Brief Overview of Skill Development and Its Related Activities Presented to Deputy Commissioner and Different Line Departments, Ranchi on 24 th July, 2015

Presentation for Skill Development Scenario in Ranchi

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Page 1: Presentation for Skill Development Scenario in Ranchi

Brief Overview of Skill Development and Its Related Activities

Presented to

Deputy Commissioner and Different Line Departments, Ranchi


24th July, 2015

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Agenda of the Presentation

1. Skill Development Mission in General

2. Need for Skill Development in Jharkhand

3. Role of JSDMS and Its Key Activities

4. Skill Gap Analysis in Ranchi and Youth Aspirations

5. Analysis of National Policy for Skill Development and

Entrepreneurship 2015

6. Basic Information Regarding HUNAR Portal and PMKVY


7. Key Issues in Skilling Sector in Jharkhand

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1. Skill Development Mission in General

State Skill Development Missions have been set up in India as per

mandate of the National Skill Development Policy, 2009 which said:

“The States being the key actors in Skill Development would set up

overarching integrated framework for action for Skill Development

through State level Skill Development Missions”

Now, a National Skill Development Mission has also been announced in

the Budget Speech of 2015-16.

It aims to consolidate the skilling initiatives spread across several

Ministries and to standardize procedures and outcomes across 32 Sector

Skill Councils.

The objective of this Mission is to meet the challenge of skilling at scale

(skilling large number of persons at the same time) with speed, standard

(quality) and sustainability.

Organisational Structure of National Skill Development Mission

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As per the Cabinet decision on 2 July 2015, the National Skill Development

Mission has a three-tiered, high powered decision making structure.

Governing Council: At its apex, the Mission’s Governing Council, chaired

by the Prime Minister, will provide overall guidance and policy direction.

Steering Committee: The Steering Committee, chaired by Minister in

Charge of Skill Development, will review the Mission’s activities in line

with the direction set by the Governing Council.

Mission Directorate: The Mission Directorate, with Secretary, Skill

Development as Mission Director, will ensure implementation, coordination

and convergence of skilling activities across Central Ministries/Departments

and State Governments.

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2. Need For Skill Development In Jharkhand

• To control out-migrations

• To increase regular employment


• Only 1.3% of Jharkhand youth

have formal training

• To reap demographic advantage

“The world and India needs a

skilled workforce. Let our youth

get skills that contribute toward

a strong India.”

Prime Minister’s speech on

Independence Day 2014

Population 3.29 Cr

Working Age

Population 2.04 Cr

Labour Force

1.45 Cr

Main Workforce

0.68 Cr

Of the Population

aged between


Of the working

age population

are able & willing

to work

Of Labour force

have worked

6 months

or more


71 %

Only 46%

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Skill Delivery in Jharkhand through Government


Skill development carried out through 18 departments using State and Central funds

Year Targets (in Lakhs)

India Jharkhand

2013-14 121 4.9

2014-15 157.3 5.7

2015-16 193.6 6.8

2016-17 242 7.2

Total 798.9 24.6

Jharkhand constitutes around 4% of

national skilling target

Labour, Industries and Rural Development

constitute 50% of state target

S.No. Departments imparting Skill Programs 1 Labour, Employment & Training 2 Rural Development 3 Industries 4 Urban Development 5 Health, Medical Education & Family Welfare 6 Welfare 7 Forest & Environment 8 Agriculture & Sugarcane 9 Animal Husbandry and Fishing 10 Science & Technology 11 Drinking Water & Sanitation 12 Energy 13 Arts, Culture, Sports & Youth Affairs 14 Human Resource Development 15 Tourism 16 Transport 17 Social Welfare, Woman & Child Development 18 Information Technology

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3. Role of JSDMS in Skill Development in Jharkhand

• In 2013, the Jharkhand Skill Development Mission Society (JSDMS) was incorporated

under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as a non-profit & autonomous organization under

the Department of Planning & Development, GoJ.

Vision of JSDMS

Increasing the capacity and capability of the system to deliver quality skill training and

professional knowledge to youth to enhance their employability and bridge the skill deficit

Skilled manpower in Jharkhand

Convergence of state and national


Convergence between school,

technical and vocational education

Implementation of State Vocational

Qualification Framework

Attract investment in the sector

Develop platform for Job Seekers

Robust State LMIS viz.


