E. Evaluation: target audience Who would be the audience for your media product?


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E. Evaluation: target audienceWho would be the audience for your

media product?

My audience would have the age range of late teens to the late 30s, I have looked the age range of Q magazine and because their layout and image has been influential to mine i think Vlash will have around the same age range or perhaps a little different. My readers will have such interests as what is happening in the music business, the latest trends such as what celebrities are wearing and what is now fashionable and also the latest gadgets. I plan to include all these things in my magazine, some by using advertisements to show the latest shops and also some products such as iPhones, iPod’s, latest computers and so on.

This is the image of the people who I imagine will be reading Vlash magazine, in fashion very stylish. I have found these images on Pinterest which is a very popular website where people can go and make their own boards of things they like, these two people were models and bloggers who people look up to I like to think some of my readers will be a good influence on other people and perhaps advertise the magazine so that other people can also start reading. Some of my readers will be students and this is more likely to make Vlash circulate more as people will borough each other’s magazines which means in the future they could possibly subscribe to the magazine and become long term readers. Magazines circulate more than they sell this could lead to new readers if they like the content, which means the curse words would be removed from every interview and article so that it is friendly to all age ranges.

Own image: Students at UEA