Principle of Bioethics and Ethical Analysis Arnuparp Lekhakula M.D., M.S. Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Prince of Songkla University Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand

Principle of Bioethics and Ethical Analysis

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Principle of Bioethics and Ethical Analysis. Arnuparp Lekhakula M.D., M.S. Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Prince of Songkla University Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand. เด็กหญิงชมพู่ อายุ 6 ขวบ เป็นลูกคนเดียวของ พ่อแม่ ได้รับการวินิจฉัยว่าเป็น Neuroblastoma - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Principle of Bioethics and Ethical Analysis

Principle of Bioethics and Ethical Analysis

Arnuparp Lekhakula M.D., M.S.Department of Internal MedicineFaculty of MedicinePrince of Songkla UniversityHat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand

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เด็�กหญิ�งชมพู่� อายุ� 6 ขวบ เป็�นลู�กคนเด็�ยุวของ พู่ อแม ได็�รั บการัว�น�จฉั ยุว าเป็�น Neuroblastoma

ท่ านจะบอกแก พู่ อแม ของเด็�กหญิ�งชมพู่� อยุ างไรั?

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นายุบ�ญิรัอด็ อายุ� 55 ป็% ค� อาช�พู่ข บรัถแท่�กซี่�( ม�บ�ตรัท่�(ยุ งอยุ� ในว ยุเรั�ยุน 4 คน ภรัรัยุาเป็�นแม บ�าน ผู้��ป็-วยุได็�รั บการัว�น�จฉั ยุว าเป็�น inoperablepancreatic carcinomaนางบ�ญิส่ งภรัรัยุาขอรั�องท่ านไม ให�บอกการัว�น�จฉั ยุโรัคแก ผู้��ป็-วยุ เน0(องจากกลู วว าผู้��ป็-วยุจะรั บความจรั�งไม ได็�ท่ านควรัจะท่1าอยุ างไรั?

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นายุชาต�ชายุ อายุ� 62 ขวบ เป็�นเบาหวาน ม�ป็รัะว ต� Chronic arterial insufficiency มาด็�วยุ gangrene of right foot จ1าเป็�นต�องได็�รั บการัผู้ าต ด็ amputation of right foot แต ผู้��ป็-วยุป็ฏิ�เส่ธการัผู้ าต ด็

ท่ านควรัจะต ด็ส่�นใจอยุ างไรั?

Page 5: Principle of Bioethics and Ethical Analysis

นายุว�จ�ตรั อายุ� 32 ป็% อาช�พู่กรัรัมการัรั บจ�าง มาโรังพู่ยุาบาลูด็�วยุ acute appendicitis ได็�รั บการัผู้ าต ด็appendectomy หลู งจากน 4นท่รัาบว า HIV +ve ผู้��ป็-วยุขอรั�องท่ านว าอยุ าบอกให�ภรัรัยุาท่รัาบ

ท่ านจะท่1าอยุ างไรั?

Page 6: Principle of Bioethics and Ethical Analysis


ส่ถ�ต�การัฟ้9องรั�องท่�(แพู่ท่ยุส่ภา ส่0(อมวลูชน การักรัะพู่0อโหมความรั��ส่:กของมวลูชน การัแพู่ท่ยุ6เป็�นธ�รัก�จการัส่��ความก นในศาลู เรั�(มเป็�นหนท่างของรัายุได็�

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ป็รัะเด็�นป็7ญิหาการัฟ้9องรั�องท่�(แพู่ท่ยุส่ภา ป็ฎิ�บ ต�เวชกรัรัมไม ได็�มาตรัฐาน


พู่ยุาบาลูในลู กษณ์ะโอ�อวด็เก�นความจรั�ง

ไม ค1าน:งถ:งความป็ลูอด็ภ ยุแลูะความส่�4นเป็ลู0อง

ของผู้��ป็-วยุ การัท่1าแท่�ง ออกใบรั บรัองแพู่ท่ยุ6เท่�จ ขาด็ความรั บผู้�ด็ชอบในการัต�ด็ตาม

ด็�แลูผู้��ป็-วยุ หว งผู้ลูป็รัะโยุชน6ในเช�งธ�รัก�จมาก


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What is Bioethics?

Study of ethical issues arising from biological and medical sciences

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Varieties of Bioethics

Medical ethicsPhysician-centered

Health care ethicsIncludes nurses & other healthcare professionals

Clinical ethicsHospital care decisions with aid of committees and consultants

Bioethics in generalIncludes issues in genetics, reproductive technologies, experimentation, and distribution of life-saving resources

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Normative Ethics

Developing principles that tell us which actions are right, and what we are morally required to do.

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Normative Theories

Deontological theoriesAssociated with German philosopher Immanuel Kant.

Consequentialist theoriesMost well-known theory is utilitarianism.Utilitarians seek to maximize general human happiness or well-being.Famous utilitarian philosophers include John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham.

