PREAMBLES TO THE BILL OF QUANTITIES - Pashmina …€¦ · pashmina waterfront ph1 (podium extension) preambles lrpl, page 2 of 30

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1. The Preamble to the Bills of Quantities and Bill of Quantities must be read with the Drawings,

Conditions of Contract and the Specification and the tender shall be deemed to have examined the

Drawings, Specifications, Conditions of Contract and to have acquainted himself with the Works to be

done and the way in which they are to be carried out. This preamble to the Bills of Quantities shall

form part of the Contract.

2. Notwithstanding that the work has been sectionalized every part of it shall be deemed to be

supplementary to and complementary of every other part and shall be read with it or into it so far as

it may be practicable to do so.

3. The description of an item shall be deemed to include all preambles, headings, sub-headings and

references to other documents. The detailed description of work and materials, given in

the Specification are not necessarily repeated in the Bill of Quantities.

4. Tenderers are instructed to quote "rate only" for all QRO items without fail and not to enter any

amount in the amount column. The rates quoted under QRO items is negotiable during the evaluation

of the tender and the rationalized rate only will be considered if there is a need to operate QRO

items during execution. Any percentage of discount / rebate offered by the tenderer during

negotiation is applicable on all the quoted rates of the tendered items including "QRO" Items.

5. The rate entered against each item in the Schedule of Quantities shall be binding throughout the

Contract and shall not be changed on account of any discrepancies or inaccuracies in the estimated

quantities or any other cause. All prices quoted shall be firm for the entire duration of the contract.

The Contractor shall when contracting satisfies himself that the quantities are reasonably correct

within the scope of work. If there is any discrepancy, he should at once notify the Employer, so that

the matter can be examined, and if necessary altered before tenders are closed.

6. For the sake of convenience the Bill of Quantities is sectionalized to cover all disciplines

7. Unit Rates will be used as basis of payment for schedules and variation orders.

8. Rates and prices set against items are to be the full inclusive value of the finished work shown on

the Drawings and/or described in the specification or which can reasonably be inferred there from

and are to cover the cost of marking layout of buildings for excavation, fixing permanent grid points,

establishing bench mark, provision of plant, labour, supervisions, materials, erection,

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insurance cover for Third Party Liability and workmen compensation and other applicable

insurance cover , maintenance, overheads and profits and every incidental and contingent cost and

charges whatsoever including all taxes such as turnover tax, Excise duty, customs duty, sales tax,

sales tax on works contract and general tax, Entry tax, VAT, Cess (in accordance with general

conditions of contract Volume -1 of tender documents) if any and every kind of temporary

work executed or used in connection therewith and all the Sub Contractor's obligations under the

sub contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper completion and maintenance of the


If there is inconsistency between the Bill of Quantities, Specification and Drawings and in case of

conflict among different sections/heads, precedence shall be given in the following order of

descending priority.

a. Bills of Quantities & Preamble to the Bills of quantities.

b. Tender Drawings..

c. Technical specifications.

d. IS code (Indian Standard).

9. Providing all the water required for the Construction work or by any means including testing the

water proofing works or by any means, by providing bore well at site / arranging the water from

the approved source including obtaining acceptable quality water from outside by tanker for all

purpose shall be within the quoted rates.

10. Providing power required for the construction work or by any means within the premises

including making his own arrangements to obtain temporary power connection and maintain at

his own expense an efficient service of electric light and power during the contract period. Any

shortfall in quantum of electric power from electricity board supply shall be made up by

necessary captive generator at site including all charges that are connected with installation,

running and maintenance, necessary statutory approvals etc. within the quoted rates.

11. Providing water and power required for testing and commissioning of various items specified in

the Bill of Quantities and Technical Specifications within the quoted rates.

12. Constructing and providing water proof water storage tank to the required capacity for storing the

water for construction purposes during the construction period including maintaining the water

during this period. Construction and location of the tank shall be in accordance with the approved

drawing and at no extra cost. The same shall be dismantled, removed, cleaned and disposed of at

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authorized area out of site premises at no extra cost.

13. Providing and forming all temporary roads / Pathways, cross overs, foot path, tracks, hard standings,

Temporary ramp to approach the excavated level etc. within the site and shall provide temporary

foot path outside the boundaries if required to protect the public entering into the construction area

at no extra cost.

14. Providing and establishing required plants, machineries, equipments, scaffolding, staging,

guard rails, temporary stairs, temporary access to the various places of the premises during

execution stage, including maintenance of all the machineries, tools and plants, Heavy excavation

machineries with supporting transport facility etc., required consumables for such equipments till the

completion of the work for proper execution of work and providing well maintained temporary

toilets for Labourers as required ( Minimum - 3 Nos at desired location by Employer/Architect) during

execution till completion of the entire work within the quoted rates.

15. Providing and maintaining Field Laboratory in a satisfactory manner till the completion of work to

ensure site control on quality of materials and the works and shall strictly comply with provision of

Indian/ International Standards at no extra cost. All other regular tests including requisite materials

shall be carried out as directed either at approved laboratory or at site at no extra cost.

16. Providing drains and establishing means and disposal of storm water from the site during construction


17. Providing barricade and enclosure around the excavated trench/area in the site during excavation by

using the R.C.C post at 3 m Intervals to a height of 1.5 m from the existing G.L with suitable depth of

foundation (Minimum 0.60 M from Existing G.L ) and providing Polyster insulated chain link fencing

and fixing the chain link using M.S.Flat 30 x 6mm with bolting arrangements including painting the

post neatly. R.C.C post shall be placed on PCC 1:2:4 to a required depth to hold the post including

maintaining the barricade and enclosure till the entire completion of the work at no extra cost.

Barricades and hazardous areas adjacent to but not located in normal routes of travel shall be

marked by red flasher lanterns at nights. The same shall be dismantled and removed after the

completion of work within the quoted rates.

