1) Què vols? What do you want? Regex: What do you want\? 2) Qui ets? Who are you? Regex: Who are you\? 3) On vius? Where do you live? Regex: Where do you live\? 4) On eres? Where were you? Regex: Where were you\? 5) Què veus? What do you see? Regex: What do you see\? 6) Què saps? What do you know? Regex: What do you know\? 7) On ets? Where are you? Regex: Where are you\? 8) Quan és la festa? When is the party? Regex: When is the (party|festival)\? 9) Quin tren agafes (take took taken)? Which train do you take? Regex: (Which|What) train do you take\? 10) Què estan bevent? What are they drinking? Regex: What are they drinking\? 11) A qui has conegut? Who have you met? Regex: Who have you met\? 12) A qui vas conèixer? Who did you meet? Regex: Who did you meet\? 13) Qui et va convidar? Who invited you? Regex: Who invited you\? 14) On portes (take took taken) els queviures (groceries)? Where do you take the groceries? Regex: Where do you take the groceries\? 15) Què esteu menjant? What are you eating? Regex: What are you eating\? 16) Qui té la meva jaqueta? Who has my jacket? Regex: Who has my jacket\? 17) Què estàs mirant? What are you watching? Regex: What are you (watching|looking at)\? 18) A qui van pagar? Who did they pay? Regex: Who did they pay\? 19) A qui han pagat? Who have they paid? Regex: Who have they paid\? 20) Qui us va triar? Who chose you?

Preguntes Visca Angles

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Preguntes mes usuals en angles

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Page 1: Preguntes Visca Angles

1) Què vols?What do you want?Regex: What do you want\?

2) Qui ets?Who are you?Regex: Who are you\?

3) On vius?Where do you live?Regex: Where do you live\?

4) On eres?Where were you?Regex: Where were you\?

5) Què veus?What do you see?Regex: What do you see\?

6) Què saps?What do you know?Regex: What do you know\?

7) On ets?Where are you?Regex: Where are you\?

8) Quan és la festa?When is the party?Regex: When is the (party|festival)\?

9) Quin tren agafes (take took taken)?Which train do you take?Regex: (Which|What) train do you take\?

10) Què estan bevent?What are they drinking?Regex: What are they drinking\?

11) A qui has conegut?Who have you met?Regex: Who have you met\?

12) A qui vas conèixer?Who did you meet?Regex: Who did you meet\?

13) Qui et va convidar?Who invited you?Regex: Who invited you\?

14) On portes (take took taken) els queviures (groceries)?Where do you take the groceries?Regex: Where do you take the groceries\?

15) Què esteu menjant?What are you eating?Regex: What are you eating\?

16) Qui té la meva jaqueta?Who has my jacket?Regex: Who has my jacket\?

17) Què estàs mirant?What are you watching?Regex: What are you (watching|looking at)\?

18) A qui van pagar?Who did they pay?Regex: Who did they pay\?

19) A qui han pagat?Who have they paid?Regex: Who have they paid\?

20) Qui us va triar?Who chose you?Regex: Who chose you\?

21) A qui han triat?Who have they chosen?Regex: Who have they chosen\?

22) Quan vols venir?When do you want to come?Regex: When do you want to come\?

23) A qui van veure?Who did they see?Regex: Who did they see\?

24) Com estàs?How are you?

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Regex: How are you\?25) Qui els va matar?

Who killed them?Regex: Who killed them\?

26) Quan es va morir?When did he die?Regex: When did s?he die\?

27) Per què va passar (happen)?Why did it happen?Regex: Why did it happen\?

28) Quan ho (it) va saber [ell]?When did he know it?Regex: When did he know( it)?\?

29) Qui els va seguir?Who followed them?Regex: Who followed them\?

30) Qui els va trucar?Who called them?Regex: Who (called|phoned|telephoned|rang) them\?

31) Qui t'ha ajudat?Who has helped you?Regex: Who has helped you\?

