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Page 1: PROCEEDING ICETE 2016 - Universitas Tadulakopusdit.lppmp.untad.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/proceeding-ic… · Universitas Hamzanwadi Jln. TGKH M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid No
Page 2: PROCEEDING ICETE 2016 - Universitas Tadulakopusdit.lppmp.untad.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/proceeding-ic… · Universitas Hamzanwadi Jln. TGKH M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid No


International Conference on Elementary and Teacher Education

“To Excel in Teaching and Learning for Global Competence”


Dr. Ir. Hj. Sitti Rohmi Djalilah, M.Pd.

Prof. Dr. Hamdan bin Said


Dr. H. Khirjan Nahdi, M.Hum.

H. Moedjito, M.Ed., Ph. D.

Dr. Aswasulasikin, M.Pd.


Muhammad Husni, M.Pd.

Yuyun Febriani, M.Si.

Bq. Shofa Ilhami, M.A

Yul Alfian Hadi, M.Pd.

Nurul Mu’minin MZ, M.Pd.

Lay Out:

Doni Septu Marsa Ibrahim, M.Pd.

Donna Boedi Marita Sari, M.Pd

Ikhtiarini Hafiz

Published by:

Universitas Hamzanwadi

Jln. TGKH M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid No. 132 Pancor-Selong, East Lombok, West

Nusa Tenggara E-mail: [email protected], website:


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Keynote Speaker

No Presenter Title Page

1 Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Innovative Teaching and Learning in

1 Maftuh, M.A. M.Si Elementary School

2 Dr. Ir. Hj. Sitti Rohmi An effective Leadership as a Key

12 Djalilah, M.Pd. Success for School Based Management

3 Prof. Dr. Hamdan bin Paradox in Teacher Education

19 Said

4 Dr. Jannie Lensen, How to improve theQuality of Preschool

31 M.A. Education in Indonesia?

5 Chew Lee Chin, Ph.D. Teacher Quality in Primary Education:

43 The Singapore Experience

Learning strategies, explicit instruction

6 Dr. Mirella Wyra and their role in improving students’

54 learning outcomes in foreign language

(FL) education

Dr. Siti Irene Astuti The Role Of Teachers In Building Social

7 Capital To Improve The Quality Of 65 Dwiningrum, M.Si

Primary Schools

Teacher Education

No Presenter Title Page Improving Learning Activity and Learning

1 Ida Fitriani, Gatot Isnani Achievement by Implementing

1 Demonstration Learning Method with

Multimedia Assisted

A Critical Discourse Analysis On Socio-

Economic And Socio–Cultural Status

2 Akhmad Ripai Subroto Representations in SMA/SMK ELT 12

Textbooks Using Fairclough’s Three-

Dimensional Model

Enterpreneurship Development Training

3 Muh. Fahrurrozi Needs for Indonesian Workers Post-

23 Migration to Enhance the Independence

business in the Eastern Lombok District

Developing Language Learning Material-

4 Juanda Based On Literature 31

Amiruddin, Nurul

The Startegy of Marketing Management of

5 Cake Industry Through Social Media 37 Faudiah, Mutia Ulfa


Yosef, Masayuki Kato,

Curriculum Of Elementary Teacher

6 Education: a Study at Kochi University and 44 Azizah Husin, Sri Sumarni

Sriwijaya University

An Analysis of Management In Pondok

7 Hamzani Wathoni Pesantren (Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Yaqin Nw 54


The Relationships Between the Parenting

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Model of the Parents, The Emotional

8 Heny Perbowosari Quotient, and The Spiritual Quotient and The

62 Hindu Religious Behaviour of the Junior

High School Students in Central Java


Teacher Guidance System in Improving

9 Ni Nengah Selasih Primary School Teacher Professional Skills in 72

Tabanan Regency

Mohammad Arsyad Peningkatan Pemahaman Guru Pondok

10 Pesantren Tentang Formative Assessment 80 Arrafii,Dedi Sumarsono

Melalui Training Pengembangan Professi

Improving Civics Education Learning

11 Rizal, Arif Firmansyah Outcomes Of The Fifth Grade Pupils Of Sdn

89 1 Baiya Through Jigsaw Cooperative

Learning Model

Lavarsida Test for Ethanol Extract of Purple

12 Yunita Sari Basil Leaf (Ocimum Sanctum L) on 99

Mosquito Larvae Anopheles Aconitus L

13 Sutrisno Learning Process to Create Teacher

106 Professional Competence

Jafar Paramboor, Mohd The Role of School Administrators in

14 Burhan Ibrahim, Lokman Motivating High School Teachers: Exploring 114

Tahir, Hamdan Said Teachers’ Perspective

15 Carly Klein Scaffolding in Guided Oral Practice 115

Music-Based Diversity Learning Locality:

