Privacy in the Media Presentation by Rich Green

Privacy in the Media Presentation by Rich Green. What is Privacy? Privacy is the ability to have personal information kept out of the public eye In an

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Privacy in the Media

Presentation by

Rich Green

What is Privacy?

• Privacy is the ability to have personal information kept out of the public eye

• In an age of new media there is now less privacy than ever.

• More information is available on the Internet and through other media.

Who is entitled to Privacy?

• Everyone is entitled to the basic privacy laws but social standing in society can change how much privacy one gets.

• Public figures see more privacy violations because they are always in the public eye

• Private figures such as your average small business owner normally receives more privacy in society.

Why is Privacy Important

• Roger Clarke- a consultant and specialist in privacy matters lays out why it is important.

• Philosophical Reason- People need to feel as though they have individual autonomy and self determination (through privacy)

• Economical Reason- Clarke believes that when there is less privacy there is less innovation in society.

Private Person

• Private person is not clearly defined

• Most agree that someone like a grocery store worker or a mom-and-pop business owner is private

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Public Person

• Government Officials• Celebrities • Corporation CEO’s

and Board of TrusteesQuickTime™ and a

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Invasions of Privacy

• Some consider the following invasions of privacy: Using search engines to find out information Social Networking sites Unauthorized use of photographs Wire tapping of private phone calls

Search Engines

• A Vancouver man was charged with making his three-year-old daughter take the drug GHB.

• With the story an average citizen was able to use Google to find address and resume of the accused.

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Social Networking

• John Barna, Editor of Gloucester County Times.

• Paper used Facebook to write a story about a deceased young mother from Camden.

• Believed it gave a better representation.

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Journalist Opinion One

• Colleen Moore, Associate Editor of Salem County’s Today’s Sunbeam When someone puts information on Facebook

or the Internet themselves it is no longer private Paper does not use social networking sites

because they are not reliable sources. Believes privacy is compatible with journalism

because one doesn’t “just dig into someone’s life for no reason”

Journalist Opinion Two

• John Barna, Editor Gloucester County Times Believes that using social networks and the

Internet is just like using the phone book to call a neighbor of a murder victim.

Believes journalists should take the high road. “I live in a community where people can look

up my phone number… you risk loosing the support of the community.”

Other Ways to Invade Privacy

• The use of photography without the permission of the person or family members

• We talked about the use of pictures of the deceased and graphic war photographs

• The use of the Patriot Act during the Bush administration to get information against alleged terrorists.

Questions to be Answered

• Where do you feel the line between public and private figures should be drawn?

• Do you believe that with the new media age there is less privacy for citizens?

• Does the use of search engines invade the privacy of average citizens?

• Do you think Facebook is a good source to get background information for a story?

• Do you think invasions of privacy hinder innovation of citizens?