Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 13 711 N. Bridge Street Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 President’s Message Inside this issue: President’s Message 1 Calendar of Events 2 Chippewa County CVMGA Information 2 CVMGA Meeting Minutes 3-6 CVMGA Committees 7 Upcoming Events & Education Opportunities 7 Think Spring Garden Seminar Brochure 8-9 Winter Garden Seminar Brochure 10-11 As 2018 draws to a close, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy 2019! This past year has been a good one, thanks to YOU, our fabulous volunteers. I especially would like to thank Laura Kasdorf and Cathy Lombard for their many hours, representing Chippewa County, making the WIMGA conference a huge success!! There were other projects this past year made possible by CVMGA volunteers: Think Spring conference, TTM planting, the pollinator garden at the fairgrounds, bluebird counting, booth at the NWSF (complete with monarchs and our resident bee), picnic at the Clark home and I’m sure I’m missing something. There is also a new class of CVMG’s, heartily welcome them as they begin to participate. Be sure to read the section for new officers and board members from our November annual meeting. As I pass along this “job” to Sue Crisp, I know we are in very capable hands. Thank you for the privilege of this past year. YOU make this group wonderful to be a part of. Dora Wood, 2018 President

President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

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Page 1: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

Chippewa County

Courthouse, Room 13

711 N. Bridge Street

Chippewa Falls, WI 54729

President’s Message

Inside this issue:

President’s Message


Calendar of




County CVMGA



CVMGA Meeting







Events &




Think Spring

Garden Seminar



Winter Garden




As 2018 draws to a close, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy 2019! This past year has been a good one, thanks to YOU, our fabulous volunteers. I especially would like to thank Laura Kasdorf and Cathy Lombard for their many hours, representing Chippewa County, making the WIMGA conference a huge success!! There were other projects this past year made possible by CVMGA volunteers: Think Spring conference, TTM planting, the pollinator garden at the fairgrounds, bluebird counting, booth at the NWSF (complete with monarchs and our resident bee), picnic at the Clark home and I’m sure I’m missing something. There is also a new class of CVMG’s, heartily welcome them as they begin to participate. Be sure to read the section for new officers and board members from our November annual meeting. As I pass along this “job” to Sue Crisp, I know we are in very capable hands. Thank you for the privilege of this past year. YOU make this group wonderful to be a part of. Dora Wood, 2018 President

Page 2: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

Calendar of Events 2019

January 14 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 3, Program by Mary Jo Fleming, “Oh Dear, Deer” February 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16, Think Spring Prep 16 Think Spring Seminar, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Avalon Hotel March 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16



President: Sue Crisp (2019)

President Elect: Stacey Mazur (2020)

Past President: Dora Wood

Secretary: Gail Fox (2020)

Treasurer: Cathy Lombard (2019)

Membership Director:

Directors at Large: Peggy Sprague

Laura Kasdorf

Sandy Kenner

Rose Brandt

Elections are held each November.

Newsletter Deadline

Information for the Master Gardener Newsletter is due

by the 15th of the month, for the next month’s


UW-Extension Office Contacts, 715-726-7950

Jerry Clark, Crops & Soils Agent, [email protected]

Heather Lubs, Administrative Assistant III,

[email protected]

CVMGA Committees

Pollinator Garden: Mary Jo Fleming [email protected] Think Spring Seminar: Laura Kasdorf [email protected] Exhibits/Activities: Mary Jo Fleming Linda Stockinger [email protected] Programming: Cathy Lombard [email protected] Bluebird Trail: Mary Jo Fleming Stacey Mazur [email protected] Education Outreach/ Volunteers: Sue Crisp [email protected] Facebook: Dora Wood [email protected] Ruth Forsgren [email protected]

Visit us on Facebook. Search for:

