Prelude...2020/06/21  · Wilson Jamison, Intern Fee Kennedy, Intern David White, Intern Anna Zachary, Children’s Intern DEACONS Karl Arndt Grafton Bragg Davidson Forester Jon Fults

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  • Reflection Quote:

    something that cannot be had in this world. There are all sorts of things in this world that offer to give it

    world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing. If that is so, I must take care, on the one hand, never to despise, or be unthankful for, these earthly blessings, and on the other, never to mistake them for the something else of which they are only a kind of copy, or echo, or mirage. I must keep alive in myself the desire for my true country, which I shall not find till after death; I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to

    CS Lewis - Mere Christianity

    Prelude Musicians

    Welcome and Announcements Pastor Elbert McGowan, Jr.

    * Call to Worship Hebrews 11:8-16 Mr. Wright Busching Director of Youth Ministries

    inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God. By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised. Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born descendants as many as the stars of heaven and as many as the innumerable grains of sand by the seashore. These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportuni-ty to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not

    Prayer of Invocation and Confession of Sin Mr. Wright Busching * Song of Preparation

    Rejoice in the Lord always, And again I say and again I say Rejoice in the Lord always, And again I say and again I say rejoice

    Come bless the Lord, come bless the Lord Draw near to worship Christ the Lord. And bless His name His holy name

    Declaring He is good (repeat) O that men would praise Him, O that men would praise Him

    O that men would praise His name. Praise His name to the ends of the earth

    * Song of Praise

    Provider, Defender, Master of the Universe, You know me. You are an Awesome Wonder. (Repeat) Oh, what a wonder You are. Oh, You are an awesome wonder. (Repeat )

    (Repeat ) Oh, what a healer You are. Oh, You are an awesome healer! (Repeat)

  • Your kingdom, established. You rule the heavens and the earth. In my life, You are an awesome ruler! (Repeat)

    Oh, what a ruler You are. Oh, You are an awesome ruler. (Repeat)

    You called me from darkness. You claimed my heart and made it Yours. (Repeat)

    Oh, what a Savior You are. Oh, You are an awesome Savior. (Repeat)

    Pastoral Prayer Mr. Grant Callen (9:00 am) Mr. Marculis Mosby (11:00 am), Ruling Elders

    Scripture Reading and Prayer of Illumination Pastor Elbert McGowan, Jr. Sermon Text Psalm 122

    Sermon Title

    * Hymn of Faith

    Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.

    How precious did that Grace appear -- The hour I first believed.

    Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come;

    -- Bright shining as the sun,

    * Worship in Giving and Benediction Pastor Elbert McGowan, Jr.

    (Redeemer Church, PCA, CCLI #257987)

  • If you have a good study Bible, or access to the internet, can you find an image of the Promised Land as it was divided among the 12 tribes of Israel? Can you locate Jerusalem? Think about what it would have been like to travel there three times per year (Deut. 16). What would the journey have been like without cars, with kids, animals, food and other provisions?

    Peter and the author of Hebrews remind us that Christians are strangers, exiles, and sojourners on the earth. What does sojourning mean? How is this different from a pilgrim? Are we both?

    When have you noticed a dissatisfaction with this world and the things of it? Interact with our reflec-tion quote by CS Lewis. Is it safe to say that dissatisfaction with this world is a part of becoming a

    you desired these things?

    His longing for these things were truly realized in the city of God, as a gift of God, to the people of

    rial provision, physical and spiritual security, and a new city being prepared for us by Christ!

    Did you notice that the journey is not mentioned in this Psalm? It seems as if the difficult journey is eclipsed by an eternal joy. How does John 16 illustrate this? Is this good news when life gets rough?

  • What does In-Person Worship Look Like? Socially Distanced Seating using different rows for the 9:00am and 11:00am services.

    Advanced Online Registration to maximize occupancy and safety.

    Masks Strongly Encouraged with two sections: Masks Required Upstairs and Masks Optional


    A Touchless Service where nothing will be passed.

    No Nursery, Children's Church, or Sunday School at this time.

    For All the ADDITIONAL DETAILS, please visit:


    PRAYER REQUESTS/UPDATES Members serving in front-line fields: medical, emergency, grocery, restaurant, home care, etc. All those who are in the high risk categories for Coronavirus. Those who have tested positive for Coronavirus, and those awaiting test results.

