Pro TelerikASP.NET and Silverlight Controls Master Telerik Controls for Advanced ASP.NET and Silverlight Projects II ill i! Jose Rolando Guay Paz Anress*

Pro Telerik Asp.NET and Silverlight controls : master ... · Using the ReportBook Control 618 ... Pro Telerik Asp.NET and Silverlight controls : master Telerik controls for advanced

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Page 1: Pro Telerik Asp.NET and Silverlight controls : master ... · Using the ReportBook Control 618 ... Pro Telerik Asp.NET and Silverlight controls : master Telerik controls for advanced

Pro TelerikASP.NET

and SilverlightControls

Master Telerik Controls for AdvancedASP.NET and Silverlight Projects

II ill i!

Jose Rolando Guay Paz


Page 2: Pro Telerik Asp.NET and Silverlight controls : master ... · Using the ReportBook Control 618 ... Pro Telerik Asp.NET and Silverlight controls : master Telerik controls for advanced

HForeword xviii

About the Author xix

HAbout the Technical Reviewer • xx

Acknowledgements xxi

Introduction xxii

Chapter 1: Introducing ASP.NET and Telerik 1


ASP.NET Web Forms 2


Telerik's RadControls Suite of Components 13

Summary 14

•Chapter 2: Getting Started With Telerik RadControls 15

Installing the Controls and Tools 15

Downloading the Installers 16

Installing the Suites 18

Installing Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC 20

Installing and Updating Controls Manually 21

Setting Up Your Application to Use Telerik RadControls 22

Configuring Telerik RadCompression 27

Configuring Telerik RadUpload 28

Enabling RadScriptManager and RadStyleSheetManager 30

Summary 31

f Chapter 3: Input RadControls 33

Introducing Radlnput 33

Understanding Common Properties and Events 33

Using RadTextBox 36


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Getting and Setting RadTextBox Values 37

Working with Buttons 38

Using RadNumericTextBox 39

Setting Minimum and Maximum Values 39

Setting the Type of Numeric Values 40

Using RadDatelnput 40

Formatting Dates 41

Validating Dates 43

Parsing Dates 44

Using RadMaskedTextBox 45

Setting the RadMaskedTextBox Mask 45

Using RadlnputManager 48

Introducing RadEditor 49

Creating a Custom FileBrowser 52

Customizing the Appearance and Tools 52

Localizing RadEditor 55

Checking Spelling 57

Creating Your Own Dictionary 58

Using System Modules 58

Creating Your Own Module 59

Summary 60

Chapter 4: Navigation RadControls 61

Using RadMenu and RadToolBar 61

Binding RadMenu to a Datasource 64

Showing Items in Multiple Columns 66

Navigating with RadMenu 66

Using RadMenu Templates 69

Setting RadMenultem Custom Attributes 70

Creating a Two-State RadToolBarButton 72

Using RadTreeView 73

Performing Simple Navigation 73

Implementing Drag-and-Drop Functionality 74

Supporting Check Boxes 78

Loading Nodes on Demand 80

Modifying Node Text 81

Using Node Templates 84


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Using RadSiteMap 85

Working with the Layout 85

Working with Templates 88

Binding RadSiteMap to a Datasource 89

Using RadPanelBar 91

Navigating with RadPanelBar 91

Binding to a Database 91

Creating an Automatic Hierarchy 93

Defining Templates 94

Summary 96

iiChapter 5: Date, Time, and Scheduling RadControls,


Using the RadCalendar Control 97

Choosing a Month View 97

Adding Special Dates and Day Templates 99

Configuring Localization and Globalization 100

Controlling the Appearance of the Day with the DayRender Event 101

Setting the RadDatePicker Allowed Date Rage 102

Using RadDatePicker Shared Calendars 103

Intercepting the Selected Date 104

Using RadTimePickerand RadDateTimePicker 105

Creating Custom Hours Collection 105

Using RadScheduler 106

Declarative Data Binding to a Database 107

Storing Appointments 107

Data Binding to a Web Service 110

Implementing the Data Provider 110

Localizing and Globalizing 117

Adding Context Menus 120

Working with Templates 123

Exporting to iCal Format 124

Using Resources 126

Summary 129

Chapter 6: Data RadControls, Part 1 131

RadComboBox 131

Binding RadComboBox 132

Implementing Client Operations 133


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Accessing Client Changes in the Code Behind 135

