Prescribing Update CATHERINE ARMSTRONG – MAY 2014

Prescribing Update CATHERINE ARMSTRONG – MAY 2014

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Prescribing UpdateCATHERINE ARMSTRONG – MAY 2014

Page 2: Prescribing Update CATHERINE ARMSTRONG – MAY 2014


Hot topics New inhalers NICE guidelines Drug shortages Updated BNF distribution schedules

Page 3: Prescribing Update CATHERINE ARMSTRONG – MAY 2014

Hot Topic: Domperidone

MHRA Alert – 25th April

Small increased risk of potentially life-threatening effects on the heart

ONLY for nausea and vomiting

MAX 7 days treatment

ADULT dose – 10mg TDS

Check for QT prolongation meds and CYP3A4 inhibitors

Review patients at next routine appointment

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Hot Topic: Strontium

Restricted to severe osteoporosis

…who cannot use any other treatments

Do NOT start in patients who have or had

Ischaemic heart disease

Peripheral arterial disease

Cerebrovascular disease

Uncontrolled hypertension

STOP if develop any of the above

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New Inhalers


Aclidinium bromide

Glycopyrronium bromide

Indacaterol + Glycopyrronium


Fluticasone furorate + vilanterol

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Aclidinium bromide (Eklira Genuir®)

LAMA – 400micrograms/dose – TWICE daily for COPD

↑ effect on lung function vs placebo

No robust evidence of benefit vs other LAMA options

Device: multi-dose dry powder inhaler

On some local formularies:

North of Tyne

Gateshead ?

South Tyneside

Sunderland ?


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Glycopyrronium bromide (Seebri Breezhaler®)

LAMA – 44micrograms/dose – ONCE daily for COPD

↑ effect on lung function, exercise endurance & patient outcomes vs placebo

May provide more rapid bronchdilation than tiotropium

Needs long term safety data & direct comparator trials

Device = capsule based dry powder inhaler

On some local formularies:

North of Tyne

Gateshead ?

South Tyneside

Sunderland ?


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Indacaterol + Glycopyrronium (Ultibro Breezhaler®

LABA+LAMA 85micrograms indacaterol + 43micrograms glycopyronnium

ONCE daily for COPD

Device = capsule based dry powder inhaler

↑ lung function vs placebo, separates + fluticasone/salmeterol

↓ rate of exacerbations compared to glycopyronnium alone

Not considered locally yet

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Fluticasone furorate + vilanterol (Relvar®)

ICS+LABA – 2 strengths 92/22 & 184/22micrograms

ONCE daily for asthma

Superior to fluticasone furoate alone

92/22 comparable efficacy to fluticasone/salmeterol 250/50 BD

CONCERNS re product – MHRA review

Not considered locally yet

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NICE Guidelines

CG171: Urinary Incontinence in Women

Darifenacin, oxybutynin (IR) & tolteridone (IR) – 1st line

CG172: Myocardial Infarction – secondary prevention

Omega 3 fatty acids – DO NOT RECOMMEND for 2ndry prevention of MI

CG173: Neuropathic Pain – pharmacological management

Tramadol not for long-term neuropathic pain control

Carbamazepine ONLY for trigeminal neuralgia

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Drug Shortages - Valsartan

Intermittent supply problems – all strengths & forms

May last several months

* Dose equivalences are approximate and individual responses may vary so BP should be monitored following the switch and dosing adjusted accordingly, if needed

#Valsartan doses may be given as 2 divided doses depending on indication

Taken from NHS England Memo 10/3/2014: http://www.medicinesresources.nhs.uk/en/Communities/NHS/SPS-E-and-SE-England/Medicines-Information/Discontinuation-Supply-Shortage-Memos/Shortage-of-Valsartan-/

A2RA Approximate dose conversions *

Valsartan 40mg daily# 80mg daily# 160mg daily# 320mg daily#

Candesartan 4mg OD 8mg OD 16mg OD 16-32mg OD

Losartan 25mg OD 50mg OD 100mg OD

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Drug shortages – Piroxicam gel

Some supplies available

NHS prices currenly based on Feldene® gel

60g = £6.00 (was £2.71)

112g = £9.41 (was £5.06)

Compared with

Ibuprofen 5% gel £2.11 (50g), £4.22 (100g)

Ibuprofen 10% gel £5.79 (100g)

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Drug shortages - various


Branded product discontinued

Cross-tapering with SSRIs, venlafaxine or duloxetine – specialist use only

Example switch to imipramine:

Gradually reduce to 75mg/day, stop and start imipramine 50-100mg/day the next day


Can be obtained – prices higher than usual

375mg £5.30/21 625mg £6.93/21

Use ONLY where clinically appropriate

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Drug shortages – various (2)

Amiloride £19.10 per 28

Co-amilofruse 2.5/20 £4.32 per 28 5/40 £5.29 per 28

Co-tenidone 50/12.5 £5.18 per 28 100/25 £5.18 per 28

Is a potassium sparing diuretic needed?

Avoid combination products where possible

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Drug shortages – various (3)

Mebeverine 135mg tablets £17.50 per 100

Peppermint oil 0.2ml caps £7.04 per 84


10mg £5.30 (28) 40mg £4.10 (28) 80mg £6.44 (56)

Consider alternative beta-blocker

HF – bisoprolol, carvedilol and nebivolol = licensed options

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BNF Distribution

From Sept 2013 edition – annually in PRINT

Still updated every 6 months (print copy)

Online/App versions updated monthly

Register for NHS Athens account: http://www.nice.org.uk/mpc/BritishNationalFormulary.jsp

Info regarding print distribution: http://www.nice.org.uk/mpc/BritishNationalFormulary.jsp

ALL GPs should receive annual PRINT copy to place of work

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