18. Providing and establishing disposal of any water from the site due to rains and de-watering at the site

during excavation at no extra cost. The arrangement for suitable de-watering system shall be the

responsibility of the tenderer, so that the excavated area and site is kept sufficiently dry and fit for

works during the contract period. Arrangement for any additional means of de-watering as may be

required depending on the exigencies shall be the responsibility of the Contractor without any claim

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to extra. Similarly retention of the excavated sides and stability of the slopes and prevention of land

slides shall be the responsibility of the Contractor within the quoted rates. All such precautionary

and safety measures for earthwork excavation and dewatering shall not hamper the construction

schedule at any time within the quoted rates.

19. All rules and regulations of Labour Department, Contract Labour Laws, Provident Fund and ESI and

connected laws, and all other laws of the land are to be complied with by the tenderer within the

quoted rates.

20. Security of men & machineries deployed by contractor shall be under contractor’s scope & client will

not be responsible for any loss or damage of work (Under contractor scope), machineries deployed by

contractor & labours deployed by the contractor.

21. Setting out the works at site shall be the entire responsibility of the Contractor for excavation

including maintaining the premises throughout the contract period, proper permanent grid line points

and datum bench mark within the quoted rates.

22. Maintain the site and surroundings in neat and orderly manner, free of accumulation of debris,

haphazard stacking of materials, unhygienic and unsafe environment, cleaning the site at all levels,

removal of unwanted materials on day-to-day basis during the contract period at no extra cost.

23. The estimated quantities given in the bill of quantities shall be regarded as approximate only and

shall not be deemed to gauge the extent or description of the works, or to limit the effect and

meaning of any of the provisions of the contract documents.

24. The quantities in the Bill of quantities approximately indicate the total extent of work but may vary

to any extent and may even be omitted thus altering the aggregate value of the contract. A Schedule

of Probable Quantities in respect of each trade of work is covered in this Part. Individual items in the

Schedule of Probable Quantities is liable to alteration without any pre-specified limit to extent of

such variations by way of omissions, deductions or additions at the discretion of the Architect. Each

Bid should contain not only the rates but also the value of each item of work entered in the amount

column and all the items should be totaled in order to show the aggregate value of the entire Bid.

The value of each item worked out shall be rounded off to a nearest Rupee ignoring paise below


25. Employer/Architect reserves the right to itself the right of altering the drawings and nature of work

by adding to or omitting any items of work or having portions of the same carried out without

prejudice to this contract. There shall be no limit on the scope and extent the changes that can be

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ordered by the employer and the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation or claim due

to such change(s) / order(s) by the employer. The contractor will only be paid for the actual quantity

of works done payable at the agreed unit rates.

26. Any permission required for establishing the site office including executing the work to be obtained

from the statutory Authority shall be responsibility of the tenderer within the Quoted rates.

27. The samples of materials for various works shall be produced by the tenderer as & when required

by the Employer/Architect during the evaluation of bids for scrutiny and approval. All samples

required by the specification for the approval of the Employer / Architect shall provide at any

stage till the completion of work and provide safe storage including recess for display, reference and

inspection of approved sample at no extra cost.

29. Contractor upon award of work shall submit a schedule, equipment & machinery deployment schedule, man

power deployment schedule, cash flow in consultation with client authorized representative. Also upon approval

of the above schedules & cashflow contractor shall send an updated weekly & monthly report to LRPL

authorized representatives.

30. The abbreviations used in the Specification and Bill of Quantities shall be read as follows:

IS Indian Standard

A.S.T.M American Society for Testing and Materials

A.W.S American Welding Society

MM & mm Millimetre /s CM

& cm Centimeter /s

L.M.(lm) Linear metre /s

RM (rm) / RMT (rmt) Running metre /s

KG (kg) Kilograme /s

Tonne/t/MT Metric ton/s (1000 Kilogrammes)

Dia. Diameter

Wt Weight

Sq.m. Square metre

Cum Cubic metre

No. Number

Qty. Quantity

L.S Lumpsum.

P.S. Provisional sum

Q.R.O Quote rate only.

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Drg.No. Drawing number

P.C.C. Plain Cement Concrete

R.C.C. Reinforced cement concrete

H.S.D High Yield strength Deformed bars

M.S. Mildsteel

C.R.S. Corrosion resistence steel.

C.T.D. Cold Twisted Deformed steel.

TMT Thermo Mechanically Treated Bars

31. A copy of soil report is enclosed for the reference to the tenderer as to identify the nature of soil,

but the enclosed soil report is only indicative. The tenderer is expected to inspect the site to investigate the following items before quoting the rates in the tender and the entire responsibility

for amenities & services there for shall be sole responsibility of the tenderer.

a. Nature and type of soil proposed for excavation and safety of excavation.

b. Availability of Power for execution.

c. Availability of Water for execution.

d. Means of Disposal of storm water/bailing out water from the site.

e. Means of Disposal of water due to De-watering at the site.

f. Nature and type of protection required for Neighbouring property to ensure full safety during

Construction activities in Progress.

g. Place for disposal of serviceable / unserviceable materials obtained during Construction

activities in Progress.

32. Housekeeping shall be carried out on a regular basis by deputing adequate dedicated resources (To be

agreed with Clients representatives) at no extra cost.

33. Area lighting and Task lighting in accordance with site safety rules.

34. Fall protection for voids, cutouts, shafts & construction openings as per safety guidelines to be


35. The Permissible wastage for reconciliations of materials shall be 2% for cement and 3% reinforcement

steel, RMC at 1%. Any excessive consumption more than the stipulated norms and wastages

beyond the permissible values shall be deducted at the rate of 150% of the value of the materials in

excess. Date : Signature of the Contractor

Place :

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Unless otherwise specified rates quoted for all Excavation and Filling works shall include the following :

1. Cost of all materials, labour, equipment / tools & plants required, conveyance,

infrastructure facilities required etc.

2. Site clearance such as clearing shrubs and growth, roots and small trees brush wood, wild growth etc

and local humps debris.

3. Work shall be at all levels, heights & elevation and location. Setting out the work to profile and

making the site suitable for marking layout of building by establishing the suitable Survey


4. Providing and fixing of permanent grid points with Galvanized M.S. angle iron posts embedded in

cement concrete 1:1.5:3 and placed sufficiently away from building line, and establishing bench

mark as well.

