Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-1191-3 Preliminary results of laboratory toxicity tests with the mayfly, Isonychia bicolor (Ephemeroptera: Isonychiidae) for development as a standard test organism for evaluating streams in the Appalachian coalfields of Virginia and West Virginia Brandi Shontia Echols · Rebecca J. Currie · Donald S. Cherry Received: 2 March 2009 / Accepted: 9 October 2009 © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009 Abstract Selecting the most appropriate test species for sediment and water column assays has been a primary goal for ecotoxicologists. Standard test organisms and established test guidelines ex- ist, but the USEPA-recommended species may not be the most sensitive organisms to anthro- pogenic inputs. This paper describes preliminary results of toxicity tests with the mayfly, Isonychia bicolor (Ephemeroptera). Results suggested that Isonychia were moderately sensitive to NaCl after 96 h with an average LC 50 value of 3.10 g NaCl per liter. This value decreased after 7 days of expo- sure, resulting in a mean LC 50 value of 1.73 g NaCl per liter. When exposed to a coal-mine-processed effluent, Isonychia generated LC 50 values that ranged from 13% to 39% effluent. I. bicolor were more sensitive to the coal processing effluent than Ceriodaphnia dubia with conductivity lowest ob- servable effects concentration (LOEC) values for mayfly survivorship that ranged from 1,508 to 4,101 μS/cm, while LOEC values for C. dubia reproduction ranged from 2,132 to 4,240 μS/cm. B. S. Echols (B ) · R. J. Currie · D. S. Cherry Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA e-mail: [email protected] Keywords Mayflies · Isonychia bicolor · Conductivity · TDS · Toxicity testing · Reference tests · Species comparisons Introduction The overall goal of aquatic ecotoxicology is the assessment and ultimate protection of aquatic ecosystems. This goal in part is accomplished through the process of risk assessment and the derivation of ambient water quality guidelines that provide a regulatory format for protecting ecosystem integrity and biodiversity. In order to develop appropriate guidelines, the development of toxicity tests that use test organisms that will provide the maximum amount of protection for naturally occurring species is necessary. Deter- mining the appropriate test organism, organism age, and most sensitive test end points has been a challenging task for researchers and has lead to the acceptance of a battery of specific or- ganisms outlined in current US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA 2000, 2002a, b) regu- latory guidelines. While organisms selected by the USEPA have proven to be useful in regulating the toxicity of effluents to receiving systems and monitoring ecosystem conditions, these may not always serve as appropriate surrogates for the protection of the most sensitive species within receiving systems.

Preliminary results of laboratory toxicity tests with the

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Page 1: Preliminary results of laboratory toxicity tests with the

Environ Monit AssessDOI 10.1007/s10661-009-1191-3

Preliminary results of laboratory toxicity tests with themayfly, Isonychia bicolor (Ephemeroptera: Isonychiidae)for development as a standard test organism for evaluatingstreams in the Appalachian coalfields of Virginia and WestVirginia

Brandi Shontia Echols · Rebecca J. Currie ·Donald S. Cherry

Received: 2 March 2009 / Accepted: 9 October 2009© Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009

Abstract Selecting the most appropriate testspecies for sediment and water column assays hasbeen a primary goal for ecotoxicologists. Standardtest organisms and established test guidelines ex-ist, but the USEPA-recommended species maynot be the most sensitive organisms to anthro-pogenic inputs. This paper describes preliminaryresults of toxicity tests with the mayfly, Isonychiabicolor (Ephemeroptera). Results suggested thatIsonychia were moderately sensitive to NaCl after96 h with an average LC50 value of 3.10 g NaCl perliter. This value decreased after 7 days of expo-sure, resulting in a mean LC50 value of 1.73 g NaClper liter. When exposed to a coal-mine-processedeffluent, Isonychia generated LC50 values thatranged from 13% to 39% effluent. I. bicolor weremore sensitive to the coal processing effluent thanCeriodaphnia dubia with conductivity lowest ob-servable effects concentration (LOEC) values formayfly survivorship that ranged from 1,508 to4,101 μS/cm, while LOEC values for C. dubiareproduction ranged from 2,132 to 4,240 μS/cm.

