Procurement Contract Templates V2

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  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2




    Copyright 2007 - 2013 Guth Ventures LLC. All Rights Reserved.


    I you utili!e the "ontr#"t te$pl#tes used in this do"u$ent %the &Contr#"t 'e$pl#tes()* you %&Li"ensee() #greeto the ollo+ing #",no+ledge$ents* ter$s* #nd "onditions o this li"ense %the &ree Li"ense().

    1. 'he Contr#"t 'e$pl#tes do not "onstitute* or sustitute or* leg#l #dvi"e.

    2. Li"ensee is per$itted to use the Contr#"t 'e$pl#tes +ithout ee* provided th#t Li"ensee $#y notuse the Contr#"t 'e$pl#tes or "o$$er"i#l g#in* in"luding "h#rging # ee* dire"tly or indire"tly* or#""ess to or use o #ny Contr#"t 'e$pl#te.

    3. Li"ensee $#y not redistriute the Contr#"t 'e$pl#tes* su"h #s posting # lin, to the Contr#"t'e$pl#tes* +ithout #",no+ledging the #uthor #nd #ttriuting the Contr#"t 'e$pl#tes to /tephenGuth %&Author().

    . is"l#i$er o #rr#nty. 'he Contr#"t 'e$pl#tes #re provided A/ I/ +ithout # +#rr#nty o #ny,ind. ALL 456R4// R I86LI4 R46R4/49'A'I9/ A9 ARRA9'I4/* I9CL:I9G A9;I86LI4 ARRA9'; 84RC

  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2



    LEGAL FORMAT STYLES TEMPLATE...................................................................................................II

    DEFINED TERMS AND OTHER FIELDS REQUIRING MODIFICATION...........................................III

    COPYRIGHT RELEASE AGREEMENT....................................................................................................1

    EVALUATION AND TRIAL AGREEMENT [HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE].......................................2

    MASTER AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES.................................................................7

    MASTER AGREEMENT FOR FACILITY SERVICES............................................................................18

    MASTER CONTINGENCY FIRM AGREEMENT..................................................................................29

    MASTER PERSONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT..................................................................................38

    MASTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT.........................................................................!


    MASTER SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT...................................................................................72

    ESCROW AGREEMENT..........................................................................................................................83

    MASTER TALENT SERVICES AGREEMENT [$UREAU % AGENCY]...............................................87

    MASTER TALENT SERVICES AGREEMENT [INDIVIDUAL TALENT]..........................................1&&

    MASTER TRAINING SERVICES AGREEMENT.................................................................................1&7

    MATERIAL DONATION AGREEMENT...............................................................................................119

    NON"DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT......................................................................................................122

    PROPRIETARY WOR'S LICENSE AGREEMENT..............................................................................12!

    SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND MUTUAL RELEASE.................................................................129


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  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2



    ithin the te$pl#tes* "ert#in deined ter$s #nd other ields +ill reuire $odii"#tion. /u"h ter$s #nd ields+ill e des"ried +ith Br#",ets. Addition#lly* #ny notes "ont#ined in "ontr#"t te$pl#te +ill e +ithinBr#",ets. A 8i"rosot ord &ind( o either &B& or &( +ill reve#l #ny deined ter$s* ields* or notes th#treuire #ttention. A sel-eDpl#n#tory list o deined ter$s #nd other ields "o$$only "ont#ined in the"ontr#"t te$pl#tes ollo+s.

    BCusto$er 9#$eBCusto$er AddressBther 6#rty 9#$eB=illing AddressB4e"tive #teBCusto$er /ign#tory 9#$eBCusto$er /ign#tory 'itleBther 6#rty /ign#tory 9#$eBther 6#rty /ign#tory 'itleB9oti"e Address


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2




    4e"tive #s o the d#te o irst sign#ture elo+* OTHER PARTY NAME! %&Assignor()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"eo usiness lo"#ted #t Bther 6#rty Address* herey #ssigns #nd orever tr#nsers to CUSTOMER NAME!

    %&Assignee()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"e o usiness lo"#ted #t BCusto$er Address* #ll right* title* #nd interest*in"luding "opyright* in the +or, entitled B'itle o or,* #te o Copyright herein#ter &the or,().

    9 '

  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2



    'his #gree$ent %Agree$ent) is entered into* to e ee"tive #s o B4e"tive #te %&4e"tive #te()* y #ndet+een CUSTOMER NAME! %&Custo$er()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"e o usiness lo"#ted #t BCusto$erAddress* #nd OTHER PARTY NAME! %&/upplier()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"e o usiness lo"#ted #t Bther6#rty Address.


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    @.1 It is # usiness duly in"orpor#ted* v#lidly eDisting* #nd in good st#nding under the l#+s oits st#te o do$i"ile.

    @.2 It h#s #ll reuisite po+er* in#n"i#l "#p#"ity* #nd #uthority to eDe"ute* deliver* #nd peror$its olig#tions under this Agree$ent.

    @.3 'his Agree$ent* +hen eDe"uted #nd delivered* sh#ll e # v#lid #nd inding olig#tion o it

    enor"e#le in #""ord#n"e +ith its ter$s.

    @. It is duly li"ensed* #uthori!ed* or u#liied to do usiness #nd is in good st#nding in everyurisdi"tion in +hi"h # li"ense* #uthori!#tion* or u#lii"#tion is reuired or the o+nershipor le#sing o its #ssets or the tr#ns#"tion o usiness o the "h#r#"ter tr#ns#"ted y it*eD"ept +here the #ilure to e so li"ensed* #uthori!ed* or u#liied +ould not h#ve #$#teri#l #dverse ee"t on its #ility to ulill its olig#tions under this Agree$ent.

    @.> 'he eDe"ution* delivery* #nd peror$#n"e o this Agree$ent h#s een duly #uthori!ed y it#nd this Agree$ent "onstitutes the leg#l* v#lid* #nd inding #gree$ent o it #nd isenor"e#le #g#inst it in #""ord#n"e +ith its ter$s* eD"ept #s the enor"e#ility thereo$#y e li$ited y #n,rupt"y* insolven"y* reorg#ni!#tions* $or#toriu$s* #nd si$il#r l#+s#e"ting "reditorsJ rights gener#lly #nd y gener#l euit#le prin"iples.

    @.@ It sh#ll "o$ply +ith #ll #ppli"#le eder#l* st#te* lo"#l* intern#tion#l* or other l#+s #ndregul#tions #ppli"#le to the peror$#n"e y it o its olig#tions under this Agree$ent #ndsh#ll ot#in #ll #ppli"#le per$its #nd li"enses reuired o it in "onne"tion +ith itsolig#tions under this Agree$ent.

    @.7 'here is no outst#nding litig#tion* #ritr#ted $#tter or other dispute to +hi"h it is # p#rty+hi"h* i de"ided un#vor#ly to it* +ould re#son#ly e eDpe"ted to h#ve # potenti#l or#"tu#l $#teri#l #dverse ee"t on its #ility to ulill its olig#tions under this Agree$ent.

    7. Represent#tions #nd #rr#nties y /upplier. /upplier represents #nd +#rr#nts the ollo+ing.

    7.1 'he 6rodu"t provided y /upplier hereunder sh#ll not inringe upon #ny :nited /t#tes ororeign "opyright* p#tent* tr#de se"ret* or other propriet#ry right* or $is#ppropri#te #nytr#de se"ret* o #ny third p#rty* #nd /upplier urther represents #nd +#rr#nts th#t it h#sneither #ssigned nor other+ise entered into #n #gree$ent y +hi"h it purports to #ssign ortr#nser #ny right* title* or interest to #ny te"hnology or intelle"tu#l property right th#t +ould"onli"t +ith its olig#tions under this Agree$ent.

    7.2 'here #re no leg#l pro"eedings thre#tened or pending #g#inst /upplier y other users othe 6rodu"t #sed upon prole$s +ith the 6rodu"t or /upplierJs peror$#n"e.

    7.3 'he 6rodu"t sh#ll e ree ro$ #ny dee"ts in $#teri#l #nd +or,$#nship #nd sh#ll"onor$ to #nd oper#te in #""ord#n"e +ith the 6rodu"tHs do"u$ent#tion.

    7. 'he 6rodu"t is "o$p#tile +ith Custo$erHs then-"urrent te"hnology environ$ent #nd thete"hnology euip$ent* i #ny* design#ted in the 6rodu"tHs do"u$ent#tion.

    7.> 'he 6rodu"t sh#ll e ree o #ny $e"h#nis$ +hi"h $#y dis#le the 6rodu"t* #nd /upplier+#rr#nts th#t no d#t# loss +ill result ro$ su"h ite$s i present in the 6rodu"t +hendelivered to Custo$er hereunder.

    7.@ At the ti$e o delivery to Custo$er* the 6rodu"t sh#ll e ree o #ny h#r$ul or hiddenprogr#$s or d#t# in"orpor#ted therein +ith $#li"ious or $is"hievous intent %"olle"tively*the &Virus()* #nd th#t* +here /upplier tr#nsers su"h Virus to Custo$er* /upplier sh#llrei$urse Custo$er the #"tu#l "ost in"urred y Custo$er to re$ove or re"over ro$ theVirus* in"luding the "osts o persons e$ployed y Custo$er.

    Custo$er Conidenti#l4v#lu#tion #nd 'ri#l Agree$ent


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    7.7 'he 6rodu"t h#s een inst#lled #nd is oper#ting in # produ"tion te"hnology environ$ent in# non-rel#ted third p#rtyJs #"ility +ithout signii"#nt prole$s due to the 6rodu"t or/upplierHs peror$#n"e.

    K. 9on-is"losure o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. 'he p#rties #",no+ledge th#t e#"h p#rty $#y eeDposed to or #"uire "o$$uni"#tion or d#t# o the other p#rty th#t is "onidenti#l* privileged"o$$uni"#tion not intended to e dis"losed to third p#rties.

    K.1 8e#ning o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. or the purposes o this Agree$ent* the ter$&Conidenti#l Inor$#tion( sh#ll $e#n #ll inor$#tion #nd do"u$ent#tion o # p#rty th#tE%#) h#s een $#r,ed "onidenti#l or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ning* #t the ti$e odis"losure y su"h p#rtyF %) i dis"losed or#lly or not $#r,ed "onidenti#l or +ith +ordso si$il#r $e#ning* +#s suseuently su$$#ri!ed in +riting y su"h p#rty #nd $#r,ed&"onidenti#l( or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ningF %") #ny Conidenti#l Inor$#tion derivedro$ inor$#tion o # p#rtyF or* %d) +ith respe"t to inor$#tion #nd do"u$ent#tion oCusto$er* +hether $#r,ed &Conidenti#l( or not* "onsists o Custo$erHs inor$#tion #nddo"u$ent#tion in"luded +ithin #ny o the ollo+ing "#tegoriesE %i) poli"yholder* p#yroll#""ount* #gent* "usto$er* $e$er* supplier* or "ontr#"tor listsF %ii) poli"yholder* p#yroll#""ount* #gent* "usto$er* $e$er* supplier* or "ontr#"tor inor$#tionF %iii) inor$#tionreg#rding usiness pl#ns %str#tegi" #nd t#"ti"#l) #nd oper#tions %in"luding peror$#n"e)F%iv) inor$#tion reg#rding #d$inistr#tive* in#n"i#l* or $#r,eting #"tivitiesF %v) pri"inginor$#tionF %vi) personnel inor$#tionF %vii) produ"ts #ndor #nd servi"es oerings

    %in"luding spe"ii"#tions #nd designs)F or* %viii) pro"esses %e.g.* te"hni"#l* logisti"#l* #ndengineering). 'he ter$ Conidenti#l Inor$#tion does not in"lude #ny inor$#tion ordo"u$ent#tion th#t +#sE %#) #lre#dy in the possession o the re"eiving p#rty +ithout #nolig#tion o "onidenti#lityF %) developed independently y the re"eiving p#rty #sde$onstr#ted y the re"eiving p#rty* +ithout viol#ting the dis"losing p#rtyHs propriet#ryrightsF %") ot#ined ro$ # sour"e other th#n the dis"losing p#rty +ithout #n olig#tion o"onidenti#lityF or* %d) puli"ly #v#il#le +hen re"eived* or there#ter e"#$e puli"ly#v#il#le %other th#n through #ny un#uthori!ed dis"losure y* through or on eh#l o* there"eiving p#rty).

    K.2 lig#tion o Conidenti#lity. 'he p#rties #gree to hold #ll Conidenti#l Inor$#tion in stri"t"oniden"e #nd not to "opy* reprodu"e* sell* tr#nser* or other+ise dispose o* give ordis"lose su"h Conidenti#l Inor$#tion to third p#rties other th#n e$ployees* #gents* orsu"ontr#"tors o su"h p#rty +ho h#ve # need to ,no+ in "onne"tion +ith this Agree$ent

    or to use su"h Conidenti#l Inor$#tion or #ny purposes +h#tsoever other th#n theperor$#n"e o this Agree$ent. 4#"h p#rty #grees to #dvise its respe"tive e$ployees*#gents* #nd su"ontr#"tors o their olig#tions o "onidenti#lity hereunder #nd reuire thes#$e to ,eep su"h inor$#tion "onidenti#l.

    K.3 +nership o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. :nless other+ise #greed to y the p#rties in+riting* the Conidenti#l Inor$#tion o the dis"losing p#rty +ill e #nd re$#in the propertyo su"h p#rty.

    K. Cooper#tion to 6revent is"losure o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. 4#"h p#rty sh#ll use itsest eorts to #ssist the other p#rty in identiying #nd preventing #ny un#uthori!ed use ordis"losure o #ny Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. ithout li$it#tion o the oregoing* e#"h p#rtysh#ll #dvise the other p#rty i$$edi#tely in the event either p#rty le#rns or h#s re#son toelieve th#t #ny person +ho h#s h#d #""ess to Conidenti#l Inor$#tion h#s viol#ted orintends to viol#te the ter$s o this Agree$ent #nd e#"h p#rty +ill "ooper#te +ith the other

    p#rty in see,ing inun"tive or other euit#le relie #g#inst #ny su"h person.