16 Sularso 120-123 Strengthening Multicultural Education Efforts

In Elementary School

Ekasatya Aldila

The Use of Realistic Approach to Enhance

17 Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving 124 Afriansyah


The Strategy to Build Lifelong Learning In

18 Nur Hidayah School Analysis School Development in

132 Elementary School of Qurrota A’yun


The correlation between Using Technology

19 Satrianawati and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Well- 138

Being within Educational System

Evaluation of the Implementation of the

20 Nashrullah Quality Improvement Programs for Teachers

145 and Principles at Elementary school level in

Palu City

Actualizing Strategy for Social

Sukardi, M. Zulfikar

Reconstruction-Oriented Learning

21 Management: The Application on the 152 Syuaib, M. Ismail Craftmanship and Entrepreneurship Subject

at Senior High School Level

Kadek Aria Prima Dewi

The Implementation of SAD Kertih Teaching

22 in Actualizing Environment Cultured Primary 163 PF, Heny Perbowosari


Implementation of Direct Instruction

23 Trisetia Wijijayanti, Yuli Learning Method to Increase Student’s

172 Agustina Understanding and Learning Outcome for

Company Budgeting Course

24 Eka Wulandari Interaction between Students’ Creativity and

180 their Speaking Skill

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The Dynamics Of Economic Resources

25 Wiwik Retnoningsih Management Of Traditional“Lantung”

187 Miners Community In Kedewan-


The Development of Teaching Material

26 Syamsu, Abdul Rahman Macromedia Flash Based as the Solution of 201

the Low Understanding of Science Concept

Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Sains melalui

27 Jeane Kalengkongan Pendekatan Kontekstual (Penelitian Tindakan

207 pada Siswa Kelas IV SD GMIM IV


28 Hendra Riofita Models of Teacher’s Roles for Leadership in

215 Teaching

Developing Interactive Fundamental

29 Khaeruman, Hulyadi Chemistry Multimedia in Growing Generic 224

Skill for Teacher Training Students

Multicultural Education Model on the Subject

30 Masyhuri, Ni Made Novi of Social Science at Junior High School As

231 Suryanti an Effort for Reinforcement of Students’


31 Ahmad Zamzam Literacy Development Model in Rural School

239 Area in Indonesia

Curriculum Development In Character

32 Minsih, Hana Navi Student In School Of Natural Bengawan 244


33 Hunaepi, Nova Kurnia, Mapping of Local Wisdom of West Nusa

250 Laras Firdaus Tenggara to Developing Ecology Textbook

The Ability Mathematics Connection

34 Karlimah Through Krulik & Rudnick Matematics

256 Problem Solving Strategy and Problem Based


35 Kusno Role of Mathematics in Education Based

261 Pesantren

36 Baiq Suprapti Handini Analisis Wacana Kritis pada Cerpen Anton

272 Chekov yang Berjudul Pengakuan (Ispoved)

The Role of School Culture and Teacher

37 Bambang Eka Saputra Professionalism of Social Science (IPS) to 279

Develop Student’s Soft Skill in SMPN I

Kulon Progo

Konseling Keluarga Berdasarkan Pendekatan

38 Baiq Mahyatun Islam dalam Upaya Pencegahan Tindakan 292

Bunuh Diri

Efforts to Improve the Productivity of

39 Danang Prio Utomo Students Through Independent Business in

298 Shaping the Character of Entrepreneurship in


40 Dharma Satrya Hd Strategi Teater Putih Dalam Mengembangkan

306 Komunitas Teater Pelajar Di NTB

Potential Conditions Geographic and Socio-

Cultural Life in the Area Mountain Island

41 Didik Daniyantara Lombok NTB Rinjani As a Breeding and

313 Sports Talent Scouting (Sports Talent

Identification Method using Sport Search in

Children Age 11-14 Years)

