3 travels 30 profile subjects Academics 400+ friends 18 IGCSE subjects Efterskole College Ranum RESERVE A SEAT FOR THE BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE BOOK A GUIDED TOUR ON WWW.RANUMEFTERSKOLE.DK

Profile magazine UK 2015-16

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3 travels30 profile subjectsAcademics 400+ friends 18 IGCSE subjects

Efterskole College


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DANISH EFTERSKOLE & CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Ranum Efterskole College is a Danish/international self-governing residential school, which offers 9th and 10th grade, as well as 3 international programmes with exams at IGCSE, AS- and A level. We have different academic levels in each subject giving you the opportunity for a personalised learning profile.

A YEAR WITH A VIEW We believe that interacting with other cultures will ultimately strengthen your personal development. For this reason, we travel 3 times during each school

year to destinations around the world - travelsthat will also test you and your acquired skills!

LIMITLESS CO- AND EXTRACURRICUL ARRanum Efterskole College boasts an extraordinaryarray of co- and extracurricular subjects. New subjects are developed all the time in collaboration between learners and teachers - there are no limits!

INTERCULTURAL UNDERSTANDING& COMPETENCIES We are part of an interconnected global society. We believe tolerance and acceptance to be key elements in order to

Ranum Efterskole College offers general education through personal and professional development in an international community.


2-6 learnersin each room

International academic efterskole

Different academic levels

International profile with 18 Cambridge IGCSE subjects

400+ friends

Publisher: Ranum Efterskole College Photo: Learners, members of staff and friends Design: Ranum Efterskole College


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facilitate an intercultural understanding, and we believe curiosity and open-mindedness to be key elements in establishing 21st century competencies.

INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY & LEARNING,PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY Ranum Efterskole College is founded on the philosophies of ‘Inclusive Community and Learning’ and ‘Participatory Democracy’. We believe it to be our prime objective to provide a framework in which you and your teachers in unity contribute to the development of school curricular and activities.

This objective, among others, is to ensure you have an understanding of community, democracy and responsibility, whilst also nurturing your personal development, your passions and skills. We strive to provide an environment where you feel safe, supported and encouraged in your own personalised learning

journey. When you leave our community, you are prepared to share your experiences with the world!More than 400 learners from all over the world studyat Ranum Efterskole College. Everyone who wishes to join our community are welcome.See you...

Olav Storm Johannsen, Principal

NewsSUMMER SCHOOL 2.- 30. JULI 2016Experience life at an efterskole in our new international summer school with other young people from around the world. Choose 1 to 4 weeks with sports, language and community. See backcover. For more details: ranumefterskole.dk/sommerskole


Be trained in diving, sailing or hunting

30 profile and culture subjectsand 20 extra-curricular

3 travels to worldwide destinations

Private RE-busRanum is 1 hr. drive fromthe airport and the train station

Ranum Efterskole College, Seminarievej 23, 9681 Ranum • Tel.:+45 9666 4400 • [email protected] • www.ranumefterskolecollege.comPublisher: Ranum Efterskole College Photo: Learners, members of staff and friends Design: Ranum Efterskole College


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The most important experiences to me during the year was the social relationships and interaction on our travels. It was here we got really close to each other and our teachers.” Mia Haldrup, 2014-15.

07.00 Morning excercise 07.15 Breakfast 08:00 Classes

A day at Ranum contains it all at once. You go to school, you have profile subjects, activities and duties together and you are with your friends all the time.


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Efterskole life

ValuesTree of life is the logo of Ranum Efterskole College.The tree symbolises the diversity and the broadness of the school. The root and the trunk symbolise the community, whilst the circle symbolises the global.Learners will experience moving out onto the thin branches, discover and grab experiences and excitement to bring back to the community.

A COMMUNITY THAT COMMITSA large community requires boundaries and we build our interaction on trust and respect. It is of utmost importance that teachers and learners collaborate on securing a great stay for everyone. This also means that bullying, alcohol, drugs and smoking are prohibited.

We stress that learners take initiative in relation to activities for each other and all great ideas are rewarded with chocolate from the Principal. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is yet another way of recognising the learners who make an extra effort for others.

LEARNERS CLEAN THEIR OWN ROOMS and keep their own common areas tidy. Contact-groups takes turns in preparing breakfast and for one week during the school year all learners will have kitchen and practical duties.

