while a further 30,000 people work in foreign branches of companies based there. It has a long-standing customs and currency treaty with Switzerland and a membership in the European Economic Area (EEA), which provides access to the European Union market. Prince Michael is convinced Blockchain will bring a big change to the financial industry and will particu- larly affect the custody and payment sector. He thinks that in the future, these functions will be kept separately from the banking industry. He sees it as a good opportunity to increase effi- ciency in financial services and suspects we will have a future like the African system with peer-to-peer transactions and security. However, he reckons the banking system will still play an impor- tant role in financing and in the case of private banking, personal advice will certainly remain essential. The token will find a niche to secure property rights and ICO’s will be useful, mostly for financing in smaller scale ventures Prince Michael of Liechtenstein is Chairman of Industrie- und Finanzkontor Ets., a trust company with a tradition and expertise in the long-term and trans-generational preservation of wealth, especially family wealth. He is also the founder and Chairman of Geopolitical Intelligence Services AG, a geopolitical consultancy company and information platform. Karen Jones, founder and CEO of Citywealth (www.citywealthmag.com) in conversation with James Bowater T okeny, the compliant tokenization platform, is the European market leader in delivering an institutional grade, secure end-to-end platform. Working with clients across five continents, Tokeny has the solutions required for the compliant issuance and servicing of digital securities. The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) market that exploded last year was an innovation that represented a great technology advancement. Peers could instantly trade tokens representing business services, or in other words utility tokens, with one another 24/7 and 365 days a year. Using blockchain technology, this new technological advancement drove more efficient flows of capital from a significantly wider pool of investors. Of course, the problems that surround ICOs are very well documented, and some studies have reported that over 80% were scams. With ICOs now in decline, 2018 has been called by many as the shift to Security Token Offerings (STOs) and it’s a popular notion that by 2030 tokenized securities will be the primary method of security issuance. To understand tokenized securities, it’s fundamental to understand securities. With securities, it’s mandatory to respect the relevant laws and regulation for every jurisdiction the assets are issued in, and in every jurisdiction the securities will be distributed. As you might expect, the exact same process is needed when issuing tokenized securities. But why replace the financial infrastructure that has existed for of using distributed ledger technology (DLT). The ability to fractionalize tangible and illiquid assets through tokenization can bring liquidity into markets that have had little to no access to it. Furthermore, secondary markets will also offer increased liquidity through a constant 24/7/365 trading market. As one might expect in a growing industry, the STO market has shown that there are many players in the space that respect rules and regulation, and you could argue that this reflects signs of maturity in a nascent industry. At Tokeny, we have created the T-REX (Token for Regulated EXchanges), to enforce the compliant transfer of securities on the blockchain. The T-REX standard is a decentralized set of global tools, based on the Ethereum blockchain, to allow for the interoperable, frictionless and compliant transfer of tokenized securities. We believe blockchain technology is the foundation of a new financial infrastructure that will revolutionize the way capital markets operate. Having recognized that there are problems in the industry related to fraud and scams, we have come up with a set of solutions that address those pain points, something we believe will help drive mass adoption across the financial industry. 00 TUESDAY 22 JANUARY 2019 FEATURE CITYAM.COM 00 TUESDAY 22 JANUARY 2019 FEATURE CITYAM.COM Blockchain, Crypto and ICO’s, which is being discussed in Parliament in the first quarter of 2019. The law describes the important features such as tokens, cryptocurrency and ICO’s in detail and the Liechtenstein Government de- scribes the functionality of the new sys- tem. Anti-money-laundering and compliance are paramount and the law focuses on quality and security. In this process, they want to ensure that only qualified, proven and skilled people are allowed to manage the intermediaries in Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein’s 38,000 inhabitants de- pend on external workforces from Aus- tria and Switzerland. For those S ince last week’s edition of Crypto AM the market has seen some upward motion but is now back to the same level