Loading Items on Demand 137

Implementing RadComboBox Caching 141

Using ShowMoreResultsBox and EnableVirtualScrolling Properties 144

Implementing Automatic Loading On Demand 146

Creating Item Templates 147

RadGrid 149

Understanding the Structure of RadGrid 150

Understanding the Types of Grids 150

Working with RadGrid Columns 150

Working with RadGrid Rows 154

Accessing Rows and Cells 155

Making Use of the Design Time Support 156

Implementing Simple DataBinding 157

Implementing Declarative Data Binding 159

Implementing Advanced DataBinding 160

Understanding the RadGrid Event Life Cycle 161

Binding RadGrid on the Client Side 164

Implementing RadGrid Data Manipulation Operations 174

Sorting 174

Paging 177

Scrolling 181

Grouping 185

Filtering 193

Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Records 196

Implementing Client-Side API 213

Summary 227

Chapter 7: Data RadControls, Part 2 229

RadFilter 229

RadListView 234

Implementing Data Binding for RadListView 234

Handling RadListView Editing Operations 240

Working with RadListView Templates 251

Selecting Items in RadListView 258

Implementing Paging in RadListView 259

Grouping in RadListView 265

Implementing Filtering and Sorting in RadListView 266


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RadLlstBox 273

Implementing Data Binding for RadListBox 273

Reordering Items in RadListBox 274

Transferring Items Between RadListBoxes 275

Adding Images and Check Boxes to RadListBox Items 276

Working with RadListBox Item Templates 277

Summary 279

Chapter 8: Layout RadControls 281

Using RadTabStrip and RadMultiPage 281

Creating a Hierarchical RadTabStrip 282

Binding to a Database 283

Working with Templates and Scrolling 284

Combining RadTabStrip and RadMultiPage 286

Using RadWindow and RadWindowManager 289

Creating and Opening RadWindows 290

Adding RadWindow Behaviors 291

Creating a Modal RadWindow 292

Communicating Between RadWindows 293

Implementing MDI and Minimized Zones 299

Replacements for Browser Dialogs 301

Using RadSplitter 303

Dividing Page Content with RadSplitter 303

Implementing Collapsible Panes 304

Resizing to Fill a Window 306

Creating Sliding Panes 308

Using RadDock 312

Creating a Working Dock Layout 312

Writing Custom Commands 314

Dynamically Creating RadDocks 315

Using RadRotator 320

Using Data Binding, Templates, and Rotations 320

Working with RadTicker 324

Combining RadRotator and RadTicker 325

Summary 327

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Chapter 9: Chart and Image RadControls 329

RadChart 329

RadChart Structure 329

Examining Chart Types 330

Bar Charts 330

Line Chart 330

Pie Charts 331

Area Charts 331

Gantt Charts 332

Point and Bubble Charts 332

Bezier Charts 333

Candlestick Charts 333

Zooming and Scrolling 340

Creating Marked Zones 343

Adding Scale Breaks 347

Plotting Negative Values 350

Using Multiple Series Types in One Chart and Data Table 353

Working with Image Maps 356

Creating Drill-Down Charts 361

RadBinarylmage 364

Using RadBinarylmage in ASP.NET Repeater 365

Using RadBinarylmage in RadGrid 366

RadRating 368

Using RadRating to Collect Feedback 369

Using RadRating in RadGrid 373

RadColorPicker 375

Building a Custom Palette 378

Summary 380

Chapter 10: Additional RadControls 381

RadFormDecorator 381

Decorating Controls 381

Using the DecoratedZonelD Property 382

RadCaptcha 383

Implementing RadCaptcha Image Mode 384

Implementing RadCaptcha's Invisible Text Box Mode 387

Implementing RadCaptcha Minimum Submission Time 388


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RadToolTip 388

Implementing RadToolTipManager's AutoTooltipify and ToolTipZonelD 392

Loading RadToolTip Information on Demand 395

Loading RadToolTip on Demand from a Web Service 400

RadUpload 404

Implementing RadUpload 405

Filtering Uploaded Files with AllowedFileExtensions 406

Implementing Asynchronous Uploads 406

Monitoring the Upload Progress 408

Using RadProgressArea to Monitor Custom Processes 409

RadFileExplorer 411

RadSlider 412

Implementing RadSlider Items 414

Using the RadSlider Client-Side API 414

Summary 419

Chapter 11: RadAjax 421

RadAjaxManager and RadAjaxManagerProxy 421

Implementing Client-Side Events 424

Working with the Client-Side API 428

Implementing RadAjaxManager in Web User Controls and Master Pages 429

RadAjaxPanel 431

Working with RadAjaxPanel 431

Forcing an AJAX Update 433

RadAjaxLoadingPanel 435

Configuring RadAjaxLoadingPanel Properties 436

Implementing Explicit Show/Hide 438

RadCodeBlock and RadScriptBlock 439

RadXmlHttpPanel 440

Implementing RadXmlHttpPanel with Callback 441

Implementing RadXmlHttpPanel with WebService 444

Summary 447


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Chapter 12: Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC 449