B. S. Echols (B) · R. J. Currie · D. S. CherryDepartment of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech,Blacksburg, VA 24061, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Keywords Mayflies · Isonychia bicolor ·Conductivity · TDS · Toxicity testing ·Reference tests · Species comparisons


The overall goal of aquatic ecotoxicology is theassessment and ultimate protection of aquaticecosystems. This goal in part is accomplishedthrough the process of risk assessment and thederivation of ambient water quality guidelinesthat provide a regulatory format for protectingecosystem integrity and biodiversity. In order todevelop appropriate guidelines, the developmentof toxicity tests that use test organisms that willprovide the maximum amount of protection fornaturally occurring species is necessary. Deter-mining the appropriate test organism, organismage, and most sensitive test end points has beena challenging task for researchers and has leadto the acceptance of a battery of specific or-ganisms outlined in current US EnvironmentalProtection Agency (USEPA 2000, 2002a, b) regu-latory guidelines. While organisms selected by theUSEPA have proven to be useful in regulatingthe toxicity of effluents to receiving systems andmonitoring ecosystem conditions, these may notalways serve as appropriate surrogates for theprotection of the most sensitive species withinreceiving systems.

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There are many benefits to utilizing these es-tablished standard test organisms, which includeCeriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia magna, Pimephalespromelas, Chironomus dilutus (formerly Chirono-mus tentans), Hyalella azteca, and Lumbriculusvariegatus. These organisms are relatively easy toculture, require a minimal amount of labor to usein tests, provide limited variability between indi-viduals, and have been used extensively, followingstandard guidelines, so a large database of toxi-cological responses is available. Although resultsof tests with these species drive the derivation ofwater quality criteria and are used as requiredspecies in national pollutant discharge elimina-tion system permits, they are not widely distrib-uted in aquatic systems. Standard test organismsmay not be representative of the most sensitivespecies found in specific habitats, making extrap-olation of laboratory results to instream benthicassemblages difficult (Rosenberg and Resh 1996).Cherry et al. (2002) examined the acute toxicityof copper to 17 organisms for the developmentof site-specific criteria in the Clinch River, VA,USA. Results of this study were used to determinea ranking of sensitivities in which C. dubia andP. promelas ranked sixth and 14th, while the topfour organisms included Lampsilis, Medionidus,Villosa, and Isonychia. Hence, Isonychia wouldbe more protective to aquatic life against copperstress than the two USEPA test species, C. dubiaand P. promelas.

There are numerous aquatic organisms thatcan be selected as test species, but finding themost appropriate organism that meets the neces-sary criteria is challenging. Suitable test speciesshould be ecologically important, sensitive enoughto a range of pollutants to provide relevant pro-tection to aquatic habitats, easily cultured in thelaboratory or collected in the field, and allowfor the development of standard testing protocolswith adequate control survivorship. A numberof benthic macroinvertebrates have been sug-gested as standard toxicity tests species, but fewof them have the attributes that qualify themas a possible indicator organism in laboratorytests. Due to the well-documented sensitivity ofinsects in the order Ephemeroptera (Pontaschand Cairns 1988; Short et al. 1991; Williams

and Williams 1998; Hickey and Clements 1998;Clements et al. 2002) to both natural and an-thropogenic stressors, some researchers (Kennedyet al. 2004) feel that the development of a stan-dardized toxicity test using mayflies may be morebeneficial for assessing potential adverse effects ofpoint source discharges on aquatic organisms.

To date, one of the most common mayflyspecies used for toxicity testing has been theburrowing mayfly, Hexagenia limbata, which hasbeen used extensively in sediment toxicity tests(Rand et al. 1995). The extension of such tests toinclude other genera of mayflies in water columntoxicity tests has occurred intermittently over thepast three decades (Sherberger et al. 1977; Peterset al. 1985; Diamond et al. 1992; Dobbs et al. 1994;Beketov 2004; Kennedy et al. 2004; Hassell et al.2006; Brinkman and Johnston 2008; O’Halloranet al. 2008), with a variety of mayfly species andvariable test designs. For example, Sherbergeret al. (1977) examined the effects of thermal shockon Isonychia sadleri nymphs in laboratory simu-lations. Tests were conducted in preheated wa-ter baths by immersing test chambers (fiberglassboxes) into the water baths for a given time periodthen returning larvae to water baths maintained atacclimation temperature. Peters et al. (1985) de-termined responses of Isonychia bicolor nymphsexposed to alkaline pH in laboratory toxicity tests.Tests were conducted in 2.5-l glass beakers whichwere placed on stir plates to create flow. Nymphswere contained in fiberglass screen cages withineach beaker, which were suspended in the watercolumn above the stir bar so no damage or stresswould occur to the Isonychia. Organisms for thistest were collected from Sinking Creek, Newport,VA, USA, and acclimated for 24–48 h. Tests in-cluded in this study were not fed. Kennedy et al.(2004) used similar methodology and test appa-ratus to evaluate coal mining discharges high intotal dissolved solids (TDS); however, these testswere fed ∼6 ml of yeast–cerophyll (cereal leaves)–trout chow (YCT) and ground Tetra-min® daily.Although these studies varied in methodology,they all utilized Isonychia as the test organism.Studies by Diamond et al. (1992) and Brinkmanand Johnston (2008) used species of Heptageniidmayflies (Stenonema modestum and Rhithrogena

