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Co-organizer Center of Technological Transfer, Innovation and Business Prahova (CTTIAP)

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEEChairman: Prof. Ulmanu Vlad - Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaMembers:

Prof. Agachi ªerban – Universitatea Babeº – Bolyai Cluj Napoca, RomaniaProf. Agop Marcel – Universitatea Politehnicã Gheorghe Asachi Iaºi, RomaniaProf. Antonescu Niculae Napoleon – Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Apolloni Bruno – Università di Milano, ItalyDr. Ayan Meryem –Pamukkale University, TurkeyProf. Barudov Stefan – Technical University of Varna, BulgariaProf. Bolocan Ion – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaAcad. Bostan Ion – Universitatea Tehnicã a Moldovei, Republica MoldovaProf. Bouzakis K.D. – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GreeceProf. Bozga Grigore – Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureºti, RomaniaProf. Cârjã Gabriela – Universitatea Gheorghe Asachi Iaºi, RomaniaProf. Ciuparu Dragoº – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaDr. Ciutacu Constantin – INCE, RomaniaDr. Coatu Nicoleta – Institutul de Etnografie ºi Folclor Constantin Brãiloiu, RomaniaDr. Cojocaru Dorin Octavian – ANRM, RomaniaProf. Col Nobert – Universite Lorient, FranceProf. Coloja Mihai Pascu – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaAcad. Constantiniu Florin, Academia Românã, RomaniaProf. Cuesta Felix – University of Alcala, SpaniaDr. Cvijanovic Drago – Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, SerbiaProf. Didelet Pereira Filipe – Instituto Politécnico de Setubal, SpaniaProf. Dobre Marcel – Universitatea Politehnicã din Bucureºti, RomaniaProf. Dumitraºcu Liviu – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Dumitrescu Stelian – Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Dussap Claude Gilles - Politech Clermont-Ferrand, FranceProf. Dzitac Ioan, Universitatea Aurel Vlaicu din Arad, RomaniaAcad. Filip Florin Gheorghe – Academia Românã, RomaniaDr. Franc Ioan Valeriu – INCE, RomaniaProf. Gheorghe Amza – Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureºti, RomaniaProf. Haller Garry – University of Yale, USADr. Hamovic Vladana – Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, SerbiaEng. Huke Matthias – Tüv Nord Systems GmbH & Co. KG. Hamburg, GermanyProf. Iarca Ion – Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploieºti, Romania Prof. Iovu Horia– Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureºti, RomaniaProf. Kienle Achim – Max Planck Institut fur Dynamik Komplexer Technischer Systeme, GermanyProf. Lambrescu Ionuþ – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaAssoc.prof. Marinoiu Cristian – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, Romania Prof. Marx Claus – Technische Universität Clausthal, GermanyProf. Mazilu Panaite – Universitatea Tehnicã de Construcþii Bucureºti, RomaniaProf. Mãlureanu Ion – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Minescu Mihail – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Mitsi Sevasti – Aristotle University of Tessaloniki, GreeceProf. Nistor Iulian – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Paraschiv Nicolae – Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Pavel Alecsandru – Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Pop Emil – Universitatea din Petroºani, RomaniaProf. Popescu Dumitru – Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureºti, RomaniaProf. Popovici Alexandru – Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Posea Nicolae – Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaProf. Roºca Paul – Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploieºti, RomaniaDr. Sarivan Ligia – Institutul de Stiinþe ale Educaþiei, RomaniaProf. Siemek Jakub – University of Science and Technology Krakovia, PolandProf. Sock Oumar –CITEF, Senegal Dr. Sofonea Mircea – Universite Perpignan, FranceProf. Stãnescu Aurelian – Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureºti, RomaniaDr. Subic Jonel– Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, SerbiaProf. ªimon Adrian – Universitatea „Petru Maior” Tg. Mures, RomaniaDr. Terzis Nikos – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GreeceProf. Troquet Michel - Politech Clermont-Ferrand, FranceProf. Ursin Jann Rune – Universitetet i Stavanger, NorwayDr. Weissbach Hans Jurgen – University Frankfurt am Main, GermanyProf. Zecheru Gheorghe – Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploieºti, Romania




Room G I.2

Section committee:

1. Prof. dr.eng. Lazãr AVRAM - chairman

2. Prof. dr.eng. Mihai Pascu COLOJA - member

3. Prof.dr.eng. Mihai GHEORGHIÞOIU - member

4. Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Constantin NICOLESCU - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Tank Farm Modernization - Following the Environmental Requirements -

Lazãr Avram, Cornel Pãtraºcu , Petroleum - Gas University of Ploieºti, Camelia

Bãsceanu, S.C. GEOASSET S.R.L. Bucureºti.

2. Membranes for the Treatment of the Industrial Waters: Quo Vadis? -

Claude Gilles Dussap, Polytech Clermont-Ferrand, Lazãr Avram, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti, Julien Troquet, Biobasic Environnement - France, Sorin

Alexandru Avram, Romgaz S.A., Sucursala Ploieºti.

3. Aspects of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pollution, in Romania and

Measures against Pollution Effects - Daniela Buzoianu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploieºti.

4. War for Oil - Mirela Micu, Doctoral School of Economic Studies Academy,


5. “PEAK OIL” – Are We there yet? - Mirela MICU, Doctoral School of Economic

Studies Academy, Bucharest.

6. Increasing the Flow Gas Calculation Accuracy Alowing through Fixed

Cylindrical Nozzles - Florinel Dinu, Mihail-Valentin Batistatu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploieºti.

7. Why Horizontal Wells for Underground Gas Storage ? - Maria Stoicescu,

Mihail Gheorghitoiu, Doru Stoianovici, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

8. Aspects of Establishing the Mixing Formulae for Primary Cementing -

Mihai Gheorghitoiu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti

9. The Effect of Calcium Contamination of Drilling Fluids Prepared with

Gurasada Clay - Maria Georgeta Popescu, Mihaela Manea, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploieºti.

pag. 1


10. The Rheology of Polymer Dispersions and the Effect of Crude Oil

Contamination - Mihaela Manea, Maria Georgeta Popescu, Maria Petre, Floarea

Manea, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 16.00

11. Trends in the Well Completion - Mariea Marcu, Petroleum-Gas University of

Ploieºti, Gabriel Irinel Marcu, HES Italiana.

12. Practical Approach of Smart Wells Reservoir Simulation - Gabriel Irinel

Marcu, HES Italiana, Mariea Marcu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

13. Ascensional Pollution Resulted from Mining Activities - Constantin

Nicolescu, George Iordache, Mihai Pascu Coloja, Petroleum-Gas University of


14. Pessimistic Theories on Fossil Fuels and Possible Alternative Energy

Sources - Constantin Nicolescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Constanþa

Nicolescu, PETROSTAR S.A. Ploieºti.

Section committee:

1. Prof.dr.eng. Cornel TRIFAN - chairman

2. Prof.dr.eng. Marcela PÃTÃRLÃGEANU - member

3. Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Sorin NEACªU - member

4. Assist.prof.dr.eng. Doru STOIANOVICI - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Odorisation Monitoring Activity in E.ON Gaz Distribuþie - Brînduºa Mitroi,

Elena-Raluca Stanimir, Radu E. Popescu, E.ON Gaz Distribuþie, Tg.Mureº.