5. Excavation in any kind of soil including filled up soils, soft & hard disintegrated rock, hard moorum

with boulders and hard rock or as specified in the Bill of Quantities.

6. Excavation in hard rock shall be either by mechanical means like Air-compressed rock

chissler/breaker, Hydraulic hammer or manual means other than blasting (which is prohibited) or by

using chemical compound of `Accunix' of Associated Cement Company or equivalent approved make

and as per manufacturer’s specification, if required.

7. Excavation in any kind of soils including soft & hard dis-integrated rock shall be carried out as per

site soil condition and safety of excavation and as per the approved excavation plan. Methodology for

Excavation and De-Watering shall be got approved from the employer prior to commencement of

work. Employer/Architect’s decision in this regard is final and binding on the Contractor.

8. Staging, timbering, strutting and de-watering (baling out water either sub soil, rain water or surface)

and keeping trenches and excavations dry at any stage of work. Rate shall also include de-watering,

so as to keep the excavated area dry during the progress of foundation works and till the

measurements are recorded and check measured. Necessary provision to be made to drain the water

through peripheral drain and connecting the same to the main drain. Any extra width of excavation

as per site soil condition and safety of excavation in the pits and trenches, mass excavation for

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working space or for any kind of works including waterproofing treatment works required by the

Contractor, shall be carried out as per site condition and safety of excavation, within the quoted

rates. Providing shoring & strutting / sand bag lining for protecting the sides of excavation as

required. Filling the extra width of excavated area by the contractor for such purposes with approved fill

material and consolidating the same to get the required proctor density shall be within the quoted

rates.Working allowance shall be approved before start of works by LRPL engineer incharge.

9. Cutting through old foundations of all description, hard deposits which may be encountered during

the course of excavation.

10. Dismantling, removing, stacking and disposing the same away from the site of existing water pipes

and/or soil pipes within the excavation portion as directed.

11. Providing shoring and strutting for protecting the sides of foundations / trenches, wherever required.

12. Getting out and throwing spoil clear off area being excavated or depositing clear of edge of

foundation to avoid fall in.

13. Trimming all sides to plumb or otherwise as instructed at site, leveling all bottoms, clearing out all

loose earth etc.

14. The selected fill material shall be approved by the Employer / Architect before the same is used for

filling. The fill material shall be as specified. Black cotton, clayey or silty soil shall not be used.

Soils having laboratory density of less than 1.44 gm/cc may not be used for filling.

15. Filling in foundations and in plinth in layers not exceeding 150 mm, watering, consolidation, dressing

etc. complete and include for all lifts and leads, transport from stacks, rehandling etc.

16. Filled earth shall be watered and compacted by power roller or any other approved mechanical

means or adequate capacity to achieve the required minimum proctor density of 95% to 98 %.

17. Top layer of filling shall be brought to the specified line, levels grade and to the required proctor

density and as directed.

18. Disposing of excavated earth as directed and dressing to proper level and grade as required or by

transporting out of site to dumping ground legally approved by local authorities at no extra cost.

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19. Taking necessary precautions to prevent spillage of disposable earth during transport.

21. Supplying of utility services as directed and providing guard lights and Guard railing for trenches

wherever required.

22. Wherever the double handling of excavated earth is required, the place of deposit should be decided

in the first instance and to be deposited as directed.

23. Excess excavation if any, in horizontal direction shall be filled with concrete of Grade 1:2:4, on prior

approval by the Employer/Architect for making up the excavated area to the required level at no

extra cost. Any other means of filling shall not be allowed.

24. Cement for all works shall be High strength ordinary Portland cement and Coarse graded sand shall

be used.

25. Tests on materials shall conform to IS Specification and the test shall be carried out as directed

either at site Laboratory or at any approved test laboratory.

26. The method statement shall include all safety features and protection to workmen, third party as

well as property and services nearby. Methods of shoring and strutting should be fully detailed in the

method statement. Removal of excavated material from excavated area, method of handling,

method of storage (including double handling if necessary) as well as disposal shall be explained

fully. Where controlled blasting restricted to, the contractor should ensure that all necessary

statutory approvals are obtained in advance and kept in current and all necessary insurance and

other covers shall be taken and kept valid in the case of sub-contracting this job, such cover shall

include sub-contractor's workman also. Multiple handling of excavated materials shall be taken

into account in view of restricted area available for construction. No extra claim for payment

are additional time will be accepted on account of failure to take into account the above factors prior

to quoting.

Date :

Place :

Signature of the Contractor

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Unless otherwise specified, the rates quoted for Concrete items shall include the following:

1. Cost of all materials, labour, equipment / tools & plants required, conveyance,

infrastructure facilities required etc.

2. Work shall be at all levels, heights & elevation and location.

3. Cost of suitable form work and bracing according to the floor height specified in the

drawing, moulds, centering and shuttering, single / double height scaffolding, GI pipe as

directed at site. Dimension of form work will be within the tolerance as specified in IS 456 and

shuttering should be water tight. Shuttering materials shall be steel, timber or plywood as directed.

4. Exclude cost of reinforcement steel, structural steel and any inserts like bolts, plates, sleeves, pipes

etc, but include building in and placing in position any inserts supplied

5. Form work (which shall be measured and paid separately under relevant item ) include splayed

edges, notching, allowances for overlaps and passing at angles, battens, strutting, bolting, wedging,

casing, rocking, centering, boxing, shuttering, propping strut braces etc., removal thereof

and dressing the shuttering with oil to prevent, cement sticking to shutter faces. Form work

shall be either straight, curved, plain or tapered and also with provision for specified slopes, if

directed. Wind tie bolts for wall shuttering.

6. Form work for fair faced concrete items will be of resin bonded plywood of approved make in any

size required for the purpose under such item, fixed on suitable frame work including MS clear

separators, if so specified.

7. Bitumen/Ocean 500 micron gauge Polythene sheet shall, where directed be laid at all places

of flooring / grade slab / raft slab etc., before laying leveling course for flooring.

8. Adequate protection to edges and corners of Plain & Reinforced Cement Concrete works

from damage during construction.

