Present Present Siguiente » ↑ Volver El tiempo Present (presente) responde a la pregunta: What happens? = ¿Qué pasa? o What is happening? = ¿Qué está pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + verbo en presente (I work). Sujeto + am/are/is + verbo en progresivo (I am working). 1. Present I work I am working 2. Present perfect I have worked I have been working 3. Past I worked I was working 4. Past perfect I had worked I had been working 5. Future I will work I will be working 6. Future perfect I will have worked I will have been working 7. Future (going to) I am going to work I am going to be working 8. Future perfect (going to) I am going to have worked I am going to have been working 9. Future in past I was going to work I was going to be working 10. Future perfect in past I was going to have worked I was going to have been working 11. Conditional I would work I would be working 12. Conditional perfect I would have worked I would have been working 13. Modals 14. Modals + have

Present Tenses

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PresentPresentSiguiente Volver El tiempo Present (presente) responde a la pregunta: What happens? = Qu pasa? o What is happening? = Qu est pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + verbo en presente (I work). Sujeto + am/are/is + verbo en progresivo (I am working).

1. Present I work I am working 3. Past I worked I was working 5. Future I will work I will be working 7. Future (going to) I am going to work I am going to be working 9. Future in past I was going to work I was going to be working 11. Conditional I would work I would be working 13. Modals I (can, could, ...) work I (can, could, ...) be working 15. Imperative Work! Let's work!

2. Present perfect I have worked I have been working 4. Past perfect I had worked I had been working 6. Future perfect I will have worked I will have been working 8. Future perfect (going to) I am going to have worked I am going to have been working 10. Future perfect in past I was going to have worked I was going to have been working 12. Conditional perfect I would have worked I would have been working 14. Modals + have I (can, could, ...) have worked I (can, could, ...) have been working

Simple Tenses - Continuous Tenses

Present SimpleWhat happens? - Qu pasa? I work - Trabajo

The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. El sol sale por el este y se pone por el oeste. Mr. Jackson goes to work by taxi every day. El Sr. Jackson va en taxi a trabajar todos los das. We sometimes dine at Peter's. A veces cenamos en lo de Peter. I always wake up before 7 a.m. Me despierto siempre a las 7:00 a.m. When it rains, animals find shelter under trees. Cuando llueve, los animales se refugian debajo de los rboles Rex does not live in Chicago. Rex no vive en Chicago. They are vegetarians so they do not eat meat. Son vegetarianos por lo que no comen carne. How often do you take your dog for a walk? Cada cunto sacas a pasear a tu perro? Does Betsy speak English? Betsy habla ingls?

Present ContinuousWhat is happening? - Qu est pasando? I am working - Estoy trabajando

You are reading a sentence now. Usted est leyendo una oracin ahora. Someone is listening to the radio at this moment. Alguien est escuchando la radio en este momento. Bill is writing a new novel. Bill est escribiendo una nueva novela. My children are not playing the guitar right now. Mis hijos no estn tocando la guitarra en este preciso momento. Is Mary studying now? Mary est estudiando ahora?

PPronunciation of the "-ed" ending

Reglas sobre la pronunciacin de la terminacin 'ed' del pasado de los verbos regulares

Terminaciones "ed" del Past Tense de verbos regulares

Si la pronunciacin de los verbos termina con "d" o " t"

la "ed" se pronuncia como "id"

to visit (vsit) - visitar to start (start) - empezar to want (wnt) - querer to add (d) - aadir, agregar to hate (jit) - odiar, detestar to rent (rnt) - alquilar

visited (vsitid) started (startid) wanted (wntid) added (did)

hated (jitid)

rented (rntid)

to arrest (arrst) - arrestar arrested (arrstid) to wait (wit) - esperar to rest (rst) - descanzar waited (witid) rested (rstid)

to accept (akspt) - aceptar accepted (aksptid) to eliminate (elminit) eliminar eliminated (elminitid)

to decide (disid) - decidir decided (disidid) to repeat (ript) - repetir Si la pronunciacin de los verbos repeated (riptid) la "ed" se pronuncia como "d"

termina en "r", " n", " i" o "l"

to discover (discver) descubrir to conquer (cnker) conquistar to notify (nutifi) notificar to specify (spcifi) especificar to explore (eksplor) explorar to destroy (distri) destruir to sweeten (suten) endulzar to blacken (blken) ennegrecer

discovered (discverd)

conquered (cnkerd)

notified (nutifid)

specified (spcifid)

explored (eksplord)

destroyed (distrid)

sweetened (sutend)

blackened (blkend)

to prefer (prifer) - preferir prefered (priferd) to combine (combin) combinar to study (stadi) - estudiar to stay (sti) - permanecer combined (combind)

studied (stadid) stayed (stid)

to answer (nser) responder to clean (clin) - limpiar to call (col) - llamar to listen (lsn) - escuchar Con el resto de las terminaciones:

answered (nserd)

cleaned (clind) called (cold) listened (lsnd) la "ed" se pronuncia como "t"

to talk (tk) - hablar to walk (uk) - caminar to work (werk) - trabajar to love (lv) - amar to receive (riciv) - recibir to help (jlp) - ayudar, socorrer to cook (kk) - cocinar to live (lv) - vivir to dance (dns) - bailar to smoke (smuk) - fumar to arrive (arriv) - llegar to wash (wsh) - lavar

talked (tkt) walked (ukt) worked (werkt) loved (lvt) received (ricivt) helped (jlpt)

cooked (kkt) lived (lvt) danced (dnst) smoked (smukt) arrived (arrivt) washed (wsht)

to fix (fks) - arreglar, preparar to park (park) - estacionar to miss (mis) - extraar, perder

fixed (fkst)

parked (parkt) missed (mst)

to exercise (ksersis) - hacer exercised (ksersist) ejercicio

Past PerfectPast Perfect

El tiempo Past Perfect responde a la pregunta: What had happened? = Qu haba pasado? o What had been happening? = Qu haba estado pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + had + verbo en participio (I had worked). Sujeto + had + been + verbo en progresivo (I had been working).

1. Present I work I am working 3. Past I worked I was working 5. Future I will work I will be working 7. Future (going to) I am going to work I am going to be working 9. Future in past I was going to work I was going to be working 11. Conditional I would work I would be working 13. Modals I (can, could, ...) work I (can, could, ...) be working 15. Imperative Work! Let's work!

2. Present perfect I have worked I have been working 4. Past perfect I had worked I had been working 6. Future perfect I will have worked I will have been working 8. Future perfect (going to) I am going to have worked I am going to have been working 10. Future perfect in past I was going to have worked I was going to have been working 12. Conditional perfect I would have worked I would have been working 14. Modals + have I (can, could, ...) have worked I (can, could, ...) have been working

Simple Tenses - Continuous Tenses

Past PerfectWhat had happened? - Qu haba pasado? I had worked - Haba trabajado

When John got off the train, he realized that someone had stolen his wallet. Cuando John se baj del tren, se di cuenta de que alguien le haba robado su billetera. Jane did not go to the movies because she had seen the film twice. Jane no fue al cine porque haba visto la pelcula dos veces. When I got to the party, Kevin was not there. He had already left. Cuando llegu a la fiesta, Kevin no estaba all. Ya se haba ido. Peter had sent Alison some flowers before he went to visit her. Peter le haba enviado flores a Alison antes de ir a visitarla. Mr. Smith had made hotel reservations before he traveled to Spain El Sr. Smith haba hecho reservas de hotel antes de viajar a Espaa. The teacher soon realized I had not studied the lesson. La profesora pronto se di cuenta de que yo no haba estudiado la leccin. My sister had never been to a concert before last night. Mi hermana nunca haba estado en un concierto hasta anoche. Had the plane already departed when you arrived at the airport? Haba ya partido el avin cuando llegaste al aeropuerto? Had you lived in Liverpool before you settled in London? Habas vivido en Liverpool antes de que te establecieras en Londres.

Past Perfect ContinuousWhat had been happening? - Qu haba estado pasando? I had been working - Haba estado trabajando

Ralph had been driving for hours when he finally stopped to rest. Ralph haba estado manejando durante horas cuando finalmente se detuvo a descansar. The children were out of breath because they had been running. Los nios estaban sin aliento porque haban estado corriendo. Tim had been living in that house for decades before he moved out. Tim haba estado viviendo en esa casa por dcadas antes de mudarse de all. Susan told me she had not been sleeping well lately. Susan me dijo que no haba estado durmiendo bien ltimamente . Had the children been watching TV before their mother got home? Los nios haban estado mirando la televisin antes de que su madre llegara a casa?

Future (will)El tiempo Future responde a la pregunta: What will happen? = Qu pasar? o What will be happening? = Qu estar pasando?. Se forma: Sujeto + will + verbo presente (I will work). Sujeto + will + be + gerundio (I will be working).