Chippewa Valley Master Gardeners Association

Page 2 January 2019

Page 3: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

CVMGA Meeting Minutes

January 2019 Page 3

Chippewa County Master Gardeners Association Meeting Minutes September 10, 2018 - 6:30 p.m. Chippewa County Courthouse In attendance: Dora Wood; Rosie Weber; Stacey Bucheger-Mazur; Beth Kalata; Laura Kasdorf; Jerry Clark; Micki Hughes; Rose Brandt; and Gail Fox. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by President Dora Wood at 6:30PM. Minutes: August minutes were reviewed and there was one correction with Peggy Sprague being added to the attendance. Rosie Weber made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction. The motion was second-ed by Laura Kasdorf and was passed unanimously with-out further changes. Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Lombard was absent but reported that a mini-grant was requested by Sue Crisp for a State Park project, and funds were received for mem-bers assistance at the Chippewa County Tree sorting in April. It was also reported that it is possible that CVMGA will receive funds from the WIMGA Conference Bulb Sale. Officer and Committee Reports: President comments – Dora Wood encouraged members to attend the upcoming WIMGA Conference in Eau Claire, and announced a new Master Gardener training class will be held this fall in Chippewa Falls. Old Business:

WIMGA – 2018 conference scholarship fund –Dora handed out the form to members attending the 2-day conference in Eau Claire in September. Members requesting funds will give a report at the October meeting.

WIMGA donation from the CVMG will include a bas-ket of items from our area. Members were asked to bring appropriate items to the meeting.

WIMGA is still requesting volunteer assistance for the upcoming conference. Sign up via the website.

WIMGA - CVMGA display location and set-up for the conference.

Think Spring – February 16, 2019.

Think Spring Planning Committee- Laura Kasdorf reviewed Planning Committee assignments.

Think Spring Speakers/Format/Timeline were dis-cussed.

Think Spring Brochure enhancements and marketing of the event were discussed; Gail Fox will contact ECMGA to request a small table at their Ready/Set/Grow event for CVMG & Think Spring brochure to be visible, and request email of Think Spring be sent directly to ECMG members.

Farm City Days – Recap – Rosie Weber, led and helped on Friday with activities.

New Fall Master Gardener Training begins Septem-ber 18

th from 6-8PM at the Courthouse. Jerry Clark is

requesting some help on September 25th and No-

vember 27th.

Conservation Days – September 13th at Brunet St.

Park, Cornell and September 20th at Lake Wissota State Park. Interested members can contact Sue Crisp to assist.

New Business:

Reporting of Volunteer and Continuing Education Hours for October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018 is due October 10

th. Dues of $12.00 made out to CVM-

GA are also due. Please mail or drop off at Jerry Clark’s office in the Chippewa County Courthouse or bring to October 8

th meeting.

Jerry Clark mentioned a Non-Profit Round Table Dis-cussion for fundraising that will be held at the Heyde Center on Thursday, October 11

th from 8:30-10:30

AM. RSVP:715-723-0331 CF Chamber of Com-merce.

Jerry Clark also mentioned that Chippewa County Foundation Grants are due in late October. Projects involving 4H/FAA/CVMGA are being submitted for small gardening/landscaping improvements to the fairgrounds next summer. Jerry is encouraging appli-cations to be submitted.


Lake Wissota Garden Club will have a speaker on Thursday, September 13

th at 6:30 for those interested

in hearing a report on area water research.

October 8th –6:30PM, Chippewa Co. Courthouse—

WIMGA reports, Hours, Dues.

November 12th –6:30PM, Chippewa Co. Courthouse-

-Annual Meeting—Elections, Annual Budget, and Stacey Bucheger-Mazur will give a special presenta-tion.

December 1st – First Saturday in December, Holiday

Breakfast and Making Table Arrangements- Laura Kasdorf to confirm date, time and location with the Avalon.

Committee Chairs/Programs –

Programming and working on the calendar will re-sume next meeting.

Bluebird Trail—Stacey Bucheger-Mazur reported that the River Trail boxes need to be reset for next spring; 18 new bluebirds were reported for the year.