32) Quan et van contestar?When did they answer you?Regex: When did they answer you\?

33) Per què vas agafar un paraigua?Why did you take an umbrella?Regex: Why did you (take|bring) an umbrella\?

34) Quan ho vas aprendre?When did you learn it?Regex: When did you learn it\?

35) Quan la vas conèixer?When did you meet her?Regex: When did you meet her\?

36) Per què vas fer això (this)?Why did you do this?Regex: Why did you do this\?

37) Per què vas marxar?Why did you leave?Regex: Why did you leave\?

38) Quan li vas parlar?When did you talk to her?Regex: When did you (talk|speak) to (her|him)\?

39) Per què vas triar aquest tema?Why did you choose this subject?Regex: Why did you choose this (subject|topic|theme)\?

40) Quin vi has triat?Which wine have you chosen?Regex: (Which|What) wine have you chosen\?

41) A qui estàs trucant?Who are you calling?Regex: Who are you (calling|phoning|ringing)\?

42) Quan hi vas?When do you go there?Regex: When do you go( there)?\?

43) Quan vau començar?When did you begin?Regex: When did you (begin|start)\?

44) Quan van decidir això?When did they decide this?Regex: When did they decide this\?

45) A qui ajuden?Who do they help?Regex: Who do they help\?

46) Què vols dir?What do you mean?Regex: What do you (mean|want to say)\?

47) Quan va rebre la carta?When did he receive the letter?Regex: When did s?he (receive|get) the letter\?

48) Per què necessites diners?

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Why do you need money?Regex: Why do you need money\?

49) A qui coneixes?Who do you know?Regex: Who do you know\?

50) On poses el pa?Where do you put the bread?Regex: Where do you put the bread\?

51) Quan fas els (your) deures?When do you do your homework?Regex: When do you do your homework\?

52) Per què teniu problemes?Why do you have problems?Regex: Why do you have problems\?

53) Per què penses que ho va fer?Why do you think that he did it?Regex: Why do you think( that)? s?he did it\?

54) Què heu sentit?What have you heard?Regex: What have you heard\?

55) Què vas fer?What did you do?Regex: What did you (do|make)\?

56) Què fan servir?What do they use?Regex: What do they use\?

57) Quins homes van guanyar?Which men won?Regex: (Which|What) men won\?

58) Quins homes vénen?Which men come?Regex: (Which|What) men come\?

59) Per què m'estàs mirant?Why are you looking at me?Regex: Why are you (looking at|watching) me\?

60) A qui estimes?Who do you love?Regex: Who do you love\?

61) Què van dir?What did they say?Regex: What did they say\?

62) Quina habitació vols?Which room do you want?Regex: (Which|What) (bed)?room do you want\?

63) Per què diuen això?Why do they say this?Regex: Why do they say this\?

64) Què vas llegir?What did you read?Regex: What did you read\?

65) Qui ha colpejat el noi?Who has hit the boy?Regex: Who has (hit|beaten) the boy\?

66) Quin idioma parleu?Which language do you speak?Regex: (Which|What) language do you speak\?

67) Quan van marxar?When did they leave?Regex: When did they leave\?

68) On vas començar?Where did you begin?Regex: Where did you (begin|start)\?

69) Quina feina fas?Which job do you do?Regex: (Which|What) (job|work) do you do\?

70) Com fas una paella?How do you make a paella?Regex: How do you make a paella\?

71) On vols anar?Where do you want to go?Regex: Where do you want to go\?

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72) Quan les necessites?When do you need them?Regex: When do you need them\?

73) Qui et coneix?Who knows you?Regex: Who knows you\?

74) Quines dones han tingut fills?Which women have had children?Regex: Which women have had children\?

75) On vau sentir això?Where did you hear this?Regex: Where did you hear this\?

76) On vas trobar les claus?Where did you find the keys?Regex: Where did you find the keys\?