1. Present I work I am working 3. Past I worked I was working

2. Present perfect I have worked I have been working 4. Past perfect I had worked I had been working

5. Future I will work I will be working 7. Future (going to) I am going to work I am going to be working 9. Future in past I was going to work I was going to be working 11. Conditional I would work I would be working 13. Modals I (can, could, ...) work I (can, could, ...) be working 15. Imperative Work! Let's work!

6. Future perfect I will have worked I will have been working 8. Future perfect (going to) I am going to have worked I am going to have been working 10. Future perfect in past I was going to have worked I was going to have been working 12. Conditional perfect I would have worked I would have been working 14. Modals + have I (can, could, ...) have worked I (can, could, ...) have been working

Simple Tenses - Continuous Tenses

Future SimpleWhat will happen? - Qu pasar? I will work - Trabajar

I will see you tomorrow. Good-bye! Te ver maana. Adis! I promise I will call you next week. Prometo que te llamar la semana prxima. I think I will stay home the whole day because it is snowing. Creo que me quedar en casa todo el da porque est nevando. "What would you like to have?" "I'll have some coffee, please." "Qu deseara tomar?" "Tomar un caf, por favor." If it is a sunny day, my wife and I will go to the beach. Si es un da soleado, mi esposa y yo iremos a la playa. Tommy, I am sorry I will not help you with your homework. I am too busy right now. Tommy, lamentablemente no te ayudar con la tarea. Estoy demasiado ocupado en este momento. We won't accept the terms of this contract. No aceptaremos los trminos de este contrato.

When will they come? Cundo vendrn? Will you open the door for me, please? Quieres abrirme la puerta, por favor?

Future Simple ContinuousWhat will be happening? - Qu estar pasando? I will be working - Estar trabajando

Dr. Hall will be giving a speech on global warming next Friday. El Sr. Hall estar dando una charla sobre el calentamiento global el prximo viernes. At this time tomorrow, Jane will be attending a lecture on 20th century literature. Maana a esta hora, Jane estar asistiendo a una conferencia acerca de la literatura del siglo XX. Her cousin will be traveling to Las Vegas tomorrow morning. Su prima estar viajando a Las Vegas maana por la maana. My brother-in-law will not be playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. Mi cuado no estar jugando al tenis maana por la tarde. What will you be doing tomorrow at 8:00? Qu estars haciendo maana a las 8:00?

Voz Pasiva - Future Perfect (going to)

Passive Voice - Future Perfect (going to)El tiempo "Future Perfect (going to)" de la voz pasiva responde a la pregunta: "What is going to have been done?" = Qu se va a haber hecho? o "What is going to have been being done?" = Qu se va a haber estado haciendo?

1. PresentThe car is washed The car is being washed

2. Present perfectThe car has been washed The car has been being washed

3. PastThe car was washed The car was being washed

4. Past perfectThe car had been washed The car had been being washed

5. FutureThe car will be washed The car will be being washed

6. Future perfectThe car will have been washed The car will have been being washed

7. Future (going to)The car is going to be washed The car is going to be being washed

8. Future perfect (going to)The car is going to have been washed The car is going to have been being washed

9. Future in pastThe car was going to be washed The car was going to be being washed

10. Future perfect in pastThe car was going to have been washed The car was going to have been being washed

11. ConditionalThe car would be washed The car would be being washed

12. Conditional perfectThe car would have been washed The car would have been being washed

13. ModalsThe car (can, could, ...) be washed

14. Modals + haveThe car (can, could, ...) have been washed

The car (can, could, ...) be being washed The car (can, ...) have been being washed

Tenses - Continuous Tenses

What is going to have been done? - Qu se va a haber hecho?A house is going to have been built. Se va a haber construido una casa una casa / Una casa va a haber sido construida

The project is going to have been completed before the deadline. El proyecto va a haber sido terminado antes de la fecha lmite. A new computer game is going to have been developed by December. Un nuevo juego de computadoras va a haver sido desarrollado para diciembre. By this time tomorrow, many more areas in the city are going to have been affected by the flood. Para esta hora maana, muchas ms areas de la ciudad van a haber sido afectadas por la inundacin. By next year, the economy of this country is going to have been improved by the reforms underway. Para el ao que viene, la economa de este pas va a haber sido mejorada por las reformas en proceso. These products are going to have been inspected before their shipment . Estos productos van a haber sido inspeccionados antes de su envo. By the time they graduate from the academy, these young officers are going to have been given a complete training . Para el momento en que se graden de la academia, a estos jvenes oficiales se les va a haber dado un entrenamiento completo. The soldiers are going to have been transported to the war zone by helicopters during the night . Los soldados van a haber sido transportados a la zona de guerra por helicpteros durante la noche. Look, if the ammunition is left here in the open, it is going to have been destroyed by the rain. Mira, si la municin se deja aqu en la intemperie, va a haber sido destruida por la lluvia.

iempos Voz Activa

Active Voice Verbal TensesLos tiempos verbales del ingls en voz activa (presente, pasado, futuro, condicionales, etc.) con ejemplos traducidos al espaol. Present - What happens? I work - I am working Present Perfect - What has happened? I have worked - I have been working

Past - What happened? I worked - I was working Past Perfect - What had happened? I had worked - I had been working Future - What will happen? I will work - I will be working Future Perfect - What will have happened? I will have worked - I will have been working Future (going to) - What is going to happen? I am going to work - I am going to be working Future Perfect (going to) What is going to have happened? I am going to have worked - I am going to have been working Future in Past - What was going to happen? I was going to work - I was going to be working Future Perfect in Past - What was going to have happened? I was going to have worked - I was going to have been working Conditional - What would happen? I would work - I would be working Conditional Perfect- What would have happened? I would have worked - I would have been working Modals - What (could, must, should, ) happen? I (could, must, ) work - I (could, must, should, ) be working Modals + Have - What (could, must, should, ) have happened? I (could, ) have worked - I (could, must, should, ) have been working

Imperatives - Make it happpen! - Let's make it happen! Work!. Let's work!

Tiempos Voz Pasiva

Passive Voice TensesTodos los tiempos verbales del ingls en voz pasiva con ejemplos traducidos al espaol. Present - What is done? The car is washed Present Perfect - What has been done? The car has been washed Past - What was done? The car was washed Past Perfect - What had been done? The car had been washed Future - What will be done? The car will be washed Future Perfect - What will have been done? The car will have been washed Future (going to) - What is going to be done? The car is going to be washed Future Perfect (going to) - What is going to have been done? The car is going to have been washed Future in Past - What was going to be done? The car was going to be washed Future Perfect in Past - What was going to have been done? The car was going to have been washed Conditional - What would be done? The car would be washed Conditional Perfect - What would have been done? The car would have been washed Modals - What (could, must, should, ) be done? The car (could, must, should, ) be washed Modals + Have - What (could, must, should, ) have been done? The car (could, must, should, ) have been washed

Verbos compuestos del ingls, agrupados por los verbos ms conocidos PHRASAL VERBS

be to be in / to be out / to be away / to be off / break to break in / to break out / to break up / bring to bring about / to bring up / to bring back / to call at / to call on / to call for / to call off / call to come about / to come across / to come come away / cut to cut back on / to cut across / to cut up / do to do away with / to do up / to do without / fall to fall apart / to fall behind / to fall for / get to get away / to get by / to get through / give to give away / to give back / to give in / go to go around / to go at / to go off / go by / have to have against / to have on / to have over /

keep let look make pull put run see

to keep away / to keep out / to keep off / to let down / to let in / to let out / to let off / to look after / to look for / to look out / to make for / to make out / to make up for / to pull down / to pull out / to pull over / to put on / to put out/ to put up with / to run away / to run into / to run over / to see about / to see out / to see through / to set back / to set out / to set off / to set up / set stand to stand for / to stand out / to stand up for / take to take after / to take apart / to take out / throw to throw away / to throw out/ to throw up / turn to turn down / to turn on / to turn off /

con "to get"

Phrasal verbs with "to get"

get about get at get above get across get after get ahead get away get back

get in get into get off

get rid of get round get through get to get together

get behind get on get by get out

get along with get down

get over get up

get aroundget about - (a) divulgarse, correr un rumor (b) caminar, moverse, viajar

It got about that Charlie has proposed to Angela. Se corri el rumor de que Charlie le propuso matrimonio a ngela. Why don't we get about the beach so we can see the sunset? Por qu no caminamos por la playa as vemos la puesta del sol?

get above - volverse un engredo

Alan got above himself after being promoted to chief director. Alan se volvi un engredo luego de haber sido nombrado director ejecutivo.