    K.> Re$edies or =re#"h o lig#tion o Conidenti#lity. 4#"h p#rty #",no+ledges th#t there#"h o its olig#tion o "onidenti#lity $#y give rise to irrep#r#le inury to the otherp#rty* +hi"h d#$#ge $#y e in#deu#tely "o$pens#le in the or$ o $onet#ryd#$#ges. A""ordingly* e#"h p#rty $#y see, #nd ot#in inun"tive relie #g#inst there#"h or thre#tened re#"h o the oregoing undert#,ings* in #ddition to #ny other leg#lre$edies +hi"h $#y e #v#il#le* to in"lude* #t the sole ele"tion o the re"eiving p#rty* thei$$edi#te ter$in#tion* +ithout pen#lty to the s#$e* o this Agree$ent in +hole or in p#rt.

    Custo$er Conidenti#l4v#lu#tion #nd 'ri#l Agree$ent

  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    K.@ 'he provisions o this /e"tion sh#ll survive the ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent.

    M. /urrender o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion :pon 'er$in#tion. :pon ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent* e#"hp#rty sh#ll i$$edi#tely return to the other p#rty #ll "opies* in +h#tever or$* o #ny #nd #llConidenti#l Inor$#tion re"eived ro$ the other p#rty* or "re#ted or re"eived y # p#rty on eh#lo the other p#rty* +hi"h #re in su"h p#rtyHs possession* "ustody* or "ontrol.

    10. 6ropriet#ry Rights Inde$nii"#tion. /upplier #grees to inde$niy* deend* #nd hold Custo$erInde$nitees h#r$less ro$ #nd #g#inst #ny #nd #ll Cl#i$s* in"luding re#son#le #ttorneysJ ees*"osts* #nd eDpenses in"ident#l thereto* +hi"h $#y e suered y* #""rued #g#inst* "h#rged to* orre"over#le ro$ #ny Custo$er Inde$nitee* #rising out o # "l#i$ th#t the 6rodu"t inringes or$is#ppropri#tes #ny :nited /t#tes or oreign p#tent* "opyright* tr#de se"ret* tr#de$#r,* or otherpropriet#ry right.

    11. Li$it#tion o Li#ility. 9'I'

  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    12. 9o #iver. 'he #ilure o either p#rty #t #ny ti$e to reuire peror$#n"e y the otherp#rty o #ny provision o this Agree$ent sh#ll in no +#y #e"t th#t p#rtyJs right to enor"esu"h provisions* nor sh#ll the +#iver y either p#rty o #ny re#"h o #ny provision o thisAgree$ent e t#,en or held to e # +#iver o #ny urther re#"h o the s#$e provision.

    12.> 9oti"es. Any noti"e given pursu#nt to this Agree$ent sh#ll e in +riting #nd sh#ll e giveny person#l servi"e or y :nited /t#tes "ertiied $#il* return re"eipt reuested* post#ge

    prep#id to the #ddresses #ppe#ring #t the end o this Agree$ent* or #s "h#nged through+ritten noti"e to the other p#rty. 9oti"e given y person#l servi"e sh#ll e dee$edee"tive on the d#te it is delivered to the #ddressee* #nd noti"e $#iled sh#ll e dee$edee"tive on the third d#y ollo+ing its pl#"e$ent in the $#il #ddressed to the #ddressee.

    12.@ 4ntire Agree$ent. 'his Agree$ent #nd its #tt#"hed eDhiits* i #ny* "onstitute the entire#gree$ent et+een the p#rties #nd supersede #ny #nd #ll previous represent#tions*underst#ndings* dis"ussions* or #gree$ents et+een Custo$er #nd /upplier #s to thesue"t $#tter hereo. 'his Agree$ent $#y only e #$ended y #n instru$ent in +ritingsigned y Custo$er #nd /upplier. Custo$er #nd /upplier e#"h #",no+ledge th#t it h#sh#d the opportunity to revie+ this Agree$ent +ith its leg#l "ounsel. ro$ ti$e to ti$e* thep#rties hereto $#y eDe"ute one or $ore supple$ents #s eDhiits to this Agree$ent. /u"heDhiits* +hen signed y # represent#tive o e#"h o the p#rties* sh#ll e in"orpor#tedherein #nd reeren"es to p#rti"ul#r eDhiits herein sh#ll #pply to su"h supple$ent#leDhiits. :nless eDpressly provided or in the #ppli"#le eDhiit* in the event o # "onli"t

    et+een the provisions "ont#ined in this Agree$ent #nd those "ont#ined in #ny eDhiit tothis Agree$ent* the provisions "ont#ined in the Agree$ent* #s the "#se $#y e* sh#llprev#il.

    12.7 Cu$ul#tive Re$edies. All rights #nd re$edies o Custo$er herein sh#ll e in #ddition to#ll other rights #nd re$edies #v#il#le #t l#+ or in euity* in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion*spe"ii" peror$#n"e or the enor"e$ent o this Agree$ent* #nd te$por#ry #ndper$#nent inun"tive relie.

    12.K Counterp#rtsF #"si$ile. 'his Agree$ent $#y e eDe"uted in one or $ore "ounterp#rts*e#"h o +hi"h sh#ll e dee$ed #n origin#l* ut #ll o +hi"h together sh#ll "onstitute one#nd the s#$e Agree$ent. 'he p#rties #gree th#t # #"si$ile sign#ture $#y sustitute or#nd h#ve the s#$e leg#l ee"t #s the origin#l sign#ture.

    4De"uted on the d#tes set orth elo+ y the undersigned #uthori!ed represent#tives o the p#rties to eee"tive #s o the 4e"tive #te.

    CUSTOMER NAME!"#C,s)o-er%&

    OTHER PARTY NAME!"#S,../ier%&

    =yE =yE

    9#$eE BCusto$er /ign#tory 9#$e 9#$eE Bther 6#rty /ign#tory 9#$e

    'itleE BCusto$er /ign#tory 'itle 'itleE Bther 6#rty /ign#tory 'itle

    #teE #teE

    A''ress (or No)i*e+ A''ress (or No)i*e+BC:/'84R 9A84B9oti"e Address


    Custo$er Conidenti#l4v#lu#tion #nd 'ri#l Agree$ent


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2



    'his #gree$ent %Agree$ent) is entered into* to e ee"tive #s o B4e"tive #te %&4e"tive #te()* y #ndet+een CUSTOMER NAME! %&Custo$er()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"e o usiness lo"#ted #t BCusto$erAddress* #nd OTHER PARTY NAME! %&Contr#"tor()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"e o usiness lo"#ted #t Bther6#rty Address.


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    o /ervi"es renderedF %d) the iDed ee or s"heduled p#y$ent* or portion thereo* th#t isdueF %e) n#$e o Contr#"torHs /t#* i #ny* nu$er o hours* #nd hourly r#te o e#"h oContr#"torHs /t# +here /ervi"es #re illed on #n hourly #sisF %) s uilt or otherdr#+ings or do"u$ent#tion +here reuired y Custo$er or spe"iied in #n 4Dhiit AF %g)$#teri#l "h#rges* i #nyF %h) euip$ent "h#rges* i #ny* %i) #ll other "h#rges* i #ny* #s#ppli"#le #nd #s per$itted under #n 4Dhiit AF %) t#Des* i #nyF #nd* %,) tot#l #$ount dueContr#"tor sh#ll or+#rd invoi"es toE

    Custo$erB=illing Address

    @.@ Credits. Any "redits or other #$ounts due to Custo$er ro$ Contr#"tor pursu#nt to thisAgree$ent or other+ise $#y e #pplied or oset y Custo$er #g#inst #ny #$ountreuired to e p#id y Custo$er to Contr#"tor pursu#nt to #ny invoi"e renderedhereunder. Any "redits due to Custo$er ro$ Contr#"tor pursu#nt to this Agree$ent*su"h #s #$ounts p#id y Custo$er to Contr#"tor in eD"ess o #$ounts due to Contr#"tor*th#t #re not so #pplied #g#inst Contr#"torHs invoi"e or #ny re#son sh#ll e p#id toCusto$er y Contr#"tor +ithin thirty %30) d#ys ollo+ing Custo$erJs +ritten reuest orsu"h p#y$ent. 'his /e"tion sh#ll survive the ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent.

    @.7 9on-inding 'er$s. Any ter$s #nd "onditions th#t #re typed* printed* or other+isein"luded in #ny Contr#"tor invoi"e rendered pursu#nt to this Agree$ent sh#ll e dee$ed

    to e solely or the "onvenien"e o the p#rties. 9o su"h ter$ or "ondition sh#ll e indingupon Custo$er* #nd no #"tion y Custo$er %in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion* the p#y$ent o#ny su"h invoi"e in +hole or in p#rt) sh#ll e "onstrued #s inding Custo$er +ith respe"tto #ny su"h ter$ or "ondition* unless the spe"ii" ter$ or "ondition h#s een previously#greed to y Contr#"tor #nd Custo$er in +riting* #nd is inding upon Custo$er +ithrespe"t to su"h invoi"e y virtue o this Agree$ent or # inding #$end$ent thereto.

    @.K Audit#le Re"ordsF isputed A$ounts. Contr#"tor sh#ll ,eep ull #nd det#iled usinessre"ords #nd #""ounts #nd eDer"ise su"h "ontrols #s $#y e ne"ess#ry or properusiness #nd in#n"i#l $#n#ge$ent under this Agree$ent. Custo$er sh#ll e #orded#""ess to Contr#"torJs re"ords in"luding* ut not li$ited to* in#n"i#l re"ords* d#ily logs*di#ries* esti$#tes* reports* #nd $e$or#nd#. 'he Contr#"tor sh#ll preserve the re"ordsor # period o three %3) ye#rs #ter in#l p#y$ent* or or su"h longer period #s $#y ereuired y l#+. In the event Custo$er in good #ith disputes #ny #$ount on #ny

    Contr#"tor invoi"e* Custo$er #nd Contr#"tor #gree to use their est eorts to resolvesu"h dispute +ithin ninety %M0) d#ys #ter Custo$er provides +ritten notii"#tion o thedispute to Contr#"tor. Contr#"tor #grees to provide ull supporting do"u$ent#tion"on"erning #ny disputed #$ount or invoi"e to Custo$er +ithin thirty %30) d#ys #terCusto$er provides +ritten notii"#tion o the dispute to Contr#"tor. 6rovided th#tCusto$er h#s urnished +ritten notii"#tion o the dispute to Contr#"tor +ithin thirty %30)d#ys #ter Custo$er re"eived the disputed invoi"e* Custo$er sh#ll h#ve no olig#tion*during the ninety %M0) d#y period spe"iied #ove* to p#y #ny #$ount th#t Custo$erre#son#ly disputes hereunder. 'his /e"tion sh#ll survive the ter$in#tion o thisAgree$ent.

    @.M '#Des. Contr#"tor represents #nd +#rr#nts th#t it is #n independent "ontr#"tor orpurposes o eder#l* st#te* #nd lo"#l e$ploy$ent t#Des. Contr#"tor #grees th#t Custo$eris not responsile to "olle"t or +ithhold #ny eder#l* st#te* or lo"#l e$ploy$ent t#Des*in"luding* ut not li$ited to* in"o$e t#D +ithholding #nd so"i#l se"urity "ontriutions* or

    Contr#"tor or its e$ployees. Any #nd #ll t#Des* interest or pen#lties* in"luding* ut notli$ited to* #ny eder#l* st#te* or lo"#l +ithholding or e$ploy$ent t#Des* i$posed*#ssessed* or levied #s # result o this Agree$ent sh#ll e p#id or +ithheld y Contr#"toror* i #ssessed #g#inst #nd p#id y Custo$er* sh#ll e rei$ursed y Contr#"tor uponde$#nd y Custo$er.

    7. 9on-is"losure o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. Contr#"tor #",no+ledges th#t it $#y e eDposed to or#"uire "o$$uni"#tion or d#t# o Custo$er th#t is "onidenti#l* privileged "o$$uni"#tion notintended to e dis"losed to third p#rties. or the purposes o this Agree$ent* the ter$ &Conidenti#lInor$#tion( sh#ll $e#n #ll inor$#tion #nd do"u$ent#tion o Custo$er th#tE %#) h#s een $#r,ed

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or Constru"tion /ervi"es


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    "onidenti#l or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ning* #t the ti$e o dis"losureF %) i dis"losed or#lly or not$#r,ed "onidenti#l or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ning* +#s suseuently su$$#ri!ed in +riting#nd $#r,ed &"onidenti#l( or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ningF or* %") #ny Conidenti#l Inor$#tionderived ro$ inor$#tion o Custo$er. Contr#"tor #grees to hold #ll Conidenti#l Inor$#tion instri"t "oniden"e #nd not to "opy* reprodu"e* sell* tr#nser* or other+ise dispose o* give or dis"losesu"h Conidenti#l Inor$#tion to third p#rties. Contr#"tor sh#ll use its est eorts to #ssistCusto$er in identiying #nd preventing #ny un#uthori!ed use or dis"losure o #ny Conidenti#l

    Inor$#tion. :pon ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent* Contr#"tor sh#ll i$$edi#tely return to ALAC #ll"opies* in +h#tever or$* o #ny #nd #ll Conidenti#l Inor$#tion +hi"h #re in Contr#"torJspossession* "ustody* or "ontrol. Contr#"tor #",no+ledges th#t re#"h o Contr#"torHs olig#tion o"onidenti#lity $#y give rise to irrep#r#le inury to Custo$er* +hi"h d#$#ge $#y e in#deu#tely"o$pens#le in the or$ o $onet#ry d#$#ges. A""ordingly* Custo$er $#y see, #nd ot#ininun"tive relie #g#inst the re#"h or thre#tened re#"h* in #ddition to #ny other leg#l re$edies+hi"h $#y e #v#il#le. 'he provisions o this /e"tion sh#ll survive the ter$in#tion o thisAgree$ent.