77) Com et trobes?How do you feel?Regex: How do you feel\?

78) Per què vols vi?Why do you want wine?Regex: Why do you want wine\?

79) Què has comprat?What have you bought?Regex: What have you bought\?

80) Com funciona (work)?How does it work?Regex: How does it work\?

81) Quan vau parar?When did you stop?Regex: When did you stop\?

82) Què heu après?What have you learned?Regex: What have you learn(ed|t)\?

83) Qui va dir això?Who said this?Regex: Who said this\?

84) On vau aprendre parlar l'anglès?Where did you learn to speak English?Regex: Where did you learn to speak English\?

85) Què heu trobat?What have you found?Regex: What have you found\?

86) Com em vas trobar?How did you find me?Regex: How did you find me\?

87) On els has vist?Where have you seen them?Regex: Where have you seen them\?

88) Què has escrit?What have you written?Regex: What have you written\?

89) A qui va seguir?Who did he follow?Regex: Who did s?he follow\?

90) Quan vas sentir això?When did you hear this?Regex: When did you hear this\?

91) Què necessiteu?What do you need?Regex: What do you need\?

92) Per què et trobes malament?Why do you feel ill?Regex: Why do you feel (ill|bad|badly)\?

93) Qui ho està fent?Who is doing it?Regex: Who is doing it\?

94) On has estat?Where have you been?Regex: Where have you been\?

95) Per què ets aquí?Why are you here?

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Regex: Why are you here\?96) A qui creus?

Who do you believe?Regex: Who do you believe\?

97) Quan els veus?When do you see them?Regex: When do you see them\?

98) Quines revistes llegeixes?Which magazines do you read?Regex: (Which|What) magazines do you read\?

99) Amb qui vas anar a la festa?Who did you go to the party with?Regex: Who did you go to the (party|festival) with\?

100) Amb qui vas marxar?Who did you leave with?Regex: Who did you leave with\?

101) Amb qui has parlat?Who have you spoken with?Regex: Who have you (spoken|talked) (with|to)\?

102) Amb qui heu treballat?Who have you worked with?Regex: Who have you worked with\?

103) De qui són aquests diners?Whose money is this?Regex: Whose money is this\?

104) De qui era aquesta idea?Whose idea was this?Regex: Whose idea was this\?

105) De qui són aquests papers?Whose papers are these?Regex: Whose papers are these\?

106) Amb qui estàs d'acord?Who do you agree with?Regex: Who do you agree with\?

107) Amb qui estàs treballant?Who are you working with?Regex: Who are you working with\?

108) Amb qui estaves?Who were you with?Regex: Who were you with\?

109) De qui són els bolets?Whose mushrooms are they?Regex: Whose mushrooms are they\?

110) De qui era el cotxe?Whose car was it?Regex: Whose car was it\?

111) Amb qui viuen?Who do they live with?Regex: Who do they live with\?

112) De què esteu parlant?What are you talking about?Regex: What are you (talk|speak)ing about\?

113) Amb qui us heu trobat?Who have you met with?Regex: Who have you met with\?

114) Amb qui estic parlant?Who am I speaking with?Regex: Who am I (speak|talk)ing (with|to)\?

115) Sobre què escriu?What does he write about?Regex: What does s?he write about\?

116) De qui és aquest gos?Whose dog is this?Regex: Whose dog is this\?

117) De qui és aquesta casa?Whose house is this?Regex: Whose house is this\?

118) Amb qui vols ballar?Who do you want to dance with?Regex: Who do you want to dance with\?

119) De què esteu rient?

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What are you laughing about?Regex: What are you laughing about\?

120) De què t'estàs queixant?What are you complaining about?Regex: What are you complaining (about|of)\?

121) Amb qui juguen els nens?Who do the children play with?Regex: Who do the children play with\?

122) Quant espai (room) necessites?How much room do you need?Regex: How much room do you need\?