2. Increase Energy Efficiency of Cogeneration Gas Turbine by Means of

New, Advanced Titanium Base Materials and Surface Coatings

Development - State-of-Art - Cristian Puscasu, Gheorghe Matache, Mihaela

Grigorescu, Raluca Voicu, National Research and Development Institute for Gas

Turbines COMOTI Bucharest, Mihai Albulescu, Petroleum-Gas University of




Room B I 1

pag. 2


3. Technical Solutions Developed for Increasing the Turboengines

Performances - Mariana ªtefãnescu, Liviu Adam, Cristian Puºcaºu, National

Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI Bucharest, Cîrdei

Dana, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

4. Considerations on the Design and Implementation Screw Compression

Equipment Driven by Heat Engines that Use Natural Gas as Fuel - Liviu Adam,

Pavel Masiliev, Mariana Stefanescu, National Research and Development

Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI Bucharest, Alina Rusu, E.ON Gaz Distribuþie,


5. Experimental Research Regarding the Maximum Thermal Power that Can

Be Extracted from Soil - Cristian Eparu, Sorin Neacºu, Renata Rãdulescu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

6. Multiphase Production Oil Well System - Maria Stoicescu, Doru Stoianovici,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

7. Consideration Regarding Oil, Gasoline and Condensate Losses During

Transportation through Pipelines and at the Afferent Pumping Stations -

Mihai Ionescu, Marcela Pãtãrlãgeanu, Silvian Suditu, Petroleum-Gas University

of Ploieºti.

8. Evaluation of Some Oil, Gasoline and Condensate Losses in Tank Cars

Transport - Marcela Pãtãrlãgeanu, Mihai Ionescu, Silvian Suditu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploieºti.

9. On a Class of Thermodynamic Processes Involved in the Transport and

Storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas - Tudora Cristescu, Petre Ciobanu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

10. Validation of the Method of Estimating Losses from Defects in Gas

Distribution Pipes Buried - Cornel Trifan, C.L. Negulescu, Petroleum – Gas

University of Ploie?ti, Alin Bãloi, Distrigaz Sud Retele, Aninoasa, R. Popescu,

R.A.T.P. Ploieºti.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 16.00

11. Simulator for Natural Gas Transport and Distribution - Sorin Neac?u,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Alina Rusu, E.ON Gaz Distribuþie Tg.Mureº,

Dana Cîrdei, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

12. Experimental Stand Used to Simulate Oil Transport through Pipelines -

Cristian Eparu, Mihai Albulescu, Renata Rãdulescu, Petroleum-Gas University of


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Room Gp4

Section committee:

1. Prof.dr.eng. Ion MÃLUREANU - chairman

2. Prof.dr.eng. Octavian GEORGESCU - member

3. Prof.dr.eng. Dumitru FRUNZESCU - member

4. Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Mihail Valentin BATISTATU - member

5. Assist.prof.dr.eng. Gheorghe BRÃNOIU - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Quantitative Interpretation of the no Focused Electrical Logs - Ion

Malureanu, Valentin Mihail Batistatu, Daniela Doina Neagu, Petroleum - Gas

University of Ploiesti.

2. The Saturation Distribution In The Mature Oil Reservoirs - Florea Minescu,

Constantin Popa, Walter Popa, Victor Negoiþã, Petroleum - Gas University of


3. Petroleum Field of Central and Eastern Europe - ªtefan Traian Mocuþa.

4. On the Sarmatian Tuff from the Basis of Limestone Quarry from Nãeni

(Buzãu County) - Dumitru Frunzescu, Octavian Georgescu, Aura Cehlarov,

Gheorghe Brãnoiu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

5. Shale Gas Resources in Pucioasa Oligocene Formation – Mihail-Valentin

Batistatu, Ion Malureanu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

6. Geotechnical Properties Lands Foundation for Beceni Windfarm, Buzãu

County - Viorel Eugen Vasiliu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

7. Hydraulic Fracturing Program for an Oil Well from the Pannonian

Depression - Ioan Dan Grigoraº, ªerban Nicolescu, Mihai Ionescu, Petroleum -

Gas University of Ploiesti.

8. Virtually USB Bus on Sine-Wave Current Supply from Infrastructure of a

Smart Well - Constantin G. Popa, Alexandru D. Cojan, Petroleum-Gas University

of Ploiesti.

9. Mineralogical-Petrographical Study of the Clayey Matrix in the Gravels

from Nedelea Gravel Pit - Gheorghe Brãnoiu, Octavian Georgescu, Dumitru

Frunzescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

pag. 4


10. Mineralogical-Petrographical Details on the Clastes of Rudites from

Olistolithes Conglomerates within Badenian Salt Breccia from Bãdila

(Buzãu Valley) – Aura Cehlarov, Dumitru Frunzescu, Gheorghe Brãnoiu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

13.30 – 14.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 16.00

11. Geological Survey Regarding the Settlement of the Sewerage and Water

Supply System in Rupea Agglomeration, Braºov County – Viorel Eugen

Vasiliu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

12. Actual Trends in Romania's Mature Oilfields Exploitation - Mihail-Valentin

Batistatu, Florinel Dinu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

13. Study of Metamorphosed Granitoidic Rocks from Eastern Part of Corbu

Phyllites Unit from Valea Satului (Almãj Mountains) - Gheorghe Brãnoiu, Mihai

Ciocîrdel, Octavian Georgescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

14. Study of Plagioclasic Metamorphic Rocks from Western Part of Neamþu

Crystalline Unit from Valea Satului (Almãj Mountains) – Mihai Ciocîrdel,

Gheorghe Brãnoiu, Octavian Georgescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Section committee:

1. Prof.dr.eng. Alexandru POPOVICI - chairman

2. Assoc.prof dr.eng. Nicolaie CALOTÃ - member

3. Assoc.prof. dr.eng. Viorel NICOLAE - member

4. Assist.prof.dr.eng. Georgeta Claudia NICULAE - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Modern Solution for Electric Drives of Onshore and Offshore Drilling

Rigs, Provided by ICPE ACTEL – Ion Potarniche, ICPE ACTEL S.A, Adina

Monica Pop, Politehnica University Bucharest.

2. The Influence of the Tool Joints Geometry on the Dynamics of the Drill

String – Nicolaie Calotã, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.



Room C I0

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3. Technical and Economic Issues Concerning the Possibility of Recovery

of the Gas from Pipelines – Ion Panã, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

4. Numerical Simulation of the Group of Actuating Diesel Engine – Torque

Converter – Ion Panã, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

5. Experimental Research Focused on Yields of Linear Hydraulic Engines

Used to Drive the Deep Pumps – Petre Sãvulescu, Petroleum-Gas University of


6. Preliminary and Experimental Research Focused on Linear Hydraulic

Engine Used for Deep Pumps Driving – Petre Sãvulescu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

7. Application of Similarity Theory to Establish Important Parameters to Drill

on Mars – Marius Stan, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

8. Modelling Dynamic Systems Operating with Almost Periodic Functions -

Marius Stan, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

9. Fuzzy Logic System for Modeling Functional Characteristic of Hydraulic

Generators - Georgeta Claudia Niculae, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

10. Simulation of Hydraulic Generators with Logic - Georgeta Claudia

Niculae, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

13.30 – 14.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 16.00

11. The Equipment for Producing Winding Thick Cylindrical Shells - Viorel

Nicolae, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

12. Contributions to the Calculus of Mechanical Stresses Generated by

Temperature within a Pipe Section - Viorel Nicolae, Petroleum-Gas University

of Ploiesti.