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hageni, respectively) to evaluate acute toxicity is-sues, while Beketov (2004) used several generaof mayflies to determine sensitivity differences toammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.

The Kennedy et al. (2004) study foundthat Isonychia exhibited a high dose-dependentresponse to specific conductivity, had greater eco-logical relevance compared to standard test organ-isms, and were overall more protective of sensitivebiota; however, test results were not as consis-tent as those conducted with C. dubia. Still, thelowest observable effects concentration (LOEC)to conductivity from a coal mining effluent was1,562 μS/cm for Isonychia and more than twiceas high (3,730 μS/cm) for C. dubia, supporting theneed to develop a more ecologically relevant toxi-city test to protect streams and rivers from certaindischarges. The objective of this research was toprovide a preliminary assessment of I. bicolor asa toxicity test organism for protecting lotic sys-tems affected by coal mining in the Appalachiancoalfields of Virginia and West Virginia. In 1995,the USEPA Office of Surface Mining reportedthat acid mine drainage, or AMD, was the singlegreatest threat to water quality in the AppalachianMountain region of the USA. In addition, the ef-fects of AMD on benthic macroinvertebrates havebeen extensively documented (Smith and Frey1971; Herricks and Cairns 1974; Armitage 1980;Rutherford and Mellow 1994; Cherry et al. 1995,1997, 2001; Winterbourn and McDiffet 1996) andhave shown that biodiversity is generally re-duced in streams impacted by AMD. Specifically,Clements (1991) found I. bicolor to be highlysensitive to heavy metals. Although AMD is mostoften the stressor correlated to poor stream healthin coal-mining-impacted streams, point sourcedischarges high in TDS and associated conduc-tivity are gaining concern for their role in limit-ing benthic communities. Future regulations formultiple constituent stressors such as TDS willrequire the use of more ecologically relevant testorganisms. By evaluating the response of I. bicolorto a standard reference toxicant and an environ-mentally relevant stressor, comparisons could bemade between this mayfly species and standardtoxicity test organisms, such as C. dubia, which arecurrently used to protect these streams.

Materials and methods

Description of the test organisms

The order Ephemeroptera along with Plecopteraand Trichoptera represent some of the mostsensitive aquatic macroinvertebrates. Thesebenthic macroinvertebrates are widely usedin field studies to evaluate the environmentaleffects of point and nonpoint source pollution(Barbour et al. 1999). Ephemeroptera are welldocumented as sensitive indicators of waterquality (Pontasch and Cairns 1988; Shortet al. 1991; Williams and Williams 1998)particularly to contaminants such as metalsand ammonia (Peckarsky and Cook 1981;Leland et al. 1989; Clements 1994; Clementsand Kiffney 1995; Hickey and Clements 1998;Hickey et al. 1999; Beketov 2004) and havebeen regarded as the most sensitive order ofaquatic invertebrates. Isonychia (Ephemeroptera:Isonychiidae) nymphs were selected for this re-search because of their ecological relevance, widedistribution (Edmunds et al. 1976; Unzickerand Carlson 1982), and use in previous studies(Sherberger et al. 1977; Peters et al. 1985; Sibleyand Kaushik 1991; Diamond et al. 1990; Dobbs etal. 1994; Kobuszewski and Perry 1994; Cherry etal. 2002; Kennedy et al. 2004; Cherry and Soucek2006). They are commonly found in swiftlyflowing waters of medium to large creeks andrivers with a predominant distribution in easternNorth America (Canada and USA; Edmundset al. 1976). The streamlined nymphs are regardedas “vigorous” swimmers and are commonly foundin areas of tangled vegetation, leaves, or otherdebris in fast-moving water (Edmunds et al.1976). The negatively phototrophic nymphs clingto the substrate facing the current which facilitatestheir unique feeding habits. Isonychia are one offour ephemeropteran genera in North Americawhich are considered suspension or filterfeeders (Kondratieff and Voshell 1984). Usingsetae on their forelegs, these mayflies filterfine suspended particles in the 0.1- to 0.7-μmsize range (Wallace and O’Hop 1979) fromthe water column. Filter-feeding organisms arean integral part of an aquatic ecosystem and

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contribute to the overall structure and function byfiltering fine suspended particles from the watercolumn.