get across - (a) cruzar, comunicar (b) hacer entender

That door gets across my room and Jonathan's room. Esa puerta comunica mi cuarto con el de Jonathan. How can I get my message across if nobody listens to me? Cmo hago entender mi mensaje si nadie me escucha?

get after - (a) perseguir (b) estar continuamente pidindole a alguien que haga algo o estar continuamente dicindole cmo hacer algo

Paul's getting after Jimmy because they're playing hide-and-seek. Paul est persiguiendo a Jimmy porque estn jugando a las escondidas. Tony is always getting after me about how to solve my problems. Tony se la pasa dicindome cmo solucionar mis problemas.

get ahead - tomar la delantera, progresar

Sally's really getting ahead in the investigation. Sally realmente est progresando con la investigacin.

get along (with) llevarse bien, manejar una situacin

Sid doesn't want Bob to come, he doesn't get along with him. Sid no quiere que Bob venga, no se lleva bien con l.

get around - (a) viajar a varios lugares diferentes (b) divulgar una noticia (c) evadir algo (d) to hacer algo que has tenido intencin de hacer por mucho tiempo

I'd love to get around more, I always stay here for my holidays. Me encantara viajar ms, siempre me quedo para las vacaciones. I'd appreciate it if you don't get around that I broke up with John. Te agradecera que no divulgaras que me separ de John . I think we're getting around the problem of the lost money. Me parece que estamos evadiendo el problema del dinero perdido. Rachel finally got around to visiting her best friend after being a long time abroad. Finalmente Rachel visit a su mejor amigo luego de haber estado mucho tiempo en el exterior.

get at (a) alcanzar, sobornar, meterse con alguien (b) descubrir informacin- especialmente la verdad acerca de algo

Martha has changed her statement. I think she has been got at. Martha ha cambiado su declaracin. Creo que ha sido sobornada. The man was murdered because he got at really important information. Asesinaron al hombre porque descubri informacin realmente importante.

get away - (a) irse, apartarse,tomarse unas vacaciones (b) salir, escaparse (c) from - comenzar a hablar de algo diferente a lo que deberas estar hablando (d) with - lo lograr no ser criticado o castigado por algo malo que hayas hecho

Her boss told her to get away for a couple of days and rest. Su jefe le recomend que se tomara un par de das y descansara. The kids weren't allowed to go outside, but they managed to get away. Los nios tenan prohibido salir, pero lograron escaparse. Don't try to get away from the subject, we're going to talk about it!No trates de cambiar de tema, vamos a hablar! Jo thought he could get away with his lies, but this time he's been caught. Jo pens que podra salirse con la suya, pero esta vez lo descubrieron.

get back - (a) recuperar, devolver, volver (b) at vengarse de alguien por algo (c) into - volver a hacer algo luego de no hacerlo por un tiempo (d) to - devolver una llamada

If you are getting back early we could go to the movies. Si vuelves temprano podramos ir al cine. Clark got back at Bill for telling his mother he cut classes. Clark se veng de Bill por contarle a su madre que falt a clase. Two years after the accident, Jen was able to get back into her job. Dos aos despus del accidente Jen pudo volver a su trabajo. I've to go, my boss is coming. I'll get back to you when I get home. Tengo que colgar, ah viene mi jefe. Te llamo cuando llegue a casa.

get behind - (a) retrasarse, quedarse atrs (b) apoyar

I got behind with the payment of the house, I need the money! Me atras con la cuota de la casa, necesito el dinero! The students got behind Mrs. Thomas when they knew she was being fired unfairly. Todos los estudiantes apoyaron a la Srta. Thomas cuando se enteraron de que iba a ser despedida injustamente.

get by - pasar, arreglrselas

Monica couldn't study much, buy she got by and passed the exam. Monica no pudo estudiar mucho, pero se las arregl y aprob el examen.

get down - (a) escribir (b) deprimir (c) agacharse (d) on - pensar que alguien o algo est mal y criticarlo por eso (e) to ponerse a hacer algo seriamente y con mucho esfuerzo

Get the agreement down on paper so we can all sign it. Escribe el acuerdo en una hoja para que todos podamos firmarlo. Mary looks so sad. Her divorce has really got her down. Mary se ve tan triste. Su divorcio realmente la ha deprimido. When Kelly saw the man with a gun, she immediately got down. Cuando Kelly vio al hombre con el revlver, inmediatamente se agach. My mother keeps getting down on me for going out every night. Mi madre sigue criticndome por salir todas las noches. The exam is the day after tomorrow, so let's get down to study. El exmen es pasado maana, as que estudiemos.

get in - (a) llegar (b) entregar (c) entrar (d) on - involucrarse en una actividad que otra gente ya est realizando generalmente sin ser invitado (e) with - congraciarse con

Let's go! The plane'll get in soon and Dan will wonder where we are. Vmonos! El avin va a arribar pronto y Dan se va a preguntar dnde estamos. The package must be got in by seven sharp. El paquete debe ser entregado a las siete en punto. How did you get in here? I never gave you the key! Cmo entraste aqu? Yo nunca te di la llave! What do I need to get in on the team? Qu necesito para entrar en el equipo? John thought he could pass the exam by getting in with the teacher and he got an F. John crey que podra aprobar el exmen con slo congraciarse con la profesora y obtubo un aplazo.

get into - comenzar a estar interesado en algo o comenzar a estar involucrado en una actividad, comenzar a tener un hbito o comportamiento en particular, involucrar a alguien o involucrarse en una difcil situacin sin intencin

You won't believe it, but Jerry got into swimming last week. No lo vas a creer, pero Jerry empez natacin la semana pasada.

get off - (a) dejar, librarse (b) aprender algo de memoria

Nina needs medical help to get off drugs. Nina necesita ayuda mdica para dejar las drogas. My son has problems to get off the multiplication tables. Mi hijo tiene problemas para aprender las tablas de multiplicar.

get on - (a) ponerse (b) llevarse bien (c) to - ponerse en contacto con

Get your boots on if you are going out, it's raining heavily. Pnte las botas si vas a salir, est lloviendo mucho. Sally's son and his stepfather are finally getting on well. El hijo de Sally y su padrastro finalmente se estn llevando bien. Get on to the mechanic, this is something I can't fix. Comuncate con el mecnico, esto es algo que yo no puedo arreglar.

get out - (a) salir (b) poder decir algo especialmente cuando es difcil (c) of - pensar que algo es til (d) of - librarse

Sally is so sad that she doesn't want to get out tonight. Sally est tan triste que no quiere salir esta noche con nosotros. Finally Felicity got out her divorce. Finalmente Felicity pudo hablar de su divorcio. Do you seriously think you'll get something out of selling your car? Realmente crees que conseguirs algo vendiendo tu auto? You won't be able to get out of this problem easily... No vas a poder librarte de este problema fcilmente...

get over - (a) superar (b) transmitir (c) with - acabar de una vez

Ben could get over his fear of flying and took a plane to Spain. Ben pudo superar su miedo a volar y tom un avin a Espaa. I've tried everything to get my message across but to no avail. He intentado todo para transmitir mi mensaje pero es en vano. The kids are trying to get the homework over with so they can play. Los nios intentan acabar de una vez con la tarea as pueden ir a jugar.

get rid of - deshacerse de, sacarse de encima

Jim should get rid of those awful friends of his. They're no good. Jim debera deshacerse de esos amigos horribles que tiene. No sirven para nada.

get round - (a) convencer (b) divulgar informacin

I will call Elizabeth and get round her to come. Yo llamo a Elizabeth y la convenzo de que venga. I can't believe the newspaper got round such morbid information about her. No puedo creer que el peridico haya divulgado informacin tan morbosa acerca de ella.

get through - (a) aprobar (b) superar (c) terminar, aguantar (d) to - hacerle comprender algo a alguien (e) to - pasar a otro nivel en una competencia

You must study if you want to get through tha Maths exam. Tienes que estudiar si quieres aprobar el examen de matemtica. It's been very hard for Kelly to get through her divorce. Ha sido muy difcil para Kelly superar su divorcio. I got through the whole book in two days. It's fascinating! Termin de leer todoel libro en dos das. Es fascinante! Teenagers are generally hard to get through to. Por lo general es difcil hacerse entender con los adolescentes. Alex's team won the match and so they got through to the final. El equipo de Alex gan el partido y por lo tanto pas a la final.

get to - (a) estar (b) hacer enojar o hartar a alguien (c) comenzar a hacer algo

Where the telephone has got to? I need to make an important call. Dnde est el telfono? Tengo que hacer una llamada importante. Tim's constant complaining finally got to Peg and so she left him. Las quejas constantes de Tim terminaron hartando a Peg y lo dej. You should get to work instead of staying there watching TV. Deberas ponerte a trabajar en vez de estar ah mirando televisin.