9. Weigh batching, machine mixing, and transporting, pumping, placing and consolidation

using vibrators of approved type as directed.

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10. Keeping the work well watered for 10 days for plain cement concrete works and 21 days for

Reinforced cement concrete works after casting and it shall confirm to IS Specification. Providing

water tight casting platform, curing yard, form work, steel or plywood mould for preparation of

precast slabs & Jolly.

11. Roughening and hacking the concrete surfaces wherever required after removal of centering or


12. Forming key and construction joints, providing cement slurry work and cleaning at any stage of work,

sand papering of existing reinforcement bars of column and dowels from pile caps etc. as directed

before taking up fresh work.

13. All projections, toothings, ornamental work, finishing to shape as per drawing and as directed.

14. Making all drips, grooves, moulds, curved surfaces etc as directed.

15. Coarse graded sand shall be used for all concrete works.

16. Machine crushed coarse graded aggregate shall be hard broken blue granite of sizes specified.

17. Cement for all concrete works shall only be High strength ordinary portland cement of specified


18. Cement Grade shall be used only for the items so specified within the Quoted Rates.

19. Minimum cement content for specified design mix shall be in accordance with specification.

Minimum cement content will be the same as specified in the Technical specification

20. Designing the concrete mix and batching as per specifications, wherever design mix is specified and

approved, if so directed.

21. Use of weigh batch equipment for design mix concrete and machine mixed and mechanically vibrated

on placement in position as directed.

22. Providing Ready Mix concrete from approved source conforming to Specification & standards.

23. Adding of admixture to increase the workability and consistency in the concrete as slump retarder as

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per manufacturer’s specification wherever required and applying admixture / bonding agent to

increase the bonding between the old & New concrete and at Construction joints as per

manufacturer’s specification wherever required, on prior approval at no extra cost.

24. Limiting the temperature of concrete to the required level as directed, wherever required under

such item and if so specified on prior approval.

25. Providing sunk floors, pockets, cutouts, holes and larger size openings for security doors as

also concreting them after the doors are held in position, including grouting of hold fasts, under

the supervision and instructions of security contractors.

26. Embedding electrical conduits, junction boxes, fan hooks, cutout boxes and other inserts, sleeves

hold fasts, pipes etc.

27. Necessary spacer blocks made out of pvc to be provided to prevent the displacement

of reinforcement and also to maintain the required dimension, if required.

28. No finishing item is to be considered in quoting the rates for plain cement concrete works &

Reinforced cement concrete works, if so specified.

29. Taking test cubes for all concrete items and testing them as specified in IS 456 at the site laboratory

to be set up with proper equipment etc. and other regular test shall be carried out as directed either

at site Laboratory or at any approved test laboratory.

30. Tenderer shall ensure that they have adequate quantity of shuttering and suitable propping materials

according to the floor height specified in the drawing to keep up the required Concreting cycle per

floor as set out in the Tender Documents, Drawings and tentative Bar chart enclosed. They shall also

ensure that the de-shuttering sequence with proper propping, taking into account the Construction

Loading of the upper slabs, as set out in the Tender Drawings, is also kept up. Scheme to maintain

the props shall ensure that main supports are not disturbed. Reproping by means of removal and

reintroducing of props is not allowed.

31. Any tenderer who proposes any innovative or special propping according to the floor height specified

in the drawing, shuttering and de-shuttering methodology maintaining the required Concreting cycle

per floor shall furnish comprehensive and complete details of the same along with tender submission

is given preference.

Date : Signature of the Contractor

Place :

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Unless otherwise specified, the rates quoted for items under masonry work shall include the following :

1. Cost of all materials, labour, equipment / tools & plants required, conveyance, infrastructure

facilities required etc.

2. Work at any depth below ground level or any height above ground level and at all levels, heights &

elevation and location.

3. All double height scaffolding, ladders, platforms, staging and plant required in the execution of work

to any height and depth.

4. Best quality well chamber burnt moulded bricks conforming to IS 1077 and with minimum

compressive strength of 35 Kg/Sqcm only shall be used on the masonary work.

5. Brick work shall conform to IS 2212.

6. Hacking and roughening of concrete or other surface in contact with masonry for proper bondage.

7. All work in narrow widths, curved or straight as per drawing and as directed.

8. Provision for drip moulds, projections and architectural mouldings etc. and excludes RCC mullions,

panels and stiffeners to be provided in Masonry work.

9. Embedding in Galvanized M.S. holdfasts in Plain cement concrete 1:1.5:3 blocks, coach screws,

anchor fasteners and such other inserts, including chasing, grouting, curing etc..

10. Fix in position electrical conduits, cut-outs, and with chasing wherever necessary.

11. Raking out joints to specified depth either for plastering or pointing.

12. Leveling up and preparing top of masonry for damp proof course.

13. Keeping the work well wetted for two weeks.

14. Providing key stones to any thickness of walls as required in block masonry.

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15. Tests on bricks/block/ or any other masonry items as directed, conforming to IS Specification shall

be carried out as directed either at site Laboratory or at any approved test laboratory.

16. Providing water tight casting platform, curing yard, form work, steel or plywood mould for

preparation of precast blocks.

17. Conveyance of all materials to the required places.

18. Solid / Hollow block to any size shall conform to IS : 2185 and confirming to :

A. Solid Block :

1. Size of Block :

400x200 mm - 100 mm thick

400x200 mm - 200 mm thick

400x200 mm - 300 mm thick

2. Dimension tolerance:

Length of the units - Not morethan (+) or (-) 5 mm.

Height & width of the units - Not morethan (+) or (-) 3 mm.

3. Percentage of solids - Not less than 75%

4. Weight of a block in Kg.

400x200 mm - 100 mm thick - Not less than 14.4 Kg.

400x200 mm - 200 mm thick - Not less than 28.8 Kg.

400x200 mm - 300 mm thick - Not less than 43.2 Kg.