Isonychia mayflies are a bivoltine insect havingtwo generations per year with an overwinteringcohort that emerges in the spring and a smallersummer/fall cohort that develops and emergesquickly in late summer and early fall (Kondratieffand Voshell 1984). Edmunds et al. (1976) suggestthat Isonychia occurring in warmer regions of thesoutheastern coastal plain may emerge through-out the year, while emergence may be limited towarmer months only for nymphs found in colderclimates.

Isonychia toxicity tests

I. bicolor nymphs were collected from SinkingCreek, a fourth-order tributary in Newport, VA(Giles County), USA, a reference area usedin this laboratory for more than 25 years andused as a collection source in previous studies(Peters et al. 1985; Snyder and Hendricks 1997;Cherry et al. 2002; Kennedy et al. 2004; Cherryand Soucek 2006). Isonychia were collected usingD-frame dip nets (Wildco, 425-A40, 800 × 900-μm mesh), subsorted in plastic trays, and gentlytransferred into coolers filled with aerated SinkingCreek water (SCW) using BioQuip® soft-touchforceps. Organisms were acclimated to laboratoryconditions for ∼5 to 14 days, depending on watertemperature at time of collection. If water tem-perature was less than 8◦C, then mayflies wereallowed to acclimate slowly to testing temperaturefor a minimum of 2 weeks (∼14 days). Whencollection temperature was greater than 8◦C, timeof acclimation was dependent upon the degreedifference between collection temperature anddesired testing temperature. Temperature was in-creased by ≤2◦ C daily (Kennedy et al. 2004). Dur-ing this acclimation period, Isonychia remainedin the coolers (5 l) with SCW, to minimize thestress of additional handling/transfer, and aerated(approximately two bubbles per second) usingstandard aquarium aerators. Water was reneweddaily by siphoning approximately 75% of the wa-ter and replenishing with unfiltered, temperature-adjusted SCW. Mesh screen was placed into the

coolers to provide a substrate for the mayfliesto cling to. Mayflies were initially fed a mixtureof ground Tetra-min® flakes and YCT, sievedto <200 μm. Later tests utilized a food mix-ture of ground Purina® dog chow, cereal leaves,and green algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata)sieved to <150 μm, based upon gut analysis andfood preferences outlined in Wallace and O’Hop(1979).

A representative sample of organisms was re-tained from each collection for size determina-tion. Determining the developmental stage of thetest organism is important in understanding theirresponse to stress; however, the use of instars,as used for other routinely used test organ-isms, is not accurate for mayflies. Instar numbercan vary within species, even when reared insimilar conditions (Brittain 1976, 1982; Cliffordet al. 1979). Overall estimates of the number ofnymphal instars are between 15 and 25 (Fink1980). Therefore, the use of a morphological mea-surement can be used to indicate size class orstage of development. The subset of mayflies usedfor size determination was preserved in ∼70%ETOH and measured for body length (mm) us-ing an ocular micrometer on a Zeiss stereomicro-scope (nearest 0.1 mm). Since toxicity tests tookplace during early spring and summer months,size class/developmental stages varied betweentoxicity tests. Organisms used for testing duringearly spring (January–February) ranged from ∼9to ∼14 mm, while those used during late spring(April) were ∼12 to ∼18 mm in length. Mayfliesused in summer testing (July) were much smaller(∼5 to ∼9 mm) in length.

Isonychia bioassays were conducted in 600-mlglass beakers containing a minimum of 500 ml oftest solution or control water. Each beaker con-tained a 10.2 × 5-cm mesh screen, which servedas a substrate for the mayflies. To provide flowand maintain DO2 saturation, beakers were aer-ated (approximately two bubbles per second). Airstones were used to gently agitate the surface wa-ter, creating water column flow. Chronic toxicitytests were conducted with sodium chloride (NaCl,American-Chemical-Society-certified), a commonsalt used as a reference toxicant. Use of NaClallowed results to be compared to a database

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of test results with other aquatic organisms. Inaddition, a coal mine processing impoundment(CPI) effluent obtained from the Callahan CreekWatershed (CCW) in Wise Co., VA, USA, withmoderately high conductivity and TDS, was usedto further test the response of Isonychia underrealistic conditions. Results of these tests werecompared to responses of C. dubia, also exposedto the coal processing effluent.

