Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) By: Andres Perez & Adriana Lopez

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)

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Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC). By: Andres Perez & Adriana Lopez. Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC). Is a disease in the digestive system where the Bile Ducts are blocked & damaged outside & inside the liver. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

(PSC)By: Andres Perez & Adriana Lopez

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Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)

Is a disease in the digestive system where the Bile Ducts are blocked & damaged outside & inside the liver.

o The Bile Ducts are the tubes that carry out the Bile from the liver into the Gallbladder and Small Intestine.

o The Bile is the liquid which is made inside the liver & helps break down fat in foods.

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Progression of PSC Inflammation

of the Bile Ducts lead to scarring that narrows the bile ducts

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Symptoms The main symptoms of PSC are:

o Itching of the Skin (may occur when toxins in bile get into the bloodstream)

o Fatigueo Jaundice o Can cause chills and fever.

6 out of 100,000 people

**Having family members with PSC may increase a person's risk of developing PSC.**

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Advanced Effects As the disease progresses:

o chronic fatigueo loss of appetiteo weight loss

In the advanced stages, swelling can occur in the abdomen and feet. Liver failure may take many years to develop.

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Complications of PSC Main complications that occur due to

PSC include:o Deficiencies in Vitamins A, D, E, & Ko Infections of the Bile Ductso Cirrhosis-Extensive scarring of the livero Liver Failureo Bile Duct Cancer

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Causes of PSC The causes for PSC are not yet known.

o Genetico Immune System disorder o Bacteriao Virus

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Treatment Treatment of PSC targets the

relieving of symptoms and is meant to manage complications.

Medical treatment may include

o Various medications to relieve itching

o Antibiotics to treat infectionso Vitamin supplementso Instruments

Liver transplantation may be an option if the liver begins to fail.

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Diagnosis• Blood tests to check levels of liver

enzymes are the first step in diagnosing PSC. • Cholangiography can be

performed in the following ways:o Endoscopic Retrograde

Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

o Percutaneous Trans Hepatic Cholangiography (PTHC)

o Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography(MRCP)

o Other testing may include ultrasound exams and a liver biopsy.

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Effects of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)

Deficiency of vitamin A, D, E and K Liver Failure Liver Cancer Cirrhosis Muscular and skeletal system malfunctions

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Quiz 1) What is PSC?

o A. A problem with your bladder

o B. Scarring of the stomach

o C. Scarring of the bile duct and liver

o D. Painful digestion

2) What are the causes of PSC?o A. Constant

digestion of spicy foods

o B. Being outside for more than 3 hours

o C. Digestion of junk food

o D. It is not yet known

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Quiz 3) What are the 4

different vitamins that are affected in the body?o A. Vitamin A, D, E & Ko B. Vitamins U, E, K, Po C. Vitamins B, C, T &

Do D. Vitamins H, B, K, D

4) What is one of the advanced effects of PSC?o A. Complications of

the Pancreaso B. Hallucinationso C. Chronic Fatigueo D. Heartburn

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Thank You

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Vitamins A, D, E & K Vitamin A:

o Antioxidant o Anti-Infectiono Immunity Booster

Vitamin E:o Skin Protectanto Cancer Preventiono Metabolism Boostero Prevention of


Vitamin K: o Blood clot reducero reduce risk of Osteoporosiso Reduces the threat of

bleeding in livero blood sugar regulator.

Vitamin D:o Calcium and Phosphorus

Absorbero Arthritis Preventero Blood Pressure Regulator o Tension and Stress Reducer

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Vitamin D Deficiency Vitamin D is one of four vitamins that lacks

presence in the body; without Vitamin D in the body problems in the Skeletal & Muscular System could begin to develop.

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Skeletal SystemLow Levels of Ca2+

1.Blood circulates through Parathyroid Gland, Ca2+below “set point” is detected.

2.Parathyroid Gland releases Parathyroid Hormone(PTH) and PTH travels through blood.

3.PTH travels through Haversian Canal to stimulate osteoclasts to work and break down the bone to release Ca2+ in the blood.

4.Kidneys release Vitamin D to the small intestine and more Ca2+ is absorbed from digested foods(more Ca2+ in blood).

5.Kidneys are also signaled to not release Ca2+ in urine which causes more Ca2+ in the blood.

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Muscular SystemSteps to Muscle

Contraction: 1.Brain sends nerve signals to the

skeletal muscle releasing Aretylcholine to muscles, Ach then causes Ca2+ to be released to muscles.

2.Ca2+ then binds to troponin, causing a change in shape, Tropomyosin then changes shape, rotating and revealing Actin binding site.

3.This allows myosin to bind to Actin and pull Actin. ATP then releases Actin/Myosin so Myosin can bind to another Actin and this repeats.

4. Ca2+ is then released from Troponin causing all molecules to go back to its original shape. Then Myosin cannot bind to Actin so the muscle is relaxed.

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