WEEKENDS ARE FLEXIBLE AND THERE WILL BE OP-PORTUNITIES to do activities and relax. Some weekends are obligatory staying-weekends such as Open Day or Perfor-mance Show weekend. Many of our learners come from far away and many learners will choose to stay at the school for 2-3 weeks at a time. Every month will have a long weekend or holiday for learners.

LEARNER DEMOCRACYLearners have their own house-council and participate in shaping the school during the school year.

The most important experiences to me during the year was the social relationships and interaction on our travels. It was here we got really close to each other and our teachers.” Mia Haldrup, 2014-15.

09:30 Assembly 10:00 Classes 12:00 Lunch 13:15 Classes

A year at an efterskole is a social year. Friendships for life are founded and words such as ‘community’, ‘tolerance’ and ‘openmindedness’ are conceptualised.

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14.30 Profile subjects 19:30 Club activities17:30-19.15 Dinner / study time16:30 Free time

World kitchen”At Ranum Efterskole College we combine a focus on healthy food and lifetsyle with our approach to the world. In everyday life we find the inspiration from culture subjects and guest learners. We collect gastronomical experiences from all over the world.

In our kitchen we have several cooks, a baker and a butcher. We would like to teach learners how to cook without recipes, because it is the eyes, the mouth and the heart that will find the great taste”, says Head of kitchen Jimmi Petersen.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International AwardA new chapter for Ranum Efterskole College begins as we introduce the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This international award sets great precedence on informal education and youth development, through the setting of long-term goals that are tailored to the individual. What we hope to achieve by

integrating the Duke of Edinburgh award into our efterskole is to offer learners a chance to shine and excel in a way that is internationally recognised. The life value of a single year at Ranum Efterskole College is invaluable, but when married with the Duke of Edinburgh award it becomes priceless.

Extracurricular & clubsA wide range of activities and club activitiesare offered every evening. Clubs begin at 7.30pm after dinner and homework. The programme changes during the year, and learners are encouraged to suggest new activities. Various events are arranged during the school year such as Colour party, the Harvest Festival

or the Galla, as well as various themed weeks e.g. suatinability, music, drama and performance show.Club activities include: climbing, basketball, badminton, handball football. During the summer, we will mainly be outside on the sports ground, the beach volleyball court or sail from the harbour in Rønbjerg.

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Evening clubDance 21:00 Refreshments 22:30 Goodnight

Close friendships...At Ranum Efterskole College learners live together in 2 - 6 people rooms. Boys and girls have rooms in the same hall, but will never share a room. There is plenty of time for social interaction before bedtime.

Sebastian, Gustav and Emil live in a 3-man room in Ranumhus. They have personalised their room - made it more cool by hanging old records on the wall. There is a special chemistry between the boys: “I think we’ve become very close roomies and we can talk to each other about problems and such”, says Gustav. Emil adds “yeah, we’re almost like brothers, even though we argue when we have to clean”.

JUST BE OPENThe boys are visiting Anne-Mette and Michaela from room 203. They talk about the beginning of the school year. They agree that it was difficult to begin with, but “as long as you are open towards others, despite the differences, then everyone gets along very well”, says Anne-Mette.

According to the girls, the colour party has been the best experience so far - “a colourful explosion of joy”, is how they describe it.

One of the best experiences for the boys, was sailing on Venus, the school’s boat - ”it was awesome”, says Gustav.

We have many small communities within our large community and we are always together with different friends. There is always one - or more to talk to.” Anne-Mette, learner 15-16

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”Ranum Efterskole College opened my eyes and my mind towards other people” Liv Hyllinge 2014/15

Focus on your levelRanum Efterskole College is an academic inter-

national residential school with the mission of improving learners’ academic skills and

improving learners’ ability to manage themselves in a global society. This is the

reasoning behind our structure of 4 x 4 different academic levels within our

range of subjects, so each learner will find academic subject levels that match their individual skills and competencies, and experience a learning experience directed at their needs. We believe this approach to learning creates the best foundation for personal development. The social intercourse between learners and teachers day and night – all week, provides for a unique learning environment.


for Life It is always the mission to improve

academic skills of a learner enrolled in Ranum Efterskole College – regardless

of background. The strongest foundation for solid academic improvements is created

when new knowledge makes sense. Thus, you will find that academic learning is integrated

with co- and extracurricular subject activities as well as travels abroad. The geography and social conditions of each destination are integral elements in each subject related – just as Danish, language and citizenship are integral elements in co- and extracurricular subjects and travel destinations. Thus, academic knowledge is augmented with a practical dimension and becomes an experience of general enlightenment for life!