Ceriodaphnia dubia toxicity tests

C. dubia were used in chronic toxicity teststo determine the comparative sensitivity of thisdaphnid to Isonychia mayflies. Ceriodaphnia 7-day chronic toxicity tests were conducted usingthe same CPI effluent obtained from the CCW,following USEPA (2002b) protocols. Daphnids(<24 h old) were isolated from cultures that wereless than 14 days old and that had <20% adultmortality. Bioassays were conducted in 50-mlglass beakers with a minimum of 40-ml test so-lution. Test concentrations ranged from 6.25%to 100% effluent, consisting of ten replicates perconcentration, with one daphnid per replicate.Control and diluent water used for testing weremoderately hard synthetic freshwater. Test con-centrations were renewed daily. Daphnid sur-vivorship and neonate production were alsoobserved and recorded daily, and organisms werefed a mixture (0.40/50 ml) of green algae (P.subcapitata) and YCT. Water chemistry was mea-sured daily on renewal (in) and outgoing (out)water for temperature (◦C), pH (standard units),conductivity (μS/cm), and dissolved oxygen (DO2,mg/l). Alkalinity and hardness (mg CaCO3/l) werealso measured on renewal water for the highestand lowest (control) concentrations.

Trace metal analysis of CPI effluent

Trace metals known for toxic consequences wereanalyzed by induced coupled plasma–mass spec-trophotometry (ICP–MS) from the CPI effluent.Dissolved metals in the effluent included arsenic,cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, lead,mercury, nickel, selenium, and zinc along with be-

nign trace elements such as calcium, magnesium,potassium, sodium, and strontium.

Statistical analysis

Toxicity test end points (survivorship and repro-duction for daphnids only) were analyzed withTOXSTAT® (3.3/1996, University of WyomingDepartment of Zoology and Physiology, Laramie,WY, USA) using appropriate parametric (Dun-nett’s test) and nonparametric (Steels–many onerank test) procedures (α = 0.05). Lethal con-centration values (LC50) were determined usingtrimmed Spearman–Karber method (Hamiltonet al. 1977). Correlation analyses were performedusing JMP IN (7.0.2/2008, SAS, Cary, NC, USA).

Results and discussion

Isonychia reference tests with sodium chloride

Mayfly survivorship was observed every 24 h, andLC50 values were determined at 48, 72, and 96 hand at the end of 7 days of exposure to NaCl(Fig. 1). All four tests were similar at 48 h withLC50 values >8.00 g/l NaCl. After 72 h, LC50

Fig. 1 Lethal concentration (LC50) values during a 7-daytest period for I. bicolor exposed to NaCl

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values ranged from 3.50 to >8.00 g/l NaCl withtests 1 and 2 being the most similar. Tests 3 and4 had the highest (8.0 g/l) and lowest (3.5 g/l) LC50

values. This wide range of toxicity values may beattributed to the varying age and developmentalstage of the mayflies. Isonychia used in tests 1,2, and 3 were collected in January 2007 (test 1)and February 2008 (tests 2 and 3) during whichthey were several months away from their firstemergence (May). Mayflies from test 4, which re-sulted in an LC50 value of 3.50 g/l after 72 h, werein the latter stages of development having beencollected in April 2008. Unfortunately, methodsfor determining specific instars for mayfly nymphsare unreliable (Fink 1982); therefore, instars werenot used in determining organism age or stageof development. After 4 days of exposure (96 h),Isonychia LC50 values began to decrease substan-tially, ranging from 2.25 to 3.78 g/l NaCl with amean LC50 of 3.10 g/l. Test 3 had the greatestchange in mortality from the 72-h interval to the96-h interval (Fig. 1). After 7 days, values ranged

from 1.29 to 2.28 g/l NaCl with a mean LC50 valueof 1.73 g/l NaCl.