5 Yard dry density in Kg/Cum - not less than 1800 Kg/Cum.

6 Water Absorption - 5 to 6 %

7. Compressive Strength - not less than 3.5 N/Sq.mm conforming to BOQ Specification.

8. Thermal resistance - .38 to .33 Sq.mm

9. Estimated sound - 46 to 58 Db.

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B Hollow Blocks :

1. Size of Block :

400x200 mm - 100 mm thick

400x200 mm - 200 mm thick

400x200 mm - 300 mm thick

5. Dimension tolerance:

Length of the units - Not morethan (+) or (-) 5 mm.

Height & width of the units - Not morethan (+) or (-) 3 mm.

6. Percentage of solids - Not less than 75%

7. Weight of a block in Kg.

400x200 mm - 100 mm thick - Not less than 12 Kg.

400x200 mm - 200 mm thick - Not less than 24 Kg.

400x200 mm - 300 mm thick - Not less than 36 Kg.

5 Yard dry density in Kg/Cum - not less than 1500 Kg/Cum.

6 Water Absorption - 5 to 6 %

7 Compressive Strength - not less than 5.0 N/Sq.mm conforming to BOQ Specification

Compressive Strength - not less than 3.5 N/Sq.mm conforming to BOQ Specification

8. Thermal resistance - .38 to .33 Sq.mm

9. Estimated sound - 46 to 58 Db.

19. Providing reinforced cement concrete binder in 1:1.5:3 - 80mm thick with reinforcement steel of Fe

415 - 8 mm dia. 3 Nos.at bottom & 2 Nos at top and 6mm dia Mild steel stirrups at 200mm centres in

horizontal direction for Half brick masonry wall - 115mm thick at 1000mm intervals under the

respective BOQ item.

20. Providing reinforced cement concrete binder in 1:1.5:3 - 80mm thick with reinforcement steel of Fe

415 grade - 8 mm dia. 3 Nos.at bottom & 2 Nos at top and 8mm dia at 1000mm intervals stirrups at

200mm centres in horizontal direction for Solid / Hollow block masonry wall - 100 /150 mm thick

under the respective BOQ item.

21. At the junction of Hollow block or brick masonry a bearing block of concrete or intervening brick in

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mortar courses shall have to be introduced wherever required including nominal reinforcement.

22. Cement used for all Masonry works shall be High strength ordinary Portland cement Grade 43.

23. Coarse graded sand shall be used for mortars in all masonry works.

24. Machine crushed coarse graded aggregate shall be hard broken blue granite of sizes specified only to

be used for concrete works.

25. Providing MS Flat of 140 mm x 40 mm 4mm thick bent to shape with anchor nolts - 8 mm dia 1

Nos.drilled and fixed to concrete at the junction of masonry with concrete at every 5th coarse or

1000mm intervals with necessary expandable mesh is included under the respective BOQ item.

Date : Signature of the Contractor

Place :

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Unless otherwise specified, the rates quoted for items under Reinforced steel Iron works shall include the


1. Cost of all materials (Excluding steel supply), labour, equipment / tools & plants, handling of

client supplied steel, required conveyance, infrastructure facilities required etc.

2. Work at any depth below ground level or any height above ground level and at all levels, heights &

elevation and location.

3. All reinforcement steel shall be the Grade of Fe 500 CRS or Fe 500 or Fe 415 or Mild steel. In

General, Mild steel conforming to IS 432 and HSD (High yield strength deformed) twisted bar

conforming to IS 1786 and shall be used as specified elsewhere in the bills of materials.

4. Cutting and waste, straightening, bending, hoisting, fixing, supporting in position using PVC blocks

and tying with approved binding wire made out of no 18 gauge G.I. annealed wire double fold and

welding with electrodes for lapping the rods if required. All welding with electrodes shall be in

accordance with IS.

5. Unless otherwise noted in the bills of Quantities, method of measurements shall be generally

in accordance with IS 1200. Reinforcement shall be measured only in lengths of bars as actually

placed in position on standard weight basis, no allowance being made in the weight for rolling

margin. Authorized laps and splices only will be measured. Chairs of any shape & profile, Spacer

bar of any shape & profile, cover block, wastage and binding wire will not be measured and shall be

included in the quoted rates.

6. All materials supplied shall be free from manufacturing defects and defective workmanship and

guaranteed. Any defects noticed shall be made good at no extra cost.

7. Steel doors and Steel casement windows and ventilators, including all its fittings, shall be

manufactured to conform to IS 1038 and IS 7452.

8. Appropriate sections having the specified weight characteristics only shall be used for the frames and


9. Shutters of all Doors, windows and ventilators shall be as per drawing and as approved.

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10. Projecting type stainless steel hinges / pivot hinges must be provided for all side hung shutters.

11. Providing and fixing all joinery hardware fittings like floor spring, mortice lock, cylindrical lock, door

closer, handle, hinges of approved make and ISI mark.

12. All the members shall be finished with one coat of Anti- corrosive primer/ Zinc chromate /

Zinc phosphate primer after thorough cleaning of the surface to remove rust/scale, oil etc., in

accordance with relevant I.S standards and specifications. Extra coat of painting shall be given to

obtain uniform and good finish and extra putty shall be applied to ensure uniform and smooth finish,

if directed.

13. Fittings supplied shall be sturdy and samples of all fittings shall be got approved before fabrication.

14. Workmanship and finish of the Doors, windows, ventilators and fittings should be as per

approved standards and confirming to IS specification.

15. All hardware fittings such as Pegstays with screws, Standard Handles, Spring, catches, lugs

with suitable screws, Glazing clips, Transomes, Mullions, Coupling bars, Weathering bars, where

necessary Cast aluminium alloy or pressed steel stove enameled wrinkle finish.

16. Supply of hardware fittings like coupling, mullions, and additional fixing like clamps, bolts, nuts,

washers etc., for continuous fastening of windows / structural steel members.

17. Fabrication of Doors, windows and ventilators shall be in all respects including all associated costs up

to delivery at site.

18. Erection of fabricated Doors, windows and ventilators shall be placed in position including lifting,

jointing and painting as specified in the bills of quantities.

19. All welding with electrodes used for fabrication shall be in accordence with IS specification and as


20. Tests on materials shall conform to IS Specification and the test shall be carried out as directed

either at site Laboratory or at any approved test laboratory.

