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I would like to thank everyone for supporting me. In addition, I would like to thank my teacher from seventh grade Mrs. Farmer for teaching me the things I know in English class.

Prologue The Legend of the Three Brothers

In the Void of Nothing three brothers were born.  First brother had a happy and cheerful personality, the brother thought about the future of peace and understanding.  

The second brother had a hateful and angry personality, the brother thought about a future of rule and fear.

 The third brother had calm and patient personality;

he thought of the most thoroughly thought plans.  

As the three brothers grew older, they all began to argue and converse with each other. Then suddenly one day in the Void, a shining light appeared in front of the brothers.  

The first item was a pure white blade, this sword radiated with pure love and warmth. The second item was a pitch-black blade, this sword’s power radiated hatred and cold. In addition, the third item was a book that radiated with knowledge.  

 First brother decided to take the pure white blade, Second brother decided to take the pure pitch-black blade, and Third brother took the book.  

The Second brother began to get greedy and tried to kill his brother and take the other sword.  

The two brothers fought, First brother defeated the Second brother, the third told them both to stop and so all three of them decided to make a compromise.  

 First brother decided to make a barrier to divide the Void into three places. Then all three brothers raised their items in the air, pure light came out of the items and into the Void.                

Then on each of their sides, a blinding light appeared, teleporting them to their new worlds they created. 

In Legend, the two brothers fight in a great war that continues today. There was to be a day when a champion from their dimension will fight to the death and whoever wins will decide the fate of the two worlds.                  Each champion will have the quality of one of the brothers, and they will each have a unique power.    Second brother found his champion, and then gave him his sword as a sign of respect. The champion soon was given the name of The Sage of Oblivion.    First brother also found a champion, and as the second brother did, he has given the champion his sword as a sign of respect. This champion was then given the name

of The Sage of Radiance.    The two sages had a great battle at the Canyon of the Beyond; suddenly they disappeared leaving only the two brothers’ swords. 

 In legend, the two sages went to what was left of The Void of Nothing. Over time, they both fell in love. In addition, they have a child.                   The two then decided to take him back to the first brother’s realm, but they blundered and he ended up in the third brother’s realm, where the people have no powers.    And the Legend Continues             

  Part 1The Child

of No


Chapter 1 

On a fall night as the red, gold, and brown tree leaves fall down on the ground blissfully. Four people walked up the mountain.  

The first person was a short 15 yr old girl with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and brown glasses. She wore an orange tee shirt, with jeans, bracelet on her right wrist, and she wore sandals.    The second person was a tall 16 yr old boy with short red hair, freckles and brown eyes. He had a long sleeved blue shirt with raggedy jeans and old shoes.  

The third person was Asian 10 yr old girl with long black hair that flowed down to her back. The girl had a purple shirt, with skinny jeans, and was also barefoot. The

third person had a blue sapphire bracelet on her left wrist.    The fourth person was a white woman, who had a brown coat with a white tee shirt, and some blue pants. The woman had black eyes with gold hair.  

As they walked down the trail, the girl said with the blonde hair, “Teacher, what will we learn for tomorrow?” Teacher replied, “You will find out tomorrow, Riley.  

The Asian girl complimented, “Man, the fall around here is beautiful isn’t it?” Teacher looked around at the falling leaves.  

“You’re right, this is beautiful Emily.” Emily smiled then looked over to the boy. Emily asked, “Dustin when do you think we will go to the front lines?”  

Dustin looked up at the sky and seen falling stars. “I think we go when we’re needed to, and when our realm needs our help.” Emily thought about it and decided to leave it alone.  

When they reached the end of trail, they saw a set of straight stairs. Teacher said, “Finally we’re here, everyone head straight to bed. Understand?” Everyone said, “Yes Mam!” 

They all went up the stairs and were shocked at what they seen. They saw a boy, no younger than 14, half of Dustin’s size, knocked out in the middle of the platform.  

He had tan skin with spiky, blonde hair; he wore a black shirt with white lightning on it and black jeans. Including also had a domino wristband and black shoes.  

They ran over to the boy and picked up his head. The boy groaned in pain and in moments opened his blue, blurry eyes.  

Teacher said sweetly, “Are you hurt little one? Did anything happen to you?” The boy shook his head no, and then the boy raised his entire arm.  

“Wait, you might be too weak to…” suggested Riley. Teacher raised her hand. A white light appeared around his hand, in that moment the white light formed into a blade. This blade had a three feet long range. It was a bone like sword, with the white blade and the hilt being

smooth. There was a long like hole in the sword half way to the tip.  

The tip of the blade, bright energy engulfed the tip. The energy shot in the air, and it burst into little pieces of swirling sparkles.           

Everyone gasped in surprise as they see the beauty of the boy’s blade. The teacher took a longer look at the blade and hastily said, “Emily set up a room, Riley grab the sword, and Dustin carry the boy into a room.”               

Riley asked, “What are you gonna do, Teacher?” Teacher carefully handed the boy to Dustin, “I will head straight to the Leader; he will want to hear this.” 

Teacher ran back down the platform and into the mountain trail. The children watched as she slowly disappeared in the woods. Everyone looked at each other then looked at the child.    “I wonder what that was about?” asked Riley calmly. Riley cautiously picked up the white blade, which was very light, and they quickly ran inside the giant temple in front of them.

The Next Day

As the boy woke up, he noticed he lay on a bed with his covers below him. The boy looked over to see Emily sitting right by his bed. Emily asked, “Hey, are you okay, we just found you on the ground.” The boy nods his head ‘yes’ and slowly raised himself by his arms.  

The boy asked with caution, “Who are you and where I am?” Emily loosened up in her chair, “My name is Emily, and you’re at the Temple of the Stars. This is where the children practice their skills, and bravely go out to the front lines.”  

The boy shook his head. “Hey what’s your name?” said Emily plainly. The boy answered, “My name is Alexander Christopher Rising.” Emily asked with a high pitched voice, “Is Alex okay?” Alexander thought about it and said, “Yeah that’s okay.”  

Alex slowly put his feet on the floor as Emily asked, “Hey, do you know where you came from?” asked Emily. Alex tried to think about it and his head started to hurt.

“Sorry, I truthfully don’t remember anything. All I remember is seeing a woman above me and gripping something.”  

Emily gasped and cursed under her breath, “I need to tell Teacher this.” as Alex tried to get out of bed; Emily pushed him back down. “You need to rest. I need to tell Teacher that you’re awake. And have her bring you you’re white sword back to you.” 

Emily started to walk away. “Wait, but what about the…” asked Alex as she left the room without turning around. Alex lay back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.  

“I have no idea where I am, and I have no idea how I got here. On top of that…I don’t remember anything about myself.” Alex slowly raised his hand to see his wristband. When he thought about the wristband, his head started to ache. He put it back down and continued to look up at the ceiling.  Five Minutes Later  

Teacher appeared in front of the doorway with a smirk on her face. “Hey sleepy head, I guess you’re finally awake.” Alex looked over and seen her, he smiled and asked,” I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t know who you are.”  

The teacher walked up to him and said, “I am your new teacher and guardian.” Alex crossed his arms, “What do you mean by guardian and teacher?” The teacher answered plainly, “Since no one has claimed you, I will be your new guardian, and as for your mentor…”  

She took out his sword. In that moment Alex slowly held out his hand. The sword disappeared in a magnificent flash. A moment later a radiant light appeared at Alex’s open hand, as he grasped the energy his sword appeared in his hand, sparkling in the sunlight. 

“You are a star bearer, a person with special powers over the power of light. I will teach you how to use your special talents and understand how everything works.”  

Alex looked at his sword in his hand; he rose from his bed immediately and yelled, “All right Teacher, let’s starts now!”

 She smiled and thought, “This boy openly accepts

the challenge without hesitation.”  

Teacher implied, “Alright Alex, let’s head down stairs and see what you got.” Alex got up and followed Teacher down stairs. 

As they walked down the hallway, Alex looked at the runes and designs of the hallways. When they reached the end of the hallways there was a spiraling staircase. Alex whistled from how long the spiraling staircase is. Alex walked down the stairs, staring at the floor to the bottom. When they reached the door to enter the main room, Teacher opened it. “What do you think?” 

Alex loudly gasped; it was a huge room with a star in the middle of the room. There was a huge wooden chair with straight chairs under it. They was A very large white concrete in the front of the room, with two large knobs and a sun each side of the door. “This place is freaking huge!” Alex said as he was walking in.

Riley, Emily, and Dustin were training with their wooden swords. They practiced dodge rolling, slashing, stabbing and back flipping.  

They all turned around and seen Alex and Teacher walking into the room. Their faces were filled with smiles cheers. Dustin, Riley and Emily ran over to Alex and Teacher. Riley ran over to Alex, she bent down so they can both look at each other.  

“Are you okay little one,” said Riley, “We were all worried about you.” Alex smiled as Dustin came over with his arms crossed.  

“So you're Alex, nice to meet ya. My name is Dustin.” Riley calmly said, “And my name is Riley.” they both smiled. Alex asks out of the bloom, “Hey, do you have swords like I do?” 

He raised his blade; suddenly the sword disappears in a blinding flash. “Sure do you mind showing mine first you guys.” Emily and Dustin both shook their heads.  

Riley begins to hold out her hand. Suddenly Riley’s hand discharged huge amounts of electricity, as she grasped the electricity it formed a marvelous rapier.

It had a huge guard that swirled around her hand. Its huge blade was four feet long. In addition, the handle had a soft fabric.  

As she raised her rapier blue electricity surged out of the blade filling the entire roof. Alex looked up at it with both amazement and fear. After a few moments, the sword sucked in the electricity. And after a few moments the sword disappeared in a crackle of electricity.  

Riley asked, “How was that?” Alex implied with excitement, “that was really, cool! But I really thought I was going to get shocked.”  

Dustin pushed Riley over to the side. “Hey!” Riley yelled. Dustin shouted; “Now it’s my turn!”  

Dustin shoots his hand in the air. Suddenly a fire sparked to life before Alex’s eyes as it consumed Dustin’s hand. As he grasped the flames, it turned into his sword. It was a Japanese long sword with a pure red blade. It had a swirling black hilt that formed a like a hurricane.  And the hilt was long and rough.  

Flames came out of his blade and hilt spinning. As Dustin swirled his blade over his head, a flame made dragon came out of the sword. The dragon swirled around Alex, Teacher, Riley and Emily.

Alex could hardly breathe with the smoke in the air swirling around him. After a few moments the flame made dragon disappeared into the air, while Dustin’s sword disappeared in a spark of fireworks.               

Alexander asked in a loud tone, “How can you do that! Can you teach me that?” Teacher reminded, “If you have his exact talent.”  

Emily came up to them, “now it’s my turn.” she closed her eyes and almost suddenly water started rising from the floor and swirled around her closed hand. In an instant, her Egyptian sword appeared in her hand.  

It was a deep blue sword with flower made designs etched on both sides of the blade. Her sword had a three feet long blade with, the blade curved like a circle at l and ½. The hilt was light pink and there was a lavender cloth at the end of it.

 Glowing water flushed from under the floor, and

swirled around the entire room. The water started to lift Alex, Teacher, Dustin and Riley off their feet. A jet of water under Emily raised her to everyone’s height.

In moments the water evaporated, Alex, Emily and the other fell to the floor, Emily’s sword slowly disappeared in a big splash.  

Alex looked at her with amazement. Alex happily said, “Emily that was amazing, how you can do that.” she flipped her hair, “I just showed off.” Emily said. 

Teacher went up to him, “Here take this,” Moments after this, she threw him a wooden sword. It was a white type of wood, it had a hilt a small hilt and the sword was three feet long.    Alex asked, “What’s this thing?” The teacher hastily replied, “Alex this is your practice sword. You need to learn how to use a sword first. So I’m going give you this first.” Alex carefully looked at it. Teacher smiled and said, “Let’s see what you got Alexander, and let’s see if you can fight.” Riley quickly walked up to him. “Are you ready Alex?” Alex squeezed the wooden blade, and quickly he put his second hand on the blade. 

“I’m ready when you are.” She got in her fencing stance, with one hand behind her back. Riley intensely yelled, “Let’s see what you got.”     

Chapter 2  

Alex jumped three feet above Riley. Alex slashed downwards; Riley easily blocked and bounced Alex off in the air. Moreover, before Alex landed right back on the ground, Riley ran at him and quickly stabbed. Alex expertly dodged with a back flip. When Alex landed on the ground, Alex smoothly sweep kicked under Riley. She quickly jumped into the air.  

Dustin said, “Alex is pretty good. I didn’t expect him to do this much the way he is.” 

Emily replied, “I know he is actually pushing Riley back.” Alex quickly threw his sword at Riley. Riley blocked it, Alex instinctively jumped, grabbed the sword in mid air and he slashed down.  

Riley, blocked and parried. Alex grabbed the sword, instantly pulling her sword towards him. Alex ruthlessly knees Riley in the stomach; saliva came out of her mouth over his shoulder.  

Teacher thought, “This child is stronger than I thought. I wonder who trained him to do all of this. He’s already advancing on Riley.”   Alex pushed her off, she hit the ground on her back, and she was holding her stomach where Alex had kneed her. Alex landed on the ground and ran over to her.

 “Are you okay, I didn’t mean to hit you that hard?

She got up holding her stomach, she said, “Alex you can hit really hard. I am very surprised that you can fight like that. Do you remember how to fight?”  

Alex thought about it. His head started to ache. “Man I really have knows idea. It all just came to me.” Riley looked astonished. She thought, “How can this kid forget everything he knows about himself, but ends up fighting like that. Can this child really be this strong?” 

Teacher walked over to Riley and helped her up. “Riley are you alright. Alexander hit you hard. I actually thought you were going to pass out.” Riley laughed and complained, “I thought so myself, but I’m alright. This is really going to hurt in the morning though.” 

They both looked at Alex. He was looking at his wooden sword, admiring what it looked like when it hit the light. “Alexander I want you to come over here real quick, I want to check something.” 

Alex walked over to Teacher. She put her finger lightly on his head and she closed her eyes. Alex’s eyes suddenly became blurry. 

Teacher appeared in a void where light was twisting, turning, and was swirling around. She sees broken glass all around her. “Alexander’s mind is completely out of control. I wonder if I can try to piece this all together.” Teacher raised her hand suddenly the glass piecing itself together. It suddenly breaks and everything scattered again.  

“The boy’s mind is completely shattered, even I can’t put this together, and this boy will have to find a way to put this together.”  

She closes her eyes and she is suddenly backed in the Temple of Stars. She looked straight at Alex. Alex’s eyes were completely blurred, and seemed to have no life. She took her finger off Alexander moments later started to shake him.  

He instantly came to and said, “Hey so what are we going to do next?” she slowly began to slowly look at him. “This boy had no idea what I did to him?” She slowly put her hand on his head and started to rub it. 

“Alexander you will continue your training tomorrow, but you first must eat.” Alex looked at her. “No I’m not that hungry.” Then suddenly a loud growl filled the entire room. Alex blushed and said, “Okay I may feel a little hungry.”  

They came out of the room and then went down the hallway; they then went to another corridor and then entered a large room. There was a huge circular table with three seats. There was a huge flag of a blue star on the wall. The walls were old and cracked. The table was dusty and old. There were also three goblets on the table. 

“Man this place seems old,” said Alex as they sat down at the table. They swept the dust off the top table, utensils goblets. 

“Alexander I’m going to show you how this dining room works.” said Teacher. She clapped her hands and suddenly plates came from out of nowhere, the plates were filled with turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls.  

Alex’s mouth suddenly started to drool without him noticing. They all started picking up the forks and spoons, and then dived at the food. Alex took a turkey leg, a chunk of the mashed potatoes, and a quarter of the green beans. Alex fist gobbled down all of the mashed potatoes. Teacher smiled at him while he was eating.  

“Alexander slow down your gonna get sick.” said Riley. Dustin was chomping on the turkey, while both Emily and Riley were slowly eating the mashed potatoes.  

THREE HOURS LATER         All the plates were completely disappeared and the only thing that was left was the bones of the turkey. Alex was rubbing his stomach with pleasure and delight. Alex looked over and said, “So what’s next?”  

Teacher walked up to him and said, “Alexander it’s time for bed. Tomorrow I will teach you how everything works here. And find out what kind of power you have.”  

Alexander got up and stretched, he said, “Alright I’ll get up and be ready for training for tomorrow.” Alex waved to everyone, moments later Alex walked over to his room and then jumped on the bed.     

“Man this place is great I can’t wait for tomorrow. I have three new friends and someone watching over me.” He turns over and then closes his eyes.  


Alex woke up laying flat on his back. He smiled and then got out of bed. “I’m ready for another day of training.” Alex grabbed his wooden sword and ran down stairs. Alexander went to the huge training room and seen Riley, Dustin, and Emily practicing. 

He went over to them and said, “Hey where is Teacher anyway?” They looked at him and said, “She is having a quick trip, and she will be here by lunch. Alex nodded and explained, “She was supposed to teach me the concept of my real sword and how it works.”  

They all looked at each other and then Riley said, “Since Teacher is not here we will teach you the concept of it all.” 

Alex nodded and walked over to them; he then stopped right in front of them. Alex asked, “First can you show me how the energy stuff works.” Alex put down his blade then held out his hand.

Suddenly his sword appeared in a bright flash. Riley said, “You want me to explain the concept of the energy you guys?” They both nodded while they turned to Alex.  

“Alex how this works is when you summon your weapon in combat you can use your energy to assist you. How this works is that you need to focus on the power in your weapon and then see what your energy looks like in the inside of your mind. You can sometimes use this power to intimidate your enemy and use it for special attacks.” 

Alex nodded and looked down at his sword. Alex turns towards Riley and asks, “Are their different types of power.” Dustin quickly came up to them and said, “Let me explain this one to the kid.” Riley then nodded and then walked back to Alex. 

“Okay Alex there are seven types of energy that a person can have; Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Light and Darkness. A single person one of these talents, but only a few can tap into it and convert it into a sword. Do you understand? You seem to have the power of Light.” Alex


Suddenly flame came out of his hand. “If you learn how to use the energy, you can use it in anything.” Alex looked down at his sword, and quickly he looked right back up at everyone. Alex then asked, “Could I give it a shot?” Dustin waits a moment he said after long thinking, “Okay kid gives it a shot.”

Alex slowly closed his eyes, suddenly the floor under him started to crack. His sword has started vibrate widely. The sides of the blade started to glow white. Suddenly a force was pushing down everyone. 

“This boy’s power is huge. I have never felt anything like this. Alex you got to stop!”  

Under Alex’s feet, white energy slowly came out. The energy then came out faster and faster. Then energy came out of Alex’s white blade. The energy twisted and turned wildly out of control.  

“Alex you need to stop now! You going to hurt somebody?” said Emily.  

Alex opened his eyes and realized what was happening. All the energy then completely stopped and then disappeared. Alex looked at the ground under him and seen cracks. He then looks at his sword. It slowly stops vibrating.  

“What happened I did what you guys told me to do?” Emily went up to him and said, “you did everything right, but your power is just way too big.” 

“She’s right Alex. You’re power is bigger than any child I have ever seen.” said Dustin. Alex looks at his sword. Alex then thought to himself, “am I really that strong?” he looks down and then sees it repairing itself. Alex steps back and looks at everyone. “Is that normal?” said Alex.    

Emily said, “The castle itself is self repairing so any damage that is caused will be repaired, but the bigger the damage the longer the repair.   Alex looked down again and then seen the floor

completely repaired. Alex said, “Can I put my sword away?”

Riley nodded and said, “Sure Alexander if you want to put it away you can go ahead. Suddenly the sword in his hand disappeared in a radiant light; he put his wooden sword in a corner.       

Chapter 3Dustin said, “how but you get to visit our town, you

need to get some fresh air.  Riley walked over to him and said, “We can’t do that remember what teacher said, “Don’t

ever take Alex outside until he finally understands how everything works in this dimension.” 

Dustin thought and said finally, “we need to give him some fresh air. We cannot just keep inside the temple until he understands everything. The boy needs to see everything outside.”               

Riley looked at Alex looking at the both of them without any idea of what is going on. She said, “Fine, but I will not be held responsible.  

Riley walked down to Alex and bent down on one knee. “Okay Alex we are about to show you outside, but there will be a couple of rules you understand.” Alex nodded. 

First rule, you have to stay close to me Emily or Dustin. Rule 2, pay attention and listen, and Rule 3 if you need to you can use your sword only for special emergencies.” 

Alex said, “Boy I can’t wait to see the outside, this will be so great. I get see other people and the outside.               

Everyone walked towards the door. Riley pushed the giant door open with a single shove.  Alex felt the fresh breeze blow past him. He breathed in and out with satisfaction.           

The outside was very beautiful, the sky was clear with no skies and the sun shined throughout the whole land. There was a beach right beside the temple. The water was so clear they could see anything that reflects it clearly.    Alex looked at the platform in front of him. There was a concrete platform with a star in the middle. There were concrete black tops all around the circular platform.   In addition, in front of them was a vast deep forest with a very visible mountain trail. The leaves were red, brown, and golden.   Riley said, “C’mon Alex.” Alex looks over to her and nodded. They walked down the steps and then went into the forests.   When Alex walked down the trail, he heard birds and grasshoppers chirping. The golden brown leaves fell

down on the ground as he walked. 

“Man this place is beautiful.” said Alex. He then looked over to Riley and asked, “When did you start training here anyway?”                 

Riley put her hand on her head then said, “Well someone abandoned me and then when a group tried to beat me up, and teacher swooped in and took down all of them. She then took me in and here I am. That was about eight years ago.”  

Alex nodded and said, “When did you get here Dustin?” Dustin the put his head on his hand and said, “I truthfully don’t remember I’ve been with Teacher all of my life.” Alex then asked, “how about you Emily? How long have you been here?”  

Emily thought about it and said, “I once had a family with a bunch of friends, but one day a lunar bearer came and destroyed everything. I was swept away in a wave and then ended waking up with Teacher above me. 

Alex’s eyes widened and he said, “I’m sorry if that question was too personal. Emily replied, “Don’t worry about it; I barely remember any of it. Alex looked ahead and seen a bunch of buildings ahead of him with a clock tower.  

Alex yelled, “Were almost there. C’mon guys let’s go.” Alex, Riley, Dustin, and Emily ran straight down to the trail until they reached the town.  

Alex looked with amazement when he seen the town. There were people coming in and out everywhere. The buildings were very old and seemed to have cracks on them. There was a fountain ahead of them sprinkling clear water. There was a very big clock tower right in front of the fountain that was chiming wildly.  

Alex said, “This place is amazing, I can’t believe it.” Dustin smiled at Alex and said, “Do you want some ice cream?”  

Alex looked at him and said, “What is ice cream?” Emily said, “ice cream is a cold treat that all the kids like to eat. There are all sorts of flavors.” 

Alex looked at them and said, “What are we waiting for anyways c’mon. They ran down the street and then turned, there then was an old man handing out ice cream.  

Dustin walked over to him. The man said, “hey Dustin, Riley, Emily how’s it going.” Then the man looked at Alex. 

“Who’s the kid? I have never seen him around these parts. Is this the new student your Teacher talked about?” Alex looked at him and said, “My name is Alex, Nice to meet you.” 

The man said, “My name is Joshua, welcome Alex.” Dustin walked up to him and said, “We need four Star Blasts.” Joshua said, “Coming right up.” The man walked back to his shop.  

Alex said, “Joshua seems really nice. I like the way he talks to me. The man walked back with four ice-cold ice creams on a stick. Joshua then said, “Here’s four Star Blasts on the house.” 