Minimal control mortality was observed with≥80% of the mayflies surviving through 7 daysof exposure for each of the four reference (NaCl)tests (Fig. 2). Values for conductivity in the lowestconcentration of NaCl tested ranged from 1,147 to1,878 μs/cm (mean = 1,373 μS/cm) and had ≥60%survival at test termination. The highest conduc-tivity tested ranged from 14,240 to 14,270 μS/cm(mean = 14,247 μS/cm) in tests 1, 2, and 3 andresulted in 100% mortality of test organisms bytest day 6. Test 4 had similar results with highconductivity of 12,000 μs/cm, which resulted in100% mortality by day 6. The second highestconductivity values were 7,370, 7,200, 7,411, and6,460 μS/cm in tests 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively.These values for conductivity were the highesttested that did not result in 100% mortality in anyof the four tests by test termination. Mayfly sur-vival was negatively correlated with conductivityin all four reference tests (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 I. bicolor survivorship in 7-day NaCl chronic toxicity tests. Dashed lines indicate concentrations which are significantlydifferent from the control

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Isonychia sensitivity to NaCl was also com-pared to 15 additional aquatic test organisms(Table 1). This comparison included three rou-tinely tested daphnids, the fathead minnow(P. promelas), an amphipod (H. azteca), afreshwater snail (Physa heterostropha), and eightbenthic macroinvertebrates, including two ad-ditional mayflies in the families Heptageniidaeand Ameletidae. Data were obtained from thePAN Pesticides Database (http://pesticideinfo.org/2008) and consisted of previously publishedLC50 values for each species. LC50 values wereaveraged for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h, where applicable.Species sensitivity to NaCl ranged from 3.38 g/l forthe daphnid (C. dubia) to 32 g/l for the damselfly(Argia sp.) after 24 h of exposure. Isonychia andAmeletus mayflies had similar LC50 values (>8 g/l)after 24 h.

Many of the organisms included in Table 1 wereonly tested for 48 h which represents the exposureduration for many acute tests. Mayfly sensitivity to

NaCl increased after 48 h, so data generated after48 h were compared to 72- and 96-h LC50 valuesfor Physa, Ameletus, fathead minnows, Hyalella,Hydropsyche, and Argia. At 72 h, LC50 values gen-erated for Isonychia were lower than those for fat-head minnows and Argia, and after 96 h Isonychiahad the lowest LC50 value at 3.10 g NaCl per liter,half the reported value for H. azteca and a thirdof the LC50 value reported for Hydropsyche sp.Organisms in the family Hydropsychidae, particu-larly Hydropsyche sp., have been reported to havea high tolerance to salinity (Williams and Williams1998; Blinn and Ruiter 2006; Kennedy et al. 2003).

A comparison of alkaline pH exposure betweenIsonychia (96-h LC50) and Ceriodaphnia (48-hLC50) indicated that both test organisms had thesame tolerance, with an LC50 value of 10.3 g NaClper liter in static laboratory tests (Peters et al.1985; Belanger and Cherry 1996). However, whenIsonychia were tested in a continuously flowingartificial stream system receiving New River (VA,

Fig. 3 I. bicolor chronictest 1 with CCW CPIeffluent over 7 days (a)and 14 days (b). Dashedlines indicateconcentrations which aresignificantly differentfrom the control

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Fig. 4 I. bicolor chronictest 2 with CCW CPIeffluent over 7 days (a)and 14 days (b). Dashedlines indicateconcentrations which aresignificantly differentfrom the control

USA) water, the 96-h LC50 value declined to 9.5 gNaCl per liter under more environmentally realis-tic conditions for the mayfly. Therefore, mayfliesappear to be more sensitive to alkaline pH thanC. dubia.

Isonychia bicolor CCW CPI effluent tests

Data from CCW CPI effluent tests with Isonychiawere analyzed at 7 and 14 days to determine

differences in mayfly response during the durationof testing and for comparison with other test or-ganisms (Figs. 3, 4, and 5). Conductivity in test 1ranged from 493 to 4,101 μS/cm, and 7-day resultsshowed a poor correlation between survival andconductivity (r = −0.4077) that improved by theend of the 14-day exposure period (r = −0.7717;Fig. 3). In test 2, a stronger relationship was ob-served between survival and conductivity after7 days (r = −0.8177) that increased after an ad-

Fig. 5 I. bicolor chronictest 3 with CCW CPIeffluent over a 10-day testperiod. Dashed linesindicate concentrationswhich are significantlydifferent from the control

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ditional 7 days of exposure (r = −0.8948; Fig. 4).Test 3 was conducted for 10 days with a strongnegative correlation between mayfly survival andconductivity (r = −0.8049; Fig. 5). In each of thethree tests, 100% mortality occurred in the high-est test concentrations (>4,000 μS/cm) by testtermination. Calculated LC50 values for the CCWCPI effluent ranged from 13% to 39% effluent.

