Preparing 21st Century Business Intelligence Students Through 21st Century Approaches Bellevue College Presenters: Linda Rumans & Sylvia Unwin [email protected] , [email protected]

Preparing 21st Century Business Intelligence Students Through 21st Century Approaches Bellevue College Presenters: Linda Rumans & Sylvia Unwin [email protected]@bellevuecollege.edu,

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Preparing 21st Century Business Intelligence Students

Through 21st Century Approaches

Bellevue College

Presenters: Linda Rumans & Sylvia Unwin

[email protected],

[email protected]

The Problem

Mountains of DataBusiness People


How do I increase sales????

How do I make my product better???

How do I retain customers?

The Problem

Mountains of DataBusiness People


How do I increase sales????

How do I make my product better???

How do I retain customers?

Business Intelligence

What is BI?

The process by which an organization

manages large amounts of data, extracting pertinent information, and turning that information into knowledge upon which actions can be taken.

What is BI?

Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better business decisions.


Involves PEOPLE and Technology Involves using a rational approach to

management Involves a continuous cycle of measurement,

adjustment & remeasurement

The BI Cycle


Reasons for BI

BI enables organizations to make well informed business decisions and gain competitive advantage.

BI enables organizations to use information to quickly and constantly respond to changes.

To Note:

Although we call it Business Intelligence, the concepts and techniques are applicable to almost any organization including those in health care, biotech, education, government …

Why This Curriculum?

Discovered new, growing field– The world is a database

Target students both from Business and Technology– Upgrade skills– Jobs won’t be outsourced

example: business analyst, data analyst, data warehouse support specialist, data architect, reporting analyst

Why this Curriculum?

Organizations have lots of data Data is not in a form that is useful to

decision-makers– Not easy to review– Not informative nor insightful

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

"business intelligence" Job Trends

Scale: Absolute - Relative

Indeed.com searches millions of jobs from thousands of job sites.

This job trends graph shows relative growth for jobs we find matching your

search terms.

BI Curriculum

Analytics– Reporting– Analytic Tools– Performance Management

Dashboards Score Cards

Data Visualization

BI Curriculum

Data Warehouses Multi-Dimensional Databases (cubes) Data Mining Dimensional Modeling

Analytics and Data Visualization

All about analyzing the data and presenting information in a meaningful format


Reporting Applications – Limited user interaction– Fulfill a significant portion of an organization’s

information needs– SQL Server Reporting Services

Analytic Applications– Allow users to visualize and explore data

following their train of thought– Extensive interactivity– Tableau

Analytics – Performance Management

Key Performance Indicators Dashboards Score Cards

Dashboard Example

Bridging the Gap

Need software to provide access to the data, allow flexible manipulation, and provide meaningful presentation

Need data storage structures to facilitate fast analysis of huge volumes of data

Data Storage Structures

Multi-Dimensional DatabasesCubes

Multi-Dimensional Databases

Measures– Any quantitative expression – Some are designated as Key Performance Indicators (KPI)– Appropriate to the business process.

Dimensions– How we describe the measures:

Product/Customer/Region/Time– These are the “By’s– “What were our Customer Sales by Product Line by

Region by Quarter for the past two years?”.

Logical Structure

Multi-Dimensional Databases (Cubes)


Data Warehouse

Multi-Dimensional Database (Cube)

* ODS = Operational Data Store

Relational Database Programs

Business Intelligence Programs

Multi-Dimensional Databases

Multi-Dimensional Database (Cube)

Software Applications

Multi-Dimensional Database


Business Person

Business Person

Business Person



Analytic Applications

Score Cards



Students learn to:– Create multi-dimensional databases– Create professional quality reports– Use analytics to provide in-depth data analysis

Data Warehouse Topics

Decision Support Systems– history

Requirements Gathering– Where data located, owners, definition, how often


Data Analysis– Determine table structures (Facts & Dimensions)– What makes good data