get together - (a) controlar tus emociones as te calmas (b) poner en orden (c) reunirse (d) comenzar una relacin romntica

Get yourself together or we will have to leave the bar. Clmate o nos tendremos que ir del bar. I'm trying to get together these papers, I can't stand this mess. Estoy intentando poner estos papeles en orden, no soporto este desastre. We should all get together one day and go out for a drink! Un da tendramos que reunirnos todos e ir a tomar algo! Paul and Sue got together last week. They're in love! Paul y Sue empezaron a salir la semana pasada. Estn enamorados!

get up - (a) levantarse, ponerse de pie (b) disfrazarse (c) organizar (d) to - llegar a un punto de algo que ests haciendo y detenerte ah

When I was in school, we had to get up if a teacher entered the classroom. Cuando yo iba a la escuela nos tenamos que poner de pie si un profesor entraba al aula. Rachel got herself up as Queen Elizabeth I for Peter's birthday. Rachel se disfraz de la reina Elizabeth I para el cumpleaos de Peter e hizo que sus amigos se murieran de risa. We're getting up a birthday party for Thomas, we'd like you to come. Estamos organizando una fiesta de cumpleaos para Thomas, quisiramos que vengas. I couldn't finish the test, I only got up to the sixth question. No pude terminar el examen, slo llegu hasta la sexta pregunta.

Phrasal verbs with "to come"Next Previous Back

come about come before come across

come in for come over

come between come into come round

come along come by come apart come down come at come forth

come loose come through come of come off come to come up come upon

come away come forward come out come backcome about - suceder, ocurrir

How did the accident come about? Cmo sucedi el accidente?

come across - encontrarse con, toparse con

Joey came across a very interesting book the other day. Joey encontr un libro muy interesante el otro da.

come after - perseguir a alguien, o buscar a alguien generalmente para castigarlo

The police are coming after the murderer. La polica est buscando al asesino.

come along - (a) acompaar, presentarse, aparecer, apurarse, (b) progresar

Come along with me, I have something to show you. Acompame, tengo algo para mostrarte. How is the patient coming along after the surgery? Cmo progresa el paciente luego de la ciruga?

come apart - deshacerse, caerse en pedazos

When I picked up the small clay statue it came apart! Cuando levant la pequea estatua de arcilla se deshizo en pedazos!

come at - llegar a, atacar, pensar en algo de una manera en particular

While Jane was walking along the street a dog came at her and bit her. Mentras Jane caminaba por la calle la atac un perro y la mordi.

come away - (a) desprenderse, (b) marcharse

Wait for a minute, a button has just came away from my dress. Esprame un minuto, se me acaba de salir un botn del vestido. I will come away now, I have to get up early tomorrow. Ahora me voy a ir, tengo que levantarme temprano maana.

come back - (a) regresar, volver, recordar (b) to - comenzar a hablar de algo nuevamente

I couldn't remember what had happened, but now it's all coming back. No poda recordar qu haba pasado, pero ahora estoy recordando todo. The teacher wanted to come back to the first unit so we could revise. La profesora quera volver a hablar de la primera unidad as podamos repasar.

come before - comparecer ante

The defendant will come before the court next Monday. El acusado comparecer ante el juzgado el prximo lunes.

come between - arruinar una relacin

I wouldn't let Patricia's gossiping come between us. Yo no dejara que los chismes de Patricia arruinaran nuestra relacin.

come by - conseguir, adquirir, visitar, entrar a ver

Well paid jobs sometimes are hard to come by. A veces es difcil conseguir un trabajo bien pago.

come down - (a)bajar, caer, aterrizar, derrumbarse, ser derribado (b) on - castigar o criticar a alguien duramente (c) with caer enfermo

Many people came to see how a famous casino in Las Vegas came down. Mucha gente asisti a ver cmo derribaban un famoso casino de Las Vegas. The law should come down hard on Thomas. He's a criminal. La ley debera castigar severamente a Thomas. Es un delincuente. Mary will not be able to come, she has come down with a flu. Mary no podr asistir, se ha engripado.

come forth - (a) aparecer (b) with - hacer una sugerencia a una oferta, dar a alguien informacin

The possibility to get a better job came forth her own boss. La posibilidad de conseguir un mejor empleo provino de su propio jefe. Joe came forth with some interesting proposals at the meeting. Joe hizo algunas propuestas interesantes en la reunin.

come forward - avanzar, ofrecerse, responder

Carol was so busy that I came forward to help her in whatever I could. Carol estaba tan atareada que me ofrec a ayudarla en lo que pudiera.

come in for - criticar o elogiar a alguien por algo que ha hecho

Ellen came in for praise in what she's done for Rick when he was ill. Elogiaron a Ellen por lo que ha hecho por Rick cuando estuvo enfermo.

come into - (a) heredar (b) tener que ver con, ser parte de, estar de moda

After his father died, Nelson came into a fortune. Luego de la muerte de su padre Nelson hered una fortuna. You should buy a green blouse, green has come into this season. Deberas comprarte una camisa verde, el verde se ha puesto de moda esta temporada.

come loose - aflojarse

Watch out! The rope has come loose! Cuidado! Se afloj la cuerda!

come of - suceder como resultado de un evento o situacin

What came of your visit to the dentist?. Qu sucedi en tu visita al dentista?

come off - (a) dejar de tomar medicamentos o drogas (b) dejar de funcionar

I think Paul should visit a doctor to help him come off drugs. Creo que Paul debera ver a un mdico que lo ayude a dejar las drogas. It is so late! I didn't realized the clock came off! Es muy tarde! No me d cuenta de que el reloj dej de funcionar!

come out - (a) quitarse (b) mostrarse, publicarse, estrenarse, resultar (c) in brotar en la piel (d) with decir algo repentinamente, hacer que un producto est disponible a la venta

Do you think the stain will come out? This is the only night dress I have! Crees que la mancha saldr? Es el nico vestido de noche que tengo! When is the play coming out? I look forward to see it. Cundo se estrena la obra? Anso verla.

If you're allergic to something, your skin may come out in a rash. Si eres alrgico a algo, te puede salir un sarpullido en la piel. My 5-year-old son sometimes comes out with unexpected remarks. Mi hijo de 5 aos a veces sale con comentarios inesperados. The company has just come out with a new version of the game. La compaa acaba de lanzar una nueva versin del juego.

come over - (a) experimentar un sentimiento (b) visitar a alguien en su casa

A the end of the film, a sense of sadness came over me. Al final de la pelcula, me sobrevino un sentimiento de tristeza. Tell your sister to come over, she loves playing with Ben. Dile a tu hermana que nos venga a visitar, adora jugar con Ben.

come round/around - (a) recuperar la conciencia (b) visitar a alguien en su casa, aceptar finalmente,

Fortunately, Patricia's father was with her when she came around. Afortunadamente el padre de Patricia estaba con ella cuando recuper la conciencia. Mary didn't want to come to the party, but she came round and she enjoyed it. Mary no quera ir a la fiesta, pero finalmente acept y realmente la pas bien.

come through - (a) sobrevivir, recuperarse, salir ileso (b) with - encontrarse con algo

It was a terrible accident, but everybody came through it. Fue un accidente terrible, pero todos salieron ilesos. After hours of queueing, we finally came through with the documents. Luego de horas de hacer cola finalmente conseguimos los documentos.

come to - (a) sumar, ascender a (b) recobrar el conocimiento

Pam bought everything for the party and it all came to a hundred dollars. Pam compr todo para la fiesta y todo le cost cien dlares. It took many hours for Sally to come to. Sally recobr el conocimiento luego de varias horas.

come up - (a) subir (b) acercarse (c) against - tropezar con, tener que vrselas con alguien (d) to - llegar hasta (e) to acercarse (f) with - proponer, sugerir una idea (g) with - producir, ofrecer

If you want to see Mary come up the stairs, she is in her room. Si quieres ver a Mary sube las escaleras, ella est en su habitacin. Ben came up and invited Gina a drink. Ben se acerc y le invit un trago a Gina. Mark's plan came up against a lot of opposition at first. El plan de Mark tuvo que lidiar con una gran oposicin al principio. The pool is not so deep, the water only comes up to my knees! La piscina no es profunda, el agua slo me llega a las rodillas! John came up to me and told me that he really loves my cousin. John se me acerc y me dijo que realmente ama a mi prima. Lisa's mother asked her where she had been but she couldn't come up with an answer. La madre le pregunt a Lisa dnde haba estado pero ella no pudo darle una respuesta. My father's company comes up with didactic toys for children. La empresa de mi padre produce juguetes didcticos para nios.

come upon - encontrar algo o encontrarte con alguien cuando no lo esperabas, descubrir

I thought that Jerry was in Paris, but I came upon him today. Pens que Jerry estaba en Pars, pero me lo encontr hoy.