Meeting Adjourned: Dora Wood adjourned the meet-ing at 7:50PM. Respectfully submitted, Gail Fox

Page 4: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

January 2019 Page 4

Chippewa County Master Gardeners Association Meeting Minutes October 8, 2018 - 6:30 p.m. Chippewa County Courthouse

In attendance: Dora Wood, President; Laura Kasdorf, Past-President; Sue Crisp, President-Elect; Cathy Lombard, Treasurer; Gail Fox, Secretary; Ro-sie Weber; Stacey Mazur; Peggy Sprague; MaryJo Fleming; and Marilyn Kademan. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by President Dora Wood at 6:30PM. Minutes: September minutes were reviewed and there was one correction with Marilyn Kademan be-ing added to the attendance. Peggy Sprague made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction. The motion was seconded by Rosie Weber and was passed unanimously without further changes. Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Lombard reported the current balance as $16,326.05. She brought unsold spring bulbs from the conference to give to the members present. Officer and Committee Reports:

a. President comments –Dora Wood thanked eve-ryone for all of their hard work and efforts that culminated in a VERY successful WIMGA con-ference in Eau Claire on September 22-23.

b. WIMGA –Cathy Lombard -- Over 300 hours of CVMG volunteer time were spent in planning, organizing, and running the conference. It was well planned and executed. It is not yet known which MG group/s will host for 2019.

Old Business:

a. Think Spring – February 16, 2019

b. Think Spring Planning Committee-

c. Think Spring Speakers/Format/Timeline were


d. Think Spring-Dora Wood will be contacting/writing to vendors this week

e. Think Spring Brochure enhancements and mar-

keting of the event were discussed;

f. Think Spring Registration Fee for 2019: a mo-tion was made by Laura Kasdorf and seconded by Sue Crisp and Rosie Weber to set the early bird fee at $25.00 and $30.00 after early bird/at the door.

g. Think Spring Save-the-Date email to our organi-

zation and other groups in the area.

h. Think Spring-Dora will assess and set the fee for

the Mushroom make-and–take program.

i. Think Spring-Gail Fox contacted the ECMGA in September and they welcome our presence for no fee at the Ready, Set, Grow Conference. They will save a small table for our CVMGA dis-play and Think Spring Brochure. We will need a member or two to bring, set-up and takedown this display. They are also very willing to distrib-ute Save-the-Date and brochure emails to their members. Gail will also begin contacting catalog companies very soon.

j. New Fall MG Training began September 18th 6-

8PM and will continue until December 11th.

k. WIMGA Reports- were given by those members who volunteered hours at the WIMGA confer-ence and filled out a request for a $50.00 schol-arship to help defray registration expenses. Re-ports were given by: Peggy Sprague, Dora Wood, Cathy Lombard, Laura Kasdorf, Sue Crisp, and Gail Fox.

l. Reminder that Volunteer and Continuing Educa-

tion Hours and dues of $12.00 made out to CVMGA are due now and can be brought to the UW Extension Office at the Chippewa County Courthouse.

New Business:

a. Programs/Meetings:

b. November 12th –6:30PM, Chippewa Co. Court-house--Annual Meeting—Elections, Annual Budget. A financial audit will be conducted be-fore the Annual Meeting by Dora Wood and Sue Crisp. The Nominations Committee of Sharon Bergstad and Sandy Kenner are looking for can-didates for President-Elect for 2019. Cathy Lom-bard has agreed to remain as Treasurer 2019-21. Stacey Bucheger-Mazur will give a special presentation on Extending the Harvest.

c. December 1st – First Saturday in December,

Holiday Breakfast and Program on Making Ta-ble Arrangements will be held from 8AM-12PM. Laura will confirm the location. Shirley Blizek has agreed to be our instructor. Each person needs to bring their own container for a center-piece/table decoration. Each person is asked to bring some evergreen branches or other appro-priate greenery/attractive branches to use and to share.