    K. 9on-dis"losure* Conidenti#lity* #nd /e"urity o 6rote"ted

  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    M.> Inde$nii"#tion y Contr#"tor. ithout l i$iting Contr#"torHs other olig#tions oinde$nii"#tion herein* Contr#"tor sh#ll deend* inde$niy* #nd hold Custo$erInde$nitees h#r$less ro$ #nd #g#inst #ny #nd #ll Cl#i$s* in"luding re#son#leeDpenses suered y* #""rued #g#inst* or "h#rged to or re"over#le ro$ #ny Custo$erInde$nitee* on #""ount o the #ilure o Contr#"tor to peror$ its olig#tions i$posedherein.

    10. Inde$nii"#tion y Contr#"tor.

    10.1. Gener#l Inde$nii"#tion y Contr#"tor. Contr#"tor #grees to inde$niy* deend* #nd holdCusto$er* its oi"ers* dire"tors* #gents* #nd e$ployees %e#"h* #n &Inde$nitee*( #nd"olle"tively* the &Inde$nitees() h#r$less ro$ #nd #g#inst #ny #nd #ll li#ilities* d#$#ges*losses* eDpenses* "l#i$s* de$#nds* suits* ines* or udg$ents %"olle"tively &Cl#i$s()*in"luding re#son#le #ttorneysJ ees* "osts* #nd eDpenses in"ident#l thereto* +hi"h $#ye suered y* #""rued #g#inst* "h#rged to* or re"over#le ro$ #ny Custo$erInde$nitee* y re#son o #ny Cl#i$ #rising out o or rel#ting to #ny #"t* error or o$ission*or $is"ondu"t o Contr#"tor or its /t# during the peror$#n"e o this Agree$ent*in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion* Cl#i$s #rising out o or rel#ting toE %#) the viol#tion o #nyl#+s* rules* orders* regul#tions* "ode* or ordin#n"es o #ny govern$ent#l entity h#vingurisdi"tion over Contr#"tor or the 6roe"tF %) #ny "l#i$s* #"tions* "h#rges* liens* ordisputes y persons or entities urnished y or e$ployed y Contr#"tor rel#ted toe$ploy$ent or ter$in#tion thereoF %") odily inury %in"luding de#th) or d#$#ge to

    t#ngile person#l or re#l propertyF or* %d) re#"hes o #ny represent#tions $#de under thisAgree$ent.

    10.1.1 Inde$nii"#tion 6ro"edures Rel#ting to Liens. :pon the reuest o Custo$er*Contr#"tor sh#ll i$$edi#tely "#use the ee"t o #ny lien to e re$oved ro$ the6roe"t #nd the re#l property upon +hi"h it is lo"#ted. Contr#"tor $#y litig#te #nylien provided Contr#"tor "#uses the ee"t thereo to e re$oved pro$ptly in#dv#n"e ro$ the 6roe"t #nd the re#l property upon +hi"h it is lo"#ted. In theevent Contr#"tor #ils to h#ve # lien pro$ptly re$oved* Custo$er $#y use #ny$e#ns to h#ve su"h lien re$oved #nd Custo$er sh#ll re"over #ll rel#ted "ostsro$ #ny #$ount o+ed to Contr#"tor or y "h#rging su"h "ost to Contr#"tor.

    10.2. Rep#ir o #$#ge. Contr#"tor sh#ll pro$ptly rep#ir or p#y or rep#ir o #ny d#$#geidentiied y Custo$er resulting ro$ Contr#"torHs peror$#n"e o the /ervi"es. hereContr#"tor #ils to $#,e su"h rep#irs or p#y or rep#irs* Custo$er $#y re"over the "ost o

    the re$edi#tion ro$ #ny #$ount o+ed to Contr#"tor or y "h#rging su"h "ost toContr#"tor.

    10.3. Loss o Oeys. In the event th#t Contr#"tor is given ,eys to #ny portion o # se"ured #re#or the /ervi"es* the loss o ,eys y Contr#"tor +ill result in the tot#l re-,ey o the #e"tedse"ured #re#s #t Contr#"torHs sole eDpense. here Contr#"tor #ils to p#y or re-,eying*Custo$er $#y re"over the "ost o re-,eying ro$ #ny #$ount o+ed to Contr#"tor or y"h#rging su"h "ost to Contr#"tor.

    10.. Ris, o Loss y Contr#"tor. /tor#ge o Contr#"tor euip$ent or 8#teri#ls sh#ll e #llo+edonly +ith Custo$erHs prior +ritten #pprov#l #nd #t Contr#"torHs sole ris,. Contr#"tor sh#llinde$niy Custo$er #g#inst #ny loss or d#$#ge o the s#$e.

    11. Inde$nii"#tion 6ro"edures. 6ro$ptly #ter re"eipt y Custo$er o # thre#t o #ny #"tion* or #

    noti"e o the "o$$en"e$ent* or iling o #ny #"tion #g#inst Custo$er or #ny Custo$er Inde$nitee*Custo$er sh#ll give noti"e thereo to Contr#"tor* provided th#t #ilure to give or del#y in giving su"hnoti"e to Contr#"tor sh#ll not relieve Contr#"tor o #ny li#ility it $#y h#ve to Custo$er or #nyCusto$er Inde$nitee eD"ept to the eDtent th#t Contr#"tor de$onstr#tes th#t the deense o su"h#"tion is preudi"ed therey. Custo$er sh#ll not independently deend or respond to #ny su"h"l#i$F provided* ho+ever* th#tE %#) Custo$er $#y deend or respond to #ny su"h "l#i$* #tContr#"torJs eDpense* i Custo$erHs "ounsel deter$ines* in its sole dis"retion* th#t su"h deense orresponse is ne"ess#ry to pre"lude # de#ult udg$ent ro$ eing entered #g#inst Custo$erF #nd*%) Custo$er sh#ll h#ve the right* #t its o+n eDpense* to $onitor Contr#"torJs deense o #ny su"h"l#i$. Contr#"tor sh#ll h#ve sole "ontrol o the deense #nd o #ll negoti#tions or settle$ent osu"h #"tion. At Contr#"torHs reuest* Custo$er sh#ll "ooper#te +ith Contr#"tor in deending or

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or Constru"tion /ervi"es


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    settling #ny su"h #"tionF provided* ho+ever* th#t Contr#"tor sh#ll rei$urse Custo$er or #llre#son#le out-o-po",et "osts in"urred y Custo$er %in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion* re#son#le#ttorneysH ees #nd eDpenses) in providing su"h "ooper#tion.

    12. Li$it#tion o Li#ility. 9'I'00*000 per o""urren"e

    or,ersJ Co$pens#tion /t#tutory li$its4$ployerHs Li#ility N>00*000 per #""ident

    6roession#l 4rrors #nd $issions Insur#n"e N1*000*000 per o""urren"e* N1*000*000 #ggreg#te

    13.2 Custo$er sh#ll e n#$ed #s #n #ddition#l insured in su"h poli"ies +hi"h sh#ll "ont#inst#nd#rd "ross li#ility "l#uses. Contr#"tor sh#ll "#use the li#ility it #ssu$ed under thisAgree$ent to e spe"ii"#lly insured under the "ontr#"tu#l li#ility se"tion o the li#ilityinsur#n"e poli"ies. 'he li#ility poli"y sh#ll e pri$#ry +ithout right o "ontriution ro$#ny insur#n"e y Custo$er. /u"h poli"ies sh#ll reuire th#t Custo$er e given not lessth#n thirty %30) d#ys prior +ritten noti"e o #ny "#n"ell#tion thereo or $#teri#l "h#ngetherein. Custo$er sh#ll h#ve the right to reuest #n #dust$ent o Li$its o Li#ility orGener#l Li#ility #nd 4rrors #nd $issions Insur#n"e #s Contr#"torHs eDposure toCusto$er in"re#ses %i.e. i Contr#"torHs #nnu#l p#y$ent is eDpe"ted to e N2*000*000then N1*000*000 li$its #re no longer #deu#te).

    13.3 :pon Custo$erHs reuest* Contr#"tor sh#ll provide Custo$er +ith "ertii"#tes o insur#n"e

    eviden"ing #ll o the #ove "over#ge* in"luding #ll spe"i#l reuire$ents spe"ii"#lly noted#ove* i #ny* #nd sh#ll provide Custo$er +ith "ertii"#tes o insur#n"e eviden"ingrene+#l or sustitution o su"h insur#n"e thirty %30) d#ys prior to the ee"tive d#te o su"hrene+#l or sustitution.

    1. Gener#l.

    1.1 Rel#tionship et+een Custo$er #nd Contr#"tor. Contr#"tor represents #nd +#rr#nts th#tit is #n independent "ontr#"tor +ith no #uthority to "ontr#"t or Custo$er or in #ny +#y toind or to "o$$it Custo$er to #ny #gree$ent o #ny ,ind or to #ssu$e #ny li#ilities o

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or Constru"tion /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    #ny n#ture in the n#$e o or on eh#l o Custo$er. :nder no "ir"u$st#n"es sh#llContr#"tor* or #ny o its st#* hold itsel out #s or e "onsidered #n #gent e$ployee* ointventure* or p#rtner o Custo$er. In re"ognition o Contr#"torHs st#tus #s independent"ontr#"tor* Custo$er sh#ll "#rry no or,ersH Co$pens#tion insur#n"e or #ny he#lth or#""ident insur#n"e to "over Contr#"tor or Contr#"torHs #gents or st#. Custo$er sh#ll notp#y #ny "ontriutions to /o"i#l /e"urity* une$ploy$ent insur#n"e* eder#l or st#te+ithholding t#Des* #ny other #ppli"#le t#Des +hether eder#l* st#te* or lo"#l* nor provide

    #ny other "ontriutions or eneits +hi"h $ight e eDpe"ted in #n e$ployer-e$ployeerel#tionship. 9either Contr#"tor nor its st#* sh#ll e eligile or* p#rti"ip#te in* or #""rue#ny dire"t or indire"t eneit under #ny other "o$pens#tion* eneit* or pension pl#n oCusto$er.

    1.2 Governing L#+. 'his Agree$ent sh#ll e governed y #nd "onstrued in #""ord#n"e +iththe l#+s o the /t#te o 9e+ ;or,#nd the eder#l l#+s o the :nited /t#tes o A$eri"#.Contr#"tor herey "onsents #nd su$its to the urisdi"tion #nd oru$ o the st#te #ndeder#l "ourts in the /t#te o 9e+ ;or, in #ll uestions #nd "ontroversies #rising out othis Agree$ent.

    1.3 Co$pli#n"e ith L#+sF Custo$er 6oli"ies #nd 6ro"edures. =oth p#rties #gree to "o$ply+ith #ll #ppli"#le eder#l* st#te* #nd lo"#l l#+s* eDe"utive orders #nd regul#tions issued*+here #ppli"#le. Contr#"tor sh#ll "o$ply +ith Custo$er poli"ies #nd pro"edures +herethe s#$e #re posted* "onveyed* or other+ise $#de #v#il#le to Contr#"tor. ithout

    li$iting Contr#"torHs other olig#tions o inde$nii"#tion herein* Contr#"tor sh#ll deend*inde$niy* #nd hold Custo$er Inde$nitees h#r$less ro$ #nd #g#inst #ny #nd #ll Cl#i$s*in"luding re#son#le eDpenses suered y* #""rued #g#inst* or "h#rged to or re"over#lero$ Custo$er* on #""ount o the #ilure o Contr#"tor to peror$ its olig#tions i$posedherein.

    1. or"e 8#eure. 9either p#rty sh#ll e li#le or del#ys or #ny #ilure to peror$ under thisAgree$ent due to "#uses eyond its re#son#le "ontrol. /u"h del#ys in"lude* ut #re not li$ited to* ire*eDplosion* lood or other n#tur#l "#t#strophe* govern$ent#l legisl#tion* #"ts* orders* or regul#tion* stri,es orl#or dii"ulties* to the eDtent not o""#sioned y the #ult or negligen"e o the del#yed p#rty. Any su"heD"use or del#y sh#ll l#st only #s long #s the event re$#ins eyond the re#son#le "ontrol o the del#yedp#rty. Advertising #nd 6uli"ity. Contr#"tor sh#ll not use the n#$e o or reer to Custo$erdire"tly or indire"tly in #ny #dvertise$ent* ne+s rele#se* or proession#l or tr#depuli"#tion +ithout prior +ritten #pprov#l ro$ Custo$er. Contr#"tor $#y in"ludeCusto$er on its "usto$er lists #nd* upon noti"e #nd "onsent* su"h "onsent not to eunre#son#ly +ithheld* Contr#"tor $#y use Custo$er #s # reeren"e. 'his /e"tion sh#llsurvive the ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent.

    1.@ 9o #iver. 'he #ilure o either p#rty #t #ny ti$e to reuire peror$#n"e y the otherp#rty o #ny provision o this Agree$ent sh#ll in no +#y #e"t th#t p#rtyJs right to enor"esu"h provisions* nor sh#ll the +#iver y either p#rty o #ny re#"h o #ny provision o thisAgree$ent e t#,en or held to e # +#iver o #ny urther re#"h o the s#$e provision.