and, at the time of writing, Bitcoin (BTC) is trading at US$3,571.62, Ripple (XRP) at US$0.3199 and Ethereum (ETH) at US$122.13 with the overall Market Cap at US$119.3bn (data source: www.CryptoCompare.com) The holiday interruption is now out of the way with the conference and ‘meet up’ season well and truly underway where existing projects will be reporting on their progress and new innovations with other entrants making their big launches. One surprise however, is Ethereum’s much vaunted hard fork Constantinople, which was anticipated to happen last week on the 16th January has been officially delayed until 27th February. A hard fork is where the Blockchain splits into two and is essentially a method to fix or improve the protocol such as its security and functionality – the delay of Constantinople stems from an external audit firm’s identification of security vulnerabilities in one of the five new protocols. 27th February is another significant date in the Crypto calendar as this is the last date for the SEC’s decision on the VanEck Bitcoin ETF decision although President Trump’s continued shutdown of the US Government might well interrupt scheduled business. State business doesn’t seem to be affected though with the major news that on 18th January Wyoming introduced a Bill SF0125 - Digital assets-existing law (www.wyoleg.gov) described as an “Act relating to property; classifying digital assets within existing laws; specifying that digital assets are property within the Uniform Commercial Code; authorizing security interests in digital assets; establishing an opt-in framework for banks to provide custodial services for digital asset property as directed custodians; specifying standards and procedures for custodial services under this act.” The importance of this cannot be overemphasised as this should pave the way for banks to be custodians of digital assets and operate throughout the US. This should make it easier for the SEC to start making the critical regulatory decisions essential for institutional adoption. Over the weekend, I ran into Florian Bollen from the German Kraft micro-brewery in London’s Mercato Metropolitano. As ‘Meisters of Purity’ the team there are dedicated to doing things properly using their patented water distillation process and, with sustainability as a core value, they use the heat from the fermentation process to distil London tap water and the wastewater from adjacent gin distillery and bar Jim & Tonic. The resulting pure water is then mineralised according to recipes used in both the beer and the gin. What does this have to do with Crypto you ask? The billion dollar global expansion of German Kraft will be funded by the issuance of asset backed utility tokens called Craft Beer Coin. Who said crytpoassets can’t be fun?! considering relocation to Vaduz, note that getting residency in Liechtenstein relies on demonstrating your start-up has the right skilled people for the country and economy. The Principality of Liechtenstein is the sixth smallest country in the World. Rural and set in an alpine landscape with its capital Vaduz sitting on the Rhine between Switzerland and Aus- tria, it is part of the EEA applying cer- tain EU laws and within the EU internal market. As a business centre it has fi- nancial services and a high quality of life for citizens with the highest GDP per capita in Europe. Thirty large com- panies employ around 8,000 workers, A s governments consider the RegTech of crypto and blockchain, not all is equal. As with inward investment visas, those countries with faster acting governments can step up to at- tract big brand names in this emerging financial sector. Two neighbouring countries, Switzerland and the princi- pality of Liechtenstein, have made strides to capture early entrants. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein, Chair- man of Industrie- und Finanzkontor Ets., a privately-owned trust company with a specific expertise in wealth preserva- tion, spoke to Karen Jones, Citywealth, Editor and contributor to City A.M. about the plans to attract tech organisa- tions to Vaduz, the capital of Liechten- stein, and his interest in this emerging market. Prince Michael’s interest in cryptocur- rencies was raised in 2013 when the US treasurer declared Bitcoin ‘dangerous’. At that stage, Prince Michael decided to find out more about cryptocurrencies and then realized that the underlying Blockchain-technology was a develop- ment with enormous potential for dis- ruption. The application of Blockchain in the financial industry will require some regulation, explains the Prince. How- ever, he warns that regulators are often more concerned about what can go wrong instead of looking at the oppor- tunities. Liechtenstein has addressed this with regulatory laboratories set up to test potential regulations. He believes it is important to work with the indus- try and start-ups in order to understand the system and to make the opportuni- ties visible. A less capitalistic approach is