The ice cream was blue and smooth. It was a cylinder shape with a cone on top. Dustin replied, “Thanks Joshua. I’ll tell Teacher you said hi.” Dustin said, “Here Alex.    Dustin gave Alex his ice cream; Alex looked at it then said, “Where are we going to eat these?”   “Were going to eat these on the clock tower.” replied Riley. Alex looked up and questioned, “How are we going to do that?”  Riley smiled then said to Emily, “may you do the honors?” Emily replied, “No problem.” 

Emily raised her hand toward the fountain. Suddenly gallons of water came out and enclosed around there feet. 

“Alex don’t move, just stay calm,” said Emily. Then suddenly the water raised them toward the ledge of the clock tower. They all then jumped onto the ledge. Emily waved again and then all the water fell back into the fountain. 

Alex said, “Man Emily you’re awesome.” She giggled and flipped her hair. They then all sat down. 

“Do you like the view Alex?” said Dustin. Alex

looked over to him and then said, “Man this view is amazing.” 

Alex looked out over the entire city. The sun stuck out over the entire city. Alex looked down at his ice cream. He looked over to the others and sees them eating their ice cream.  

Riley looked at him and said, “You better eat your ice cream or it will melt. Alex looked down at the ice cream and took a bite. Alex’s eyes opened then he said, “Man this is very good.”  

He looked down at his bite of ice cream. There was a white substance in the ice cream. He looked at it awkwardly and asked, “What is this.”  

Riley looked at him and said, “Its vanilla.” he looked at it and took another bite. “Cool.”             Meanwhile                                     

Teacher was walking through the town. “I have to tell this to the Leader as soon as possible. Teacher took a right and then looked at the clock tower and seen her four apprentices. 

She thought, “Alex must be enjoying himself.” She ran past the clock tower and took a right. Suddenly she saw a small temple with guards in front of it. 

She walked up to the temple, one of the guards said, “What is your business here?” Teacher said, “I must speak to the Leader right away.” The guard then let Teacher in the temple. 

The throne was large on the inside. A red long carpet led to the Leader’s chair. There were eight pillars on each side the room holding the temple. There were golden chains hung from the ceiling on both sides of the room.  

Teacher walked up the throne room to see an old man in a chair. The chair was pure white with crystal designs.  

The old man was skinny and wrinkled to the face. He wore a white robe covering to his ankles. He had blue eyes and a white mustache, beard and side burns. He is also bald. Then there is a man in armor kneeling right beside


The Leader said, “hello Samantha what do you have to report?” Teacher walked up to the Leader keeled before him. 

“I must talk to you about Alexander.” The Leader \nodded and said, “Alright then speak young child.” She stood and said, “The boy’s energy is bigger than I imagined. In addition, when I searched his mind, all of it was completely shattered.” 

The Leader asked, “Did you try to piece it together.” Teacher answered, “I tried to piece it together but broke, immediately it broke itself. If his mind is shattered then he must piece it together by himself, but there is off about him.” The Leader looked at her and said, “What do you mean, Samantha?” 

“The boy didn’t remember anything, but somehow he took on one of my best students in a sparring match.” The leader rubbed his beard. Then the guard on the floor said, “what if he was a spy?” 

The Leader looked at the knight and said, “His maybe right. It must have been a trick of my brother?” Teacher looked at him and said, “What do you mean he is a spy. He hasn’t done anything to be suspicious, and if he did I would have went straight to you.” 

The Leader gazed at Teacher and said, “Are you sure this boy is innocent?” Teacher nodded and replied, “I would put my life on it.” The Leader looked at her then rubbed his beard. The knight said, “Why don’t we test the child, to see if he is a spy.” 

The looked at him and said, “You may be right, but we will watch him over time and see what happens.”   

Chapter 4                

After more than 5 weeks, Alex understands everything they were living in. Alex ran down to the training room and seen teacher standing right next to the others. He walked over to her and said, “Hello Teacher welcome back.” The teacher smiled at him and said, “Alex today I’m going to teach you about runes.” 

“What do you mean by rune?” Teacher replied, “A rune is a form of power. You sometimes use runes for sealing away power or releasing power.”  

Alex then looked at her and asked, “How am I supposed to use a rune?” Teacher looked at him and said, “You must control the power going through you.” 

Teacher clapped her hands together, suddenly blinding lines of light started forming on the floor. “Once the “Rune” is formed you can use it in a variety of ways.  

The rune formed completely under the Teacher’s feet. The Design of the Rune had several stars and symbols. Teacher looked up at Alex. Teacher said, “When you use the rune, you are very vulnerable and the enemy can do anything to you.” 

Suddenly the rune disappeared and Teacher walked

up to Alex. She then patted him on the shoulder. “The rune takes years of practice and precise design.” 

Riley walked up to her and said, “Teacher may we please train outside? We need some fresh air.” Teacher nodded and then they ran outside. 

“Man this fells extremely well,” said Emily. Alex looked down a mountain trail and then seen a man come up the stairs. 

He was tall muscular and broad. He had a small cut brown hair, with brown eyes. He wore regular pants with a sleeveless tee shirt. Alex stared at him as he walked up the steps. 

The man walked up to him and said, “Hello young man you must be Alex.” Alex said, “Who are you anyway?” The man then replied, “My name is Edward I came here to talk to you.” 

Alex looked at him and asked, “What do you want from me?” Edward got closer and answered, “They said there was a child prodigy here and I wanted to see for myself.” Alex nodded, Teacher came over to him and said, “Hello Edward you haven’t changed a bit.” 

“You know him!” Teacher replied, “He used to be my student a long time ago.”

Edward walked up to Teacher and said, “Could I spar Alex, Teacher? Since I’m part of the knights now, they ordered me to see what this child is capable of.” Alex looked at him, “Wait you wanna spar me?” Edward said, “I truthfully wanted to see how good you are.” 

Teacher looked at Edward and said, “Fine you can spar Alex, but it needs to be hand to hand…” Riley went up to Alex and said, “Good luck.” Alex asks, “Why?” Riley smiled and replied, “You’ll see.” 

Alex and Edward went in the middle of the platform facing each other. “Who does gonna go first me or you Alex?” Alex replied, “I guess you’ll go first.” Edward nodded and got in his stance.  

Edward jumped straight at Alex. Alex threw a punch at Edward, Edward blocked it, and he then chopped at Alex

on the side and kicks him against the wall. Alex slowly got up wobbly then ran at Edward, Edward vanished out of nowhere. Alex stops and looks around.  

Alex questioned, “Where is he?” suddenly Alex was kicked in the chin and sent flying in mid air. Alex looked down and seen Edward on the ground smiling. “How did he do that? He just disappeared.” 

“I thought Alex would see that coming, I guess he was not as advanced as thought.” Alex quickly recovered with a back flip and then rocketed towards the ground. Edward disappears, Alex’s eyes widen, as he hit is the ground. “Where did he go?” Edward kicked Alex in the head; he hit the cold concrete hard. 

Alex looked at a smirking Edward. “Alex I thought you were better than that. I guess I was wrong. Riley thought, “Alex is getting his hide kicked out there.” 

Alex jumped in the air; Edward performed a quick snap kick straight at Alex’s face. Alex dodged it with a quick back flip, and then threw a punch straight at Edward’s chest. 

Edward thought, “Alex is really good at fighting, but he can avoid me while I do this.” Edward then disappeared a second before Alex would have punched him. It then left Alex staggering. 

Alex thought, “How am I going to stop dodging him?” Alex’s head started to ache and then suddenly heard an old man’s voice saying, “Don’t use your eyes Alexander, and use all of your senses. 

Edward punched Alex’s stomach, Alex fell forward and put his arms over his stomach in pain. Dustin said, “C’mon Alex you can do it.” Alex looked up and seen Edward smirking. Alex then spat, “have you heard of a handy cap?” 

Edward laughed and disappeared again. Alex slowly got up and closed his eyes. Teacher thought, “Alex hesitated before Edward hit him. Could he have remembered anything?” Emily said, “Edward is very strong I hope Alex can handle him.” Riley replied, “Let’s just watch and see.” 

Alex thought, “Whatever just happened I might as

well give it a shot. I’ve got to listen to everything.” Alex heard the wind blowing on the tree, then waves splashing in the distance, and heard everyone breathing. Suddenly Alex blocked a sidekick to the side. 

Alex said, “Now I know what to do when I fight you.” Edward stepped back and said, “you’re eyes are closed. Alex crossed his arms and replied, “Yep, now I can hear your every move.” Edward then suddenly disappeared. 

Teacher thought, “Alex closed his eyes to hear everyone of his movements. This boy is starting to advance very quickly.” 

Suddenly Alex blocked Edward’s punch. Alex kneed him and threw him in the air. Edward did a flip to recover then landed on the ground.  

Teacher said, “That’s enough you two. It is time for you to go back Edward.” Edward nodded and said, “goodbye everyone, I’ll see you later.” Suddenly Edward disappeared.  

Teacher walked over to Alex and asked, “What happened you hesitated in the middle of the fight.” Alex thought about it and said, “Well an old man’s voice appeared in my head saying don't use your eyes use your other senses.”

Teacher’s eyes widened and said, “Alex you head inside, I have to go back to the town. Alex nodded and ran inside. She walked over to Dustin and Riley. “You watch over Alex a little bit, I have to tell the Leader about this.” They both nodded and Teacher walked away. 

As Dustin and Riley walked inside Dustin said, “I hope Alex can resolve this.

Night Time

Alex got up from bed. He walked over to his door. He opened it and checked if anybody in the hallway was awake or out of the rooms.

“Okay, let’s do this!” he walks over to his window and opened it. Cool air rushed over him as he climbed to the outside. He closed the door and looked down from over his shoulder.

“Alright…” He took a breath and jumped down. When he landed on the ground the floor cracked from under him. He ran straight into mountain trail.

After a few moments of running down the trail, he randomly turned. Alex thought, “Where am I gonna train?” Alex stops running to find what he was looking for. He stopped at a large small grassed plain that expanded around him about 30 ft.

“This is good enough.” In a bright flash of light Alex’s sword appeared in his hand. “All I have to do is focus my energy into one attack.” He put his second hand on the handle and closed his eyes.

White energy erupted from under his feet and eroded him. Small pebbles on the ground around him floated into the air.

As he raised his sword it began to be eroded in energy. When he slashed downwards an arc of white energy shot out of his sword and crashed in to the trees. After smashing through several trees the arc disappeared into the air.

“Whoa! That was awesome!” Alex took a few breaths. White energy erupted from under his feet as he raised his blade.

“One more time!” he slashed downward and another arc of white energy blasted out of his sword.


Chapter 5 

Alex was in a basement with an astronomy book and chalk. Then suddenly five people walked down the stairs. 

One of them was a boy with curly brown hair. He had blue eyes and freckles on his face. He wore ripped jeans and a black shirt with a white skull on it. He wore old white sneakers.  

Another one of them was a girl with short blonde hair and brown eyes. The girl wore a black shirt with hearts with all colors on it, blue jeans and sandals.   

There was another boy with short blonde hair with brown eyes. He wore a long black sleeved shirt with the words Hero along the side of it. He then wore black ripped jeans. He had black shoes with skulls on it. 

The fourth person was a girl with short brown hair with brown eyes. She wore a yellow shirt with blue pants. She wore white sandals. 

Moreover, the fifth person was a girl with long blond ponytails with blue eyes. She wore a red shirt with black pants. She wore old style white tennis shoes. The boy with the blonde hair said, “are you sure this is going to work Alex? I really don’t want to see you get hurt.” 

Alex answered, “I’m gonna be alright, don’t worry about me …..” Then the girl with the long ponytails said, “are you sure you have everything?”  

Alex looked at her and replied, “Don’t worry about it … I have everything.” He looked at the astronomy book and then flipped it open. He then grabbed the chalk and then started drawing. 

Alex woke up in the middle of the night and asked, “What was that. Who were those people? Were they my friends?” Alex rubbed his head and plumed back in his bed. “Need to stop training in the middle of the night. 


 Alex ran down to the training room and seen

everyone down stairs. He walked over to them yawning. Teacher asked, “Did you sleep well Alex?”  

Alex replied, “oh yeah I’m fine I just woke up a little early.” He looked over then said, “What are we going to do today?” Teacher looked at him and said, “Were going to spar with our swords today outside.”  

Alex nodded; suddenly his sword appeared in a blinding flash. They all then ran outside on the platform. Teacher walked over to him and said, “you will be sparring Emily.”  

Emily smiled at him and he said, “Alright then.” Suddenly water came around her hand. “I hope you’re ready for this.” Suddenly Emily’s sword then appeared in her hand.

Alex answered, “Right back at ya.” Teacher said, “I will interfere if anything goes wrong.” Alex and Riley both nodded then looked at each other. 

Suddenly they both started running, and then they slashed, when they collided white and blue energy rushed right past her. They then both then back off.  

Alex ran toward Emily. Suddenly water started coming out of Emily’s sword. Alex then jumped in the air. She pointed her sword and then a pump of water shot at Alex. He rocketed straight into the door wet. 

Emily then said, “What’s the matter Alex. I thought you were gonna beat me.” Alex then got up and whipped water off his eyes. “Guess I’m gonna have to try harder. 

Suddenly white energy engulfed Alex sword. He then shifted up and then disappeared. Emily looked around and said, “Where are you?”  

She looked up and seen Alex 5 feet above her. She back flipped as he slashed down. A white arc of white energy came out of his sword and slammed into the ground. When the dust cleared, a deep line appeared on the ground. 

“What the? When did he learn that move?” Alex smiled. Emily looked at his feet and smiled.

She low kicked him off the ground. Alex recovered with a one hand back flip. They both slashed. Emily was being pushed back by Alex’s strength. “His sword is so strong it feels like mine is going to break.” 

Teacher walked up to them and said, “That’s enough you two.” They both backed off and shook their hands. 

“Nice job Alex, you were very smooth.” Alex said, “You too, you were very strong.” Teacher said, “Okay Riley and Dustin. You are up next. 

Alex and Emily sat down as Riley and Dustin got up. Riley and Dustin walked up to teacher and then turned to face each other. 

Riley held out her hand. Static electricity surged out of her hand. “Alright Dustin, ready to fight.” Riley gripped the electricity and then her rapier appeared in her hand. 

Dustin raised his hand in the air and then flames danced around his hand. “I’m ready when you are, Riley!”  Suddenly he gripped the flames formed Dustin sword. Dustin slashed down; as Riley dodged it, a line of flame appeared flying towards her. Riley then stabbed, a bolt of electricity came out and counteracted with the fire.    Dustin jumped above Riley then slashed. She blocked and threw him back in the air. Before Dustin hit the ground Riley tried to stab him, as Dustin blocked it he flew back in the air. 

Suddenly flames came out of the edges of Dustin’s sword. When Dustin slashed a wave of fire shot out of the sword and came at Riley, 

Riley raised her hand, and a wall of electricity blocked her from the wave of flames. Riley pointed her rapier at Dustin, suddenly a rune with the symbol of lightning and other symbols on it appeared and then a huge bolt of lightning straight at Dustin.  

Teacher walked up between them and said, “Enough you two, it’s time for a break.” Dustin and Riley’s sword disappeared. They both sat right next to Alex and Emily. 

“Alright, break time. All of you can do what you want for the rest of the day.” They all then cheered. Riley

and Dustin ran back to the temple. Emily turned and asked Alex, “What are you going to do?” Alex turned to the beach and said, “I’ll just go to the beach.”  

Alex jumped of the ledge and slid down the hill. In addition, after 15 seconds he landed on the white, soft sand.

Chapter 6 

The beach was very huge. On the side, there was a connecting mountain trail. Alex looked ahead to see the sea.    The sea itself was very beautiful. The water itself was so clear that Alex could see himself perfectly. The waves made the sea make even more beautiful.

   Alex said, “Okay let’s get a little swim.” Alex took off his shirt and went straight to the waves. He jumped straight into the water. Alex resurfaced, shaking his wet hair. 

“Man this is great. The water is so cool and refreshing.” He looks out into the distance to see clouds. 

Alex took a deep breath then dove into the water. Alex opened his eyes and swam all the way down to the bottom. 

He looks around and then sees various color fishes all around him. “Man this is amazing. I can’t believe there is this many fishes.” Alex thought.  

Alex looks down and sees many coral reefs all around the area. There were also sand at the bottom of the sea. He looks up and sees the sun. 

Alex swam back up to the service and took a deep breath. He jumped out of the water into the sand. Alex grabs his shirt, put it on, and then laid down on the sand, and looks at the clouds. “Man I love this place. It’s so calm and beautiful.” Alex takes a deep breath of the thick ocean air.  

Alex looked over and seen a wave hitting the shore. When the waves then backed off, he saw a girl lying on the beach. 

The girl was a 14 yr old girl. Tall, had black hair with blonde highlights tied in a ponytail? Her eyes were also soft brown. Moreover, her skin was tan. She had a blue tank top with a green tee shirt under it. She then had long black pants. 

Alex ran straight over to her then slid on the sand right by her. He checks her pulse to see if she is breathing. Alex then said, “Oh crap there’s no pulse!” He then pushed on her stomach for a minute.  

Suddenly the girl started coughing out water. She opened her eyes for Alex to see fudge brown eyes .She looks up and asks, “Who are you. Where am I?” Alex answered, “You’re in a very safe place now, hold on.  

Alex picks up the girl and puts her on his back; Alex

started walking up the mountain trail. The girl looked at him and asked, “What is your name?”  

Alex answered, “My name is Alex.” The girl looks away then says, “Nice to meet ya Alex, my name is Daniel.”  

“Hey where did you come from?” Daniel says, “I once lived in a village north of here. Then a bunch of people came to my village and destroyed it. I am the only survivor of my village who made it out.” 

Alex seen the temple went up to it. “Don’t worry Daniel; Teacher will take good care of you.” Alex went up the stairway and went to the door. 

“I’m gonna have to let you down real quick.” Alex slowly let down Daniel. Alex then opened the door and the yelled out, “Teacher I need to talk to you!”  

Suddenly Teacher came down the spiraling staircase. She then gasped and ran down the rest of the spiraling staircase. “What happened?” Alex said, “I found her on the beach, saved her life and carried her all the way here.” Teacher said, “hold on let me get your clothes and another room. Follow me.”  

Daniel walked away with Teacher. Riley and Emily passed Teacher and Daniel. “Who’s the girl soaking wet?” said Emily. Alex answered, “Her name is Daniel. I saved her from the beach.”   

Alex was in the basement with the five kids. He took the astronomy book then opened it. The page showed a rune with star and crescent moon symbols. The girl with the blonde hair said, “Alex I’m not sure if you should do this.” Alex looked annoyed and then said, “We’ve been over this.” The girl said, “I know but…”  

The boy with brown hair cut in and said, “Why can’t you trust Alex. If he wants, does this let him do this?” Alex then said, “Thanks … Why he is the only one who trusts me?” The boy then starts to smile. Alex picked up the chalk and then drew the rune on the page.”  

Alex looks down on it. “Okay Alex, good luck.” Suddenly Alex clapped his hands together then touched the rune. Suddenly the lines on the rune started to glow.  

Alex woke up in the middle of night. He looked around to see his room. “Why did I draw the rune for?” 


Alex ran down stairs with his wooden sword and seen Daniel and the others. Teacher said, “hello Alexander, you were about to miss Daniel’s performance.”  

Alex asked, “What do you mean?” Daniel said, “I have powers like all of you.” Alex looked at her and said, “I want to see this.” Alex backed up giving Daniel space. 

Daniel put up her hand, suddenly a breeze of air started forming around her hand. Suddenly the breeze became a violent gust. Everyone was pushed back by the storm. 

Daniel gripped the wind around her hand. The blade was 4 feet long thin curved blade. The guard was a circle shape that was designed like a blue eye with a streak down it. The handle was silver and smooth.  

Daniel raised her blade in the air. Suddenly three miniature tornadoes surrounded Daniel. It swirled around her 20 seconds until all then wind dispersed blowing everyone back five inches. 

Alex went up to her and said, “That was amazing. You blasted everyone backwards.” Dustin said, “Welcome to the Temple of the Stars.” She shook hands with Dustin and said, “thank you.” 

Teacher walked over to her and said, “Okay now Daniel, you will spar Dustin with this.” Teacher threw her a wooden sword.  

Daniel stared at it and said, “Thank you very much.” She looked at Dustin and said, “Alright let’s get started.” Alex, Riley, and Emily walked over to the wall.  

Daniel jumped in the air and slashed down; Dustin blocked then threw her back in the air. Daniel hit the ground and then ran at Dustin.

As Dustin slashed, she slid on her knees then bended her back. She hit Dustin’s leg with her backhand, making him fall on his one knee. Dustin grabbed Daniel by the foot and threw her against the door.

 Dustin said, “Not bad for a girl.” Daniel said,

“Thanks for the compliment.” Dustin jumped in the air and slashed. Daniel blocked then parried, hitting Dustin into the air. Daniel jumped off the wall behind her into the air above Dustin. 

Daniel dove down and then kicked Dustin down to the ground, she then was launched back up to the roof, she then jumped off the roof and did a front flip slash. Dustin blocked it when he hit the ground on his back.

“Good job Daniel you can stop now.” Daniel backed off, and then helped Dustin up. “Good job kid, you were excellent,” said Dustin.  

Teacher then walked up to her and said, “Good job Daniel. You will be a perfect addition.” Daniel nodded and said, “thank you.” They all then ran down to the dining room where food on the table. 


Alex got up from his bed and said, “I’m glad Daniel is here. She’ll be a perfect addition.” He then turned over and said, “But what about me? I still don’t remember where I came from.”        

Chapter 7 

Alex ran down stairs with his wooden sword and then seen everyone sparring with theirs. Alex said, “Oh man. I have known one to spar with.” Teacher said, “You can spar me.” Alex looked at her and said, “Okay.”  Teacher said, “Okay everyone sit down, I’m going to spar Alexander.” 

Everyone stopped and they all started to sit down. Riley came up to him and said, “Good luck Alex. Giving you a heads up, don’t let her flick you.” Alex replied, “Thanks.”

Alex walks up to Teacher with his wooden sword. Teacher jumped in the air and slashed, Alex blocked and slid his sword down to her guard. Teacher threw Alex off, and when she landed on the ground, she then shifted forward and disappeared.  

Alex said, “Oh crap.” Alex then turned around about to slash and then Teacher’s finger was in front of Alex’s face. Teacher said, “Too slow.”    She flicked Alex in the forehead and sent him flying.

Alex hit the door and then fell on his face. Alex then slowly got up with the tip of his sword. Alex thought to himself, “man she’s got some strength. I have to be careful.”  

Teacher yelled, “What’s the matter Alex you scared or something.” Alex jumped to the wall. He then jumped off the wall and aimed himself at Teacher.

“That kid is starting to get creative,” said Dustin. “I know isn’t he.” said Emily. Alex then did a front flip slash.  Teacher blocked and threw Alex’s wooden sword in the air.   Alex hit the ground and said, “That’s unfair.” Teacher swiped at Alex’s face. Alex duck then snap kicked her in the chin, which sent her flying in the air.   

Teacher thought, “This boy never seizes to amaze me.” She then turned around and swiped at Alex’s face. Alex grabbed the wooden sword and then pulled her towards him.  

Teacher kneed Alex in the stomach, and instantly punched Alex against into a wall. Alex looked up and seen everything blurry. Alex after a few moments he slowly got up against a wall. 

Alex looked over to see his sword near a corner. He looked up and seen Teacher about to slash him. Alex immediately dodge rolled to the corner and grabbed the wooden sword.   When he turned around, he saw Teacher holding a sidekick; he sidestepped and stabbed for her face. She blocked it then parried. Alex was instantly sent flying and landed on the ground with a quick recovery.  Teacher walked up to him and said, “That’s enough Alexander you have done enough.”  

Alex collapsed on one knee and said, “Thank the lord this is over.” Everyone then walked over to Alex. “Alex you did great.” said Emily. 

