Preschool Big Impact Teaching Notes

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teaching notes for preschool volunteer training session

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`Small Ways You Make a Big Impact with Preschoolers

1. Why is our body language so important?

55% of the impression people form of you is based on your posture, body movements and gestures. 38% is based on the tone of your voice. (tempo and frequency) Only 7% is based on what you say.

This means that a total of 93% of the impression people form of you is determined by your body language (which includes both body and gestures and voice tone) while only 7% is based on the words you say.

2. How many brain cells do you have when you are born? 100 billionWe have 18 seconds for dendrites to make the synapse. What can happen in a preschool classroom in 18 seconds? This is why we repeat, repeat, repeat!

3. Myelin sheaths. The more you practice and hear things the dendrites grow thicker with a fatty coating.

The more you practice and hear things over and over again; the dendrites grow thicker with a fatty coating called Myelin Sheath. When this coating is fatty it is hard for things to interfere. You do things automatically.

Write your name in the left triangle. Now take your other hand and write your name in the triangle on the right. What was easier?

What do we do to help kids overcome some of the negative things that are told to them by society? Youre not pretty/handsome enough, you cant do that, you are not strong enough, etc. We have the awesome opportunity to share with the kids that they are made and loved by God. With Gods help, we can pull off the myelin sheaths. Lets take a look at how we can plant the seeds in kids lives.

On the table, you will see some seeds. Look at them. They are different, but they all have a seed coat, a food supply and if given the right nutrients, they will grow. Some will grow big because they are surrounded by positive influences (sun, water, food, while others will grow carefully, because they have been told, You cant do this!

4. Bag of Seeds How can we help all kids to be able to grow vibrant lives for Christ?___________________________________________________________

II. Train Up a ChildTrain up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 We are planting positive seeds every time we are with our kids.

1. Live with Encouragement The root of the word encouragement is to give heart. Encourage children to do better than they thought they could.

2. Live with Acceptance Love is a fundamental human need that we never outgrow. Unconditional acceptance teaches love. We can accept children while rejecting their unacceptable behavior and maintaining rules and limits.

3. Live Generously Living in a family is about sharing ourselves with others. The most important thing we can give the children is our presenceand attention.

II. Promoting Positive behavior and good decision-making. Call up the child making poor choices not call out. Encourage and empower children to make good choices. Use positive language.

The wise in heart are called discerning, and gracious words promote instruction.Proverbs 16:21

Write one thing that you want to work on.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________