In tests 1 and 2 (Figs. 3 and 4), impairment wasnot observed until after 48 h of exposure to CCWCPI effluent, while mortality occurred in test 3after the first 24 h (Fig. 5). Test 3 mayflies werecollected from the summer cohort in July 2006,which may explain the more sensitive responseseen in these organisms. Developing standardguidelines including standard collection methods,holding conditions and acclimation, optimal sizeclass of mayflies, and overall general condition ofthe organisms will help to reduce variability insensitivity that may occur.

Five chronic tests were conducted with Cerio-daphnia exposed to the CPI effluent. Percent sur-vival in 100% effluent ranged from 0% to 100%(Table 2). Significant impairment was observedin two of the five tests with LOEC values forreproduction reported at 75% and 50% effluentfor tests 3 and 4, respectively. Mortality in 100%effluent and reproductive impairment were notcorrelated with conductivity values. Test 4 hadvarying mortality in 100% effluent and reduced

Table 2 I. bicolor survivorship and C. dubia survivorshipand reproductive responses in 7-day chronic toxicity testswith CCW CPI effluent

Test Percent Survival/ Meannumber survivorship reprod. conductivity

100% LOEC for LOECeffluent (μS/cm)

I. bicolorTest 1 65 100 4,101Test 2 65 100 3,451Test 3 10 25 1,508

C. dubiaTest 1 80 100 4,250Test 2a 100 100 4,014Test 3 100 75 3,132Test 4 0 50 2,132Test 5a 90 100 3,403

aTest concentrations were based on conductivity range andnot serial dilution

Table 3 Trace metals and other elements measured in thecoal processing impoundment effluent in test 1

Parameter Result Detectionlimit (μg/l)

Arsenic ND 10.0Cadmium ND 2.0Cobalt ND 7.0Chromium ND 5.0Copper ND 25.0Iron ND 100.0Lead ND 3.0Mercury ND 0.20Nickel ND 40.0Selenium 8.5 5.0Zinc ND 20.0

Other trace elementsCalcium 68,800 5,000Magnesium 50,700 5,000Potassium 31,800 5,000Sodium 957,000 25,000Strontium 7,020 50.0

reproduction, but the effective values for conduc-tivity were similar to these reported in the otherfour tests.

Significant reductions for mayfly survival andCeriodaphnia reproduction in 100% CPI effluentwere considered to be primarily from the ionicsalts in the TDS and not due to trace metal in-fluence (Table 3). In test 1, the CPI 100% efflu-ent had conductivity >4,000 μS/cm and TDS of2,900 mg/l, but ten of the 11 trace metals ana-lyzed had results that were equal to or lower thannondetectable limits (Table 3). Other than iron(100 μg/l), most detection limits were ≤40 μg/l(Ni) to 0.20 μg/l (Hg), with most of them beingbetween 7 and 20 μg/l. The TDS comprising the ef-fluent basically came from strontium, magnesium,potassium, calcium, and sodium with concentra-tions that ranged from 7,020 to 957,000 μg/l.

Summary and conclusions

Isonychia were moderately sensitive to NaCl, andafter 7 days, LC50 values ranged from 1.29 to2.28 g/l NaCl which is comparable to C. dubiasensitivity at 48 h. When compared to other organ-isms at 96 h, I. bicolor was more sensitive than H.

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azteca or P. promelas, both considered standardorganisms for routine toxicity testing.

Our toxicity testing results indicated that Isony-chia were substantially more sensitive to the CCWCPI mining effluent than the 7-day Ceriodaphniatest, although the mayfly tests lasted 10–14 days.The LOEC for mayfly 10–14-day survivorshipranged from 1,429 to 2,251 μS/cm relative tothe Ceriodaphnia results (∼4,000 μS/cm). Thesetrends were similar (1,562 μS/cm for Isonychia and3,730 μS/cm for C. dubia) to those reported byKennedy et al. (2004) when testing a coal miningeffluent from Leading Creek, OH, USA. Sincethe CCW CPI effluent had minimal trace metalspresent with concentrations below water qualitycriteria or detection limits, the suspected factorinfluencing mayfly toxicity was likely ionic salts.This has implications for the establishment of wa-ter quality criteria and discharge limits in the coalfields of Virginia and West Virginia, particularlylimits for TDS. For the CCW CPI effluent, whichis comprised of nontoxic trace elements and verylow trace metal concentrations, impairment levelsof TDS may occur at ∼1,400 mg/l. Distinguishingbetween trace metal toxicity and TDS toxicity willrequire additional testing with Isonychia and per-haps other relevant test organisms to determinethe most appropriate upper TDS level.