“This is my first time actually seeing you fighting. And I must say your amazing.” said Daniel.  

“You put up a very good fight. You fought better than everyone,” said Riley. Alex smiled then replied, “Thank you everyone.”

Teacher then walked over to them and said, “Alright everyone I need you to come here.” they all then ran over to her.

“All of you will come with me to see the Leader himself.” Everyone yelled and cheered except Alex. Alex asked, “Who’s the Leader anyway?” Everyone gasped at him. Teacher raised his hand. 

“You cannot blame him for not knowing about the Leader.” she turned over to Alex and said, “The Leader is the one who created everything. He created the land and the water. He also created other people. He is the absolute reason we have powers.” 

Alex looked at her and said, “Could he fix my memories?” She put her hand on her chin then answered, “Maybe if he wants to.” Teacher then said, “Okay everyone time to go.” They all put down their wooden swords and walked over to the door.  

They opened the door and went down the steps. Alex asked, “Is the leader an old man.” Teacher said, “you’re just gonna have to find out yourself.”   Alex and the others went into the town and took a right down the street. Teacher said, “OK everyone remembers. You all need to be polite and respectful.” Everyone nodded, and then they walked past the clock tower. 

They all see a small temple. Daniel asked, “is this it Teacher?” Teacher nodded and said, “All of you stick by me and everything will be fine.”  

Everyone nodded and walked toward the temple. A guard went up to them and said, “What is your business?” Teacher smiled and said, “Were just here to for a visit. We are only here to introduce Alexander and Daniel. 

The guard looked down at Alex and Daniel. They quickly smiled, the guard then stared at them and said, “go ahead all of you, but remember who that man is.” They both nodded and said at the same time, “thank you.”   They all walked past the guard and entered the temple. Everyone looked around to the see the throne and then the Leader. The Leader then looked up to see all of them right in front of him.

 Everyone bowed except Daniel and Alex. Teacher

then said, “Hello humble Leader we came as you please.” Riley then looked at them and whispered, “Both of you kneel.”

Teacher then raised his hand and said, “Riley don’t worry about it. They do not know any better.”   The Leader asked, “So how are you two doing?” they both gasped and looked at each other. Alex answered, “We are both doing fine.” He then looks over to Daniel and asks, “I heard that your village was attacked, are you okay?”   Daniel answered, “Yes I wasn’t hurt during the attack.” The Leader then put his hand on his chin. He then says, “Oh I wanted to ask you if you know what happened when your village was attacked.” 

She then looks at him and said, “Well what happened was a bunch of people attacked our village and killed many innocent people.” The Leader asked, “Do you have any description of what they looked like.”  

Daniel then rubbed her chin, she answered, and “Well they were all wearing all muscular with their shirt tied to their head and black swords in their hands. And then there was black energy flying everywhere.” The Leader’s face darkened said, “The lunar bearers.” 

Everyone gasped except Alex and Daniel. Then Alex asked, “What are lunar bearers?” The Leader looked down at Alex.  

His blue cold eyes locked on him and said, “The lunar bearers are the opposite of us, the star bearers. They use the powers of darkness in the cruelest ways. Their Leader was my brother. We have been in war for many decades.” 

Alex asks, “How can the war end?” The Leader stroked his beard and said, “The only way we can stop the war is if only a champion of both ends battle. If the champion of the realm wins, the other realm will transform into the winner’s realm.” 

Alex scratches his head and questioned, “Was there ever a champion?” The Leader answered, “There was a

time when the champion was chosen and was sent to battle. But the champions both disappeared during the battle.” 

Alex nodded, “I understand now.” The Leader’s face then brightened and then said, “let us get off the subject because it is most disturbing.” 

“So Alexander how are you doing since you came here?” Alex looked at Teacher and she smiled, Alex turned around and answered, “I’ve been doing great. Teacher teaches me many new things. Everyone accepted me with open arms. And little by little I gain a piece of my memory.” 

The Leader said, “Can you tell me what you remember?” Alex said, “Well All I remember was being around five kids and was in the basement.”  

The Leader asked, “Can you remember anything else?” Alex then rubbed his chin and thought back, he then answers, “oh yeah! I drew a “Rune” then touched it, the lines then started to glow. 

The Leader’s eyes widened and ask, “And do you remember what symbols that you drew.” Alex thought back a little more and said, “I drew some stars and crescent moons.”  

The Leader eyes then widened, and then he thought to himself. The Teacher looked down at them and said, “Okay all of you leave, except Samantha.”  

Alex asked, “Whose Samantha?” Teacher looked at him and then he said, “OH!” They all then left the throne and ran outside. Alex then went over to them and asked, “I wonder what they will talk about?” Daniel walked up to him and said, “Something we won’t know.” 

Alex laughed and then looked over to the clock tower. The bell rang on 3:00 pm. Alex looked over to them and said, “So what are we going to do for the rest of the day?” 

Riley looked at him and said, “I guess we’ll go home. Everyone nodded and then ran towards the mountain trail.


“The boy crossed over.” Teacher then looked at the Leader and then said, “How cans the child crossover. He is not you. No one has ever crossed the gate except you and your brother.”

The Leader stroked his beard and said, “The only reason I and my brother can cross the gate is because we were born from the Void of Nothing. I and my brother created a rune so that we can cross one dimension to another.”  

The Leader held out his hand and then suddenly a rune appeared in front of his hand. There were six stars and many symbols on the rune. Teacher then looked at it and said, “I need Alex to see this rune.” 

The Leader asked, “Why does he need to see this rune. Suddenly the rune disappeared from his hand and Teacher walked up to him and said, “When Alex sees something he remembers a piece of his memory comes back. So if he sees this he might remember what he did to get here.”   The Leader looked away and said, “How are you going to show him the rune.” Teacher then flips her hair and said, ““I’ll figure it out.” Teacher then walked out of the throne room.  Meanwhile   Alex was staring at the ceiling, with his hands on the back of his head. “I wonder what Teacher is up to?” Suddenly Alex’s door opened and seen Dustin come in and closed the door. 

“Thanks for knocking.” said Alex sarcastically. Dustin looks over to him and says, “Alex, Teacher wants us to see her.” Alex then gets up and said, “Thanks Dustin.” Alex and Dustin then walked stairs to see Teacher in her chair. 

“Alex and Dustin will you go get something for me?” Alex asked, “What are we going to get?” Teacher looked at him and said, “You will get a special package from the Library. Dustin and Alex then said, “Yes mam.” They both ran out of the room, and into the mountain trial.   

Chapter 8 

Alex and Dustin came off the trail and entered town. Alex asked, “Okay where are we going?”  

Dustin tapped his shoulder and said, “We are going down the street then when we will see the temple we’ll take the first right.” Alex nodded then they ran down the street, and took the first right. Alex then saw a huge building at the end of the street. 

Alex said in astonishment, “That is a huge building.” Dustin smiled and said, “Let’s head inside.” they then ran into the library. 

The library on the inside was very huge. There were more than 20 Aisles of books and there was stairs leading to the second floor. There was a woman at desk writing, with a candle. They went over to her and she said, “what would you young gentleman want.” 

Dustin replied, “I would like to receive a request for Samantha Orchard.” The woman then said, “Alright then follow me.” the woman then got up and then walked towards the stairs. Alex said, “Man this woman is creepy.” 

Alex and Dustin walked upstairs right behind the woman. When they reached upstairs Alex looked over and seen more isles of books. There were several more desks with a couple of candles. 

The woman went over to the third aisle then got on the ladder. She grabbed the book on the eighth bookshelf and went back down. She said, “Here you go young man.”  

She handed Dustin the book then they all headed down stairs to her desk. She said quietly, “You can leave now. Bring the book back anytime.”  

They nodded and went outside. Alex suggested, “Hey you wanna get some Star Blast?” Dustin nodded and said, “sure no problem.” They then walked down the street and went over to Joseph.  

Joseph smiled and said, “hey you two, what are you

up to?” Alex answered, “Were getting a book for Teacher.” Joseph nodded and asked, “You want some ice cream?” Alex and Dustin answered, “Yes sir.”  

Joseph went to the back of his shop. Alex asked, “I wonder why Teacher wants this book.” They opened the book to see the page with a lock on it. They turned the page and seen another page with a lock on it. 

Dustin said, “Oh I know what this is.” “What is it?” questioned Alex. Dustin answered, “You’re supposed to fly energy into the page and then the book is sealed until the owner touches it.” Alex replied, “Oh it’s pretty much a giant seal.” 

Joseph reappeared and said, “Here’s your ice cream.” Joseph handed them ice cream. Alex said, “Thanks Joseph we’ll tell Teacher you said hi.”  

Alex and Dustin walked away eating ice cream on the mountain trail. Alex looked over to see some of the leave less trees. Alex then said, “It’s almost cold outside.” “Yeah I know we’ll have to stay in more during the winter.”  

Alex took the last bite of his ice cream and sighed. “Man I should have slowed down when I was eating ice cream.” thought Alex. Suddenly a bush behind them rustled. Alex then turned around quick. 

“What’s the matter Alex? No one is here,” said Dustin. Alex turned around then walked up the trail. Alex replied, “I really don’t know? I think I’m just paranoid.”  

Suddenly Alex saw a spark of darkness when he looked over. “LOOK OUT!” Alex grabbed Dustin and threw Dustin to the ground. Suddenly black lightning shot above them. Alex sword appeared in a bright flash of energy. 

They both instantly got up quickly and looked over. Four people came up out of the bushes. They were all wearing masks and black cloaks. 

Dustin looked over to Alex and said, “Alex head to the temple and get Teacher.” Alex cried out, “Dustin I won’t leave you!” Dustin threw him the book and said, “Just go!”  

Alex's sword disappeared in a flash of light, Alex

immediately started running up the mountain trail. Suddenly one of the people raised their blade and black lightning was shot out of it. 

Dustin shot his hand out and fire came out of it. It blocked the black lightning bolt then deflected it back at the group. The group dispersed then surrounded Dustin with their swords ready. 

Dustin yelled, “C’mon!” Suddenly heat-blazing flames appeared around Dustin’s hand, Dustin gripped the flame then his sword appeared in his hand. 

Meanwhile                 Alex ran into the temple and seen everyone in the training room practicing with their wooden swords. Alex yelled, “Everyone Dustin is in danger” Everyone one ran over to him. Riley yelled, “Wait Alex calm down, what’s going on.” 

Alex explained the whole situation to everyone. Teacher walked over to him and said, “Alex, Emily, and Daniel. I want you all to go to your rooms. Now!”  

Alex, Emily, and Daniel ran upstairs. Emily said, “I hope Dustin will be okay.” Alex ran into to his room and looked out his window. Alex saw Teacher and Riley quickly running down the stairs and into the mountain trail. 

Alex thought, “I hope Dustin is okay.” Alex lay on his bed then closed his eyes. Alex thought, “Why were we ambushed?” 

Alex looks over at the window and sees a huge variety of smoke coming from the trail. Alex raises his hand in the air; suddenly a blinding light appeared around his hand. Alex thought, “why can’t I help fight? Am I strong enough?”  

Alex’s door opened and Daniel and Emily went through it. Daniel said, “Are you okay Alex?” Alex got up and said, “Yeah I’m alright. I just hope that Dustin will be all right.” 

Emily walked over to him and said, “It’s going to be alright. Dustin will be strong enough. And if he doesn’t Teacher will save him.”  

Alex looked at them and said, “I hate to wait. My best friend is in trouble.” Daniel slowly put her hand on his hand and said, “I understand Alex.” He takes a quick glance out the window to see the line of smoke disappearing. 

Few Hours Later 

Teacher, Riley, and Dustin entered the room. Everyone then walked up to him. Dustin was covered in dirt and bruises with his shirt in tatters. Teacher was practically scratch less but there was some blood on her shirt. In addition, Riley had some dirt on her pants. 

Alex went over to her and said, “What happened?” Riley smiled and said, “Mr. Courageous over here try to them all on. By the time we got there he practically beaten the crap out of. We then showed up and kicked butt. We then took them down to the town and the soldiers took them.” 

He looked over to Dustin and said, “It was a lot of fun.” Teacher said, “Well everyone off to bed.” Everyone nodded and ran to their rooms. Alex lay down on his bed and said, “I’m glad is Dustin is alright.” Alex takes another quick glance at the window to see some bright stars.   

Chapter 9                

After another two months of continues training and working hard, Alex became satisfied of how strong he is.    Alex ran down stairs to see everyone waiting for Alex. Alex asked, “What are we waiting for?” Daniel answered, “Were all just waiting for you. Teacher is about to show us something.”    Alex sat by the wall watching Teacher. Teacher then said, “today I’m gonna show you an ancient way of using a rune. Suddenly a rune appeared below her with more than six stars and other symbols.  

The rune floated upwards. As the rune floated up, armor was being created. When the rune completely went above Teacher’s head and it disappeared. 

The armor itself was an old design. The helmet was silver with a golden cresting. The breastplate was very dense and fitting. In addition, the legging was very low protected.

She took off her helmet off and said, “This is a special rune that creates armor made of pure energy.  The Stronger you are, the stronger the armor.”  

Alex said, “Does the rune have any flaws?” Teacher then said, “Well not anybody can use this rune. You must have very strong and dense energy and the person must find his revelation.” 

Suddenly the armor around her started to glow then disappeared like glass shards.  

Teacher said, “Okay everybody I have an announcement.” Everyone turned over to Teacher. She cleared her throat and said, “alright everyone, ever since Alex and Dustin we will be going outside less often.”  

Alex asked, “Where do you think they are anyway?” Teacher rubbed her chin and said, “They must be close by if they attacked you two.” 

Dustin asked, “What happens if they try to invade this place?” Teacher replied, “You and Riley will take

Emily, Daniel and Alex to hide off somewhere.”  

Teacher said, “Alright everyone time to eat.” Everyone ran towards the doorway, Teacher said, “Alexander can I talk to you real quick.”  

Alex turned around and walked over to Teacher. Alex said, “what is it Teacher?” Teacher replied, “Alex I need to show you something.”   Teacher went over to the chair and picked up the book Alex and Dustin delivered. She opened the book, and went over to Alex.  Alex seen the rune that he seen in his dream.  

Suddenly Alex felt like his head wanted to split, he out his head on his head and started to scream. Teacher then bent down next to him and said, “Alex is alright?”  

Alex said in agony, “Teacher what’s going on? I see all these images.” Alex then screamed bloody murder.  

Everyone ran in the training room and seen Alex on the ground, they ran toward him. Teacher said, “Stay away!” Daniel yelled, “But he’s…!”  

Teacher interrupted, “you don’t understand. His memories have been ripped from his mind! You can’t to do anything to help him!” Daniel flinched and stared at Alex shaking and screaming. 

Teacher thought, “I need to enter his mind and see what’s going on.” Teacher put her finger on Alex’s temple. She felt the pain popping in her head. 

Teacher was in a basement. She looked over to see Alex, touching the rune her eyes widened and she watched in horror as it started to glow.  

Suddenly black and white energy swirled around the rune. Shards of energy came out of the rune and started forming a gateway. 

Teacher thought, “This is as I feared. Alexander opened the Gateway.” Suddenly the Gateway was complete, and the rune under it then disappeared.  

The door was 6 feet tall and four feet wide. The door was pure white. There was a moon connected to a star by a

white and black jewel. The left handle was pure white, and the right handle was pure black. 

Alex got up, said, “Yes I did it!” the girl with the blonde hair came over to him, and said, “Alex are you sure you wanna do this?” Alex replied, “I need to find out ….  I can’t turn back now.” 

Suddenly the door creaked open and everyone turned over to it. Suddenly Alex was being pulled toward the door. The boy with the brown hair then grabbed his hand. 

As Teacher stared in horror she out her hand over her mouth. The boy with the brown hair yelled, “Don’t let go!” Alex yelled back, “do you think I know that!” All the kids grabbed onto the boy then pulled. 

Suddenly Alex’s foot started to turn in to shards then went into the door. The girl with the brown yelled, “oh my god! Alex!”  

Both of Alex’s legs were already gone and it was up to his waist.” Alex yelled, “if you guys hold on anymore, you’re gonna get sucked up too.” The boy with the blonde hair said, “We don’t care, we won’t let go.” 

Alex took his other hand and shoved it off the boy. The boy yelled, “Alex! No! The rest of Alex has turned into crystal shards and went in the door. 

Suddenly Teacher was back in the Temple of the Stars. Alex was on the ground shaking and taking slow breathes. Teacher said, “Dustin takes Alex to his room.”   Dustin ran over to him and picked him up. He asked, “Is he going to be alright?” Teacher then looked at him and said, “All it is an intense memory.” Dustin nodded then ran upstairs. 

Daniel asked Riley, “What’s going to happen to Alex now?” Riley looked up and seen Teacher’s surprised face. Emily went over to Teacher and asked, “What did you see?” 

Teacher answered, “I saw how the boy came to this world.” Teacher got up and said, “I need to go straight to the Leader immediately.” She looked at Riley and said calmly, “take care of Alex until I get back.”

Chapter 10 

In a dark place where the crescent moon was in the sky, bright light filled the distance. The desert was pure black in the distance. There was a town in the center of the desert. The temples and buildings were so tall that it almost reached the sky.  

Moreover, east of this place was a sea so dark that you cannot see their reflections. The waves were low and wide.

 On the west of the town was a forest that was large,

vast and deep. Very loud roars echoed through the desert coming from the forest. 

He entered the city, quietly in the night. As he walked through the city he thought, “I must report to the Ruler what happened.”  

He turns on a street then walks straight down, the man cursed as he walked down the street. As he walked down the town, blood dripped on the sand, leaving a trail of blood.  

He stopped at the temple ahead of them. The temple was very large. There were three pillars on each side. There was a giant door, with a skull on top of it.”  

When he looked up, he seen a dead body stapled to the wall. The man was wrapped in white robes. He had three stab wounds in his chest and a slash across his stomach. His head was hanging. 

The man muttered, “This man is new.” He then walked into the temple. The temple itself was very large. The throne room had eight pillars on each side to support itself. There were black crescents hanging on the walls.  A pure black carpet lay across the room.    A man was on a pure black chair made of crystal. The man was very broad and muscular; he had pale skin with black eyes and blonde hair.  

The man in the cloak bowed before the man on the throne. The man said, “Ruler of the lunar bearers, I am here to report what has happened in the star dimension.” 

The Ruler looked down on him and said, “You may proceed.” The man got up and reported, “The rumors have been true. A boy has fallen from the sky and he is now being taught under Samantha Orchard.” 

The Ruler smiled and said, “How strong is the child?” The man flinched then said, “We do not know sir. One of our men tried to ambush him. The other child that was with him, told him to run.” 

Ruler then stared down on the man with cold like eyes. “Go back to the star dimension and find how strong

he is!” the man then flinched again and whimpered, “yes sir.”  

The man then ran out of the room. The Ruler thought, “I wonder where the boy came from? And I wonder how strong he is?” The Ruler laughed so loud, it echoed through the whole throne room.” he then thought, “brother, what are you up to?”         

Chapter 11  

Three Days Later

Alex was lying in his room flat on his back asleep. Daniel was sitting right by his bed thinking. Daniel thought, “it’s been three days now. When is Alex gonna wake up?” 

Alex turned to his side. Daniel smiled and said, “You’re very peaceful when you’re sleeping.” Alex smiled and whispered, “B…Bri…” Daniel got up and looked at him. Alex repeated, “B…Br…Britt…tany.” 

Daniel rubbed her head and said, “What is he trying to say?” Alex turned and started snoring. Daniel slowly opened his door then closed it. Riley, Dustin and Teacher went up to her. Riley asked, “What’s going on?”  

Daniel said, “Alex was muttering “Brittany”.” Teacher rubbed her chin and said, “The boy must be

remembering someone.”  

Dustin then asked, “I wonder why it’s taking this long for him to wake up.” Riley replied, “He remembered something major. So if it was that bad then it will take a while for him to rest.” 

Teacher thought, “I knew it was too soon. I should have waited a little longer. I would’ve waited a couple months longer.”  

Suddenly Alex started to break a sweat. Teacher walked over to him and put her hand on his forehead. “He’s has a fever. Dustin gets a wet rag.” Dustin nodded then ran out of the room. 

Suddenly everyone sensed a weird sensation down his or her spine. Teacher looked outside to see dark energy forming in the forest. The energy spiraled and twisted. 

Teacher turned to Riley and said, “Riley you’re with me. Daniel when Dustin gets back tells him that he must stay here with you and protect Alex.” As Daniel nodded, Teacher and Riley ran out of the room. Daniel turned to Alex and rubbed his hair. She then sits back down and waits for Dustin. 

Teacher and Riley run out of the temple and jump down the stairs. Riley looks over to Teacher and asks, “Lunar bearers?” Teacher nods then said, “Yes. We have to fight them off until knights arrive.” 

As Teacher and Riley run down the forest, they felt then energy getting larger and larger. Teacher looked over to Riley and said, “If this gets to dangerous I want you to head back to the temple.”               

Riley nodded then looked back forward. When they reached the sight, they saw seven lunar bearers. Teacher looks directly at the one in the front of all of them. 

The lunar bearer was tall with brown hair and a beard. He had dark red eyes, a stud in his ear, and a red anklet. He wore a black cloak and black shoes. 

The lunar bearer said, “I am Devin. One of the Ruler’s top guard and I am known as The Element of Fire. Are you Samantha Orchard?” 

Teacher glared at him and asks, “what if I am?” Devin smiled then demanded, “You will take me to the boy who fell from the sky!” 

Riley snickered then told him, “Were not taking you to Alex.” He turned to Riley and smiled. “This girl has a mouth on her.” Suddenly in a discharge of electricity appeared around Riley, as she grasped the discharge her rapier appeared in her hand.  

“You shouldn’t challenge me child. I am not in the mood to fight a little girl.” As Riley growled, Teacher giggled. “Don’t underestimate my apprentice.” Suddenly a brown flash appeared in Teacher’s hand. 

“Riley you take the henchmen, I’ll take on Devin.” As she grasped the energy in her hand, her sword appeared. The sword was a long sword with a short guard. His blade was rough and nicked. In addition, the handle was very large. 

Devin looked at his companions and yells; “get ready!” his companions’ sword appeared in their hands.  Suddenly large amounts sparked out of Riley’s sword.            Meanwhile                      

Alex was lying down flat on his back with a towel on his head. Daniel was sitting in front of the window watching the rocks fly in the air 

“What’s happening out there? I hope Teacher and Riley are alright?” Dustin walked over to her and said, “They’ll be alright. Besides, all we have to do is take care of Alex.” She looks over at Alex. She then looks back outside then said, “I guess you’re right.” 

Alex turns again knocking off his towel. He muttered then said, “T…Tr…Tray.” Dustin rubs his chin then said, “Alex must be remembering someone.”                            


As Teacher slashed at Devin the ground, it starts to change. Devin said, “What’s the matter?” Teacher got very angry, she then yelled, “Why don’t you just shut up!” when she slashed down a giant peak arose from the ground. 

Devin back flipped out of the way. “That was good

one for a girl.” Teacher growled then launched herself right back at Devin. 

Riley fought the four people with her super fast speeds. One of the lunar bearers slashed as she stopped in front of him. She blocked him with ease then said, “Man you suck at fighting.” Suddenly another lunar bearer came behind and slashed. 

Riley rolled then low kicked the man, she then slapped her hand down on the ground. Suddenly a rune appeared 15 ft above him. Lighting shot out of the rune and hit the lunar bearer. The man then collapsed with burns all over his body. 

Devin smiled then said, “okay since you’re so sure in fighting me.” Suddenly black fire swirled around his hand. Teacher back flipped then landed on her one knee. 

When he grasped the black fire, his sword appeared in his hand. The blade was pure black and etched in red flame the guard was circular. Moreover, the handle was small and pure black. 