    1.7 9oti"es. Any noti"e given pursu#nt to this Agree$ent sh#ll e in +riting #nd sh#ll e giveny person#l servi"e or y :nited /t#tes "ertiied $#il* return re"eipt reuested* post#ge

    prep#id to the #ddresses #ppe#ring #t the end o this Agree$ent* or #s "h#nged through+ritten noti"e to the other p#rty. 9oti"e given y person#l servi"e sh#ll e dee$edee"tive on the d#te it is delivered to the #ddressee* #nd noti"e $#iled sh#ll e dee$edee"tive on the third d#y ollo+ing its pl#"e$ent in the $#il #ddressed to the #ddressee.

    1.K Assign$ent o Agree$ent. 'his Agree$ent #nd the olig#tions o Contr#"tor hereunder#re person#l to Contr#"tor #nd its st#. 9either Contr#"tor nor #ny su""essor* re"eiver* or#ssignee o Contr#"tor sh#ll dire"tly or indire"tly #ssign this Agree$ent or the rights orduties "re#ted y this Agree$ent* +hether su"h #ssign$ent is ee"ted in "onne"tion +ith# s#le o Contr#"torJs #ssets or sto", or through $erger* #n insolven"y pro"eeding or

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or Constru"tion /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    other+ise* +ithout the prior +ritten "onsent o Custo$er. Custo$er* #t Custo$erHs soleele"tion* $#y #ssign #ny #nd #ll o its rights #nd olig#tions under this Agree$ent toE %#)#ny #ili#te o Custo$erF or* %) #ny "o$p#ny th#t su""eeds to sust#nti#lly #ll oCusto$erJs usiness.

    1.10 4ntire Agree$ent. 'his Agree$ent #nd its #tt#"hed eDhiits* i #ny* "onstitute the entire#gree$ent et+een the p#rties #nd supersede #ny #nd #ll previous represent#tions*

    underst#ndings* dis"ussions* or #gree$ents et+een Custo$er #nd Contr#"tor #s to thesue"t $#tter hereo. 'his Agree$ent $#y only e #$ended y #n instru$ent in +ritingsigned y Custo$er #nd Contr#"tor. Custo$er #nd Contr#"tor e#"h #",no+ledge th#t ith#s h#d the opportunity to revie+ this Agree$ent +ith its leg#l "ounsel. ro$ ti$e toti$e* the p#rties hereto $#y eDe"ute one or $ore supple$ents #s eDhiits to thisAgree$ent. /u"h eDhiits* +hen signed y # represent#tive o e#"h o the p#rties* sh#lle in"orpor#ted herein #nd reeren"es to p#rti"ul#r eDhiits herein sh#ll #pply to su"hsupple$ent#l eDhiits. :nless eDpressly provided or in the #ppli"#le eDhiit* in the evento # "onli"t et+een the provisions "ont#ined in this Agree$ent #nd those "ont#ined in#ny eDhiit to this Agree$ent* the provisions "ont#ined in the Agree$ent* #s the "#se $#ye* sh#ll prev#il.

    1.11 Cu$ul#tive Re$edies. All rights #nd re$edies o Custo$er herein sh#ll e in #ddition to#ll other rights #nd re$edies #v#il#le #t l#+ or in euity* in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion*spe"ii" peror$#n"e or the enor"e$ent o this Agree$ent* #nd te$por#ry #nd

    per$#nent inun"tive relie.

    1.12 Counterp#rtsF #"si$ile. 'his Agree$ent $#y e eDe"uted in one or $ore "ounterp#rts*e#"h o +hi"h sh#ll e dee$ed #n origin#l* ut #ll o +hi"h together sh#ll "onstitute one#nd the s#$e Agree$ent. 'he p#rties #gree th#t # #"si$ile sign#ture $#y sustitute or#nd h#ve the s#$e leg#l ee"t #s the origin#l sign#ture.

    4De"uted on the d#tes set orth elo+ y the undersigned #uthori!ed represent#tives o the p#rties to eee"tive #s o the 4e"tive #te.


    OTHER PARTY NAME!"#Con)r0*)or%&

    =yE =yE

    9#$eE BCusto$er /ign#tory 9#$e 9#$eE Bther 6#rty /ign#tory 9#$e

    'itleE BCusto$er /ign#tory 'itle 'itleE Bther 6#rty /ign#tory 'itle

    #teE #teE

    A''ress (or No)i*e+ A''ress (or No)i*e+C:/'84RB9oti"e Address


    E1HIBIT A333

    Con)r0*)or4s S)0)e-en) o( Wor5

    'his 4Dhiit A - Contr#"torHs /t#te$ent o or, sh#ll e in"orpor#ted in #nd governed y the ter$so th#t "ert#in 8#ster Agree$ent or Constru"tion /ervi"es y #nd et+een CUSTOMER NAME!%&Custo$er() #nd OTHER PARTY NAME! %&Contr#"tor() d#ted B4e"tive #te* #s #$ended %the&Agree$ent(). :nless eDpressly provided or in this 4Dhiit A* in the event o # "onli"t et+een the

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or Constru"tion /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    provisions "ont#ined in the Agree$ent #nd those "ont#ined in this 4Dhiit A* the provisions "ont#ined in theAgree$ent sh#ll prev#il.

    A.1 6roe"t /ervi"esE B4nter title o the proe"t* proe"t or servi"e des"ription* s"ope* #nd oe"tives.

    A.2 /ervi"esE B4nter # rie des"ription o the servi"es to e provided y Contr#"tor #nd #nydeliver#les resulting therein.

    A.3 or,site%s)E B4nter the n#$es #nd lo"#tions o the +or,site%s).

    A. 'en#nt%s)E BI #ppli"#le* enter the n#$es #nd lo"#tions o the Custo$er ten#nts th#t the /ervi"es#re eing peror$ed on eh#l o or in the +or, #re# oF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.> Contr#"tor 6ropos#lE BI #ppli"#le* enter the title #nd d#te o the Contr#"torHs propos#lF other+ise*spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.@ 9#$e o /uContr#"tor%s)E B4nter ull n#$e* #ddress or noti"e* "ont#"t inor$#tion* in"luding e-$#il or #ll suContr#"tors ,no+n #t the ti$e o "ontr#"tingF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.7 8#teri#lsE BI #ppli"#le* enter # listing #nd rie des"ription o $#teri#ls to e provided yCusto$er or y Contr#"torF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.K 4uip$entE BI #ppli"#le* enter # listing #nd rie des"ription o euip$ent to e provided yCusto$er or y Contr#"torF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.M o"u$entsE BI #ppli"#le* enter #ny do"u$ents provided y Custo$er or to e provided yContr#"torF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.10 /t#rt #teE B4nter the d#te on +hi"h the /ervi"es #re s"heduled to "o$$en"e.

    A.11 4nd #teE B4nter the d#te on +hi"h* #""ording to the /"hedule* the /ervi"es #re s"heduled to end#nd #ll deliver#les* i #ny* should e delivered.

    A.12 /"heduleE BI #ppli"#le* enter the det#iled proe"t s"hedule in this se"tion or #s #n #tt#"h$ent ytitleF other+ise spe"iy &As per /t#rt #te #nd 4nd #te.(

    A.13 Cost %9ot-to-eD"eed)E B4nter the tot#l #nd ull #$ount o the "osts or the 6roe"t /ervi"es*

    in"luding l#or* $#teri#ls* euip$ent* et". Cle#rly spe"iy +h#t is in"luded in the Cost.

    A.1 6#y$entsE B4nter # des"ription o the p#y$ents r#$e+or,E iDed-ee* r#tes* periodi" p#y$ents*et".

    A.1> Insur#n"eE BI #ppli"#le* enter the types #nd #$ounts o "over#ge i dierent th#n spe"iied in theAgree$entF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.1@ 9#$e o Custo$er 6roe"t 8#n#gerE B4nter ull n#$e* #ddress or noti"e* "ont#"t inor$#tion*in"luding e-$#il.

    A.17 9#$e o Contr#"tor 6roe"t 8#n#gerE B4nter ull n#$e* #ddress or noti"e* "ont#"t inor$#tion*in"luding e-$#il.

    A.1K Addition#l 'er$s #nd ConditionsE B4nter #ny #ddition#l ter$s #nd "onditions #s #ppli"#leFother+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    4De"uted on the d#tes set orth elo+ y the undersigned #uthori!ed represent#tives o the p#rties to eee"tive #s o the /t#rt #te.


    OTHER PARTY NAME!"#Con)r0*)or%&

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or Constru"tion /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    =yE =yE



    #teE #teE

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or Constru"tion /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2



    'his #gree$ent %Agree$ent) is entered into* to e ee"tive #s o B4e"tive #te %&4e"tive #te()* y #ndet+een CUSTOMER NAME! %&Custo$er()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"e o usiness lo"#ted #t BCusto$erAddress* #nd OTHER PARTY NAME! %&Contr#"tor()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"e o usiness lo"#ted #t Bther6#rty Address.


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    unless other+ise spe"iied in the 4Dhiit A. :nless other+ise #greed y Custo$er* p#llets#re not per$itted in Custo$erHs reight elev#tor.

    1.@ Ch#nge rders. Custo$er sh#ll h#ve the right* #t #ny ti$e #nd +ithout previousnotii"#tion* y $e#ns o # "h#nge order %# &Ch#nge rder()* to $#,e "h#nges +ithin thegener#l s"ope o #n 4Dhiit A. here # Ch#nge rder $#y result in #n #dust$ent to theCost or /"hedule* Contr#"tor $ust provide # +ritten esti$#te o su"h #dust$ent to

    Custo$er +ithin ive %>) "#lend#r d#ys o Contr#"torHs re"eipt o # Ch#nge rder or su"hother period per$itted y Custo$er. :pon #pprov#l y Custo$er o Contr#"torHs +rittenesti$#te to "o$plete the Ch#nge rder* the p#rties sh#ll e#"h r#tiy the Ch#nge rderindi"#ting #ny #dust$ents to the Cost or /"hedule* su"h Ch#nge rder eingin"orpor#ted #s # p#rt o the #ppli"#le 4Dhiit A #nd #tt#"hed thereto. I # Ch#nge rderde"re#ses the Cost or /"hedule* then #n #dust$ent +ill e $#de to the s#$e yCusto$er.

    2. Contr#"tor /t#. Contr#"tor sh#ll investig#te* hire* p#y* supervise* #nd dis"h#rge #ll st# reuiredto peror$ the /ervi"es. Contr#"tor sh#ll est#lish #ppropri#te pro"edures #nd "ontrols so th#t #ll/ervi"es peror$ed hereunder y #n #lien sh#ll e peror$ed only y #n #lien +ho is leg#llyeligile or e$ploy$ent under :nited /t#tes i$$igr#tion l#+s. :pon the reuest o Custo$er*Contr#"tor sh#ll urnish to Custo$er # "ertii"#te o su"h eligiility +ith respe"t to e#"h e$ployeeperor$ing the /ervi"es. or the purposes o this Agree$ent* the st#* i #ny* o Contr#"tor sh#llin"lude its oi"ers* dire"tors* #gents* e$ployees* $#teri#l$en* #nd su"ontr#"tors %"olle"tively* the


    2.1 /uit#ility o /t#. /t# #ssigned to peror$ the /ervi"es sh#ll h#ve the eDperien"e #ndu#lii"#tions to peror$ the s#$e in # proession#l* ei"ient* #nd ti$ely $#nner. ICusto$er deter$ines th#t #ny o the /t# #re unsuit#le* Custo$er sh#ll #dviseContr#"tor o su"h deter$in#tion* #nd Contr#"tor sh#ll i$$edi#tely repl#"e su"h /t#.

    2.2 /u"ontr#"ting. Contr#"tor sh#ll not enter into #ny su"ontr#"ts or the peror$#n"e othe /ervi"es* or #ssign or tr#nser #ny o its rights or olig#tions under this Agree$ent*+ithout the prior +ritten "onsent o Custo$er #nd #ny #tte$pt to do so sh#ll e void #nd+ithout urther ee"t. Consent y Custo$er o the su"ontr#"ting y Contr#"tor o #ny othe /ervi"es sh#ll not relieve Contr#"tor o #ny o its duties or olig#tions under thisAgree$ent* #nd Contr#"tor sh#ll inde$niy #nd hold Custo$er h#r$less ro$ #nyp#y$ent reuired to e p#id to #ny su"h su"ontr#"tors.

    3. 'er$ #nd 'er$in#tionF 'i$e is o the 4ssen"e.'his Agree$ent is leg#lly inding #s o the 4e"tive#te* #nd* unless ter$in#ted #s provided herein* sh#ll "ontinue until ter$in#ted y Custo$er.Custo$er $#y ter$in#te this Agree$ent or #ny 4Dhiit A* in +hole or in p#rt* #t #ny ti$e or #nyre#son upon +ritten noti"e to Contr#"tor. In the "#se o ter$in#tion y Custo$er prior to the"o$pletion o the /ervi"es* Contr#"tor sh#ll e "o$pens#ted y Custo$er or #ll /ervi"esperor$ed #nd #""epted y Custo$er prior to the d#te o ter$in#tion. 'i$e is o the essen"e othis Agree$ent #nd o e#"h 4Dhiit A.

    . 8#teri#ls. :nless other+ise spe"iied in #n 4Dhiit A* Contr#"tor sh#ll provide #ll $#teri#ls ne"ess#ryor the su""essul delivery or "o$pletion o the /ervi"es #nd th#t $eet the /pe"ii"#tions %the&8#teri#ls*( #s urther des"ried in #n 4Dhiit A or #s reuired y the /ervi"es).

    .1 'r#nsport#tion o 8#teri#ls. :nless other+ise indi"#ted in #n 4Dhiit A* #ll "osts

    #sso"i#ted +ith "olle"tion #nd tr#nsport o 8#teri#ls sh#ll e in"luded in the Cost.

