Practice Session: Harmony in Society

Practice Session: Harmony in Society. 2 Problem – Toothache (or only symptom?) Action taken to get rid of it – Pain killer (or symptomatic relief – temporary?)

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Practice Session:Harmony in Society


Current State – Society based on Domination, Exploitation

Fragmented Society … Family?

Assumptions (eg. Money is everything)

In Every Individual

Accumulation By Any Means

In few Individuals

Domination &Exploitation

In Society

Mastery &Exploitation

Over Nature

Madness for Consumption Hkksx mUeknMadness for Profit ykHk mUeknMadness for Sensual Pleasure dke mUekn

Resource DepletionPollution



Survey 2002-2003

Itra – 2300 population. Income is 2.58 cr/year just from Grain, Milk and Vegetables. As income increased, misuse of money increased. Expensive marriages…10 tractors, 50 motorcycles bought … most of them are idle

Gurah – 2500 population. Mostly shuttering work. Monthly income is 9000; 3000 spent on liquor, gutka, gambling… competition to make pucca houses…

Sandila – 2200 population. Spends Rs 8 Lakhs/year on gutka (equivalent to food for 1200-1300 people for 1 year)

Is physical facility available in sufficient quantity?

Is there right utilization of available physical facility?


As crops rot, millions go hungry in India – Reuters 2-July-2012

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Every day some 3,000 Indian children die from illnesses related to malnutrition, and yet countless heaps of rodent-infested wheat and rice are rotting in fields across the north of their own country.

It is an extraordinary paradox created by a rigid regime of subsidies for grain farmers, a woeful lack of storage facilities and an inefficient, corruption-plagued public distribution system that fails millions of impoverished people.



Report – Available PF enough? Right Utilization of PF?

More than 1 billion tons of food lost or wasted every year, UN-backed report finds (11 May 2011)

About a third of all the food produced for human consumption each year – or roughly 1.3 billion tons – is lost or wasted, according to a new study commissioned by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Food Production is 6 times requirementFood Wastage is 1/3rd of productionWastage is enough to feed 1300 crore people/year

Have we understood right utilisation?Is it a question of production?Is it a question of relationship?Is it a question of right understanding?



Hiware Bazaar

Watch the video "Hiware Bazaar" (23 Minutes)

We will discuss your observations:

1.What is the goal of this village society?

2.What is the program followed by this village society?

3.Man influences society/system or man has to conform to society/system? Is there space in the current system for individuals to express themselves?

4.Reflect on your family goal, family program & participation of each member of your family


Summary – Hiware Bazar (Education-sanskar)

1995 2012

School Curriculum Defunct Curriculum has compulsory course on water management32 students studying medicine in nearby colleges

Liquor Shops 22 NIL

Sanitation Open defecation 100% toiletsNo sweepers hired by village – all work done by residents


Summary – Hiware Bazar (Justice-Suraksha)

1995 2012

Families / Population 182 / ? 235 / 1,25093 families have returned

Gram Sabha Participative, Transparent

Forest Grazing domestic cattle on forest land. Trees cut for firewood

10 lakh trees planted 90% success rate. No grazing in forest – grow fodder instead. Babool trees in forest used to harvest gum

Girl Children Second daughters marriage expenses borne by gram panchyat

Diversity Mosque made by community for only muslim family

Collaboration Community labour

Environment No cars used within village – and outside use car pools; use cycles within village (gram sabha 2008)


Summary – Hiware Bazar (Production-Work, Exchange-Storage)

1995 2012

Average Rainfall / Year 400 mm 400 mm (190 mm in 2010)

Irrigated Area 20 hectares / 976 hectares

70 hectares / 976 hectares

Water Conservation 52 earthen bunds, 2 percolation tanks, 32 stone bunds, 9 check dams.Tubewell only for drinking water, not for agriculture

Wells / Water Level 90 / 80-125 ft 294 / 15-40 ft

Crops Included sugarcane

Maize, jowar, bajra, onions, potatoes… planned after monthly water availability assessment. Now sugarcane is restricted to ½ acre & only for fodder

Organic farming 20% chemical fertilisers plan to go 100% organic soon

Milk Production / Day 150 liters 4,000 liters

Per Capita Income / Month

830 30,000 (60 millionaires)

Families / Below BPL 168 3 (Hiware Bazar puts it at12)


Summary – Hiware Bazar (Health-Sanyam)

1995 2012

Primary Health Open, transparent


“I took 21 years to transform my village. Now I have zipped the strategy to take just 2 years. With community participation, we can create a new era of rural change”

Popatrao Pawar, Deputy Sarpanch 2012


This is a very good example of what people can do together (there is still a lot of space for good work in the current system)!