13. TANKS Emissions Software - Liviu Toader, Bogdan Ilie, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti, Florinel Lupu.

14. The Terminals (Gas Stations) for Carburants Distribution in SEVESO 3

Conception - Ecaterina Iancu, S.C. LUKOIL Romania S.R.L.

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On the Occasion of the 100 Anniversary of The Birth of


Room E III 3Section committee:

1. Prof.dr.eng. Nicolae POSEA - chairman

2. Prof.dr.eng. Ion EPARU - member

3. Prof.dr.eng. Alexandru PUPAZESCU - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Experimental Determination of Temperature Control Maps in the Case of

Coking Chamber - Nicoleta Rizea, Ion Florea, Lavinia Stanciu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

2. Graphics of the Involute Profile for Gear Drawing – Ion Florea, Nicoleta

Rizea, Ioan Popa, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

3. The Influence of Beams` Axes Shifting on the Level of Stress and

Displacementsm - Ioan Popa, Ion Florea, Lavinia Silvia Stanciu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

4. Research Concerning the Differential Model of the Mitsubishi Melfa RV-1A

Robot System - Dorin Bãdoiu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

5. On the Calculus of the Equilibrium Moment in the Case of a Plane

Mechanism - Dorin Bãdoiu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

6. Bayonet Joint Opportunities for Using in Large Diameter Drill Stem

Connections - Adrian Creiþaru, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

7. Considerations on Features of the Stress Analysis Applied to Taper Pin-

Box Shouldered Connections With Special Screw-Thread Profile - Adrian

Creiþaru, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

8. The Modernization of the MAC – 3 Machines from the Substitution of the

Mechanism of the Pressing Room - David Mihaela Florentina, Rusãnescu

Carmen Otilia, David Ladislau, Dinu Ion, Politehnica University of Bucharest.

9. Optimizing Vibrations Dynamic Absorbers (I) - Dinu Tãnase, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

10 Optimizing Vibrations Dynamic Absorbers (II) - Dinu Tãnase, Petroleum-

Gas University of Ploiesti.

13.30 – 14.30 – Lunch

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Room E IV 3

Section committee:

1. Prof.dr.eng. Cristian BUCUR - chairman

2. Prof.dr.eng. Gheorghe CREMENESCU - member

3. Assoc.prof.dr.eng Cornel IANACHE - member

4. Assist.prof.eng. Octavian DINU - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Innovative Solutions for Electric Drives System Tests of Offshore and

Onshore Drilling Rigs, Provided by ICPE ACTEL - Ion Potarniche, ICPE Actel S.A, Adina Monica Popa,Politehnica University Bucharest.

2. The Insulating Oils in Electrical Power Transformers - Tiberiu-Octavian

Cujbã, Dorel Cernomazu, “Stefan cel Mare” University Suceava.

3. Analysis of Transitory Regime for Three-Phase Inverter Based on Sine-

Delta PWM Control Strategy - Florinel Dinu, Gheorghe Cremenescu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

4. Mathematical Support of the Sine-Delta PWM Control Strategy for Three-

Phase Inverter - Gheorghe Cremenescu, Florinel Dinu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

5. Influence of Supply Voltage on the Internal Angle and Reactive Power at a

Synchronous Motor from an Electric Drive - Cornel Ianache, Boris Siro,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Stefania Iordache, Valahia University of


6. Viewpoints on the Possibility to Use an Unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge to

Measure the Bit Weight - Ioan Savulescu, Alexandru Savulescu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

7. Gain Scheduling Adaptive System for the Extension of Speed Domain of

the FOC Drives with Asynchronous Motors - Alexandru Sãvulescu, Ioan

Sãvulescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

8. The Bifurcation Diagram for Oxygen Detector's Chaotic Regime - Mihail Fâcã , County manager, Prahova, Dragomir Orhei, Petroleum-Gas University of


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9. The Application of Aquisition and Monitoring Based on the Accelemetre ADXL202EB and NI DAQ USB-6008 – plate - Dragomir Orhei, Octavian Dinu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

10. Development of Simulation Models of Induction Squirrel Cage Motor for

Variable-Speed Applications - Vasilija Sarac, Goce Stefanov, Electrotechnical

Faculty, University Goce Delcev-Stip, Macedonia.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

Section committee:

1. Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Cristian PÃTRêCIOIU - chairman

2. Prof.dr.eng. Vasile CÎRTOAJE- member

3. Lect.eng. Marian POPESCU - member

4. Lect.dr.eng. Cristina POPA - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Investigations on the Dynamic Behavior of a Make-up Machine for

Automation Purposes – Alexandru Popa, Matthias Klaw, Catalin Teodoriu,

Institute of Petroleum Engineering Clausthal, Germany, Cristina Popa,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

2. Bluetooth Network and Wireless Sensors - Silviu Popovici, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploieºti.

3. Application of the Dynamic Flowsheet DIVA® Simulator to the Modeling of

Methyl Acetate Reactive Distillation Process - Ioana Stoica, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploieºti.

4. Study on Heat Pump Parameters Monitoring for Different Heat Exchanger

Topologies - Constantin Stoica, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

5. The Composition Control of the Multi-Component Fractionation

Processes - Cristian Pãtrãºcioiu, Nicolae Paraschiv, Marian Popescu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

6. Multivariable Feedback Control of a Binary Fractionation Column - Marian

Popescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.



Room B II 3

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7. Comparison of PI and MPC for Control of Catalytic Cracking Process -

Cristina Popa, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

Section committee:

1. Prof.dr.eng. Niculae Napoleon ANTONESCU - chairman

2. Prof.dr.eng. Vlad ULMANU– member

3. Prof.dr.eng. Gheorghe ZECHERU – member

4. Prof.dr.eng Ioan TUDOR - member

5. Assist.prof.dr.eng. Gabriela IONESCU - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. The Use of Toughness Criteria for Designing Natural Gas Transmission

Pipelines - Gheorghe Zecheru, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti, Ilie E Laþa,

Dan Cheþan, S.N.T.G.N. “TRANSGAZ” Mediaº.

2. Improvement of the Operational Reliability in a Line of Production of Pulp

to Paper - Filipe J. Didelet Pereira, Setubal Polytechnics, Portugal.

3. The Tideland Drillers. Laying of a Pipeline in a High Sensitive Nature

Reserve - Matthias Huke, TÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg,


4. Contributions to Achieving Sustainable Development of a Mathematical

Model of a Welded Manufacturing Industry Organizations - Gheorghe Amza,

Zoia Apostolescu, Politehnica University of Bucharest.

5. Contributions to Environmental Impact Assessment Process

Oxiacetylene Welding Flame - Gheorghe Amza, Zoia Apostolescu, Politehnica

University of Bucharest.

6. Using the Hot Brine Hardenability Test for the Qualification of In-service

Welding Procedures for Repairing Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines -

Gheorghe Zecheru, Gheorghe Drãghici, Alin Diniþã, Petroleum-Gas University of





Room EP4

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7. Researches Regarding the Machinability Characteristics of the Tungsten

Carbide Layers Made Using the HVOF Process - Vlad Ulmanu, Mihaela

Cãlþaru, Marius Bãdiciou, Mihail Minescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

8. GC-MS and FTIR Analysis of Bitum/Kerogen as Organic Geochemistry

Index - Ioana-Raluca Bunghez, Rodica-Mariana Ion, Radu Claudiu Fierascu,

Irina Dumitriu, Valahia University Târgoviºte, Mihaela-Lucia Ion, University of

Bucharest, Marian Neata, University of Bucharest, Sanda-Maria Doncea, Valahia

University Târgoviºte.

