Prayers to Help You Smile Wi out - Katy McCown

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Page 1: Prayers to Help You Smile Wi out - Katy McCown

7 Prayersto Help YouSmileWithoutFear

Page 2: Prayers to Help You Smile Wi out - Katy McCown

7 Prayers to Help You Smile Without Fear

Dear God, I want my thoughts to swirl with praises to You instead of churn with anx-iety. I don't want to waste one more day smothered by my deafening thoughts. They steal my attention from the beauty of Your majesty, and I miss Your glo-ry all around me. Quiet my soul, I pray. May today be the beginning of a new thought pattern in my life. Let Your joy fill my soul as I think of You. In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear God, so often I find myself wanting to lean on my own understanding. The de-sire to know and control what is happening around me distracts me from look-ing to You and empties me of peace. Today, I turn to You. I seek You first and rely on You to direct my steps. In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear God, thank You for the hope we have in Jesus. You know the future, and You hold the future. Today, help me live with the confidence that You have given me everything I need to be prepared for the future. In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear God, I’m tired of carrying these worries. They rob me of the life You came to secure for me and distract me from walking in the fullness of Christ. I want my heart to be free from the thorns of worry. Today, I cast them upon Your capable shoulders. Open the airways of my soul! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Page 3: Prayers to Help You Smile Wi out - Katy McCown

7 Prayers to Help You Smile Without Fear

Dear God, show me my faulty fortresses. Expose the moments in my life when I turn to a deliverer other than You. Ground me in the truth that You alone can rescue me from sin and shame and despair. Grant me hope as I trust in You as my Deliverer. In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear God, even though I can't always see what You are doing, help me hold on to Your truth in every circumstance. Today, I choose to draw near to You. Remind me of Your past faithfulness. Give me a glimpse of Your activity on my behalf. Help me hold on to what I know: You are who You say You are and You do what You say You will do. In Jesus' name, amen.

Dear God, I admit I don't like hard times, and if it were up to me I would avoid them. But I know You are good, and I know Your love never fails. When I feel reject-ed and broken by life, help me turn to You. I want to run to You for refuge in my most uncertain times. You are my rock and my fortress. Lead me and guide me for Your name's sake. And when my circumstances take longer to resolve than I'd like, help my heart take courage as I wait on You, Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.