NEWSLETTER VOLUME 6 SEPTEMBER 2018 JENNY FIRTH PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL’S REPORT ALBANY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Code switching This is a term used when talking about the use of language in different contexts and the need to change how we speak depending on the circumstance and/or audience. Changing how we speak depending on who we are talking to and where we are is an important skill in preparing students for the workplace and beyond. We are reminding students of the need to use appropriate language for a workplace which is our school and the need to use formal language. The use of swear words at school is not acceptable in class or in the school yard. We seek your support in reinforcing this message at home. Students achieving success Recently we have enjoyed our talented senior school students performing with WAAPA in the annual Radioactive concert. It is very humbling to watch and enjoy our students excelling in the Arts. We have also had two students win the WA UN Youth Competition held at Parliament House recently, which involved debating skills. One of our Follow the Dream students has been selected for a National Technology and Science Summer School in Canberra. Please read on for more details and photos. School Survey The link to the annual school survey was recently sent to all families via Connect. I would strongly encourage you to complete this survey to support us making positive changes for your child and their education. Incoming Prefects I recently enjoyed an evening with the prefects and their parents at their camp. The maturity, poise and confidence of these young adults is impressive. They have set themselves some goals for the next year in making a difference in the school in terms of sustainability and leadership of younger students. They already have their first activity planned for R U OK day to support mental health development in having conversations with each other. Upcoming events There are a number events occurring over the next few weeks including the Art Exhibition and musical performances. These involve large numbers of students showcasing their work over the year. I encourage you to come along and support our students for an hour or so. The annual Hong Kong work experience program is underway and four teams are heading off to the State Volleyball Competition shortly.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed

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Page 1: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed





Code switchingThis is a term used when talking about the use of language in different contexts and the need to change how we speak depending on the circumstance and/or audience. Changing how we speak depending on who we are talking to and where we are is an important skill in preparing students for the workplace and beyond. We are reminding students of the need to use appropriate language for a workplace which is our school and the need to use formal language. The use of swear words at school is not acceptable in class or in the school yard. We seek your support in reinforcing this message at home.

Students achieving successRecently we have enjoyed our talented senior school students performing with WAAPA in the annual Radioactive concert. It is very humbling to watch and enjoy our students excelling in the Arts. We have also had two students win the WA UN Youth Competition held at Parliament House recently, which involved debating skills. One of our Follow the Dream students has been selected for a National Technology and Science Summer School in Canberra. Please read on for more details and photos.

School SurveyThe link to the annual school survey was recently sent to all families via Connect. I would strongly encourage you to complete this survey to support us making positive changes for your child and their education.

Incoming PrefectsI recently enjoyed an evening with the prefects and their parents at their camp. The maturity, poise and confidence of these young adults is impressive. They have set themselves some goals for the next year in making a difference in the school in terms of sustainability and leadership of younger students. They already have their first activity planned for R U OK day to support mental health development in having conversations with each other.

Upcoming eventsThere are a number events occurring over the next few weeks including the Art Exhibition and musical performances. These involve large numbers of students showcasing their work over the year. I encourage you to come along and support our students for an hour or so. The annual Hong Kong work experience program is underway and four teams are heading off to the State Volleyball Competition shortly.

Page 2: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed


Recently there have been issues with the Department of Education’s msgU SMS software. The result of this is that the school did not receive many text messages in regards to attendance. The glitches in the system seem to be ongoing. I apologise if you have already provided a reason for your child’s absence and receive another request. To ensure messages get through while there are problems with the msgU system, please email absences through to [email protected].

Attendance rates have been dropping this term, which is disappointing and I would like to remind students that they are encouraged not to take days off unless absolutely necessary. Family vacations during school term are not seen as a reasonable reason for an absence.

We are seeing an increase in parents not providing reasons for absences. Parents are encouraged to inform the school if their child will be away. This can be done by email [email protected], phone 9841 0419 or SMS 0400 204 440.

Parents are also reminded that all students who are absent from school for three or more consecutive days require a medical certificate to explain their absence.