Date : Signature of the Contractor

Place :

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Unless otherwise specified, the rates quoted for items under Structural steel works and sheeting work shall

include the following:

1. Cost of all materials, labour, equipment / tools & plants required, conveyance,

infrastructure facilities required etc.

2. Work at any depth below ground level or any height above ground level and at all levels, heights &

elevation and location.

3. Weight of steel will be the measured on weight basis in accordance with IS 1200, but no wastage will

be considered.

4. No deduction will be made for bolt holes, notches, chamfers etc and no addition will be made for


5. Weights of bolts, nuts, washers etc. should be included in the main steel work and as such no

separate payment for these will be allowed

6. Fabrication of the structural steel items shall be completed in all respects including all associated

costs upto delivery at site.

7. Erection of fabricated items shall be carried out including lifting, placing in position, jointing and

painting as specified in the Bills of materials.

8. All welding with electrodes shall be in accordance with IS specification and as approved.

9. Anti-corrosive treatment to structural steel with specialized painting for all steel works should be

carried out including preparation of surface confirming to IS specifications, if specified in the bills of


10. Provide and use cranes of different capacities for material handling and leading, separate mobile

crawler / wheel mounted crane with telescopic boom etc., as appropriate for erection of roof steel

works at all levels and various locations.

11. Provide use of suitable type of cranes, since as several works will be in progress simultaneously like

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mass excavation for pits and trenches and close and usual access may not be available for steel work


12. Sufficient number of cranes for material handling, feeding and larger capacity cranes for erection at

all levels and various locations should be mobilized.

13. Provide for using sufficient cranes with telescope boom for carrying on truss erection work in

a speedy manner, with sufficient telescope reach boom and carrying capacity as erection may have

to be done from a long distance from actual spot. Due to progress of other works such as excavation

or concreting of pits and trenches at the same time more than one crane may be required for

safety consideration.

14. All materials supplied shall be free from manufacturing defects and defective workmanship and

guaranteed. Any defects noticed shall be made good, at no extra cost

15. Workmanship and finish of the fabricated items should be as per approved standards and confirming

to IS specification.

16. Painting shall be provided with two or more coats of approved brand as specified in the Bills of


17. Extra coat of painting shall be given to obtain uniform and good finish and extra putty shall be

applied to ensure uniform and smooth finish, if directed.

18. Performance guarantee for anti-corrosive treatment with specialized painting for 5 (Five) years in

stamp paper in approved Format.

19. Sheeting to the roof shall be generally provided with authorised Laps, Gutters, Flashing, Bolts & nuts,

washers and all necessary accessories, welding the Gutter if required with consumables, stop ends

with in the quoted rates.

20. Tests on materials shall conform to IS Specification and the test shall be carried out as directed

either at site Laboratory or at any approved test laboratory.

Date : Signature of the Contractor

Place :

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Unless otherwise specified, the rates quoted for items under Flooring works shall include the following :

1. Cost of all materials, labour, equipment / tools & plants required, conveyance,

infrastructure facilities required etc.

2. Work at any depth below ground level or any height above ground level and at all levels, heights &

elevation and location.

3. All scaffolding, ladders, platforms, staging and plant required in the execution of work to any height

and depth.

4. Final preparation of base sub-grade or sub-floor by cleaning of all dust/dirt, loose particles, caulked

mortar dropping by scrubbing with coir or steel wire brushes, caulking etc. Roughening surface if

so directed, cleaning with water and keeping surface wet for 12 hours and removing surplus water

by mopping before topping is laid and minor trimming of the base to remove undulations.

5. Cleaning, preparation of surface and watering immediately before laying the floor as directed.

6. Providing bedding layer of mortar for flooring / skirting / dadooing / steps shall be as specified in

bills of materials either in the case of slabs or tiles, etc. to correct levels and gradients as called


7. Cutting, rubbing and polishing where applicable (both machine and hand) including grinding, rubbing,

acid cleaning, wax and tin-oxide polishing etc.

8. Keeping the surface wet for a minimum period of one week.

9. Providing all Marble and granite slab / tile flooring, skirting, dadooing with neat white cement slurry

coat to the required thickness over bed mortar before laying the slab/tile. All cladding works

in marble and granite slab/tile etc, shall be provided with requisite brass / gun metal clamps /

stainless steel clamps and keys in required sizes and pattern. Unless noted otherwise in the bills of

materials brass / gun metal clamps / stainless steel clamps and keys shall be suitably

designed to the requirement of internal wall cladding and to be designed to the specified wind

pressure in the case of external wall cladding.

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10. Providing vitrified ceramic tile, ceramic tile, glazed tile flooring with the bedding layer of mortar

as specified in the bill of quantities.

11. Providing vitrified ceramic tile, ceramic tiles glazed tile skirting and dadoing with bedding layer of

mortar as specified in the bill of quantities or with bedding layer of "ROFF TILE” Water proof Tile

Adhesive or equivalent "Laticrete product" for fixing and pointing shall have ‘Roff Tile – Joint Fillers’

or equivalent "Laticrete product" of approved shade and colour as per Manufacturer's Specification.

12. All vitrified ceramic tile, ceramic tile, glazed tile skirting and dadoing shall have final light acid

cleaning, as directed.

13. Work in jambs, soffits and sills of openings in Lift entrance/ Main entrance shall be arranged to

match with the surrounding finishes and as directed.

14. Formation of vertical grooves on vertical surfaces and provision of mortar bed of required thickness

to achieve proper level/slope.

15. Provision in small quantities, narrow width, mitred and returned ends, sinking, risers, set back and

any other sundry items for cutting, fixing, making good up to and which may be required for forming


16. Any additional mortar or concrete required to bring the surface to the required level and gradient

before laying the base mortar at no extra cost.

17. Machine crushed coarse graded aggregate shall be hard broken blue granite of sizes specified only to

be used for concrete works.

18. Cement used for all flooring works shall be High strength ordinary Portland cement of specified Grade

19. Coarse graded sand shall be used for mortars in all flooring works.

20. Tests on materials shall conform to IS Specification and the test shall be carried out as directed

either at site Laboratory or at any approved test laboratory.

