PREDMET: Engleski jezik ČAS BROJ: 2 ODELJENJE: DATUM: NASTAVNA TEMA: INTRODUCTION NASTAVNA JEDINICA: INTRODUCTION (CB, p 6, 7) TIP ČASA: utvrđivanje OBRAZOVNI CILJEVI Učenici će moći: - da opisuju slike i prostor i komuniciraju o tome šta oni ili drugi imaju / nemaju VASPITNI CILJEVI Učenici: - razvijaju naviku uzajamne saradnje i pomoći ZADACI Učenici će: - opisivati sliku sobe – gde se šta nalazi – i tako uvežbavati predloge (in, on, under, infront of, next to...) - testirati memoriju - ponavljati i uvežbavati glagol have got METODE I TEHNIKE RADA: kombinovani – opisivanje slike, igra memorije OBLICI RADA: frontalni, individualni, u paru, grupni NASTAVNA SREDSTVA: udžbenik, radna sveska, CD KORELACIJA SA DRUGIM PREDMETIMA / TEMAMA: Građansko vaspitanje, Srpski jezik UVODNI DEO: Provera domaćeg zadatka – uobičajeno ili uz pomoć PowerPoint prezentacije ako je pripremljena. GLAVNI DEO: Aktivnost 1 – My room. Udžbenik, strana 6, zadaci 1 a, b. Opisivanje slike. Where is / are ...? 1 a - Nastavnik kaže – Look at the picture. What things can you name? Add some details to your descriptions – size, colour... Talk to your partner. Help your partner to identify an describe the things. Učenici rade, nastavnik obilazi i podstiče. Ne pomaže. Sledi nova instrukcija – Let’s write the words on the board. Učenici pišu reči na tabli (svaku reč drugi učenik), ostali prate i ispravljaju greške u spelingu. 1 b – Učenici ponovo gledaju sliku i daju opse oslanjajuće se na izraze i reči 1 – 5 - Look at the picture again and look for items 1 – 5. Write sentences about them. Work with your partner and help each other. Nastavnik obilazi i prati, ali ne pomaže. Insistira da učenici jedni drugima pomažu. Dozvoljava da oni koji brže završe zadatak ustanu i priđu parovima koji imaju problem u rešavanju zadatka. Provera se radi sa celim odeljenjem. Odgovori: 1 The computer is on the desk. 2 Stephen is on the bed. 3 The tennis racquet is under the desk. 4 The animal poster is on the wall. 5 Stephen’s trainers are under the desk. Aktivnost 2 – My room. Udžbenik, strana 6, zadaci 2 a, b. Testiranje memorije. 1


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PREDMET: Engleski jezikČAS BROJ: 2 ODELJENJE: DATUM: NASTAVNA TEMA: INTRODUCTIONNASTAVNA JEDINICA: INTRODUCTION (CB, p 6, 7)TIP ČASA: utvrđivanje OBRAZOVNI CILJEVIUčenici će moći:- da opisuju slike i prostor i komuniciraju o tome šta oni ili drugi imaju / nemajuVASPITNI CILJEVIUčenici:- razvijaju naviku uzajamne saradnje i pomoći ZADACIUčenici će:- opisivati sliku sobe – gde se šta nalazi – i tako uvežbavati predloge (in, on, under, infront of, next to...)- testirati memoriju- ponavljati i uvežbavati glagol have gotMETODE I TEHNIKE RADA: kombinovani – opisivanje slike, igra memorijeOBLICI RADA: frontalni, individualni, u paru, grupniNASTAVNA SREDSTVA: udžbenik, radna sveska, CDKORELACIJA SA DRUGIM PREDMETIMA / TEMAMA: Građansko vaspitanje, Srpski jezik


Provera domaćeg zadatka – uobičajeno ili uz pomoć PowerPoint prezentacije ako je pripremljena.


Aktivnost 1 – My room. Udžbenik, strana 6, zadaci 1 a, b. Opisivanje slike. Where is / are ...?

1 a - Nastavnik kaže – Look at the picture. What things can you name? Add some details to your descriptions – size, colour... Talk to your partner. Help your partner to identify an describe the things. Učenici rade, nastavnik obilazi i podstiče. Ne pomaže. Sledi nova instrukcija – Let’s write the words on the board. Učenici pišu reči na tabli (svaku reč drugi učenik), ostali prate i ispravljaju greške u spelingu.

1 b – Učenici ponovo gledaju sliku i daju opse oslanjajuće se na izraze i reči 1 – 5 - Look at the picture again and look for items 1 – 5. Write sentences about them. Work with your partner and help each other. Nastavnik obilazi i prati, ali ne pomaže. Insistira da učenici jedni drugima pomažu. Dozvoljava da oni koji brže završe zadatak ustanu i priđu parovima koji imaju problem u rešavanju zadatka. Provera se radi sa celim odeljenjem.

Odgovori: 1 The computer is on the desk. 2 Stephen is on the bed. 3 The tennis racquet is under the desk. 4 The animal poster is on the wall. 5 Stephen’s trainers are under the desk.