being taken in the principality to help start- ups succeed. Besides having initiated a law to regulate tokens, cryptocurrencies and ICOs, Liechtenstein’s legislator has also created a new legal instrument called LVC (Liechtenstein Venture Co-op- eratives). The LVC is a legal offering to support inventors and investors through a weighted mutual reward sys- tem which includes intellectual prop- erty. As a headline speaker at the Swiss Blockchain Summit, the Prince has a longstanding interest in Blockchain from a logistics point of view. He sees that decentralized Blockchain technol- ogy has the potential to replace tradi- tional methods. Having observed the financial industry for many years, he saw it as burdened with bureaucracy and regulation. He thinks the potential to replace institutions with technology for instance in payment systems is real. However, he understands the wariness from governments but adds that this is normal because new technologies al- ways raise fear in the beginning. He ac- knowledges that many might be against the rise of Blockchain at first sight. The Liechtenstein Government favours the development of Know-how in Blockchain within the principality and has become a pioneer in developing a law on Blockchain in the financial in- dustry. As a liberal country, Liechten- stein sees its role in providing the right framework. There is a Technopark in Vaduz that supports start-up companies by providing office space and infrastruc- ture. Liechtenstein is also part of the Technopark-Alliance-Network Switzer- land, the number one location in Switzerland for the transfer of technol- ogy from academia to practice. There is also a consultation in the pipeline for the regulation of Designed by Phill Snelling, Bowater Media In association with CITY A.M.’S CRYPTO INSIDER Crypto A.M. shines its Spotlight on Tokeny @CityAm_Crypto E: [email protected] JAMES BOWATER PARTNER CONTENT Our series on AI, Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Tokenisation We believe blockchain technology is the foundation of a new financial infrastructure that will revolutionize the way capital markets operate SECURITY TOKENS: RISING RAPIDLY INTO THE BILLIONS? This weeks ‘Security Tokens Realised’ con- ference is going to be even more interest- ing than I thought when I delivered last week’s column – for one very good reason. Blockchain technology has just landed a whole new asset class... right slap-bang within the FCA regulated zone .... and it has a very familiar face. Familiar to anyone who’s been keeping up with Fintech devel- opments over the last decade at any rate. An altfin business, Moneybrain.com, working with sister company JustUs.co have created a new currency called BiPS. So what? MARS LANDING? What makes this significant, a world first in fact, is the joining of the old with the new. That this, once connected up, will allow practically anyone, anywhere to buy and own a real-world, regulated, fractional asset! You may recall from last week’s column (pay attention at the back) that this is an extremely significant step because it open up the field in a way which is unprece- dented. In the case of BiPS, from the UK to the entire world. From one country to 200, as anyone anywhere can buy a BiP – or a small fraction of one. Opening property investing to the world. ONE SMALL STEP THAT’S A GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND Of course this is hugely significant for Moneybrain who, as CEO Lee Birkett told me, already has a lengthening queue at the door (could BiPS.Moneybrain.com be the next fintech unicorn?), and is thinking bigger than ever before. It is even more sig- nificant for the city, Fintech, and the UK – we still have the chance to lead the way, and lead the world! QUICKLY INTO THE BILLIONS Because being able to build the new on the established is extremely powerful. Prop- erty portfolios, pensions and other funds can all benefit. Not just from a reduction in costs but from what you might call liq- uidity on steroids. So how has an outfit from the north, Manchester, taken a world lead in the face of all the funding from ICO, VCs and the intense interest of the banking sector? Homework! Or rather years of ground- work paying off in a whole new way. (I should point out that I have known Lee for years and been badgering him for the last year or two to pay attention to this ‘blockchain thing’, so have ended up ad- vising the BiPS team). CROWDFUNDING EQUALS FRACTIONAL FUNDING… Because Crowdfunding equals fractional funding – in order to Crowdfund a loan it has to be fractionalised, broken into ‘loan parts’, which must be accounted for. This is now well known and well understood – including by regulators, with whom Lee has worked closely over those years to blaze this particular trail. Plug into that blockchain tech in the form of the BiPS token and it moves to a whole new level. In fact Lee told me that after months of development and testing when they finally fired up the engine it felt like the first landing on