, lecturer at the University of Burundi, and Dean of the Institute of Physical Education and Sport (IEPS). 

H. E. Emmanuel Bonginkosi Nzimande, Minister for Higher Education andTraining, South Africa

  H E. Dr Emmanuel Bonginkosi Nzimande is Minister for Higher Education and Training in the Republic of South Africa. He hasalso held the position of General Secretary of the South AfricanCommunist Party (SACP), from July 1998 to the present. Hewas re-elected in July 2002 and 2007. He is also a member of the ANC National Executive Committee and of the ANCNational Working Committee, and the Chairperson of theFinancial Sector Coalition Campaign (FSCC).

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Ediola Pashollari, Secretary General, World Assembly of Youth (WAY)

   As Secretary General of WAY and Director of the World YouthInstitute (WYI), Ediola has been instrumental in assisting andsupporting youth initiatives locally, regionally, andinternationally. She has twice been awarded the ‘Life Time

 Achievement Legendary Award’ for her contribution to thefield of youth development from Loyola College, India, in2008 and 2012. For her work in Africa, she was named‘International Ambassador of Youth on Good Practice’ fromthe Youth Parliament in Nigeria in 2010.

Lakshitha Saji Prelis, Director for Children & Youth Programs, Search forCommon Ground (SFCG)

  Lakshitha Saji Prelis has over 20 years’ experience workingwith youth in various conflict and transition environments in

 West Africa, and throughout Central, South, and Southeast Asia. Prior to joining SFCG, he was the founding director of the Peacebuilding and Development Institute at AmericanUniversity. His more than 11 years of experience at AmericanUniversity have resulted in the development of trainingcurricula covering youth, human rights, gender, media,

monitoring and evaluation, and the nexus of peacebuilding with development.

Pauline Rose, Director, Education for All Global Monitoring Report,UNESCO

  Pauline Rose became Director of the EFA Global MonitoringReport in August 2011. Prior to taking up this post, she wasSenior Policy Analyst with the GMR team for three years.Before joining the GMR, Pauline was Reader in InternationalEducation at the University of Sussex. She has publishedextensively on issues that critically examine educational policyand practice, including in relation to inequality, financing andgovernance, democratization, and the role of internationalaid.

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Francesca Rosso, Labour Market Expert, European TrainingFoundation (ETF)

  Francesca Rosso focuses on labour market reforms in the Western Balkans and North Africa, in close cooperation withthe European Commission and the Delegations of the

European Union. Before joining the ETF in 2012, Ms Rossospent several years working as a programme manager for various international bodies, including the United Nations inSerbia, the Italian Cooperation in Serbia Kosovo andMontenegro, and the Secretariat of the EU Council at theUnited Nations in New York. 

Nicola Shepherd, UN Focal Point on Youth, Social Integration Branch

Division for Social Policy and Development, United Nations Departmentof Economic and Social Affairs

  Nicola Shepherd is Head of the UN Programme on Youth,which serves as the focal point on youth for the United NationsSystem. In this capacity, she is the Co-Chair of the UN Inter-

 Agency Network on Youth Development, which works toincrease the effectiveness of UN work in youth developmentby strengthening collaboration and exchange among allrelevant UN entities.

Alan Smith, UNESCO Chair in Education for Pluralism, Human Rights andDemocracy, University of Ulster (United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland)

   Alan Smith’s work includes research on education and conflict, young people’s understanding of human rights and thedevelopment of social, civic, and political education. Alan wasa UK representative to the Council of Europe and a BritishCouncil visiting fellow to Nigeria and Indonesia. He hasworked as a consultant for International Alert, UNESCO,UNICEF, and the World Bank in Bosnia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

 Alan is currently a member of the ESRC DFID CommissioningPanel for a programme on poverty reduction.

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H. E. Haroun Ali Suleiman, Minister of Labour, Economic Empowermentand Cooperatives, Tanzania-Zanzibar

  H. E. Haroun Ali Suleiman was appointed Minister of Labour,Economic Empowerment and Cooperatives in the Governmentof Zanzibar in 2010. Prior to this he held the position of 

Minister of Education and Vocation training (2005-2010) andMinister of Education, Culture and Sports (2000-2005). Healso held senior positions within the Planning and

 Administration Department of the Ministry of Education, andhas worked as a teacher and head teacher in secondaryschools in Zanzibar. 

Mereana Te Pere, Member, Māori Youth Council (New Zealand)

  Mereana TePere is a member of the Māori Youth Council. Sheis currently teaching as a tutor for Te Wananga O Aotearoa – aMaori-based tertiary education provider based in Auckland.She has been active in a range of community organizationsand initiatives including: as the Manager of the MAIA Youth

 Work Team, Chairman of the Manurewa Youth WorkersNetwork, and Board of Trustee member of WeymouthIntermediate. 

Miika Tomi, Co-rapporteur of the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum (Finland)

  Miika Tomi serves as a global representative of the world’s youth through the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum. He is theUNESCO Youth Delegate of Finland, Representative of FinnishCivil Society to the 67th UN General Assembly, and Vice Chair of the Committee for Education, Competence and EconomicDevelopment Services for the City of Tampere. He has workedas a UN and EU peacekeeper in Chad, Junior Adviser at theEmbassy of Finland in Beijing, and is currently employed as a

Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade of Finland.

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Rosemary Vargas-Lundius, Senior Researcher, International Fund forAgricultural Development (IFAD)

  Born in the Dominican Republic, holds a PhD in developmenteconomics from Lund University, Sweden, and has carried outresearch on rural poverty and unemployment, gender andmigration. She is a staff member of IFAD in Rome, where shehas worked as a Country Program Manager in the Latin

 America and the Caribbean division and is presently a Senior Researcher in the Strategy and Knowledge ManagementDepartment.

Forest Whitaker, Founder of PeaceEarth Foundation, co-founder andchair of the International Institute for Peace, and UNESCO GoodwillAmbassador for Peace and Reconciliation (United States of America)

  Forest Whitaker is the founder of PeaceEarth Foundation, co-founder and chair of the International Institute for Peace, andthe UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Peace andReconciliation. He is also a talented, versatile performer andone of Hollywood’s most accomplished figures. Over the pastdecade, Mr Whitaker has dedicated most of his time toextensive humanitarian work. His social awareness has

compelled him to seek ways of using the film medium as ameans to raise peoples’ consciousness.

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