Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs on 1 st Quarter Performance against the 2010/11 Strategic Plan Department of Water Affairs 4 August 2010 1

Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs on 1 st Quarter Performance against the 2010/11 Strategic Plan Department of Water Affairs 4 August 2010. 1. Outline of the Presentation. OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION MEA PERFORMANCE REPORT WTE PERFORMANCE REPORT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

on 1st Quarter Performanceagainst the 2010/11 Strategic Plan

Department of Water Affairs

4 August 2010


Page 2: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

Outline of the Presentation






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To provide the actual performance information

against the 2010/11 Strategic Plan.


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PerformanceAgainst the 2010/11 strategic plan



Page 5: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 1: Contribution to effective economic growth and social development

Strategic Objectives: Ensure strategies and feasibility plans exist to reconcile water requirements and availability

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Strategies and feasibility plans to reconcile water requirements and available resources

Number of strategies and feasibility plans completed

Reconciliation strategies completed in 3 areas

2 strategies and 1 plan produced

Development of 2 Strategies (Algoa system (Stage 2), and Mzimvubu Catchments area) continued

ON TARGET: Development of reconciliation Strategies for Algoa system (Stage 2), and Mzimvubu Catchments area continued

Implementation of the desalination and recycling strategies

Finalised desalination strategy

Desalination and Recycling Strategy Concept note developed

Desalination Strategy finalised and approved

Development of a Desalination Strategy started

ON TARGET: Draft desalination strategy developed for internal comment


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to effective economic growth and social development

Strategic Objectives: Effective creation of decent employment through infrastructure delivery

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline informati


2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Creation of decent employment through regional bulk programme

Number of decent jobs created

5908 1105 200 BEHIND TARGET: 145 (Only 1 project is operational in cluster 2 Chris Hani DM)

Strategic Objectives: Ensure the provision of regional bulk water

Implementation of the Regional Bulk schemes to support access to water and sanitation programmes

Number of bulk infrastructure schemes implemented per year

45 54 35 under construction

ON TARGET: 35 regional bulk schemes under construction


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to effective economic growth and social development

Strategic Objectives: Development, maintenance and rehabilitation of bulk water infrastructure

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Rehabilitation and refurbishment of the transferred water services schemes

Number of transferred schemes refurbished

1000 130 To be reported on the Second Quarter

Number of staff transferred

5200 1000 To be reported on the Second Quarter


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to effective economic growth and social development

Strategic Objectives: Development, maintenance and rehabilitation of bulk water infrastructure

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline informatio


2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Reviewing the pricing strategy and infrastructure funding model

Percentage implementation of the milestones in the pricing strategy

As-Is” situation analysis of water pricing and funding model has been done

80% Implementation of the milestones in the pricing strategy and funding model

Infrastructure Asset Management strategy finalised

BEHIND TARGET:5% completion of work.

Report on the current status of infrastructure funding prepared.

A draft project charter developed. Five work streams developed


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Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to effective economic growth and social development

Strategic Objectives: Development, maintenance and rehabilitation of bulk water infrastructure

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implementation of the Strategy for the operations and maintenance of water services infrastructure

Finalised strategy for operations and maintenance of water services infrastructure

Draft strategy in place

Finalisation of the strategy for operations and maintenance of water services infrastructure

Infrastructure Asset Management strategy finalised

ON TARGET: Infrastructure Asset Management strategy finalised


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 1: Contribution to effective economic growth and social development

Strategic Objectives: Ensure effective implementation of the Pricing strategy and funding model

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Strategic Priority 2: Contribution to rural development, food security and land reform

Strategic Objectives: Create sustainable rural livelihoods

Implementation of the rain water harvesting programme

Number of additional rainwater harvesting tanks distributed for food production

500 5000 1280 ON TARGET:1587 (Additional roll over funds were available)


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 2: Contribution to rural development, food security and land reform

Strategic Objectives: Create sustainable rural livelihoods

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Provision of adequate support to poorly resourced farmers

Number of job opportunities created by Working for Water (WfW) per year

23 700 25 300 7770ON TARGET: 8 539 (Regions)

Implementation of the Natural Resource Management Programmes to support EPWP

Number of job opportunities created by Working on Fire (WoF) per year

1669 2221 1200 ON TARGET 2 032 (Regions)

Number of SMMEs established through Working for Water (WfW) programme

1442 1650 495 ON TARGET 903 (Regions)