Awareness, mobilization and


Standardization of processes and


Aims of JSDMS

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Functions of JSDMS

Quality Assurance (Standardized Curriculum, Assessment and Certification)

Process standardisation & promotion of TSPs

Counselling and Mobilisation Support

Awareness Generation

Development of State Skill Vision, Mission & Policy

Building Knowledge Capacity Promote Innovation

Mainstreaming Vocational Education

Strengthening of Monitoring systems

Institutionalisation of State Skill LMIS

Convergence of state and national skill stakeholders

Key Functions of


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JSDMS Key Activities and Outcomes

S.No. Description Outcome

1. MoU signed

between JSDMS

and NSDC • 1st JWG meeting of NSDC and JSDMS on 22 March, 2015

Constitution of Skill Development Committees in 6 high

opportunity sectors

Discussion among relevant SSC CEO and industry persons

• Engagement with NSDC TPs

2. 1st Meeting of Inter-

Department Group

on Policy

• Held under chairmanship of Hon. Chief Minister on 6 April, 2015

Compiled list of ‘Job Roles in Demand’ using inputs from

various industries

3. Data on under-

utilized Govt.


• All DCs asked to submit relevant information

Data received from 20 out of 24 districts

DSIDC (already constituted & notified) can verify details

provided by districts

4. Trainings for

differently abled

• Placement-linked Trainings by ACE planned for differently abled

Job (mobilization) mela on 6, 7 July in ATI grounds

Training centre to be made available; trainings soon

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S.No. Description Outcome

5. State Policy • Policy Workshop on 18 June to explain and discuss draft National

Policy and proposed State Policy

• Stakeholder suggestions to be incorporated into State Policy

6. Coordinating with

State Departments

involved in skilling

• Stocktaking

Multiple meetings with Departments for data

Data received from 14 out of 18 departments

Meeting on 11 June to discuss the Skill Development plans &

budget each of department

• Engagement with NSDC TPs

7. Recognition of Prior


• BOCW planning to enter into MoU with DGET-empanelled

training providers for RPL training in Construction sector

• JSDMS has signed MoU with Labour Commissioner/BOCW

• As part of MoU, JSDM can facilitate RPL process, bring

convergence by involving SSCs, apply learnings from similar RPL

pilot in MP

8. Skill University • Proposal received from Centurion University on setting up a Skill

University on PPP basis

• Being considered on pilot mode, after which EoIs can be sought

9. Knowledge


• 5 theme-focused workshops since Nov’14 to involve stakeholders,

spread awareness, explain skilling related concepts

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5. Skill Gap Analysis of Ranchi

Source: NSDC Skill Gap Study, 2012

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Demand of Man Force in Organized Sector

Source: NSDC Skill Gap Study, 2012

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Demand of Man Force in Unorganized Sector

Source: NSDC Skill Gap Study, 2012

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Youth Aspirations



Building and



and media

Power and utilities Retail and consumer


and logistics

Automotive Healthcare




Iron And




Travel and


Mining Handloom &











Source: NSDC Skill Gap Study, 2012

Low Medium High








Skill Training in Food Processing, Banking, Automotive sector, IT/ITES, Iron & Steel and

Healthcare industry is high in terms of youth aspirations

Youth Aspirations

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6. Analysis of National Policy for Skill Development and

Entrepreneurship 2015

Capturing the challenge of Skilling India..

Only 2.3% of workforce has undergone skills


Estimated 11.9 crore fresh entrants to work force

need to be skilled, apart from 30.7 crore existing

farm & non-farm workforce

Focus areas of Draft National SD&E Policy, 2015

• NSQF: Alignment of all skilling

initiatives with National Skills

Qualification Framework (NSQF) and

deadline of Dec 2018 for said alignment

• Entrepreneurship: Recognizes

entrepreneurship as a “key aspect to

complement a successful skill strategy”

• Outcome-based approach: Focus on

increased employability or self-sustenance

as the outcome of skilling

• Role of industry and private sector:

Stresses on participation and ownership of

skill programmes by industry

• Innovation: Necessary to meet the

challenge of skilling India

• The National Skill Development and

Entrepreneurship Policy of 2015 supersedes the

policy of 2009.