Mars, and in light of the significance it’s not difficult to see why. There are whole new worlds to explore as a result. You can start to do so with Lee and I as the entire interview is now live on ICOrad.io – join us there - or I will be chairing Wednesday afternoon at this week’s conference: www.SecurityTokensDelivered.com. See you there! [email protected] A less capitalistic approach is being taken in the principality to help start-ups succeed U ltimately, and kind of obviously, a decentralised business or ecosystem means that there is no single point of control. With no one single point of power, and a governance model where the majority of the constituent players need to agree on transactions, it puts the control in the hands of those individuals (nodes) and therefore creates a more harmonic and fairer way of ensuring that the ecosystem “works”. This concept feels revolutionary. We have grown up in a world where we are forced to trust central points of authority, whether it be government, the banking system, and even the social media platforms where we share our lives and interact with our friends and peers. All of these trusted third party’s can deny you access to their service any time they want for any reason they want and there is pretty much nothing you can do about it. Government’s can revoke passports, social media platforms can censor you, and banks can refuse you access to your money. In blockchain technology, decentralisation is about control. Specifically, who can control the contents of the ledger? Who can approve or reject transactions? Who has control over the protocol? Who has control of the majority of any cryptocurrency? Is control spread out amongst multiple individuals or organisations? The idea behind decentralisation is that we don’t need middlemen, and by removing them, we can eliminate censorship and authoritarianism as well as reduce friction in trades. And one last thought: Decentralisation requires structure and agreement. Decentralisation is achieved through good governance. Governance is one of the most important and least discussed topics in Blockchain technology. Troy Norcross, Co-Founder Blockchain Rookies DECENTRALISATION MAY BE THE MOST INTERESTING FEATURE OF BLOCKCHAIN A fter a low volatility regime in September and October the status quo was abruptly unsettled as Bitcoin headed south, sheading over 40% of its value. There was a wide array of factors affecting the markets; the bitcoin cash war, the concentration risk of the mining power in a proof-of-work blockchain, the lack of coherence among digital exchanges for the hard forks and airdrops treatments and the repeated delays for the development of the lightning network. Negative narrative around the investigations by the DOJ and the SEC, for alleged misconduct by some large digital exchanges, dubious ICOs, and jitters around crypto-collateralized loans, drove the bulls away. Consecutive postponements regarding ETF regulation by the SEC did not bring the market rally that many forecasters, had anticipated. Despite the gloom of the markets, Wirex has seen more opportunistic buyers drawn in by an extremely high volatility regime. Bitcoin Whales (dormant investors) are getting more active. This is confirming our current view for renewed large market swings, around the 3000 to 4300 levels, with a strong support above the 3000-3100 levels where markets should at least consolidate. The spotlight this week is on Ethereum. Ether initially outperformed its peers (+11.35% on Monday) ahead of the Constantinople hard fork, however after the audit revealed a vulnerability in the code, developers decided to delay the fork until February, and the price consequently readjusted on the 15th (- 6.42% on Tuesday). Bitcoin evolved between 3470 and 3774 with lower volumes with still a high volatility (daily realised annualised volatility stable at 0.53), giving direction to LTC, and XRP. Waves announced a $120 million funding round last month (Dec 19th). Since then, the token has been slowly readjusting, catching up on the overall macro bearish trend (down close to 6% this week). In the medium term, we could see a strong rally if a positive fundamental change happens. There are many positive drivers in 2019, the Bakkt exchange backed by the Intercontinental Exchange, it is expected to launch this month. Another driver is the recent rumour that Russia is considering buying billions in Bitcoin as it is allegedly looking to shift its central bank’s reserves away from the U.S dollar. THE WIREX WEEKLY MARKET VIEW A Giant Leap for Fintech decades? With STOs, and the utilization of blockchain technology, the benefits are overwhelming. Here I will focus on two. Service functions that are currently carried out by middlemen can be automated through blockchain technology, reducing costs and increasing transaction speeds. The promise of liquidity, although not currently existing today, is a key benefit PRINCE MICHAEL OF LIECHTENSTEIN BACKS BLOCKCHAIN Luc Falempin, CEO of Tokeny