Verbos compuestos con "to take"Phrasal verbs with "to take"

take aback take after take along take apart

take aside

take for

take over

take away take back take care of

take in take off take on

take through take to take up

take around take downtake aback - desconcertar, sorprender

take out take upon

The news took me aback and I couldn't say a word. La noticia me sorprendi y no pude decir una sola palabra.

take after - parecerse a

If you meet Mickey you'll realize that he's taken after his father. Si conoces a Mickey te dars cuenta de que es muy parecido a su padre.

take along - llevar consigo

When you come to the party please take along the camera. Cuando vengas a la fiesta por favor trae la cmara.

take apart - (a) destrozar, dar una paliza (b) desmontar

Donald took Martin apart. You should have seen the competition! Donald derrot a Martin. Deberas haber visto la competencia! The bomb squad tried to take the bomb apart this morning. El escuadrn antibombas intent desmantelar una bomba esta maana.

take around - visitar un lugar con alguien mostrndole los lugares ms interesantes

Sarah can take you around the city if you have time for a little walk. Sarah puede llevarte a visitar la ciudad si tienes tiempo para una pequea caminata.

take aside - llevar aparte, llevar a un lado

Ross took Angela aside and told her she should accept the offer. Ross llev a Angela a un lado y le dijo que debera aceptar la oferta.

take away - llevarse, quitar

Sue doesn't like nuts, so she took them away and ate her piece of cake. A Sue no le gustan las nueces, por eso las sac y comi su porcin de torta.

take back - devolver, retomar, retirar

Take back that book as soon as possible, many students need it. Devuelve ese libro lo antes posible, muchos alumnos lo necesitan.

take care of - cuidar

I would appreciate if you could take care of Mickey tonight. Te agradecera que pudieras cuidar a Mickey esta noche.

take down - (a) bajar (b) tomar nota

Could you take that box down the shelf? I can't reach it. Podras bajar esa caja del estante? Yo no llego a tomarla. The students took down a lot of notes on that subject. Los alumnos tomaron un montn de apuntes sobre ese tema.

take for - tomar por

What do you take me for? I won't lie to Jane. Por quin me tomas? Yo no le voy a mentir a Jane

take in - (a) asimilar (b) comprender (c) achicar

Susan can't take in the fact that her boyfriend has lied to her. Susan no puede asimilar que su novio le haya mentido. There was so much noise that I couldn't take your explanation in. Haba tanto ruido que no pude entender tu explicacin. You can wear my dress, but you will need to take in the hem. Puedes usar mi vestido, pero tendrs que achicarle el ruedo.

take off - (a) quitar(se) (b) descontar (c) despegar (d) imitar

I took my coat off and put it in the closet but now it's gone! Me quit el abrigo y lo puse en el armario pero ahora no est! I got to the office five minutes late and they took it off my salary. Llegu cinco minutos tarde a la oficina y me lo dsecontaron del salairo. The plane takes off at seven, we have plenty of time for a drink. El avin despega a las siete, tenemos tiempo de sobra para tomar algo. Jerry is so good at taking off Jack Nicholson. Jerry es muy bueno imitando a Jack Nicholson.

take on - (a) encargarse de (b) contratar

When my mother left us, I took on looking after my little sister. Cuando mi mam nos dej, yo me encargu de cuidar a mi hermanita. Chuck was taken on by a very important company las week. Chuck fue contratado por una empresa muy importante la semana pasada.

take out - (a) quitar (b) invitar a una fiesta, etc (c) of - hacer que alguien se sienta muy cansado (d) on - desquitarse con

Take out your shoes if you want to rest in my bed. Scate los zapatos si quieres descansar en mi cama. Let me take you out for dinner. Permteme que te invite a cenar. Can you drive? The trip's taken it out of Tom and he needs to rest. Sabes manejar? El viaje ha cansado muchsimo a Tom y necesita un descanso. Al was upset about breaking up with Jo and he took it out on me. Al estaba molesto por haber terminado con Jo y se desquit conmigo.

take over - (a) asumir, encargarse de (b) from - reemplazar a alguien

I would like the architect to take over the project if you don't mind. Me gustara que el arquitecto se encargue del proyecto si no te molesta. Jenny will take over from John until his recovery. Jenny reemplazar a John mientras l se repone.

take through - explicarle algo a alguien o mostrarle cmo se hace algo

It's easy to handle this machine, I'll take you through how you do it. Vers qu facil es utilizar esta mquina, te mostrar cmo se hace.

take to - encariarse con alguien, aficionarse a

Alice took to Paul from the moment she met him. Alice se encari con Paul desde el momento en que lo conoci.

take up - (a) continuar (b) ocupar tiempo-espacio (c) arrestar (d) comenzar, emprender (e) on - aceptar una oferta (f) with hacerse amigo de alguien, juntarse con alguien

Sorry about the interruption, I will take the story up in a minute. Perdn por la interrupcin, continuar con la historia en un minuto. The piano takes up too much space. We'll move it somewhere else. El piano ocupa demasiado espacio. Lo vamos a cambiar de lugar. Sam was taken up by mistake. Sam fue arrestado por error. I think I would like to take up a secretary course. Creo que me gustara comenzar un curso de secretaria. Has Mary thought of taking up on the job? Ha pensado Mary en aceptar la oferta de trabajo?. You won't believe it, but Robert has taken up with Sally's sister. No lo vas a creer, pero Robert se ha juntado con la hermana de Sally.

take upon - atreverse a hacer algo

Frank finally took upon to go and talk to Wendy. Finalmente Frank se atrevi a ir a hablarle a Wendy.

rbos compuestos con "to take"Phrasal verbs with "to take"

take aback take after take along take apart

take aside

take for

take over

take away take back take care of

take in take off take on

take through take to take up

take around take downtake aback - desconcertar, sorprender

take out take upon

The news took me aback and I couldn't say a word. La noticia me sorprendi y no pude decir una sola palabra.

take after - parecerse a

If you meet Mickey you'll realize that he's taken after his father. Si conoces a Mickey te dars cuenta de que es muy parecido a su padre.

take along - llevar consigo

When you come to the party please take along the camera. Cuando vengas a la fiesta por favor trae la cmara.

take apart - (a) destrozar, dar una paliza (b) desmontar

Donald took Martin apart. You should have seen the competition! Donald derrot a Martin. Deberas haber visto la competencia! The bomb squad tried to take the bomb apart this morning. El escuadrn antibombas intent desmantelar una bomba esta maana.

take around - visitar un lugar con alguien mostrndole los lugares ms interesantes

Sarah can take you around the city if you have time for a little walk. Sarah puede llevarte a visitar la ciudad si tienes tiempo para una pequea caminata.

take aside - llevar aparte, llevar a un lado

Ross took Angela aside and told her she should accept the offer. Ross llev a Angela a un lado y le dijo que debera aceptar la oferta.

take away - llevarse, quitar

Sue doesn't like nuts, so she took them away and ate her piece of cake. A Sue no le gustan las nueces, por eso las sac y comi su porcin de torta.

take back - devolver, retomar, retirar

Take back that book as soon as possible, many students need it. Devuelve ese libro lo antes posible, muchos alumnos lo necesitan.

take care of - cuidar

I would appreciate if you could take care of Mickey tonight. Te agradecera que pudieras cuidar a Mickey esta noche.

take down - (a) bajar (b) tomar nota

Could you take that box down the shelf? I can't reach it. Podras bajar esa caja del estante? Yo no llego a tomarla. The students took down a lot of notes on that subject. Los alumnos tomaron un montn de apuntes sobre ese tema.

take for - tomar por

What do you take me for? I won't lie to Jane. Por quin me tomas? Yo no le voy a mentir a Jane

take in - (a) asimilar (b) comprender (c) achicar

Susan can't take in the fact that her boyfriend has lied to her. Susan no puede asimilar que su novio le haya mentido. There was so much noise that I couldn't take your explanation in. Haba tanto ruido que no pude entender tu explicacin. You can wear my dress, but you will need to take in the hem. Puedes usar mi vestido, pero tendrs que achicarle el ruedo.

take off - (a) quitar(se) (b) descontar (c) despegar (d) imitar

I took my coat off and put it in the closet but now it's gone! Me quit el abrigo y lo puse en el armario pero ahora no est! I got to the office five minutes late and they took it off my salary. Llegu cinco minutos tarde a la oficina y me lo dsecontaron del salairo. The plane takes off at seven, we have plenty of time for a drink. El avin despega a las siete, tenemos tiempo de sobra para tomar algo. Jerry is so good at taking off Jack Nicholson. Jerry es muy bueno imitando a Jack Nicholson.