42 Ridwan The Evaluation Of Students’ Primary School

325 Counseling In Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat

The Degree Of Operating Gadget Among

Page 6: PROCEEDING ICETE 2016 - Universitas Tadulakopusdit.lppmp.untad.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/proceeding-ic… · Universitas Hamzanwadi Jln. TGKH M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid No

43 Fitri Aulia, Musifuddin Children And Adolescence: Case Study In 337

Jelojok Kopang Lombok Tengah

Effect Of Metal Music On The Behavior Of

44 Hary Murcahyanto The Young Generation In Selong City East 346


Bentuk dan Fungsi Mantra Pelet Dalam

45 Herman Wijaya Masyarakat Sasak Di Desa Bagik Payung 352

(Kajian Pisikologis)

Increasing Science Process Skills On

46 Husnayati Hartini Invertebrate Zoology Courses Through The 364

Lesson Study

Influence Of Media-Based Learning

47 Huzain Jailani Environment Against Student Results In

372 Economics Lesson In Class X MA NW

Kotaraja Learning Year 2015/2016

IPA Integrated Development Of Learning

48 Indra Himayatul Asri Media Web-Based in Class VIII MTs N. 380


Penggunaan Media Audio dan Layanan

Bimbingan Kelompok dalam Upaya

49 Jamali Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa 385

Indonesia pada Anak Kelompok B Tk


50 Lalu Fakihuddin Penanaman Nilai Pendidikan Kearifan

393 Melalui Media Folklor

51 Lalu Murdi, Badarudin Sejarah Masyarakat Jerowaru Dalam Wujud

406 Stratifikasi Sosial

Pembelajaran Program Linear Berbasis

52 Lalu Saparwadi Ekonomi Kreatif Dengan Pendekatan

416 Konstruktivisme Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan


53 Muh. Jaelani Al-Pansori, Penanda Keakraban Dalam Relasi Keluarga

426 Sanudin Di Desa Masbagik

Kualitas Kegiatan Apresiasi Karya Sastra

54 Mimi Alpian Siswa SMP dalamPembelajaran Bahasa 436

Indonesia di Lombok Timur

55 Moedjito Indonesian University Students’ Voices of

447 English Pronunciation Teaching

Evaluasi Pogram Akreditasi Madrasah Aliyah

56 Mohzana di Kabupaten Lombok Timur Provinsi Nusa 454

Tenggara Barat

Motivasi Lingual Berdasarkan Kekerabatan

57 Muh. Irfan Dan Nonkekerabatan dalam Variasi Sapaan

462 Versi Masyarakat Desa Sepit Kecamatan

Keruak (Kajian Sosiolinguistik)

Muhamad Ali, Wahjoedi,

Pengembangan Program Pendidikan

Kewirausahaan Terpadu Berbasis Kegiatan

58 Bambang Banu Siswoyo, 472 Ekstrakurikuler pada Perguruan TinggiDi Hari Wahyono

Kabupaten Lombok Timur

Pengaruh Kompetensi, Potensi Insani dan

Iklim Organisasional terhadap

59 Muhamad Juaini Profesionalisme Dosen Studi Pada Perguruan 483

Tinggi Nahdlatul WathanDi Kabupaten

Lombok Timur

The Development Of Match Learning

60 Muhammad Gazali Materials Base On Scientific Approach To

494 Increase Students Basic Ability Of Matchin X

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Grade of MA Mu’alimat NW Pancor

61 Muhammad Husnu English Learning Materials for Non-English

506 Education:Need and Solution

Model Balanced Scorecard sebagai Sistem

62 Muhammad Rapii ManajemenSekolah dalam Menghadapi 510

Persaingan Mutu

Kompotensi Profesional Guru Bimbingan

63 Muhammad Ripli dan Dan Konseling (Bk) Di Madrasah Aliyah Se-

518 Himsonadi Kabupaten Lombok Timur NTB (Berbasis

Permendiknas No. 27 Tahun 2008)

