Are you paying attention!! Taking a closer look at the family buisness

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Are you paying attention!!

Taking a closer look at the family buisness

The family shop has been in the village of Scotshouse (pop 350) since 1918 , and I’ve been around the tills since I could reach themI know every inch of the place, from where all the stock is, to where the blind spots of the security cameras (so I can take a quick break).Having grown up around the place I never put much thought into how everything’s placed or how they affect the customer. I’m taking this chance to look , really look , at how they layout is and how it could be improved.

The shop always has the front door open during the day , and stays open 9a.m. to 9p.m.

The local post box is the only postal facility for 15 miles, despite not been a post office the shop always makes sure it has basic postal supplies such as stamps envelops .

The shop has petrol and homefuels for sale which can be seen from the front

The façade colours is a light green which seems to make the shop fit in with the village more and has a welcoming feel to it.

The shop was extended in the 90s but the old building was kept and cleaned up to show the original stonework , which further increases the welcoming homey feel to the shop.

While been very busy at work I took a couple photos from behind the till

Fire extinguisher, fire safety 101 know where it is.

The shop is quite cluttered in places , trying to fit as much stock in for locals as possible

The entrance acts as local bulletin board with information from bake sales to room rentals

The local bar where many a local spends their evening and does a few runs to the shop for cigarettes

The sweets shelves , where everything is at a 4 year olds eye level. so they pester mam and dad for sweets

The exit or gossiping central many a story has been told on the way to the car with the neighbours

The milk fridge is way at the back past the tea and biscuit aisle ,so they can make tea at home

the deals pile , all the stock on special offer is stacked in front of the till to encourage people to buy.

Trying to tempt customers with ben&jerrys the moment they come in the door

The cash register , covered in notes and messages to be passed on to customers ,usually the wife telling the husband to pick up milk

Fine selection of wines to , generally sell more on Saturdays before xfactor

The deli filled with hams and salads and cheeses the more health conscientious villager

Hardware section with basics for the local farmers

The hot food counter ,where the infamous builders breakfast roll is made far too often for healthy chlesterol levels

The shop is the nerve center of the village every bit of news goes through it and whoevers working is generally obligated to verify and pass on local gossip , we also act unofficially as a package pick-up point , place to drop off kids for football training, and giving road directions The shop is indispensable in such a rural setting And the staff are very friendly and always chat to anyone who comes in.

• Minor changes I could see been made would be to increase the quality for signs and posters , the handwritten signs currently used aren’t that visually appealing

• Some of the lightbulbs were out, get those fixed

• Better signs outside its not very well signed outside the shop and there’s no petrol prices up