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Improve equity in water allocation

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Eradicate license application backlogs

Percentage reduction in licensing backlog

3462 current estimated backlog

100% 20% ON TARGET:29% Accelerated effort on the Letsema Project and capacity building)

Allocation of water to Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDIs)

Number of water licenses issued per year

200 250 50 ON TARGET: 165 issued 1 Declined(Accelerated effort on theLetsema Project)

Number of new water management areas in which compulsory licensing processes have been completed

0 2 Gazette compulsory licensing process for 2 WMA

BEHIND TARGET:Submission prepared for the approval of call for compulsory licensing


Deleted submission in lat column last row and last sentence
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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Ensure sustainable water use

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Improved water use efficiency

Revised National Water resources Strategy in place

1st edition NWRS (2004

2nd edition NWRS gazette for public consultation

Overarching framework and communication strategy developed

ON TARGET Overarching framework and communication strategy developed

Strategic Objectives: Improve equity in water services and management

Amendment of the water related legislations

Water Services Amendment Bill gazetted for consultation

First draft completed of the Amendment Bill

Public consultation on the Amendment Bill

Submission for approval to review

ON TARGET Submitted for approval to review.


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Protection and improvement of water quality

Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone Actual achievement

Ensure the improvement of water quality

Water resources Classifications Regulations classified

Draft water resources classification regulations

Finalised and Implemented Water resources Classifications Regulations

Stakeholder consultation report compiled and regulations revised.

ON TARGET Stakeholder consultation report compiled and regulations revised accordingly and submitted to Chief State Law Advisor for final approval.

Number of Water Management Areas (WMAs) in which water resources have been classified

0 2 Scoping phase completed.

ON TARGET Project scoping phase completed


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Protection and improvement of water quality

Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implementation of the Waste Discharge Charge System (WDCS)

Number of catchments where WDCS is implemented

0 WDCS implemented in 2 catchments

Inception report developed

BEHIND TARGET: Inception report not achieved (as planned for Q1) due to delays in the procurement process


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Protection and improvement of water quality

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline informat


2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implementation of the river health programmes

Number of river health projects implemented

4 9 projects (one per region)

2 projects in 2 regions

ON TARGET:EC - Monitoring was done in 7 rivers, Kowie, Kouga/Gamtoos, Baviaans, Mbashe, Buffalo, Great Kei, Keiskamma Rivers.GP:Monitoring of water quality on Vaal river took place. Study on “Fisk Kill in Vaal river” has been completed and awaiting final report.FS:Modder, Riet and Caledon Rivers, mostly FAII, RVI, Geomorphology and Physi-chemical parameters were done and a State of Modder River Was produced by the University of Free State: CEM for Bloemwater.


Changed to on target because they implemented 5 projects in five regions Change milestone to 2 projects in two regions
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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Protection and improvement of water quality

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline info

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implementation of the river health programmes cont…

Number of river health projects implemented

4 9 projects (one per region

1 per region cont….

NC: Lower Vaal River, MIRAI, Harts River only one site, MIRAI. Lower Orange River downstream Vanderkloof Dam as part of the Reserve was done.WC:Finalisation of the comprehensive Berg Winter sampling on G2 and G1 sites

Implementation of the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (CME) Programmes

Number of cases successfully addressed

40 45 5 BEHIND TARGET: To be reported 2nd quarter0 achievement due to the complexity of cases. Administrative and criminal proceedings dependent on law enforcement agencies


Change milestone to 5 as it appears in the BPActual achievement is 0
Page 18: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Protection and improvement of water quality

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implementation of the Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (CME) Programmes

Number of notices issued

29 35 10 BEHIND TARGET: To be reported 2nd quarter

Number of directives issued

23 25 10 BEHIND TARGET: To be reported 2nd quarter


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Protection and improvement of water quality

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Reduction in invasive plants cleared through Working for Water Programme

Hectares of land cleared per year

684 777 715 400 156 340 BEHIND TARGET:98 607 – delays caused by putting out order numbers which is now finalised and therefore the process will be fast tracked in the second quarter.