UniformStudent Services offers short-term loans to keep students in school uniform. Unless for a new student, a swap system is used to encourage the return of the jacket or shirt.

The uniform shop operating in Colgate Cottage on the ASHS site is the source of new school uniforms.http://albanyseniorhighschool.permapleat.com.au/shop/

If you have any uniform that you would like to donate to Student Services it will be greatly appreciated.

Lost PropertyThere is a large quantity of items that have been bought to lost property in Student Services. This includes both uniform and non-uniform items. If your child has lost anything, please have them come and check if it is in Student Services. Uncollected items will be taken to the Op Shop in the holidays.

Jeans for Genes Day FundraiserThank you to everyone who took part in the Jeans for Genes Day Fundraiser last Friday by wearing jeans to show support for the cause, and/or by donating money.

Overall, we raised $571.35 which has been submitted to the charity to help fund vital research into the causes of childhood diseases.

Page 3: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed


Transition 2018/2019The transition of our 2019 Year 7s is in full swing. I am currently visiting our feeder schools for the second time this term discussing “all things high school”. Our future students are very eager to learn as much as they can about high school with some of the most frequently asked questions including “how much homework we are going to get?”; “how will I find my way around such a big school?” and “what are the teachers like?”

Next term transition hits “full tilt” with each feeder school visiting ASHS over two days. They spend the day moving throughout the school from period to period and engaging in lessons from different subject learning areas. The experience for these students is invaluable as it helps to lessen the anxiety of what to expect next year.

Ms Carrie BeeckTransition Coordinator

Year 12With the end of the year fast approaching a few reminders to the 12s.

Final assessmentsATAR students are reminded that exams are scheduled from October 5-12. All Year 12 students are required to, and expected to, attend school and go to timetabled classes up until their final day on October 19. If they finish Workplace Learning, they still need to come to school and attend their timetabled classes.

Final dayThe final day for Year 12 students is Friday 19 October, when we will have a final farewell assembly from the student body. Details and arrangements for the last days are still being finalised.

TISC Applications Just a reminder to all ATAR students that the initial deadline (and the cheapest one) for WA public universities is 28 September. All students should have applied by this time. I strongly encourage this, even if students are still unsure of what they will do. They can continue to go on to the TISC site and make changes up until early January.

Page 4: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed

On Thursday 16 August, the student leaders in Years 7-10 went to Camp Quaranup on a leadership camp to develop our leadership skills in the school community. We did fun and practical activities that encouraged us to strengthen relationships with others and build our leadership capacity. One of these activities was raft building; I had been dreading this for the whole day because of the cold weather and even colder water that we would have to swim in. Our group started off building the raft pretty badly; we ended up getting to the last five minutes not knowing how we were going to build our raft, the activities coordinator came over and pretty much built our raft for us. At this point, it was freezing, and I was getting everyone pumped up with some 2012 pop hits on Hunter’s UE boom, the time came to take our raft over to the water, we picked it up and thank goodness it fell apart and we didn’t have to go swimming. Instead, I was changing the playlist to 2013 pop hits and getting everyone psyched for what they were about to do.

One of the best parts of the camp was rogaining, another word for orienteering. The point of the activity is to go off in your groups, follow a map and find signs that have certain letters on them that will help you put together the final word. The hike up the mountain was pretty great, and the odd kangaroo every now and then made the view even better.

Overall, the student leadership camp was awesome; it’s a great confidence booster, lets you get to know your peers, and allowed us to make possible changes to the school. Thank you to Ms Heinrich and everyone else who gave up their time to put together such a great camp.

By Emma WadeYear 10


Student Leadership Camp

Page 5: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed

Recently I went to a camp alongside the other future prefects to prepare for next years’ leadership role and become unified as the 2019 prefect body. We left for Camp Quaranup on 18 August and were away for three days, then came back on Tuesday afternoon. Every meal was lovingly prepared by two members of our group, all were delicious, so if we don’t all make it as President, many of us could easily be cooks.