9. Setting of the Normal Lathes Operational Reability - Ion Nae, Marius Gabriel

Petrescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

10. Aggressivity of Hair Shampoo Above Stainless Steel Type AISI 316L -

Rãzvan George Ripeanu, Ioan Tudor, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 16.00

11. Experimental Research on Welding Technologies of X80 Steel Pipes -

Vlad Ulmanu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti, Florentina Mateescu, S.C.

COIFER IMPEX S.R.L. Bucharest.

12. Clinical and Imaging Study of Knee Biomechanics - Dan Trâmbiþaº, SNGN

ROMGAZ SA, Ion Baier, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu.

13. Value of Echography in Knee Cronic Lesions (X-ray, MRI, Arthroscopy,

Echography, Clinical Statistical Study) - Dan Trâmbiþaº, SNGN ROMGAZ SA,

Ion Baier, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu.

14. Re-education Protocol After Knee Anteriorior Cruciate Ligament

Surgery - Dan Trâmbiþaº, SNGN ROMGAZ SA, Ion Baier, „Lucian Blaga”

University of Sibiu.


8.1. Annealing Strengthening of Electrically Deposited Metals - Ilya M.

Kovenskiy, Oil and Gas University Tyumen, Russia.

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Room I p 1

Section committee:

1. Prof.dr.eng. Dragoº CIUPARU – chairman

2. Prof. dr.eng. Vasile DUMITRESCU - member

3. Prof.dr.chem. Octav PANTEA - member

4. Prof.dr.eng. Vasile MATEI – member

5. Prof.dr.eng. Florin OPREA - member

6. Assist.prof.dr.eng. Diana CURSARU – secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

I. Plenary lecture - Toward Complex Nanoarchitectures: Self-assembled

Nanostructures Based on LDH Anionic Clays - Gabriela Carja, Technical

University “Gh. Asachi” of Iasi

II. Plenary lecture - Polymer Nanocomposite - Horia Iovu, Politehnica

University of Bucharest

1. MeAl (Me = Ni, Mg) Layered Double Hydroxides: Synthesis and

Characterisation Using Carbon as Template - Elena Husanu, Technical

University “Gh. Asachi” of Iasi, Vanessa Prevot, Laboratoire des Materiaux

Inorganiques, Universite Blaise Pascal, France, Gariela Carja, Technical

University “Gh. Asachi” of Iasi, Claude Forano, Laboratoire des Materiaux

Inorganiques, Universite Blaise Pascal, France.

2. Study of Heat Transfer for a Fixed Bed of Cylindrical Particles - Maria Popa,

Cornel Pãtraºcu , Loredana Negoiþã, Sînziana Rãdulescu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

3. Synthesis and Characterization of Super-acids Supported on

Mesoporous Molecular Sieve - Viorel Voicu, Dragos Ciuparu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

4. The Simulation of the Heat Transfer through a Shell and Tube Bundle

Heat Exchanger - Cristian Patrascioiu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

5. New Developments of Adhesives and Sealants Contributing to

Environmental Sustainability - Claudia Mosanu, H.B. Fuller Company, USA,

Ion Onutu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

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13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch


Poster 9.1. Increase Efficiency Rectification Towers - Romen Magaril, Maxim

Rogalev, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Russia.

Poster 9.2. Reduction of High-octane Gasoline Requirement E.L. Using

Multifunctional Additives - Elena Magaril, Romen Magaril, Maxim Rogalev,

Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, Russia.

Poster 9.3. An Alternative Route for Biodiesel Synthesis from Bioethanol -

Diana Cursaru, Ana Maria Manta, Dãnuþa Ghiþã, Constantin Tãnãsescu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 9.4. Investigations on API Modified Thread Compound Properties

with Respect to Sealing Capacity of Open Type Threads - Catalin Teodoriu,

Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Clausthal, Germany, Diana Cursaru,

Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti, Dwayne Bourne, Texas A&M University,


Poster 9.5. Study of the n-Butyl Alcohol Recovery from the Fermentation

Process - Casen Panaitescu, Dorin Bombos, Cristina Dusescu, Maria Ichim, Ion

Bolocan, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 9.6. Hydrogen from Renewable Bio-sources - Paul Roºca, Dorin

Bombos, Cristina Duºescu, Daniela Popovici, Raluca Dragomir, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

Poster 9.7. The Improvement of Bitumen Stability with Fluxants Additives -

Cristina Duºescu, Ion Bolocan, Dorin Bomboº, Daniela Popovici, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

Poster 9.8. Hydrocarbon from Bioethanol Conversion as Ecological

Refrigerant - Vasile Matei, Anca Borcea, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti,

Gheorghe Popescu, Politehnica University Bucharest, Dorina Matei, Dorin

Bombos, Cristina Dusescu, Raluca Enache Proscanu, Petroleum-Gas University

of Ploiesti, Marieta Atanasiu, S.C.GAS Cluj-Napoca.

Poster 9.9. Implementation of a System of Disulphides Extraction Resulted

from the Regeneration of Soda within Merox-GPL Unit Reusing Vessels,

Pipe Lines and Instruments from the EXOMER Unit - Liviu Stoica, SC Petrotel-

Lukoil SA.

Poster 9.10. Upgrading the Process of Gas Cleaning from Gas

Desulphurization Unit - Adrian Negoiþã, SC Petrotel - Lukoil SA.

Poster 9.11. Cellulose Acetate/Hydroxyapatite Biocomposites: Synthesis

and Characterization - Gabriela Ciobanu, Dorina Ignat, Constantin Luca,

Gabriela Carja, Technical University „Gheorghe Asachi” of Iaºi.

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Poster 9.12. The Biocomposites Based on Polyurethane for Bone Tissue

Engineering Applications - Gabriela Ciobanu, Dorina Ignat, Constantin Luca,

Gabriela Carja, Technical University „Gheorghe Asachi” of Iaºi.

Poster 9.13. Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Materials by PAS FTIR

Spectroscopy - Aurora Anca Poinescu, Sanda-Maria Doncea, Rodica Mariana

Ion , Valahia University of Targoviste, National Research and Development

Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry - ICECHIM, Bucharest.

Poster 9.14. The Effect of Technological Systems (Gas Technology) on

Preservation of Fresh-fruit in Terms of Physicochemical Parameters and

Fungicidal Effect - Ioanna P. Petkopoulou, University of Ioannina, Greece.

Poster 9.15. An HPLC Method for Identification and Separation of Some

Phenolic Acids in the Coffee - Sanda Maria Doncea, Rusandica Stoica, Mariana-Rodica Ion, Inna Trandafir, Valeriu Pavel, National Research and

Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry- ICECHIM Bucharest,

Valahia University of Targoviste

Poster 9.16. The Variation of Microelements Content from Soil Influenced by

Phytosanitary Treatments for Vineyard - Catalina Calin, Octav Pantea,

Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti, Maria Pele, Mihaela Artimon, Gina Vasile,

University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest.