take on - (a) encargarse de (b) contratar

When my mother left us, I took on looking after my little sister. Cuando mi mam nos dej, yo me encargu de cuidar a mi hermanita. Chuck was taken on by a very important company las week. Chuck fue contratado por una empresa muy importante la semana pasada.

take out - (a) quitar (b) invitar a una fiesta, etc (c) of - hacer que alguien se sienta muy cansado (d) on - desquitarse con

Take out your shoes if you want to rest in my bed. Scate los zapatos si quieres descansar en mi cama. Let me take you out for dinner. Permteme que te invite a cenar. Can you drive? The trip's taken it out of Tom and he needs to rest. Sabes manejar? El viaje ha cansado muchsimo a Tom y necesita un descanso. Al was upset about breaking up with Jo and he took it out on me. Al estaba molesto por haber terminado con Jo y se desquit conmigo.

take over - (a) asumir, encargarse de (b) from - reemplazar a alguien

I would like the architect to take over the project if you don't mind. Me gustara que el arquitecto se encargue del proyecto si no te molesta. Jenny will take over from John until his recovery. Jenny reemplazar a John mientras l se repone.

take through - explicarle algo a alguien o mostrarle cmo se hace algo

It's easy to handle this machine, I'll take you through how you do it. Vers qu facil es utilizar esta mquina, te mostrar cmo se hace.

take to - encariarse con alguien, aficionarse a

Alice took to Paul from the moment she met him. Alice se encari con Paul desde el momento en que lo conoci.

take up - (a) continuar (b) ocupar tiempo-espacio (c) arrestar (d) comenzar, emprender (e) on - aceptar una oferta (f) with hacerse amigo de alguien, juntarse con alguien

Sorry about the interruption, I will take the story up in a minute. Perdn por la interrupcin, continuar con la historia en un minuto. The piano takes up too much space. We'll move it somewhere else. El piano ocupa demasiado espacio. Lo vamos a cambiar de lugar. Sam was taken up by mistake. Sam fue arrestado por error. I think I would like to take up a secretary course. Creo que me gustara comenzar un curso de secretaria. Has Mary thought of taking up on the job? Ha pensado Mary en aceptar la oferta de trabajo?. You won't believe it, but Robert has taken up with Sally's sister. No lo vas a creer, pero Robert se ha juntado con la hermana de Sally.

take upon - atreverse a hacer algo

Frank finally took upon to go and talk to Wendy. Finalmente Frank se atrevi a ir a hablarle a Wendy.

erbos compuestos con "to set"Phrasal verbs with "to set"

set about set back set against set apart set asideset about - empezar, atacar, agredir

set in set off set on

set out set to set up

set down set forth

Joey began setting Jim about without us knowing the reason. Joey comenz a agredir a Jim sin que nosotros supiramos la razn.

set against - enemistar con, poner en contra de

Helen was very jealous and tried to set Carol against John. Helen estaba muy celosa e intent enemistar a Carol con John.

set apart - separar, distinguir

The new player set apart from the rest because of his strength. El nuevo jugador se distingua de entre los dems por su fuerza.

set aside - (a) reservar (b) poner a un lado, apartar

The hotel manager will set a room aside for us, he's a friend of mine. El gerente del hotel nos reservar un cuarto, l es amigo mo. Set those photocopies aside, we will use them later. Aparta esas fotocopias, las usaremos luego.

set back - (a) retrasar (b) costar

My computer's got a virus and that's set back my thesis. Mi computadora tiene un virus y eso me ha atrasado la tesis. Anyone can see that the ring must have set George back a fortune. Cualquiera puede notar que el anillo le debe haber costado una fortuna a George.

set down - (a) poner por escrito (b) dejar bajar o subir a un pasajero

Jenny didn't trust Joyce and asked him to set the agreement down. Jenny no confiaba en Joyce y le pidi que pusiera por escrito el acuerdo. The bus driver stopped and set the old lady down at the corner. El conductor del autobs par y dej bajar a la anciana en la esquina.

set forth - exponer, explicar, mostrar

The scientist set forth his theory about the strange meteorite. El cientfico expuso su teora sobre el extrao meteorito.

set in - establecerse, empezar

The snow has set in and it will continue until Saturday at the least. Ha comenzado a nevar y continuar nevando al menos hasta el sbado.

set off - (a) provocar, desencadenar, hacer estallar (b) salir de viaje

The sound of the bell set off the bomb but fortunately nobody was near. El sonido de la campana hizo estallar la bomba y afortunadamente no haba nadie cerca. We'll be setting off on Monday, you can call me back on Saturday. Nos vamos de viaje el lunes, puedes volver a llamarme el sbado.

set on - agredir, atacar

Mike was set on by a fierce dog and now he is sueing its master. Mike fue atacado por un perro feroz y ahora est demandando a su dueo.

set out - (a) exponer, presentar, exponer (b) salir, partir

The prosecutor has set out new evidence on the Smith's trial. El fiscal present nuevas pruebas en el juicio de Smith. You can come with us if you want, we are setting out next week. Puedes venir con nosotros si quieres, nos vamos de viaje la semana que viene.

set to - empezar, ponerse a trabajar

If you set to work right now you will have finished by ten. Si te pones a trabajar ahora mismo habrs terminado para las diez.

set up - colocar, construir, establecer

This old building was set up in the early '20s. Este edificio antiguo fue construido a principios de los aos 20.

Verbos compuestos con "to go"Phrasal verbs with "to go"

go about go across

go by

go on

go together

go down

go out

go towards

go along

go for

go over go round go through go to

go under go up against go with go without

go around go forward go at go back go before go in go into go off

go about - (a) comenzar a hacer algo (b) correr un rumor (c) pasar el tiempo comportndote mal (d) together - pasar mucho tiempo con alguien porque es tu amigo

What can we do to go about this difficult problem? Qu podemos hacer para ocuparnos de este problema tan difcil? There were lots of gossip going about regarding George and Paula. Corran muchos rumores en cuanto al divorcio de George y Paula. Dean goes about fighting and arguing with everyone nowadays. Dean se la pasa peleando y discutiendo con todo el mundo hoy en da. Emma and Frank used to go about together all the time at school. Emma y Frank solan pasar todo el tiempo juntos en le escuela.

go across - cruzar, atravesar

The first team going across the river will win the championship. El primer equipo en cruzar el ro ganar el campeonato.

go along - (a) seguir, acompaar (b) suceder o desarrollarse de cierta forma (c) with - apoyar una idea o estar de acuerdo con la opinin de alguien

Sam didn't expect such a party, but it all went along perfectly. Sarah no esperaba semejante fiesta pero todo sali de maravilla. Go along with your sister, it's too late for her to be on the streets. Acompaa a tu hermana, es muy tarde para que ella ande por la calle. I never agree with Sam, but in this case I go along with his theory. Yo nunca estoy de acuerdo con Sam, pero en este caso estoy de acuerdo con su teora.

go around - (a) haber suficiente para todos en un grupo de gente (b) visitar a alguien en su casa o lugar de trabajo

There won't be enough ballons to go around with so many guests. No va a haber suficientes globos para tantos invitados. Tomorrow I'll go around your home and say hello to everybody. Maana pasar por tu casa a saludar a todos.

go at - arremeter contra, atacar

Alan thought John had stolen his watch and went at him. Alan crey que John le haba robado su reloj y lo atac.

go back (a) on - volverse atrs en, incumplir (b) over - examinar o pensar en algo de nuevo o una vez que haya sucedido (c) to - datar (d) to - recordar (e) to - volver a tener una relacin romntica con alguien

You said you'd come to the party, you can't go back on your promise. Me dijiste que iras a la fiesta conmigo, no puedes dejar de cumplir tu promesa. You'll have to go back over the exercise, the result doesn't match. Tendrs que volver a pensar en el ejercicio, el resultado no concuerda. This building goes back to 1910. Pretty old, isn't it? Este edificio data de 1910. Bastante antiguo, no? The detective asked Helen to go back to the day of the murder. El detective le pidi a Helen que recordara el da del asesinato. Pam would never go back to Tom. She's to proud. Pam nunca volvera con Tom. Es demasiado orgullosa.

go before - someter a juicio

We didn't come to an agreement, so the case will go before the jury. No llegamos a un acuerdo por lo que el caso ir a juicio.

go by - (a) pasar por (b) guiarse por (c) transcurrir

I have to go by the store to buy batteries before we go to Jo's. Tengo que pasar por la tienda a comprar bateras antes de ir a lo de Jo. During the test, go by your common sense apart from what you've studied. Durante el examen guate por tu sentido comn adems de por lo que has estudiado. Time goes by and Frank can't find a job. El tiempo pasa y Frank no puede encotrar trabajo.

