Professional Issues For Engineers

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  • 8/11/2019 Professional Issues For Engineers


    Professional Issues For Engineers

    Contents Page

    1.0 Introduction 2

    2.0 Aim of the Module 2

    3.0 How You will be aught 2

    !.0 "tatement of #earning $utcomes 3

    %.0 Module Content 3

    &.0 How You will be Assessed !

    '.0 (eading #ist %

    ).0 "am*le +uestions &

    ,.0 "chedule '

    M$- #/ I-/ 1

  • 8/11/2019 Professional Issues For Engineers


    Professional Issues for /ngineers

    1.0 Introduction

    The report Engineering Our Future (Finniston1980) concluded that: theBritish system does not give students sufficient grounding in the synthesis of technical (and) human!considerations nor does it ade"uately encouragethe development of the #ider s$ills and outloo$ re"uired %y engineers #ithinthe engineering dimension &n conse"uence employers have often ta$en theattitude that fe# engineers are properly e"uipped to ta$e on %roader management responsi%ilities and have employed them instead as providersof technical services' there%y closing the vicious circle

    &n addition to these concerns' there has %een gro#ing concern over the lac$of a#areness sho#n not only %y engineers %ut also %y society as a #hole of

    the impact of technology on society and the contri%ution of engineering tothe conte t in #hich #e live &f engineers are to inform society of the role of engineering then they need to have an a#areness of this conte t andcurrent issues as #ell as the a%ility to communicate this understandingeffectively

    2.0 Aim

    Therefore the aim of this module is to increase your a#areness of the

    impact of technology on society and the responsi%ilities of engineersto#ards the community they serve &n addition' it see$s to give you a%roader $no#ledge of the roles of engineers in the achievement of engineering o%*ectives +astly' it #ill give you the opportunity to developyour s$ills in #ritten and ver%al communication in the conte t of engineeringinformation and operations

    3.0 How ou will be taught

    ,ou #ill need to read in-depth a #ide range of material' particularly from *ournals and ne#spapers This #ill help you prepare for the discussionsessions that #ill ta$e place in the seminars For each topic there #ill %e aninitial lecture that #ill provide the %ac$ground $no#ledge from #hich you #ill%e a%le to develop your reading and learning The "uestions discussed inthe seminars #ill closely match "uestions in the e amination at the end of the academic year

    The course#or$ in the second semester #ill %e an essay on a $ey aspect of sylla%us


  • 8/11/2019 Professional Issues For Engineers


    Professional Issues For Engineers

    !.0 #earning $utcome

    By the end of the module you should %e a%le to:

    &dentify and e plain the $ey current environmental issues and their impact on society andthe construction process.

    /valuate the impact of technology and technological change on society.

    istinguish the issues relating to engineering safety and interpret the engineer sresponsi%ilities to society.

    2ppraise aspects of the development of management theory and evaluate their appropriateness in relation to engineering organisations.

    3repare a ver%al presentation for a given audience.

    4rite a technical' safety or accident report' follo#ing a specified %rief.

    3roduce an essay that em%odies a good use of /nglish' appropriate style and a logicalstructure

    %.0 Module Content

    he (ole of the /ngineer in "ociet

    /ngineering as a profession.The roles of the 3rofessional.The status of the engineer in society

    The &mpact of Technology on 5ociety:

    The impact of technology and technological change on society.Technological developments and their impact on engineering.

    &ssues of /ngineering 5afety:+egal and other responsi%ilities to society./thics3rofessional codes of conduct

    5ustaina%ility.5ustaina%le development6anagement of resources

    M$- #/ I-/ 3

  • 8/11/2019 Professional Issues For Engineers


    Professional Issues for /ngineers

    The development of management theory and practice in engineering

    organisations.7rganisation cultures and styles.

    Team leadership and team %uilding in engineering



    /ssay #riting.6eetings.&ntervie#s.7ral presentations.

    eport #riting.Writing for an audience.

    &.0 How ou will be assessed

    There are t#o components to your assessment:


    &n the first semester you #ill %e given an essay title and you #ill %ere"uired and #rite a 34000 word essa on the topic This should %esu%mitted on the 1! th 5ebruar 2013.


    &n the summer assessment period you #ill have a three7 hour e6aminationin #hich you #ill %e e pected to ans#er four "uestions. these #ill reflect thecontent of the module covered during the course of the year in the classes


    ourse#or$: '000 #ord essay on a given topic

    / amination: three-hour e amination


  • 8/11/2019 Professional Issues For Engineers


    Professional Issues For Engineers

    '.0 (eading "trateg

    The titles listed %elo# provide $ey ideas to underpin the teaching and discussion' %utin addition' you should see$ to read articles on current topics from a rangeof *ournals and periodicals %ut particularly those associated #ith your professional institution

    Ble#itt' ; ' ingsley 3u%lications

    Fe#ings' 3 '

  • 8/11/2019 Professional Issues For Engineers


    Professional Issues for /ngineers

    &t has %een estimated that more information has %een produced in the last

  • 8/11/2019 Professional Issues For Engineers


    Professional Issues For Engineers

    9 0 5chedule of Topics



    ate- #ee$