    .2 /ustitution o Custo$er 8#teri#ls. here Custo$er provides the 8#teri#ls* Contr#"tor isstri"tly prohiited ro$ sustituting other $#teri#ls or 8#teri#ls provided y Custo$er.Any eviden"e indi"#ting th#t Contr#"tor h#s done so +ill e grounds or i$$edi#teter$in#tion o this Agree$ent or #n 4Dhiit A* in +hole or in p#rt* #nd possile "ri$in#lprose"ution.

    .3 In#deu#te 8#teri#ls. Custo$er "#n reuest the re$ov#l or repl#"e$ent y Contr#"tor*#t no #ddition#l "ost to Custo$er* o #ny 8#teri#ls provided y Contr#"tor th#t does not$eet the /pe"ii"#tions. Contr#"tor $ust re$ove or repl#"e su"h 8#teri#ls +ithin ten %10)

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or #"ility /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    "#lend#r d#ys o the notii"#tion y Custo$er or su"h other period per$itted y Custo$er.I Contr#"tor #ils to "orre"t the identiied dei"ien"ies +ithin the per$itted period*Custo$er $#y peror$ these t#s,s itsel* or through third p#rties* #nd re"over the "ost othe re$edi#tion ro$ #ny #$ount o+ed to Contr#"tor or y "h#rging su"h "ost toContr#"tor.

    >. 4uip$ent. All euip$ent* in"luding tools* utili!ed or provided y Contr#"tor in the peror$#n"e o the

    /ervi"es $ust e in opti$u$ un"tioning "ondition #nd $#de o the est u#lity in its respe"tive"l#ss* #nd $ust "o$ply +ith the /pe"ii"#tions* i #ppli"#le. elivery* stor#ge* $#inten#n"e* #ndh#ndling o euip$ent utili!ed or provided y Contr#"tor #re the responsiility o Contr#"tor.Custo$er "#n reuest the repl#"e$ent o #ny euip$ent utili!ed or provided y Contr#"tor +hi"h*in Custo$erHs opinion* does not $eet the /pe"ii"#tions. here Custo$er provides euip$ent*Contr#"tor #grees to ,eep su"h euip$ent in good order #nd not per$it +#ste %#$elior#tive orother+ise) or d#$#ge to the s#$e. Contr#"tor sh#ll return euip$ent provided y Custo$er toCusto$er in sust#nti#lly the s#$e "ondition #s +hen Contr#"tor eg#n using the s#$e* ordin#ry+e#r #nd te#r eD"epted.

    @. ees #nd =illing 6ro"edures. Custo$er #grees to p#y Contr#"tor or the /ervi"es in #""ord#n"e+ith the ee%s) set orth in the #ppli"#le 4Dhiit A %the &Cost().

    @.1 'i$e o 6#y$ent. Any #$ount due Contr#"tor pursu#nt to #n 4Dhiit A or /ervi"esperor$ed +hi"h p#y$ent is not other+ise spe"iied sh#ll e due #nd p#y#le orty-ive%>) d#ys #ter re"eipt y Custo$er o #n invoi"e ro$ Contr#"tor.

    @.2 /ervi"es 6rovided on # iDed-ee =#sis. here #n 4Dhiit A spe"iies /ervi"es to eperor$ed on # iDed-ee #sis* the Cost sh#ll in"lude #ll "osts ne"ess#ry or thesu""essul delivery or "o$pletion o the /ervi"es.

    @.3 /ervi"es 6rovided on #n =illing 6ro"edures. :nless other+ise provided or under #n 4Dhiit A* Contr#"tor sh#ll illto Custo$er the #$ounts due pursu#nt to #n 4Dhiit A y Contr#"torHs invoi"e* on #$onthly #sis in #rre#rs. /u"h invoi"e sh#ll "ont#inE %#) Custo$er pur"h#se ordernu$er* i #ny* #nd Contr#"tor invoi"e nu$erF %) 6roe"t n#$e nu$erF %") des"riptiono /ervi"es renderedF %d) the iDed ee or s"heduled p#y$ent* or portion thereo* th#t isdueF %e) n#$e o Contr#"torHs /t#* i #ny* nu$er o hours* #nd hourly r#te o e#"h oContr#"torHs /t# +here /ervi"es #re illed on #n hourly #sisF %) s uilt or otherdr#+ings or do"u$ent#tion +here reuired y Custo$er or spe"iied in #n 4Dhiit AF %g)$#teri#l "h#rges* i #nyF %h) euip$ent "h#rges* i #ny* %i) #ll other "h#rges* i #ny* #s#ppli"#le #nd #s per$itted under #n 4Dhiit AF %) t#Des* i #nyF #nd* %,) tot#l #$ount dueContr#"tor sh#ll or+#rd invoi"es toE

    Custo$erB=illing Address

    @.@ Credits. Any "redits or other #$ounts due to Custo$er ro$ Contr#"tor pursu#nt to thisAgree$ent or other+ise $#y e #pplied or oset y Custo$er #g#inst #ny #$ountreuired to e p#id y Custo$er to Contr#"tor pursu#nt to #ny invoi"e renderedhereunder. Any "redits due to Custo$er ro$ Contr#"tor pursu#nt to this Agree$ent*su"h #s #$ounts p#id y Custo$er to Contr#"tor in eD"ess o #$ounts due to Contr#"tor*th#t #re not so #pplied #g#inst Contr#"torHs invoi"e or #ny re#son sh#ll e p#id toCusto$er y Contr#"tor +ithin thirty %30) d#ys ollo+ing Custo$erJs +ritten reuest orsu"h p#y$ent. 'his /e"tion sh#ll survive the ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent.

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or #"ility /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    @.7 9on-inding 'er$s. Any ter$s #nd "onditions th#t #re typed* printed* or other+isein"luded in #ny Contr#"tor invoi"e rendered pursu#nt to this Agree$ent sh#ll e dee$edto e solely or the "onvenien"e o the p#rties. 9o su"h ter$ or "ondition sh#ll e indingupon Custo$er* #nd no #"tion y Custo$er %in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion* the p#y$ent o#ny su"h invoi"e in +hole or in p#rt) sh#ll e "onstrued #s inding Custo$er +ith respe"tto #ny su"h ter$ or "ondition* unless the spe"ii" ter$ or "ondition h#s een previously#greed to y Contr#"tor #nd Custo$er in +riting* #nd is inding upon Custo$er +ith

    respe"t to su"h invoi"e y virtue o this Agree$ent or # inding #$end$ent thereto.

    @.K Audit#le Re"ordsF isputed A$ounts. Contr#"tor sh#ll ,eep ull #nd det#iled usinessre"ords #nd #""ounts #nd eDer"ise su"h "ontrols #s $#y e ne"ess#ry or properusiness #nd in#n"i#l $#n#ge$ent under this Agree$ent. Custo$er sh#ll e #orded#""ess to Contr#"torJs re"ords in"luding* ut not li$ited to* in#n"i#l re"ords* d#ily logs*di#ries* esti$#tes* reports* #nd $e$or#nd#. 'he Contr#"tor sh#ll preserve the re"ordsor # period o three %3) ye#rs #ter in#l p#y$ent* or or su"h longer period #s $#y ereuired y l#+. In the event Custo$er in good #ith disputes #ny #$ount on #nyContr#"tor invoi"e* Custo$er #nd Contr#"tor #gree to use their est eorts to resolvesu"h dispute +ithin ninety %M0) d#ys #ter Custo$er provides +ritten notii"#tion o thedispute to Contr#"tor. Contr#"tor #grees to provide ull supporting do"u$ent#tion"on"erning #ny disputed #$ount or invoi"e to Custo$er +ithin thirty %30) d#ys #terCusto$er provides +ritten notii"#tion o the dispute to Contr#"tor. 6rovided th#tCusto$er h#s urnished +ritten notii"#tion o the dispute to Contr#"tor +ithin thirty %30)

    d#ys #ter Custo$er re"eived the disputed invoi"e* Custo$er sh#ll h#ve no olig#tion*during the ninety %M0) d#y period spe"iied #ove* to p#y #ny #$ount th#t Custo$erre#son#ly disputes hereunder. 'his /e"tion sh#ll survive the ter$in#tion o thisAgree$ent.

    @.M '#Des. Contr#"tor represents #nd +#rr#nts th#t it is #n independent "ontr#"tor orpurposes o eder#l* st#te* #nd lo"#l e$ploy$ent t#Des. Contr#"tor #grees th#t Custo$eris not responsile to "olle"t or +ithhold #ny eder#l* st#te* or lo"#l e$ploy$ent t#Des*in"luding* ut not li$ited to* in"o$e t#D +ithholding #nd so"i#l se"urity "ontriutions* orContr#"tor or its e$ployees. Any #nd #ll t#Des* interest or pen#lties* in"luding* ut notli$ited to* #ny eder#l* st#te* or lo"#l +ithholding or e$ploy$ent t#Des* i$posed*#ssessed* or levied #s # result o this Agree$ent sh#ll e p#id or +ithheld y Contr#"toror* i #ssessed #g#inst #nd p#id y Custo$er* sh#ll e rei$ursed y Contr#"tor uponde$#nd y Custo$er.

    7. 9on-is"losure o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. Contr#"tor #",no+ledges th#t it $#y e eDposed to or#"uire "o$$uni"#tion or d#t# o Custo$er th#t is "onidenti#l* privileged "o$$uni"#tion notintended to e dis"losed to third p#rties. or the purposes o this Agree$ent* the ter$ &Conidenti#lInor$#tion( sh#ll $e#n #ll inor$#tion #nd do"u$ent#tion o Custo$er th#tE %#) h#s een $#r,ed"onidenti#l or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ning* #t the ti$e o dis"losureF %) i dis"losed or#lly or not$#r,ed "onidenti#l or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ning* +#s suseuently su$$#ri!ed in +riting#nd $#r,ed &"onidenti#l( or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ningF or* %") #ny Conidenti#l Inor$#tionderived ro$ inor$#tion o Custo$er. Contr#"tor #grees to hold #ll Conidenti#l Inor$#tion instri"t "oniden"e #nd not to "opy* reprodu"e* sell* tr#nser* or other+ise dispose o* give or dis"losesu"h Conidenti#l Inor$#tion to third p#rties. Contr#"tor sh#ll use its est eorts to #ssistCusto$er in identiying #nd preventing #ny un#uthori!ed use or dis"losure o #ny Conidenti#lInor$#tion. :pon ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent* Contr#"tor sh#ll i$$edi#tely return to ALAC #ll"opies* in +h#tever or$* o #ny #nd #ll Conidenti#l Inor$#tion +hi"h #re in Contr#"torJspossession* "ustody* or "ontrol. Contr#"tor #",no+ledges th#t re#"h o Contr#"torHs olig#tion o

    "onidenti#lity $#y give rise to irrep#r#le inury to Custo$er* +hi"h d#$#ge $#y e in#deu#tely"o$pens#le in the or$ o $onet#ry d#$#ges. A""ordingly* Custo$er $#y see, #nd ot#ininun"tive relie #g#inst the re#"h or thre#tened re#"h* in #ddition to #ny other leg#l re$edies+hi"h $#y e #v#il#le. 'he provisions o this /e"tion sh#ll survive the ter$in#tion o thisAgree$ent.

    K. 9on-dis"losure* Conidenti#lity* #nd /e"urity o 6rote"ted

  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    e$ploy$ent or ter$in#tion thereoF %") odily inury %in"luding de#th) or d#$#ge tot#ngile person#l or re#l propertyF or* %d) re#"hes o #ny represent#tions $#de under thisAgree$ent.

    10.1.1 Inde$nii"#tion 6ro"edures Rel#ting to Liens. :pon the reuest o Custo$er*Contr#"tor sh#ll i$$edi#tely "#use the ee"t o #ny lien to e re$oved ro$ the6roe"t #nd the re#l property upon +hi"h it is lo"#ted. Contr#"tor $#y litig#te #ny

    lien provided Contr#"tor "#uses the ee"t thereo to e re$oved pro$ptly in#dv#n"e ro$ the 6roe"t #nd the re#l property upon +hi"h it is lo"#ted. In theevent Contr#"tor #ils to h#ve # lien pro$ptly re$oved* Custo$er $#y use #ny$e#ns to h#ve su"h lien re$oved #nd Custo$er sh#ll re"over #ll rel#ted "ostsro$ #ny #$ount o+ed to Contr#"tor or y "h#rging su"h "ost to Contr#"tor.

    10.2. Rep#ir o #$#ge. Contr#"tor sh#ll pro$ptly rep#ir or p#y or rep#ir o #ny d#$#geidentiied y Custo$er resulting ro$ Contr#"torHs peror$#n"e o the /ervi"es. hereContr#"tor #ils to $#,e su"h rep#irs or p#y or rep#irs* Custo$er $#y re"over the "ost othe re$edi#tion ro$ #ny #$ount o+ed to Contr#"tor or y "h#rging su"h "ost toContr#"tor.

    10.3. Loss o Oeys. In the event th#t Contr#"tor is given ,eys to #ny portion o # se"ured #re#or the /ervi"es* the loss o ,eys y Contr#"tor +ill result in the tot#l re-,ey o the #e"tedse"ured #re#s #t Contr#"torHs sole eDpense. here Contr#"tor #ils to p#y or re-,eying*

    Custo$er $#y re"over the "ost o re-,eying ro$ #ny #$ount o+ed to Contr#"tor or y"h#rging su"h "ost to Contr#"tor.

    10.. Ris, o Loss y Contr#"tor. /tor#ge o Contr#"tor euip$ent or 8#teri#ls sh#ll e #llo+edonly +ith Custo$erHs prior +ritten #pprov#l #nd #t Contr#"torHs sole ris,. Contr#"tor sh#llinde$niy Custo$er #g#inst #ny loss or d#$#ge o the s#$e.