An update to the Water Quality Standardsin Alaska was recently proposed with arecommendation for revision of the TDS limitfrom 500 to 1,500 mg/l based upon a site-specificcriterion (SSC) developed in Red Dog Creek(http://www.dec.state.ak.us/water/wqsar/wqs/pdfs/reddogfactsheet092605.pdf, 2005). Thehigher SSCproposed for the TDS limit was based upon astudy by Chapman et al. (2000), whereby theyfound no toxicity to embryos or fry of rainbowtrout, at greater than 2,000 mg/l TDS. They alsoemphasized that TDS toxicity was influencedby ionic content of the test solution especiallythat of mining effluents. The authors also foundthat chironomid larvae exposed to an artificiallyprepared effluent did not exhibit any toxicologicalresponse at 1,134 mg/l but had reduced growth(45% reduction in dry weight) at 2,089 mg/l.A second artificial effluent generated reducedsurvival at 1,750 and 2,240 mg/l, but no effectswere observed at 1,220 mg/l TDS. Revising the

existing TDS standard of 500 to 1,500 mg/l is asubstantial increase.

The results of this research bring to light severaladvantages of using I. bicolor to evaluate toxicityresulting from coal-mining-influenced dischargesto receiving systems, particularly in the Ap-palachian region of Virginia and West Virginia.Isonychia mayflies were more sensitive to a coalmining effluent than the current widely used testspecies, C. dubia, and to the reference toxicant,NaCl. Few mayflies in the families Ephemerel-lidae and Heptageniidae were collected in theCallahan Creek (VA, USA) watershed wheremining activities are ongoing, although Isonychiawere present, supporting the use of a residentspecies to protect the receiving system. Accordingto Lowe and Butt (2007), for ecological assess-ments, many researchers evaluating soil toxicityare increasingly using ecological relevant speciesthat are site specific. Hull et al. (2006) assessedthe use of transplanted Asian clams (Corbiculafluminea) in the Clinch River to predict adverseeffects on resident bivalves. In addition, preexist-ing toxicity data are available for Isonychia andother genera of mayflies contributing to a growingdatabase of mayfly sensitivity.

However, Isonychia are thought to be amore tolerant mayfly genera than some othertypes found in Central Appalachia streams(e.g., ephemerellids, heptageniids) according toPond et al. (2008). Additional mayflies cri-tiqued for their use in toxicity tests due toincreased tolerance included Hexagenia, Cen-troptilum, and Cloeon. Studies have demon-strated that mayflies may exhibit significantdifferences in sensitivity to toxicants not onlybetween families and genera, but also be-tween species within the same genus. Beketov(2004), researching the sensitivities of mayflies toammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, reported that Baetisvernus was more sensitive than Baetis fuscatus.Handling stress in field-collected mayflies and lab-oratory acclimation are also areas that need fur-ther research. Laboratory culturing of Isonychiahas only been attempted on a limited scale. Somelimitations to culturing occur from the lotic habi-tat preference of these organisms and the need forflowing water which requires an examination offlow and dissolved oxygen requirements.

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Choosing the most sensitive mayfly would pro-vide the most conservative data, but the mostsensitive species are not always well suited for lab-oratory testing. The goal in establishing a mayflybioassay is to provide predictive data that can beused to protect the integrity of aquatic systems,but the chosen species must be reliable enoughfor repetitive testing in multiple laboratories; han-dling stress must be tolerated, and control survivalmust meet a specific criteria. Control survivorshipvaries among test organisms, but generally >80%survivorship is deemed acceptable and is typicallyrecommended for routine toxicity tests.

Although the results of this study provide apreliminary assessment of I. bicolor use in tox-icity testing, further research must be conductedto examine these organisms across varying lifestages and develop valid sublethal end points forchronic testing. Head capsule width and bodylength and weight may prove useful in assessingimpairment whereas molting may be too sensitiveof an end point to be predictive. In addition, an at-tempt to establish laboratory culturing techniquesfor Isonychia would further help to establishthe ability to utilize these organisms in multiplelaboratories.

Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge Ms.Amanda Slaughter of Appalachian Technical Servicesfor her field work reconnaissance and collecting effluentsamples. Authors also thank Ms. Alicain Carlson and Mr.Mike Chanov for their assistance with fieldwork and inconducting laboratory bioassays.


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