The Influence of Teams Games Tournament

(TGT) Type of Cooperative Learning Model

64 Nunung Ariandani by Using Crossword Media Towards the

533 Students Achievement in the Chemistry

Subject Which isEvaluated from Their

Thinking Style

The Effects of Teaching Methodology and

65 Padlurrahman Attitude Toward Students’ Achievement In 544

Writing Literature Work

Pengaruh Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif

Tipe NHT (Number Head Together) yang

66 Qurratul Aini, Mawardi dilengkapi Modul dan Lks terhadap Hasil

552 Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi

Kelas XI di SMA NW Pancor Tahun

Pelajaran 2016

Rasyid Hardi Utilazation of E-learning Open Source-Based

67 Wirasasmita, Training at SMK 1 Sikur East Lombok NTB 562


Scaffolding to Improve the Students’ Critical

68 Sapiruddin, Tarpin Juandi Thinking Ability through Lesson Study in 572


69 Siti Maysuroh Improving Speaking Ability of EFL Students

579 Through Class Survey Activity

Improved Activity And Geography Learning

Outcomes Through Application Model

Learning Together And Number Head

70 Sri Agustina Together 583

(Lesson Study By Taking Places In The

Subject Evaluation Of Learning Outcomes At

Semester V)

71 Sri Wahyuni The Role of Learning Strategies for

587 Developing Writing Skills

72 Suryansah Effect of Hypnotherapy to Learning

594 Disabilities

73 Syahrul Amar, Abdul Model Development of Learning and

600 Rasyad, Andi Sulastri Teaching Materials IPS Integrated In SMP

Effect Of Experimental Method, Guided

74 Tsamarul Hizbi, Fartina Inquiry Scientific And Attitudes Toward 609

Capability Analysis of Student

The Effects On Student’s Cognitive Science

75 Yuyun Febriani Achievment Using Cooperative Learning

619 Methode: Group Investigation With Small

Group Learning

Interactive Word Walls In Teaching

76 Zahratul Fikni Vocabulary at The Ninth Grade of SMP it 627

Pancor Kopong in Academic Year 2014-2015

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Digitalisasi Bahasa Sasak: Upaya Edukasi

78 Zainul Muttaqin Siswa Tentang Urgensitas Pemertahanan 634

Bahasa Daerah

Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berkarakter pada

79 Musabihatul Kudsiah Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kelas IV SDN 1 643

Tebaban Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

Effectiveness Module of Central Force

80 Baiq Aryani Novianti Toward Students’s Science Process in

650 Physical Education STKIP Hamzanwadi


The Effects Of Learning Strategies and

81 Edy Waluyo Critical Thinking Toward Students 657

Achivement In Geometry

M. Zamroni Uska, G.

The Evaluation of Academic Information

System Implementation Success Using ERP

82 Rasben Dantes, I.M. 664 Success Model (Case Study at STKIP


Hamzanwadi Selong)

83 Laila Wati, Atika Salman Reciprocal Peer Tutoring in Teaching Writing

671 Paris

Constructivism Inquiry Based Biology

Learning Material Development for Science

84 Nuraini Skill and Student Achievement at MTs NW 677 Mengkuru Kecamatan Sakra Barat Kabupaten

Lombok Timur

The Effect of Cooperative Learning Student

Team Achievement Division (STAD)

85 Fartina Through Make A Match Technique Towards

684 Learning Physic Achievement Year X in

SMA Negeri 1 Pringgabaya School Year


Implementasi Nilai Pendidikan Lelakaq

86 Mudarman Sasak Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Dan 690

Sastra Indonesia

Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Diskusi

Muhammad Zainul Majdi,

Syndicate Group Terintegrasi Mind Mapping

87 terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar 700 Baiq Yuliana Rizkiwati