Woodlands Restored through Working for Woodlands Programme

Hectares of land converted woodlots per year

990 1655 680 BEHIND TARGET:As a result of the review of the restructuring process


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Protection and improvement of water quality

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Ensure implementation of Integrated Veldt and Forest Fire Management

Number of fires attended to

900 820 41 ON TARGET:196 (More fire incidents were reported than anticipated)

Hectares veldt fires attended to per year

500 000 447 000 22 350 BEHIND TARGET:9 310


Deleted information in bracket in Column 6 row 6
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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 3: Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management

Strategic Objectives: Ensuring adequate information and knowledge to sustainably manage water resources

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Provision of water resources information

Number of prioritised catchments optimally monitored

2 catchments optimally monitored

5 priority catchments

High level Implementation Plan developed

ON TARGET: Development of High level implementation plan completed

Strategic Priority 4: Effective support to local government

Strategic Objectives: Implementation of the Local Government Turnaround Strategy

Effective Support Provided to all municipalities

Number of municipalities that received support interventions

80 169 169 BEHIND TARGET : 124 municipalities were supported with the assessment of IDPs. (WC and NW were not assessed and indicated readiness with effect from 25 July and 3 August respectively).


Edited the information in Column 5 row three under actual achievement
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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 4: Effective support to local government

Strategic Objectives: Implementation of the Local Government Turnaround Strategy

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Effective Support Provided to all municipalities CONT…

Total number of municipalities supported in implementing water conservation/ water demand management

80 4 1 ON TARGET: 1 City of Cape Town

Effective participation in Provincial and National Intergovernmental structures

Number of Provincial Indaba action plans implemented

9 Indaba action plans developed

9 Consolidation of nine action plans

BEHIND TARGET : 7 Action plans in place in regions where the Provincial Water Indabas has taken place. GP and NC Water Indabas to be conducted on 19 – 20 August and 2 September2010 respectively


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 5: Contribute to global relations

Strategic Objectives: Strategic leadership and engagements of the Department in multilateral forums

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Provide effective leadership of AMCOW and strategic multilateral forums

Effective function of AMCOW Secretariat

South Africa as current Chair of AMCOW for the next two years

Strengthening all organs of AMCOW

2 seconded officials on board

BEHIND TARGET: Recruitment process initiated for both posts.1 Selection process completed for one post, awaiting HR to finalise appointment.

Re-advertisement in process (quality of applicants poor)


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 5: Contribute to global relations

Strategic Objectives: Forging strategic relationships with countries in Africa and the world (North-South, South-South)

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Supporting PCRD countries to move away from their status

Number of bilateral co-operation agreements with African countries implemented

2 agreements in place

4 Engagement of 4 Africa bilateral countries – Post Conflict and Reconstruction and Development (PCRD)

1 BEHIND TARGET: DRC Cooperation Agreement in the legal process for finalisation. Rwanda: action plan was drafted on SA/Rwanda capacity building. Resources will mobilised to implement the action plan.Russia: formalised the working group. Action plan drafted by both parties


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority: Strategic Priority 5: Contribute to global relations

Strategic Objectives: Strategic leadership and engagements of the Department in multilateral forums

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Sharing knowledge and expertise on water related issues

Number of multilateral engagements international countries

2 multilateral agreements in place (North-South and South-South)

1 Engagement on multilateral relations with India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA)

1 Engagement

ON TARGET: Engagement on high level meeting of developing and donor agencies aimed at ensuring that new developing nations meet their MDG targets under the auspices of AMCOW

DWA contributed to the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSTD) process on sustainable development (water quality, sanitation, etc)


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority: Strategic Priority 5: Contribute to global relations

Strategic Objectives: Ensure effective implementation of regional cooperation agreements

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline information

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Provide coordination on regional (Southern African Development Community (SADC) and continental water issues

Level of effectiveness of the functioning of the water structures

Implementation of the SADC Protocol on water

Finalisation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the SADC Hydrological Cycle Observing system (HYCOS) Project Phase III

DWA participates in all SADC water structures

ON TARGET:MoU went through the legal process and finalised. DWA participated in the SADC Annual Ministers’ to review progress / made within SADC of Water. Report was approved by Ministers.

DWA has also participated in the Sectoral and Inter-Sectoral SADC Ministers responsible for infrastructure and development. A report on water issues was adopted.


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 5: Contribute to global relations

Strategic Objectives: Ensure support to Water Sector Institutions within SADC

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline info

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Documentation of best practice case studies

Number of best practice case studies documented

0 3 1 Agreement signed with Swaziland


Preparatory work on the agreement with Swaziland was completed for signing in July.