When Devin slashed, pure black flame came out of the sword. When Teacher blocked the flame, she was pulled back a little. Teacher thought, “I didn’t know he was this strong!”  

When the black flames disappeared, Devin was not in front of her. When she looked up Devin was about to slash. Teacher step sided then counterattacked. Devin blocked it, and then kicked her in the stomach. 

Riley stabbed one of the lunar bearers in the shoulder. She then snaps kicked him off the blade. She breaths hard thinking, “I don’t know how hard I can keep doing this.” Suddenly a black rune appeared under Riley. Black chains wrapped around Riley‘s wrists and ankles. She screamed, “Teacher!”    Teacher turned to see Riley bound. She jumps forward about to slash the chains. Suddenly a blade appeared at Riley’s neck. Teacher stopped then yelled, “release her immediately!” Devin walked over to her and said, “If you give up, we won’t slit her throat.”  

Riley yelled, “Teacher doesn’t do it! I’m not worth it!” the lunar bearer yelled, “Quite you!” Teacher dropped

her sword, and it disappeared in a brown flash. The lunar bearer holding Riley smiled with satisfaction. Another black rune appeared under Teacher; black chains came out of the rune and were wrapped around Teacher’s wrists and ankles. The chains pulled her down on her knees.  

Devin walked over to one of the lunar bearers and said, “Do it.” the lunar bearer walked over to her with a straight face. He raised his hand to her fore head. 

He closed his eyes and suddenly Teacher eyes became lifeless. Riley yelled, “No! Teacher, please don‘t!” The lunar bearer pulled on Riley’s hair and said, “Quite you!” 

The lunar bearer took her hand away from Teacher’s head then said, “I know where the boy is. And he’s unconscious.”  

Chapter 11               

Daniel put another towel on Alex’s head. She then walked over to the chair near the window. Dustin walked in and asked, “How’s Alex?”  

Daniel turned around and said, “He has a very high fever. And he keeps muttering.” Dustin walked over to Alex and put his hand on his shoulder. 

Daniel’s eyes widened then said, “Ugh, Dustin!” Dustin ran over to the window and seen the lunar bearers holding Teacher and Riley hostages. 

He turned to Daniel and said, “Daniel, we’re going to go down there and save them!” Daniel got up and panted, “what about Alex!” Dustin turned to Alex then back to her. “We just have to get Teacher and Riley out of their bind!” 

Daniel looked back at the window. Seeing Riley and Teacher bound. She turned back to him and said, “Fine! We’ll save them.” She kneeled down to Alex and said, “We’ll be back, I promise.” 

They then ran out of the room. Alex turned to his side knocking off the towel on his head. He muttered, “I have to…,” white energy started to swirl around him. Suddenly a rune appeared right over his body. 

Devin pushed Riley and Teacher down on the ground. “Thank you for your cooperation.” Riley yelled, “What do you want with Alex anyway?”  

Devin turned to her and said, “Our Ruler wants us to test this child’s strength. See if he’s a threat.” Suddenly a wall of flames appeared in front of Devin. Dustin and Daniel ran towards them. Riley turned to them and said,

“Thanks guys.”  

Daniel cut the chains off Teacher and Riley with a single swipe. Teacher yelled, “Where’s Alex!” Dustin answered, “He’s okay Teacher. The kid's still in the bed knocked out.” Teacher sighed in relief then thought, “all we need to do is wait until then knights have arrived.”  

Suddenly the wall of fire turned completely black. Emily then ran out the door and yelled; “incoming!” blue energy appeared around Emily’s hand.  When she grasped it, her sword appeared in her hand. 

She got in front of everyone then held out her hand. The wall of black fire shot a huge fireball at them. Water flushed out of Emily’s sword then surrounded them. When the fireball hit, the bubble was destroyed and water drenched on everyone, 

Riley yelled, “Where have you been?” Emily looked at her smiling and said, “I slept in today.” Devin and then lunar bearers walk out of the black flames. Everyone quickly got up with their swords in their hands. 

Suddenly several men appeared behind them and said, “by order of the Leader!” You will surrender!” Devin turned around smiling and spat, “I don’t think do. Suddenly a wall of energy blocked the star bearers of going any further. 

Teacher cursed then looked at the star bearers. “Don’t worry we’ll take care of them!” Devin laughed then said, “Okay fine then!” the lunar bearers summoned their sword. Teacher yelled to her apprentices, “All of you are careful this is the real deal!” 

Everyone nodded then ran at the lunar bearers. Dustin jumped in the air aiming at one of the lunar bearers. Suddenly a rune appeared in front of the tip of the sword. A fireball shot out of it and hit the lunar bearer straight in the head. 

Gusts of wind gathered around Daniel. As the lunar bearer slashed, Daniel jumped in the air with the wind supporting her. Then lunar bearer turned then slammed his hand on the ground. When Daniel landed, a rune appeared under her. 

Suddenly a dome of earth appeared out of the

ground and trapped her. The lunar bearer smiled with feelings of victory. Suddenly the dome crumbled into dust.  

Daniel spat, “is that the best you got?” They both rush each other ready to slash. When they slashed, they slid on opposite sides. Suddenly the lunar bearer fell without a single word. Daniel turned to the corpse and said, “Take that!” 

Riley blocked the lunar bearer’s strike then parried. The man ducked and kicked her down to the ground. Riley quickly recovered; as the lunar bearer lunged, she shifted to her left then disappeared. The lunar bearer stopped then yelled, “Where is she!”  

Riley reappeared with both her legs around his neck. “Take this!” she twists her body then broke his neck. When they both hit the ground, Riley got up then said smiling, “I always wanted to do that!” 

Dustin swipes at the man’s face. As he blocked he spun to make Dustin lose his balance. He then said, “See ya kid.” as he slashes down aiming at his neck, Emily blocked it then kicked him away. She takes out her free hand then said, “Needs some help?” Dustin smiled then said, “Sure.”  

She helped him up then they turned to the lunar bearer. “You ready for a tag team move, Emily!” Dustin spins with his sword about to slash. Emily back flipped in the air jumping on Dustin’s sword. He then threw Emily up 30 ft up in the air. As Emily falls, she points her sword at the man and starts spinning. Dustin shifted forward then disappeared. The lunar stopped then looked right and left. 

“Where is he?” Dustin reappears under the lunar bearer and says, “Down here.” he kicks the lunar bearer in the air towards Emily. Emily goes through him, and lands on the ground. Emily turns to Dustin and high fives him. “Man that was awesome!”  

The knights were amazed by the high skill of the apprentices. One of them said, “That was amazing! I never have seen children fight so well. Even I didn’t fight so well!” Another one nods then says, “Should there be one more.” 

The knights think about it then said, “Yes there was one more. His name was Alexander Rising. I wonder where that kid is. I heard that he was the prodigy of the group.”

 Teacher slashed at one of the lunar bearers, he

blocked then parried. Teacher grabbed the sword then kneed him in the stomach. She then threw him in the air.  

She clapped her hands together then slapped the ground.  Suddenly a spike appeared under the lunar bearer and stabbed him through the stomach. His blood slowly as his blood rolled down the spike. 

Teacher wiped sweat off her fore head and said, “All that’s left is Devin.” Devin was standing there with his arms crossed and smiling. “Not bad.” They all turned to him frowning.  

“Now I’m going to ask you for the last time, I want to see Alexander.” Daniel yelled, “Not a chance!” Devin smiled then looked straight at them then concluded, “I guess I have no choice. If I can’t ask him to come out here, I’ll force him out here.”  

The five ran straight at him. Suddenly a shield of black fire appeared in front of him and bounced them down to the ground. Five black runes appeared under them.    Black chains came out of them and wrapped their chest and legs. Riley yelled, “Not again!” They struggled trying to get out of the chains. 

“Now, it’s time for the motivation.” Devin sword appeared in his hand. As he raised his blade to the sky a small fire above them. It grew more and more until it was 50 ft big. The knights tried to force their way through the barrier. 

“C’mon men we have to save the children and the teacher.  Devin smiled then yelled, “Alexander if you have the guts to come out here. Does it now or they will die?” Devin then pointed his blade at them. The huge fireball then came down about to engulf them. A shield of light bright blocked the fireball. 

When the fireball was extinguished, there was a person in armor standing in front of him. His armor was pure golden while chest plate was very small. He had a long black cape down to his feet.  

Devin yelled, “Who are you!” the man did not answer. In a flash of bright light, Alex’s sword appeared in

his hand. Teacher’s eyes widened and then she asked, “Alex?” the person turned his head to Teacher and nodded. He then turned back to Devin.  

“Oh so you’re Alexander.” Alex slowly got in his sword stance. Devin smiled and pointed his sword straight at him. “Finally we meet Alexander. Let’s see what you got.” 

Alex shifted upwards then disappeared; he reappeared right in front of him about to stab. When he stabbed, Devin barely managed to block it, he quickly step sided. Alex turned to Devin and quickly side kicked him. Devin blocked it with both his arms and he said with excitement, “you are very talented.” 

Alex throws his sword in the air and quickly grabbed it with his backhand. As he slashed, a beam of white energy shot at Devin. When Devin blocked the blast, he staggered trying to hold it. “How can this boy be so powerful?”    Alex shifted sideways and disappears; he reappeared behind him about to slash once more. Devin turned his head and cursed as the white beam shot out of Alex’s sword.   The knights stood there amazed as they watched Alex. “Alexander is amazing! I never seen a child so advanced in fighting.” One of the knights walked up to them and yelled, “You need to tell the Leader of the Royal Guard what was happening!” 

One of the knights turned to the mountain trail and started running. Another one of the knights walked up to the barrier and said, “Let’s see if we can find a way to break this barrier.”  

The knight laid his hands against the barrier; suddenly a black spark of energy came out and shocked his hand. The knight quickly was back then said, “this is gonna be longer than I thought.”  

Devin entire body was covered in blood and clothes were tattered and torn. Devin yelled, “You’re much more of a handful than I thought!” Alex did not say a thing. Devin then pointed his sword in the sky and yelled, “Another day Rising!”  

Suddenly a dome of fire appeared over Devin. When

the dome diminished, Devin disappeared. The runes under the five disappeared, and the barrier in front of the knights disappeared.                 

Chapter 12  

After a few moments, Alex dropped his sword, when it hit the ground it disappeared in a blinding flash. Alex fell backward and hit the ground. Teacher quickly ran up to him and kneeled by him.  

Suddenly the armor turned into light a faded away leaving Alex. She yelled, “Dustin! Get Alex to his room!” Dustin quickly got up and grabbed Alex. 

The knights then walked over to them and said, “He’s still here! He just escaped.” Teacher turned to them

and said, “You think I don’t know that!” One of the knights walked over to her and asked, “How can that boy use the armor! He’s way too young to even summon the rune!”  

Riley walked over to them and said, “We don’t know? He’s been knocked out for three days!” one of the knights walked up to Teacher and asked, “How was he knocked out for three days!” 

Teacher looked away then said, “I don’t know?” the knight yelled back, “of course you do! Quit trying to cover for that boy!” Daniel walked over to them and yelled, “Don’t you dare talk to Teacher like that!” the knight chuckled then said, “Who do you think you’re talking to?”  

Daniel blurted, “A jerk who doesn’t know any manners!” the man clenched his fists then said calmly, “I’m sorry after all that happened. I can expect people trying to be curious about this.”  

Teacher then turned to the knights and said, “I need to see the Leader immediately.” Another one of the knights asked curiously, “why do you need to talk to him?” Teacher gave him the evil stare then said, “I want to tell him about Alex’s progress myself.” 

The knights huddled together whispering what they were going to do. They then came out of the huddle, another one of the knights walked over to them and said, “You can go see him, but you have to stay here until The Captain of the Royal Guard comes and talks to you first.” 

Teacher said, “I can agree with that. C’mon.” The apprentices and Teacher walked inside the Temple of Star. 

The Next Day 

Alex quickly jerked up in the bed. He quickly turns his head trying process where he was. He thought, “Why am I not in the training room?” Suddenly Alex’s head started to throb then Alex.” Alex put on of his head on the side of his head and said, “oh yeah. I remember now.”                

Alex slowly got up and grabbed the wooden sword. He slowly took shaking steps. After 5 minutes of walking, Alex reached staircase. Alex sat on the spiraling hand bar and slid down it.  

When he reached the training room, there were

several people in the training room. One of them was broad was wearing full golden body armor. He had scars all over his face and was bald. His dark red eyes made Alex shiver a bit.  

The second one was an old woman with much wrinkled skin. She was covered in blue robes and a large fur collar, with an owl sitting on her shoulder. She had Grey hair formed into a bun and her eyes were pure silver. 

Alex looked over to Teacher and said, “What’s going on?” Everyone turned looking at. Teacher smiled then said, “Alex you’re finally awake. How do you feel?” Alex smiled then answered, “I’ve been better.” 

The man in the armor turned to Alex completely surprised. He then bellowed in a Scottish accent, “Are you serious! This is the boy who took down one of the Elements!” Alex frowned then yelled, “Okay what are you talking about?”  

Teacher turned to him and said, “Alex I’ll explain later just goes in you’re..." The woman took a step then said in a British accent, “Let the boy stay here. He needs to know.”   Alex turned to the woman then said, “What does she mean. What do I have to know?” The woman turned to Alex then said, “Child you took down one of the Elements of Darkness. Which are the Ruler’s right hand men and women?” Alex raised his eyebrow then asked, “What do you mean? I don’t remember fighting?”  

The woman gasped then asked, “You don’t remember a thing!” Alex nodded his head then said, “All I remember is looking at a big old book that Teacher asked me to get her and then everything went blank.”  

The woman turned to Teacher and asked, “You’re right Samantha. This boy is a special case.” the woman turned back to Alex and said, “I forgot to tell you who I am. I am quite embarrassed.” Alex raised an eyebrow then thought, “Wow!” She bowed to him then said, “I am Madam Nicole of the Star Sanctuary.” 

Alex looking confused said, “Hi there my name is…” Madam Nicole held out her hand then said, “I already know your name Alexander.”

   Alex then turned his head at the man in the armor and asked, “Who are you?” the man took a deep breath and said in a low tone, “my name is Roy Albicker; I am the Head of the Royal Guards.”

  Alex smiled then said, “That’s cool.” Roy turned to Teacher again and asked, “Am I supposed to believe this child fought Devin!” 

Teacher smiled then asked, “Do you doubt what I said.” Roy yelled even louder, “I cannot imagine a brat like that fight him!” Alex clinched his fist then said, “Hey! Watch it!” Roy turned to him then asked, “What did you say to me?” 

Alex walked toward him then said coldly, “I said watch it. I don’t take lightly to people who underestimate me.” Roy smiled then asked, “So you think you’re strong. Prove it!” Madam Nicole said, “Well I would like to see the child’s power myself.”  

Teacher turned to Madam Nicole and asked, “What do you have in mind?” Madam Nicole turned to her with a straight face and said, “Have him defeat Devin.” Teacher yelled, “Why do you want to do that?” 

Madam Nicole turned to Alex then said, “If he really did fight Devin, he needs to finish him off.” Alex crossed his arms and asked, “How am I going to find him?” Madam Nicole answered, “I will worry about that.” 

Teacher turned to Alex then asked, “you gonna do this?” Alex smiled then said, “I always want a challenge, I accept.” Roy turned to Madam Nicole and asked, “Do you really think the child can do this.” Madam Nicole turned to him then answered, “I’m very positive the child can pull it off.” 

Roy turned to the door and said, “Alright I will report this to Leader.” He shifted forward then disappeared. Madam Nicole said, “I will be on my way as well Samantha, it’s very good to see you again.” In a blind flash of light, Madam Nicole disappears. Teacher turns to Alex then said, “You better get ready for your battle Alexander.” 

Alexander nodded then ran upstairs into his room. Alex thought, “How am I going to take this guy down? I don’t really know how I did it the first time.”

 At that exact moment, someone knocked on his

door. Alex said, “Come in.” Daniel opened the door and asked, “You’re finally awake.” Alex smiled then said, “Yep.” Daniel closed the door then walked over to and sat down on Alex’s bed. 

She asked, “What happened? You go down stairs?” Alex nodded then said with calmness, “I have to find Devin and take him down.” Daniel eyes widened and then said with concern, “how are you going to do that?”

Alex shrugged then answered, “Madam Nicole will locate him for me then I’ll go find him.” She then said with surprise, “you met Madam Nicole!” Alex raised an eyebrow then asked, “how do you her?”  

Daniel answered, “In my village I heard stories about her. They said she once took on an entire army by herself. They called her the Sage of Snow.”   Alex asked, “Hey when I go to find Devin can you come with me?” Daniel asked with surprise, “why are you asking me, should you be asking Teacher or one of the others?”  

Alex smiled then he said, “I thought about it, but I can really count on you.” Daniel blushed then she said, “Really?” Alex smiled, Daniel then said, “thanks Alex. I help out anyway I can.” Alex nodded then he said, “You should get your backpack ready, we’ll be probably going after him tomorrow.” 

Daniel nodded then ran out of her room. Alex turned to the window then thought, “I’m coming after you Devin! I’m gonna finish what you started!”   

The Next Day  

Alex quickly got up and ran down stairs. He slid down the spiral staircase and ran straight to the training room. As Alex ran in, he seen Teacher and the others practicing. He ran over to her and yelled, “Any news from Madam Nicole. Teacher turned to him smiling and said, “One of the knights said to have spotted him in the plains just beyond the town?” 

Alex said, “You want me to go down there immediately.” Teacher nodded then said, “I know you want

Daniel to come down there with you.” 

Alex gasped then said, “oh yeah, really I thought that I needed an extra hand.” Teacher giggled then said smoothly, “its okay Alexander. I actually think it’s a good idea, but I need to come with you as well.” Alex shrugged then said, “More the merrier.”    Teacher laughed, she then turned to Riley and said, “You know what to do Riley.” She nodded then yelled, “okay guys I’m in charge until Teacher and the others get back.” Dustin and Emily nodded. 

Dustin walked over to Alex and said, “Good luck you guys. Remember don’t put your guard down for a second.” they both nodded then turned to Teacher. 

“You guys ready to go. They both looked at her and answered, “Yeah!”  They ran out the door then jumped down to the mountain trail then started running. Daniel asked as they were running, “so how are we going to fight this guy?” Teacher turned to her then answered, “Alex will fight him head on then you and I will back him up.” 

Alex smiled, and then turned to Daniel. Alex then asked, “How did I even fight Devin anyway? I can barely remember a thing?” Teacher turned to him then answered, “You used that armor that I showed you.”  

Alex asked, “How can I use that armor. I never was able to.” Teacher rubbed her chin then answered, “I really don’t know Alexander,” they then reached town and ran through the streets, “all I know now is that you’re able to do it and yet you don’t know how to.”   Alex nodded then said, “When I think about it. I see images of me in the armor.” Daniel then asked, “Do you remember what you were dreaming about when you were asleep?” Alex thought about it then answered, “not really why did you ask that?” 

Daniel turned her head then said cautiously, “Just wondered.” They passed through the other side of the town and ran through another forest. Teacher said, “We’re almost there. We just need to go through this forest.” they both nodded a continued to run at a hurried pace. 

Daniel turned to Alex and thought, “I fell so sorry for Alex. His past is very unclear to him.” Alex turned to

her and said, “Anything wrong Daniel?” she panted, “don’t worry Alex there’s nothing wrong.” 

When they ran through the forest, they reached the plains. The plains was had grass as tall as their ankles, plenty of open space and a soft breeze. An edge leads to an ocean below. Alex thought, “This place is so peaceful. “ Alex turned from his left and his right and then he asked, “Where is he?”              

“Are you looking for me?” They flinched then turned around; Devin was standing at the edge of the plain.

He had no shirt on and had stains of blood on his chest plus face. He smiled and said, “I’m glad you came. Now I get to finish what we started.”                

In a blinding flash of light, Alex’s sword appeared in his hand. Alex smiled then said, “I can’t agree more!” Alex ran directly at Devin. “Daniel gives me some lift!” Daniel nodded and held out her hand in front of Alex. Suddenly a rune appeared under Alex. As Alex jumped, wind came out of the rune and sky rocket him straight in the air.   

Alex switched his sword to his backhand, white energy flushed out of the sword. When he slashed down white energy came over his entire body. Devin raised his hand before Alex tried to hit him. Suddenly a shield of black fire blocked Alex attack. The energy over Alex disappeared. He thought, “How did he...?”  

Devin said, “Impressive you’ve gotten stronger.” Suddenly the wall of fire completely exploded and Alex was thrown back in the air.  

The soft breeze turned into a gust of wind. Devin turned to Daniel with her sword in her hand. “Take this!” As she slashed down, gusts of wind came out of the sword. Before the gust of wind hit Devin, he shifted sideways then disappeared. 

Daniel thought, “Where did he go?” Devin reappeared behind her about to stab. When he slashed, Teacher slashed down his sword then said to Daniel, “Use all of you senses Daniel!” Alex was about to dive down and stab Devin from above. 

Devin back flipped out of the way before Alex could stab him. Alex quickly took the blade out of the ground then slashed at Devin. Devin blocked then side stepped. He

kicked Alex in the face and sent him straight in the air. Alex quickly recovered in mid air then landed on the ground. Alex spat the blood in his mouth then said, “Good kick.” 

Teacher low kicked Devin to the ground. Before he hit the ground, Teacher grabbed him by the leg then threw him in the air. Teacher clapped her hands together then slammed it on the ground. Suddenly a rune appeared under Devin before he hit the ground. 

A large spike came out of the rune; Devin quickly shifted sideways then disappeared before him for he landed on it. He reappeared behind Alex about to slash. “Daniel yelled, “Alex look out!”  

Alex blocked his sword from behind then turned around. Alex step sided and swiped at his face. Devin easily blocked it then parried, Alex ducked and at that, moment punched him in the stomach. Teacher appeared above them and yelled, “Alex move!” Alex quickly rolled out of the way before she slashed down.  

Devin looked up and said, “Oh crap!” Devin blocked Teacher’s attack. Alex and Daniel then tried to attack from both sides. Teacher smiled then asked, “What are you going to do now?” As she said that Devin smiled, suddenly black fire sparked to life at both his sides. Suddenly the black fire shaped lions.   Alex quickly side stepped out of the way. Daniel yelled, “I never seen anything like this before!” As the lion tried to lunge at Daniel, a rune appeared under her. As she jumped then wind blasted out of the rune and supported Daniel’s jump. 

Devin threw Teacher back in the air and yelled; “Now it’s just you and me Samantha!” When Teacher landed, she slammed her hands into the ground. Suddenly a rune appeared under him. Devin looked down then cursed to himself. Teacher said, “Now I’m gonna help my apprentices!” 

Alex dodged the lions slash, at that moment Alex counterattacked. The lion jumped back 30ft then both Alex and the lion lunged at each other. When Alex and then lion slashed at the same time, they slid 15ft on opposite sides.  

As the black lion diminished, three claw marks appeared on Alex’s shoulder. Alex cursed to himself then

said, “Man that really hurt.”  

Daniel blocked lions slash and thought, “these things are hard to fight! They are so unpredictable!” Suddenly the lion back away then jumped 30ft. As Daniel slashed, gusts of wind came out of her sword then pummeled the black lion.  

Suddenly Teacher appeared behind it then slashed the black lion then diminished. Alex ran over to them then said, “Okay were good!” Suddenly Devin’s sword stabbed through Teacher’s heart.  Suddenly blood came out of where Teacher was stabbed. 

Alex and Daniel yelled, “Teacher!” Devin said quietly, “never turn your back on the enemy.”  Devin yanked the blade out of her chest then quickly backed away. As Teacher began to fall, Alex caught her.  

Devin smiled and said, “See ya kiddies.” he then back flipped off the edge. Teacher looked up at Alex and said, “Are you okay?” Alex smiled then said, “Teacher you should be worried about yourself.”               