go down - (a) descender, bajar (b) pasar a la historia (c) on - arrodillarse (d) with - enfermarse, generalmente de algo no muy serio

I'm going down to the basement, do you need anything from there? Voy a bajar al stano, necesitas algo de ah? Einstein went down in history because of the e=mc formula. Einstein pas a la historia por la frmula e=mc. I saw Matt going down on his knees and proposing to Susan! Vi a Matt arrodillndose y proponindole matrimnio a Susan! Timmy can't play with you today, he's gone down with a flu. Timmy no puede jugar contigo hoy, se ha engripado.

go for - (a) gustar (b) atacar (c) optar por, escoger

I prefer French fries, I don't go for sweets very much. Prefiero papas fritas, no me gustan mucho los dulces. The dog tried to go for the child, but the owner saw it and tethered it. El perro feroz intent atacar al nio, pero por suerte el dueo lo vio y lo at. If I had to choose between Paris or Madrid, I'd go for Paris. Si tuviera que elegir entre Pars o Madrid, elegira Pars.

go forward - (a) avanzar, seguir adelante, presentarse (b) with - comenzar a hacer algo que tenas planeado hacer

Our team won the match. Now we are going forward to the final. Nuestro equipo gan el partido. Ahora vamos a la final. Clara will go forward with the violin classes next month. Clara comenzar las clases de violn el mes que viene.

go in - (a) entrar (b) caber (c) for - presentarse a, interesarse en

Dr. Kent will see you in a minute, go in and wait for him. El doctor Kent lo ver en un momento, pase y esprelo. I think this is the wrong box, the shoes don't go in. Creo que esta no es la caja correcta, los zapatos no entran. Will you go in for the TOEFL test next week? Te presentars a dar el TOEFL la semana que viene?.

go into - (a) chocar contra (b) examinar a fondo

The drunk driver suddenly turned and went into the traffic light. El conductor ebrio gir de repente y choc contra el semforo. To solve the mystery, you have to go into every little detail. Para resolver el misterio tienes que examinar a fondo cada pequeo detalle.

go off - (a) marcharse (b) apagarse estallar (c) echarse a perder (d) perder el gusto a algo (e) with - dejar a alguien por otra persona (f) with - robar algo, o tomar algo sin pedirlo,

Jack is going off to Berlin and we're throwing him a farewell party. Jack se va a Berln y le vamos a hacer una fiesta de despedida. The lights went off when the winner was about to be announced. Las luces se apagaron cuando estaban a punto de anunciar al ganador. Something has gone off in the fridge, there's a horrible smell. Algo se ech a perder en la heladera, hay un olor horrible. Becky used to like football but she's gone off it. A Becky sola gustarle el ftbol pero le dej de gustar. I can't believe that Paul has left Alice and gone off with Sarah. No puedo creer que Paul haya dejado a Alice por Sarah. I was going to wear the black jeans, but my sister went off with them. Yo iba a usar los jeans negros, pero mi hermana los tom sin permiso.

go on - (a) seguir, durar (b) basarse en (c) at - criticar a alguien continuamente (d) to - ir a algn lugar luego de haber ido a otro, comenzar a hacer algo luego de haber hecho otra cosa

I though it would be a typical concert, but it went on for more than three hours. Pens que sera un tpico recital, pero dur ms de tres horas.. Kat didn't see what happened, she's just going on what Sue told her. Kat no vi lo que suced, slo se basa en lo que le dijo Sue. Mary is always going on at Jenny about the clothes she wears. Mary siempre est criticando a Jenny por la ropa que usa. After visiting Anne we will go on to my cousin's. Luego de visitar a Anne iremos a la casa de mi primo.

go out (a) to - viajar a otro pas por un largo tiempo (b) with - salir con alguien

Jo'll go out to France to finish his master's degree in anthropology. Jo viajar a Francia para terminar su maestra en antropologa. Emma didn't know that Tom was going out with my sister. Emma no saba que Tom estaba saliendo con mi hermana.

go over - (a) examinar, repasar (b) acercarse (c) to - pasarse a, ir a

I think there must be a mistake, why don't we go over the sums? Creo que debe haber un error. Porqu no repasamos las sumas? If you can't see from here you can go over to Peter's side. Si no puedes ver desde aqu puedes acercarte al lado de Peter.

If you prefer, we can go over to Mexico. For me it's the same. Si prefieres podemos ir a Mjico. A m me da igual.

go round - (a) dar vueltas (b) visitar (c) patrullar

Stop going round like that, kids! You're going to fall! Dejen de dar vuelatas as, chicos! Se van a caer! If you go to Paris you can go round the Eiffel Tower. Si vas a Paris puedes visitar la torre Eiffel. The police have been going round all night looking for the suspect. La polica ha estado patrullando toda la noche en busca del sospechoso.

go through - (a) repasar, registrar (b) atravesar (c) with - llevar a cabo

Let's go through the details to see if nothing's missing for the party. Repasemos todos los detalles para ver que no falte nada para la fiesta. Jack is going through a difficult time, his wife has just left him. Jack est atravesando un momento difcil, su esposa acaba de dejarlo. The surgeon will go through with the operation on Monday. El cirujano har la operacin el lunes.

go to - comenzar a hacer algo o comenzar a estar en un estado en particular, otorgar un premio o dinero

The money raised in the party will go to UNICEF. El dinero recaudado en la fiesta ser otorgado a UNICEF.

go together - hacer juego, complementarse (b) salir juntos

Oh, don't wear that! Pin stripes and polka dots don't go together! Ay, no te pongas eso! Las rayas y los lunares no combinan! Do you remember when we used to go together to the park? Recuerdas cuando solamos ir juntos al parque?

go towards - destinar dinero al pago parcial del costo de algo o alguna actividad

The extra money I earned this month will go towards a new car. El dinero extra que gan este mes estar destinado a un auto nuevo.

go under - (a) hundirse (b) quebrar

The paper boats the kids had made went under in the lake. Los barcos de papel que haban hecho los nios se hundieron en el lago. The company went under after a series of bad investments. La empresa quebr luego de una serie de malas inversiones.

go up against - competir con algo o alguien

Peter got to the semi finals and he will have to go up against Jerry. Peter lleg a las semifinales y tendr que competir con Jerry.

go with - acompaar, salir con, optar por

Would you like some peanuts to go with your beer? Quieres manes para acompaar la cerveza?

go without - prescindir de, arreglrselas

You will have to go without me, I can't go with you this time. Tendrs que arreglrtelas sin m, esta vez no puedo acompaarte.

Verbos compuestos con "to do"Phrasal verbs with "to do"


do away

do in

do over

do with

do down do for

do out

do up

do without

do away with - suprimir, eliminar, acabar con, matar, suicidarse

You're a grown man, you can't do away with your responsibilities. Eres un adulto, no puedes acabar con tus responsabilidades.

do down - menospreciar, subestimarse

Why is Susan always doing herself down? She is a great singer. Por qu Susan siempre se est subestimando? Es una gran cantante.

do for - acabar con, matar, estar rendido

Eating so much junk food will do for your health. Comer tanta comida chatarra va a acabar con tu salud.

do in - (a) extenuar (b) matar

John is done in, he has been working for thirteen hours. John est extenuado, ha estado trabajando por trece horas. A witness said that the man had been done in in the house. Un testigo dijo que el hombre haba sido asesinado en la casa.

do out - (a) limpiar a fondo, pintar, empapelar, decorar (b) of - hacer que alguien no consiga o no se quede con algo de manera injusta o deshonesta

Nora will have her room done out for her birthday. A Nora le van a pintar su cuarto para su cumpleaos. Guess what: Tony has done Jessica out of her job just for fun! A que no sabes: Tony le quit el trabajo a Jessica slo por diversin!

do over - (a) volver a hacer (b) atacar a alguien, entrar en una casa y robar cosas de ella

You'll have to do over the essay, it's got a lot of mistakes. Tendrs que rehacer el ensayo, tiene un montn de errores. Both houses have been done over by the same guy. El mismo tipo ha asaltado ambas casas.

do up - atar, cerrar, envolver, redecorar

Don't forget to do up the present for Julia, she is about to come. No olvides envolver el regalo de Julia, ella est por llegar.

do with - (a) poner algo en algn lado, ocupar tu tiempo de cierta manera (b) have to do with - tener que ver con

Do you remember what I did with my purse? Recuerdas dnde puse mi monedero? You are such a liar, what you said has nothing to do with the facts. Eres un mentiroso, lo que dijiste no tiene nada que ver con los hechos.

do without - arreglrselas sin algo o alguien

Jonathan is on holiday, you will have to do without him. Jonathan est de vacaciones, tendrs que arreglrtelas solo.