Mahasiswa Matakuliah Belajar dan


Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem

88 Zalia Muspita solving Terhadap Kemampuan Berfikir

712 Kritis, Motivasi Belajar, dan Hasil Belajar

IPS Siswa Kelas VII SMPN 1 Masbagik

Model Balanced Scorecard sebagai Sistem

89 Muhammad Rapii Manajemen Sekolah dalam Menghadapi 720

Persaingan Mutu

The Effect of Organizational Climate, Job

B. Fitri Rahmawati, Joni

Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

90 On Organizational Citizenship Behavior 728 Rokhmat, 3Sukardi

(OCB) of The Teachers On Public

Elementary School In Selong District

Hilmiyatun The Structuralism Genetic Study And Values

91 Of Education Short Story "Bukan" By Putu

737 Wijaya

Prediksi Keputusan Muzakki Menyalurkan

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L. M. Samsu, Muhammad

Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah melalui Badan Amil

92 Zakat Nasional (Baznas) Kabupaten Lombok 744 Saiful

Timur menggunakan Algoritma Naive Bayes

Berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization

Self-Regulated Learning Based On The

93 Baiq Shofa Ilhami School and Homeschooling Education 760


Implementation Of Lesson Study For

94 Shahibul Ahyan Learning Community (LSLC) To Improve

767 Teachers’ Professionalism in Promoting

Golden Generation in NTB

Critical Thinking Skills Training Students

Through The Implementation Of Problem

95 Marhamah Based Learning Combined Group 775 Investigation (Lesson Study Course In

Knowledge Environment)

The Effect Of Discovery Learning Setting Of

96 Fahrurrozi Kooperative Murder Toward Critical

782 Thinking Abilityand Students’ Self


97 Nguyen Thuy Van, Academic Advising For The Success Of 794

Hamdan Said Student Teachers A Case Study Of Phu Yen

University In Vietnam

98 Sarwati Development assessment rating based on

800 subject Authentic Biology Class X

Pengaruh Pendekatan Pembelajaran Dan

99 Muhammad Halqi Sikap Mahasiswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar 808

Matematika Sekolah

Students’ Perception of their Lecturer’s Oral

100 Usuluddin grammatical Correction in realation to their 815

English Performance

Kholida Ismatulloh Pengaruh Pembelajaran Model Kooperatif

101 Tipe Think Pair Share (TPS) dan Teams

835 Games Tournament (TGT) terhadap Prestasi

Belajar Fisika Siswa

Algoritma Support Vector Machines (SVM)

102 Muhammad Saiful Berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

842 Untuk Klasifikasi Kinerja Dosen STT


Muhammad Husni

The Effect Of Teaching Style (Reciprocal

And Inclusion) Kinesthetic Perception On

103 Tamim, Hari Amirullah 857 Improvement Of Overhead Lob Forehand



To Be Successful Foreign Language

104 M. Junaidi Marzuki Learners: How To Motivate Language 872


105 Yudi Handoko Himawan Tradisi Sesenggak Dalam Masyarakat Sasak 876

106 Lalu Achmad Nofiyandi Podcast On Developing Listening

885 Comprehension of EFL Learners

107 Abdul Hafiz, Muhammad Paradigm Civics as the spacecraft Systemic

893 Shulhan Hadi Democracy Education

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International Conference on Elementary and Teacher Education (ICETE) 2016 Lombok, 22-23 October 2016 - ISBN : 978-602-98097-4-9

The Development of Teaching Material Macromedia Flash Based as the

Solution of the Low Understanding of Science Concept


2Abdul Rahman

1FKIP Tadulako University, Indonesia,

2FKIP Tadulako University, Indonesia

[email protected],

[email protected]

Abstract This research intends to develop the teaching material macromedia flash based as the solution

of the low understanding of science concept. This research examines the advantages and

disadvantages of teaching material based on the responses of several sources who are lectures,

university students, teachers, and students. Teaching material of science is expected to be used

by teachers, lectures, and students and also related parties. The teaching material macromedia

flash of science was specially designed to reduce the low understanding of science concept.

Method used is developmental research. The result of students’ average score achieved based

on the identification through science diagnostic test revealed that in category of guessing

answer the percentage is 4.65%, correct answer is 18.14%, lack of material understanding is

22.17%, and miss concept is 55.04%. This research was conducted to identify the miss

concept in science based on diagnostic test. The result of limited test in some school revealed

that the average of students’ score in category of guessing the answer is 2.74%, correct

answer is 76.02%, lack of material understanding is 10.89%, and miss concept is 10.35%.

Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a reduction in the error rate concept of science

after using teaching material macromedia flash based.

Keywords: concept understanding, science teaching material, macromedia flash

Introduction Data of cultural and educational ministry 2011/2012 to students who did not pass the national

examination shows that the final average score of all subject is >5.5 but <4 on Science. This

data placed Central Sulawesi in higher rate among other provinces.Palu17.65% is on top2

after ParigiMautong among other regencies.The research result of national examination

revealed thatscore of national examination of junior high school students seen through their

achievement in 2008 to 2011 on Science was fewer than 60 or they only can handle 23

questions out of 40 or 58% (Bennu dkk. 2013).

Teacher also has low understanding on science concept, as Bennudkk 2013 states that rate of

teachers achievement was very low with the average of 39. Based on the result, it found that physic is the most difficult subject to be understood on Science. There is a research done by

M. Halomoanabout drawing form on the not moving things on the table and on the floor.There are 40% students’answers the sheets correctly while there rest 60% is not.

Data above showed that the low achievement of national examination is caused by lack of understanding of Science. Sharul (2006) explains that Physics materials that often get misconception covers: mechanics, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, waves, optics.

There has been many effort tried to improve the understanding of Science, such as learning approach and computer simulation. Rahman (2001) about the affectivity of the use of flash media to improve students’ learning achievement particularly elementary school students


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International Conference on Elementary and Teacher Education (ICETE) 2016 Lombok, 22-23 October 2016 - ISBN : 978-602-98097-4-9

showed the improvement of students on science which is 73.21 in posttest out of 45.21 in pretest. Nursofi at all (2011) identify the amount number of improvement and difference betweencoating and corrosion learning result technique by using macromedia flash based

media. Method used was quasi experiment using non randomized control group pretest and

posttest design. The improvement was 28.75 (62.5%) through comparing the quarrel data of pretest and posttest between experimental and control group.

Nest Demirci (2005) studied about misconception of physics as part of Science by using Force

Concept Inventory (FCI) on form and movement. The researcher found that on form and

motion material there is a difference between pretest and posttest in a given class-learning

interactive media based. Several recommendation suggested by NesetDemirci (2005;47), they

are: 1)it needs to find further information of how media program designed and effective to

support learning process and able to improve the misconception, 2)enlarging the research by

having wider samples to study about misconception of physics.

Data above showed that there are lots of studiesabout misconception of physics but not a

research about how to overcome the indication of misconception widely. Therefore, it is necessary to improve teaching substance to support the program of government to be better.

In accordance with the educational and cultural ministry program that is known as 5 K: availability,affordability, quality, relevancy, equality, and certainty. Macromedia flash is appropriate to be used in learning process. It is easy to develop, and

reachable. Macromedia flash is interactive and offer complete teaching material with

animation media, and evaluation to provide solution of questions given. Teaching material

macromedia flash based is a learning source that can be used to reach the 5 K.The

development of teaching material is reachable, qualify, relevant to the needs of society, and

can be accessed by many people without differentiating genre, age, religion, race and certainly

in accessibility.

Research Methodology This research was conducted by using research and development method. The developed product was macromedia flash based that can be used on Science.

The Preliminary Study Stage This is an identification stage of the misconception of Science experienced by students. At

this stage, the researcher conducted an assessment of types and levels of students' misconceptions, Science misconception that often occur, and things caused students and

teacher misconceptions.

Planning Stage Macromedia flash based teaching material will be design in year I. Test planning of teaching material design through layouts (views), materials, effectiveness, flexibility, and others.

Development Stage Expert Test and Teaching Material Development The expert test conducted by senior lecturers, they are doctorate lectures who associate professor or expert in instructional media. The tests were done to identify the feasibility

content / teaching materials, including the display, the effectiveness, validity and effectiveness: Preliminary investigation phase,inform of identification and study of:

Theories about learning model

Curriculum applicable 202

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International Conference on Elementary and Teacher Education (ICETE) 2016 Lombok, 22-23 October 2016 - ISBN : 978-602-98097-4-9

Condition of students' abilities in the classroom.


Design phase, such as: Develop a Learning Tool Outline learning model according to competence based curriculum consisted of: learning scenario, lesson plans, worksheets, students’ books, and books teachers.

