Similar to XL-800™, RXL-800™ is a 100% polyester double jacket hose, lined with EPDM rubber liner for enhanced durability, kink resistance and GPM flow. With a service test pressure rating of 400 PSIG (2800 kPa), RXL-800™ is a popular attack line choice and often selected for high rise packs. Using the thin, heat resistant EPDM liner, RXL-800™ is lighter and more compact than most of its rubber lined competitors. RXL-800™ also has a third less bulk than rubber covered hose. The ENCAP™ treated outer jacket improves durability, reduces water absorption up to 40%, enhances chemical resistance and adds color options. RXL-800 Since 1895, Niedner has been committed to procuring all raw materials from North American suppliers. This allows us to maintain the highest level of quality control and workmanship in our finished products. It also ensures the future employment of both American and Canadian workers in this industry and its related supply chain. Niedner has over a century of expertise in manufacturing high-quality hose products, a state of the art facility, and an ISO 9000-compliant quality system, we are proud to be the hose supplier of choice for those who demand the utmost in quality and performance from their hose products. 675 Merrill, Coaticook, Quebec Canada J1A 2S2 T. : 819 849.2751 - T. : 800 567.2703 www.niedner.com I n c h e s S p e c ( m m ) # L b s . K g s L b s . K g s I n c h e s c m I n c h e s c m I n c h e s c m I n c h e s m m I n c h e s m m P S I k P a F M T A B E R 1 1/2" (38mm) 4515 14 6.35029 26 11.7934 2.875 7.3025 0.30 0.762 21 53.34 1-15/16 49.2 1-23/32 43.7 400 2800 15 000 5 000 1 3/4" (45mm) 4517 14.5 6.57709 28 12.7006 3.125 7.9375 0.33 0.8382 21 53.34 2-1/16 52.4 1-7/8 47.6 400 2800 15 000 5 000 2" (51mm) 4520 18 8.16466 34 15.4221 3.375 8.5725 0.33 0.8382 21 53.34 2 5/16 58.7 2-1/16 52.4 400 2800 15 000 5 000 2 1/2" (64mm) 4525 23 10.4326 43 19.5045 4.5 11.43 0.33 0.8382 22 55.88 3" 76.2 2-13/16 71.4 400 2800 15 000 5 000 3" (76mm) 4530 30 13.6078 57 25.8548 5.5 13.97 0.35 0.889 22 55.88 3-1/2 88.9 3-5/16 84.1 400 2800 15 000 5 000 B o w l S i z e D i a m e t e r S e r v i c e T e s t C y c l e s ** Weights & Coil diameter may vary with finished product A V A I L A B L E C O L O R S : W h i t e , G r e e n , R e d , O r a n g e , B l u e , B e i g e - T a n , P u r p l e a n d Y e l l o w 5 0 f t . w / A l u m 1 0 0 f t . w / A l u m A l l l e n g t h s L a y f l a t 5 0 f t . w / C o u p l i n g s D i a m e t e r W E I G H T S * * F L A T W I D T H T H I C K N E S S C o i l D i a m . * * C O U P L I N G I n t e r n a l P r e s s u r e A B R A S I O N

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Similar to XL-800™, RXL-800™ is a 100% polyester double jacket hose, lined with EPDM rubber liner for enhanced durability, kink resistance and GPM flow. With a service test pressure rating of 400 PSIG (2800 kPa), RXL-800™ is a popular attack line choice and often selected for high rise packs. Using the thin, heat resistant EPDM liner, RXL-800™ is lighter and more compact than most of its rubber lined competitors. RXL-800™ also has a third less bulk than rubber covered hose. The ENCAP™ treated outer jacket improves durability, reduces water absorption up to 40%, enhances chemical resistance and adds color options.


Since 1895, Niedner has been committed to procuring all raw materials from North American suppliers. This allows us to maintain the highest level of quality control and workmanship in our finished products. It also ensures the future employment of both American and Canadian workers in this industry and its related supply chain. Niedner has over a century of expertise in manufacturing high-quality hose products, a state of the art facility, and an ISO 9000-compliant quality system, we are proud to be the hose supplier of choice for those who demand the utmost in quality and performance from their hose products.

675 Merrill, Coaticook, Quebec Canada J1A 2S2T. : 819 849.2751 - T. : 800 567.2703

w w w. n i e d n e r. c o m

Inches Spec(mm) # Lbs. Kgs Lbs. Kgs Inches cm Inches cm Inches cm Inches mm Inches mm PSI kPa FM TABER1 1/2"

(38mm) 4515 14 6.35029 26 11.7934 2.875 7.3025 0.30 0.762 21 53.34 1-15/16 49.2 1-23/32 43.7 400 2800 15 000 5 0001 3/4"

(45mm) 4517 14.5 6.57709 28 12.7006 3.125 7.9375 0.33 0.8382 21 53.34 2-1/16 52.4 1-7/8 47.6 400 2800 15 000 5 0002"

(51mm) 4520 18 8.16466 34 15.4221 3.375 8.5725 0.33 0.8382 21 53.34 2 5/16 58.7 2-1/16 52.4 400 2800 15 000 5 0002 1/2"

(64mm) 4525 23 10.4326 43 19.5045 4.5 11.43 0.33 0.8382 22 55.88 3" 76.2 2-13/16 71.4 400 2800 15 000 5 0003"

(76mm) 4530 30 13.6078 57 25.8548 5.5 13.97 0.35 0.889 22 55.88 3-1/2 88.9 3-5/16 84.1 400 2800 15 000 5 000

Bowl Size DiameterService

Test Cycles

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AVAILABLE COLORS: White, Green, Red, Orange, Blue, Beige-Tan, Purple and Yellow

50 f t.w/Alum

100 f t.w/Alum All lengths Layf lat

50 f t.w/Couplings

Diameter W E I G H T S ** FLAT WIDTH THICKNESS Coil Diam. ** COUPLING Internal Pressure ABRASION