Poster 9.17. Wastewater Quality Monitoring in a Biological Treatment Plant -

Eva Trîmbiþaºu, Andreea Bondarev, Sonia Mihai, Petroleum-Gas University of

Ploiesti, Rebeca-Ana Tãnase, Florinel Lupu.

Poster 9.18. Corrosion and Scale Control of Carbon Steel in Cooling Waters

- Maria Moraru, Alexandra ªchiopescu, Ileana Cameniþã, Petroleum - Gas

University of Ploiesti.

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Room I p 2

Section committee:

1. Prof.dr.eng. Dorin STÃNICÃ-EZEANU - chairman

2. Prof.dr.eng. Gheorghe BREBEANU – member

3. Prof.dr.eng. Ion ONUÞU - member

4. Assist.eng. Elena Mirela FENDU - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

I. Plenary lecture - Toward Complex Nanoarchitectures: Self-Assembled

Nanostructures Based on LDH Anionic Clays - Gabriela Carja, Technical

University “Gh. Asachi” of Iasi.

II. Plenary lecture - Polymer Nanocomposite - Horia Iovu, Politehnica

University of Bucharest.

1. Assessing Environmental Effects of Industrial Activities - Ildiko Tulbure,

University „1 Decembrie 1918” of Alba Iulia.

2. Effects of Hydrocarbons Pollutants on Aquatic Organisms - Ioana Raluca

Bunghez, Raluca Madalina Senin, Rodica Mariana Ion, Valahia University of

Targoviste, Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si

Petrochimie – ICECHIM Bucuresti.

3. Study Regarding Biodiesel Influence on Lubricity of Diesel Fuel - Dorin

Stanica-Ezeanu, Violeta Frangulea, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

4. Techniques for Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Liquid Petroleum

Products for Ecological Reconstruction - Maria Popa, Loredana Negoiþã,

Rãdulescu Sînziana, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

5. Study of Wastewater Treatment from Ecologic Storage Yard - Caºen

Panaitescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

6. Study of Water Quality which Results After Meat Treatment - Caºen

Panaitescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

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14.30 – 16.00

7. Rehabilitation of the Historically Polluted Site – Oil Residue Lagoons.

Techniques for Remediation - Ioan Bica, Cristian Dobre, Technical University of

Civil Engineering of Bucharest.

8. Wastewater Reuse for Fire Extinguishing and Methods for Loads Losing

Reducing at Water Utilization in Pipes - Caºen Panaitescu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti, Garibald Popescu, Emanuel Darie, Police Academy

“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Bucharest.

9. Environmental Impact Due to Damage the Flat Hose for Fire Who Using

Effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plant - Caºen Panaitescu, Petroleum-

Gas University of Ploiesti, Garibald Popescu, Emanuel Darie, Police Academy

“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Bucharest.

10. ECO TRENDS Textiles, Impact in Protecting Consumer and Environment

- Iuliana Stamate, Technical College "Gheorghe Asachi” of Bucharest.

11. Methodology for Comparative Analysis of Environmental Performance

in Multimodal Transport - Florin Nicolae, Marian Ristea, Adrian Popa, Naval

Academy “Mircea cel Bãtrân” of Constanþa.

12. Environmental Management in a Life Cycle Perspective. Study Case:

Shipping Industry and Shipyards Activities - Florin Nicolae, Adrian Popa,

Marian Ristea, Naval Academy “Mircea cel Bãtrân” of Constanþa.

13. Atmospheric Temperature Monitoring September-November 2009 - Otilia

Carmen Rusãnescu, Mihaela Florentina David, Gigel Paraschiv, Marin

Rusãnescu, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Industry Valplast Bucharest.

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break / Posters section

16.30 – 18.30

14. General Aspects of Thermal Desorption Technology. Innovative

Methods of Treating Contaminated Soil - Razvan Fasole, S.C. Petrotel Lukoil


15. Selective Separation of Cr (VI) from Aqueous Solutions by Polymer

Inclusion Membrane - Cristina-Veronica Gherasim, Gelu Bourceanu, Romeo

Iulian Olariu, Cecilia Arsene, “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi.

Poster 10.1. Lead Ions removal with Cellulose Acetate/Hydroxyapatite

Composite Membranes - Gabriela Ciobanu, Gabriela Carja, Dorina Ignat,

Constantin Luca, Maria Harja, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi.

Poster 10.2. Synthesis of New Adsorbents for Desulphurization on the Base

of Ash and Lime - Maria Harja, Marinela Bãrbuþã, Gabriela Carja, Gabriela

Ciobanu, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi.

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Poster 10.3. Environmental and Energy Issues of Petroleum Industry -

Cornea Teodora Manuela, Mihai Dima, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of


Poster 10.4. Phosphorus Release from the Sediment-water Interface in a

Shallow Lake During Summer Stratification - Gina-Marcela Moraru, Gelu

Bourceanu, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi.

Poster 10.5. General Considerations Concerning Cleaning Industrial Used

Water - Stefan Titus, Tuleº Ialcin, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 10.6. The Impact of Activities from Oil Industry upon Environment.

Antipollution Protection upon Soil - Tuleº Ialcin, Stefan Titus, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

Poster 10.7. Evaluation of Polymer Inclusion Membrane for Selective

Removal of Lead (II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions - Cristina-Veronica

Gherasim, Gelu Bourceanu, Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi.

Section committee:

1. Prof. dr.eng. Liviu DUMITRAªCU - chairman

2. Assoc.prof.dr. Mihai PASCU - member

3. Assist.prof.dr Mihai HOTINCEANU - member

4. Assist.prof. Lidia IANCU - member

5. Lect.dr. Liviana TUDOR - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Common Fixed Points for Multifunctions Satisfying a Polynomial

Inequality - Alexandru Petcu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

2. Weakly Picard Pairs of Multifunctions Satisfying Implicit Relations -

Valeriu Popa, University of Bacau.

3. Modulation Spaces and Pseudodifferential Operators - Mihai Pascu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.



Room H p 2

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4. Analysis of a Quasistatic Frictional Contact Problem - Mircea Sofonea,

Université de Perpignan, France.

5. Some Mathematical Aspects of Mass Diffusion through a Composite

Circular Cylinder - Tudor Boacã, Nicolae Calotã, Petroleum-Gas University of


6. The Automate Generation of the Database Starting from a Conceptual

Model - Adrian Alexandrescu, Ovidius University of Constanta.

7. Digital Techniques for Old and Deteriorated Diagraphies Restoration -

Ionuþ Lambrescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

8. A Fuzzy-Based Approach to Selecting Successful Contractor for Public

Procurement - Cveta Martinovska, University “Goce Delcev” Skopje, Macedonia.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch


Poster 11.1. On a N-frequncy FEL Radiation - Liana Sandru, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti, V. I. R. Niculescu, National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and

Radiation Physics, Bucharest, S. Miclos, V. Babin, National Institute of R&D for

Optoelectronics, Bucharest, Alina Ionescu, Faculty of Physics, Bucharest


Poster 11.2. On a Class of Thimble Potential wiyh Poles - V. I. R. Niculescu,

National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest, Liana

Sandru, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Teodora Dan, Public Health

Institute, Cluj-Napoca Alina Ionescu, V. Babin National Institute of R&D for

Optoelectronics, Bucharest

Poster 11.3. The Hall Effect Experiment Using New Data Acquisition and

Processing Methods - Zoltan Borsos, Anca Baciu, Mihai Hotinceanu, Ion

Simaciu, Georgeta Nan, Liviu Dumitraºcu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

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Room J P13

Section committee:

1. Prof. dr.eng. Cãtãlin POPESCU - chairman

2. Assoc.prof.dr. Augustin MITU - member

3. Lect.dr.eng. Mihaela Ciopi OPREA - member

4. Lect.dr.eng. Violeta SIMA - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Management Methods in the Foreign Trade Field - Dumitru Franca,

University Tibiscus from Timisoara.