Hosted the Senior\ Officials meeting on ORASECOM in May 2010 with a view to manage the shared water courses between the 4 countries (Lesotho, Namibia, SA and Botswana)

-DWA secured office space for ORASECOM


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 6: Improve the Department’s capacity to deliver quality services

Strategic Objectives: To ensure alignment of institutions to meet legislative mandates

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline informatio


2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Compliance to legislative mandates by institutions

Percentage compliance to legislative requirements by all institutions

100 100 100 ON TARGET: 100%Business Plans, SCs of 13 Water Boards, TCTA, WRC and CMAs


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 6: Improve the Department’s capacity to deliver quality services

Strategic Objectives: Ensure effective organisational performance management

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline info

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implementation of an organization performance monitoring and Evaluation system

Automated Organisational Performance Monitoring and Evaluation system in place

Manual system is available

Automated Organisational Performance M&E system implemented

First draft of the scorecard content of the system produced

ON TARGET: First draft of the scorecard content of the system produced


Page 30: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 6: Improve the Department’s capacity to deliver quality services

Strategic Objectives: Ensure effective organisational performance management

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline info

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implementation of the Risk Management Framework

Approved Risk Management Framework in place and implemented

Draft Framework in place

Risk Management Framework approved and implemented

Compile risk register

ON TARGET:Risk register in place and framework approved. Three workshops held in WC, NW,GP


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 6: Improve the Department’s capacity to deliver quality services

Strategic Objectives: Ensure effective organisational performance management

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline info 2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone Actual achievement

Implementation of the 3 year Internal Audit Strategic Plan as approved by Audit Committee

Percentage implementation of the Internal Audit Coverage Plan

50% of the Internal Audit Coverage Plan implemented

100% implementation of the Internal Audit Coverage Plan

Approved three year strategic plan and implementation thereof.

ON TARGET: Three year strategic plan approved and implementation at 25%

Strategic Objectives: Improve financial management capacity

Effective implementation of the Financial Improvement Plan

Percentage achievement of milestones as contained in the plan

100% of the milestones implemented

100% 80% of milestones in the financial improvement action plan achieved



Page 32: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 6:Improve the Department’s capacity to deliver quality services

Strategic Objectives: Improve financial management capacity

Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline info

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target

1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Improvement of revenue management

Number of days in which debts remain uncollected

120 days 60 days 120 days BEHIND TARGET: 192 days

Strategic Objectives: Development of appropriate skills to address the sector needs

Development of graduate trainees for placement into permanent positions through the learning Academy

Percentage of graduate trainees developed and into permanent positions

0 30% of the 2007 intake

- To be reported on in the 2nd quarter

Number of learnerships implemented

86 100 learnerships

- 50 learnerships will be implemented in the 2nd quarter


Change to BEHIND TARGET since it took 192 days in which debt remain uncollected instead of 120 days as per milestone in quarter 1 and CFO proposed that we ammend the baseline to 220 days
Page 33: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority:Improve the Department’s capacity to deliver quality services

Strategic Objectives:Improve the Department’s capacity to deliver quality services

Outputs Performance Indicator

Baseline info

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Development of graduate trainees continued

Number of internships implemented

128 50 internships 50 implemented

BEHIND TARGET:The internship programme was put on hold pending ascertainment and confirmation of the vacancy rate.

Conduct skills gap analysis for the water sector

Report with findings on sector skills gaps produced

0 Conduct sector skills gap analysis and produce a report

- To be reported on in the second quarter


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1st Quarter Performance Report

Strategic Priority 6:Improve the Department’s capacity to deliver quality services

Strategic Objectives: Implementation of Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Programmes

Outputs Performance Indicator Baseline info

2010 Performance against targets

2010/11 Target 1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implement woman empowerment projects

Number of women empowerment projects implemented

0 2 projects developed and implemented

2 projects proposals developed and approved

ON TARGET:2 project proposals developed and approved

Strategic objective: Improved Public Understanding and appreciation of the Value of Water by All South Africans

Implementation of Public Education and Awareness Plan

Number of public education Awareness interventions implemented as per the plan

4 4 interventions 1 joint campaign held and report submitted

ON TARGET:2 Joint campaigns undertaken with WISA and Ekurhuleni


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PerformanceAgainst the 2010/11 strategic plan

(Water Trading Entity)


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Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic Objective: Development, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of bulk water infrastructure

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline information

Performance against targets


1st quarter milestone

Actual achieve


Implementation of new bulk water infrastructure to meet social water needs, economic growth and development