123) Quantes maletes (suitcases) teniu?How many suitcases do you have?Regex: How many suitcases (do you have|have you got)\?

124) Quantes cançons coneixes?How many songs do you know?Regex: How many songs do you know\?

125) Quantes pastilles (pills) has pres?How many pills have you taken?Regex: How many pills have you taken\?

126) Quantes vegades ho has provat?How many times have you tried it?Regex: How many times have you tried( it)?\?

127) Quantes pel·lícules heu vist?How many films have you seen?Regex: How many (films|movies) have you seen\?

128) Quantes persones coneixes?How many people do you know?Regex: How many people do you know\?

129) Quant peses?How much do you weigh?Regex: How much do you weigh\?

130) Quant guanyes?How much do you earn?Regex: How much do you (earn|make)\?

131) Quant et dec (owe)?How much do I owe you?Regex: How much do I owe you\?

132) Quanta aigua beus cada dia?How much water do you drink every day?Regex: How much water do you drink every day\?

133) Quants fills tenen?How many children do they have?Regex: How many children do they have\?

134) Quants diners t'has gastat?How much money have you spent?Regex: How much money have you spent\?

135) Quantes dones estan malaltes?How many women are ill?Regex: How many women are (ill|sick)\?

136) Quantes hores treballes?How many hours do you work?Regex: How many hours do you work\?

137) Quant en fas servir?How much do you use?Regex: How much( of it)? do you use\?

138) Quant beus?How much do you drink?Regex: How much do you drink\?

139) Quant m'estimes?How much do you love me?Regex: How much do you love me\?

140) Quant en necessites?How much do you need?Regex: How much( of it)? do you need\?

141) Quants vots va rebre?How many votes did he receive?Regex: How many votes did s?he (receive|get)\?

142) Quanta ajuda necessites?How much help do you need?Regex: How much help do you need\?

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143) Quants anys vas viure a Alemanya?How many years did you live in Germany?Regex: How many years did you live in Germany\?

144) Quants anys viuen els gats?How many years do cats live?Regex: How (many years|long) do cats live\?

145) Cada quan fas servir aquestes eines?How often do you use these tools?Regex: How often do you use these tools\?

146) Cada quan tens maldecap?How often do you have headaches?Regex: How often do you have headaches?\?

147) Cada quan veieu els vostres pares?How often do you see your parents?Regex: How often do you see your parents\?

148) Cada quan van al cine?How often do they go to the cinema?Regex: How often do they go to the (cinema|movies)\?

149) Cada quan menges carn?How often do you eat meat?Regex: How often do you eat meat\?

150) Cada quan vénen aquí?How often do they come here?Regex: How often do they come here\?

151) Cada quan canvies els llençols?How often do you change the sheets?Regex: How often do you change (the|your) sheets\?

152) A quina distància som de Vic?How far are we from Vic?Regex: How far are we from Vic\?

153) Quina distància hi ha?How far is it?Regex: How far is it\?

154) Quina distància hem caminat?How far have we walked?Regex: How far have we walked\?

155) A quina distància està l'hotel de la platja?How far is the hotel from the beach?Regex: How far is the hotel from the beach\?

156) Quina distància hi ha entre (from) Vilafranca i (to) Portell?How far is it from Vilafranca to Portell?Regex: How far is it from Vilafranca to Portell\?

157) Fins on vols córrer?How far do you want to run?Regex: How far do you want to run\?

158) A quina distància vius del centre?How far do you live from the center?Regex: How far do you live from the center\?

159) Fins on vau anar?How far did you go?Regex: How far did you go\?

160) Quant fa que ho saps?How long have you known it?Regex: How long have you known( it)?\?

161) Quant fa que jugueu [esteu jugant; pres. perf. cont.]?How long have you been playing?Regex: How long have you been playing\?

162) Quant fa que dorm [està dormint; pres. perf. cont.]?How long has he been sleeping?Regex: How long has s?he been sleeping\?