2. The Transfer of LEAN/KAIZEN Management - Daniel Georgescu, VULCAN

S.A., Bucharest.

3. Management Methodes for Assessing the Socio-Economic Efficiency -

Gheorghe Alexandru, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

4. Techniques and Tools Proposed to Improve the Quality of Educational

Management in Engineering Faculty of the University “Lucian Blaga” Sibiu -

Liliana Georgeta Popescu, Mihai Victor Zerbes, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu.

5. From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Social Integration in

Romanian Context - Violeta Sima, Ileana Gheorghe, Petroleum-Gas University

of Ploiesti.

6. The Strategic Analysis of a Virtual Research Centre - Liliana Georgeta

Popescu, Mihai Victor Zerbes, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu.

7. SWOT Analysis - Strategic Analysis Method - Mãdãlina Albu, Petroleum-

Gas University of Ploiesti.

8. The Role of Sustainable Development in Building Trust and Generating

Durable Competitive Advantage - Cristina Leov, Gabriela Pãunescu, Viorica

ªtefan, Ion Cucui, Valahia University of Targoviste.

9. Environmental Costs, a Fact of Economic Life in Terms of Environmental

Economy - Oana David, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Valia Maria Mihai,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

10. Health and Safety Strategies Implemented in Companies Working in Oil

Industry - Mihaela Ciopi Oprea, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

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14.30 – 16.00

11. Implementation of Ethics in Activity to GDF SUEZ - Mãdãlina Albu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

12. The Exploitation of Primary Energetic Resources and their Impact upon

the Environment - Marius Bulearcã, CEIS, Romanian Academy, Constantin

Ghiga, University of Bucharest, Cãtãlin Popescu, Petroleum-Gas University of


13. The Role of Innovation in the Small and Medium Enterprises. The

Situation in Romania, as a EU Member State - Cristina Leovaridis, The National

School of Political and Administrative Studies.

14. Hospitality Marketing: e-Distribution and web-Marketing for Hotels -

Ramona Vasilescu, Constantin Negruþ, Tibiscus University, Timiºoara.

15. The Food Products – Complex Systems - Nataliþa Maria Sperdea, Craiova

University, University Center of Drobeta Turnu Severin.

16. Career Civil Servants - Nicolae Popovici, Direcþia Generalã a Finanþelor

Publice Prahova, Cristian Mazilu, George Bariþiu University of Braºov.

17. Disciplinary and Accountability of Civil Servants - Nicolae Popovici,

Direcþia Generalã a Finanþelor Publice Prahova, Cristian Mazilu, George Bariþiu

University of Braºov

18. Globalization vs. Deglobalization - Violeta Sima, Ileana Gheorghe,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break / Posters section

Section committee:

1. Assoc.prof.dr Gheorghe CALCAN - chairman

2. Lect.dr. Dragoº RÃDULESCU - member

3. Lect.dr. Cãtãlina SZEKELY - member

4. Assist. Dragoº GRIGORESCU - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Corruption in Local Public Administration. Mitigation Proposals - Nicolae

Balalia, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.


Room A p 10

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2. Negotiating the Collective Work Contract - Dumitru Vieriu, University of

European Studies of Chiºinãu.

3. Aspects of the Historical Evolution (Economy, Administration, Society) of

the Localities Bãteºti, Cãmine and Negoieºti of Brazi Commune, Prahova

County - Gheorghe Calcan, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

4. The Work Conflicts - Eufemia Vieriu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

5. The Concern to Regulate the Phenomena of Underground Economy

Internationally - Dragoº Rãdulescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

6. Aspects of the Historical Evolution (Economy, Administration, Society) of

the Localities Popeºti and Stejaru of Brazi Commune, Prahova County -

Gheorghe Calcan, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

7. Ceasing and Putting into Practice the Individual Work Contract - Eufemia

Vieriu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

8. Sociological Case Study "Woman Drug Users" - Silviu Bucur, Bucharest


9. Signing an Individual Work Contract as a Personal Assistant toSomeone

with Disabilities - Dumitru Vieriu, University Of European Studies of Chiºinãu.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

Section committee:

1. Prof.dr. Emil STAN - chairman

2. Prof.dr. Gabriel ALBU - member

3. Lect.dr. Cristina SAFTA - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Education Under Time Pressure - Gabriel Albu, Petroleum-Gas University of


2. The Basics of non-Learning: Are They Set in Elementary Grades? -

Florence Mihaela Singer, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Ligia Sarivan,

Institute for Educational Sciences, Bucharest.



Room J II 9

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3. Pedagogical Competencies Development from Pre-service to In-Service

Training (Needs Assessment for Primary and Preschool Teachers) - Otilia

Clipa, Aurora Adina Ignat, “ªtefan cel Mare” University of Suceava.

4. Building National Unity and Curriculum Uniqueness in the European

Context - Roxana Enache, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

5. Integrating Technology in the Classroom: A Teacher Training Programe

Experience - Gabriela Nausica Noveanu, Institute for Educational Sciences,


6. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Special Educational Needs Label -

Alina Mãrgãriþoiu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

7. Second-order False Belief Attribution in Children with Non-specific

Intellectual Disabilities and Down Syndrome: Social-cognitive Profile

Research and Educational Planning Challenges - Stergiani Giaouri, Anastasia

Alevriadou, University of Western Macedonia, Florina, Greece.

8. Advantages and Limits of Computer Based Speech Therapy System -

Doina Maria Schipor, Ovidiu Andrei Schipor, ªtefan Gheorghe Pentiuc, “ªtefan cel

Mare” University of Suceava.

9. Universities and the Labour Market - Current Trends Case Study -

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti - Emil Stan, Mihaela Suditu, Cristina

Safta, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

10. School - Family Partnership – A Real Need of The Present Society - Adina

Pescaru, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 16.00

11. Educational Partnerships – a Solution of Evolution of the Romanian

Education System - Alina Gabriela Brezoi, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

12. Teachers' Satisfaction with Life, Emotional Intelligence and Stress

Reactions - Aurora Adina Ignat, “ªtefan cel Mare” University of Suceava.

13. Postmodernism and the Problem of the Educational Ideal - Emil Stan,

Cristina Safta, Mihaela Suditu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

14. Vigotsky on Art and Psychology - Implications for (Re)framing Teacher

Education - Mihaela Mitescu Lupu, University of Arts “George Enescu” Iasi.

15. A New Approach to Non-Formal Education - Roxana Enache, Petroleum-

Gas University of Ploiesti.

16. The Partnership in Inclusive School - Truth and Challenge - Alina

Mãrgãriþoiu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

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17. Developmental Metacognition: Aspects in Young Children - Cristian

Vasile, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break / Posters section

16.30 – 18.00

18. Linking Cognition and Motivation in Adolescents with ID: The Zeigarnik

Effect Paradigm - Anastasia Alevriadou, University of Western Macedonia,

Florina, Greece.