Questions in EnglishPreguntas en ingls usando los distintos tiempos verbales y sus correspondientes auxiliares: do/does/did/have/has/had, etc. Aqu tambin encontrars ejemplos traducidos al espaol. Palabras para preguntar - Pgina 1 What? / Which? / Where? / When? / Who? / Why? / How? / Palabras para preguntar - Pgina 2 How much? / How many? / What kind? / How often? / Palabras para preguntar - Pgina 3 How old? / How big? / How early? / What else? / Preguntas con "Am/Are/Is" Am I right? / Are you sure? / Is she here? Preguntas con "Was/Were" Was I teaching? / Were you learning? Preguntas con verbos modales Can you drive? / Could you do me a favor? / Must you work today? Preguntas con "Will/Would" Will you play tennis tomorrow? / Would you work on Sundays? Preguntas con "Do/Does/Did" Do you live here? / Does he work in this company? / Did you see that? Preguntas con "Have/Has/Had" Have you seen the UFO? / Has he eaten his meal? / Had you lived there? Preguntas con "Be going to" Are you going to cook now? / Were you going to call me yesterday? Preguntas de confirmacin You don't speak French, do you? Preguntas indirectas Do you know where she lives?

Preposiciones en Ingls English Prepositions

Las preposiciones en ingls se pueden clasificar en: Preposiciones de lugar, preposiciones de tiempo, preposiciones de direccin, etc. Las preposiciones son palabras que relacionan los elementos de una oracin. Preposiciones de Lugar - Pgina 1 on, upon, in, at, inside, outside, above, below Preposiciones de Lugar - Pgina 2 over, under, beneath, underneath, by, near, close to, across Preposiciones de Lugar - Pgina 3 along, a/round, against, on top of, at the bottom of, in front of, Preposiciones de Lugar - Pgina 4 beside, next to, within, beyond, between, among, amid, before, Preposiciones de Direccin - Pgina 1 up, down, into, out of, on, onto, off, over, under, to, from Preposiciones de Direccin - Pgina 2 towards, away from, along, across, through, around, by, past, after Preposiciones de Tiempo - Pgina 1 about, around, before, after, during, over, for, throughout, Preposiciones de Tiempo - Pgina 2 since, until, to, past, betweenand , within, fromto/till/until, as from/of, Preposiciones de Tiempo - Pgina 3 by, beyond, on, at, in, At/On/In - de tiempo At 5 o'clock, On Wednesday, In May, At/On/In - de lugar At home, On a bus, In Argentina,

Listado de las preposiciones con ejemplosPreposiciones - Pgina 1 about, above, according to, across, after, against, ahead of Preposiciones - Pgina 2 all over, along, alongside, amid, amidst, among, apart from Preposiciones - Pgina 3 around, round, as of, as from, as for, as to, at, because of, before Preposiciones - Pgina 4 behind, below, beneath, underneath, beside, besides, between Preposiciones - Pgina 5 beyond, but, by, concerning, regarding, considering, contrary to Preposiciones - Pgina 6 despite, in spite of, down, due to, owing to, during, except for Preposiciones - Pgina 7 for, from, in, inside, in front of, instead of, into, like, minus, near Preposiciones - Pgina 8 next to, of, off, on, upon, onto, on top of, opposite, out of, outside Preposiciones Pgina 9 over, past, per, plus, regardless of, since, through, throughout, to Preposiciones - Pgina 10 towards, under, underneath, beneath, unlike, until, till, up, up to, via


ConnectorsLos conectores o conjunciones son palabras que usamos para unir dos o ms frases o dos palabras dentro de la misma oracin. Aqu tienes los conectores ms comunes agrupados en categoras. Copulativos and, not only but also , not only but as well, both and , no sooner than Disyuntivos or, either or , neither nor , whether or , else, otherwise Condicionales if, whether, unless, provided, providing, as long as, in case, in case of Concesivos although, though, even though, even if, despite, in spite of, not even if, regardless of Conclusivos therefore, hence, thus, so, consequently Continuativos then, moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition to Adversativos but, however, nonetheless, yet, still, on the other hand, instead, instead of, on the contrary Causales because, for, because of, as a result of, due to, owing to, since, as Comparativos as, as as , not as as , not so as , just as so , as if, as though Funcionales so, so that, so as to, so as not to, in order to

Preguntas con "Do/Does/Did"Questions with "Do/Does/Did"

Preguntas en ingls usando "do/does/did". Do you live here? / Does he work in this company? / Did you see that? Do / Don't ( I, you, we, they) ... ?

Where do you live? Dnde vives? What do you do? Qu haces? Do you speak French fluently? Hablas francs fluidamente? Don't we know that already? No sabemos eso ya? Do Anne and Julie go to the gym together? Anne y Julie van al gimnasio juntas?

How do you spell Jonathan? Cmo deletreas Jonathan? When do we have to leave the hotel? Cundo tenemos que dejar el hotel?

Does / Doesn't (he, she, it) ... ?

Does she play the piano? Ella toca el piano? Does Timothy earn a lot of money? Timothy gana mucho dinero? Doesn't Claire work at the restaurant at night? Claire no trabaja en el restaurant de noche? Does the picture look nice on the shelf? La foto se ve bien sobre el estante? Where does Sally study French? Dnde estudia francs Sally? How does it work? Cmo funciona?

Did/Didn't (I, you, she...) ... ?

How did I get here? Cmo llegu aqu? Where did you find the book? Dnde encontraste el libro? Did you write an e-mail to your friend Victor? Le escribiste un e-mail a tu amigo Victor? Didn't Donald buy the present for his sister? Donald no compr el regalo para su hermana? Did we pass the exam? Aprobamos el examen? Didn't I pay the bill this morning? No pagu la factura esta maana? When did you sing for the first time? Cundo cantaste por primera vez?

Expresiones & FrasesIdioms & PhrasesGua de los 'idioms' (expresiones idiomticas) del ingls con traduccin a sus equivalentes en espaol.

Listado alfabtico de las expresiones ms importantesABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW

Algunas expresiones y frases agrupadas por palabras claves

as as a rule / as usual / as a matter of fact / at at a loss / at least / at large / at length / beyond beyond question / beyond doubt / by by all means / by and large / by chance / down down and out / down to earth / for for certain / for free / for good / for once / from now on / from scratch / from side to from side / in a hurry / in advance / in abeyance / in in brief / of of age / of late / of course / of benefit / off and on / off duty / off guard / off season / off on on and on / on behalf of / on duty / on foot / out and about / out cold / out of breath / out out of hand / over over and over / over the hill / over the top /


so far / so long / so much / so to speak / to and fro / to date / to some extent / to the to letter / under arrest / under control / under the under counter / up and around / up and away / up front / up in up years / when least expected / when the chips are down when /Algunas expresiones y frases agrupadas por verbos claves

to be on the carpet / to be slow on the uptake / to beat to beat around the bush / to beat the rap / to bite to bite the bullet / to bite the dust / to blow to blow a fuse / to blow the lid off / to beak even / to break loose / to break the to break news / to bring down the house / to bring home the to bring bacon / to call to call a spade a spade / to call it a day / to carry to carry the ball / to carry the torch for / to cast to cast doubt on / to cast the first stone / to catch to catch red-handed / to catch off guard / to come alive / to come clean / to come to an to come end / to cut class / to cut corners / to cut the chase to cut / to do a double take / to do one's duty / to do to do the trick / to draw fire / to draw a blank / to draw the to draw line / to drop a bombshell / to drop a line / to drop to drop a brick / to eat crow / to eat dirt / to eat one's words / to eat to fall asleep / to fall in love / to fall into to fall place / to get a break / to get a grasp of / to get a to get raw deal / to give birth to / to give chase / to give rise to give to / to go to go astray / to go broke / go at it / to go to be

bad / to hang loose / to hang tough / to hang by a to hang thread / to have to have a big mouth / to have a word with / to hold a grudge against / to hold court / to to hold hold good / to jump all over someone / to jump the gun / to jump to keep to keep a stright face / keep one's cool / to lay to lay an egg / to lay low / to lay waste to / to let off steam / to let bygones be bygones / to let to lose face / to lose one's cool / to lose heart to lose / to make a fuss / to make a fool / to make a to make killing / to pay one's dues / to pay through the nose / to pay to play fair / to play hooky / to play it safe / to play to pull to pull a boner / to pull oneself together / to put an end to / put on airs / to put the to put blame on / to run a risk of / run an errand / to run low on to run / to set fire to / set one`s mind at rest / to set to set sail / to stand to stand a chance of / to stand to reason / to take place / to take a bow / to take pride to take in / to throw to throw a fit / to throw in the towel / to turn turn a blind eye to / to turn one's back on /