Percentage completion of the project as per project plan

De Hoop Dam 44% complete

De Hoop Dam 73% complete 50%

BEHIND TARGET49% complete

Percentage completion of the project as per project plan

Nandoni Water Treatment Works 95% complete

Nandoni Water Treatment Works 100% complete


BEHIND TARGET95% complete


Page 37: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic Objective: Development, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of bulk water infrastructure

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline information

Performance against targets


1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implementation of new bulk water infrastructure to meet social water needs, economic growth and development

Percentage completion of the project as per project plan

Nandoni Distribution 38% complete

Nandoni Distribution 51% complete


BEHIND TARGET:38 % complete

Percentage completion of the project as per project plan

Inyaka Water Treatment Works 62% complete

Inyaka Water Treatment Works 81% complete

68%ON TARGET:68% complete


Page 38: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic Objective: Development, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of bulk water infrastructure

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline information

Performance against targets


1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Implementation of new bulk water infrastructure to meet social water needs, economic growth and development

Percentage completion of the project as per project plan

MCWAP 1: Mokolo and Crocodile River Water Augmentation 5%


6% Directive issued. RID issued.WSA signed.


KWSAP: Komati Water supply Augmentation

35% 10%BEHIND TARGET9.5%

MMTS-2 Mooi-Mgeni Transfer Scheme 5%

35% 10%BEHIND TARGET7.5%


Page 39: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic Objective: Development, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of bulk water infrastructure

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline information

Performance against targets



1st quarter milestone Actual achievement

Implementation of new bulk water infrastructure to meet social water needs, economic growth and development

Percentage completion of the project as per project plan

Raising of Clanwilliam Capital Project 0% complete


VRESAP: Vaal River Eastern Sub-system Augmentation Project 99%

100% 99.2%

BEHIND TARGET:The Contractor achieved no progress on site. After following contractual procedures the Contract VO21 was terminated and Contractor handed over site to TCTA


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Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline information

Performance against targets


1st quarter


Actual achievement

Implementation of new bulk water infrastructure to meet social water needs, economic growth and development cont….

Percentage completion of the project as per project plan

Hluhluwe Regional Water Scheme 67% complete

Hluhluwe Regional Water Scheme 87% complete

74%BEHIND TARGET:66% complete

Percentage completion of the project as per project plan

Mdloti River Development (Raising of Hazelmere dam) 5% complete

Mdloti River Development (Raising of Hazelmere Dam) 40% complete

10%BEHIND TARGET:8% complete

Percentage completion of the project as per project plan

Groot Letaba RWRP (N’wamitwa Dam and raising of Tzaneen Dam) 5% complete

Groot Letaba RWRP (Nwamitwa Dam and raising of Tzaneen Dam) 10% complete

6%ON TARGET6% complete


Page 41: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic objective: Development, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of bulk water infrastructure

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline information

Performance against targets


1st quarter milestone Actual achievement

Supply of Water to usersPercentage level of assurance of supply

100% compliance to levels of assurance of supply for different user group

100% level of assurance of supply for different user group


BEHIND TARGET:80% compliance to levels of assurance of supply for different user groups


Page 42: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic objective: Development, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of bulk water infrastructure

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline information

Performance against targets


1st quarter

milestoneActual achievement

Maintenance of infrastructure as per maintenance plan and procedures required to ensure infrastructure availability

Percentage infrastructure availability

70% availability

80% availability

70% ON TARGET:80% availability

Maintain infrastructure according to maintenance plan

65% Planned work completed

70% 20% ON TARGET:20%


Page 43: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs

Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic objective: Development, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of bulk water infrastructure

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline informati


Performance against targets


1st quarter milestone

Actual achievemen


Resources Management Plans (RMPs) developed

Number of RMPs completed Nil

Complete RMP implementation Action plan for NWRI only

1st draft of action plan completed

5% of Action Plan completed

Existing RMPs implemented

Number of existing RMPs implemented Nil RMP operational within 12

months -

To be reported in the 2nd quarter


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Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic objective: Development, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of bulk water infrastructure

Output (s)Performance Indicator



Performance against targets


1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Dam safety rehabilitation programme