    11. Inde$nii"#tion 6ro"edures. 6ro$ptly #ter re"eipt y Custo$er o # thre#t o #ny #"tion* or #noti"e o the "o$$en"e$ent* or iling o #ny #"tion #g#inst Custo$er or #ny Custo$er Inde$nitee*Custo$er sh#ll give noti"e thereo to Contr#"tor* provided th#t #ilure to give or del#y in giving su"hnoti"e to Contr#"tor sh#ll not relieve Contr#"tor o #ny li#ility it $#y h#ve to Custo$er or #nyCusto$er Inde$nitee eD"ept to the eDtent th#t Contr#"tor de$onstr#tes th#t the deense o su"h#"tion is preudi"ed therey. Custo$er sh#ll not independently deend or respond to #ny su"h"l#i$F provided* ho+ever* th#tE %#) Custo$er $#y deend or respond to #ny su"h "l#i$* #tContr#"torJs eDpense* i Custo$erHs "ounsel deter$ines* in its sole dis"retion* th#t su"h deense orresponse is ne"ess#ry to pre"lude # de#ult udg$ent ro$ eing entered #g#inst Custo$erF #nd*%) Custo$er sh#ll h#ve the right* #t its o+n eDpense* to $onitor Contr#"torJs deense o #ny su"h"l#i$. Contr#"tor sh#ll h#ve sole "ontrol o the deense #nd o #ll negoti#tions or settle$ent osu"h #"tion. At Contr#"torHs reuest* Custo$er sh#ll "ooper#te +ith Contr#"tor in deending orsettling #ny su"h #"tionF provided* ho+ever* th#t Contr#"tor sh#ll rei$urse Custo$er or #llre#son#le out-o-po",et "osts in"urred y Custo$er %in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion* re#son#le#ttorneysH ees #nd eDpenses) in providing su"h "ooper#tion.

    12. Li$it#tion o Li#ility. 9'I'

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  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    +here #ppli"#le. Contr#"tor sh#ll "o$ply +ith Custo$er poli"ies #nd pro"edures +herethe s#$e #re posted* "onveyed* or other+ise $#de #v#il#le to Contr#"tor. ithoutli$iting Contr#"torHs other olig#tions o inde$nii"#tion herein* Contr#"tor sh#ll deend*inde$niy* #nd hold Custo$er Inde$nitees h#r$less ro$ #nd #g#inst #ny #nd #ll Cl#i$s*in"luding re#son#le eDpenses suered y* #""rued #g#inst* or "h#rged to or re"over#lero$ Custo$er* on #""ount o the #ilure o Contr#"tor to peror$ its olig#tions i$posedherein.

    1. or"e 8#eure. 9either p#rty sh#ll e li#le or del#ys or #ny #ilure to peror$ under thisAgree$ent due to "#uses eyond its re#son#le "ontrol. /u"h del#ys in"lude* ut #re notli$ited to* ire* eDplosion* lood or other n#tur#l "#t#strophe* govern$ent#l legisl#tion*#"ts* orders* or regul#tion* stri,es or l#or dii"ulties* to the eDtent not o""#sioned y the#ult or negligen"e o the del#yed p#rty. Any su"h eD"use or del#y sh#ll l#st only #s long#s the event re$#ins eyond the re#son#le "ontrol o the del#yed p#rty. Advertising #nd 6uli"ity. Contr#"tor sh#ll not use the n#$e o or reer to Custo$erdire"tly or indire"tly in #ny #dvertise$ent* ne+s rele#se* or proession#l or tr#de

    puli"#tion +ithout prior +ritten #pprov#l ro$ Custo$er. Contr#"tor $#y in"ludeCusto$er on its "usto$er lists #nd* upon noti"e #nd "onsent* su"h "onsent not to eunre#son#ly +ithheld* Contr#"tor $#y use Custo$er #s # reeren"e. 'his /e"tion sh#llsurvive the ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent.

    1.@ 9o #iver. 'he #ilure o either p#rty #t #ny ti$e to reuire peror$#n"e y the otherp#rty o #ny provision o this Agree$ent sh#ll in no +#y #e"t th#t p#rtyJs right to enor"esu"h provisions* nor sh#ll the +#iver y either p#rty o #ny re#"h o #ny provision o thisAgree$ent e t#,en or held to e # +#iver o #ny urther re#"h o the s#$e provision.

    1.7 9oti"es. Any noti"e given pursu#nt to this Agree$ent sh#ll e in +riting #nd sh#ll e giveny person#l servi"e or y :nited /t#tes "ertiied $#il* return re"eipt reuested* post#geprep#id to the #ddresses #ppe#ring #t the end o this Agree$ent* or #s "h#nged through+ritten noti"e to the other p#rty. 9oti"e given y person#l servi"e sh#ll e dee$ed

    ee"tive on the d#te it is delivered to the #ddressee* #nd noti"e $#iled sh#ll e dee$edee"tive on the third d#y ollo+ing its pl#"e$ent in the $#il #ddressed to the #ddressee.

    1.K Assign$ent o Agree$ent. 'his Agree$ent #nd the olig#tions o Contr#"tor hereunder#re person#l to Contr#"tor #nd its st#. 9either Contr#"tor nor #ny su""essor* re"eiver* or#ssignee o Contr#"tor sh#ll dire"tly or indire"tly #ssign this Agree$ent or the rights orduties "re#ted y this Agree$ent* +hether su"h #ssign$ent is ee"ted in "onne"tion +ith# s#le o Contr#"torJs #ssets or sto", or through $erger* #n insolven"y pro"eeding orother+ise* +ithout the prior +ritten "onsent o Custo$er. Custo$er* #t Custo$erHs soleele"tion* $#y #ssign #ny #nd #ll o its rights #nd olig#tions under this Agree$ent toE %#)#ny #ili#te o Custo$erF or* %) #ny "o$p#ny th#t su""eeds to sust#nti#lly #ll oCusto$erJs usiness.

    1.10 4ntire Agree$ent. 'his Agree$ent #nd its #tt#"hed eDhiits* i #ny* "onstitute the entire#gree$ent et+een the p#rties #nd supersede #ny #nd #ll previous represent#tions*underst#ndings* dis"ussions* or #gree$ents et+een Custo$er #nd Contr#"tor #s to thesue"t $#tter hereo. 'his Agree$ent $#y only e #$ended y #n instru$ent in +ritingsigned y Custo$er #nd Contr#"tor. Custo$er #nd Contr#"tor e#"h #",no+ledge th#t ith#s h#d the opportunity to revie+ this Agree$ent +ith its leg#l "ounsel. ro$ ti$e toti$e* the p#rties hereto $#y eDe"ute one or $ore supple$ents #s eDhiits to thisAgree$ent. /u"h eDhiits* +hen signed y # represent#tive o e#"h o the p#rties* sh#lle in"orpor#ted herein #nd reeren"es to p#rti"ul#r eDhiits herein sh#ll #pply to su"hsupple$ent#l eDhiits. :nless eDpressly provided or in the #ppli"#le eDhiit* in the evento # "onli"t et+een the provisions "ont#ined in this Agree$ent #nd those "ont#ined in

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or #"ility /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    #ny eDhiit to this Agree$ent* the provisions "ont#ined in the Agree$ent* #s the "#se $#ye* sh#ll prev#il.

    1.11 Cu$ul#tive Re$edies. All rights #nd re$edies o Custo$er herein sh#ll e in #ddition to#ll other rights #nd re$edies #v#il#le #t l#+ or in euity* in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion*spe"ii" peror$#n"e or the enor"e$ent o this Agree$ent* #nd te$por#ry #ndper$#nent inun"tive relie.

    1.12 Counterp#rtsF #"si$ile. 'his Agree$ent $#y e eDe"uted in one or $ore "ounterp#rts*e#"h o +hi"h sh#ll e dee$ed #n origin#l* ut #ll o +hi"h together sh#ll "onstitute one#nd the s#$e Agree$ent. 'he p#rties #gree th#t # #"si$ile sign#ture $#y sustitute or#nd h#ve the s#$e leg#l ee"t #s the origin#l sign#ture.

    4De"uted on the d#tes set orth elo+ y the undersigned #uthori!ed represent#tives o the p#rties to eee"tive #s o the 4e"tive #te.


    OTHER PARTY NAME!"#Con)r0*)or%&

    =yE =yE

    9#$eE BCusto$er /ign#tory 9#$e 9#$eE Bther 6#rty /ign#tory 9#$e

    'itleE BCusto$er /ign#tory 'itle 'itleE Bther 6#rty /ign#tory 'itle

    #teE #teE

    A''ress (or No)i*e+ A''ress (or No)i*e+C:/'84RB9oti"e Address


    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or #"ility /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    E1HIBIT A333

    Con)r0*)or4s S)0)e-en) o( Wor5

    'his 4Dhiit A - Contr#"torHs /t#te$ent o or, sh#ll e in"orpor#ted in #nd governed y the ter$so th#t "ert#in 8#ster Agree$ent or #"ility /ervi"es y #nd et+een CUSTOMER NAME! %&Custo$er()#nd OTHER PARTY NAME! %&Contr#"tor() d#ted B4e"tive #te* #s #$ended %the &Agree$ent(). :nless

    eDpressly provided or in this 4Dhiit A* in the event o # "onli"t et+een the provisions "ont#ined in theAgree$ent #nd those "ont#ined in this 4Dhiit A* the provisions "ont#ined in the Agree$ent sh#ll prev#il.

    A.1 6roe"t /ervi"esE B4nter title o the proe"t* proe"t or servi"e des"ription* s"ope* #nd oe"tives.

    A.2 /ervi"esE B4nter # rie des"ription o the servi"es to e provided y Contr#"tor #nd #nydeliver#les resulting therein.

    A.3 or,site%s)E B4nter the n#$es #nd lo"#tions o the +or,site%s).

    A. 'en#nt%s)E BI #ppli"#le* enter the n#$es #nd lo"#tions o the Custo$er ten#nts th#t the /ervi"es#re eing peror$ed on eh#l o or in the +or, #re# oF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.> Contr#"tor 6ropos#lE BI #ppli"#le* enter the title #nd d#te o the Contr#"torHs propos#lF other+ise*spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.@ 9#$e o /uContr#"tor%s)E B4nter ull n#$e* #ddress or noti"e* "ont#"t inor$#tion* in"luding e-$#il or #ll suContr#"tors ,no+n #t the ti$e o "ontr#"tingF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.7 8#teri#lsE BI #ppli"#le* enter # listing #nd rie des"ription o $#teri#ls to e provided yCusto$er or y Contr#"torF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.K 4uip$entE BI #ppli"#le* enter # listing #nd rie des"ription o euip$ent to e provided yCusto$er or y Contr#"torF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.M o"u$entsE BI #ppli"#le* enter #ny do"u$ents provided y Custo$er or to e provided yContr#"torF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.10 /t#rt #teE B4nter the d#te on +hi"h the /ervi"es #re s"heduled to "o$$en"e.

    A.11 4nd #teE B4nter the d#te on +hi"h* #""ording to the /"hedule* the /ervi"es #re s"heduled to end#nd #ll deliver#les* i #ny* should e delivered.

    A.12 /"heduleE BI #ppli"#le* enter the det#iled proe"t s"hedule in this se"tion or #s #n #tt#"h$ent ytitleF other+ise spe"iy &As per /t#rt #te #nd 4nd #te.(

    A.13 Cost %9ot-to-eD"eed)E B4nter the tot#l #nd ull #$ount o the "osts or the 6roe"t /ervi"es*in"luding l#or* $#teri#ls* euip$ent* et". Cle#rly spe"iy +h#t is in"luded in the Cost.

    A.1 6#y$entsE B4nter # des"ription o the p#y$ents r#$e+or,E iDed-ee* r#tes* periodi" p#y$ents*et".

    A.1> Insur#n"eE BI #ppli"#le* enter the types #nd #$ounts o "over#ge i dierent th#n spe"iied in theAgree$entF other+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    A.1@ 9#$e o Custo$er 6roe"t 8#n#gerE B4nter ull n#$e* #ddress or noti"e* "ont#"t inor$#tion*in"luding e-$#il.

    A.17 9#$e o Contr#"tor 6roe"t 8#n#gerE B4nter ull n#$e* #ddress or noti"e* "ont#"t inor$#tion*in"luding e-$#il.

    A.1K Addition#l 'er$s #nd ConditionsE B4nter #ny #ddition#l ter$s #nd "onditions #s #ppli"#leFother+ise* spe"iy &9ot Appli"#le.(

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or #"ility /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    4De"uted on the d#tes set orth elo+ y the undersigned #uthori!ed represent#tives o the p#rties to eee"tive #s o the /t#rt #te.


    OTHER PARTY NAME!"#Con)r0*)or%&

    =yE =yE



    #teE #teE

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Agree$ent or #"ility /ervi"es


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2



    'his #gree$ent %Agree$ent) is entered into* to e ee"tive #s o B4e"tive #te %&4e"tive #te()* y #ndet+een CUSTOMER NAME! %&Custo$er()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"e o usiness lo"#ted #t BCusto$erAddress* #nd OTHER PARTY NAME! %&/upplier()* +ith its prin"ip#l pl#"e o usiness lo"#ted #t Bther6#rty Address.


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    2. 'er$ #nd 'er$in#tionF 'i$e is o the 4ssen"e.'his Agree$ent is leg#lly inding #s o the 4e"tive#te* #nd* unless ter$in#ted #s provided herein* sh#ll "ontinue until ter$in#ted y Custo$er.Custo$er $#y ter$in#te this Agree$ent or #ny 4Dhiit A* in +hole or in p#rt* #t #ny ti$e or #nyre#son upon +ritten noti"e to /upplier. 'i$e is o the essen"e o this Agree$ent #nd o e#"h4Dhiit A.

