Private VehiCLE OWNERSHIP vs Public Transport

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Page 3: Private VehiCLE OWNERSHIP vs Public Transport


Private Vehicle Ownership

Public Transport

Comparison b/w both for mode choices

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Private Vehicle Defined

“Private vehicles are defined as the number of road motor vehicles, other than motorcycles, intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons including the driver.”

Source: OECD REGIONS AT A GLANCE 2007 – ISBN 978-92-64-00987-5 – © OECD 2007 http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/248421278185

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Private Vehicle Ownership statistics 1

Figure: Range of regional variation in the number of private vehicles per 100 inhabitants, 2003 (TL2)The largest regional variation in the number of vehicles per inhabitant occurs in Canada (ranging from 32 to 78 per 100 inhabitants), the United States (20 to 64),Greece (20 to 52), and Japan (29 to 59)

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Private Vehicle Ownership statistics 2

The number of private vehicles variesby type of regionSpearmank correlation between number of privatevehicles per 100 population and share of populationby regional type, 2003 (TL2)

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Private Vehicle Ownership statistics 3

88% of all people drive to work, while only about 5 percent use public transit

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Factors Affecting Vehicle Purchase Behavior

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Reasons for Usage of Private Vehicles

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Restraining Private Car-Ownership 1

Possible Strategies:Ownership restraint consists of controlling the size of the vehicle fleet and in this way restricting the number of vehicles available to use the road system; and  Usage restraint affects how much, where and when, any given vehicle fleet is used. 

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Using Physical RestraintClosure of a road at particular hours to force alternative (longer) routes

Color-coding scheme Limit the days of using private cars.

Parking controlReducing the supply of parking spaces, restricting the duration or opening hours

and regulating use through permits and charges.

Imposing Area/Time-specific Charges Charging users for using a vehicle in a particular area or a particular road. They may not only be location-specific but can be varied by time of day, week or year. Examples of this type of charging are parking charges, toll roads and area tolls (cordon pricing).


Restraining Private Car-Ownership 2

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Ownership VS Usage Restraint

Objection to ownership restraintRestrains the ownership everywhere

whether needed or notElectronic road pricing (ERP)

Charge drivers directly for the usage of roads according to the congestion manifesting at the particular time and place, but not when there is no or little congestion

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Best aspects of private ownership

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Negative aspects of private ownership

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Public Transport Defined

“Public Transport comprises passenger transportation services which are available for use by the general public, as opposed to modes for private use such as automobiles or vehicles for hire.”Public transportation can consist of buses, subways, trolleys and light rail, commuter trains, van pool services, paratransit services for senior citizens and people with disabilities, ferries, water taxis, or monorails

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_transport

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Public Transport Service

Urban transport is dominated by people making many short trips multiple times per day; this creates focus on headway and ease of useInter-city transport between cities is dominated by rail, coaches and airlines.

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Public Transport Operations

Timetables, maps, fare

schemes and predefined schedules

Roads, railways,

airways or seaways

Ticket revenue, govt. subsidies,advertisement

More as compared to private vehicle

Food & drink,


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Public Transport Impacts

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Source: 30th Australasian Transport Research Forum

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Discussed Aspects

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Socio-demographic Characteristics of traveller

The groups who use the car more and public transport less than others are: The under 11s, the working age group (31 to 60 year olds), even the 61 to 70 year olds The workers as well as the unemployed or keeping house Those with vehicles especially those in multi-vehicle households Those in couple with children households Those households with higher incomes

The groups who use public transport more than others are: The 11 to 20 year olds The students Those with no licences Those with no vehicles in the household

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Trip PurposeThe private vehicle is the

most frequently used mode for every trip purpose but its share varies in relation to public transport depending on the reason for travel. Figure shows that car use is highest for work-related (89%) and serve passenger trips (88%) which by their very nature are probably most captive to this mode. Public transport use, on the other hand, is highest for educational (27%) and commute (20%) trips.

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Time of DayThe distribution of travelers by

time of day shows that the private vehicle is the most used mode consistently throughout the day. Train and bus use picks up during the morning and late afternoon peaks when congestion puts the greatest pressure on travel time and costs making the car comparatively less attractive during these periods. In comparison during the midday period when there are less traffic pressures and public transport services are not as frequent, car use almost completely dominates among the motorised modes.

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Time of Day (continued)

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Access and frequency of public transport Evidence from the study shows that about a third who use the private vehicle for their trip to work do so because public transport is inaccessible or unavailable

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For the public transport to be used more, it must be made comfortable and accessibleThere must be a solid restrain on ownership and use of private vehicle

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