(continued on next page)

CVMGA Meeting Minutes (cont’d)

Page 5: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

Chippewa Valley Master Gardener Association Meeting Minutes November 12, 2018 6:30PM Chippewa County Courthouse In attendance: Dora Wood, President; Laura Kasdorf, Past-President; Sue Crisp, President-Elect; Cathy Lombard, Treasurer; Gail Fox, Secretary; Stacey Bucheger Mazur; Peggy Sprague; Sandy Kenner; and Rose Brandt. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by President Dora Wood at 6:30PM. Minutes: October minutes were read by Secre-tary, Gail Fox. Peggy Sprague made a motion to ap-prove the minutes as read. Sue Crisp seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously without changes. Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Lombard reported the current balance as $16,079.05. Gail Fox made a mo-tion to accept the report, which was seconded by Peggy Sprague. The motion was passed without changes. Officer and Committee Reports:

a. President comments –Dora Wood thanked every-one for their support and graciousness throughout her year as President and hopes that the CVMGA continues to grow and expand as she turns the Presidency over to President-Elect Sue Crisp.

b. WIMGA –Cathy Lombard reported that there were statewide meetings and the location of the next WIMGA Conference is unknown. She also report-ed that new methods/initiatives may be coming in the future regarding counting MG hours, but that was unclear presently as to any changes.

c. Programs/Meetings December 1, 2018 will be our Holiday Break-fast/Program at the Bridgewater Restaurant. Breakfast will begin at 8:30AM with our 9AM Evergreen Centerpiece workshop to follow. Participants are asked to bring: their own con-tainer; any greens or fresh branches they would like to put into their arrangement and any extras (pinecones, ribbon, etc) they would like to use and share. January 14, 2019 at 6:30PM will be our Janu-ary meeting at the Chippewa County Court-house and Mary Jo Fleming will be presenting “Oh Dear, Deer”. Other 2019 Programs were discussed.

d. CVMGA Committees

Pollinator Garden – Mary Jo Fleming Exhibits/Activities -- Mary Jo Fleming and Linda Stockinger Programming -- Cathy Lombard will become the new Chair Bluebird Trail -- Mary Jo Fleming and Stacey Mazur will Co-Chair Education Outreach and Volunteer Coordina-tor is a new committee – Sue Crisp will Chair Facebook is a new committee that Dora Wood will work on with Ruth Forsgren Think Spring – Laura Kasdorf (continued on next page)

January 2019 Page 5

d. 2019 Programs were discussed: Mary Jo Fleming will present “Oh Dear, Deer” on January 14th; Feb-ruary 11th - Think Spring final arrangements; March 11th - Recap of Think Spring; April 8th - is open; May 13th - Clean up of the Pollinator Garden at the NWS Fairgrounds; June - organizing for the NW State Fair booth; July - NW State Fair; August - open; September- open. A suggestion was made by Gail Fox for a program on “No-Till Gar-dening” to help educate area gardeners on this approach to gardening.

d. Committee Chairs/Programs – Programming, and Bluebird Trail were mentioned. Stacey Mazur and Mary Jo Fleming will be Co-Chairs of the Bluebird Trail for 2019.

e. Education Opportunities – NWHS meeting- Octo-ber 14th at Mayo in Menomonie. Speaker on Min-iature Hostas.

f. Other

Meeting Adjourned: Dora Wood adjourned the meeting at 8:12PM. Respectfully submitted, Gail Fox

CVMGA Meeting Minutes (cont’d)