After settling in, we got started on one of many meetings was spent discussing what we hope to achieve next year to make the school more inclusive and sustainable. To break up the meetings we also played a few team building activities run by some of our peers.

On day two we had to wake up bright an early for morning fitness where we did some Zumba and then walked along the beach. During the day we had more meetings, did yoga, played some more team building activities, talked to staff members and organised committees. Later, everyone’s parents drove over to camp to be introduced to all the prefects. Every prefect had the job of writing a speech about another and presenting it, everyone did a very good job and the evening was very enjoyable.

On the final day we did some more morning fitness and then listened to a talk about leadership. Afterwards we packed up and headed home.

It was three days filled with laughs, dancing, learning and making friends and every single person in the group is a genuine, hardworking, dedicated and friendly person that will do a wonderful job next year.

By Sascha FavasYear 12


Prefect Camp

Page 6: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed

2018 BLACK SWAN PRIZEBlack Swan Prize 2018 Finalist - Youth Award Katty Adano

Year 11 Visual Arts student Katty Adano has been selected from over 160 national entrants as one of 30 finalists in the 2018 Black Swan Prize for Portraiture - Youth Award. An annual competition, Katty’s artwork will be exhibited at Brookfield Place (Tower 1), 125 St Georges Terrace, Perth from Monday 29 October- Friday 23 November 2018. A digitally printed exhibition of the Youth Category finalists artworks will also be featured on large display boxes at the Perth Cultural Centre.

Katty says “The Arts has always been with me ever since I was little. I have always been involved with anything related to it; dance, music whether it’s for school or even leisurely at home playing the piano. I have always drawn or created artwork using any medium I find. This would always keep me entertained and busy. I have specifically grown to love drawing realistically. It allows me to explore the intricacy and fine details of our world.”

Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed with an energy radiating the inner and outer beauty of this talented student. We are very excited for Katty and her successful entry into this competition recognising incredible youth talent in Visual Arts from across Australia.

Winners for 2018 will be announced at the Youth Awards night held Wednesday 7 November at Brookfield Place.

Ms Andrea TottenVisual Arts

A Place, Katty Adano Artist statement

My work is the examination of the fine details and the unnoticeable aspects of life. I frequently find myself drawn to achromatic portraits to focus on the intricate details. I also strive to communicate the innate worth in life through my subjects.

I try to include environmental aspects to demonstrate the raw, inviting, honest presence of nature around us which shows us beauty, unconditional love and hope for tomorrow. All of these, reflected in the face of a woman show us that she is beautiful, important and valued beyond measure.

The subject of my artwork includes a portrait of myself. My passion being art allows me to unfold the fine details. I believe imperfections are what make us unique whether its scars, or asymmetry it’s all interesting and worth embracing. This is why when I draw a face, I try not to skip over the imperfections, and instead, I include all the unique qualities and aspects that make us who we are.

I drew a self-portrait because it satisfies my need to express this idea of ‘accepting and embracing our differences.‘ To emphasise that we are all valued and have a purpose. That through focusing on the beauty we each have, we can look past the flaws.

Page 7: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed


Page 8: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed

ARTIST PRESENTATIONSenior school students had the opportunity for some inside knowledge on the inspiration that drives local artist Janelle Peterson to create her beautiful sculptures. Janelle brought in many samples of her sculpture and ceramic wares and was open to students looking through years of drawing and design exploration in sketchpads, reinforcing art making as a process of creativity, development and innovation. A number of students have since put some of Janelle’s techniques into practice as they complete their final artworks for assessment.

Ms Andrea TottenVisual Arts

Page 9: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed

EVATT STATE COMPETITIONCongratulations to Dean Crowley and Hannah Ford who, as representatives of ASHS, won the state final of the Evatt Competition on Friday 31 August. The Evatt Competition is Australia’s largest high school debating competition which takes the form of a mock United Nations Security Council. Teams of two students debate, amend and vote on prepared resolutions from the perspective of their assigned country. Dean and Hannah now have the opportunity to attend the national competition in December.