Alex slowly laid down Teacher on the ground. Daniel said in a hurry, “we need to hurry and get Teacher some help!” Teacher turned to her smiling and said, “Its okay I want to lay here.”  

Teacher started to cough up blood. Alex cursed to himself then thought, “I should have seen this coming. Thanks to me, Teacher is hurt. Teacher turned to Alex and said in a whispered tone, “Its okay Alexander it’s not your fault. I should have noticed Devin escaping in the first place.” 

She then turned to Daniel and said, “Daniel I’m going to die soon,” Daniel quickly tightened up about to cry, “I want you to tell the others I love them very much.” Daniel nodded then Teacher continued in a more hushed voice, “Alex I won’t you to have this.” Teacher raised her wrist for Alex to see. It was a metallic wristband with bronze and silver colors. Alex slowly grabbed the wristband and smoothly took it off.  

Alex asked, “What is it?” Teacher smiled answered, “It’s a meteor band. It used to store power within it, but when you release the power, it is two times stronger. I stored some of my power in it. Use it wisely against


As Alex, nodded Teacher raised her hand and put it on Daniel’s cheek. “Daniel you are one of the most talented apprentices I’ve had. You’re patient and you also listen to everything.”

Daniel started to cry as she said, “thank you.” Teacher then turned to Alex and said, “even though I’ve had you for a short time I knew you were going to do great things. You were always up beat and very talented,” Alex smiled, “I am truly sorry for all that has happened to you and I hope that you have a good future.” 

A tear rolled down Alex’s face as he said, “thank you.” Teacher then continued, “All of you are very precious to me. I love every single one of you the way you are,” Teacher then began to glow white, “but my time has passed and it’s about time I pass.” 

Alex and Daniel eyes widened as she said those words. Daniel then said quietly, “even though you didn’t know me you helped me anyway. Thank you for everything Teacher.” Teacher closed her eyes then said, “I hope that you all will have a good future.” Suddenly Teacher’s body became light and then an echo said, “thank you.”  The light flew into the air and diminished into the calm breeze. 

Alex started to pound the ground and said, “Why!” Alex began crying his heart out. Daniel put her hands over her face and began to cry her heart out as well.    Suddenly Devin appeared 15 ft behind them and said, “Are you cry babies? We need to finish this!” Alex and Daniel wiped their tears away then stood up facing him. 

Alex said, “you’re gonna pay for this!” Suddenly the calm winds around Daniel turned into huge roars of wind. Daniel said, “were gonna finish this for Teacher!” Alex put the meteor band on his wrist then said, “I agree!” Suddenly

huge amounts of white energy blasted out of Alex.

Chapter 13 

Blinding light appeared around Alex and Daniel’s sword. When the light diminished, the swords took on a new form.               

Alex’s sword became a four-foot long, double-edged bastard sword. The blade was pure white with a red chain in the middle of it. The guard was like to white angel wings while the hilt was black and smooth with a white jewel at the end of it. White like mist came out of his blade. 

Daniel’s sword became a scythe. The blade was four feet long and extremely sharp. It blade glowed in the sunlight. In addition, the handle was black with flower-etched designs on it.  There was a long black chain at the end of the scythe.

Devin said calmly, “ho ho. Things are gonna get difficult.” Daniel twirled the scythe then yelled, “Oh you got that right!” as she slashed down in a huge arc, winds came out of the blade and buffeted Devin backwards.

Devin yelled under the gust, “Even with your power boost you’ll never defeat me!” Suddenly very large appeared on his body. Devin thought nervously, “the wind is cutting my body!” 

Devin quickly moved, suddenly Alex appeared right in front of him about to slash. As Devin blocked it, the ground under him was crushed. Devin struggled trying to hold back the strength of the blade. Wild sparks came out of the two colliding blades.               

Suddenly Alex’s blade started to glow. Energy burst out of the sword in a destructive arc. Devin got out of it covered in blood. He said, “How can their power be so destructive. Devin lunged himself straight at Daniel. 

Daniel grabbed the chain connected to and started to spin it at high speeds. She then grabbed the scythe with her backhand then swung at Devin. Devin jumped as they gotten close to him. Alex appeared in front of him ready to slash.  

Devin quickly raised his sword and blocked the slash. Suddenly another Alex appeared behind him. Devin turned then thought, “Impossible! How is this possible?” Suddenly the Alex in front of him disappeared in a bright flash. 

  As Alex, slashed huge amounts of white energy came out of his sword in a large arc. As Devin hit the ground, Alex appeared in front of him with his sword pointed at his face. 

Devin said, “I don’t understand how I was defeated by kids.” Daniel appeared right beside Alex with her scythe over her shoulder. Devin smiled said, “This is it for me.”

Devin started to turn into ash. Alex said, “This is what you deserve for killing Teacher.” Devin smiled then looked up at him in a straight face and said, “Alexander Rising. I wish you luck in the future.”  

After that sentence, the rest of his body turned into ash. In a bright flash of light, Alex’s sword disappeared. He turned to Daniel and said, “C’mon Daniel it’s over.”  

In a gust of wind, her scythe disappeared. She turned to Alex and said, “What’s going to happen to us Alex?” Alex said with a straight face, “I really don’t know.” As he answered, Daniel started to cry. Alex walked up to her and hugged her.               

Chapter 14           

Alex and Daniel walked down to the Temple of the Stars. Dustin, Riley, and Emily ran over to them. Dustin yelled, “Did you defeat Devin?” Alex nodded. Then Riley

said quietly, “where's Teacher?” Daniel looked at her then muttered, “She’s gone.”

  Everyone gasped as they heard her say that. Emily yelled, “What happened out there?” Alex turned and said, “Devin stabbed her in the heart when we weren't looking.” Dustin grabbed Alex by his shirt then said, “How can you let this happen!” Daniel pushed Dustin off Alex and said, “It wasn't Alex's fault! We had out guard down!”


Riley turned to Alex then asked, “Did she say anything before she died?” Alex nodded then told them what she said. Riley and Emily started to cry. Dustin wiped his eyes then asked, “What’s going to happen to us then?”


“You will all be in proper hands.” Everyone turned to see Madam Nicole and the Leader. Alex turned around and asked, “What do you mean?” The Leader answered, “Since Samantha passed. I will assign you all a new Teacher.” He then gestures Madam Nicole. Madam Nicole bowed.


Riley turned to Dustin and asked, “Are you okay with this?” Dustin turned to her then answered, “Riley we need training. And besides whose gonna take of us?” The Leader announced you should all pack your bags. We will leave as soon as possible!” Everyone turned to the temple and started to notice that it is getting older. 

Everyone walked into the temple to see the Training room floor becoming cracked. They also noticed that the walls started to get older and older. Dustin turned to them and said, “Get everything that you need.” Everyone nodded then walked up the spiraling staircase. Everyone ran into their rooms then grabbed their belongings. 

Alex looked over to his desk and seen three books on top of it. He walked over to the desk and looked at the three titles of the book. The first one was “Battle Style Runes”. The second one was “Ancient Knowledge of the Star Bearers”. In addition, the third and final book was “Powers, Techniques and Runes”. Alex took the three books then put them in the backpack on his corner.

Everyone ran outside the Temple to see just Madam Nicole there. Emily asked, “Where’s the Leader?” Madam Nicole said in a kind manner, “he just wanted to see that all of you are okay.” She turned to Alex and seen the three slashes on his shoulder. 

Madam Nicole said with concern, “are you okay Alexander.” Alex looked at the slashes and answered, “Its okay Madam Nicole. It’s just a couple of slashes from the fight with Devin.”

Madam Nicole walked over to him; she then put her hand over to slashes. Suddenly her hand started to glow and Alex felt a warm sensation around his shoulder. She slowly took her hand back as Alex looked back at his shoulder.

The slashes were completely gone. Alex looked back at Madam Nicole then asked, “How did you do that Madam Nicole?” Madam Nicole smiled turned around. “Only very few people can heal, I am one of those few people.”

   Alex looked back down at his shoulder and said, “Thanks.” Madam Nicole said without turning, “Your welcome.” She started to kneel on her knees, after this, she slowly puts her hand on the ground. A large white rune appeared under them.  

A large white dome surrounded everyone in the run. Suddenly Alex and the others could not see the outside of the rune. “What are you doing?” asked Daniel. Madam Nicole turned to her and answered with crankiness, “teleporting us to the Star Sanctuary. What do you think I’m doing?”  

Everyone flinched as she yelled the last sentence. Madam Nicole said as sincerest as she could, “I’m sorry young lady. I need to concentrate as much as I can.” Everyone nodded at the thought of teleporting everyone without being the slightest annoyed. After a long awkward silence, Madam Nicole broke the silence by suggesting, “Everyone share stories, this might take a while.”  

Everyone turned to each other. Riley started by saying in a curious way, “Alex, Daniel can I ask you something?” They both nodded at the same time. She continued, “It’s just that... you two seem different?” They turned both frowned. Alex exclaimed, “I don't feel

different?”             Riley rubs her chin then asks, “Did anything happen after Teacher?” Daniel and Alex flinched. Alex said quietly, “well we got new powers.” Dustin, Emily, and Riley gasped as Alex finishes that sentence. Emily walks up to them and asked with concern, “well can you be more specific?”             Alex and Daniel both held out their hands. Suddenly their weapons appeared in their hand in a blind flash and gust of wind. Madam Nicole turned with curiosity; Dustin, Emily, and Riley look closer at the weapons. Dustin asked, “These aren't your normal weapons?” He took Alex's sword then raised it in the air looking at it with one eye. He said finally, “Alex your sword completely changed.”

Riley looked at Daniel's scythe with caution. After twirling it around for a minute, she handed Daniel back her weapon. “Its super light and it has a sharp edge to the blade. It feels like I’m cutting the air around me.” Daniel took the scythe and thought, “How can Alex and my sword change?”

Madam Nicole said calmly, “when your love for your Teacher became as strong as she died, you sword's will change shape. Daniel and asked, “What do you mean?” Madam Nicole said with lingering patience, “a sword is shaped by the will of its wielder. When your Teacher died your will changed causing your sword to change.”             The large rune under them disappeared and the dome diminished. Everyone turned around to see themselves in front of a huge castle. There was a flag with a rune on top of the biggest tower. The castle was made of pure white brick. The windows were clear diamond. In addition, the entrance to the castle was a huge wooden door. Madam Nicole walked up to it and said, “Welcome to the Star Sanctuary.” everyone, gasped at it hugeness and glory. Alex asked, “What’s in here?” Madam Nicole answered with enthusiasm, “a library, training room, and lunchroom.”

Alex walked over and asked, “What do we learn here?” “We study runes, battle styles and hand combat.” Alex gulped then looked over at his books that were in his backpack. Madam Nicole smiled then thought, “I know what that child has in his back pack. Samantha gave him those books for a reason. I guess I will find out later on.” The wooden doors started to open very slowly. Dustin turned to everyone asked, “you guys ready?”

Everyone nodded as they walked toward the entrance. When they came in a huge hall had lanterns on the wall that sparkled pure white fire. As Madam Nicole walked through the hallway, Alex looked at the walls and the floors of the hallway.

Alex asked, “How do you know Teacher?” Madam Nicole said, “She used to be one of my apprentices, she was a bright girl with a courageous heart. She took on any training I gave her.” Alex smiled and said, “So that's how you know her so much.” Dustin turned to her and asked, “What do you mean by assigning us all a new teacher?” Madam Nicole stopped then said with slowly, “it means...all of you will be separated.”

Everyone eyes widened as she finished that sentence. Dustin yelled, “What! What are you talking about?” Madam Nicole said with a grim face, “you all will each have a new teacher.” Riley asked in a hurried tone, “Why are you going to do that, you can't just...”

“I understand that you are all upset about all this but you must understand. You kids are in danger, since you're all Samantha's apprentices. You are all Samantha's students; the lunar bearers will not stop until you are all dead.”

Everyone tensed then realize that she was right. Daniel asked, “who's gonna stay with you?” Madam Nicole turned to Alex and said, “I will be taking you and Alex as my apprentices. I have the element of light so I can teach both of you myself.

Everyone turned to Alex and Daniel, with a nervous look on their faces. Alex said, “No worry me...” Suddenly Alex head felt like it could split open. Fell on one knee then put one of his hands on his face.

Daniel ran over to him and asked, “Are you okay! Is it another memory?” Alex got back up breathing and answered, “Its okay. It's not as intense.”

Madam Nicole asked, “So is that what happens when you receive a memory?” Alex nodded. Madam Nicole turned with her hand on her chin and said; “I’ll lead you into your rooms.” they turned to see a giant door in front of them. Madam Nicole raised her hand in front of the door; suddenly a giant white rune appeared on the door. After five seconds, it diminished and the door opened.

“This is where you sleep for the night. Enjoy.” Everyone walked in and gasped as they set her eyes on the room. The room was large; there were couches around the fireplace at the corner of the room. There were several tables around the room with four chairs around them. A very large carpet spread out in the middle of the room. Everyone turned to Madam Nicole and asked, “Do you have any more apprentices?”

Madam Nicole smiled and answered, “Yes I have two more. One fits around Alex's age, and the other is about 10 years old.” Alex said, “Well we should get to bed. I’m beat.” Everyone nodded in agreement and said to Madam Nicole in unison, “good night Madam Nicole.” she waved goodnight as they walked in and started lying on the couches.

As she closed the door behind her she said, “I need to find a way to protect the children. Alex and Daniel defeated Devin and Dustin, Riley, and Emily defeated the other lunar bearers without any difficulty.” Madam Nicole started to walk straight down the hallway in another room.”

The Next Day

Alex woke up realizing that he was on the floor. Alex gets up and notices that everyone was still asleep. Alex thought, “It’s a perfect opportunity.”

He quickly tip toed over to his backpack. He opened the backpack very slowly and then took out the “Powers, Runes, and Technique” book. As Alex opened the page, a lock appeared on the front of the book.

Alex said quietly, “oh you have got to be kidding me! This thing is useless then.” As Alex touched the page, blinding light engulfed the page.

When the light vanished it said, “Welcome Alex Rising. Enjoy the wonderful Experience of this lovely and knowledgeable book!”

As Alex turned the page there were paragraphs with runes beside it. Alex looked at it and said, “This is amazing. I never heard of these runes before.”

As he turned the page, a voice said, “Whatcha looking at?” Alex quickly got to his feet with his sword

appearing in a blind flash of light. Alex quickly turned around to see a boy.

He had long brown hair down to his neck. He wore a long sleeved gray shirt under a red sleeveless shirt, with blue jeans. He wore a silver watch and had brown eyes.

Alex smiled and asked, “What’s your name little guy?” The boy put on a big smile and answered, “I’m Andrew what's your name?” Alex answered, “My name's Alex.”

The boy turned to look at the book. Alex quickly hides the book behind his back. “Why are you hiding the book? Are you trying to take something?”

Alex answered in a hurried pace, “no its mine, I'm just..., reading it. I'm very private about my stuff.” The boy nods, he then turned to the others and asked, and “Who are they?”

Alex said slightly annoyed, “those are my friends. Madam Nicole took us here.” Andrew yelled, “Madam Nicole brought you here! Really, I can't believe it!”

Alex nodded with a straight face. Andrew suggested, “You wanna tour Alex?” Alex smiled and answered, “Yeah I’d like a tour.” Alex and the boy got up then walked out of the room. As they walked through sanctuary the Alex looked at the large deigns of rooms and statues.

They turned a corner then entered a room. Alex gasped as he set his eyes on the new training room. The training room was very large with practice dummies wooden swords all around. There were dusty glass windows at the top of the room.

Alex asked Andrew “is this where you’re supposed to train?” Andrew nodded and said, “We train when Teacher call's us by the bell.” Alex rubbed his hand on his chin and thought, “I didn't see a bell.”

Andrew bumped his head and asked, “I almost forgot to ask, but what's your element?” Alex looked at him and said, “I wield the power of light.”

Andrew eyes widened as Alex finished the sentence. Andrew said in an exciting tone, “well my element is lightning! You wanna see!”

Alex nods and says with curiosity, “let's see what you got Andrew.” Andrew clapped his hands, as he pulled them out a line of electricity connected with his hands. The electricity formed a chain blade. The chain blade was 6 ft long with a huge blade on it. The blade had illustrations of people being executed.

As he twirled the chain blade, electricity sparked all around his body, when he slammed the blade down, the rooms itself shook from the lightning.

Alex staggered backwards and fell to the floor, as he got off the ground he walked over to Andrew and said, “That was amazing!” Andrew smiled then said, “I had a lot of practice.” Alex looked around and asked, “Where’s the other apprentice. Andrew rubbed his chin then thought, “what does he mean?”

He then asked Alex, “You mean Miranda?” Alex turned around and answered, “Most likely.” Andrew shrugged then walked over to the door said Andrew “you wanna see the rest of this castle?”

Alex smiled then answered; “sure Andrew led the way.” they walked out of the training room and walk down the hall. They took a right then walked over to the door that was at the end of the hall.

Andrew smiled and said, “This is our library.” Andrew opened the door, after a few moments of surprise Alex's face widened in surprise. The library seemed endless with thousands of bookcases; there were several tables with references of all the books in the library. There was a window at the end of the thousands of bookcases.

Alex turned to Andrew slowly and asked, “Is this all of yours?” Andrew turned to him and answered in a straight face, “yeah, but some of them are ones that came from the library in town.”

Alex walked over down and looked at some of the bookshelves. As he walked, he turned to see Madam Nicole reading her book. Alex walked over to her and said, “Good morning Madam Nicole.”

She turned around and said with a bright smile, “good morning Alex. Are you enjoying your stay here?” Alex shrugged then said, “It’s really impressive compared

to Teacher's.”

She smiled and said calmly, “you may seem so. Did you get to meet Andrew and Miranda?” Alex answered, “I got to meet Andrew, but not Miranda.” Madam Nicole said in hurried tone, “well if you'd like to meet her, she's over there.”

Alex turned around to see Miranda sitting at the table reading a rather large book. She was a 13 yr old girl who was Alex's height. She had short brown hair with purple eyes. She wore a blue tank top with blue skinny jeans and, white sneakers. She had six bracelets that were; red, blue, yellow, brown, white, black and a clear one.

As walked over to her she turned around in her chair and said, “hey Alex nice to meet you.” Alex said in a worried tone, “how do you know my name?” She said plainly, “I can read minds naturally. I don't even know how I do it sometimes.”

Alex smiled and said, “Well I'm going to be one of the new...” Miranda interrupted, “I know.” Alex thought, “She really needs to stop that.” She said calmly, “I heard that.”

Alex put his hand on his head and said, “well I’m going to tour the castle some more.” Alex walked over to Andrew and whispered, “You never told me she could do that.” Miranda yelled, “I HEARD THAT!”

Alex and Andrew smiled then walked out of the library. Alex asked, “Hey can we see if our friends are awake.” Andrew said, “Wait but they're your friends.”

Alex smiled and explained, “All friendships have a connection, and they intertwine with others. So if I’m your friend, they're your friends.” Andrew said, “Okay then. Let's see our friends.” They both walked to the room Alex was staying in and opened it.

As they walked down the hallway a thought said, “Bring your friends to my office. Their new guardians are here.” Alex's eyes widened as the thought came to his head. Alex turned. He turned back to Andrew and asked. “What was that?”

Andrew answered, “That was Madam Nicole putting thoughts in our heads.” Alex rubbed his chin and thought,

“what else can she do? Fly!” then a thought answered, “Yes.”

Chapter 15

Alex, Dustin, Riley, Emily, and Daniel followed Andrew down the hallway. Alex turned to them and said, “this is it guys. We'll separate here.” Dustin said, “Remember guys wherever we're still connected.”

Everyone nodded as he finished the sentence. Emily stopped walking and started to cry. Everyone stopped and turned to her. Riley walked over to her and started to hug her. “I don't want to be separated from you guys.”

Riley said in a hushed tone, “don't worry we'll all write letters. We'll eat ice cream on the tower and visit each other on the beach.” Emily nodded then started sniffling.

Daniel said, “We need to get to Madam Nicole's office.” Everyone continued to walk down the hallway. Andrew stopped in front of the door. In a crackle of electricity, his chain blade appeared in his hand. He grabbed the blade then held it out in front of the door. Suddenly a rune appeared in front of a door.

Andrew pushed the door open and said plainly, “Madam Nicole, they're ready.” As they walked into her office, they looked around the office. There were several books everywhere around the room. There was a small set of stairs with a rail that lead to her table. She had a pure brown owl in her birdcage right beside the table. As they looked up at the roof there was a pure white rune drawn into the roof with several symbols.

There were several people around Madam Nicole's table. The first person was a man who was rather large in stature. He wore a gauntlet with a pure black tee shirt; he had shorts with old sneakers.

The second person was a woman with long black tied to a braid going all the way down to her back. She wore a kimono style blouse, with a red jacket over it and green pants. She wore gloves with runes. In addition, she wore sandals.

Moreover, the third and last person was another woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a white tank top with skinny jeans. She wore a purple meteor band with three yellow bracelets under it.

Everyone turned around to see the children. The man said, “These are Samantha's kids. I never knew that some of the apprentices would be this young.”

Madam Nicole said, “Don’t mock them Jarred. These children are more powerful than you think them are.” the woman with the black hair walked over to Emily. When she looked at her she said, “are you okay young lady, have you been crying.”

The woman rubbed Emily face and said, “It’s alright little one, you'll be staying with me.” She rubbed her hand on Emily's cheek. “My name is Jenny, what's yours?”

Emily sniffled and said, “Emily.” Jenny raised her other hand, “are you sure you wanna come with me? It's your decision.” Emily turned to Alex and the others. She then turned back and said. “Okay Jenny.”

As Emily grabbed Jenny's hand, a bubbled of blue energy surrounded them, when the bubble of energy diminished they disappeared. Everyone except the adults gasped as they seen Jenny and Emily leave. The man walked up to Dustin and said, “My name is Bracis, I am supposed to be your new Teacher. If you want to accept me, grab my hand.”

Dustin turned to the others. He gave Riley a hug, Alex a handshake and Daniel a fist bump. Dustin smiled and said, “I can always accept a challenge.” Dustin grabbed his hand, suddenly a burst of flames appeared, below their feet then engulfed them. When the flames diminished, they have too disappeared.

The woman walked up to Riley and said, “My name is Dianna, nice to meet you. What's yours?” Riley said proudly, “my name is Riley.” Dianna smiled and said, “You wanna say bye to your friends before you go.”

Riley nodded and walked over to them. She gave Daniel and Alex a bear hug. She whispered, “if you ever need me just call.” she let go of them then patted both of them on their heads. She walked over to Dianna and said, “I’m ready!” Dianna nodded then held out her hand.

As the rune appeared below them, it started to float upwards. As it went up their bodies turned into electricity and was absorbed into the rune. When their bodies completely disappeared, the rune diminished.

Madam Nicole said, “Alright you two, your training begins as soon as you want it. You and Daniel can choose the day.” Alex and Daniel said simultaneously, “Tomorrow!” Madam Nicole smiled and nodded.

Part 2

The Training

Chapter 1Alex and Daniel were following Miranda and

Andrew to their new rooms. Daniel stepped over in front of the rooms and said, “This is your room, Daniel.” Miranda opened the door and gestured her inside.” Daniel and Alex walked over to the outside of the doorway.

The room was plain blank with no bed, chair, or desk. Daniel turned around and asked, “Is this seriously my

room?” Andrew and Miranda nodded and said, “yep, but you need to walk into the room.” Daniel raised an eyebrow and asked, “Why should I...?”

Andrew walked over to her and kicked her into the room. Alex turned to Andrew and yelled, “why did you do the...” Alex sidetracked by the blinding light in Daniel's room. When the light disappeared, Daniel was on the floor saying, “I would have walked in, but you didn't have to kick me....”