PRINCE MICHAEL OF LIECHTENSTEIN BACKS BLOCKCHAIN · 2019-06-04 · exact same process is needed when ... Bitcoin (BTC) is trading at US$3,571.62, Ripple ... favours the development

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Page 1: PRINCE MICHAEL OF LIECHTENSTEIN BACKS BLOCKCHAIN · 2019-06-04 · exact same process is needed when ... Bitcoin (BTC) is trading at US$3,571.62, Ripple ... favours the development

while a further 30,000 people work inforeign branches of companies basedthere. It has a long-standing customsand currency treaty with Switzerlandand a membership in the EuropeanEconomic Area (EEA), which providesaccess to the European Union market.Prince Michael is convinced

Blockchain will bring a big change tothe financial industry and will particu-larly affect the custody and paymentsector. He thinks that in the future,these functions will be kept separatelyfrom the banking industry. He sees it asa good opportunity to increase effi-ciency in financial services and suspectswe will have a future like the Africansystem with peer-to-peer transactionsand security. However, he reckons the

banking system will still play an impor-tant role in financing and in the case ofprivate banking, personal advice willcertainly remain essential. The tokenwill find a niche to secure propertyrights and ICO’s will be useful, mostlyfor financing in smaller scale ventures

Prince Michael of Liechtenstein isChairman of Industrie- undFinanzkontor Ets., a trust companywith a tradition and expertise in thelong-term and trans-generationalpreservation of wealth, especiallyfamily wealth. He is also the founderand Chairman of GeopoliticalIntelligence Services AG, a geopoliticalconsultancy company andinformation platform.

Karen Jones, founder and CEO ofCitywealth (www.citywealthmag.com)in conversation with James Bowater

Tokeny, the compliant tokenizationplatform, is the European marketleader in delivering an institutional

grade, secure end-to-end platform.Working with clients across fivecontinents, Tokeny has the solutionsrequired for the compliant issuance andservicing of digital securities.The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) market

that exploded last year was aninnovation that represented a greattechnology advancement. Peers couldinstantly trade tokens representingbusiness services, or in other wordsutility tokens, with one another 24/7and 365 days a year. Using blockchaintechnology, this new technologicaladvancement drove more efficientflows of capital from a significantlywider pool of investors. Of course, theproblems that surround ICOs are verywell documented, and some studieshave reported that over 80% werescams.With ICOs now in decline, 2018 has

been called by many as the shift toSecurity Token Offerings (STOs) and it’sa popular notion that by 2030 tokenizedsecurities will be the primary method of

security issuance. To understandtokenized securities, it’s fundamental tounderstand securities. With securities,it’s mandatory to respect the relevantlaws and regulation for everyjurisdiction the assets are issued in, andin every jurisdiction the securities willbe distributed. As you might expect, theexact same process is needed whenissuing tokenized securities.But why replace the financial

infrastructure that has existed for

of using distributed ledger technology(DLT). The ability to fractionalizetangible and illiquid assets throughtokenization can bring liquidity intomarkets that have had little to no accessto it. Furthermore, secondary marketswill also offer increased liquiditythrough a constant 24/7/365 tradingmarket. As one might expect in a growing

industry, the STO market has shownthat there are many players in the spacethat respect rules and regulation, andyou could argue that this reflects signsof maturity in a nascent industry. AtTokeny, we have created the T-REX(Token for Regulated EXchanges), toenforce the compliant transfer ofsecurities on the blockchain. The T-REXstandard is a decentralized set of globaltools, based on the Ethereumblockchain, to allow for theinteroperable, frictionless andcompliant transfer of tokenizedsecurities.We believe blockchain technology is

the foundation of a new financialinfrastructure that will revolutionize theway capital markets operate. Havingrecognized that there are problems inthe industry related to fraud and scams,we have come up with a set of solutionsthat address those pain points,something we believe will help drivemass adoption across the financialindustry.


Blockchain, Crypto and ICO’s, which isbeing discussed in Parliament in thefirst quarter of 2019. The law describesthe important features such as tokens,cryptocurrency and ICO’s in detail andthe Liechtenstein Government de-scribes the functionality of the new sys-tem. Anti-money-laundering andcompliance are paramount and the lawfocuses on quality and security. In thisprocess, they want to ensure that onlyqualified, proven and skilled people areallowed to manage the intermediariesin Liechtenstein.Liechtenstein’s 38,000 inhabitants de-

pend on external workforces from Aus-tria and Switzerland. For those

Since last week’s edition of Crypto AM themarket has seen some upward motion butis now back to the same level and, at the