Realization phase, such as:

Opaque learning devices and instruments. The implementation phase, such as the implementation of learning using prototype

cooperative learning device.

The criteria of qualify learning media based on instruction model refers to Nieven criteria (1999) in the development of curriculum.

Validity, validity aspects associated with two things: (1) whether the curriculum or the model developed based on strong theoretical rationale, and (2) whether there is consistency internally.

Practicality, practicality aspect met if (1) experts and practitioners stated that things developed can be applied; (2) the fact shows that what is developed can be applied.

Effectiveness, effectiveness aspects is fulfilled if: (Ratumanan, 2003) (1) The

average of students’ activity at least 85%, (2) the average students’ activity at least

42.5%, (3) The level of students’ activity observed to the minimum desired activity is

85%, (4) there is an increase of formative test scores, (5) more than 50% of students

respond positively, and (6) the teacher gives a positive response to this learning


The limited trial was given to students of Physics and Biology education department also

the alumni who have already been teacher.

Limited Trials Activity in this stage covers trial of teaching material and comprehensive test, perfecting the design of teaching materials, and identifying the advantages and the disadvantages

of teaching material. In this activity, supporting factors will be compiled as well as the obstacle arises when it’s opened.

Wider Trial The next research activities aretesting the use of Macromedia Flash-based teaching

materials and an overall evaluation of the first phase of the acquisition, and

improvement of teaching materials. Supporting and obstacle factors will be compiled

when the teaching materials applied. Too identify the disadvantages and the advantages

of teaching material development, the researcher will conduct observation and interview

to teacher and students.

Validation/ Model Test This research plan to test the teaching material in internet world that can be accessed by society, to find out how teaching material improve students’ understanding and minimize the misconception on Science compare to other exist learning model.

Research subject The population of this research was students and teachers of elementary school in Palu

Central Sulawesi Province. Preliminary study involved students of one elementary school in

Palu. Meanwhile, in the limited test/trial there were 5 elementary schools in Palu involved.

Furthermore, wider test involved society consisted of university students, students, teachers,

and lectures. Test that will be used is accessibility test of teaching material seen through the

total number of population that can use the teaching material properly.


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International Conference on Elementary and Teacher Education (ICETE) 2016 Lombok, 22-23 October 2016 - ISBN : 978-602-98097-4-9

Research Instrument Instrument is used to provide data in diagnostic test of the misconception of Science such as:

Force Concept Inventory (FCI) on Science, in the other concept, another instrument will be

developed by using scale of Certainty Responses Index (CRI), questionnaire, class

observation guide, and interview to students and teachers guide.The main instrument used is

diagnostic test by considering many types of sample test used that is multiple choice test.

Therefore, it needs to do validity test, reliability test, level of difficulties and the differences.

Result and Discussion The Result of Pre-Investigation Activity conducted in pre-investigation in elementary school was teaching and learning

process covers implemented curriculum aspect and students’ pre-ability. Curriculum aspect

studied was Science material that has been taught while the ability test studied was students’

pre-ability by providing diagnostic test. Diagnostic test is used to identify the level of

misconception in understanding Science. It was used as the foundation to develop

macromedia flash to overcome students’ misconception.

a) Curriculum In 2014, curriculum implemented in every school in Paluwas 2013 curriculum. But along

with the regulation of National Education Ministry, number 4 2015 about the equivalency

of teaching and learning process to teacher who teaches in elementary school/junior high

school/senior high school/vocational school that conducted 2013 curriculum in the first

semester to curriculum 2006 in the second semester 2014/2015 academic year.

Curriculum implemented at the second semester 2014/2015 academic year was 2006

curriculum. Therefore, the standard content applied is refers to the regulation of National

Education Ministry number 22 2006. Standard content of this regulation arrange the

minimum accomplishment achieved by students. Standard competence and basic competence of Science in elementary school is a

minimum standard that nationally have to be achieved by students, it has to be guidance in curriculum development in each education unit. The accomplishment of standard and

basic competence is based on the empowerment of students to develop skill, science

work, and knowledge facilitated by teacher.