Page 6: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

January 2019 Page 6

Old Business

a. Think Spring – February 16, 2019 Dora Wood has sent out the initial letter to the vendors. Laura has been working with Ellen Terwil-liger (graphic designer) on the brochure which is almost ready for printing. A “Save-the-Date marketing piece is planned to go out to all MG in the area, including ECMG, area garden clubs including LWGC, and the vendors, as well as Facebook. The brochure will be ready to go out in late December/January. Think Spring Registration Fee for 2019: a motion was made by Cathy Lombard and seconded by Stacey Mazur to offer a special registration fee for students (secondary level and above) of $15.00 to cover the cost of the lunch/refreshments. The motion passed without changes. Dora will assess and set the fee for the Mushroom make-and-take program. Gail Fox contacted the ECMGA in Septem-ber and they welcome our presence for no fee at the Ready, Set, Grow Conference. They will save a small table for our CVMGA display and Think Spring Brochure. Cathy Lombard and Dora Wood indicated they could help with transporting, setting-up and taking down the CVMGA display. Where is the display? ECMGA indicated that they are willing to dis-tribute Save-the-Date and brochure emails to their members. Gail will check-in with ECMGA to confirm the above again. Gail Fox has contacted the catalog compa-nies and we should have a nice display of Gardening Catalogs for participants. Cathy Lombard is having two “Free—Help Your-self” signs laminated for the event. Sandy Kenner will contact the Avalon to dis-cuss menu choices. A suggestion was made to put a sign by the “vegetarian” items for clarity.

b. Financial/Checking Audit—Sue Crisp and Dora Wood performed the annual audit and the Audit passed. A change to the monthly report was suggested.

c. Reminder that Volunteer and Continuing Educa-tion Hours and dues of $12.00 made out

to CVMGA are overdue, but can still be brought to the UW Extension Office at the Chippewa County Courthouse.

New Business:

a. Annual Meeting—Elections – Stacey Mazur was

Elected President-Elect; Sue Crisp will become the President; Dora Wood will become the Past-President; Gail Fox will remain as Secretary; Cathy Lombard will remain as Treasurer; Direc-tors at Large- Laura Kasdorf; Peggy Sprague; Sandy Kenner; and Rose Brandt. Sue Crisp will call on others to join the DAL.

b. Education Opportunities – 2019 Outdoor Educa-

tion – Venture at Millyard in Cornell, Sunday, April 28th from 11AM – 2PM.

c. Other – The Budget for 2019 was presented and

discussed. A motion to accept the budget was made by Laura Kasdorf and seconded by Stacey Mazur. The motion passed without changes.

Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned by Dora Wood at 8:05PM Stacey Mazur gave a presentation on extending the harvest called “I didn’t know you could do that…” that was both educational and entertaining! Respectfully submitted, Gail Fox

Page 7: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

January 2019 Page 8

Upcoming Events/Education Opportunities

Oh Dear, Deer Mary Jo Fleming will present on Monday, January 14, 2019 in Room 3 of the Chippewa County Courthouse, “Oh Dear, Deer”. As wild habitats near urban areas are replaced with homes and businesses, white-tailed deer adapt by adopting our properties as part of their home range. With a little knowledge, homeowners can learn to live with these hungry browsers. Learn about their habi-tats, dietary preferences and how to protect your gar-dens. Garden Visions 2019 Join us on January 25 and/or 26, 2019 for an exciting day of expert speakers, breakout sessions, vendors, and raffles! The confer-ence is open to the public and you do not need to be a Master Gardener to attend. We wel-come anyone with an interest and curiosity in garden-ing! https://fyi.uwex.edu/marathonmg/garden-visions/

Eau Claire Area Master Gardener Volunteer Asso-ciation Winter Garden Seminar The ECAMGV and Eau Claire County UWEX invite you to attend their Winter Garden Seminar on February 2, 2019 at the Eau Claire Chippewa Valley Technical College campus. Various speakers will present topics on monarch butterflies, garden pests, succulents, new plant trends, garden decorating and so much more! Registration is now open and can be found attached to this newsletter. Chippewa Area Master Gardener Volunteer Asso-ciation Think Spring Garden Seminar The CVMGA and Chippewa County UWEX invite you to attend their Think Spring Gardner Seminar on Feb-ruary 16, 2019 at the Avalon Hotel & Conference Center. Various speakers will present tops on house-plants, vegetable gardening for beginners, Peonies, growing hops, growing mushrooms and so much more! Registration is now open and can be found attached to this newsletter or by visiting the Chippewa County UWEX website at https://chippewa.uwex.edu/think-spring-garden-seminar/

CVMGA Committees

Master Gardeners Association has a variety of committees our volunteers can participate in. Please see the descriptions below and contact the committee lead if you are interested in helping. Pollinator Garden Committee: Help plant, label, and manage the native plant pollinator garden at Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds. Think Spring Committee 2019: Help organize venue, speakers, and vendors for 2019.

