i-Bestuur Congres Prometheus & the ‘Internet of Things’ Den Bosch, 24 januari 2013 Dr. Ben van Lier CMC Directeur Strategie & Innovatie

Presentatie The Internet of Things iBestuur Congres 2013 door Ben van Lier

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Ben van Lier van Centric sprak op 24 januari tijdens het iBestuur Congres in ’s Hertogenbosch samen met Jean-Louis Roso van TNO over The Internet of Things. De sessie opende met de trailer van de science fictionfilm Prometheus, waarin mensen en technologie voor hun functioneren en overleven van elkaar afhankelijk zijn. Is dit fictie of is The Internet of Things dichterbij dan we denken? Van Lier legde in zijn presentatie uit dat de onderlinge verbondenheid in netwerken van mensen en dingen verstrekkende gevolgen heeft voor ons leven en de manier van werken. Hij liet bestuurders, beslissers en experts uit en rondom het i-overheidslandschap zien dat de afhankelijkheid van technologie groeit in onze alledaagse wereld.

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Page 1: Presentatie The Internet of Things   iBestuur Congres 2013 door Ben van Lier

i-Bestuur Congres

Prometheus & the ‘Internet of Things’

Den Bosch, 24 januari 2013

Dr. Ben van Lier CMC Directeur Strategie & Innovatie

Page 2: Presentatie The Internet of Things   iBestuur Congres 2013 door Ben van Lier

Cyborgs & Posthumanism

Katherine Hayles How we became Posthuman (1999)

In the posthuman, there are no

essential differences or absolute

demarcations between bodily

existence and computer simulations,

cybernetic mechanism and biological

organism, robot teleology and human

goals. (3)

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Internet of Things – History

Mark Weiser Ubiquitous Computing (1991)

The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistguishable from it.

Bruce Sterling Shaping Things (2005)

Spimes are sustainable, enhanceable, uniquely identifiable, and made of substances that can and will be folded back into the production stream of future spimes.

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Internet of Things – European Union

Sundmaeker c.s. Internet of Things (2010)

In the context of Internet of Things a thing could

be defined as a real/physical or digital/virtual

entity that exists and move in space and time

and is capable of being identified either by

assigned identification numbers, names and/or

location addresses

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Internet of Things – Industrial Internet

Pushing the Boundaries of Minds and

Machines 2012

The Industrial internet brings together the

advances of two transformative evolutions:

the myriad machines, facilities, fleets and

networks that arose from the industrial

revolution, and the more recent powerful

advances in computing, information and

communication systems brought to the fore

by the internet revolution

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Internet of Things – Machine2Machine communication

OECD M2M:Connecting billions of devices 2012

Devices that are actively

communicating using wired and

wireless networks, that are not

computers in the traditional sense

and are using the internet in some

form or another (2012:7

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Internet of Things - Context

Paul Dourish

Like ordinariness, context is managed

moment by moment, achieved by those

carrying out some activity together, and

relative to that activity and to the forms of

action and engagement that it entails.


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Emergent properties

Andy Clarke Natural-Born Cyborgs (2003)

For better or for worse (almost certainly for both), human

technology symbiosis is poised to transform our lives both as

individuals and as collective groups. At the individual level,

new transparent technologies will increasingly blur the already

fuzzy boundary between the user and her tools for thought; at

the collective level distributed activity-sensitive software will

enable us to press new knowledge from electronic trails of

use and access. (2003:165)

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