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Deontological Theories

A type of action is right or wrong no matter what its consequences are.Moral agents have duties which oblige them to do certain types of action.Duties can be specified in the form of rules that must be universally applicable.Persons and their autonomy should be respected at all times.

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Consequentialist Theories

What makes an action right or wrong are its consequences.The consequences of an action can always be measured by a common standard: what it contributes to the good of all who are affected by the actionThe right action is one that has the maximum beneficial results.The same unit of benefit to any person should be given equal weight.

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What is Applied Ethics?

Use of general moral principles to test the morality of particular actions.

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Problem for Applied Ethics

Presence of competing moral principlesDoes this make applied ethics subjective?

Room for reasoning, argument and justificationEthics is not a matter of taste.

Ethical dilemmas are real dilemmasThere are no easy answers.

Important to learn why people disagree

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EthicsEthics is about dilemmadilemma and thereasonsreasons that we give for our choice of action “should do, ought to do”

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Medicine is about that is the bestFor the patient

Doing the right thing for the patienthas not only a factual but also amoral dimension

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In real life :In real life :• Deciding what to do in real life can be complicated• No easy answer• We live in an ethically diverse society• We cannot be saints all the times

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Primary Goal of BioethicsPrimary Goal of Bioethics

“to enhance clinicians’performance or abilityto care for patients andfamily, leading to better quality of care”

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• Doing good, avoiding harm• Provides a process to think through complex problems, balance competing needs, views, opinions, values and beliefs• Provides support to reduce moral distress• Provides education on ethics models and techniques• Provides education on relevant legal and policy issues• Dependent on context/culture

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CASE IA 30-year-old man, with a common cold.

Antibiotics will do no good. The patient requests it.

What should you do?

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Uncertain diagnosis



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Antibiotic resistance

False idea


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Conflicting responsibilities

It is the apparent conflict between opposing principles or obligations that gives rise to many ethical problems in medicine.

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The Core Ethical QuestionsThe Core Ethical Questions

Question 1Question 1 : What does the patient wants ?


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Question 2 :What can be done for the patient and what are benefits and harms?

(Benificence / Non-maleficence)

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Question 3 :

Are the patient’s requests fair and able to be satisfied?


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Principles of BioethicsPrinciples of Bioethics

• Autonomy• Beneficence• Non-maleficence• Justice

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AutonomyAutonomy• Providing patient with information• Enabling patients to make informed medical choices• Respecting patient’s right to refuse treatment• Ensuring openness with patients• Maintaining patient privacy• Helping restore patient’s independence

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Some Bioethics IssuesSome Bioethics Issues

• Informed consent• Confidentiality• Truth telling• Withholding information• Substitution decision-making• Refusal of treatment• Advanced directives• Maternal-fetal conflict

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Some Bioethics IssuesSome Bioethics Issues

• Double effects• Withholding life-sustaining treatment• Medical futility• Mistake• Conflict of interest• Palliative care• Resource allocation• Research ethics

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The Ethical Decision Procedure1. Recognize that the case raises an

important ethical problem

2. What is the dilemma ?

3. What are the alternatives?

4. What are the key consideration?

5. Decide on a resolution to the problem

6. Consider your choice critically

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Analytic FrameworkAnalytic Framework



Qualityof life


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Medical FactorsMedical Factors• How was the diagnosis made?• Does it fulfill any of the goals of treatment?• What are the treatment alternatives• Is the proposed treatment useless?• What is the prognosis?

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Patient PreferencesPatient Preferences• What does the patient want?•Does the patient have the capacity to decide? If not, who will decide for the patient?• Do family members feel?

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Quality of LifeQuality of Life

• Quality of residual life• What is the patient’s subjective acceptance of likely quality of life?• What are the views of the care providers about the quality of life?• Less than minimal?

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Contextual FeaturesContextual Features

• Social, legal, economic, and institutional circumstances• Cultural belief• Support system and availability e.g. inability to pay for treatment, inadequate social support

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7. Action required : Do the right thing!

The Ethics Decision Procedure

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CASE II A 46-year old patient was found to have unresectable pancreatic cancer His wife insisted that staff withhold the diagnosis from him because he is prone to depression

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What should be done?

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The Ethics Decision Procedure

The problem Ethical dilemma The alternatives The crucial consideration

Autonomy Beneficence


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The Ethics Decision Procedure The resolution Critical considerations

Medical factors Patient preference Quality of life Contextual features

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Exceptions to Disclosure Patient’s waiver

Incapacity of patient

Medical emergencies

Therapeutic privilege

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The Ethics Decision Procedure

Action requiredDo The Right Thing

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Useful References

Tom Beauchamp & James Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics (Oxford University Press, 1994)Nancy Jecker, Albert Jonsen & Robert Pearlman (editors), Bioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods, and Practice (Jones & Bartlett, 1997)Robert Veatch (editor), Medical Ethics (Jones & Bartlett, 1997)