Solidarity & CommunityThe subject knowledge at Ranum Efterskole College depends on- and is the direct result of solid teacher-learner collaboration. Learners and teachers spend time together on very different conditions from the conventional public school: During lessons, tutoring, spare time, co- and extracurricular activities and club activities.

With it, emerges a mutual obligation that both teachers and learners come to benefit from. Particularly during travelling, a special bond emerges between learners as well as between learners and teachers – it creates a unique community feeling, which becomes the framework of safety and trust lasting all the way through to the final examinations. We call it ‘the guiding social interaction’ and it is proven to be successful!

DiversityThe range of the school is important to the diversity here, because we are able to offer a wide range of academic courses, subjects, co- and extracurricularat different levels. This creates the perfect opportunity for learners to create a personalisedlearning experience that matches their exact needs, interests and skills. All subjects are taught concurrent during the week, which means that it is possible to change level according to personal developments independent of other subjects orthe course programme in general.

The concurrent structure allows for teachers to co-operate and create coherence between courses, subjects and the different academic levels in the subjects – higher consistency! We have learners and teachers from all over the country and from all parts of the World – which means that Ranum Efterskole College is a social community of diversity. This diversity is also what enables us to offer learning in 5 different languages and a wide range of subjects.

LearningAll subjects at Ranum Efterskole College are offeredat different academic levels and we strive to createcoherence between the school and the world outside.

“We take as a starting point the academic competencies ofeach learner and offer them a framework for their personalinterests, so that they in return experience that it is awesome to learn and that they want to learn more.” Olav Storm, Principal

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”The school illustrated to me just what you can do in your life” Albert Bue, Spain, 2014-15

Compose your own experienceChoose class, programme, extracurricular, 2 profile subjects and culture subject.

9th grade 10th grade IGCSE 9th IGCSE 10th AS-level 10th A-level 11/12th

DanishEnglishMathematicsPhysics/chem.BiologyGeographyP.E.HistorySocial scienceReligion


GermanFrenchTutoringDanish (2. sprog)



Physics/chem.German German cont.FrenchSpanishMandarin Innovation TutoringMercantileNatural ScienceMarine ScienceBusiness Studies‘Sport, P.E. and Physiology’

DanishEnglish (1. & 2.)MathematicsGlob. Perspectives/ History




Comb. ScienceCoor. Science

DanishEnglish (1. & 2.)MathematicsGlob. Perspectives/ History


GermanFrenchSpanishMandarinComb. ScienceCoor. ScienceBusiness StudiesSport/PEGeography

DanishEnglishGlob. Perspectives/ History


GermanSpanishMathematicsMarine ScienceMusicGeography

DanishEnglishMathamaticsGlob. Perspectives/ History


GermanSpanishMathematicsMarine ScienceMusicGeography

Extracurricular EXAMPLES Profile subjects AUG-OCT & FEB-JUNE Culture subjects OCT-FEB

Adventure Basketball/Streetbasket Archery Dance Drama Diving Soccer Photo Golf Kayaking Climbing Mountainbike Riding Roller skatingSailing Skate/Longboarding Weight training Swimming Surf & Wakeboard Yoga & Zumba New ideas...

Adventure DanceFree divingDivingDrama Fit for life Photo safariGastronomyGolfGuide & EventConfectionaryMusicMediaRiding SailingStreet Performance Visual DesignWater PerformanceNew ideas...

Nepal Friendship schoolNepal Trekking Nepal Himalaya TrekPhilippinesCaliforniaEurope TourMiamiItaly Winter sportSouth AfricaChinaJapanJamaicaPeruNew ZealandWashington /NYRioOmanHawaiiNew ideas...


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Global learning

We combine the efterskole and collegeWe combine the very best from the efterskole with the strongest and most widespread international educational programme for 14-16 year-olds. Cambridge IGCSE and Advanced Level are taught at more than 10.000 international schools and colleges around the world.

Why international qualifications?We expect that the future will demand solid language skills and intercultural competencies. We are already experiencing that English has become the primary language on most higher educations and in many large corporations - in Denmark and globally.It is essential to have strong linguistic competencies and be able to collaborate with others different from you.

CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONCambridge International Examination is anot-for-profit division of Cambridge University.Ranum Efterskole College has been an independent International Cambridge School for the past 5 years, and we have collaborated closely with Cambridge International Examinations in relation to IGCSEand AS / A Levels.