The room had wind imprints on the wall. There was a pure silver desk, on the corner of the room. Her bed was fairly large with a silver cover and a pure, white, clean pillow. In addition, there was a desk on the other side of the room with pictures and a couple of books. Daniel quickly got up and asked Miranda, “What happened to the room. This is the room I always wanted!”

Miranda smiled and said, “That was the point. The castle is designed to have a blank room. When a person walks into the blank room, it is designed to put together the room to the person's personality.” Alex walked in and helped Daniel up.

“Hey look at this!” Daniel ran over to her desk and looked at the pictures. She slowly picked up one of the pictures of a man with black skin, black hair and brown eyes and a woman with brown hair, tan skin, and blue eyes. Alex walked over to her and asked, “Who are they?”

Daniel said quietly, “they're my parents.” Alex bit his tongue then thought, “why did I have to say that?” Daniel turned to Alex and said, “don't worry about it Alex. It was a long time ago.” She looked at the picture and thought, “but we never took pictures in the first place. How can there be…”

Miranda walked up to her and said, “this castle is designed is to take parts of your memory and put them into pictures.” Daniel turned to her with one eyebrow and asked, “How did you..?” Alex answered quickly, “she can read minds.”

Daniel looked at Miranda with a shocked look on her face; she then turned back to the picture. Miranda thought to Alex, “I think we should leave her alone for a while.” Alex smiled and thought back, “I understand.”

Alex said, “hey Daniel were gonna head over to my room. Let's just leave you hear for a while.” Daniel nods without turning to him. Andrew, Miranda and Alex slowly walk out of her room and close the door behind them.

Miranda asked, “Why is she so sad about those two people?” Alex said quietly as they walked down the hall, “those were her parents. Her village was attacked by the lunar bearers, all we know she is the only survivor.”

Miranda put a hand over her mouth and said, “I had no idea.” Andrew stopped and said, “I don't know what it’s like to have parents, they abandoned me when I was younger.”

Alex turned to him and said, “Really?” Andrew nodded with water starting to appear in his eyes. Alex bent down to him and said, “Kid, I understand how you feel. But I have no memories of where I came from; I don't know where I belong.”

Miranda asked, “You don't remember anything?” Alex answered calmly, “I only remember seeing 5 people before I got here. When I sleep my memories come to me slowly.”

They walked down the hall then turned on a left. Miranda stopped at a door then opened it. Alex looked inside to see that it was like Daniel's before it changed. Alex turned to them and asked, “Can I walk in instead of getting kicked in?” Miranda laughed and answered, “Sure go ahead.”

Alex slowly walked into the blank room. As he stopped in the middle of the room, a blinding flash of light surrounded Alex. And it flowed throughout the room. When the light disappeared Alexander’s eyes widened as he set his eyes on his new room.

The walls were full of runes that were different colors. His bed was long with pure white pillows and covers. His dresser was in the corner of the room. Alex's desk was in front of his bed, the desk had pictures and paper and a feather pen. On the other side of the room, there was a bookcase that had 10 shelves full of books.

Alex smiled to himself and said, “this is the room I wanted.” he walked over to the bookshelf and looked up at all of his books. They were all related to battle style runes

and history books.

Andrew and Miranda walked into the room and said, “Look at all of this. You like to read?” Alex turned to her and said calmly, “kinda, but not all the time.”

He walked over to his desk to see his pictures. As he started to look at them Alex put his hand on his head and thought, “what they?” some of his pictures were pure blank while the others were completely filled. One of the pictures had Alex, Teacher and the others training, the other one was Alex and Daniel fighting Devin, and the last one was Alex walking with five people from his dream.

Alex walked over to that picture and picked it up; as he looked at it, he started to get a headache. He put down the picture then looked over at Miranda and Andrew. Miranda walked over to one of the pictures and asked, “Who’s she?” Alex looked at the picture to see Teacher smiling as they were training.

Alex answered quietly, “That’s Teacher. She died in a fight with Devin.” Miranda yelled, “You guys fought Devin!” Alex nodded slowly and said, “We won. But Teacher died in the process,” Alex raised his meteor band in the air, “I got this when she was about to die.”

Andrew walked up to him and said, “Is that a meteor band?” Alex nodded and said, “yeah when I put it on I felt different, my sword changed too.”

Miranda said with curiosity, “can we see it please?” Alex shrugged then answered, “Sure why not. It won’t hurt anything.” Alex raised his hand in the air, suddenly pure blinding white energy swirled around his hand. As he grasped the energy, his sword appeared in his hand.

They stared at his sword with fear and surprise. Miranda said, “That sword is wicked! Can I hold it?” Alex handed her sword with only a little hesitation. In a flash of light, the sword disappeared from her hand. Suddenly Alex held the sword in his hand.

Alex said awkwardly, “weird.” He then gestured Andrew to walk over to him. Alex handed his sword Andrew, as Andrew grasped the blade, it disappeared in a blinding flash if light.

It reappeared right in his hand. Alex thought, “What

the crap? Why does it keep coming back to me?” Miranda answered, “Sometimes when you're powerful enough people can't use your swords.”

Alex looks down at his sword with wonder. He then thought, “My sword changed its features, because of the metro band, what if I take it off?”

Miranda said with amusement, “it will say the same.” Alex yelled with annoyance, “STOP READING MY MIND!!” Miranda and Andrew started to laugh very hard.

Madam Nicole enters the room with Daniel behind her. “Your room seems more similar to Samantha' than I thought it would.” She then glances down at Alex's sword.

“Put it away child, there's no point to have the sword in here until training.” in a flash of light, Alex's sword disappeared. Daniel walked up to him and asked, “Hungry?”

Alex rubs his stomach and answers, “a little bit.” Madam Nicole smiled and bellowed, “I think it’s about time for supper.” They followed Madam Nicole out of the room. Alex asked, “What’s the dining room like?” Miranda thought, “You’ll see.” they turned a corner and entered the dining room.

The dining room was fairly large with a crystal chandelier. The table was circular and made of pure crystal. With silver cups and pure white, clean plates. The walls and floor were pure white with designs of lion heads. In addition, there were three torches on each side of the table.

Alex and Daniel walked into the room with widened eyes. Alex said, “This place is so cool!” Madam Nicole smiled as Alex commented on the room. Miranda said, “This dining room has been redesigned 10 years ago.

Andrew said, “Are we going to sit down or what?” Alex and Daniel turned to Richard and answered at the same time, “sure.” Everyone walked to the crystal table and sat down.

Alex asked, “How did you get a crystal table?” Madam Nicole answered, “When I moved into the Sanctuary the castle was designed to my energy. So when I want to think up something...it is created in this castle.”

Suddenly the plates were filled with turkey legs mash potatoes with green beans, and their cups started to fill up with cool root beer. Alex and Daniel smiled as the food and plates start to be filled with food.

Miranda says, “You’ll never be hungry. The foods and plates will fill for the people who deserve it.” Alex and Daniel looked at her and said, “That’s a real odd rule.”

Miranda smiled and said, “I know. This castle was designed by Madam Nicole herself. So she made all these rules.” Madam Nicole smiled and said, “Like Samantha I merged my body with the Sanctuary. So I am literally connected to it.”

Alex looked at her and said, “That’s kinda cool.” Alex looked down and seen as the plates start to clean themselves.

Madam Nicole announced, “alright everybody it’s time for bed. Everyone needs their rest for the training tomorrow.” Everyone shook their heads, got up, push in their chairs, and then walked out of the dining room.

Andrew asked Daniel and Alex, “how did you guys like the Sanctuary.” Alex answered, “This place is okay. Teacher based the Temple of the Stars on this place.”

Everyone looked at him and asked, “How do you know that?” Alex eyes widened, he put his hand on his head and said, and “Those words just came into my head.”

Miranda said out of the bloom, “when someone where’s a meteor band that used to be someone else’s, some of their thought is absorbed into the band, and so when the current person wears it, the person receives the thought.”

Alex looked down at the meteor band and thought, “Teacher gave me some of her thoughts?” As they continued to walk on Alex told them what happened when he arrived at the Temple of the Stars. When they reached Miranda’s room, Miranda waved then walked straight into the room.

“I guess she doesn’t like people walking into her room,” said Daniel. Andrew supported her claim with, “you’re right about that. She never wanted people into her room.”

They continued to walk down the hallway. They reached Andrew’s room. Andrew said, “good night guys see ya tomorrow.” Alex and Daniel waved to him and continued to walk down the corridor.

“This place seems very nice. I like Madam Nicole as well as Miranda and Andrew.” Alex nodded and agreed with, “I know, I wonder how Dustin, Riley and Emily are doing.”

Daniel said, “Yeah, I wonder if they are enjoying their new teachers.” as they walked down the hallway, they remembered their fight with Devin.

Alex said, “I wonder what would’ve happened if Teacher was still here.” Daniel looked up to him and said, “Teacher wouldn’t like you to act like that.”

Alex smiled and nodded, when they reached Daniel’s room. She hugged him then said, “don’t worry about it Alex.”

Hours Later

Alex appeared in the training room, with his three books he found in his room. He opened “Powers, Techniques, and Runes.”

He flipped through the pages and found a page. The page had a set of instructions with an illustration of a rune with chains coming out of it.

Alex slowly read the instructions, “To use this rune, you must think of several lines of energy and burst it out of the rune.”

Alex nodded and turned to a dummy that formed in front of him. White energy swirled around his hand, when he gripped it the energy formed his sword.”

He raised his blade in front of him and thought of several lines of white string running through different directions. His eyes glowed silver for a moment the stopped.

A white rune appeared in front of his sword. White chains of energy came out of his rune entangled the dummy in front of him.

“Yes, I did it!” The rune in front of the sword and the chains coming out of it disappeared. Alex smiled, “One more time!”

Chapter 2Alex woke up in his chair with “Battle Style Runes”

over his face. He took it off and yawned, “Dang I need to learn not stay up all night like that training.”

He walked over to his dresser and looked at the clothes the Sanctuary gave him. Alex took out a pure black shirt with white lightning on it with short black jeans.

After changed into his new clothes, he looked down by the door to see some new black shoes with white star cresting on the side. Alex puts them on and down and runs to the training room with his old wooden sword. When he reached the training room, Daniel, Miranda, and Andrew were waiting for him.

Like Alex, she has some new clothes. Daniel wore a white tank top with a black skirt connected to it. She had eight several color bracelets, black boots, a pure medal white star crest necklace, black leggings, and her hair tied back in a pony tail. She also had a new wooden staff.

Miranda said, “Nice new threads.” Alex smiled thought, “thanks I really appreciate it.” Alex walked over to Daniel and said, “Where’d you find that?”

Daniel answered, “Where do you think I found it?” Alex smiled then turned to Miranda and Andrew. “Are we going to train or what?” Miranda smiled then looked down at his wooden sword.

“I guess I’ll go up against you then.” said Miranda. Alex looked at her and replied, “Fine.” Andrew and Daniel sat up against the wall. Suddenly the room started to get wider. “The training room’s never done this before.” Andrew said.

Miranda said, “When someone is about to fight, the room expands if it is someone powerful.”

Alex smiled, Miranda asked, “what are you smiling about?” Alex raised his sword and said, “You’ll find out for yourself.”

Alex shifted forward then disappeared, Miranda quickly turned around to see Alex was behind her ready to stab. Miranda thought, “Since I can read his mind then I can read where he’s going.”

Miranda blocked Alex’s stab, she then threw him off in a small circular motion. As Alex staggered, Miranda slashed. Alex quickly did a one handed cartwheel as soon as he regained his footing, leaving Miranda to slash at nothing.

Alex spun and performed a sidekick. Miranda blocked it with her arm. She smiled and said, “Remember I can read your mind. So I know what you’re next move is.”

Alex shook his head and said, “Wow, you over estimated yourself.” Suddenly Miranda felt her connection to Alex’s mind break. Miranda quickly back flipped and landed with her hand on the ground.

She said to her, “what the heck just happen? Did he break our mind connections?” Alex shifted forward and disappeared. She quickly gets up and readies herself.

“Alex is amazing; I never knew he could break a mind connection?” Daniel thought about it and commented, “I never knew he could do that either?”

Alex reappeared above her ready to slash; as Miranda raised her arm to block, he shifted sideways and disappeared.

Miranda thought, “Crap!” Alex appeared on the side of Miranda and kicked her in the ribs. She yelped in pain as she hit the ground. She turned to him and yelled, “You didn’t have to kick me that hard!” Alex smiled and explained, “I never kicked you that hard, and I hit you where you were most vulnerable.” Miranda growled and quickly got up. Alex said, “I think it’s about time you quit Miranda, its Andrew and Daniel’s turn.”

Miranda turned to them and thought, “He’s right. Oh, I guess I might as well accept my loss.” she got up holding her side and walked over to the wall. Alex walked over to her and said, “I guess I’m sorry I kicked you that hard. I really didn’t mean to.”

Miranda winced and said, “Its okay, I guess I’m used to this kinda thing.” Alex raised an eyebrow and asked, “What do you mean?” Miranda answered quietly, “The way you fight is almost similar to the way Miranda Nicole fights.”

Alex thought, “I do?” Miranda continued, “Besides she would usually kick at the spot that you did.” Alex thought about it some more and remembered, the effects of the meteor band.

Alex looked up to see Daniel and Andrew ready to spar. Daniel said, “ready to go Andrew.” the small child

nodded yes while he twirled his rope connected to a small log.

Daniel twirled her staff and thought, “I need to learn how to use my scythe, I’m one minded because I use a sword all of the time.”

Andrew said, “Guess I’ll go first then.” Andrew twirled the rope to his side the swung log straight at Daniel’s head. Daniel swings her staff at the rope causing it two entangles it. Daniel thought, “I guess this is a good start.” she twirls the staff behind her making Andrew fly forward. She spun making the bow come straight at Andrew.

Andrew thought, “If I don’t get out of this I’ll get hit in the face.” Andrew shifted sideways the disappeared. Daniel thought, “he’s gonna try to fight by hand.” Andrew appeared in front of her, readying a punch.

Daniel blocked the punch with her staff, and then snap kicked him into the air. Andrew hit the door, and moments later hit the ground face front. Daniel asked, “Andrew you alright?”

After moments, he slowly got up and rubbed his chin. “I’m okay; I used the energy in me to absorb the impact.” Daniel sighed and said, “You shouldn't have told me that.”

Daniel shifted upwards then disappeared. As Andrew cart wheeled, Daniel slammed her fist at where Andrew was standing. At that moment, Andrew took the chance and lunged at Daniel, readying a kick. She quickly raised her staff and blocked the incoming kick. As she twirled the staff, he jumped backwards 3 ft.

“I think that's enough you two.” they all turned to see Madam Nicole walking into the room. She continued with a hand gesture towards Alexander, “I want to see what young Alex can do.”

Alex smiled and said, “If that's what you want Madam Nicole.” Alex started to get up and twirl his wooden sword. Madam Nicole announced, “I want to see how you fight with your real sword.”

Alex shrugged and laid the sword against the wall. As he walked in front of Madam Nicole, the room became even bigger than it was.

Madam Nicole raised her hand fairly slowly. As her hand was being raised, white energy appeared around her hand. As her hand stopped, she grasped the energy and it formed a sword.

The sword was a majestic rapier that went 5 ft long. The blade was like a very thin cone, and the handle was fairly small. The rapper had no leather or no guard.

Alex smiled and said, “Wow, I can feel the power coming out of the sword. I guess you want me to throw everything I know at you.”

Madam Nicole smiles and nodded. Alex whipped his hand in front of her. In moments, white energy engulfed his hand. “I hope you’re ready,” he grasped the energy and it formed his sword, “because I’m not holding back!”

Alex swung his blade, in that moment an enormous arc of white energy was launched at Madam Nicole. In a small hand movement, she moved her blade up and split the arc in half.

As the arc separated both ways, Alex appeared in front of her about to slash. In that, instant Madam Nicole blocked the slash. In a single spin, she threw Alex off the clash, once more she spun this time with attacking attempt.

Alex shifted backwards and disappeared, he reappeared 5 ft from where he stood with his sword engulfed in white energy.

“Alex is amazing, I heard about his fighting skills, but I didn't know he can fight toe to toe with Madam Nicole,” said Andrew. Miranda thought to herself, “the moment I read his mind, I knew how he fought and what kind of power he had, but I really don't understand what's going on. He is holding back. I see at least three runes in his mind, and he doesn't even use them.”

Daniel asked, “What’s wrong Miranda?” Miranda turned to her and answered in a quick tone, “I’m alright Daniel, don't worry just thinking.”

As he slammed, his sword down the white energy came out in a wide arc. As it hit the ground, dust came out and engulfed Madam Nicole after a few moments.

In a normal case, I could just stand here defenseless and without knowing let you kill me, but I am a special case.

As white energy swirled around Madam Nicole, the dust began to disappear. In a moments instance Alex appeared behind holding the blade to her throat with his backhand.

“Thanks, I get that a lot.” Andrew, Daniel and Miranda clapped as Alex dropped the blade and it disappeared in a flash of light.

“You seem exhausted, what's the matter. It looked like you were kicking butt back there?” Alex cursed to himself grasping air and thought, “I almost used all of my energy, I really didn't think I had that much.”

Madam Nicole said, “Excellent. What I expect from one of Samantha's star students. For a child...you have enormous power.”

Alex smiled and said with exhaustion, “Thank you, I really appreciate it. I never really knew...” Madam Nicole interrupted, “That you had that much power.”

“I'm not the only one that can read minds ya know. Where do you think I learn it from?” Alex smiled and complained, “Please don't read my mind without permission.”

“Are you okay child, do you need to sit down?” Alex shook his head and instantly answered, “Don't need to.”

“The boy has enormous potential. The problem is he needs to know how to control that power, make it mature.” Madam Nicole walked over to Alex and said, “You need to rest, sit against that wall so I can observe Daniel.”

Alex nodded and he slowly crawled over to the wall. As he leaned against it standing, he fell to the ground instantly. Miranda and Andrew crawled over to him and sat by him either side.

“Are you ready Daniel, as she slowly raised her blade and pointed it at her chest, “I won't go all out on you, but you might want to go all out on me? Daniel smiled and said while holding out her hand, “Don't worry, you'll see me

go all out.”

Chapter 3Bursts of wind came out of Daniel as her scythe

appeared in. Madam Nicole thought, “Wind can slice through almost everything, so I have to be careful.”

As she slashed her scythe, a wide arc of cyclones shot at Madam Nicole. Madam Nicole raised her hand and suddenly a white rune appeared before the cyclones. As the cyclones passed through the rune, they turned into calm breezes.

Daniel shifted forward then disappeared; in moments, she appeared on the side of Madam Nicole about to slash her. Madam Nicole smiled as she shifted up and disappeared. As Daniel swung, Madam Nicole appeared behind her about to stab. “Crap if I don't block this...”

Daniel swung and at the same time spun to keep the momentum of the slash. When she turned the 180, she blocked the stab.

“Good job Daniel. You kept your swing momentum to block my stab.” Daniel swung Madam Nicole off and with a single hand; movement grabbed the chain at the end of the scythe. As Daniel begins to spin the scythe, winds

began to scratch and nick the ground under her.

As she threw the scythe, it made a high-pitched sound as it reached its way to Madam Nicole. In a single wave of her sword, the scythe rocketed upwards. As Madam Nicole lunged Daniel pulled her chain backwards, the scythe spun and shot itself at Madam Nicole. Before she can be hit, she shifted backwards and disappeared.

She grabbed the scythe and seen her reappear right before her once more. “She is amazing; she used the chain of her scythe and swung. There are very few star bearers who can turn their weapon into a medium ranged weapon,” thought Madam Nicole.

“I never knew she could use her scythe so smoothly. And I can't believed she adapted to the sword so fast, she is truly amazing,” said Miranda. Andrew looked at Alex and asked, “Did you know she can do that?”

Alex rubbed his head uncertainly and admitted, “I never seen her use the scythe as a throwing weapon before, but I’ve seen her use her scythe before like she's mastered it.”

Daniel twirled her scythe around her head and thought, “What should I do now? I guess we're just gonna go in hard.”

She threw her scythe in the air still twirling and shot her hand out at Madam Nicole. Suddenly a white rune appeared in front of her hand. Pellets of high-pressured air shot at Madam Nicole, when they reached her she blocked them with her sword. Daniel jumped in the air and grabbed her scythe.

As she fell towards Madam Nicole, she performed a front flip slash. When Madam Nicole raised her blade to block, the scythe went through the sword. Realizing this Madam Nicole quickly back stepped and slashed. In that moment a white ray of energy came out of the swing and shot at Daniel.

“Alex that your move!” Andrew proclaimed as Alex began to get the feedback of what happened. Alex thought, “Wait, what's going on here. I made that move up myself. How is she using it? I've been using it before I was given the meteor band.”

Daniel twirled her scythe in front of her and blocked the blast of light. In an instant, Madam Nicole appeared in front of her about to stab.

Daniel shifted sideways and disappeared. As she reappeared 5 ft away from her Madam Nicole let go of her sword. As it hit the ground, it disappeared in a flash of light…

“That's enough Daniel, I can fight you anymore. I wasted enough of my energy.” Daniel smiled and said, “I'm tired too. I think I need to sit down for a little bit.” A breeze of wind appeared around Daniel's hand as her scythe disappeared.

She dropped to the ground and began to look at Alex. “Do you think I did better than you did?” Alex smiled and said with a slight of annoyance, “No you didn't I did better than you did.”

Madam Nicole walked over to the chair and slumped straight into it. “I haven't felt warn out like this for years. These children are truly special.”

She looked over to Andrew and Miranda. “Do you guys wanna go up next?” They both smiled and answered at the same time, “Yes mam.”

When they both got up and headed to center, the room expanded a little. Andrew swung his hand to his side. A long line of electricity appeared swirling around Andrew as he gripped it, it turned into his chain blade.

Alex thought, “Now I get to see what Miranda's weapon looks like. She raised her hands in a boxing position, in that moment the hands and the feet were engulfed in light.

After a few moments, they turned into metal knuckles and pure black boots. They were small knuckles gloves showing her knuckles and they had the words 'Crush' imprinted on both knuckles. The gloves were pure black, with a small illustration of fire on them. The boots were rather small and were pure black leather, which started up to her knee.

Daniel thought, “Why did she practice with the sword when she uses metal knuckles and boots.” Miranda turned to her hand answered, “Like Alex, I can use

anybody's weapon, but these are my real weapon.”

“Which round is this Miranda? I just wanna make sure.” Miranda thought about it then confirmed with a smirk, “450 to 450.”

Andrew shook his hand then said, “Then I'll guess I'll break the tie!” Miranda bent down then said, “Yeah so, what are you going to make that happen.”

Chapter 4

Miranda shifted upwards and disappeared. As Andrew spun his chain blade Miranda appeared behind him readying a kick. Andrew blocked the kick with the blade and began swirling it around himself.

Miranda ran straight forward, in that reaction Andrew whirled his chain blade and threw it straight at Miranda. She disappeared as it went straight through her and she reappeared sliding behind him.

Miranda threw a punch, the wind of the punch blasted like a rocket straight at Andrew’s stomach. Stomach coughed up saliva as he rocketed straight towards the wall.

Andrew landed on the wall, as he did the pressure under his feet cracked the wall. “How am I going to beat Miranda? She’s too fast for me to hit.”

Miranda smiled and said, “What’s the matter. Aren’t you going to attack?” Andrew threw his chain blade at the ceiling, as it stuck, he swung straight at Miranda.

“What is Andrew plan on doing, it looks like he’s being overwhelmed.” thought Alex. Miranda jumped as he swung off his chain blade. As Miranda readied a front kick, Andrew clapped his hands together.