• The objective of the 2015 Policy is to meet the

challenge of skilling at scale with speed,

standard and sustainability.

• It aims to provide an umbrella framework to all

skilling activities being carried out within the

country, align them to common standards, and

link skilling with demand.

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Shift in focus from National Skill Policy, 2009

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Major Policy Decisions / Plans…(1/3)

NSQF compliance

• ‘One Nation One Standard’ should become the mantra

• All formal and vocational education including skill training will have to align themselves

with the NSQF by December, 2018

• Development of standards by SSCs will be under the aegis of an umbrella committee

which is already constituted as the National Skills Qualification Committee (NSQC)

under the NSQF.

• SSCs will be strengthened and would ensure that persons trained in NOS/QPs are actually

employed by employers in their sector.

• RPL framework shall be an outcome-based qualification framework linked to NSQF

against which prior learning can be assessed and certified.

Uniform certification and assessment processes

• All programmes must be aligned to NSQF and have an accountability system

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Major Policy Decisions / Plans…(2/3)

Training providers and infrastructure

• For Govt. supported schemes, funding will be linked to outcomes (e.g.

employability, placements)

• Govt. will support the creation and use of infrastructure in both public and private

domain through appropriate equity, grant and loan support.

• Targeted approach of preferential empanelment, approval and funding of training

providers for those sectors and geographies where training capacity is inadequate.

Need for industry/employer linkages

• Lack of industry/employer linkages has created gaps in terms of sectoral need and


• Necessary to create economic incentive for being skilled, and for industry to realize

that skill, like any commodity, is governed by the laws of demand and supply.

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Major Policy Decisions / Plans…(3/3)

Mainstreaming of vocational education

• Skilling will be integrated into formal education by introducing vocational

training linked to the local economy from class IX onwards over a period of next

four years in at least 25% of the schools

• Skill courses would be developed as independent subjects

• Converting Polytechnics to community colleges which will provide NSQF aligned

vocational courses and also Bachelor of Vocational Studies

Skill Fellows

• The Prime Minister’s Skill Development Fellow scheme to be introduced

• Individuals (selected through a competitive process) will work with State and

District administration to spread awareness, identify local needs and steer the skilling


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7. Basic Information Regarding PMKVY Scheme

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is the flagship outcome

based skill training scheme of the new Ministry of Skill Development &


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To enable and mobilize a large number of Indian youth to take up

outcome based skill training and become employable and earn their


Objective of PMKVY

Standards Direct Fund

Transfer Demand Driven


Target aligned to national flagship programmes and


Supply side perspective in target fixation

Recognition of prior learning


Variable amount of monetary


Robust regime for registration of

training providers

Focussed awareness building and mobilisation


Enhanced monitoring and

Mentorship support

Key Features of PMKVY

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Basic Information Regarding HUNAR Portal

The portal called HUNAR (Hallmarking of Unrecognized, Novice & Amateur Resources) is an LMIS portal which has been developed for the state by the Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of Information Technology (JAP-IT).

Key Features:

For trainees/potential trainees: Trainees can register on the portal by providing, among other details, an acceptable ID proof. The list of all accepted ID proofs is also provided. Once registered, trainees can search for information on all available trainings. Displayed information includes name of course, GoJ department offering the course, course duration and fee, and minimum qualification for enrolment. Information can be filtered as per requirement. Information is displayed department-wise, district-wise, qualification-wise and sector-wise in order to make it easier for candidates to find an appropriate course.

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For concerned departments: Nodal officers of all State Government

departments have been provided their unique registration details. Once

logged in, the nodal officer can approve/reject registration requests by

training providers, upload/edit information about trainings offered by

the department, keep track of trainee requests, etc.

For training providers: Training providers can register on the portal

by choosing the department with which their trainings are associated.

Once their request is verified and approved by the concerned

department, training providers can choose more departments with

which they are associated, upload information about upcoming

trainings, and so on.

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8. Key Issues in Skilling Sector in Jharkhand

Lack of collaboration among 18 state departments engaged in skill delivery

Inadequate training partners in the State

Skill delivery programs not in tune with industry requirements

Poor training infrastructure

Need to mainstream Vocational Education with School Education

Need to encourage industry’s participation in development of skilled manpower

Non availability of skill programs in the rural areas of Jharkhand

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