During the heat round, Dean and Hannah represented Russia, and their successful performance saw them reach the finals, along with fourteen other teams. In the finals, Dean and Hannah represented the Netherlands, and on the day successfully spoke to their resolutions and proposed amendments, negotiated, and displayed excellent role sharing throughout the three two hour debates. The judges commented on their outstanding teamwork, their presence as speakers, their general demeanour and convincing powers of persuasion. They were worthy ambassadors for ASHS.

There were also some individual awards presented, and Dean is to be congratulated for his performance which saw him awarded best individual speaker on the day. He was articulate, passionate, respectful and convincing, and thoroughly deserving of the accolade.

Special thanks are extended to former ASHS teacher Will Richards who willingly gave time to help Dean and Hannah with their preparation for the event.

CHAPLAINWhat do origami, knitting, and chess have in common? They are lunchtime activities at ASHS! It’s been so great to get our lunchtime clubs up and running. We have an Origami Club in which we are making cranes/flowers for library display, Knitting Club where we are learning to knit and crochet, and Chess Club which has seen some fierce and intense games of chess. Lunchtime is a great time to engage and connect students in the school community and with other students. Many thanks to the parents/Alumni who have donated wool and knitting needles for us to use in the Knitting club.

Another exciting project the ASHS community undertook was the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Project. The Year 9 leaders collected new toys, stationery, and hygiene items to pack gift-filled shoeboxes to be distributed to children in needy communities throughout the world. Many thanks to parents, students, and staff for donating items. If you missed out on the project this year, there will be another opportunity in 2019 as we will be doing this project annually.

Ms Jennifer WingardChaplain

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CERTIFICATE II - COMMUNITY SERVICESThe students in Certificate II Community Services organised an engaging 14-week program of activities for invited pre-school children to the ASHS Playgroup.

We held the playgroup in our classroom and purpose built play area on Fridays. Many children and caregivers attended across the weeks we ran the group and fun was had by all.

It wasn’t all just fun and games though; the Playgroup allowed the students to make connections with members of the community and young children, develop educational play experiences for children and organise food and resources for the smooth running of the playgroup.

Ms Pia Gray

Page 11: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed

P&C ASSOCIATIONDo you encourage healthy eating with your family?

Come and experience the healthy food we offer in the ASHS Canteen. We are recruiting volunteers Monday – Friday from 9.30 am–11.30am or 10.00 am-12.00 pm. You will be fully supervised by our canteen staff; involves food preparation and possibly serving students. To say thanks your family is rewarded with $5 credit, to be used in the canteen on the day you volunteer.

If you are interested, please contact [email protected] or call 0429 016 253.

Online Orders

The Canteen takes lunch orders online, but please remember to cancel the order if your child will not be attending school.


COMMUNITY - RUGBY WARugby WA Development Visits

Development Officers from Rugby WA visited the school this week to help grow this great game in Albany. If you enjoyed the session and are keen to do more there are a few opportunities coming up.

For players aged 10 to 18 there is a skills session with former Australian Sevens Captain Ed Jenkins on the Multi-purpose pitch at ALAC on Saturday the 1st of September from 11 am until 12.30 pm.

For players in Year 11 and 12 the Albany Junior Rugby Club is looking to get a team together to compete in the upcoming Spring Sevens Series. Three carnivals in Perth in September and October. Contact Kelly on 0427 998 446.

Stay up with whats happening in Rugby in Albany by following us on Facebook or check out our websitewww.albanyjuniorrugby.club.

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Page 13: PRINCIPAL’S REPORT · Katty’s artwork is a meticulously breathtaking self- portrait that captivates the audience with astute attention to the intricacies of facial details, mixed

COMMUNITY - TAFEThe Albany campus of South Regional TAFE will be a hive of activity at its annual Open Day on Saturday 13 October from 10am to 1pm.

Visitors can access information on full-time and part-time study in 2019, and talk to lecturers about training and the jobs it can lead to.