A yellow rune appeared in front of the clapped hands and he raises it in front of Miranda. A bolt of pure white electricity shot out of the rune straight at Miranda. Miranda back flipped out of the way before the lightning even got to her. As she landed, Andrew appeared behind with a rune in front of his hand.

“Good job Andrew. You changed your fighting method as soon as it got bad.” said Madam Nicole as Miranda’s metal knuckles and boots disappeared.

“That is enough training for the day. Wait in your room until the bell rings and go straight to the dining hall.” Everyone nodded and walked out of the training room into their individual rooms.


The Ruler had his hand on his chin looking up at his temple ceiling. “I sense nothing. Devin must be dead. I wonder if the brat killed him.”

She was a 5 ft girl with short blonde hair and pure blue eyes. She wore a blue tank top with a long sleeved tee shirt under it. In addition, she wore skinny jeans with the initials ‘Boss” on the side of them.

The woman asked, “You called for me Ruler?” He looked straight down on her and said, “Yes…I have. Devin is dead,” the woman had no reaction, “I want you to go down to my brother’s realm and kill the boy who did it. His name is Alexander Rising.”

The woman bowed and said, “I understand, Ruler. I will do this task for you.” As she began to walk away the Ruler thought, “Goodbye, Alexander Rising.”

Hours Later

Alex walked into the training room with his book in hand. In that moment candles appeared and lit the entire room. “Good I at least have some place to train.” Alex sat the book down and opened to where he was. He walked a few feet away and kneeled on one knee.

Alex raised his hand, white light began to radiate from and suddenly 5 small white runes appeared around his fist. As he raised his arm a rather large boulder appeared 30 ft in front of him.

“Let’s go!” Alex rushed forward with his fist close to the ground, leaving a trail of raised floor and dust behind him. Alex jumped and slammed his fist into the boulder. A bright light eroded and made a mini implosion between Alex and the boulder.

When he landed on the ground, dust covered the room for a few moments. Alex waited until the dust cleared to see nothing, but the rubble from the boulder. He looked at his hand and clenched it into a fist. “That’s more like it!” another boulder appeared in front of him.

“Let’s do this!” he raised his hand once more to see the five runes wrap around his hand.

Chapter 5

Alex woke up in his bed with one of his books in his face. “I should really learn not to stay up and try to learn runes.” he realized that he didn’t come up from the training room. He turned his head to see a note. He opened it and read, ’make sure not to pass out during training.’ Madam Nicole. He smiled and thought to himself, “I really like that woman.”

After 4 weeks passed, Alex and Daniel began to understand the normal routine in the normal day. Alex continued to stay up late nights and practiced his runes.

One day, when the bell rang, Alex ran straight down stairs into the training room with his old white wooden sword. When he arrived, everyone was waiting for Madam Nicole to make the announcement.

“Everyone I have frightening news. Another one of the Elements of Darkness has crossed into out dimension.” Everyone but Alex and Daniel gasped at the news.

“What are they after?” Madam Nicole turned her head and admitted, “I am not so sure. But the knights concluded that they’re after the person who defeated Devin.”

Everyone turned around at Alex and Daniel and looked at them with fear. “The Leader has assigned me to let Alex bring one person with him to take on the element.”

Alex raised an eyebrow and said, “Why do I have to fight this guy? Can’t anybody else do it?” Madam Nicole shook her head and said, “Since you defeated Devin, you began to get a reputation. And besides you and Daniel are the only one that has took on an element and has made it out alive.”

Daniel and Alex smiled and nodded in agreement. “I guess I’ll take Daniel with me, since I can count on her the most.” Miranda and Andrew’s mouths dropped as he finished that sentence.

“No offense, but I trust Daniel the most out of everyone in this room.” Daniel smiled as he made the comment. “When do we leave?”

Madam Nicole said, “We leave at noon. I want you two to pack your supplies and meet me in my office.” Alex and Daniel nodded as they began to turn away.

“Miranda and Andrew, you get a day off today. Go up to your rooms and do whatever you feel fit to do.” They both cheered as they both ran for the door.”

She turned back to Alex and Daniel and asked, “Are you sure you children want to do this, I wouldn’t blame you if you scared?”

Alex said for the both of them, “No were gonna do this. We’re not cowards.” Daniel nodded with agreement at

the fact.

Madam Nicole nodded and continued, “I understand what you mean? Remember; meet me back in the office at noon.”

They both nodded and they walked out of the training room. Alex said, “You ready to do this? I just need to know if you’re with me all the way.”

She smiled, “Alex you know me more than anyone here. Of course I do.” Alex smiled and fist bumped her. “Thanks.”


The woman arrived in the plains. She smiled and thought, “This is the place. I thought it would be more populated.”

She turned to her comrades and said with anticipation, “Ready to kill.” They all smiled and yelled with anticipation.

One of the comrades said, “But Madam Sarah, what are we going to do about the child, how are we going to find him?”

Sarah thought for a moment. She sneered with anticipation and said, “Well lead them straight to us.”


After hours of packing and waiting, Daniel and Alex walked over to the office. When they arrived, she was sitting in a chair, right by the window.

“Are you ready for the battle ahead?” They both nodded. She got up and turned to the window. She raised her hand and suddenly a large pure, white rune appeared before them.

“Run through.” Alex turned to Daniel and raised an eyebrow. He turned back to the rune and ran straight at it. As Alex ran through the rune, He felt like he jolted forward over a mile.

When the sensation was over, he was in a plain with green long glass and light blue sky. The trees were scrawny

and very small.

He turned around to see the rune behind him. Moments later Daniel came stumbling in. Alex caught her and said, “Be careful.”

She smiled and then realized what happened. She quickly got up and started blushing. “What happened,” said Madam Nicole as she passed through the rune?

“Nothing happened! Nothing happened, I swear!” assured Daniel in a hasty tone. As they began to walk through the plain, they sensed a cold sensation through their backs. Laughter echoed through the plains sending everyone on a high alert.

They turned to where the laughing came from. “Welcome Alexander Rising. My name is Sarah. I am the fastest of the Elements of Darkness. Are you ready to die with your friends?”

Alex turned his head and seen two girls appear on each side of them.

Madam Nicole thought, “Alexander, you go for Sarah, me and Daniel well head for the henchmen and back you up as soon as we’re done.”

Alex nodded as his sword appeared in a bright flash of light. “Sarah, get ready,” a burst of white energy arose from under his feet, “Because I’m gonna beat you down so bad; you’ll wish you’ll never meet me!”

Chapter 6

Alex jumped forward straight at Sarah, with his second sword on his hand. As she blocked the sword, strike with his her hand. The air around her burned up.

“Good strike. But that won’t be enough to beat me.” She threw him back in the air and raised her hands. Suddenly lightning charged through her fingertips and formed a short sword.

The short sword itself is 2 and half feet long, with its guard circling around the hand. The blade was a foot long with the initials ‘Thunder Storm’ in Viking.

She shifted forward and disappeared, she reappeared behind Alex readying a stab. Alex blocked the stab by resting his sword on his back.

“Good, this will be more interesting than I thought.” White energy flushed out of Alex’s sword and engulfed the

both of them. They both slammed into the ground leaving a humongous crater.

Daniel raised her hand as the two women rushed her with their swords. Her scythe appeared in a gust of wind and as she grasped it, she spun to block the attack on both sides.

One of the women kicked her in the back. Daniel hit the ground and quickly recovered before the other woman stomped on her head. Daniel slammed her hand on the ground. Suddenly two runes appeared under the two women. Wind blasted downward sending them both to the ground unable to move a muscle.

“Sorry guys, I have friends to help.” She quickly turned to see Alex starting to overpower Sarah. She jumped straight at Sarah and slammed her scythes pummel in Sarah’s face.

Sarah was slammed into the ground leaving a small trail of dirt. “Can’t let you have all the fun.” Alex smiled and thought, “Well she’s right about that.”

Madam Nicole blocked the sword strikes of the two girls without even using her sword. “Well this is truly embarrassing; my students make me use my sword. I don’t even have to waste any amount of energy on you.”

She kicked one of the girls in the face. Then as the girl raised her blade for the attack, Madam Nicole blocked the strike with her index finger.

I thought you would be a lot better.” She raised her hand. Instantly combustion of white fire came out erupted upon the woman’s entire body.

As the woman is painful scream filled the air, she turned to see Alex and Daniel fighting Sarah. “I will let them handle this. If it gets bad I’ll intervene,” thought Madam Nicole.

Sarah thought, “I need to find away to beat the both of them at the same time.” She raised her eyebrow at the thought she came up with. “This is disgraceful; I will have to use ‘that’ against these children.”

Sarah slashed to make Alex and Daniel go backwards. She tilted her sword downwards and dropped it.

Alex and Daniel raised their eyebrow at the sight.

“Don’t worry children, I won’t disappoint you.” As the sword hit the ground, it converted straight into electricity. The electricity went straight into her arms legs and feet.

“What the heck is she doing?” Sarah bent down, wind whipped around her like the speed of tornado. “Get ready.” She disappeared as she jumped straight into the air.

Alex and Daniel turned both left and right to see where Sarah. Instantly they both were both kicked in the chests. When they hit the ground, they both coughed extremely, hard trying to get air.

Sarah laughed, when Alex and Daniel both got up she still nowhere to be seen. They readied themselves and turned their heads constantly.

As the moments go by they were both being hit in the stomach and the back. Alex said, “Why don’t you come out here you coward!”

Alex was kicked in the chin. After a few moments Daniel realized what happened as soon as she seen him in the air. “Alex!” When Alex turned to see Madam Nicole and Daniel on the ground, he cursed to himself.

Alex looked straight and realized that Sarah was above him with her sword in hand. She slammed the blade into his stomach, which sent Alex straight into the ground.

“Alex!” Daniel ran straight towards him as he began coughing up blood. Suddenly one of the women grabbed her from behind and put both of her hands behind her back.

Madam Nicole quickly rushed to them. Sarah instantly reappeared above Alex with her hand above her pummel.

“Let the children go.” In that moment, her sword appeared in her hand. Sarah snickered and goaded, “You can’t kill me and save these two at the same time.” She began to push down on her sword, which made it sink deeper into Alex’s stomach. Blood began to stain his shirt by every second.

Alex began to moan as the blade went deeper into

his stomach. “Stop it! He’s just a child!” Sarah began to laugh. “Oh may I pardon. You know as much as I do this is war…Sage of Snow.”

Madam Nicole lowered her sword. As the sword disappeared Sarah said, “How about this… I will give you one for another. If you don’t decide in the next thirty seconds, they along with you are going to die.”

Alex turned his head to her and said, “Don’t do it, Madam…” Sarah slammed the pummel deeper into his stomach. Alex screamed in mere pain and passed out after a few moments. “Alex!” said Daniel as she tried to struggle out of the woman’s grip.

The woman smacked the back of Daniel’s neck and said, “Don’t move!” Daniel winced at the fact that she could not do anything in this situation.

At fifteen seconds, Daniel thought to Madam Nicole, “Take Alex, and go Madam Nicole. I am useless compared to him. He might be very important later on.” Madam Nicole squint her eyes at the thought of this.

“She would give up her own life, just to save somebody else’s.” When the thirty seconds were up Sarah said, “What have you decided?”

Madam Nicole announced, “I’ll take the boy. Although Daniel is strong and very talented, I will take Alexander.”

Daniel cried as she thought to her, “Thank you.” Sarah took the sword out of Alex’s stomach; Madam Nicole quickly ran over to him and picked him up.

In a bright flash of lightning the woman, Sarah, and Daniel disappeared. Madam Nicole looked down at Alex and thought, “This is not over. Not by a long shot!”

Chapter 7

Alex woke up in his bed. The room itself was half lit so he can barely see anything around his room. As he began to get up stomach, his stomach lurched in pain and sickness.

Alex winced and thought, “What happened?” As he raised his blood, stained shirt he had seen pure, white bandages with soaked up dry blood.

After a few moments, Alex remembered what happened to him. He slowly gets up out of his bed and holds on to his tables and dressers. When he reached the door, he tripped.

In a bright flash of light, Alex caught himself with his sword’s tip into the ground. He cursed to himself as nausea came over him. Alex opened the door and began to walk to Madam Nicole’s office.

After his 5-minute slow walk down the hallway, he found her door and turned the knob. When he opened the door, Madam Nicole, Roy and Leader were gathered around a table.

Leader turned around and said, “So he finally wakes. I was beginning to worry about you.” Alex asked in an irritated matter, “What do you mean by that.” Roy smiled and said, “You’ve been out for three days kiddo.”

Alex gasped at the thought. “Where’s Daniel? I didn’t see her.” Madam Nicole turned her head and explained, “Sarah took her away. Either I took you or all of us die.”

Alex stood there froze, unable to comprehend what he heard. “What do you mean? You’re the Sage of Snow, how can you just let her do that!” The Leader stepped up and said, “She did the best she could…”

White energy engulfed Alex’s entire body. Everyone stepped backwards from the killing intent and volume of power behind it.

“What is this immense power that’s coming out of Alexander? I knew this boy was strong, but the volume of power different from when he was fighting Sarah. Did that fight make him stronger?”

“Don’t give me that bull crap,” the entire room began to heat up, “You know as much as I do her pretty much as good as dead thanks to you!” The ground under Alex began to crack and shake.

The Leader took a breath and explained calmly, “Don’t you get it child? She’s the bait.” The energy around his body disappeared.

“Sarah was sent here to kill you, after you and Daniel killed Devin, she knows that you’re planning on coming back and saving her.”

Alex takes deep breaths trying to stomach what he was saying. “I get it.” Alex said quietly as he looked out the window.

Alex begins to turn around. Roy demanded, “Where do you think you’re going?” Alex turned back around with eyes as cold as steel, “I’m going back for Daniel.”

“You fool, that’s exactly why can’t let you do that! Didn’t we already explain that she’s bait?” Alex sword disappeared. He began to stand up straighter.

I know what they are planning to do. And besides,” Alex clamped his hand against his fist, wind blasted from his body and made everybody, but the Leader stagger backwards, “I need to extract some payback for her stabbing me in the stomach!”

The Leader smiled to himself and asked, “Are you going to bring Madam Nicole with you?” Alex turned around and said, “I’m going alone. I need to do this by


Madam Nicole walked forward to stop him, but the Leader raised his arm. “Are you sure, you want to do this kid?” Alex nodded without uttering a single word.

The Leader raised his hand; suddenly a blinding light rune appeared right in front of Alex. “This rune will take you straight to Sarah; I designed it to find her specific power level and depth.”

Alex smiled and said, “Thank you.” Alex ran straight at the rune without any thought what so ever. When he passed all the way through Roy asked, “Are you sure he can do this alone?”

The Leader smiled and told him, “Didn’t you see that look in his eye. He’s ready alright, but just in case this rune will inject a small device that allows what’s going on from Alex’s eyes, to the outside of the surroundings.”


Daniel began to wake up in the forest. The forest was very wide with several trees and a lot of ground space. When you look up to the north, you could see the mountains.

Her hands were tied behind her back while her chest was tied to the tree. Her knees and ankles were also tied to keep her moving around. A piece of plaster tape was around her mouth with a seal of black ink drawn over it.

She turned her head slightly to see Sarah and the woman by the fire making stew. “Darn it! If only I can use my powers to get out of here, but this seal on my mouth keeps them from working!”

Sarah turned to her smiling and said, “Oh, does the little baby want some stew?” Daniel turned her head without uttering a single sound. Sarah disappeared and suddenly reappeared in front of Daniel. She grabbed her cheeks and said, “Well you’re not gonna get any.”

Suddenly a huge, arc of white energy went above Daniel and Sarah’s heads. The arc went through a set of trees and fell straight behind the tree Daniel was tied to. Daniel’s muffled cries were not heard from the collapsing of the trees.

The woman immediately got in front of Sarah with her sword in hand. “Don’t worry, Mary….I’ll handle this. Stay with our little hostage.”

Mary stepped back and put her sword to Daniel’s throat. Alex walked out of the forests clearing. Sarah noticed something in his eyes and asked, “What happened, you have a different look in your eye…like you wanna kill me.”

Alex smiled and said, “I’m not gonna kill you,” Alex shifted forward and disappeared, he reappeared above her ready to slash. She quickly reacted and summoned her sword to block. She began to struggle as Alex has started pushing her back more and more, “I’m going to destroy you!”

White energy engulfed his sword; Sarah was then sent sliding straight into the trees. A wide, white explosion engulfed the trees and made them burn away instantly.

“What happened? Alex’s power increased more than ever. In addition, I can see a killing intent right by his attack just now. Does he really care about me that much!”

Sarah slowly began to get up. Blood began to drop of her arm and straight into the ground. “What’s going on here? He’s not as strong as when I fought him before.”

Alex began to get up from the crater he was in and asked, “What’s the matter! You seem so much slower.” White energy began to circle around him.

“What the matter? If you won’t attack,” the rocks from under him began to float into the air, “Then I will!” Alex rushed forward with blinding speed, when he 5 ft in front of her, he disappeared. He reappeared right behind with a readied kick. When she went to block, he disappeared once more.

He reappeared right in front of her readying a slash. “I won’t make it!” she thought furiously as the blade began to get closer. A bright flicker of lightning appeared around her sword. In a brief, an explosion blew between Alex and Sarah.

Daniel turned her head from all the dust and dirt

hitting her face, “How am I going to get out of here? I hope you figured something out Alexander.

Alex jumped from the dust cloud to the tallest tree branch. He cursed to himself as he seen his ripped shirt partly gone. “She turned her sword into electricity at the last second.”

Electricity zapped around at every second in the dust. When the dust cleared, it showed Sarah smiling. “I guess it’s about time to give it my all.”

She disappeared without seeming to move, Alex heard a light tap on the branch right by him, He raised his sword to and suddenly an immense strength hit his sword.

When he looked up Sarah was balanced her foot on his sword. “What just happened right now, did he just block my kick!” Alex smiled and said, “What’s the matter? Are you that surprised to see what I just did?”

She disappeared as soon as she bounced off her sword. “I guess I’m starting to truly adjust to her movements.”

He heard another light touch behind him, when he turned he seen her for just an instant. She appeared right above him about to slash. He blocked the slash by resting his sword against his back.

“Darn it, why does he keep blocking my strikes!” Alex shifted sideways then disappeared. He reappeared 10 ft away from her.

“I don’t know what to do. I know I cannot keep blocking attacks like this. I need to step forward. But right now she’s at her fastest, how am I going to intercept something like that?”

Suddenly a white rune appeared before him in his head. Alex gasped at the thought, “I’m not sure it would work but…” White energy began to swirl around Alex. White sparks of electricity began to bounce off his body.

Sarah readied herself and said, “I don’t know what you’re up to…but let’s settle this!” Alex smiled and said, “You’re right we should finish this.”

He raised his sword a pointed it at her chest, he

grasped his sword arm with his hand and thought, “Madam Nicole, Teacher, Daniel, everyone….please let this work!” the air around him began to rise at the volume of the power. “This is now or never!”

The exact white rune from his mind appeared under him, the energy in it began to spiral and crackle white lightning. Sarah stepped back with an astonished movement and said, “He’s…”

Alex’s eyes turned silver as the level increased even further. All sides of the rune began to shoot white energy into the sky turning into a pillar.

Chapter 8

When the pillar of light disappeared, Sarah was astonished at what she was seeing. Alex was in his armor, with his cape flapping in the air. Sarah said, “That armor…”

Daniel’s eyes widened as she laid her eyes on Alex. “Is Alex really using his armor? The power that is emanating from it is amazing. It’s calmer and so much stronger!”

Alex looked down at himself he smiled and thought, “This is amazing, I feel like all the power within flowing everywhere around my body.”

Alex looked up and said, “You ready Sarah,” he jumped in the air with both hands on his sword. White energy came out of the sword like a hurricane and filled most of the sky from Sarah’s sight, “Because I’m gonna put you through the ringer.” As he swung his sword, the hurricane of white energy came out and shot itself at Sarah.

When she raised her hands to block, she was immediately eroded with white energy. “Madam Sarah!” yelled her comrade as she watched the fight.

Sarah appeared right beside Alex covered in blood readying a punch. Alex blocked the punch without even looking.

“I didn’t know you can really survive that move.” Sarah trying to gasp in air and she said after a few coughs, “Never underestimate me, kid. I’ll never quit till your dead.” Alex turned his head and said. “‘Till I’m dead’ she says.” White energy engulfed his blade, when he swung, the destructive arc pushed Sarah. Alex appeared right behind her and said, “You really should rephrase that.”

As he slashed once more, an even bigger arc of white energy engulfed her. Mary turned to Daniel, and then winced at the fact that she could not do anything.

Daniel turned to her and thought, “She really must wanna help Sarah. How loyal. The girl wants to protect her leader, but she can't because of me.” She turned back to the fight and continued to watch.


“How is this possible? How can a child have such raw power? I’ve haven’t seen anything since you Madam Nicole!”

The Leader looked at the rune on the table and said, “He has much more control over his power than I have ever

even imagined.”

Roy looked at the Leader and asked, “You want me to get the girl?” The Leader rubbed his chin and said, “Let Alexander do it. Let’s just watch what happens.”


Sarah was one knee on the ground wiping the blood off her forehead. “Darn it! I can do anything against this kid!” Alex thought, “I guess it’s about time I use the runes I’ve been reading over all those nights.” Alex raised his sword at her. Suddenly bright, large, pure, white rune appeared before him.

“What the heck is that kid up to?” thought Sarah as she began to prepare for herself. Chains of pure golden energy came out of the rune shot itself straight at Sarah. The chains her hands and feet and pulled the all down.

Alex smiled and said, “Now that you’re held down I can finish this!” He held up his sword one last time to see the same rune with different designs. The balls of white energy appeared in front of the rune. White lines of energy came out of the center of the balls and formed one very, big ball.

“I don’t like the look of that!” The ball of energy exploded, and then turned into a pure ray of bright light. Sarah looked down, struggling to get out of the chains. When she looked back up the ray was already in her face.

“No!!” Mary said as the ray hit and eroded her in that second. When the ray dispersed, there was nothing, but dust. Mary quickly got up and began to run away.

“Madam Sarah is dead! I’ve got to report this to the Ruler as fast as possible!” The armor around Alex’s body disappeared into bright sparks of energy.

He walked over to Daniel and smiled. As soon as he took off the tape over her mouth she said, “I knew you’d come back.” Alex smiled and said simply, “I don’t leave my friends with the enemies.”

Alex used his sword and cut off all the ropes. When she got up, she stumbled back down on the ground. “Did they feed you?” Daniel shook her head no and began shaking as she got up again.

When she fell the second time, Alex caught her. “Don’t overdo it, you idiot. You haven’t eaten for days.” Alex picked her up and put her on his back.

“You don’t have to carry me back.” she complained as he started walking back. “Don’t care.” When they reached the rune he came from he asked, “You wanna walk the rest of the way.” Daniel shook her head, slowly let her down. She shakes her legs out and turned to him.

“Are you alright? You wasted loads of energy back there.” Alex smiled and said, “Don’t worry I’m fine.” Before they both entered, the rune Daniel stopped him. Alex turned around and asked with an eyebrow raised, “What’s the matter?”

Daniel said with her head down, “Sarah said something while she held me hostage.” Alex crossed his arms, “Is it important?”

Daniel nodded, “Well it’s just that. I don’t know if it’s true yet.” Alex put his hand on her shoulder, “You can tell me.”

Daniel waited a few moments and finally said with a small tone, “She said….that Teacher was alive.” Alex breathed and said with in disbelief, “What!”

Daniel crossed her arms and turned her head. Alex has clenched his hand; the anger within his chest began to heavily rise in his chest.

“How’s that possible, we seen her get stabbed!” Alex turned back around and said, “We’ll tell everyone about it when we get back.” Daniel shook her head and walked along with him into the rune.