19. Adolescents' Status and Hostile Behaviour - Simona Georgiana Eftimie,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

20. Considerations on Creativity Motivation - Tiberiu-Octavian Cujbã, “ªtefan

cel Mare” University of Suceava.

21. Why do High Ability Children Need Psychopedagogical Counseling? -

Teodora Drãghicioiu, Center of Psychopedagogical Assistance Prahova.

22. Mental Workload: Cognitive Aspects and Personality - Cristian Vasile,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

23. Self Esteem on Aggressive Adolescents - Simona Eftimie, Simona

Ionescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Section committee:

1. Lect.dr. Mirela DULGHERU - chairman

2. Lect.dr. Marius VAIDA - member

3. Lect.dr. Elena LUPU - member

4. Lect.dr. Marcel DEACU- secretary

November 4, 2010


Poster 15.1. Self-knowledge through the Game's Perspective and by

Spending Free Time - Anamaria Constantinescu, Petroleum-Gas University of


Poster 15.2. The Motor Development of pre-Scholar Children through Fun

Activities - Anamaria Constantinescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.


Sport hall

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Poster 15.3. Study Concerning the Somatic and Psycho-motor

Development of the Children at a pre-Schlolar Age - Marin Finichiu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 15.4. The Motor Capacity Strength at the Level of the Superior Limbs

During the Physical Education Class - Marin Finichiu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

Poster 5. The Necessity of the Psycho-motor Aaptitudes' Development at

the Primary Cycle Level - Mirela Dulgheru, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 15.6. Study Regarding the Education through Movement with the

Purpose of Maintaining the Physical Condition - Mirela Dulgheru, Petroleum-

Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 15.7. Educational-Motric Programs for Institutionalized Children -

Elena Lupu, Mãdãlina Andreea Apostol, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti,

Ariceºti Rahtivani - Children's Farm, Concordia Humanitarian Organization

Poster 15.8. Evaluation – Modern Approach in Evaluation – Evaluation for

Physical Education - Elena Lupu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 15.9. Lesson Management Models Based on Strategies - Marcel

Alexandru Deacu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 15.10. Study Regarding the Education of the Students' Motor

Capacities - Marcel Alexandru Deacu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 15.11. Practical-methodical Methods Concerning the Motor Capacity

Strength Development during the Physical Education Class - Marius Vaida,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

Poster 15.12. Sport Performance Seen from the Perspective of 6-10/12 Years

Characteristics and Particularities, Age at which the Selection Process in

Professional Sport Takes Place - Marius Vaida, Petroleum-Gas University of


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Room B I 4

Section committee:

1. Prof. dr. Ioan DONE – chairman

2. Prof.dr.ec. Dorel Duºmanescu - member

3. Assoc.prof. dr. Mihai IRIMIEA - member

4. Assoc.prof.dr.ec. Marian ZAHARIA - member

5. Assoc.prof.dr.ec. Corneliu BURADA - member

6. Lect.dr. Jianu-Daniel MUREªAN - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Fiscal Policies in Japan and China. Comparative Analysis - Shimizu Mika,

Taki Chemical Corporation Japan, Ioan Alin Nistor, Faculty of Business, Babes-

Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.

2. Discounting, Time and Value.Variability or Preference - Ioan Alin Nistor,

Faculty of Business, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.

3. Trend Differences between Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and Harmonised

Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) - Drãgan Irina Maria, Isaic Maniu Alexandru,

Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest.

4. A Cybernetic System for Assessing the Stage of Economy - Paul Paºcu,

“ªtefan cel Mare” University of Suceava.

5. Branch Banking versus Internet Banking-Brief Comparative Analysis of

Two Business Models - Mihai Florin Talpoº, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,


6. An Approach Over the Efficiency and Outcomes of the Monetary Policy at

Macroeconomic Level - Irina-ªtefana Cibotariu, Stefan cel Mare University of


7. Analysis of Romania's Budgetary Deficit and its Estimation as Concerns

the Follow-up Time - Irina-ªtefana Cibotariu, Stefan cel Mare University of


8. New Strategic Approaches in the Romanian Written Press - Oana-Adriana

Duþã, Magda Criveanu, University of Craiova.

9. Breakeven Analysis in Commercial Enterprises - Cristina Bãlãceanu, Doina

Maria Tilea, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University.

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10. Conceptual Delimitations of Corporate Governance - Cristina Bãlãceanu,

Doina Maria Tilea, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 16.00

11. Rights and Obligations Tax Inspectors Regarding VAT - Cristian Mazilu,

George Bariþiu University, Nicolae Popovici, D.G.F.P. Prahova.

12. Administrative Obligations of VAT Payers - Cristian Mazilu, George Bariþiu

University, Nicolae Popovici, D.G.F.P. Prahova.

13. Measurement of Business Performance in Terms of International

Accounting Standards - Victoria Firescu, University of Piteºti, Economic

Sciences Faculty, Florentina Pantazi, George Bariþiu University.

14. Size and Characteristics of the Informal Economy in Romania - Razvan


15. Causes for Starting and Developing the Informal Economy. Analysis of

the Determinant Factors - Razvan Neacsu.

16. Self Management an Essence Pattern for German Economic Mechanism

- Ioan Done, Mirela Matei, Jean Andrei, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

17. Romanian Derivatives Market-Dimensions and Evolution - Ioan Done,

Mirela Matei, Jean Andrei, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break / Posters section

16.30 – 18.30

18. The Mitigation of Economic Crisis Effects through Public Projects - Alina

Gabriela Brezoi, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

19. Romanian Economic Recovery - Complex Process Influenced by Crisis

Policy and Evolution of International Economic Activity - Ion Bucur, Cristian

Bucur, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

20. Dimensions of the Computerized Accounting Technique - Daniela Rodica

Iov, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

21. Juridical and Economic Aspects Concerning the Personal Subrogation -

Daniela Rodica Iov, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

22. Econometric Study of the Relationship between the Average Number of

Employees Index and the Gross Domestic Product Index - Raluca Podaºcã,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

23. Transactional Systems Limits to Analyze Information From Data

Warehouses - Loredana-Maria Paunescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

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24. Computer Integrated Process Reengineering Strategy - Loredana-Maria

Paunescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

25. Instruments for Evaluating the Performance of Corporate Social

Responsibility - Vasile Fumea, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

26. Reporting on Global Performance - Vasile Fumea, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

27. Costs-based Decisions During the Performance - Analization Process -

Carmen Zefinescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

28. Some Aspects Regarding the Implications of Value Concept in Decision

Making Process - Carmen Zefinescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

29. Mutuality - The maximum Synthesized Expression of Business Ethics -

Alina Grãniceru, Jianu-Daniel Mureºan, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

30. Business Ethics between Passion and Rationality - Alina Grãniceru,

Jianu-Daniel Mureºan, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

31. The Role of Capital Market in Economic Development - Adrian Simion,

“Petru Maior” University of Targu-Mures

32 Quality Management in the Banking Services - Adrian Simion, “Petru Maior”

University of Targu-Mures

Section committee:

1. Assoc.prof.dr. Ion BUCUR - chairman

2. Assoc.prof.dr. Mariana EFTIMIE - member

3. Lect.dr. Denisa STÃNESCU - member

4. Lect.dr. Adrian STANCU - secretary

November 4, 2010

14.30 – 16.00

1. Milk and Dairy Products Market in the EU - Radovan Pejanoviæ, Anka

Popoviæ-Vranješ, Faculty of Agriculture Novi Sad, Serbia, Drago Cvijanoviæ,

Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, Serbia.