The Condition of Students’ Ability in Classroom Diagnostic test of Force Concept Inventory test filled by students is used as instrument to identify students’ ability. This test covers 15 numbers of multiple choice questions and provide column to point out the Certainty Responses Indexto each question answered. In each item of question students were asked to fill the scale of CRI to find the lack of knowledge answer through misconception: 0 to totally guessed answer

1 to almost a guess answer

2 to not sure answer

3 to sure answer

4 to almost certain answer

5 to certain answer

Matrix were made through data collected for each question based on the combination of correct and incorrect answer and high or low of CRI. This was conducted to identify students who have misconception. The matrix table of students’ answer can be seen below:


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International Conference on Elementary and Teacher Education (ICETE) 2016 Lombok, 22-23 October 2016 - ISBN : 978-602-98097-4-9

Tablel 1

Students’ who has misconception on Science

Type of

Low CRI ( < 2,5) High CRI (> 2,5) Answer

Total number of correct Total number of correct answer

Correct and high CRI, correct concept answer and low of CRI, guess


Total number of incorrect Total number of incorrect Incorrect answer and low CRI, lack of answer and high CRI,

knowledge. misconception

Result of students’ pre-diagnostic test to guess question, answered correctly, lack of knowledge, and misconception obtained through CRI scale:

Tabel 2

Result of Students’ Pre-Diagnostic Test

Students’ Anwers Criteria Average Score Achieved

Guess 4,65 %

Correct 18,14 %

Lack of Knowledge 22,17 %

Misconceptions 55,04 %

Students were very difficult to understand the concept of Science because they were facing

the theoritical concept of Science directly without relating it to the practice concept. Therefore, students’ social-cultural environtment need to get a serious attention to develop

Science education in School because it contain useful real Science. This research develop

learning tools macrimedia flash based to overcome students’ misconception.

The Development of Learning Tools

The development of learning tools arranged is the outline of learning tool with learning model

based on curriculum that consisted of: learning scenario, lesson plan, and students’ work

sheet, students’ book, and teachers’ book. The function of learning tool is as a reference for

teacher in teaching and learning process. Arranged learning tools based on diagnostic test is

materials that often gain misconception. Diagnostic test revealed that almost all material


Generally, Science material divided into several basic competence, they are 1) comprehend

Science procedure to study about nature object by using tools, 2)comprehend the

classification substance, 3) comprehend substance form and the motion, 4) comprehend

various characteristic of physics and chemistry, 5) comprehend the indication of nature

through observation, 6) comprehend the diversity of human, 7) comprehend the

interdependent of ecosystem, 8) comprehend various system on human life, 9) comprehend

plantation system, 10) explain the particle concept of material, 11) comprehend the use of

chemistry material in life, 12) comprehend the role of work, form, and energy in daily life, comprehend the concept and the application of vibration, phase, and optics in daily technology product, 14) comprehend various system on human life, 15) comprehend the directness of human life, 16) comprehend the electricity concept and the application of it in


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International Conference on Elementary and Teacher Education (ICETE) 2016 Lombok, 22-23 October 2016 - ISBN : 978-602-98097-4-9

daily life, 17) comprehend the concept of magnetism in daily life, and 18) comprehend the solar system and process occur.

The Limited Trial Results The limited trial given after the application of macromedia flash based has passthrough the development stage. The result of diagnostic test on Science after giving number guesses

teaching material, answered correctly, lack of knowledge, and misconception obtained

through CRI showed below:

Table 3

Students’ Diagnistic Test Result on Limited

Students’ answer criteria Average Score Achieved

guess 2,74 %

correct 76,02 %

Lack of knowledge 10,89 %

misconception 10,35 %

Table above revealed that criteria answered correctly improve to 76.02%. Therefore, students’ difficulties on Science was caused by the direct contact theoritical science concept in school without relating it to the practice, but it can be solved by using macromedia flash.

Conclusion The result of the development of macromedia flash based Science teaching material to overcome the misconcep of Science can be concluded as follows:

Most students of elementary school in Palu experience misconceptions on Science, the level of misconception is 55.04%.

Developing macromedia flash based can overcome the misconception of Science.

Macromedia flash needs to be develop more related to materials to corelate through

local culture on society.

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