Date: Signature of the Contractor


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Unless otherwise specified, the rates quoted for items under Internal & External finishes shall include the


1. Cost of all materials, labour, equipment / tools & plants required, conveyance, infrastructure

facilities required etc.

2. Work at any depth below ground level or any height above ground level and at all levels, heights &

elevation and location.

3. Works internally and externally at any heights and in any position or shape as directed.

4. Providing scaffolding, staging, working platforms, ladder, plants etc., as required and removal of the

same after completion of the work.

5. Hacking and for bush hammering to form key for plaster and for better dash treatment as and where


6. All work in narrow width haunching chamfered drips external angles, drip moulds to chajjas, balcony,

and parapet projections etc.

7. Providing and fixing a layer of GI chicken mesh (Double folded) to a required width at the junctions

of concrete and brick work before plastering and curing the works.

8. Providing and fixing GI corner beads of ARPITHA EXPORTS or equivalent in all edges of plastering and

isolated column, column projections everywhere.

9. Providing plaster grooves wherever different materials are used and at junctions of RCC members and

masonry works both in ceiling and on walls and the junctions at wall & openings, as directed.

10. Hacking or roughening concrete surface, ceilings or masonry surface by raking out joints, preparing

and wetting the surface to receive the plaster / paint and curing etc. complete.

11. Holes on the walls shall not be made to provide support to the single scaffolding, staging, working

platform etc.

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12. Different grades of coarse sand required for use of work including sieving sand to get the required

grade of sand.

13. Making the surface well watered and thoroughly soaked for at least 12 hours prior to plastering.

14. Keeping the plastered surfaces wet continuously for a period of 7 days after the completion of the

item in any area by proper spraying of water.

15. Neat finishing of junctions of plaster at the junctions of skirting, dadooing and cladding works.

16. Washing floors, cleaning of glass, aluminium works, aluminium composite Panel, flooring

works, cladding works shall be carried out to ensure the premises is clean and tidy after

completion of plastering and painting works.

17. Work in jambs, soffits and sills of openings shall be carried out as directed.

18. Providing plaster in small areas & quantities, narrow width, mitred and returned ends, sunken areas,

risers, making the surface good upto and which may be required for forming good finish.

Any additional plaster required to bring the surface to the required level and plumb shall be carried

out at no extra cost.

19. Tests on materials shall conform to IS Specification and the test shall be carried out as directed

either at site Laboratory or at any approved test laboratory.

20. Cement used for all finishing and plastering works shall be High strength ordinary Portland cement of

specified Grade.

21. Paint shall be applied as per the specification and to Manufacturer’s specification & instructions.

22. Curing, protecting the painted surface, adjacent work and thoroughly cleaning of the premises.

23. Paint shall be ready mixed and of first quality of the approved brand and manufacturer. The paint

shall generally conform to the chemical composition and other characteristics laid down in the

relevant Indian standard specification.

24. Mixing of paint by the Contractor at site will not be allowed.

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25. In the case of selection of special shades and colours (not available standard shades), the Contractor

shall mix different shades of ready mixed paints at approved place and as per Manufacturer’s


26. Materials shall be the highest grade products of well known approved manufacturers. It is desired

that materials of one manufacturer only shall be used as far as possible and paint of one shade be

obtained from the same manufacturing batch. All paints shall be subjected to analysis from random

samples taken at site from the painter’s bucket, if so desired.

27. Any materials found not conforming to the relevant specification shall have to be removed by the

Contractor from the site at no extra cost.

28. All primer coats shall be compatible to the material of the surface to be finished as well as to the

finishing coats to be applied.

29. Lime for white washing shall be pure shell lime or fat lime, or a mixture of both and shall conform to

IS:712 and approved lime shall be brought to site in an unslaked condition.

30. Synthetical enamel paint shall be in a smooth, hard, durable and glossy finish to all exterior and

interior surfaces and it shall conform to IS:2932 and IS:2933.

31. Waterproof Cement Paint Shall conform to IS:5410.

32. Dry distemper of required colour conforming to IS: 427.The primer where used shall be cement

primer or distemper primer of same manufacturer as that of distemper.

33. Acrylic Emulsion Paint Shall be in accordance with the specification. The paint should be able

to withstand washing with mild soap and water without any deterioration in colour or without

showing flaking, blistering or peeling after its dried.

34. Oil bound distemper shall confirm IS:428. The primer where used be cement primer or distemper

primer of same manufacturer as that of distemper. The distemper shall be diluted with prescribed

thinner in a manner recommended by the manufacturer.

35. Chemical resistant paint shall confirm IS:157 and the primer coat shall be used as per

manufacturer’s specifications.

36. Fire resisting paint (silicate type & water based) shall confirm IS:162 and the primer coat shall be

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used as per manufacturer’s specifications.

37. Oil resistant paint shall confirm IS:161 and the primer coat shall be used as per manufacturer’s


38. French polish shall be an approved make conforming to IS : 348.

39. Concrete / masonry surface and cement plastered surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of mortar

droppings and other stickings. All loose scales and flakes shall be removed by rubbing with hessian

cloth or sand papering. All holes shall be filled and the surface rubbed smooth to get evenness of the

existing surface. The surface shall be free from all oil, grease, efflorescence, mildew, loose paint

or other foreign and loose materials. Masonry cracks shall be cleaned out and patch filled with

mortar similar to the original surface and uniformly textured. Where this type of resurfacing may lead

to the finishing paint being different in shade from the original surfaces, the resurfaced area

shall be treated with a minimum of one coat of cement primer and should be continued to the

surrounding area for a distance of at least 100mm.

40. Painting work on wood, steel and iron surface shall conform to IS : 1477 and one shop coat of red

oxide or zinc chromate primer or as specified shall be given to all iron surfaces. Preparation

of surface by sand papering in the case of wood works and wire brushing/sanding or chemical

removal of rust and scaling in the case of steel work.

41. All primer coats shall be compatible to the material of the surface to be finished as well as to the

finishing coat to be applied.