time of writing, Bitcoin (BTC) is trading atUS$3,571.62, Ripple (XRP) at US$0.3199 andEthereum (ETH) at US$122.13 with the overallMarket Cap at US$119.3bn (data source:www.CryptoCompare.com) The holiday interruption is now out ofthe way with the conference and ‘meet up’ season well and trulyunderway where existing projects will be reporting on theirprogress and new innovations with other entrants making theirbig launches. One surprise however, is Ethereum’s much vauntedhard fork Constantinople, which was anticipated to happen lastweek on the 16th January has been officially delayed until 27thFebruary. A hard fork is where the Blockchain splits into two andis essentially a method to fix or improve the protocol such as itssecurity and functionality – the delay of Constantinople stemsfrom an external audit firm’s identification of securityvulnerabilities in one of the five new protocols.27th February is another significant date in the Crypto calendar

as this is the last date for the SEC’s decision on the VanEck BitcoinETF decision although President Trump’s continued shutdown ofthe US Government might well interrupt scheduled business.State business doesn’t seem to be affected though with the majornews that on 18th January Wyoming introduced a Bill SF0125 -Digital assets-existing law (www.wyoleg.gov) described as an “Actrelating to property; classifying digital assets within existing laws;specifying that digital assets are property within the UniformCommercial Code; authorizing security interests in digital assets;establishing an opt-in framework for banks to provide custodialservices for digital asset property as directed custodians;specifying standards and procedures for custodial services underthis act.” The importance of this cannot be overemphasised as thisshould pave the way for banks to be custodians of digital assetsand operate throughout the US. This should make it easier for theSEC to start making the critical regulatory decisions essential forinstitutional adoption.Over the weekend, I ran into Florian Bollen from the German

Kraft micro-brewery in London’s Mercato Metropolitano. As‘Meisters of Purity’ the team there are dedicated to doing thingsproperly using their patented water distillation process and, withsustainability as a core value, they use the heat from thefermentation process to distil London tap water and thewastewater from adjacent gin distillery and bar Jim & Tonic. Theresulting pure water is then mineralised according to recipes usedin both the beer and the gin. What does this have to do withCrypto you ask? The billion dollar global expansion of GermanKraft will be funded by the issuance of asset backed utility tokenscalled Craft Beer Coin. Who said crytpoassets can’t be fun?!

considering relocation to Vaduz, notethat getting residency in Liechtensteinrelies on demonstrating your start-uphas the right skilled people for thecountry and economy.The Principality of Liechtenstein is the

sixth smallest country in the World.Rural and set in an alpine landscapewith its capital Vaduz sitting on theRhine between Switzerland and Aus-tria, it is part of the EEA applying cer-tain EU laws and within the EU internalmarket. As a business centre it has fi-nancial services and a high quality oflife for citizens with the highest GDPper capita in Europe. Thirty large com-panies employ around 8,000 workers,

As governments consider theRegTech of crypto andblockchain, not all is equal. Aswith inward investment visas,those countries with faster

acting governments can step up to at-tract big brand names in this emergingfinancial sector. Two neighbouringcountries, Switzerland and the princi-pality of Liechtenstein, have madestrides to capture early entrants. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein, Chair-

man of Industrie- und Finanzkontor Ets.,a privately-owned trust company with aspecific expertise in wealth preserva-tion, spoke to Karen Jones, Citywealth,Editor and contributor to City A.M.about the plans to attract tech organisa-tions to Vaduz, the capital of Liechten-stein, and his interest in this emergingmarket.Prince Michael’s interest in cryptocur-

rencies was raised in 2013 when the UStreasurer declared Bitcoin ‘dangerous’.At that stage, Prince Michael decided tofind out more about cryptocurrenciesand then realized that the underlyingBlockchain-technology was a develop-ment with enormous potential for dis-ruption.The application of Blockchain in the

financial industry will require someregulation, explains the Prince. How-ever, he warns that regulators are oftenmore concerned about what can gowrong instead of looking at the oppor-tunities. Liechtenstein has addressedthis with regulatory laboratories set upto test potential regulations. He believesit is important to work with the indus-try and start-ups in order to understandthe system and to make the opportuni-ties visible.A less capitalistic approach is being

taken in the principality to help start-ups succeed. Besides having initiated alaw to regulate tokens, cryptocurrenciesand ICOs, Liechtenstein’s legislator hasalso created a new legal instrumentcalled LVC (Liechtenstein Venture Co-op-eratives). The LVC is a legal offering tosupport inventors and investorsthrough a weighted mutual reward sys-tem which includes intellectual prop-erty.As a headline speaker at the Swiss

