UNEP Division for Technology, Industry and Economics 1 youth X change Xchanging grounds for youth power Presented by Isabella Marras

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UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics



Xchanging grounds for youth power

Presented by Isabella Marras

monitors state of the world environment

identifies solutions international agreements

voluntary initiatives

innovative approaches in specific areas (water, energy,

capacity building)

tests and helps implementing solutions

United Nations

Environment Programme

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


The Marrakech Process

A global process to support the:

• implementation of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), and

• elaboration of a 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) in support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards SCP.

• It responds to the WSSD, Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, 2002.

SC and the Decade

Translate sustainable development in daily actions

Our vision

We need a new generation of consumers, producers and decision-makers who understand and integrate sustainability in their personal and

professional decisions

“we should progress from the idea that consumers should only be protected and empower them to be actors of our present and future world” (Paolo

Soprano, Task Force secretariat, Italian environment ministry)

Youth: Hedonistic Idealists

I’d like to end poverty, stop violence and racism,

and get rid of pollution. Everyone should be equal.

I want to dress in the nicest clothes,drive a great car, talk on the latest

mobile phone, and watch my brand new DVD



the BIG


UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


How to communicate effectively

Secure customer trust

– Back your claims

– Provide facts and figures

– Use independent certification schemes

– Organise partnerships with recognized


UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


How to communicate effectively?

• Use innovative communication channels

– Target the « New Influentials »

– Develop viral marketing

Dove Campaign for Real Beauty

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


How to communicate effectively?

• Be cool and sexy

– Avoid preachy messages

– Present sustainability leaders,

public icons and inspiring pioneers

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


How to communicate effectively?

• Combine optimism and realism

– Raise awareness

– Foster empathy and emotion

– Empower people to act

– Provide tips for individual action

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


How to communicate effectively?

Emphasize loss rather than gain

…but combine with the benefits of new actions

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


Be consistent!

“What does social responsibility

have to do with shareholder value?

A lot today and even more tomorrow…

In every market we tested around the world,

people strongly and universally were demanding

corporate responsibility -especially young people.”

William Ford,

Chairman of the Ford Motor Company

UNEP UNESCO youthXchange

a train the trainer tool kit


…that associates a

guide book

and a site web

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


UNEP / UNESCO youthXchange training kit on sustainable lifestyles

• A working tool for educators and trainers to explain the challenges and

opportunities of sustainable development in a day to day life frame

• Target: 15-25 global urban consumer class / future decision makers but we

are exploring also other target groups

• Keys for success: fun, accuracy, closeness with real world and local


the way ahead is to develop a new culture of


UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


A Toolkit on Sustainability Communications

• Targets: marketing/communication experts and professors.

• Objective: provide resources to help communication professionals develop efficient campaigns on sustainability issues.

• Tool: A English/French CD ROM with many downloadable case studies, web links, practical exercises, etc.

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


The project

Joint initiative between UNEP/ the International Hotel &Restaurant Association (IH&RA) and the International Association of Hotel Schools (EUHOFA)

Conducted a survey

Capacity Building – priority activity area

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


The product

The teaching pack is complemented by a range of tools and related supporting material:

to support hospitality teachers to integrate sustainable tourism and environment in the education curricula

to adapt the teaching pack to the specific needs of the local educational curricula

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


The content

To help hospitality school teachers and future hospitality professionals

To provide an understanding of the challenges posed by the tourism industry and the need for a systematic approach to resource management

To provide the knowledge and the practical tools to implement sustainable tourism and environmental management by focusing on key action areas at operational level

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics


The Italian task Force on education for Sustainable consumption

Goal: introduce education of sustainable consumption (ESC) in national curricula

Participants: Membership is open

Actions: 1. Consult at international level to advance ESC 2. Provide a database of existing ESC initiatives3. Develop guidelines for ESC4. Implement pilot projects (special focus Mediterranean)

The Italian Task Force on Education for Sustainable Consumption

Strong interest in collaborating with existing processes and favour links among consumer, environmental and Sustainable development education (UNDESD)

Possibility of a joint event “ Italian Task force on ESC” and OECD Committee on Consumer Policy.

Interest and availability to collaborate and exchange views and experiences on how to bridge ESC and consumer education

UNEP Division for Technology,

Industry and Economics



MTF : http://www.unep.fr/pc/sustain/10year/taskforce.htm

[email protected]

Youthxchange: www.youthxchange.net

[email protected]