Exhibits/Activities Committees: Keep our mas-ter gardener exhibits up to date and work on activi-ties that we can use at venues such as fairs and other events where we are invited to display what we do. Program Committee: Work with the board to set up programs and activities for CVMGA members. Bluebird Committee: Organize a schedule for the nesting season and plan work parties to clean and repair boxes on the Old Abe Bluebird Trail.

Page 8: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

Product/Service Information



“An AA/EEO employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX and ADA requirements.”

Think Spring Garden Seminar Saturday, February 16, 2019 8:00 am—3:00 pm https://chippewa.uwex.edu/think-


715 726-7950 Win a door prize and visit vendors with garden themed products for purchase! Spend a cold winter day THINKING SPRING, meeting gardeners and learning new things.

Name _________________________________ Address _______________________________ City_________________________ State ____ Zip ______________ Phone _______________ Email _________________________________ Fees below include lunch. Non-refundable after February 6th. ____$25 Early Bird by February 6 ____$15 Early Bird by Feb. 6 HS/College student ____$30 After February 6 ____$10 Mushroom Workshop Fee. Please write a separate check for this workshop to CVMGA Fill in a separate form for each registration. Make checks payable to CVMGA and mail to: Gardening Seminar Chippewa County Extension Office Courthouse, Room 13 711 Bridge Street Chippewa Falls, WI 54729

Breakout Sessions. Check 1 per session.

Session 1

___The Buzz on Bees

___Landscaping for Your Lifestyle

___Everything Houseplants

Session 2

___Getting Started in Beekeeping

___Turning Landscapes into Ecosystems

___Fermenting What You Grow

Session 3

___Gardening with Chickens

___Ergonomic Gardening

Session 4

___Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

___Peonies: Pride of the Midwest Perennial Garden

Session 5

___Monarch Parenting 101

___Growing Hops: Climbing Towards a Cold One

___Mushroom Growing Workshop

(Class size limited - $10 fee - see above)

Page 9: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

The most important information is included

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to introduce your organization and describe

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to want to know more about the product or


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8:00 Registration opens, coffee bar, vendors

9:00-9:45 Session 1

• The Buzz on Bees

• Landscaping for Your Lifestyle

• Everything Houseplants

10:00-10:45 Session 2

• Getting Started in Beekeeping

• Turning Landscapes Into Ecosystems

• Fermenting What You Grow

10:45-11:15 Break

11:15-12:15 Session 3

• Gardening with Chickens

• Ergonomic Gardening

12:15-1:15 Lunch

1:15 - 2:00 Session 4

• Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

• Peonies: Pride of the Midwest Perennial Garden

2:15 - 3:00 Session 5

• Monarch Parenting 101

• Growing Hops: Climbing Towards a Cold One

• Mushroom Growing Workshop

Fermenting What You Grow

What is the advantage of fermenting what you grow? What can you ferment? How can you ferment safely? Join Jeanne Walsh, UW Extension- Chippewa County Family Living Educator to learn how fermentation can help you enjoy the bounty of farm and orchard for months to come. Leave with a new understanding of fermentation and some new evidence-based recipes.

Monarch Parenting 101

The Butterfly Lady Ellen Wynkoop will share tips and tricks about raising monarch butterflies and growing milkweed. Learn how to find monarch eggs, raise monarch caterpillars, and release adult butterflies in this workshop.