2. Interaction between Agriculture and Tourism in the Function of

Sustainable Development of Serbian Rural Areas - Zorica Sredojeviæ, Institute

for Agro-Economy Belgrade, Serbia, Jonel Subiæ, Bojana Bekiæ, Institute of

Agricultural Economics Belgrade, Serbia.



Room A I 3

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3. Quality of Services as Business Aspect of Tourism Travel Organizers -

Vladana Hamoviæ, Branko Mihailoviæ, Vesna Paraušiæ, Institute of Agricultural

Economics Belgrade, Serbia.

4. Information and Communication Technology in the Function of

Strengthening the Competitiveness of Tourist Destinations - Predrag

Vukoviæ, Svetlana Roljeviæ, Radojica Sariæ, Institute of Agricultural Economics

Belgrade, Serbia.

5. Database Marketing as a Source of Competitive Advantage of Financial

Organizations - Domazet Ivana, Zubovic Jovan, Institute of Economic Sciences

Belgrade, Serbia, Jelocnik Marko, Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade,


6. Trade of Agro Industrial Products between Republic of Serbia and

Republic of Romania – State and Perspective - Puškariæ Anton, Ivanoviæ Lana,

Potrebiæ Velibor, Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, Serbia.

7. The Capitalization of the Romanian Agricultural Potential, a Premise of

the Economy's Development - Ion Bucur, Mariana Eftimie, Cristian Bucur,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

16.00 - 16.30 – Coffee break / Posters section

16.30 – 18.30

8. Health Tourism in Romania and Its Resuscitation Attempts - Adrian

Ungureanu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

9. Strategic Objectives, Plans and Actions Directions for Pollution

Restoration, Reduction and Prevention in Romanian Petroleum Industry -

Daniela Buzoianu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

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Room A II 3

Section committee:

1. Assoc.prof.dr. Anca Mihaela DOBRINESCU – chairman

2. Assoc.prof.dr. Irina TOMA – member

3. Lect.dr. Maria-Ionela NEAGU - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. Methods and Techniques of Introducing and Practising Different Topics in

English - Viorica Banciu, University of Oradea, Angela Jireghie, West University

“Vasile Goldis”.

2. A Few Considerations on Ion Pillat's Translation of T.S.Eliot's The Waste

Land - Roxana Birsanu, Romanian-American University.

3. L'Entretien d'Embauche – Analyse Pragmatique et Conversationnelle -

Georgiana Coman, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, CIMAC Master studies.

4. Le Discourse Publicitaire Télévisuel et Sa Créativité Linguistique - Ioana

Coroi, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava.

5. De la Norme Évaluative dans la Communication Actuelle - Ioana Coroi,

“Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava.

6. Les Intervalles Temporels dans la Séquence Textuelle - Diana Costea,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

7. L'imaginaire Populaire Portugais - Andreea Davidoiu, S.C. Pragosa

Romania S.R.L.

8. A Realist Modernist's Challenge to Readers' Expectations - Anca

Dobrinescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

9. A Brief History of Theories on Idiomatic Expressions - Oana Duta,

University of Craiova.

10. A World under Surveillance: a Foucauldian Reading of Thomas Hardy's

The Return of the Native - Ioana Eparu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

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14.30 – 16.00

11. The Matter of Regulations in Translating EP Committee Documents -

Corina Georgescu, Adriana Apostol, University of Pitesti.

12. Disjointing Time Anew in Hamlet - Arleen Ionescu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

13. Burrowing into Hamlet's Old Mole - Arleen Ionescu, Petroleum-Gas

University of Ploiesti.

14. Negation in English Contemporary Linguistics - Maria-Ionela Neagu,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

15. Boundaries between Prepositional Objects and Adverbials in English

Syntax - Maria-Ionela Neagu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

16. The Role of (Micro)Ethnography in Classroom Research - Carmen

Popescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

17. The Contribution of Humour in Language Education to the Construction

of Classroom Culture - Carmen Popescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

18. Intercultural Communication: Learning Outside the Box - Ligia Sarivan,

Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break / Posters section

16.30 – 18.30

19. Balchik – an Example of Sustainable Development Avant la Lettre -

Marina Rotaru, Romanian-American University.

20. The Duchy of Cornwall – Traditions in the Modernized Setting of

Sustainable Development - Marina Rotaru, Romanian-American University.

21. Multiple Perspectives on English as an International Language - Ada

Teodorescu, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University.

22. Teaching English for Specific Purposes - Ada Teodorescu, “Dimitrie

Cantemir” Christian University.

23. Postmodernism and the Canon – Irina Toma, Petroleum-Gas University of


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Room A II 1

Section committee:

1. Prof.dr. Domniþa TOMESCU - chairman

2. Prof.dr. Gabriela DUDA - member

3. Lecturer dr.Silvia STOIAN - secretary

November 4, 2010

11.30 – 13.30

1. La Révolution Néologique dans le Langage Poétique Roumain d'après

Eminescu - Gabriela Duda, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

2. Etymologie et Onomastique - Domniþa Tomescu, Petroleum-Gas University

of Ploiesti.

3. Aspects of Philosophical Terminology in the Texts of Scoala Ardeleanã

Scholars - Liliana Soare, University of Piteºti.

4. De Obºte Gheografie. Considerations on Synonymy - Liliana Soare,

University of Piteºti.

5. The Complex Vowel Segment: Theoretical Considerations and Contextual

Achievements - Cãtãlin Enica, „Lower Danube” University of Galaþi

6. Argumentative Strategies in Political Discourse - Eugenia Baciu, “Ovidius”

University of Constanþa.

7. Letter-writing in Antiquity - Anca ªtefan, Petroleum-Gas University of


8. Luminiþa, Mon Amour, or Therapeutic Deconstruction - Anca ªtefan,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

9. Panait Istrati. La destinée d'un écrivain franco-roumain - Mihaela Cojocaru,

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti.

10 The Literature of Crisis / the Crisis of literature - Lucia Ispas, Petroleum-

Gas University of Ploieºti.

13.30 - 14.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 16.00

11. Techniques Used by Radu Petrescu, Mircea Horia Simionescu and

Costache Olareanu - Lucia Ispas, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieºti.

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12. Modernism and Psychology in F. Aderca's Cycle of Short Prose

Narrations Femeia cu Carnea Albã - Mihaela Iancu, Petroleum-Gas University

of Ploieºti.

13. La Chronique d'une Crise Annoncée de l'Histoire Littéraire en France,

après la Guerre. La Polémique Barthes – Picard - Gabriela Chirilã, University

of Bucharest.

14. Le Roman de Camil Petrescu après 1945. Les Transformations Subies

par le Roman de Camil Petrescu sous l'Impact de l'Idéologie Proletcultiste -

Magdalena Livioara Todiresei, University of Bucharest.

15. Le Roman Rural Féminin au XX-è Siècle - Mihaela Hãrmãnescu, University

of Bucharest.

16. Methods and Techniques of Introducing and Practicing Different Topics

in English - Banciu Viorica, University of Oradea, Jireghie Angela, Western

University "Vasile Goldis".

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break / Posters section

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