Data Warehouse

ETL Processes & Deliverables– Cleaning & Conforming

Valid, missing Address, gender

– Staging areas– Schemas

Dimension Tables Fact Tables

Key Concepts

Design and plan the data extraction– Data source type => extract/load => Target


Analyze the source data– Column name, data type, delimiter, transformation

Target Database Determine logical data mapping

Logical Data Mapping

Target SourceTransformation

DB Name Table Name Column Name

Data Type Source File Name

Column Name

Data Type

MachineVars EnvironVars VarName VarChar


Setup.txt VarName VarChar


MachineVars EnvironVars VarValue VarChar


Setup.txt VarValue VarChar


Slowly Changing Dimensions

Updating and inserting records into a data warehouse dimension tables

Type 1– New changes will overwrite existing data

Type 2– New changes create new records instead of updating

existing ones. Will change date to indicate current or expired record.

Type 3– Limited historical data; add columns for “old” value, update

“new” data

Data Mining

The process of identifying patterns in data

Goes beyond simple querying of the database

Goes beyond multi-dimensional database queries as well

Data Mining

Data Mining works for problems like:– Develop a general profile for credit card customers

…– Differentiate individuals who are poor credit risks

…– Determine what characteristics differentiate male

& female investors.

Data Mining vs. Data Query

Use data query if you already almost know what you are looking for.

Use data mining to find regularities in data that are not obvious.

Data Mining Applications

Fraud detection Targeted Marketing Risk Management Business Analysis

Origins of Data Mining

Mathematics– Statistics– Numerical Analysis

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Computer Science

– Data Storage and Manipulation

How does Data Mining work?

Uses induction-based learning:

The process of forming general concept definitions by observing specific examples of concepts to be learned.

How does Data Mining work?

What-Cha-Ma-Call-Its NOT What-Cha-Ma-Call-Its

How does Data Mining work?

Which of these are What-Cha-Ma-Call-Its?

Data Mining Process

List of Customers:

-some bicycle buyers

-some not

Data Mining


List of Prospective Buyers


List of Likely Buyers

Overview of Mining Strategies

Data MiningStrategies


Market Basket



Note: This representation is over-simplified and data mining strategies are continually being invented.


Written communication Problem Solving

– Analytical – Troubleshooting

Software– Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio– SQL Server BI Development Studio– SQL Server Reporting Services– Tableau


Delivery online– Available across the country – Available across foreign lands

Each class has modules– How to get started– Introduction to the topic– Intermediate– Advanced– Each with hands on applied assessments

Delivery Methods

Use of Camtasia for– Software demonstrations– PowerPoint lectures

Elluminate Camtasia Relay You tube


Internal– Faculty– Career center– Workforce, Workfirst– Community Relations office (press release)

External– Agency

Web pages, brochures, posters, radio ad

– Continuing Education: Chamber of Commerce contacts, memberships to business organizations

Higher Level

Designed for those students already in the field: database analyst, developer, business analyst

How do we prepare students? Certificates as a stepping ladder


Database Analyst (6 classes)– SA & D, programming, reporting, spreadsheets, db

theory– 2 quarters full-time/ 3 quarters part-time

Database Report Developer (3 additional classes)– Programming, SQL, group processes

Web site: www.bellevuecollege.edu/prog


Business Intelligence Analyst (5 classes)– Analytics, Multi-dimensional analysis, data

warehousing, data mining, statistics, general business– 2 quarters full-time/ 3 quarters part-time

Business Intelligence Developer (4 additional classes)– Dimensional modeling, data visualization, multi-

dimensional analysis II, data warehousing II (more programming with SQL Server)

Web site: www.bellevuecollege.edu/prog/bi

Student Placement

Outside Businesses have found our program– Hiring Agencies/Recruiters– Microsoft– Consulting firms– Coldwater Creek– Start-ups

Advisory Board volunteers– Small Businesses– Curriculum

Presenters: Linda Rumans & Sylvia Unwin

[email protected],

[email protected]