Peonies: Pride of the Midwest Perennial Garden Sam Finazzo, Owner Grower at Fina Gardens in

Barron, WI will share how he manages over 250

peony varieties planted on 7 acres. From fern leaf,

intersectional, herbaceous, to rock garden types Sam

will tell you which might best suit your landscape and

how to take care of it.

Turning Landscapes into Ecosystems - A Lot of

Diversity & a Little Chaos Mary Jo Fleming, CVMGA

Volunteer and retired educator

will give us tools and principles

to minimize our human

footprint by transforming our properties into life

supporting landscape habitats.

Landscaping for Your Lifestyle Jerry Clark, Agriculture Agent, UW-Extension

Chippewa County will provide guidelines for designing

a landscape that is environmentally friendly,

sustainable, cost-effective, and visually pleasing.

Growing Hops: Climbing Toward a Cold One Jerry Clark, Agriculture Agent, UW-Extension

Chippewa County. Hops are growing in popularity

across Wisconsin as the craft brewing

industry continues to expand. Learn

the basics of hop production including

the biology, pest management strate-

gies, and planting and harvesting


Everything Houseplants Shaun Christensen, of Christensen’s Florist, a fifth

generation local business will demonstrate how to care for houseplants with specifics on watering, feed-ing, light conditions, transplanting and insect control.

Grow Your Own: Vegetable Gardening for Beginners Ellen Terwilliger, Master Gardener Volunteer of

Eau Claire will provide an overview

of vegetable gardening basics in-

cluding: planning your space, soil

enrichment, starting seeds, water-

ing, pest control and storing food.

Gardening with Chickens Dora Wood, Chippewa Valley

Master Gardener volunteer uses

sustainable, organic farming practices

at her family business, Home Oasis

Farm. In this session we will explore

the benefits of chickens for you and your garden

along with helpful tips on housing and the best

breeds for different applications.

Mushroom Growing Workshop Dora Wood, CVMGA volunteer

and owner of Home Oasis Farm

will lead participants in a hands-on

work shop in which each attendee

will make-and-take an oyster mushroom toilet

paper roll and a 12” shitake mushroom log to grow

at home. class size limited - additional $10 fee

Tools, Tools, Everywhere - But

Which One is Right For Me? Cheryl Skjolaas, Agricultural

Safety and Health Specialist UW

Madison Extension and gardener will explain how

the most valuable gardening tool you have is your

body. Reaching, pulling, pushing, grasping, carrying

tasks can be aided by the use of tools. This session

will explore ergonomic factors for tool selection

and working safely in your garden or yard.

Getting Started in Beekeeping Jodi Lepsch, CVTC Instructor will discuss the

factors that a potential beekeeper should consider

before embarking on the adventure that is bee-

keeping. We will outline the basic equipment that

is necessary for successful beekeeping

and estimates of associated costs.

The Buzz on Bees Sandy Kenner, CVMGA volunteer

and beekeeper will enlighten us on the life and times of a honeybee. Bees have four jobs to do in not much time - 28 days to be exact. Sandy will share fascinating facts about bees’ behavior such as how they sing and dance, and how bees have gained a firm place in world history and culture.

Page 10: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

Speakers—Continued Carol Cox: We spend a lot of time accessorizing and accenting our home to make them inviting places for people to relax or to visit. Our gardens are no different. A garden should offer more than just a place to walk through but also one that offers scents, beautiful sights and perhaps a place to relax. Come learn some tips to make your garden “rooms” inviting for family and friends.

AJ Leiden: Invasive aquatic species(IAS) have invaded Wisconsin lakes and rivers. AJ will discuss the identification of a few AIS and easy solutions to prevent the spread of them.

Todd Wellnitz—Gardeners love earthworms and all the good things they do for garden soil. They are great for helping the garden to grow but they also have a dark side. Earthworms are not indigenous to WI and have some negative effects to the native ecosystems. Prof. Wellnitz will explore the good and bad aspects of earthworms.

Dick Lienhardt—Need some “Do’s” and “Don’ts” to help you in your vegetable garden? Dick will discuss garden soil prep, plant selection and placement, fertilization, and pest control. Dick is not always a “by the book” gardener and will talk about his successes and failures in the garden.