After 21 Years… Hiware Bazaar Today (November 2012) 250-300 people visit Hiware Bazaar every day

Popat Rao Pawar has been made State minister, Chairman of Maharashtra's Model Village Programme

He has been given charge of 100 villages – to implement similar model

Contacts:MohanHabib Sayyed (works on village water management)


Kuthambakkam Village, near Chennai

Study the village cluster with Kuthambakkam as the nodal village. This is after 15 Years of working together… Kuthambakkam Today (Feb 2012)

Working with 740 panchayats in 2012. Active projects with about 50 panchayats (there are about 2.75 lakh panchayats in India)

Elango Ramaswamy, Ashoka Fellow, Trust for Self Governance & Ex. Sarpanch of Kuthambakkam Gram Panchayat, Kuthambakkam, Poonamallee Block, Thiruvallur District TN 600124

Phone: +91 44 2681 1247, +91 99406 82201

Email: [email protected]

Web Site: http://www.modelvillageindia.org.in



1. Network Economy - concentrate on Prosperity creation rather than poverty eradication. More than 80% of village consumption can be met through value-addition done to the local produce. The remaining can be supplied by village trade groups (This initiative will focus on evolving self-dependent economy in the rural areas rather than worry about their place in the global market).

Assured and Sustainable employment Access and Food Security Developing Collective Entrepreneurship Conserve energy

2. Decentralise – Continue strengthening panchayats by sharing and learning best practices among panchayats to enable them to function as Local Self Governments to establish self reliant villages (Facilitated by the Panchayat Raj system, these efforts will have a ripple effect)


Gram Panchayat (Village Governance)

A few hundred years back, India was held together through strong community leadership and community based actions... they created and sustained community based infrastructure, governance and trade.

The people governing themselves would truly bring democracy to the grass-roots and take a mighty step towards reviving the village economy to its past glory

It would build within them confidence in their ability and pride in their locality

A strong local governance will ensure the success of every national plan

A network may contain 20-25 villages and a population of 50,000-60,000 people – a sustainable economic zone


Network Villages

Nucleus village

Network village #1

Network village #3

Network village #2

Network village #4

Network village #5

Network Village Economy - self-

sustaining economy zone

Surplus production for outside consumption and buying services and products

Surplus production

Production for local consumption


Village Network Economy

Money economy does not report real values...the value of a rupee is different in different hands...what might be food for 4-5 days in the poor man's hands is the price of a cigar for the rich man - J.C.Kumarappa

The network villages share their produce between themselves and supplement each others' production and processingWhat is produced in excess is sent to outside world - other village clusters or towns for money power which in turn can buy products and services not available in the village


Initial Results: Occupation

Occupation Groups - Network Economy

Artisans and Skill based15%

Skilled Labour15%

Local Producers



Occupation Groups - Before


Artisans and Skill based15%

Have Nots 50%


RELATIONSHIPS (laca/k)with human



(lqfo/kk )with rest of nature


(le>)in the self



(mHk; le`f))


Human Conciousness

ekuo psruk

Animal Conciousness

tho psruk





Progress - Transformation


Human Society – Society based on Relationship, Co-existence

Human Target – As an Individual

Human Target – As a Family

1. Justice

2. Prosperity

3. Participate in Human Society

Human Target – As a Society

Integrated Society


Undivided Family, Universal Human Order

Human Target (ekuo y{;)

Human Order ¼ekuoh; O;oLFkk½

Five Dimensions ¼i¡kp vk;ke½1. Education – Sanskar

2. Health – Sanyam

3. Production – Work

4. Justice – Suraksha

5. Exchange – Storage

1 2 3 4

Right Understanding & Right Feelings

In Every Individual


In Every Family


In Society


In Nature/ Existence







2 3




Universal Human Order – Societal Order in which fulfillment of the Human Target is ensured

In such a Societal Order, every human being lives with happiness & prosperity; and there is an assurance of its continuity


Dynamic Relationship between Individual & Family… Society

Sanskar (t), Environment (t), Self-exploration (t) Sanskar (t+1)

Family environment / tradition = ∑ Sanskar (all family members)a) Understanding, Feelings & Thoughtb) Physical Facility

Participation = Understanding goal (individual + family) &Effort for it's fulfillment

Participation includes effort for getting rid of problems or incompleteness [what’s missing + solution + my role in the solution]

2 key outputs – 1. Own sanskar / understanding & realisation 2. Environment / tradition at level of family… society