Aktivnost 2 – My room. Udžbenik, strana 6, zadaci 2 a, b. Testiranje memorije. How good is your memory? (Slušanje broj 1. 6)

2 a - Nastavnik daje instrukciju – Turn to the pair sitting behind you and make groups. Close your books. Listen to the questions and write down your answers. You are supposed to work together and help each other. Pušta se CD, nastavnik ga zaustavlja posle svakog pitanja kako bi učenici imali vremena da razmisle i napišu odgovor.

2 b – Sledi nova instrukcija - Open your books. Listen again and check your answers. Pošto provere u grupama, radi se provera na nivou celog odeljenja.

Odgovori:1 It’s orange. 6 There are three books on the desk.2 No, there isn’t. 7 There are two boxes in the wardrobe.3 It’s half past four. 8 No, he isn’t.4 It’s next to the desk. 9 There’s a guitar on the bed.5 They’re singing. 10 Yes, there is.


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*Zadaci 3 i 4 se neće raditi.

Aktivnost 3 – What has she got? Udžbenik, strana 7, zadatak 1. Opisivanje slike. What has Alice got?

Učenici se vrćaju u parove. Nastavnik kaže – Look at the picture. Read the items 1 – 12. Has Alice got them?Write sentences following up the two examples in your books. Work with your partner. Postupak isti kao kod zadatka 1b u aktivnosti 1.


1 She’s got two oranges. 7 She’s got a letter. *Učenici pišu odgovcore na tabli.2 She hasn’t got a photograph. 8 She’s got a drink.3 She hasn’t got an apple. 9 She’s got a mobile phone.4 She’s got two oranges. 10 She hasn’t got a ruler.5 She’s got a sandwich. 11 She’s got three pens.6 She hasn’t got an umbrella. 12 She’s got an exercise book.

Aktivnost 4 – What has she got? Udžbenik, strana 7, zadatak 2. Testiranje memorije. Test your partner.

Nastavnik obriše odgovore sa table i poziva učenike da se dogovore ko će biti par A, a ko par B. Pošto se dogovore, dobijaju instrukciju - Students B, close your books. Students A, ask your partners questions following up the examples in your books. Učenici rade, nastavnik prati, osluškuje, podstiče i pomaže.


Radi se zadatak 3, frontalno, usmeno.Domaći zadatak: radna sveska, strana 3, zadaci 6, 7.


Problemi koji su nastali i kako su rešeni: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sledeći put ću drugačije uraditi / promeniti: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Opšta zapažanja:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Handout for students



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To talk about present events, we use the present simple or the present continuous tense.

The Present Simple

Form:√ I, You, We, They go ? Do I, you, we, they go? X I, You, We, They don’t go He, She, It goes Does he, she, it go? He, She, It doesn’t go

A. We use the present simple tense to talk about something that is always true. These are general, scientific truths or some facts. It is used to talk about something that is regarded as permanent.

Read the sentences. Write GT for general truths, F for facts or RP for something regarded as permanent?

1 The sun rises in the east. (GT) 6 A: When does winter begin? B: It begins in December.2 The earth revolves around the sun. 7 They speak French fluently. 3 My sister sings well. 8 He doesn’t speak English. 4 A:Where do you live? 9 A: Does he smoke? B: In Oak Street. B: No, he doesn’t. 5 Meerkats live in the Kalahari Desert. 10 We work in a wildlife park.

B. We also use the present simple tense to talk about daily routines and habits.

1 A: How often do you feed the animals? 6 My sister leaves home at 7.30 every day. B: I feed them twice a day. 7 I play tennis on Saturdays.2 She normally gets up very early. 8 He never takes his dog for a walk.3 Do you always take the bus to school? 9 Do you ever clean your shoes?4 Jack sometimes sends birthday cards. 10 He calls his cousins just occasionally. (from time to time)5 We don’t usually have lunch at home. 11 What time does he get up? (generally speaking)

The Present Continuous Tense

Form:√ I am going (I’m going) ? Am I going? He, She, It is going (He’s, She’s, It’s going) Is he, she, it going? We, You, They are (We’re, You’re, They’re going) Are we, you they going?

X I am not going He, She, It isn’t going We, You, They aren’t going

A. We use the present continuous tense to talk about something that is going on at the moment of speaking (current actions)

1 My mum is vacuuming the floor now. 3 Look! It’s raining.2 A: What are they doing at the moment? 4 Listen! She’s playing the guitar. B: They’re feeding the bears. 5 A: Hello! Where are you going? B: I’m going to the supermarket

A. We also use the present continuous tense to talk about something that is going on over a longer period of time around now or temporary arrangements.

1 Our school is very messy these days. 4 My sister and I are doing the house work while our mother is away. They’re painting the walls. 5 My father is working in Manchester this year. 2 I can’t go out this week. 6 We aren’t growing vegetables this year. I’m studying for my exams. 3 I’m sleeping in the living room today.


Remember:cut – cutting, run – running, swim – swimming, sit – sittinglive – living, move – moving, ride – riding, drive – driving (-e is deleted)lie – lying, die – dying, (- ie + -ing = -ying)