GREAT EXAMINATION RESULTSLearners at Ranum Efterskole College have always performed well at the international examinations and our average is well above the global average in relation to grades. It is our experience that learners have no problem completing both their Danish- and their IGCSE examinations. 45 learners completed the international programme in school year 2013/14. This school year we have 109 learners enrolled in the international programme, of which 27 learners are non-residential citizens in Denmark. The programme addresses learners who are considering studying abroad or taking an international education in Denmark, as well as learners who are considering a Danish upper secondary education.

“The international course combines all the great things and the social aspect of efterskole-life and the study trips, you try something completely new, and it will give you unique opportunities for the future.” Nanna Sidenius Gram, 2014/15


”I chose the international programme, because I wanted to challenge myself academically” Magnus Rishøj, 2014-15

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Cambridge International Examination is a not-for-profit division of Cambridge University. Ranum Efterskole College has been an independent International Cambridge School for 6 years and we collaborate closely with Cambridge International Examinations in relation to our IGCSE and AS / A Levels.

IGCSE and AS/A levelIGCSE learners will get an internationalqualification and a examination certificate,which they can use in Denmark and aroundthe world. IGCSE is ”International General Certificate of Secondary Education” aimed at learners 14-16 years old. AS Level is Advanced Subsidiary Level and the first year of an A Level (Advanced Level). A Level is the last year of Upper Secondary Education and Sixth form (the British equivalent to the Danish Gymnasium and IB).

International studies

Pre-IB1 year

STX, HHX, HTX etc.3 years

Secondary schoolAge 14 - 16

IGCSE1 year

AS & A level1 year & 1 year

IB2 years

Higher education

International TeachersAll academic subjects in the international programmeare taught in English, and all teachers are nativespeaking in their respective subjects. All teachers have extensive experience in teaching IGCSEs and international learners. The teachers have a professional background from teacher training academies or university, supplemented witheducation and training from Cambridge CIE.

INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE ANDMATERIALSAll teaching materials used are written forinternational learners; learners who are non-nativeEnglish speaking. This is a great advantage, as thefoundation for learning is to be found in this commondenominator – being an international learner!

EXAMINATIONS AND TESTSIGCSE 10th grade is assessment free according toDanish rule of Law. IGCSE 10th grade learners willthough, take their IGCSE examination and FP10 Danishexamination. We recommend that learners alsocomplete their examinations in Math and English, butthere are no official requirements. We must emphasisethat special requirements may apply for learners, whodo not complete FP10 Danish, English and Math, whenapplying for upper secondary education.

FUTURE?The international programme at Ranum Efterskole College is an opportunity for you to continue your studies at IB or abroad. You can also choose to spend 1-2 years more at Ranum Efterskole College in order to finish your A-levels.

l Educational paths via Ranum Efterskole College


”You do not realise the full benefits of efterskole until afterwards” Andreas Vig Astrup, 2014-15”I chose the international programme, because I wanted to challenge myself academically” Magnus Rishøj, 2014-15

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Profile &

Naturesport & Imagination:

Co-curricular subjects are divided into two main profiles: Naturesport

and Imagination, which combined comprises of physical and creative activities.

NATURESPORT means sport with meaning - that you use sport activities to practice skills, you would use when diving, sailing or the like. During our travels, our skills will be put to the test.

IMAGINATION is about cre-ating creative experiences and

productions, which inspire and motivates others to be participa-

tory - this, for instance, by playing a concert in music or creating new fur-

niture out of old ones in visual design.

Areas of interest...Learners and teachers co-create unique learning processes, driven by commitment and the desire to learn together. Our co-curricular subjects are integrated into our academic classes and courses, and theory and practice are united during our travels.

Ones interests changes according to learning new things and meeting new friends. Thus, we do not have the same co-curricular subjects all year. Learners and teachers suggest new subjects 3 times during the year, and then we take it to a vote. This process is a strong motivator for both learners and teachers!

PROFILES AND CULTURE The purpose of profile subjects is to practice a skill , use it and create a profile. The 2. trimester focusses on culture with the purpose of forming cross-cultural friendships.

Denmarks widest range of profile

culture subjects

Mia Haldrup, 17 years old, 2014-15I chose 3 different profile subjects to challenge myself. In P1 I chose Adventure - a subject that challenged my personal boundaries.

In P2 I chose the culture subject New Zealand, because this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It was an amazing trip and we often remind each other

how crazy it was that we went through with it.

In P3 I chose Sailing and this particular travel in Greece with 6 other learners and 2 teachers is one of my favourite experiences - especially because we became so close - learners and teahcers! And I passed my merit test.