Number of dams rehabilitated

24 dams rehabilitated

0 dams rehabilitated

2 dams to be under rehabilitation

ON TARGET: 1 dam rehabilitated and second dam rehabilitation in progress

Number of dams under construction

7 dams under construction

1 dam under construction 11


Number of dams in design phase

14 dams in design phase

1 dam 1 dam ON TARGET:1 dam


Change to ON TARGET because the 1st quarter milestone indicates that 2 dams will be under rehabilitation and the branch has completed rehabilitation on one dam and on the second dam rehabilitation is in process.
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Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic objective: Development, maintenance, rehabilitation and refurbishment of bulk water infrastructure

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s) Baseline information

Performance against targets


1st quarter milestone

Actual achievement

Strategy for the conversion of single to multi-purpose dams developed

Strategy for the conversion of single to multi-purpose dams developed

Nil Approved strategy

1st draft of strategy

Embarked consultation process with Regions and Municipalities


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Strategic Priority 1 : Contribution to economic growth and social development

Strategic Objective: Effective creation of decent employment through infrastructure delivery

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline information

Performance against targets


1st quarter milestone Actual achievement

Creation of decent jobs and ensures appropriate training of employees

Number of decent jobs created 4368 220 275


Promotion of SMMEs through procurement of goods and servicesBudget spend on BEE and SMMEs

Percentage of contact value awarded to SMMEs and BEE enterprises

BBBEE Strategy approved 50% 10%



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Strategic Priority 2 : Ensuring sustainable and equitable water resources management in all water management areas

Strategic Objective: To provide monitoring and assessing water resources availability and use

Output (s) Performance Indicator (s)

Baseline information

Performance against targets


1st quarter milestone Actual achievement

Implementation of hydrology and Geo hydrology monitoring systems and water quality monitoring

Number of operational monitoring programmes implemented

11 15 1 programme implemented

ON TARGET:1 programme implemented

Number of sampling points monitored 100 104

27 sampling points monitored



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MINISTER / DG / COO / IA 119 41 160 25.63

CORPORATE S. 594 85 679 12.52

FINANCE 318 160 478 33.47

REGIONS 3418 521 3939 13.23

NWRI 2744 346 3090 11.20

POLICY & REG. 500 144 644 22.36

INT. RELATIONS 25 12 37 32.43

Grand Total 7718 1309 9027 14.50


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TOTAL

MIN/DG/COO/IA       1 4 3 3 5 4 6   7 3 4 1   41

CORPORATE S.   3 11 2 6 23 8 6 8 5 2 8 2 1     85

FINANCE     1 2 1 36 51 32 3 27 1 5 1       160

REGIONS   51 15 18 26 101 83 92 32 47 21 21 11 3     521

NWRI   26 18 39 62 44 51 43 23 15 8 16 1       346

POLICY & REG.         56 10 11 19 14 9 5 11 7 1 1   144

INT. RELATIONS         1   2   1 4   1 2   1   12

GRAND TOTAL   80 45 62 156 217 209 197 85 113 37 69 27 9 3   1309


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Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Female Male

No. % No. %No. %

No. %

No. %

No. %

No. %

No. %

No. % No. %


32.77 70

58.82 0

0.00 0

0.00 0

0.00 2

1.68 5 4.20 3 2.52 75 63.03 44 36.97 119


36.87 275

46.30 5

0.84 11

1.85 11

1.85 5

0.84 29 4.88 39 6.57 330 55.56 264 44.44 594


33.96 141

44.34 1

0.31 4

1.26 5

1.57 1

0.31 14 4.40 44

13.84 190 59.75 128 40.25 318




35.99 27

0.79 34






166 4.86

113 3.31 1481 43.33 1937 56.67 3418

NWRI 1681

61.26 378

13.78 13

0.47 6



7.14 43




109 3.97 536 19.53 2208 80.47 2744


33.60 172

34.40 5

1.00 9

1.80 9

1.80 6

1.20 67

13.40 64

12.80 251 50.20 249 49.80 500

INT. RELATIONS 9 1.80 13 2.60 0

0.00 1

0.20 0

0.00 0

0.00 0 0.00 2 0.40 16 64.00 9 36.00 25


7  227

9   51   65  392  




2879 37.30 4839 62.70 7718

Grand Tot. 6076 116 553 973


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1. The Department is in the process of developing a recruitment strategy aligned to the HR plan

2. The Department engaged with a tender to procure the services of a PSP to manage response handling for recruitment

3. The Department is in the process of developing a project to align structure, establishment and compensation of employees.


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