Presentation: Gender en seksualisation Presentation: Gender en seksualisation

Presentation: Gender en seksualisation. Purpose WE CAN Young-campaign Strengthening sexual and relational resilience of young people: Respect for your

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  • Presentation: Gender en seksualisation
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  • Purpose WE CAN Young-campaign Strengthening sexual and relational resilience of young people: Respect for your own limits and that of others Know different forms of unacceptable sexual behaviour Awareness of the effect of gender inequality: forms of violence and the different roles of boys and girls in society This presentation addresses the latter point.
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  • What is gender inequality? Gender inequality consists of two words: Gender and inequality. Gender is about the social roles of a man or woman in society. These social roles differ per culture, political situation and country. The extent to which they differ also varies. Inequality is about the unequal distribution between men and women in the area of power, participation and visibility.
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  • Gender These gender roles of men and women are conditioned. Often times they are also stereotypes, for example: If a woman stands up for herself, she is a bitch. If a man wants to work a day less to take care of the kids, the woman is the one in control. Boys do not have limits, girls should set limits. A man cannot cry, that is not manly.
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  • Inequality You can see the inequality everywhere, for example: Talking shows on TV often feature men sitting at the table Only 6%* of women hold top positions in companies. In politics there is also inequality, just look at the 2nd chamber. 37%* of women work less after they get children. (CBS, 2010) Women earn 20.8%* than men in income. (Loonwijzer) Individual choices are influenced by what is considered normal in the society * These numbers represent the situation in the Netherlands
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  • Where does it go wrong? Men and women are equal but not the same. Where does it go wrong? When men or women are in an advantage ( or disadvantage) because they are men or women When someone has more power and abuses this power When violence is used ( physical, sexual or emotional) Do you know an example?
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  • What profession does this lady have and how is that reflected in her clothes? What impression does she give?
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  • What for profession does this guy have and how is that reflected in his clothes? What impression does he give?
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  • Photo taken from the internet, text included and widely disseminated
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  • Oh Oh Cherso, Houdini, Rodeo, Plork
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  • The Members of Parliament of the 1st Rutte cabinet on the steps.
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  • Reactions on the pictures See assignment: gender inequality What is gender inequality to you? Which picture bothers you the most? What would you like to see changed?
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  • Consequences of gender inequality Double standards boys vis-a-vis girls Dual role media: Confirming gender stereotypical imaging: pressure on boys to take initiative and seduce girls Dilemma for girls: Appear sexual (media norms) + but not allowed to be that (social norms) Girls are responsible for setting limits, boys do not know their limits. Can you think of other consequences?
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  • Assignments Assignment gender inequality Double standards Boys are, girls are. Propositions and Dilemmas game (in propositions and dilemmas)
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