We travel out into the world and we invite international young people to come to Ranum, because it strengthens the development process. It motivates our learners.” Olav Storm Johannsen, Principal

All academic subjects finish at 2.30pm, and learners spend most of their afternoons developing and perfecting their skills in one of the many different profile subjects.


“I found an interest in travelling” Oliver Bartholdy, 2014-15

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Culture subjects

At Ranum Efterskole College, the school year is divided into 3 periods, and you can therefore choose a new profile subject 3 times. After each period acquired skills will be tried through our travels.

Albert Bue, 15 years old, 2014-15The school illustrated to me just what you can do in life. I tried ‘the real life’ instead of just sitting at the school desk.

Adventure was for me a really great way to begin the school year, because we quickly became close friends. Because we motivated each other, I was soon able to run 10K. For my 2nd period I chose Nepal Himalaya trek, because it was physically challenging. It was

the longest journey I have had in my life and it was so different from any of my previous experiences. It made a huge impression on me to experience nature and culture there, and see how happy the local population was despite the high level of poverty.

Today I am studying to become an outdoor councellor and nature guide, as well as climbing instructor at Utsikten Gymnasium in Sweden.


The third period focusses on personal development and enlightenment, by combining content and purposes from first and second periods - for example:The dance team travels to New York to be in a high school as well as to experience the dance culture in New York. By this trimester, the learners are experienced in forming new co-curricular and do so with a passion.


In the second period, we focus on culture and world citizenship. All subjects will take its point of departure in a country’s or a continent’s culture e.g. Europe, USA, Nepal, China and so on. In each of these co-curricular, all learners are well prepared for their travels. During our travels we meet young locals, live with them and form friendships for life.


The purpose of the first period, which is chosen by the learner before the school year starts, is to prepare for the first travels. You will learn to set personal goals as well as common goals for the group to achieve. For example, we train for a Padi Open Water diving certificate in order to pass the certicate on our travels to the Mediterranean at the end of the period.


“I found an interest in travelling” Oliver Bartholdy, 2014-15 ”I had so many great experiences, found a huge family and learned so much about different cultures” Mia McSweeney, USA. 2014/15

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Profile subjects Learners and teachers co-create new profile subjects 3 times a year. The process of voting is an essential part in the pedagogical mission of the school. The faraway destinations involve self-payment, and everyone must prioritise during the school year.

Photo safariSee the world through a lens and capture the perfect moment. Photography, techniques and development. We travel to Barcelona.

ConfectioneryLearn techniques and get to know Napoleon, Sarah Bernhard, Othello and Rubenstein. We bake, decorate, taste and think creatively! We travel to Italy.

DramaDrama is theatre, sport and playing all at once.Improvisation, stage art and dramaturgy, as wellas classes and travels to London and Berlin.

DivingTake the PADI Open Water, Advanced or the Rescue course so you can dive all over the world. We travel to the Red Sea, Turkey or Malta.

MusicMusic is learning about the instruments, playing together and singing. We have our own studio. We travel to Berlin, London and New York.

Water PerformanceSurf, SUP, and Wakeboarding in Rønbjerg or nearKlitmøller, will be a challenge regardless ofpersonal level. We travel to Turkey.

MediaPhotoshop, webpages and film production, as wellas graphic lay outs. We travel to Berlin and we havemany exciting assignments.

AdventureMountainbiking, kayaking, canoeing, running andteam training. Adventure race and expeditions toSweden or Scotland to push your boundaries.

Street PerformanceBuild your own longboard. A street culture with parkour, freerunning, streetskating and challenges! We travel to Paris, Barcelona and Berlin.

Visual DesignCreative shop with opportunities to learn and try outmany different techniques. We find inspiration from our travels to Berlin, Paris or London.

SailingWe have 7 keelboats and a large race boat. Learn howto navigate, sail and perhaps even race. Take yourmerit test and join us for a cruise to Greece and Croatia.

GastronomyLearn to cook exciting dishes and taste a completely new universe in the gastronomy shop. Teachers are professional chefs and we travel to Italy and Cph. Copenhagen.

GolfDuff, hazards, par, carry, slice and turf are just a few examples from your new vocabulary. You will learn techniques and polish your style. We travel to USA.

Free divingTry to be weightless and go hunting under water. We go on expeditions on many exciting locations in Denmark, and we travel to Malta and Norway.

Guide and EventLearn how to make events and guide your fellowlearners on the travels to London or Paris.You will receive a diploma for the guide course.