Quick Recap on Configuration 449

Calendar 450

Defining the Date Range 451

Implementing a Select Action 451

Implementing Globalization 453

Working with Calendar's Client API 455

Date Picker 457

Implementing Date Ranges and the ShowButton Property 457

Parsing Dates 458

Implementing Globalization 459

Working with DatePicker's Client API 461

NumericTextBox 463

Implementing Value Range and Spin Buttons 463

Validating User Input with Server Validation 464

Validating User Input with Model-Based Validation 466

Implementing Globalization 467

Working with NumericTextBox's Client API 468

Menu 470

Creating a Menu Declarative and Defining the Menu Orientation 470

Binding to an Object Model 472

Creating Menu Templates 473

Working with Menu's Client API 475

PanelBar 478

Binding to an Object Model 480

Creating Templates 481

Loading Content on Demand 483

Working with PanelBar's Client API 485

TabStrip , 488

Creating a TabStrip Declaratively 488

Binding TabStrip to an Object Model 489

Creating TabStripltem's Content 490

Loading Content on Demand 492

Working with TabStrip's Client API 493

TreeView 496

Creating a TreeView Declaratively and Enabling Check Boxes 496

Working with Drag-and-Drop 498


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Binding TreeView to an Object Model 501

Creating Templates 502

Loading Content on Demand 503

Working with the Client API 505

Grid 508

Implementing Grid Operations 508

Binding to Data 510

Editing Operations 514

Implementing Templates 523

Working with Grid's Client API 525

Summary 529

iChapter 13: RadControls for Silverlight 531

Configuring Telerik RadControls for Silverlight 531

Enhancing the Navigation 535

Adding the Product Catalog 539

Improving the Home Page with a Dashboard 542

Implementing RadTileView 543

Implementing RadTileViewltem 549

Implementing RadChart 551

Implementing RadGridView 555

Implementing RadGauge 557

Creating the Categories Page 560

Creating the Employees Page 567

Implementing RadDocking 567

Adding the Regions and Territories 570

Implementing RadMap 576

More Interesting Controls 579

RadScheduler 579

RadCoverFlow 580

RadMediaPlayer 581

RadRibbonBar 581

RadUpload 582

RadDragAndDropManager 583

Summary 584


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Chapter 14: Introducing Telerik Reporting 585

Installing and Configuring Telerik Reporting 585

Configuring Your Application 585

Knowing the Players 587

Reports 587

Viewers 590

Designers 591

Report Designer 591

Report Explorer 592

Data Explorer 593

Group Explorer 593

Report Wizard 593

Loading Data 594

Using the Datasource Components in the Report Designer 594

Using Expressions and the Expression Dialog 595

Using the Datasource Components Programmatically 596

Data Binding 596

Adding Calculated Fields 596

Filtering with Report Parameters 597

Grouping and Sorting Data 598

Creating Reports 600

Using the Report Wizard 600

Sorting 602

Filtering 603

Creating a Crosstab Report 604

Grouping 606

Formatting 607

Using Subreports 608

Displaying Reports in the Application 612

Using the Web Report Viewer 612

Using the Silveriight Report Viewer 614

Configuring the Web Application 614

Configuring the Silveriight Application 616

Using the ReportBook Control 618

Adding a Document Map 620

Summary 620


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Chapter 15: Telerik OpenAccess ORM 621

System Requirements 621

Installing Telerik OpenAccess ORM 622

Configuring Your Application 623

Deploying Your Application 624

Creating the Data Model 625

Using the Enable Project Wizard 626

Adding the Mapping Classes 631

Using Reverse Mapping (Tables to Classes) 631

Forward Mapping 636

Using the Visual Domain Model Designer 637

Querying the Data Model 640

Using LINQ 640

Using OQL 641

Using SQL Statements 641

Executing Stored Procedures 641

Working Within Transactions 643

Setting the Transaction Scope 643

Adding, Updating, and Deleting Objects 644

Using Fetch Plans and Fetch Groups 645

Implementing Inheritance 653

Flat Mapping 654

Vertical Mapping 656

Mixed Mapping 657

Horizontal Mapping 658

Summary 658

Index 661