    3. ees #nd =illing 6ro"edures. Custo$er #grees to p#y /upplier or the /ervi"es in #""ord#n"e +ith

    the ee%s) set orth in the #ppli"#le 4Dhiit A.

    1.1 'i$e o 6#y$ent. Any su$ due /upplier pursu#nt to #n 4Dhiit A or /ervi"es peror$ed+hi"h p#y$ent is not other+ise spe"iied sh#ll e due #nd p#y#le orty-ive %>) d#ys#ter re"eipt y Custo$er o #n invoi"e ro$F provided* ho+ever* th#t no su$ sh#ll e dueto /upplier until # C#ndid#te h#s egun his or her e$ploy$ent +ith Custo$er.

    1.2 ee C#l"ul#tion. or "onsider#tion o the /ervi"es* /upplier sh#ll e due # ee o t+enty%20Q) o # C#ndid#teHs irst ye#r #se s#l#ry %the &ee().

    1.3 =illing 6ro"edures. :nless other+ise provided or under #n 4Dhiit A* /upplier sh#ll ill toCusto$er the su$s due pursu#nt to #n #ppli"#le 4Dhiit A y /upplierHs invoi"e* on #$onthly #sis in #rre#rs. /u"h invoi"e sh#ll "ont#inE %#) the C#ndid#teHs n#$eF %) the#sso"i#ted eeF %") dis"ounts* i #ppli"#leF %d) t#Des* i #nyF %e) tot#l #$ount dueF #nd* %)

    pur"h#se order nu$er provided y Custo$er* i #ny.. /upplier sh#ll or+#rd invoi"es toECusto$erB=illing Address

    1. 9o Addition#l Ch#rges. 4D"ept or the ee des"ried in the #ppli"#le 4Dhiit A* Custo$ersh#ll not e illed or* or e olig#ted to p#y to /upplier #ny "h#rges* eDpenses* or other#$ounts or the /ervi"es or other+ise.

    1.> ee Gu#r#ntee. /hould the C#ndid#te le#ve Custo$er or #ny re#son other th#nredu"tion-in-or"e et+een d#y one %1) #nd d#y ninety %M0) o "o$$en"e$ent oC#ndid#teHs e$ploy$ent* the Contingen"y ee sh#ll e "redited to Custo$er. /hould theC#ndid#te le#ve Custo$er or #ny re#son other th#n redu"tion-in-or"e et+een d#yninety one %M1) #nd d#y three hundred #nd siDty ive %3@>)* /upplier sh#ll provide #repl#"e$ent C#ndid#te #t no #ddition#l "h#rge* irrespe"tive o the ee C#l"ul#tion.

    1.@ Credits. Any "redits or other #$ounts due to Custo$er ro$ /upplier pursu#nt to thisAgree$ent or other+ise $#y e #pplied or oset y Custo$er #g#inst #ny #$ountreuired to e p#id y Custo$er to /upplier pursu#nt to #ny invoi"e rendered hereunder.Any "redits due to Custo$er ro$ /upplier pursu#nt to this Agree$ent* su"h #s #$ountsp#id y Custo$er to /upplier in eD"ess o #$ounts due to /upplier* th#t #re not so #pplied#g#inst /upplierHs invoi"e or #ny re#son sh#ll e p#id to Custo$er y /upplier +ithinthirty %30) d#ys ollo+ing Custo$erJs +ritten reuest or su"h p#y$ent. 'his /e"tion sh#llsurvive the ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent.

    1.7 9on-inding 'er$s. Any ter$s #nd "onditions th#t #re typed* printed* or other+isein"luded in #ny /upplier invoi"e rendered pursu#nt to this Agree$ent sh#ll e dee$ed toe solely or the "onvenien"e o the p#rties. 9o su"h ter$ or "ondition sh#ll e indingupon Custo$er* #nd no #"tion y Custo$er %in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion* the p#y$ent o

    #ny su"h invoi"e in +hole or in p#rt) sh#ll e "onstrued #s inding Custo$er +ith respe"tto #ny su"h ter$ or "ondition* unless the spe"ii" ter$ or "ondition h#s een previously#greed to y /upplier #nd Custo$er in +riting* #nd is inding upon Custo$er +ith respe"tto su"h invoi"e y virtue o this Agree$ent or # inding #$end$ent thereto.

    1.K Audit#le Re"ordsF isputed A$ounts. /upplier sh#ll $#int#in #""ur#te re"ords o #llees ill#le to* #nd p#y$ents $#de y* Custo$er in # or$#t th#t +ill per$it #udit or #period o not less th#n three %3) ye#rs #ter p#y$ent h#s een rendered y Custo$er. orsu"h period* upon Custo$erHs +ritten reuest* /upplier sh#ll provide Custo$er +ith #"opy o #ny #nnu#l &/A/ 70( or other #udit reports prep#red y #uditors o /upplier* i soprep#red. In the event Custo$er in good #ith disputes #ny #$ount on #ny /upplier

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Contingen"y ir$ Agree$ent


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    invoi"e* Custo$er #nd /upplier #gree to use their est eorts to resolve su"h dispute+ithin ninety %M0) d#ys #ter Custo$er provides +ritten notii"#tion o the dispute to/upplier. /upplier #grees to provide ull supporting do"u$ent#tion "on"erning #nydisputed #$ount or invoi"e to Custo$er +ithin thirty %30) d#ys #ter Custo$er provides+ritten notii"#tion o the dispute to /upplier. 6rovided th#t Custo$er h#s urnished+ritten notii"#tion o the dispute to /upplier +ithin thirty %30) d#ys #ter Custo$erre"eived the disputed invoi"e* Custo$er sh#ll h#ve no olig#tion* during the ninety %M0)

    d#y period spe"iied #ove* to p#y #ny #$ount th#t Custo$er re#son#ly disputeshereunder. 'his /e"tion sh#ll survive the ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent.

    3.M '#Des. /upplier represents #nd +#rr#nts th#t it is #n independent "ontr#"tor or purposeso eder#l* st#te* #nd lo"#l e$ploy$ent t#Des. /upplier #grees th#t Custo$er is notresponsile to "olle"t or +ithhold #ny eder#l* st#te* or lo"#l e$ploy$ent t#Des* in"luding*ut not li$ited to* in"o$e t#D +ithholding #nd so"i#l se"urity "ontriutions* or /upplier orits e$ployees. Any #nd #ll t#Des* interest or pen#lties* in"luding* ut not li$ited to* #nyeder#l* st#te* or lo"#l +ithholding or e$ploy$ent t#Des* i$posed* #ssessed* or levied #s# result o this Agree$ent sh#ll e p#id or +ithheld y /upplier or* i #ssessed #g#inst #ndp#id y Custo$er* sh#ll e rei$ursed y /upplier upon de$#nd y Custo$er.

    . 9on-is"losure o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. 'he p#rties #",no+ledge th#t e#"h p#rty $#y eeDposed to or #"uire "o$$uni"#tion or d#t# o the other p#rty th#t is "onidenti#l* privileged"o$$uni"#tion not intended to e dis"losed to third p#rties.

    .1 8e#ning o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. or the purposes o this Agree$ent* the ter$&Conidenti#l Inor$#tion( sh#ll $e#n #ll inor$#tion #nd do"u$ent#tion o # p#rty th#tE%#) h#s een $#r,ed "onidenti#l or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ning* #t the ti$e odis"losure y su"h p#rtyF %) i dis"losed or#lly or not $#r,ed "onidenti#l or +ith +ordso si$il#r $e#ning* +#s suseuently su$$#ri!ed in +riting y su"h p#rty #nd $#r,ed&"onidenti#l( or +ith +ords o si$il#r $e#ningF %") #ny Conidenti#l Inor$#tion derivedro$ inor$#tion o # p#rtyF or* %d) +ith respe"t to inor$#tion #nd do"u$ent#tion oCusto$er* +hether $#r,ed &Conidenti#l( or not* "onsists o Custo$erHs inor$#tion #nddo"u$ent#tion in"luded +ithin #ny o the ollo+ing "#tegoriesE %i) poli"yholder* p#yroll#""ount* #gent* "usto$er* $e$er* supplier* or "ontr#"tor listsF %ii) poli"yholder* p#yroll#""ount* #gent* "usto$er* $e$er* supplier* or "ontr#"tor inor$#tionF %iii) inor$#tionreg#rding usiness pl#ns %str#tegi" #nd t#"ti"#l) #nd oper#tions %in"luding peror$#n"e)F%iv) inor$#tion reg#rding #d$inistr#tive* in#n"i#l* or $#r,eting #"tivitiesF %v) pri"ing

    inor$#tionF %vi) personnel inor$#tionF %vii) produ"ts #ndor #nd servi"es oerings%in"luding spe"ii"#tions #nd designs)F or* %viii) pro"esses %e.g.* te"hni"#l* logisti"#l* #ndengineering). 'he ter$ Conidenti#l Inor$#tion does not in"lude #ny inor$#tion ordo"u$ent#tion th#t +#sE %#) #lre#dy in the possession o the re"eiving p#rty +ithout #nolig#tion o "onidenti#lityF %) developed independently y the re"eiving p#rty #sde$onstr#ted y the re"eiving p#rty* +ithout viol#ting the dis"losing p#rtyHs propriet#ryrightsF %") ot#ined ro$ # sour"e other th#n the dis"losing p#rty +ithout #n olig#tion o"onidenti#lityF or* %d) puli"ly #v#il#le +hen re"eived* or there#ter e"#$e puli"ly#v#il#le %other th#n through #ny un#uthori!ed dis"losure y* through or on eh#l o* there"eiving p#rty).

    .2 lig#tion o Conidenti#lity. 'he p#rties #gree to hold #ll Conidenti#l Inor$#tion in stri"t"oniden"e #nd not to "opy* reprodu"e* sell* tr#nser* or other+ise dispose o* give ordis"lose su"h Conidenti#l Inor$#tion to third p#rties other th#n e$ployees* #gents* orsu"ontr#"tors o su"h p#rty +ho h#ve # need to ,no+ in "onne"tion +ith this Agree$ent

    or to use su"h Conidenti#l Inor$#tion or #ny purposes +h#tsoever other th#n theperor$#n"e o this Agree$ent. 4#"h p#rty #grees to #dvise its respe"tive e$ployees*#gents* #nd su"ontr#"tors o their olig#tions o "onidenti#lity hereunder #nd reuire thes#$e to ,eep su"h inor$#tion "onidenti#l.

    .3 +nership o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. :nless other+ise #greed to y the p#rties in+riting* the Conidenti#l Inor$#tion o the dis"losing p#rty +ill e #nd re$#in the propertyo su"h p#rty.

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Contingen"y ir$ Agree$ent


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    . Cooper#tion to 6revent is"losure o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. 4#"h p#rty sh#ll use itsest eorts to #ssist the other p#rty in identiying #nd preventing #ny un#uthori!ed use ordis"losure o #ny Conidenti#l Inor$#tion. ithout li$it#tion o the oregoing* e#"h p#rtysh#ll #dvise the other p#rty i$$edi#tely in the event either p#rty le#rns or h#s re#son toelieve th#t #ny person +ho h#s h#d #""ess to Conidenti#l Inor$#tion h#s viol#ted orintends to viol#te the ter$s o this Agree$ent #nd e#"h p#rty +ill "ooper#te +ith the otherp#rty in see,ing inun"tive or other euit#le relie #g#inst #ny su"h person.

    .> Re$edies or =re#"h o lig#tion o Conidenti#lity. 4#"h p#rty #",no+ledges th#t there#"h o its olig#tion o "onidenti#lity $#y give rise to irrep#r#le inury to the otherp#rty* +hi"h d#$#ge $#y e in#deu#tely "o$pens#le in the or$ o $onet#ryd#$#ges. A""ordingly* e#"h p#rty $#y see, #nd ot#in inun"tive relie #g#inst there#"h or thre#tened re#"h o the oregoing undert#,ings* in #ddition to #ny other leg#lre$edies +hi"h $#y e #v#il#le* to in"lude* #t the sole ele"tion o the re"eiving p#rty* thei$$edi#te ter$in#tion* +ithout pen#lty to the s#$e* o this Agree$ent in +hole or in p#rt.

    .@ 'he provisions o this /e"tion sh#ll survive the ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent.

    >. /urrender o Conidenti#l Inor$#tion :pon 'er$in#tion. :pon ter$in#tion o this Agree$ent* e#"hp#rty sh#ll i$$edi#tely return to the other p#rty #ll "opies* in +h#tever or$* o #ny #nd #llConidenti#l Inor$#tion re"eived ro$ the other p#rty* or "re#ted or re"eived y # p#rty on eh#lo the other p#rty* +hi"h #re in su"h p#rtyHs possession* "ustody* or "ontrol.

    @. 8utu#l Represent#tions #nd #rr#nties. 4#"h o Custo$er #nd /upplier represent #nd +#rr#ntthe ollo+ing.

    @.1 It is # usiness duly in"orpor#ted* v#lidly eDisting* #nd in good st#nding under the l#+s oits st#te o do$i"ile.

    @.2 It h#s #ll reuisite po+er* in#n"i#l "#p#"ity* #nd #uthority to eDe"ute* deliver* #nd peror$its olig#tions under this Agree$ent.

    @.3 'his Agree$ent* +hen eDe"uted #nd delivered* sh#ll e # v#lid #nd inding olig#tion o itenor"e#le in #""ord#n"e +ith its ter$s.

    @. It is duly li"ensed* #uthori!ed* or u#liied to do usiness #nd is in good st#nding in everyurisdi"tion in +hi"h # li"ense* #uthori!#tion* or u#lii"#tion is reuired or the o+nershipor le#sing o its #ssets or the tr#ns#"tion o usiness o the "h#r#"ter tr#ns#"ted y it*eD"ept +here the #ilure to e so li"ensed* #uthori!ed* or u#liied +ould not h#ve #$#teri#l #dverse ee"t on its #ility to ulill its olig#tions under this Agree$ent.