Faye Ryszkiewicz—Want to bring in a little garden for the winter? Faye will bring the succulents and wood container for you pot up and decorate. Faye will also discuss ways to keep your succulent plant healthy and happy! This course is $15.00 extra.

Ready, Set, Grow…2019 Winter Garden Seminar

February 2, 2019 Chippewa Valley Technical College

620 W. Clairemont Ave. Eau Claire, WI.

Hosted by the Eau Claire Area Master Gardener Volunteer

Association and Eau Claire County UW-Extension

Parking: Seminar Attendees should park in Student Lot P3 and use the foot bridge to the main building (4a). The seminar will start in Room 103 (Conference Center).

Questions? Please call Andy Heren at 715-839-4712

Page 11: President’s Message · 11 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Avalon Hotel, Think Spring Seminar Recap April 8 CVMGA Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Chippewa County Courthouse, Room 16 CHIPPEWA COUNTY

8:00 AM Registration

8:45 AM Welcome and Opening

Remarks: Kathy Turner—ECAMGV

9 AM Keynote Speaker

Susan Frame: Garden Pests Good vs Bad

10:00 AM Vendors

10:30 AM Breakout Session #1

Patty Marten: New Plant Trends for 2019

Jerry Clark: How Weather and Climate Determine What We Grow

Ellen Terwilliger: Cacao in Costa Rica

11:30 AM Lunch / Vendors

12:45 PM Breakout Session #2

Ellen Wynkoop: Monarch Butterflies

Carol Cox: Decorating Your Garden “Rooms”

AJ Leiden: Aquatic Invasive Species in the Chippewa Valley

1:45 PM Break / Vendors

2:15 PM Breakout Session#3

Todd Wellnitz: Earthworms—Gardener’s Friend or Foe?

Dick Lienhardt: Practical Vegetable Gardening

Faye Ryszkiewicz: Succulent Plant Workshop






Cost: $35.00 postmarked by 1/25/19. The fee will be $40.00 thereafter and at the door.

Add $15.00 if you are signing up for the Succulent Plant Workshop

Lunch and 2 snack breaks are included in the registration fee.

Choose 1 breakout per session: Breakout session #1 ___ Patty Marten ___Jerry Clark ___Ellen Terwilliger

Breakout Session #2 ___Ellen Wynkoop ___Carol Cox ___AJ Leiden

Breakout Session #3 ___Todd Wellnitz ___Dick Lienhardt ___Faye Ryszkiewicz

Please make checks payable to ECAMG and return payment with this form to: Eau Claire County UWEX/Attn WGS 227 1st St. West, Altoona WI 54720

Online Payment is available at: paylocalgov.com/EauClaire-/UWEX Note: Please email Andy Heren at [email protected] with your breakout selections.

Speakers RegistrationScheduleSusan Frame—Keynote Speaker Presentation: Learn which garden pests are good and to minimize the bad ones. Integrated Pest Management(IPM) is a system of identifying pest problems and then implementing common sense approaches that minimize risks to the environment and humans. IPM strategies include problem identification, situation monitoring, and keeping records.

Patty Marten: Learn about the new perennials, annuals and trees making their appearance in 2019. The pros and cons to growing these beauties as well as some gardening tips.

Jerry Clark: Jerry will discuss how changes in weather and climate affect us as Wisconsin Gardeners.

Ellen Terwilliger: Do you love chocolate? If so, this is the presentation for you. Ellen loves it so much that she travelled to Costa Rica with husband Steve to stay at an organic cacao plantation. She learned how cacao is grown and processed. While not an expert, Ellen would like to share what she learned about chocolate and give you a chance to taste a bit too!

Ellen Wynkoop: The Butterfly Lady will share tips and tricks about raising monarch butterflies and growing milkweed. Learn how to find eggs, raise monarch caterpillars, and release adult butterflies.