42. No painting shall be done when plastering is in progress or is drying. Paint which seals the surfaces to

moisture shall be applied only after the moisture on and below the surface has dried out.

43. All coats shall be thoroughly dry before being sand papered or before the succeeding coat is applied.

Coats of painting as specified are intended to cover surfaces perfectly. In case the surface is not

covered properly by applying the specified number of coats, further coats shall be applied by the

Contractor when so directed by the Engineer at no extra cost.

44. All parts of mouldings and ornaments shall be left clean and true to finish after completion of


45. Stopping and filling carpentry work should be carried out when the primer is just dry. Providing deep

scratches, holes, stopping with putty of plastic wood confirming to IS 423. The putty shall be

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white lead with linseed oil base or synthetic metal putty.

46. Providing filling to the all minor scratches and rough surfaces, like flush door’s faces shall be made

out of one part of white lead, two parts of whiting (powdered chalk) mixed and kneaded in double

boiled linseed oil shall be evenly applied and rubbed down with G/220 or G/240 sand paper after

allowing it to dry .

47. Painting shall be done by skilled labourers in a workmanlike manner. All materials shall be evenly

applied so as to be free from sags, runs, crawls, or other defects. All coats shall be of proper

consistency and shall be well brushed out, so that no brush marks are visible, except varnish and

enamels which shall be uniformly flowed on. The brushes shall be clean and in good condition before

application of paint.

48. Ready mixed synthetic enamel paint or fill paint may be used for the undercoat. The

undercoating should be nearest to the specified colour of the finishing coat and shall be uniform

and free of all brush marks.

49. Undercoats should be completely dry before finishing coat is taken up. For synthetic enamels

overnight and for oil paints, a whole day shall be left between undercoat and finishing coat. The

undercoat shall then be rubbed with G/240 sand paper and dusted clean. The finishing coat of

approved paint shall then be applied. If the surface is not satisfactory additional finish coats shall be

applied at no extra cost. The paints shall be applied with bristle brushes and not horse hair ones.

50. When the final coat is applied, if directed, the surface shall be rolled with a roller or if directed

it shall be stippled with a stippling brush.

51. All painted surfaces shall be uniform and pleasing the appearance. The colour, texture etc. shall

match exactly with approved samples. All stains, splashes and splatters of paint shall be removed

from surrounding surfaces.

52. Ceiling of basement floor is not intended to be plastered but finished under form finish with neat

cement wash only. Hence, shuttering must be of such type that uniform and level finish is

obtained without requiring plastering. However rate shall include neat cement wash. Cost to include

deburring of shuttering joints and ensuring smooth finish as directed.

Date : Signature of the Contractor

Place :

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Unless otherwise specified, rate quoted for miscellaneous works shall include the following:

1. Cost of all materials, labour, equipment, tools & plants required, conveyance,

infrastructure facilities required etc.

2. Work shall be at all levels, heights & elevation and location.

3. All reinforcement steel shall be the grade of Fe 500 CRS or Fe 500 or Fe 415 or mild steel and shall be

used as specified elsewhere in the Bills of mateirals. Unless otherwise noted in the bills

of Quantities, method of measurements shall be generally in accordence with IS 1200.

Reinforcement shall be measured only in lengths of bars as actually placed in position on standard

weight basis, no allowance being made in the weight for rolling margin. Authorised laps and

splices only will be measured. Chairs of any shape & profile, Spacer bar of any shape & profile,

cover block, wastage and binding wire will not be measured and shall be included in the quoted


4. Cement for all works shall be High strength ordinary portland cement of specified Grade

5. Coarse graded sand shall be used.

6. Machine crushed coarse graded aggregate shall be hard broken blue granite of sizes specified only to

be used for concrete works.

7. All materials supplied shall be free from manufacturing defects and defective workmanship and

guaranteed. Any defects noticed shall be made good, at no extra cost

8. Tests on materials shall conform to IS Specification and the test shall be carried out as directed

either at site Laboratory or at any approved test laboratory.

9. Provide all materials, hardware’s, bolts and nuts, washers, any fastening materials and

devices, anchor fasteners shall be of approved make and conform to IS specification if required.

10. All Specialized items shall be pre-ordered and to be carried out only on prior approval.

11. Hardware fittings and fixtures shall be made with structural properties to sustain safety and

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withstand strains and stresses to which they are normally subjected, such as opening and closing,

wind pressure etc. Fittings shall generally conform to relevant IS specifications. 12. Hardware fittings shall be made true, clean, straight, with sharply defined profiles and unless

otherwise shown or specified, with true smooth surfaces and edges, free from defects, screw holes

shall be counter sunk to suit the head of wood screws.

13. Metal shall be treated with finish as specified in the Bill of Quantities.

14. All other specified Hardware fittings shall be free from defects impairing strength, durability or

appearance and of the best quality obtainable for their particular function and situation in structure

and the approved fittings only shall be used. All screws shall be of best quality stainless steel Mild

Steel Copper Oxidized or brass. Weight and / or thickness of the fittings without screws shall be in

accordance with IS.

15. Hardware fittings like aldrops, handles and knobs etc., shall be fitted to the joinery items with the

machine threaded stainless steel screws from the back side in addition of regular screws and nuts so

as not to permit removal of fittings from the side where fittings are seen.

16. Aldrops shall be of aluminum colour anodised or as specified and shall be capable of smooth sliding

action. Aldrops shall conform to I.S 281. In case of single leaf door, hole of suitable size shall be

made in the door frame and a plate cut to shape shall be fixed at the face of the hole. Generally,

size of aldrop shall be taken as the length of the rod.

17. Sliding Bolts / Latches shall be of stainless steel /M.S Brass / aluminium colour anodised and shall be

capable of smooth sliding action. Generally, size of latch shall be taken as the length of the bolt


18. Tower Bolts shall be aluminium colour anodised from extruded section/ brass. Tower bolts shall be

provided with steel spring and ball shall be provided between the sheet and the barrel. Size of tower

bolts shall be taken as the length of barrel without top socket.

Date : Signature of the Contractor

Place :