163) Quant fa que treballen [estan treballant; pres. perf. cont.]?How long have they been working?Regex: How long have they been working\?

164) Quant fa que feu [esteu fent; pres. perf. cont.] els deures?How long have you been doing your homework?Regex: How long have you been doing your homework\?

165) Quant fa que estudies l'anglès?How long have you studied English?Regex: How long have you studied English\?

166) Quant fa que m'esperes [m'estàs esperant]?How long have you been waiting for me?

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Regex: How long have you been waiting for me\?167) Quant fa que fumes?

How long have you smoked?Regex: How long have you smoked\?

168) Quant fa que coneixes el teu marit?How long have you known your husband?Regex: How long have you known your husband\?

169) Quant fa que viuen a Sitges?How long have they lived in Sitges?Regex: How long have they lived in Sitges\?

170) Quant fa que tens aquest cotxe?How long have you had this car?Regex: How long have you had this car\?

171) Quant fa que treballes a Girona?How long have you worked in Girona?Regex: How long have you worked in Girona\?

172) Quant fa que toques el piano?How long have you played the piano?Regex: How long have you played the piano\?

173) Quant fa que vau comprar la casa?How long ago did you buy the house?Regex: How long ago did you buy the house\?

174) Quant fa que es va morir la teva muller?How long ago did your wife die?Regex: How long ago did your wife die\?

175) Quant fa que va passar això?How long ago did this happen?Regex: How long ago did this happen\?

176) Quant fa que hi eren?How long ago were they there?Regex: How long ago were they there\?

177) Quant fa que han marxat?How long ago did they leave?Regex: How long ago did they leave\?

178) Quant fa que ha pres [ell] el calmant (painkiller)?How long ago did he take the painkiller?Regex: How long ago did s?he take the painkiller\?

179) Quant fa que no dormiu junts?How long has it been since you have slept together?Regex: How long has it been since you('ve| have)? slept together\?

180) Quant fa que no ens veiem?How long has it been since we've seen each other?Regex: How long has it been since we(('ve| have) seen| saw) each other\?

181) Quina alçada té el mur?How high is the wall?Regex: How high is the wall\?

182) Quina alçada tens?How tall are you?Regex: How tall are you\?

183) Quina amplada té la imatge?How wide is the image?Regex: How wide is the image\?

184) Quina llargada té la tanca?How long is the fence?Regex: How long is the fence\?

185) Quina profunditat té l'aigua?How deep is the water?Regex: How deep is the water\?

186) De qui és el cavall que va guanyar?Whose horse won?Regex: Whose horse won\?

187) Què feu el dia vint-i-u [feu servir present continuous]?What are you doing on the twenty-first?Regex: What are you doing( on)? the twenty-first\?

188) Quant temps tardes?How long does it take you?Regex: How long does it take you\?

189) A qui els vols presentar?Who do you want to introduce them to?Regex: Who do you want to introduce them to\?

190) De qui era l'anell?

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Whose ring was it?Regex: Whose ring was it\?

191) Fins on et van portar?How far did they take you?Regex: How far did they (take|carry) you\?

192) On has deixat els diners que t'he deixat?Where have you left the money I lent you?Regex: Where (have you left|did you leave) the money( that)? I lent you\?

193) Qui hi havia?Who was there?Regex: Who was there\?

194) Tenen pressa, oi?They are in a hurry, aren't they?Regex: They('re| are) in a hurry,? aren't they\?

195) Encara no han marxar, oi?They haven't left yet, have they?Regex: They have(n't| not) left yet,? have they\?

196) Tens gana, oi?You're hungry, aren't you?Regex: You('re| are) hungry,? aren't you\?

197) Què li vas dir?What did you tell him?Regex: What did you (tell|say to) (him|her)\?

198) Penses que li [a ella] agrado?Do you think she likes me?Regex: Do you think( that)? she likes me\?

199) De què depèn?What does it depend on?Regex: What does it depend on\?