RidingGrooming, jumping and horsemanship. Private stablewith excellent conditions for training. Bring your own horse and experience riding in Austria and Spain.

Fit for LifeHard training and lots of fun! We mix elements from circular-, weight- and cardio training with elements from martial arts. We travel to Germany.

DanceHip Hop, funk, show and modern. We teachbeginners and experienced in our studios. We have previously danced in Berlin and New York.

”It was a dream come true, when my profile subject suggestion became a reality” Maria Falk, 2012-13

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Culture subjectsThere will always be travels without self-payment, as well as an opportunity to apply for additional funding. See more on final pages. Read about all of our culture and profile subjects on: www.ranumefterskole.dk

Nepal Friendship schoolWe work with the school on a project. We stay with local families, we raft, we hike in the jungle and we visit Kathmandu.

Nepal Himalaya The absolutely most challenging adventure- andculture trek demands both physical and emotionalpreparations. We hike up to 4500m.

Brazil - RioWe focus on culture, nature and development. We will visit Tijuca National Park, Cristo Redentor, experience life in a favela and meet young locals.

Nepal TrekkingDemands thorough preparation in nature, religion and societal conditions of Nepal. We live with locals, raft, hike in the jungle and visit Kathmandu.

ChinaWe will go to a remote area in the mountains to learn Kung Fu, meditation and other traditional arts. We will see the Great Wall and perhaps the Forbidden City.

Jamaica We will explore culture, history and religion in order to understand Jamaican music, tradition and history. We will also play ourselves.

USA - MiamiMiami are to many, just sun and sand, but we will learn about American culture and society. We will visit local high schools, companies and organisations.

South AfricaWe will learn about and experience culture and history in South Africa. Try to understand Apartheid, modern society and contrasts in South Africa.

OmanMiddle Eastern culture and nature - we will sleep in the desert, collaborate with the Sultan’s Private School and explore places of world cultural heritage.

USA - NY / WashingtonRoadtrip between 2 of the largest cities in the US. We will explore American culture, nature, history and politics. We will experience the contrasts!

PhilippinesWe focus on culture and nature. We will visit a marine biological research centre, explore nature and partcipate in activities in the local area.

USA - Santa CruzRanums friendship school is located in Santa Cruz. You will experience American culture and become ready for an exchange stay at an American high school.

New Zealand We explore nature, culture and history. We will look at the traditional versus the modern society and populations - particularly on Maori culture.

PeruPrepare yourself for a long journey back to one of the oldest civilisations in the world and experience how history has shaped modern society.

Winter sport - ItalySkiing and culture are challenging, when we bringMalaysian guest learners out into the snow. We trainhard, learn about techniques and gear before departure.

JapanJapanese culture is best experienced when interactingwith young Japanese people. We learn about Japanese culture and language before we travel to Japan.

Europe TourThis is an opportunity to meet many different young people in Europe. We will explore several European cities and experience the cultural diversity.

”It was a dream come true, when my profile subject suggestion became a reality” Maria Falk, 2012-13 ”I found a really good friend on the other side of the world” Sara Gresell, 2013-14

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Guided tours begin from the main entrance at the main building.

Facts about the schoolTotal area: 18,400m284 staff members438 beds1 hall for 470 peop.1 hall 45 peop.22 classrooms w. Active-boards4 Science rooms1 Cinema for 60 peop.2 Music rooms2 Dance studios

1 Skateboard workshop2 Design workshop1 Media workshop1 Skaterhall1 Gastronomy kitchen2 Fitness room1 Sports-hall w. climbing wall1 sports-hall w. 3 gyms1 Nature-sports center1 Storage for gear1 Wakeboarding facilities

Three houses and a large community in the middleWith 400+ learners enrolled, Ranum EfterskoleCollege is now one of the largest general efterskolesin Denmark. The learners will stay at our 18,400m2 campus in 3 different houses: Kærhuset, Seminariehuset and Ranumhus. There is plenty of room for everyone! Ranum Efterskole College is located in picturesque North-West Jutland near the Western coastline.

L ARGE AND SMALL COMMUNITIES Approximately 42 contact groups reside in each ofthe 3 houses. Each contact group consists of9-10 learners, and each group is appointed a personalcontact teacher. These groups eat, clean and cooktogether. Each contact group has a ‘friendship group’in one of the other houses in order to encouragefriendships all over the school.