1. Education-sanskar2. Environment / Tradition 1. Participation in larger order


Responsibility, Participation Irresponsibility, Expectation

Indiv – Family – Family cluster – Village – Village cluster – Nation – World Family

101 ~101 ~102 ~1010

Individual:Responsibility, Swatantrata HappinessParticipation in larger order

Family of Such Individuals:More people Less effort per personResponsible Family Happiness & ProsperityParticipation (10 x 10%); undivided family

Society: Continuity of Happiness & Prosperity

Relationship, Undivided SocietyUniversal Human Order

Individual:Irresponsibility, Partantrata UnhappinessExpectation from larger order

Family of Such Individuals: More people More effort per personIrresponsible Family Unhappiness & DeprivationExpectations; fragmented family

Society: Unhappiness & Deprivation

Domination, Fragmented SocietyInhuman Governance


Responsibility & Participation

Individual takes responsibility for most of his needs, passes on rest (abt 10%) to be fulfilled by larger order (swayam mein vyavastha) &

Is actively participating in larger order (badi vyavastha mein bhagidari)

10 such individuals next larger order has 10 x 10% to fulfill- It is a managable load for the larger order. Enrichment of people is

possible- Relationship or dominance, both options are available to the larger

order. Depending on level of understanding, one mode is predominant- Individual is happy & engages more with larger order- Individual is able to see that he has been responsible and active in

participation. This is fulfilling for him- In the state of fulfillment, he is able to rightly evaluate himself & make

plan for further self-development- Fulfilled individual is able to help others in understanding & living



Lack of Responsibility &/or Lack of Participation

Individual takes responsibility for very few of his needs, passes on rest to be fulfilled by larger order (swayam mein a-vyavastha) &/or

Is not actively participating in larger order (badi vyavastha mein bhagidari nahin)

- it is an overload for the larger order. 10-100 people have to be exploited directly/indirectly to work for each indulgent person

- dominance remains only option for the larger order & it is also the prevalent mode. Dominance is not naturally acceptable

- Individual is unfulfilled & complains about the larger order- Individual is not able to see that his unhappiness is due to his own

irresponsibility &/or lack of participation- Without seeing his own connection to his unhappiness, he is also not

able to make any plan for fulfillment through self-development (continues to assume I am OK, problem is outside with others & the system)

- Unfulfilled individual tries to run away/escape from this, by way of more sensation, more accumulation of physical facility…




Right Utilisation (Sadupyog)

Use is primarily for getting sensation / taste (aswadan)

Minimise usage of physical facility

Use based on purpose/property (& then taste)

Consumption, accum. of physical facility for sensation/taste

Abstain from use of physical facility or sensation / taste

Prosperity1. Recognising need2. Fulfillment of need

Other is-Means of sensation-Means of feeling-Resource for physical facility

Renunciation of relationship

Other is like meFeeling is important In the relationship

Exploitation of-Human being (10-100 people need to work for 1 indulgent person)-Nature

Little interaction with-Human being-Nature

Enrichment of-Human being (responsibility & participation)-Nature


Undivided Family, Universal Human Order

Human Target (ekuo y{;)

Human Order ¼ekuoh; O;oLFkk½

Five Dimensions ¼i¡kp vk;ke½1. Education – Sanskar

2. Health – Sanyam

3. Production – Work

4. Justice – Suraksha

5. Exchange – Storage

1 2 3 4

Right Understanding & Right Feelings

In Every Individual


In Every Family


In Society


In Nature/ Existence







2 3




Universal Human Order – Societal Order in which fulfillment of the Human Target is ensured

In such a Societal Order, every human being lives with happiness & prosperity; and there is an assurance of its continuity


Indicators of Net Achievement (Individual, Family, Society…)

1. Index of Understanding: % of Population with Right Understandinge.g. % individuals who live with solution & response (who facilitate right understanding & relationship in others) vs problem & reaction (who are mostly talking about problems, get irritated, angry or quarrel)

2. Index of Prosperity: % of Prosperous Familiese.g. families that have recognised their need for physical facility and produce/have more than their need

3. Index of Fearlessness (Trust): % of People one has Trust on Intention – Unconditionally, Continuously

4. Index of Sustainability (Co-existence): Enrichment of Naturee.g. Air Quality, Water Table, Water Quality, Average Annual Improvement of Soil Quality, Definiteness in Weather


The problem is not – the incorrect actions of bad people

The problem is – the inactivity of the good people


1.Understand Your Natural Acceptance Swatva

2.Live in accordance with it Swatantrata

3.Participate in Larger Order Swarajya

Starting Point… Individual… Followed by Family… Society…