Blockchain Summit, the Prince has a

longstanding interest in Blockchainfrom a logistics point of view. He seesthat decentralized Blockchain technol-ogy has the potential to replace tradi-tional methods. Having observed thefinancial industry for many years, hesaw it as burdened with bureaucracyand regulation. He thinks the potentialto replace institutions with technologyfor instance in payment systems is real.However, he understands the warinessfrom governments but adds that this isnormal because new technologies al-ways raise fear in the beginning. He ac-knowledges that many might be againstthe rise of Blockchain at first sight.The Liechtenstein Government

favours the development of Know-howin Blockchain within the principalityand has become a pioneer in developinga law on Blockchain in the financial in-dustry. As a liberal country, Liechten-stein sees its role in providing the rightframework. There is a Technopark inVaduz that supports start-up companiesby providing office space and infrastruc-ture. Liechtenstein is also part of the

Technopark-Alliance-Network Switzer-land, the number one location inSwitzerland for the transfer of technol-ogy from academia to practice. There is also a consultation in the

pipeline for the regulation of

Designed by Phill Snelling,Bowater Media

In association with


Crypto A.M. shines its Spotlight on Tokeny

@CityAm_CryptoE:[email protected]



Our series on AI, Blockchain, Cryptoassets and Tokenisation

We believe blockchaintechnology is the

foundation of a newfinancial infrastructure

that will revolutionizethe way capital markets


SECURITY TOKENS: RISINGRAPIDLY INTO THE BILLIONS? This weeks ‘Security Tokens Realised’ con-ference is going to be even more interest-ing than I thought when I delivered lastweek’s column – for one very good reason.Blockchain technology has just landed a

whole new asset class... right slap-bangwithin the FCA regulated zone.... and it hasa very familiar face. Familiar to anyonewho’s been keeping up with Fintech devel-opments over the last decade at any rate.An altfin business, Moneybrain.com,

working with sister company JustUs.cohave created a new currency called BiPS.So what?

MARS LANDING?What makes this significant, a world firstin fact, is the joining of the old with thenew. That this, once connected up, willallow practically anyone, anywhere to buyand own a real-world, regulated, fractionalasset!You may recall from last week’s column

(pay attention at the back) that this is anextremely significant step because it openup the field in a way which is unprece-dented. In the case of BiPS, from the UK tothe entire world. From one country to 200,as anyone anywhere can buy a BiP – or asmall fraction of one. Opening propertyinvesting to the world.

ONE SMALL STEP THAT’S AGIANT LEAP FOR MANKINDOf course this is hugely significant forMoneybrain who, as CEO Lee Birkett toldme, already has a lengthening queue atthe door (could BiPS.Moneybrain.com bethe next fintech unicorn?), and is thinkingbigger than ever before. It is even more sig-nificant for the city, Fintech, and the UK –we still have the chance to lead the way,and lead the world!

QUICKLY INTO THE BILLIONSBecause being able to build the new on theestablished is extremely powerful. Prop-erty portfolios, pensions and other fundscan all benefit. Not just from a reductionin costs but from what you might call liq-uidity on steroids.So how has an outfit from the north,

Manchester, taken a world lead in the faceof all the funding from ICO, VCs and theintense interest of the banking sector?Homework! Or rather years of ground-

work paying off in a whole new way. (Ishould point out that I have known Lee foryears and been badgering him for the lastyear or two to pay attention to this‘blockchain thing’, so have ended up ad-vising the BiPS team).

CROWDFUNDING EQUALSFRACTIONAL FUNDING…Because Crowdfunding equals fractionalfunding – in order to Crowdfund a loan ithas to be fractionalised, broken into ‘loanparts’, which must be accounted for. Thisis now well known and well understood –including by regulators, with whom Leehas worked closely over those years toblaze this particular trail.Plug into that blockchain tech in the

form of the BiPS token and it moves to awhole new level. In fact Lee told me thatafter months of development and testingwhen they finally fired up the engine itfelt like the first landing on Mars, and inlight of the significance it’s not difficult tosee why.