    @.> 'he eDe"ution* delivery* #nd peror$#n"e o this Agree$ent h#s een duly #uthori!ed y it#nd this Agree$ent "onstitutes the leg#l* v#lid* #nd inding #gree$ent o it #nd isenor"e#le #g#inst it in #""ord#n"e +ith its ter$s* eD"ept #s the enor"e#ility thereo$#y e li$ited y #n,rupt"y* insolven"y* reorg#ni!#tions* $or#toriu$s* #nd si$il#r l#+s#e"ting "reditorsJ rights gener#lly #nd y gener#l euit#le prin"iples.

    @.@ It sh#ll "o$ply +ith #ll #ppli"#le eder#l* st#te* lo"#l* intern#tion#l* or other l#+s #ndregul#tions #ppli"#le to the peror$#n"e y it o its olig#tions under this Agree$ent #ndsh#ll ot#in #ll #ppli"#le per$its #nd li"enses reuired o it in "onne"tion +ith its

    olig#tions under this Agree$ent.

    @.7 'here is no outst#nding litig#tion* #ritr#ted $#tter or other dispute to +hi"h it is # p#rty+hi"h* i de"ided un#vor#ly to it* +ould re#son#ly e eDpe"ted to h#ve # potenti#l or#"tu#l $#teri#l #dverse ee"t on its #ility to ulill its olig#tions under this Agree$ent.

    7. Gener#l Inde$nity. /upplier #grees to inde$niy* deend* #nd hold Custo$er* its oi"ers* dire"tors*#gents* #nd e$ployees %e#"h* #n &Inde$nitee( #nd "olle"tively* the &Inde$nitees() h#r$less ro$#nd #g#inst #ny #nd #ll li#ilities* d#$#ges* losses* eDpenses* "l#i$s* de$#nds* suits* ines* orudg$ents %"olle"tively &Cl#i$s()* in"luding re#son#le #ttorneysJ ees* "osts* #nd eDpenses

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Contingen"y ir$ Agree$ent


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    in"ident#l thereto* +hi"h $#y e suered y* #""rued #g#inst* "h#rged to* or re"over#le ro$ #nyCusto$er Inde$nitee* y re#son o #ny Cl#i$ #rising out o or rel#ting to #ny #"t* error oro$ission* or $is"ondu"t o /upplier* its oi"ers* dire"tors* #gents* e$ployees* #nd su"ontr#"tors*during the peror$#n"e o this Agree$ent* in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion* Cl#i$s #rising out o orrel#ting toE %#) # viol#tion o

  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    10.3 :pon Custo$erHs reuest* /upplier sh#ll provide Custo$er +ith "ertii"#tes o insur#n"eeviden"ing #ll o the #ove "over#ge* in"luding #ll spe"i#l reuire$ents spe"ii"#lly noted#ove* i #ny* #nd sh#ll provide Custo$er +ith "ertii"#tes o insur#n"e eviden"ingrene+#l or sustitution o su"h insur#n"e thirty %30) d#ys prior to the ee"tive d#te o su"hrene+#l or sustitution.

    11. Gener#l.

    11.1 Rel#tionship et+een Custo$er #nd /upplier. /upplier represents #nd +#rr#nts th#t it is#n independent "ontr#"tor +ith no #uthority to "ontr#"t or Custo$er or in #ny +#y to indor to "o$$it Custo$er to #ny #gree$ent o #ny ,ind or to #ssu$e #ny li#ilities o #nyn#ture in the n#$e o or on eh#l o Custo$er. :nder no "ir"u$st#n"es sh#ll /upplier* or#ny o its st#* hold itsel out #s or e "onsidered #n #gent e$ployee* oint venture* orp#rtner o Custo$er. In re"ognition o /upplierHs st#tus #s independent "ontr#"tor*Custo$er sh#ll "#rry no or,ersH Co$pens#tion insur#n"e or #ny he#lth or #""identinsur#n"e to "over /upplier or /upplierHs #gents or st#. Custo$er sh#ll not p#y #ny"ontriutions to /o"i#l /e"urity* une$ploy$ent insur#n"e* eder#l or st#te +ithholdingt#Des* #ny other #ppli"#le t#Des +hether eder#l* st#te* or lo"#l* nor provide #ny other"ontriutions or eneits +hi"h $ight e eDpe"ted in #n e$ployer-e$ployee rel#tionship.9either /upplier nor its st#* sh#ll e eligile or* p#rti"ip#te in* or #""rue #ny dire"t orindire"t eneit under #ny other "o$pens#tion* eneit* or pension pl#n o Custo$er.

    11.2 Governing L#+. 'his Agree$ent sh#ll e governed y #nd "onstrued in #""ord#n"e +iththe l#+s o the /t#te o 9e+ ;or,#nd the eder#l l#+s o the :nited /t#tes o A$eri"#./upplier herey "onsents #nd su$its to the urisdi"tion #nd oru$ o the st#te #ndeder#l "ourts in the /t#te o 9e+ ;or, in #ll uestions #nd "ontroversies #rising out othis Agree$ent.

    11.3 Co$pli#n"e ith L#+sF Custo$er 6oli"ies #nd 6ro"edures. =oth p#rties #gree to "o$ply+ith #ll #ppli"#le eder#l* st#te* #nd lo"#l l#+s* eDe"utive orders #nd regul#tions issued*+here #ppli"#le. /upplier sh#ll "o$ply +ith Custo$er poli"ies #nd pro"edures +here thes#$e #re posted* "onveyed* or other+ise $#de #v#il#le to /upplier. ithout li$iting/upplierHs other olig#tions o inde$nii"#tion herein* /upplier sh#ll deend* inde$niy*#nd hold Custo$er Inde$nitees h#r$less ro$ #nd #g#inst #ny #nd #ll Cl#i$s* in"ludingre#son#le eDpenses suered y* #""rued #g#inst* or "h#rged to or re"over#le ro$Custo$er* on #""ount o the #ilure o /upplier to peror$ its olig#tions i$posed herein.

    11. or"e 8#eure. 9either p#rty sh#ll e li#le or del#ys or #ny #ilure to peror$ under thisAgree$ent due to "#uses eyond its re#son#le "ontrol. /u"h del#ys in"lude* ut #re notli$ited to* ire* eDplosion* lood or other n#tur#l "#t#strophe* govern$ent#l legisl#tion*#"ts* orders* or regul#tion* stri,es or l#or dii"ulties* to the eDtent not o""#sioned y the#ult or negligen"e o the del#yed p#rty. Any su"h eD"use or del#y sh#ll l#st only #s long#s the event re$#ins eyond the re#son#le "ontrol o the del#yed p#rty. Advertising #nd 6uli"ity. /upplier sh#ll not use the n#$e o or reer to Custo$er dire"tlyor indire"tly in #ny #dvertise$ent* ne+s rele#se* or proession#l or tr#de puli"#tion+ithout prior +ritten #pprov#l ro$ Custo$er. /upplier $#y in"lude Custo$er on its"usto$er lists #nd* upon noti"e #nd "onsent* su"h "onsent not to e unre#son#ly+ithheld* /upplier $#y use Custo$er #s # reeren"e. 'his /e"tion sh#ll survive theter$in#tion o this Agree$ent.

    11.@ 9o #iver. 'he #ilure o either p#rty #t #ny ti$e to reuire peror$#n"e y the otherp#rty o #ny provision o this Agree$ent sh#ll in no +#y #e"t th#t p#rtyJs right to enor"esu"h provisions* nor sh#ll the +#iver y either p#rty o #ny re#"h o #ny provision o thisAgree$ent e t#,en or held to e # +#iver o #ny urther re#"h o the s#$e provision.

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Contingen"y ir$ Agree$ent


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    11.7 9oti"es. Any noti"e given pursu#nt to this Agree$ent sh#ll e in +riting #nd sh#ll e giveny person#l servi"e or y :nited /t#tes "ertiied $#il* return re"eipt reuested* post#geprep#id to the #ddresses #ppe#ring #t the end o this Agree$ent* or #s "h#nged through+ritten noti"e to the other p#rty. 9oti"e given y person#l servi"e sh#ll e dee$edee"tive on the d#te it is delivered to the #ddressee* #nd noti"e $#iled sh#ll e dee$edee"tive on the third d#y ollo+ing its pl#"e$ent in the $#il #ddressed to the #ddressee.

    11.K Assign$ent o Agree$ent. 'his Agree$ent #nd the olig#tions o /upplier hereunder #reperson#l to /upplier #nd its st#. 9either /upplier nor #ny su""essor* re"eiver* or#ssignee o /upplier sh#ll dire"tly or indire"tly #ssign this Agree$ent or the rights orduties "re#ted y this Agree$ent* +hether su"h #ssign$ent is ee"ted in "onne"tion +ith# s#le o /upplierJs #ssets or sto", or through $erger* #n insolven"y pro"eeding orother+ise* +ithout the prior +ritten "onsent o Custo$er. Custo$er* #t Custo$erHs soleele"tion* $#y #ssign #ny #nd #ll o its rights #nd olig#tions under this Agree$ent toE %#)#ny #ili#te o Custo$erF or* %) #ny "o$p#ny th#t su""eeds to sust#nti#lly #ll oCusto$erJs usiness.

    11.10 4ntire Agree$ent. 'his Agree$ent #nd its #tt#"hed eDhiits* i #ny* "onstitute the entire#gree$ent et+een the p#rties #nd supersede #ny #nd #ll previous represent#tions*underst#ndings* dis"ussions* or #gree$ents et+een Custo$er #nd /upplier #s to thesue"t $#tter hereo. 'his Agree$ent $#y only e #$ended y #n instru$ent in +ritingsigned y Custo$er #nd /upplier. Custo$er #nd /upplier e#"h #",no+ledge th#t it h#s

    h#d the opportunity to revie+ this Agree$ent +ith its leg#l "ounsel. ro$ ti$e to ti$e* thep#rties hereto $#y eDe"ute one or $ore supple$ents #s eDhiits to this Agree$ent. /u"heDhiits* +hen signed y # represent#tive o e#"h o the p#rties* sh#ll e in"orpor#tedherein #nd reeren"es to p#rti"ul#r eDhiits herein sh#ll #pply to su"h supple$ent#leDhiits. :nless eDpressly provided or in the #ppli"#le eDhiit* in the event o # "onli"tet+een the provisions "ont#ined in this Agree$ent #nd those "ont#ined in #ny eDhiit tothis Agree$ent* the provisions "ont#ined in the Agree$ent* #s the "#se $#y e* sh#llprev#il.

    11.11 Cu$ul#tive Re$edies. All rights #nd re$edies o Custo$er herein sh#ll e in #ddition to#ll other rights #nd re$edies #v#il#le #t l#+ or in euity* in"luding* +ithout li$it#tion*spe"ii" peror$#n"e or the enor"e$ent o this Agree$ent* #nd te$por#ry #ndper$#nent inun"tive relie.

    11.12 Counterp#rtsF #"si$ile. 'his Agree$ent $#y e eDe"uted in one or $ore "ounterp#rts*e#"h o +hi"h sh#ll e dee$ed #n origin#l* ut #ll o +hi"h together sh#ll "onstitute one#nd the s#$e Agree$ent. 'he p#rties #gree th#t # #"si$ile sign#ture $#y sustitute or#nd h#ve the s#$e leg#l ee"t #s the origin#l sign#ture.

    4De"uted on the d#tes set orth elo+ y the undersigned #uthori!ed represent#tives o the p#rties to eee"tive #s o the 4e"tive #te.


    OTHER PARTY NAME!"#S,../ier%&

    =yE =yE

    9#$eE BCusto$er /ign#tory 9#$e 9#$eE Bther 6#rty /ign#tory 9#$e

    'itleE BCusto$er /ign#tory 'itle 'itleE Bther 6#rty /ign#tory 'itle

    #teE #teE

    A''ress (or No)i*e+ A''ress (or No)i*e+C:/'84R AttentionE

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Contingen"y ir$ Agree$ent


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    B9oti"e Address

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Contingen"y ir$ Agree$ent


  • 8/10/2019 Procurement Contract Templates V2


    E1HIBIT A333

    S,../ier4s S)0)e-en) o( Wor5

    'his 4Dhiit A - /upplierHs /t#te$ent o or, sh#ll e in"orpor#ted in #nd governed y the ter$s oth#t "ert#in 8#ster Contingen"y ir$ Agree$ent y #nd et+een CUSTOMER NAME! %&Custo$er() #ndOTHER PARTY NAME! %&/upplier() d#ted B4e"tive #te* #s #$ended %the &Agree$ent(). :nless

    eDpressly provided or in this 4Dhiit A* in the event o # "onli"t et+een the provisions "ont#ined in theAgree$ent #nd those "ont#ined in this 4Dhiit A* the provisions "ont#ined in the Agree$ent sh#ll prev#il.

    Pro6e*) Des*ri.)ion+

    Ti)/e 7 Ro/e o( Reso,r*e+

    Res.onsi8i/i)ies9De/i:er08/es9 0n'7orA*)i:i)ies+

    Ser:i*es Fees or R0)e+

    S)0r) D0)e+

    Es)i-0)e' En' D0)e+

    A''i)ion0/ C,s)o-erRe;,ire-en)s+

    4De"uted on the d#tes set orth elo+ y the undersigned #uthori!ed represent#tives o the p#rties to eee"tive #s o the /t#rt #te.


    OTHER PARTY NAME!"#S,../ier%&

    =yE =yE



    #teE #teE

    Custo$er Conidenti#l8#ster Contingen"y ir$ Agree$ent