Applications for full-time study in 2019 open on 31 August, and staff will be on hand at the Open Day to help students with their applications if they need it. In addition, there will be exhibitions of student work, interactive fun, live music, coffee making demonstrations and a free sausage sizzle.

High school students and their parents are encouraged to attend and discuss training options for next year.

Phone 9892 8888 for more information on the Open Day or TAFE courses. “

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COMMUNITY - SPENCER PARK DENTALDental Therapy Centre opening hours September/October School holidays

Spencer Park Dental Therapy Centre will be closed on 4 and 5 October during the upcoming school holidays. If you have a dental emergency on those days, please contact Yakamia Dental Therapy Centre on 9841 3498.

Your child will be eligible to attend a Dental Therapy Centre from ages 5 to 17. If you no longer intend to use our service, please let us know as soon as possible as your valuable appointment could be used by someone else.

All appointments are now sent to your home address. If you have moved in the last few years we may not have your correct address and your child could miss out on their check-up, please contact us to update your details either by phone: 9841 3967 or e-mail: [email protected].

The staff at Spencer Park Dental Therapy Centre would like to wish all children and parents an enjoyable break, keep smiling .

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AdministrationPrincipal Mrs Jenny Firth

Postal AddressAlbany Senior High School1 Campbell RoadALBANY WA 6330

Deputy PrincipalsYear 7, 8 & 9Year 10, 11 & 12

Year Coordinators

Ms Sara Garcia-PerlinesMr Steve Mounsey

Year 7 Ms Kassie MillerEnquiries & Absentees Emailalbany.shs.enquiries@education wa.edu.au

Year 8Year 9

Mrs Pia GrayMr Mal Ellis

Year 10 Mr Barry LongworthAbsentees SMS0400 204440 (text only - no calls)

Year 11Year 12

Mrs Angela FindlayMr Andrew McWhirter

Attendance Officer 9841 0419 or 9841 0417Accounts Bank DetailsCommonwealth Bank – AlbanyAccount: Albany Senior High SchoolBSB: 066 500Account No: 009 000 88

Please remember to include yourchild’s student number as the reference.

Program Coordinator Program Coordinator ChaplainPsychologistSchool NurseAIEOAIEO

Ms Dianne Heinrich Student ServicesMr Dave McComb EngagementMs Jennifer WingaardMs Bree CrockettMs Helen PerryMs Marg James FriMs Mandi Khan Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

Are you a past staff member or student of ASHS? You can register as an ASHS Alumni online athttp://www.albanyshs.wa.edu.au/page/15/Alumni , and follow the link on Alumni tab. After registering, we verify your details and email you a link to join the ASHS Alumni Facebook Page; or if you would rather, just receive updates by your preferred contact method.

You can also email [email protected],

or post to ASHS Alumni, 1 Campbell Road, Albany 6330.

Please share this information with those people whom you know are past members of the school community.

Ms Jenny JacksonAlumni Committee



Permapleat Uniform Shop at ASHS

For all your uniform needsOpening hours and contact details:

Tuesday 1.00 pm - 4.00 pmWednesday 1.00 pm - 4.00 pm

Phone: 9841 0962http://albanyseniorhighschool.permapleat.com.au/shop/

[email protected]


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8-Oct 9-Oct 10-Oct 11-Oct 12-Oct 13-Oct 14-OctYear 12 Exams Year 12 Exams Year 12 Exams Year 12 Exams Year 12 Exams

Marine Science Netting Beach Volleyball 7-8.15am

Year Assemblies: Years 7-9 P1 Years 10-12 P3

15-Oct 16-Oct 17-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 21-OctYear 12 Meeting Beach Volleyball 7-8.15am

Anti Poverty Week - Anglicare FREE Sausage Sizzle

Year 12 Prefect Handover Assembly P3

Whole School Assembly P3/4Final Concert Band 1 and Awards Night Yr

9-12Cultural Committee (Parents Invited)

3.30pm-4.30pm Last Day Year 12 22-Oct 23-Oct 24-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct

Talented Young Writers Yrs 9-11Semester 2 Work Placements finish

Yr 11Semester 2 Work Placements finish

Yr 11 Beach Volleyball 7-8.15am

Interschool Basketball Yr 7-10 Cert II Sports Coaching Students involved Marine & Maritime Practical Yr 11

Talented Young Writers Yrs 7-8

Year 10 Exams Year 10 Exams Yr 10 Exams Yr 10 ExamsPop Band Sleepover / Recording Session

3.00pm - 12.00pm Saturday29-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct 1-Nov 2-Nov 3-Nov 4-Nov

WACE EXAMS WACE EXAMS WACE EXAMS WACE EXAMS WACE EXAMSYr 9 OED Camp Yr 9 OED Camp Yr 9 OED Camp Interschool Cricket Yr 7-9 Boys/Girls Beach Volleyball 7-8.15am

APS Aths Carnival - Cert II Sports Coaching Students

Yr 10 Pop Band Community/Café Performance (Lunch - 3.10pm) Music Count Us In P1 and/or 2

Rehearsal for MC & Choir - Albany Combined Schools Centenary of Armistice

ServiceStudent Parliament (Lunch time)

Chamber Music Night (All IMSS Students)

Yr 9, 10 and 11 Drama Performance PAT


Yr 10 OED Camp Yr 10 OED Camp Yr 10 OED Camp Albany Show

Cert II Café Performance P1&2 (Venue TBA) Marine Science Netting

Albany Combined Schools Centenary of Armistice Service (approx 250 students)

P1-4 School Development DayYear 8 Immunisations

Rehearsal for MC & Choir - Albany Combined Schools Centenary of Armistice

ServiceCert II Café Performance P3&4

(Venue TBA)

Alumni Meeting 3.30pm - 5.00pm

Rehearsal for MC & Choir - Albany Combined Schools Centenary of Armistice

Service12-Nov 13-Nov 14-Nov 15-Nov 16-Nov 17-Nov 18-Nov

WACE EXAMS WACE EXAMS WACE EXAMS WACE EXAMS WACE EXAMSYr 11 Exams Yr 11 Exams Yr 11 Exams Yr 11 Exams Yr 11 Exams

Year 6 Transition Day - Albany Primary Year 8 Immunisations Year 6 Transition Day - Spencer Park Beach Volleyball 7-8.15am Pop Band Lunchtime Performance ASHS Athletics Carnival

Year 6 Transition Day - Flinders ParkYr 10 Pop Band Showcase

PAT 6.00pm-8.30pmYear 12 Awards Evening

6.45pm Last Day Year 1119-Nov 20-Nov 21-Nov 22-Nov 23-Nov 24-Nov 25-Nov

ACTIVITY DAY - students advised via Daily notices of Activities and posters

around school Year 6 Transition Day - Flinders Park Year 6 Transition Day - Spencer Park Beach Volleyball 7-8.15am

Marine Science Camp

26-Nov 27-Nov 28-Nov 29-Nov 30-Nov 1-Dec 2-Dec

Choir Sleepover Night - Yr 7-11Final Concert for Guitar Ensemble and

Orchestra 1 and 2Transition Day new students Year 7 and

all Hostel students all day3-Dec 4-Dec 5-Dec 6-Dec 7-Dec 8-Dec 9-Dec

Orientation Day Yr 8-12 new students P1-P4 Interschool Athletics Carnival Marine Science Netting Beach Volleyball 7-8.15am

IMSS Parent Info Night Alumni Meeting 3.30pm - 5.00pmMarine Science presentations to Parents

PAT 3.30 - 5.30 Band 1 Sleepover Night - Yr 9-1110-Dec 11-Dec 12-Dec 13-Dec 14-Dec 15-Dec 16-Dec

Award Assemblies Years 7-10 P3 Marine Science Fieldwork Day Activity Day Beach Day 2018 School year ends

School Development Day


K 1


K 9


K 1
















Year 11 OED Camp

Marine Science Camp


Pop B

and S


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Year 9 Camp

Follow The Dream Leadership Camp

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