There are whole new worlds to explore as aresult. You can start to do so with Lee and I asthe entire interview is now live on ICOrad.io –join us there - or I will be chairing Wednesdayafternoon at this week’s conference:www.SecurityTokensDelivered.com. See youthere! [email protected]

A less capitalisticapproach is being

taken in theprincipality to helpstart-ups succeed

Ultimately, and kind of obviously,a decentralised business orecosystem means that there is

no single point of control. With no onesingle point of power, and agovernance model where the majorityof the constituent players need toagree on transactions, it puts thecontrol in the hands of thoseindividuals (nodes) and thereforecreates a more harmonic and fairerway of ensuring that the ecosystem“works”.This concept feels revolutionary. We

have grown up in a world where we areforced to trust central points ofauthority, whether it be government,

the banking system, and even thesocial media platforms where we shareour lives and interact with our friendsand peers.All of these trusted third party’s can

deny you access to their service anytime they want for any reason theywant and there is pretty much nothingyou can do about it. Government’s canrevoke passports, social mediaplatforms can censor you, and bankscan refuse you access to your money.In blockchain technology,

decentralisation is about control.Specifically, who can control thecontents of the ledger? Who canapprove or reject transactions? Who

has control over the protocol? Who hascontrol of the majority of anycryptocurrency? Is control spread outamongst multiple individuals ororganisations? The idea behinddecentralisation is that we don’t needmiddlemen, and by removing them,we can eliminate censorship andauthoritarianism as well as reducefriction in trades.And one last thought:

Decentralisation requires structure andagreement. Decentralisation isachieved through good governance.Governance is one of the mostimportant and least discussed topics inBlockchain technology.

Troy Norcross, Co-Founder Blockchain Rookies



After a low volatility regime inSeptember and October the statusquo was abruptly unsettled as

Bitcoin headed south, sheading over 40%of its value. There was a wide array of factors

affecting the markets; the bitcoin cashwar, the concentration risk of the miningpower in a proof-of-work blockchain, thelack of coherence among digitalexchanges for the hard forks and airdropstreatments and the repeated delays forthe development of the lightningnetwork.Negative narrative around the

investigations by the DOJ and the SEC, foralleged misconduct by some large digitalexchanges, dubious ICOs, and jittersaround crypto-collateralized loans, drovethe bulls away. Consecutivepostponements regarding ETF regulationby the SEC did not bring the market rallythat many forecasters, had anticipated. Despite the gloom of the markets, Wirex

has seen more opportunistic buyersdrawn in by an extremely high volatilityregime. Bitcoin Whales (dormantinvestors) are getting more active. This isconfirming our current view for renewedlarge market swings, around the 3000 to4300 levels, with a strong support abovethe 3000-3100 levels where markets

should at least consolidate.The spotlight this week is on Ethereum.Ether initially outperformed its peers

(+11.35% on Monday) ahead of theConstantinople hard fork, however afterthe audit revealed a vulnerability in thecode, developers decided to delay thefork until February, and the priceconsequently readjusted on the 15th (-6.42% on Tuesday).Bitcoin evolved between 3470 and 3774

with lower volumes with still a highvolatility (daily realised annualisedvolatility stable at 0.53), giving directionto LTC, and XRP.Waves announced a $120 million

funding round last month (Dec 19th).Since then, the token has been slowlyreadjusting, catching up on the overallmacro bearish trend (down close to 6%this week). In the medium term, we could see a

strong rally if a positive fundamentalchange happens. There are many positivedrivers in 2019, the Bakkt exchangebacked by the Intercontinental Exchange,it is expected to launch this month.Another driver is the recent rumour thatRussia is considering buying billions inBitcoin as it is allegedly looking to shift itscentral bank’s reserves away from the U.Sdollar.


A Giant Leap for Fintech

decades? With STOs, and the utilizationof blockchain technology, the benefitsare overwhelming. Here I will focus ontwo. Service functions that are currentlycarried out by middlemen can be

automated through blockchaintechnology, reducing costs andincreasing transaction speeds. Thepromise of liquidity, although notcurrently existing today, is a key benefit


Luc Falempin, CEO of Tokeny