167 years of historyRanum is one of the oldest educational towns in Denamrk and since its foundation in 1848, more than 5000 teachers graduated from this place. From 1987 to 2011 the school educated pedagogs. Ranum Efterskole College began in 2004 and since then filled the old halls with more than 400 leaners each year.

INSPIRED BY GRUNDTVIG AND KOLD The first provost of the college, Ludvig Christian Müller, was a great personality. He taught H.C. Andersen and Søren Kirkegaard, and he had socially interacted with Grundtvig and Kold. Thus, Ranum Teachers’ College was from the beginning strongly influenced by the learning philosophies of Grundtvig and Kold - A legacy continued to this day.

“I lived with someone who became my best friends”, Maja Kaas Brander, 2014-15

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InfoWho can attend?Ranum Efterskole College is open to Danish andinternational learners from the age of 14 to theage of 18. International learners can enrol in IGCSEclass the year they turn 14, and in AS and A levelwhen they have finished their IGCSEs or equivalent.Learners can attend Ranum Efterskole College for1, 2 or 3 years and combine their study with studiesabroad before and/or after.

Costs and FeesSchool tuition is approximately 2,200.00kr perweek in 43 weeks - calculate costs and fees via ourhomepage. Additional fees related to study trips inour wide range of co- and extracurricular subjectsand activities are to be expected. The amountsmay vary from 1000kr - 3000kr for travels withinthe European borders, whereas travels outside ofEurope may vary from 5000kr - 9000kr in self-payment. Parents are, however, always included indecision-making. Moreover, parents/learners mustexpect additional costs related to books used in theinternational programme. Certificates obtained bylearners in the subjects: Diving, Sailing and Hunting,are permanent official documents, and costs relatedto these must therefore also be expected.

Citizens of Non-EU/EEAand Non-Nordic CountriesLearners who are citizens of other countries than theEU/EEA or Nordic countries need a residence permitto study in Denmark. Find out more from: www.nyidanmark.dk. or contact the Danish consulate or Embassy in your country or affiliated with your country, for more information on how to apply.


Book a guided tour on ranumefterskole.dk and come visit the school or book conversation via skype by sending an email to [email protected].

2Fill in the application form online via www.ranumefterskolecollege.com. Payment of registration fee 1500 DKK confirms your seat.

3If possible, come join us for New Learners Day in the Spring where you will meet your contact teacher and your contact group. Choose subjects, order school clothing and become ready to begin a new chapter of your life at Ranum Efterskole College in August.

We make Danmark smaller with our own bus service

Bus serviceIn relation to the long weekends and holidays,our private bus will drive down through Jutland,stopping in major connecting cities and towns suchas Viborg, Fredericia and Padborg.The bus service will, moreover, run between theschool and Aalborg, Hirtshals and Frederikshavn- connecting at a regular basis Ranum with manyinternational flights and ferry services.

Find usRanum Efterskole CollegeSeminarievej 23, 9681 RanumDenmarkwww.ranumefterskolecollege.comEmail: [email protected]: +45 96664400


Viborg 1 time

Padborg 4 timer




Aarhus 2 timer

Odense 3 timer

København 2-4 timer



”I often feel like sneaking in and just stay until someone finds me there” Mia Haldrup, 2014-15

Page 18: Profile magazine UK 2015-16

A strong team People with a passionWe have 84 members of staff at Ranum Efterskole College. Teachers, school nurses, management, administration, kitchen and technical staff. We have different educational backgrounds, ages, experiences and competences.- That is why we have a strong team!

Our staff group represents more than 8 different countries and this strengthens the international environment at the school.

Many of our staff members live at the school or in the local area, and the families participate in the efterskole-life.

School nurses A school nurse is assigned to every residential house, who will look after those who may feel sick or those who just need to talk.

Youth-guides Youth-guides are former learners, who after having finished their guide-course, will assist in weekends and on travels. Our youth-guides know what it is like to be young and a learner at Ranum Efterskole College.

Guest teachers

Ranum Efterskole College receives guest teachers from partner schools and organisations every year, just as our teachers visit other schools to teach.Our guest teachers bring new ideas and inspiration to our school.

European Voluntary ServiceRanum Efterskole College receives 2 EVS’ every school year. The EVS’ are European volunteers who have finished their educations, and have taken the opportunity to be a volunteer in another European country. The EVS programme is financed by the EU.

International students and internsEach year, we receive international teacher interns and students in training for periods of up to 6 months.

PartnersWe have a strong network and we collaborate with schools and global educational institutions from all over the world.

CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONSis the world’s largest provider of international education programmes and exams for 15-19 year olds.

THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S INTERNATIONAL AWARD is a rewarding programme for young people based on personal development.

THE NORDIC NETWORK OF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS is a school network for private schools in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE is the provider of one of the world’s largest non-profit international exchange programmes for young people.

THE UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE EDUCATION PROGRAMME provides young people with the opportunity to express their opinions, and become involved with the preservation of cultural and natural heritage

NY NORDISK SKOLE (New Nordic School) will, based on a re-interpretation of the Nordic educational traditions, be the foundation for the development of the Nordic societies and lead the way into the world.

THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL OF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS is the leading organisation for international schools.

With AALBORG STUDENTERKURSUS learners in 10th grade will be prepared to continue studies at a 2-year HTX programme. We refer to it as the 1+2 model, which means that you do efterskole and upper secondary education in 3 years.

UTSIKTEN, SCANDINAVIAN SCHOOL OF CIVIC AND TOURISM is located 2 hours from Gothenberg in Sweden. Learners from Ranum Efterskole College are accepted on equal terms as Swedish citizens.

FJERRITSLEV GYMNASIUM is a local Gymnasium 25 km North of Ranum. We collaborate on developing a new programme with Adventure sports and P.E.

“After a year at Ranum Efterskole a defeat is impossible” Martin Sander Sivertsen, 2014-15


Page 19: Profile magazine UK 2015-16

IT support

Ranum Fri Fagskole

A strong team

Administration School nurses

Technical department


Management & teachers

Stine Vestergaard

Tine Valois

Søren RasmussenSteen V. Thomsen Thomas Bjerg Thomas S. LarsenSteen M. Thomsen Steven Bates

Anita LisbyAnnemette Bach Anne Rogild

Frederik A. Dahl

Davide FernándezCharlotte LinderCarsten Ardal Carl Bennison

Emil H. Jørgensen

Rolf IversenRikke Wulff

Pia PedersenNina Kaae

Stine MøldrupDK co-ordinator

Uwe Gröschel

Peter Friis Andersen

Peter KristensenPed. co-ordinator

Ning xuNiels Kjær Nigel Hopwood

Lise Ramløse Lenore T. ElsborgLasse H Drejer

Matthew DanaherInt. co-ordinator

Mathilde Johansen

Mette B. Larsen

Luke Cookson

Mette Støttrup

Kim Glerup Mathias Rathmann

Ida Langberg Jana Lorenz Kathrine DohnHeidi LillelundGerti Jensen Jess Frost

Kim Gieseler

Ib ChristensenPrincipal

Olav StormPrincipal

Joakim PhillipsenVice-principal

Andreas LatzAnders Hansen Anja Lykke Nielsen

Christiane C. Beck Petersen

Anna Lynge

Ann Charlotte Birk Koch

Karen Borup

Marianne Krogen

Joan J. SørensenAnn-Sophie Høffner Birthe Petersen Jette B. Pedersen Jesper Vestergaard Susanne DamgaardEbbe Hald

Rasmus BadstueSabine S. Madsen Kurt AndersenAllan FredslundTom SørensenNiels SøndergaardJørn Kvist NielsenTechnical manager

Jytte Greth Kristian KaasingJohn Thomsen Åse OlesenLars OlesenJimmy PetersenKitchen manager

Jette Hildebrand

Hanne Hundahl

Rikke LurzenJan Rind JensenBaker/school nurse

Ilka Gröschel

Kathrine S. Munch

Richard Brown

Margit B. Jensen

” The teachers here were more than just teachers”.” Sofie Thybo, 2013-14


Page 20: Profile magazine UK 2015-16


International summer school

Sportsand fun

Adventure and team building

Music and dance

Sailingand beach trip

Excursions International friendships

Summer school is a great choice if you want to experience life atan efterskole, learn something new in your holiday and make newfriends from all over the world.Profile subjects: Sailing, SUB boards, Kayaking, Climbing, Football,Basket, Dancing, Music, Design, Mountain Biking, Gastronomy andBeach Volleyball.Registration is now open.More details: www.ranumefterskole.dk/sommerskole

Come to an international summer school for 1-4 weeks.Stay at Ranum Efterskole College and experience an amazingcommunity with young people from all over the world.We offer different academic levels in our all of our classes. In theafternoon you can choose 1-2 profile subjects.Every week will begin with a team building introduction, so wewill get to know each other. We will go on an excursion during the week and we will finish the week with a party.






2ND - 30TH JULY 20