    BIRTH Levi Grace Doty, 6-16-20, daughter of Brandon & Alexis Doty

    Take Them a Meal: Abigail Rowan Bakarich, 4-20-20, daughter of Andrew & Mary Bakarich


    Join us via Livestream Livestream is now available. On Sunday mornings we will livestream the 9:00am service on our homepage and it will be available to watch at your convenience thereafter.

    We will begin the livestream about 5 minutes before the service. If you click on the livestream late (say, 9:15), you can back it up to the very beginning of the livestream. You can forward the first 5 minutes (we plan to have a countdown at the beginning of the livestream so you know exactly how much you need to forward).

    Register for In-Person Worship June 28 While we could register you at the door if seats were still available, to ensure that you have seats in the sanctuary, we encourage you to Register in Advance at: Registration opens Monday at noon.

    What about the Kids? Whether you choose to bring them to the sanctuary or continue to worship from home, here are some encouragements at: on how to nurture a love for Jesus and his church during this tran-sition.

    ***NEWS TO NOTE***

    Sunday services are now at 9:00 & 11:00am. As we return to in-person worship, the 8:00am service temporarily has been pushed back one hour to 9:00am. These new times will continue until we bring back Sunday School. At this time, we don't know when Sunday School will resume.

    Redeemer Officer Update At our June 1 Session meeting, Bryant Taylor resigned from the office of Ruling Elder. With deep sad-

    fulness, wisdom and commitment to the church will be missed in a leadership capacity. Please continue praying for him and his family during the coming days for refreshment and replenishment in the Lord.

    Summer Youth Bible Study on Wednesdays Join us on Wednesdays for Bible Study. The boys will be studying the book of Galatians and the girls

    Boys meet in the Fellowship Hall. Girls meet in the Youth Room. 6th-8th Grade Boys & Girls: 2-3 pm 9th - 12th Grade Boys & Girls: 4-5 pm

    For more information, email Wright Busching at [email protected].

    You have a New Assigned Elder You can find your Assigned Elder listed on your Breeze profile. We hope you'll maintain the relation-ship you developed with your previous elder, but believing in the plurality of elders, we also want to give you access to a new Elder. Learn more about the Assigned Elder Ministry at:


    Deacon on Call for the Week of June 21 Grafton Bragg, 601.624.1153

    Sunday, Jun 21 9:00 am A Limited Return to In-Person Worship Live Stream Available 11:00 am A Limited Return to In-Person Worship

    Monday, Jun 22 Tuesday, Jun 23 Wednesday, Jun 24 2:00 pm 6th-8th Grade Bible Study 3:00 pm Children's Video Devotion Posted Online 4:00 pm 9th-12th Grade Bible Study Thursday, Jun 25 Friday, Jun 26 Saturday, Jun 27

    Sunday, Jun 28 9:00 am A Limited Return to In-Person Worship Live Stream Available 11:00 am A Limited Return to In-Person Worship

    STAFF Elbert McGowan, Jr., Senior Pastor Steve Lanier, Assistant to the Pastor Brian Gault, Asst Pastor of Shepherding & Discipleship Zack Owens, Asst Pastor of Children & Families Wright Busching, Director of Youth Ministries

    Lara Jensen, Asst Director of Youth Ministries Symeon Robins, Music Director Candace Robins, Assistant Music Director Velma Warner, Nursery Coordinator Felecia Marshall, Business Administrator Mary Sanders, Administrative Assistant Wilson Jamison, Intern Fee Kennedy, Intern David White, Intern


    Karl Arndt Grafton Bragg Philip Carter Donnie Dieckman Davidson Forester Jon Fults David Garner Jake Garner John Hooker Detrick Johnson Baskin Jones Cody McCain Spencer Ritchie Jonathan Shull Jeremy Smith Ellis Tucker Thomas Wallace Tamarco White


    Al Arnold Grant Callen Gene Dent Tommy Dent Scott Marshall Barry McCay Kelle Menogan, Sr. Marculis Mosby Matthew Nasekos Otis Pickett, Sr. Paul Rankin Herb Sanders Kelly Simpkins Bill Wallace Trey Watkins

    COMING UP Please pray for the Session, Diaconate, and Staff as we think about creative ways to minister in days ahead. Mon, Jul 6 Session and Diaconate Meeting