Chapter 9

When Alex and Daniel reached the other side, they both arrived in front of Madam Nicole’s office. When they opened the door Madam Nicole, the Leader, and Roy stood.

“Welcome back Alexander, excellent job by the way.” Alex nodded with his head down. “Madam Nicole smiled then asked, “What’s wrong?”

Alex looked her straight in the face and said, “You know why I’m like this.” Roy walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder, “Its okay kid, Sarah was probably lying to try to get under Daniel’s skin.”

“I just wanna make sure.” He walked up to Madam Nicole and said, “Go in my head and pull up the memory, then pause time.”

Madam Nicole raised her hand and asked, “Are you sure want to do this?” Alex nodded as she lightly put her finger against his head.

In moments, his vision went black. Light strands of pictures and glass began to swirl around in the darkness. He then felt a rushing sensation as if he was falling.

When he looked forward, he saw a huge piece of glass. Alex dived straight through the glass. After moments colors swirled around the darkness in the glass and it formed the plain they fought in.

“Alexander you can control the memories, just think pause to stop it.” Madam Nicole voice said in an echo. Suddenly Teacher, Daniel, himself, and Devin appeared into view. When Devin stabbed her Alex yelled, “Pause!”

Everything stopped into place. He walked over to where he stabbed her at and looked at the wound. There was a black rune where she was stabbed.

Alex’s eyes widened as she stared into the rune. He clenched his fists in and out, as vision was in the outside again.

Leader asked, “What did you see?” Alex took a few moments to process what he was going to say and he finally went, “I seen a rune on her back, when she got stabbed.”

Everyone gasped except the Leader. “Devin used a teleportation rune to send her straight into the lunar bearer’s realm. He must place of a second rune to disconnect her from the Temple of the Stars to make us think she was dead.” Daniel began to hug her and cry.

“Alex, I know what you’re planning on doing, but its way to dangerous. You are not ready to go to the other side. You’re not a knight.”

Alex turned to the Leader and asked, “How can I become one?” Madam Nicole stepped forward, but Roy stopped her. “The only way to become one is to take an exam that tests all of your skills.”

Madam Nicole yelled, “Are you even considering this!” The Leader turned around and said in a cooled tone, “You know as much as I do this boy is ready. The boy will

stay with me for the mean time.”

Daniel got up and yelled, “You just can’t….” Alex interrupted, “Daniel stay out of this!” Daniel’s mouth stopped instantly.

“I have to do this, For Teacher, for the Leader, for everyone.” Daniel put her head down and whimpered, “I know, but…” she began to cry even harder, “I understand, I just don’t want anybody else I know get hurt because of me. Especially you, Alex, I don't want to hurt you either.”

Alex put his hand in hers and said, “I understand. But I have to do this.” He let go and turned around to Leader, “What do you want me to do?”

“This boy has Samantha’s courage.” The Leader turned to him and said “Grab the things you need to carry and meet me in training room at noon tomorrow.”

“Can Daniel help me pack?” Roy shook his head yes. Alex and Daniel walked out of the door way and straight into his room.

They grabbed his backpack, and started putting his clothes in it. “I’ll back you up all the way. When you come back…we can save Teacher.”

Alex nodded, when they finished packing Alex began to walk out of the door. “Wait!” Alex turned back around, instantly Daniel gave him a hug. Alex could feel her tears come down his shirt. Alex hugged her back. After a few awkward moments, she let go and finally said, “See ya.”

When she walked out the door, she waved. Alex smiled and said, “Man she’ knows how to get through to me.”

The Next Day

After a few hours of reading over his runes, the bell rang for noon. He walked out of the doorway and ran straight into the training room.

Chapter 10

When he entered, the Leader and Madam Nicole stood in the middle of the room. He walked up to them and asked, “How we leaving?”

They turned around and said together, “Run at that rune written on the wall.” Alex looked over to see the rune over there written on the wall. Alex asked, “Did you just draw that?”

Madam Nicole shook her head and said, “No, it been up there since I’ve been connected to it. It only appears when we need to transport something or someone.”

Alex smiled and said, “If this is going to be like that rune from yesterday, then let’s do this!” Alex ran through the Leader and Madam Nicole and ran straight through the rune.

When he reached the other side of the rune, he was in the Leader’s temple. Alex waited a few moments until the Leader walked straight through it.

“Follow me.” They walked over to his throne. The Leader tapped a button under his chair, after moments of a loud cranking noise the chair moved backwards. When the

process was over, there was a set of stairs that lead to the bottom floor.

As they walked down the stairs there were ancient runes designed on the walls. When they reached the bottom, there were thousands of sets of books. Alex whistled as he turned his head to see all of them.

“You have a heck of a library, sir.” The Leader laughed at the comment for a few seconds. “Alright how am I supposed to take the exam?”

The Leader asked, “Do you know what’s in all of these books.” Alex shook his head and answered, “Are they basic battle runes?”

The Leader walked up to a book, he grabbed it then tossed the book to Alex. Alex looked on the side to see ’Michael’.

When he opened the pages, he could see a man with red hair and dark brown eyes was fighting a figure. Alex’s eyes widened as he seen the two moving, and fighting it out.

“What the heck?” The Leader looked over his shoulder and explained, “When you take the exam, you are transported into a book. In the book, you will fight your greatest fear. The time in this book will be unorthodox. A week outside will seem like 7 years, but your body will be unaffected. When you conquer your fear, you become a knight. You can withdraw from the exam at anytime. But you never can take it again.”

Alex’s eyes widened even bigger as he ended the sentence. “I guess I can’t give up.” Alex put the book back on the shelf and turned to the Leader.

“When Samantha gave you that meteor band, she gave it to you because to take the exam, you need the meteor band. The meteor band materializes the fear, so you can find it.” Alex looked down at his meteor band. He then looked up with deeper determination in his eyes.

“When can I start?” The Leader smiled and said, “Anytime you want.” Alex smiled. The Leader gestured him to walk forward. The Leader grabbed his arm and slightly ran his finger through his pulse. Suddenly vines of white energy ran through his arm.

The Leader held his other hand, in moments energy came out of his hand and formed a book. “Remember Alex, only the strong hearted can survive.”

Light eroded Alex, turning him into energy. The light swirled around the leader’s head, and then the energy jolted straight into the book. After a few moments, the Leader turned to book to see ’Alexander’ on the side. “It’s up to you.”

Chapter 11

Alex fell through the dark void. He could not see what was in front of him, but he could see his clothes and his arms and legs. “I wonder how long I’ve been falling.”

Suddenly white light exploded all around him. When he turned his head, he could see building, large, skyscrapers forming around. He started to slow down; in moments, he landed on the darkness. Streets began building from under him.

He turned to look at the city and thought, “Why does this…?” A surge of pain went through Alexander’s head. Streams of pictures went through his head. All he can make out is he with his five friends, in this exact city.

He turned to the city without any signs or doors. In addition, when he looked up at the sky, all he could see is darkness.

“This is my fear. Being in a dark place?” A familiar voice said, “No, this is not.” Alex immediately turned around with his sword appearing in a bright flash of light.

There stood a girl. The girl was as tall as he was. Short blonde hair down to her shoulder is with dark brown eyes. She had freckles all over her face. She wore a slim, black, body suit with a zipper straight in the middle.

Another jolt of pain went through Alex’s head. He suddenly saw another jolt of pictures of her. He squint her eyes at her and asked, “Brittany? Is that you?” He walked toward her. “Wait how I do…” Suddenly black energy formed around her hand, instantly it formed a black blade that has the same design of sword, but it is different.

The blade was pure black with the chain in the middle of it. The guard was like two black wings. Moreover, the hilt was smooth and small.

“I am a piece of you. You don’t realize it, you’re fear is fighting someone you truly care about.” Alex smiled and said, “I don’t even remember you.” Brittany smiled, “Well you don’t have to,” she raises her sword, “Because my objective is to make you quit. Either that or I’ll have to kill you.”

Alex smiled, “Oh really. Starting to think of it, I do remember something about Brittany.” White energy floated around his feet, “She was annoying as heck.”

Alex lunged straight at Brittany, as he slashed downward; she blocked the sword with her own. Black and white energy swirled around them as they both struggled on the clash. Brittany threw Alex off into the air; Alex back flipped then landed on the wall of the building.

He jumped off making the wall crack. White energy engulfed his sword as he swung his blade. A destructive, unstable arc of white energy shot at Brittany. Without difficulty, she swung her blade with a simple hand movement and cut the arc in half.

Alex stood speechless unable to process what just happened. “Is that the best you got?” Brittany shifted upwards and disappeared, “If that is, it’ll be easy to kill you.” She reappeared right in front of him and slashed downwards. Alex blocked it and struggling to hold it down.

“I’m not done.” Black energy rushed out of the sword like a broken dam. The energy engulfed them and went straight through buildings.

When the dust from the building disappeared, Alex was covered in scratches and bruises. Blood started to come off the side of his lips.

Alex made his sword stick up. He bent down on one knee and focused his energy into his fist. Five white runes appeared around his fist. Alex disappeared and reappeared right in front of Brittany and punched her in the stomach.

A mini implosion blasted Brittany through three buildings in front of her. Dust flew as the buildings collapsed. Alex grabbed the sword and waited as the dust cleared.

Brittany stepped from one of the pieces of rubble and asked, “Is that all you got?” Alex shook his head and said, “Man, you’re questioning everything I do.”

A rune appeared under his feet, “I’ll hit you with my hardest!” White energy came out of the rune and formed a tower. When the energy disappeared, Alex was in his armor. “Let’s do this!”

Chapter 12

The Ruler gripped his hands as he stood to look at Mary. She was tied with her hands tied over head connected to a ceiling. Two soldiers were drawing a black rune, under her feet.

“You failed me Mary; you didn’t fight back when Sarah was defeated. And you came back like a helpless dog with no scratch on you at all.”

Mary pleaded, “Please. I can still be a use to you! Please don’t kill me!” When the two was done, the Ruler got up and walked to Mary.

He kissed her on the forehead and said, “Goodbye child.” He sat back down on the chair. “Do it.” The two

men touched the rune, as black sparks flied around she started screaming. Black fires rose from the rune and engulfed, killing her instantly. When the rune disappeared so did she.

The Ruler gave the soldiers a hand gesture to leave the room. They both bowed and entered without making a single sound. The Ruler thought, “How could this be possible! He killed both Devin and Sarah. What should I do about this?”

He thought over it for a minute and said, “Well, then I guess if you want to do something you should do it yourself.” The Ruler stood stretching his fingers. When he gripped both of them, energy erupted from under his feet nearly cracking the roof, the floor crumbled as he took the step.

A Month Later

Daniel was in her room holding her picture of her parents. “What should I do? It’s been a month and Alex hasn’t come back yet. Is he still taking the exams?”

Daniel put down the picture of her parents and walked into Madam Nicole’s office. When she made it, someone was standing right next to her.

“Oh hello, Daniel how's it going? It seems you have a visitor.” When the girl turned around, she realized it was Riley. Riley’s was the same, but with a single braid on her left side. She wore a small black jacket with a blue tank top under it. Black gym pants and black, heeled, leather boots.

“Hey Daniel, long time no see.” She said walked toward Daniel. Daniel cheered and rushed Riley. Riley braced herself as Daniel hugged her around the stomach. “I missed you so much!” She let go to give Riley some air.

“So how is everyone doing?” Riley rubbed her chin to think it over, in moments she answered, “Daniel is training in a swamp and Dustin training in a volcano.”

Daniel eyes widened as she said “Cool. Where are you training?” Riley smiled and answered a cool edge, “I train on a cloud, a lightning cloud to be exact.”

Daniel eyes widened with excitement as she said, “What is it like?” Riley answered with eagerness, “It’s not

as bad as you think. We actually have an amazing view.” Daniel nodded in agreement.

Daniel turned to Madam Nicole and asked, “Where’s Miranda and Richard? I haven’t seen them for a while.” Madam Nicole answered, “They went out to the wilderness to train.”

Daniel nodded and thought, “I wonder why?” Riley asked, “You wanna go get some ice cream?” Daniel smiled at the thought. Madam Nicole tapped the wall, white rune appeared before them. “Walk through this rune and you will head straight through town. This rune will never turn off, understand?”

Daniel and Riley nodded as they began walking towards it. When they walked through, they were both in the town. “C’mon Riley I got loads to tell you!”


Alex was using his sword as a stand, to get up from the rubble. Most of the city is practically gone. Alex’s armor was half-gone; all there was is the chest, left leg and right arm.

Brittany was in the air floating staring down at him with murderous eyes. “You don’t know when to give up do you?” Alex smiled as she began floating to the ground.

White energy swirled around his arm and formed a rune floating above it. Brittany appeared in front of him with a downward slash. Alex blocked the slash, and then kicked her back in the air.

Alex turned, his white rune started to spin rapidly. Alex whipped his arm like a Frisbee right at Brittany. When the rune reached Brittany, it circled around him, air blasted inward crushing Brittany. And after a few moments the rune exploded.

Brittany appeared from it and said, “Good job, you surprised me there for a minute.” Alex smiled and wiped the blood from his mouth. “Let’s continue shall we.”


Daniel and Riley were sitting at the tower in their usual spot looking at the sunset. “I heard from my new

Teacher that you and Alex have made yourselves a reputation.”

Daniel blushed and said while rubber her head, “It’s mainly Alex. I was held captive when Sarah fought him.” Riley shrugged. “Well how is it like with Madam Nicole?”

Daniel answered simply, “Well it’s just like hanging out with Teacher, because she is Teacher’s teacher.” Riley smiled, “Well that’s true.”

Riley turned to her and asked, “Do you care for Alex?” Daniel turned to her and answered, “Of course he is my best friend.” Riley asked quietly, “That’s not what I meant.”

Daniel had to think about it for a couple of minutes to realize what she said. “No. not likes that! We’re just friends!” Riley gave her a certain look and said quietly, “Its okay I’m a friend, you don’t have to worry about it. I promise I won’t say anything.”

Daniel stood their frozen with her ice cream in her mouth. After a few moments she said, “Fine, I like him a little.” Riley giggled and thought, “Knew it!”

Riley patter her on the back and said, “It’s nothing worry to worry about, its’ normal for you to think this way right now.” Riley stared down the building with her ice half eaten. “Hey when we finish you wanna see how he’s doing?”

Riley smiled and answered with equal eagerness, “Sure I wanna see what the exams gonna be like for me next year.” When they both finished their ice cream, they jumped down the tower and ran to the temple.

Chapter 13When they reached it, they could see the Leader

with a book on a desk right by him. He said, “Welcome, how have you to been?”

They both ran up the throne bowed to him. “We’re fine, just wanted to see how Alexander’s doing.” The Leader smiled, “These children…” He took the book and tossed it to them.

“Why did you…?” The Leader asked in a happy tone, “Just open.” When they opened it, there was a loud crash of rocks. When they looked inside they seen Alex almost covered in blood with only the left side of shirt ripped.

“Alex!” Alex looked up to see Daniel and Riley.

“Hey what are you guys…?” Brittany grabbed his throat and slammed him into the ground.

“Don’t let your guard down.” Alex said in small breaths, “C’mon give me a break, I’m talking to friends!” Alex kicked Brittany off him straight into the wall.

Alex looked back up to see the Leader; he turned to him and asked, “Guys don’t bother me while I take the exams.” The Leader nodded and began to close the book.

“Wait!” said Daniel as she looks at the book. She looked in there and said, “Don’t die on me.” Alex chuckled and replied, “I’m not sure if can promise that, but?” Alex blocks the strike from behind.

Alex held out his hand, “Thanks to you…I’m getting the crap beat out of. And the other thing is…” a white ball of energy formed around his hand, “I’m getting very creative.”

The white energy blasted out of Alex’s hand. When it hit Daniel, she went backwards for 10 feet. “Cool I guess you’re gonna get your butt whooped!” Brittany slowly got cracking her head back in pace.

She smiles and said, “You ready for round 3.” White energy erupted around his feet. “Sure, let’s go.” As he jumped the energy made him rocket 60 ft. As he fell, he performed a front flip slash. She jumped backwards evading the slash, but when it hit the ground white lines of energy shot in six rows in front of him.

Brittany cart wheeled at out of the way of the first two, and slashed through the third one. Brittany raised her sword and said, “Let’s end this.” Alex smiled and said, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

A white rune appeared under Alex, while a black rune appeared under Brittany. The two pillars of light surrounded them. The blasting wind blew away the rubble around them.

When the pillars of energy on both sides disappeared Alex and Brittany were in there armor. Brittany armor was practically the same as Alex’s, but it had a different chest plate and its pure black.

“Let’s go!” They both said they rushed each other.

When their swords collide, large amounts of energy bounced off each other’s swords and went behind them.


Daniel smiled as she closed the book and handed it to the Leader. “What do you think of his progress?” Riley smiled and said, “He’s actually doing well to fight his own.”

Suddenly a dark pressure pushed down everyone, but the Leader in the room. “What kind of power is this? I felt a lunar bearer’s energy before, but this…”

The Leader got out of chair and said, “It’s my brother. He came to this realm to try to kill Alexander.” They both turned their head simultaneously, “Wait, the Ruler of the Lunar Bearers!”

The Leader nodded. I want you to go back to Madam Nicole and…” Riley yelled, “No way! We can’t…!” The Leader raised his hand, “You’re just children. You probably can’t even look at him straight as strong as he is.”

Daniel through her arm out and yelled, “Don’t underestimate us! We can hold him off until Madam Nicole arrives!” The Leader sighed and thought, “Amazing.” The Leader began walking toward his doorway; he turned around and lifted his finger. Instantly they both fell to the ground and passed out. “You 2 can sleep here while I handle this.”

Chapter 14

Alex smiled as he heard what was going on. He cursed to himself at the sense of powerlessness. Brittany smiled and said, “Well, are you worried about your friends on the other side?”

Alex slashed, white energy came out in an arc as big as a house, and Brittany shifted sideways disappearing at the last moment. She reappeared right behind Alex readying a kick; Alex blocked it and swiped at her face with the sword. She quickly recovered and back flipped out of the way.

“I’m getting bored Alex. Why don’t we finish this with one last attack?” Alex cracked a knuckle, “Just like you, you’re always bored. Fine, we’ll finish this!”

Alex and Brittany both raised their swords at each other instantaneously, “I’ve got to get out there!” Suddenly a white and black rune appeared in front of their swords.

Balls of energy appeared around their swords, as the lines of energy formed into a big ball, their balls blaster a ray as big as a house at each other. When they collided, red sparks flew on both sides.

The rubble flew into the air and bounced off other flying pieces of rubble. They both screamed as their rays got bigger. In that instant, a bright explosion appeared between the rays.


The Leader continued to walk down the mountain trail. “Alexander, I hope you can pass the exam. If he defeats me, then it’s all up to you, until I can heal back up.”

When he reached the end of the mountain trail, he could see the Temple of the Stars. He looked up to it and said, “If you're Samantha, I wish you luck.”

He felt the power of his brother getting closer to him. After moments, the Ruler stood before the Leader. “Well Canopus, it’s been a long time.”

Canopus smiled and said, “It has, hasn’t it, Mare?” Mare began walking around him and said, “I see so you haven’t turned to dust yet.”

“I don’t really need to at the moment, now do I?” Mare smiled, “Brother, I don’t want any trouble. All I want is the boy, if you don’t give me that…”black energy swirled around his hand, “I will kill you and your stupid village!”

Canopus smiled at the thought, “What’s funny is that at this point you are at your weakest.” Rocks began to rise from the ground, and the ground under both o them began to crack.

“Enough talk! Give me the child!” Canopus yelled, “You’re gonna have to kill me first!” As they, both rushed each other the ground under both of the sky rocketed ten feet.

The black energy in his hand formed a blade. His blade was a long sword with a 7 ft reach. Its guard was pure black with small cresting on it. The blade of the sword was pure black with the purple Viking initials ‘Destroy’. The hilt was long with a small black gem for pummel.

White energy filled Canopus’s hand as he got closer to his brother. He gripped the energy and his blade appeared in his hand. The blade itself was the exact same sword as Mane’s, but at the same time different. The blade was pure white with Viking initials ‘Harmony’ on it. The hilt was

short with leather. In addition, the pummel was a large diamond.

They clashed with their swords in hand. When they collide, shockwaves of energy blasted off each other causing earthquakes. Canopus swung downwards; Mane blocked the attack and counterattacked with a low kick.

Canopus quickly recovered and held up his hand. A large white rune appeared right in front of his hand. The rune shot white bolts of electricity straight at Mane.

Mane blocked each attack with utter ease and flung some back. When the rune disappeared, Canopus jumped back three feet. “Take this” yelled Mane as he slammed his sword to the ground. A black rune appeared from under Canopus and shot black flames over him.

Canopus screamed in pain as he jumped out of the rune’s way. The flames burned almost all over his chest arms, and legs. Mane ran straight at him and yelled, “Goodbye!”

In that moment a bright flash of light appeared between Mane and Canopus. Mane jumped back 5 ft and got back in his stance. When the light disappeared there stood Alex. Alex’s shirt was in rags and all that was left was a third of his shirt, there were extreme holes in his jeans, and he had no shoes on.

“What’s the matter? I thought you could take this guy?” Canopus looked up at him in surprise and yelled, “What are you doing you fool! Why did you quit the test?”

Alex turned his head to Canopus, “I didn’t quit,” Canopus’s eyes widened at the sentence, “I actually finished as soon as you got here.”

Canopus stared at the child and thought, “How is this possible? You mastered the knight’s exam in only a month. It would take a normal man a year to finish it.”

Mane smiled and said, “So you’re Alexander Rising.” Alex turned back to Mane and asked, “So you finally came. I guess you were getting tired of your best men getting defeated by kids.”

Mane chuckled, “I underestimated you. I would never have had the thought of my brother giving you the

knight test.” Alex shrugged, “I really don’t know exactly,” He began to stare through him coldly, “Is it true what Sarah said? Is Teacher alive?”

Mane smiled and said, “Oh she’s alive alright. It amazes me how she can take scheduled torturing sessions and still keep her sanity.” One of Alex’s veins popped, “Oh is that right? Where is she?”

Mane began to raise his sword, “You’re going to have to beat it out of me.” White energy swirled, “Don’t worry,” his sword appeared in his hand instantly, and “I plan on it!”

Chapter 15

Madam Nicole ran into the throne room screaming, “Leader! Mane’s…!” Madam Nicole seen Riley and Daniel both unconscious and on the ground. “Leader…” she walked up to both of them put her hands on their heads. In a bright flash of light, they woke up.

“What happened,” asked Daniel with a yawn? Madam Nicole yelled, “The Leader went out to fight Mane. Where's Alexander you two?” Riley got up and said, “He should be in this book.” Madam Nicole quickly ran over to the book and opened. She flipped through the pages and found that he was not in it. When she looked on the side, she found a star right by it.

“Alexander must have passed the test.” She turned back around and ran for the door. “What about us,” Riley said before she grabbed the door. Madam Nicole turned around to see the both of them with puppy dogfaces. “Aw, what the heck? Come on.” She gave gesture to follow them.


Alex shifted forward and disappeared, he reappeared right in front of Mane ready to slash. Mane blocked the slash and without a hesitation parried.

Alex blocked the parry and cart wheeled to his side. When he was half way, he raised his hand, a white ball of energy shot out of his hand and hit Mane in the face.

Mane pulled back with the smoke in his face, screaming from the burns. “Alright, this boy is stronger than I thought! I can’t hold back!”

“He fights toe to toe with my brother. I have only seen a very few do that. But I never seen a child stands up to him like that!”

Alex put his second hand on the handle, “Oh you haven’t seen anything yet!” White energy raged like a wild current under his feet and sword. It filled most of the forest and the trail behind him.

“Good, I hear this is your signature move. Show it to me!” Alex slashed his sword, the wild current of energy shot out of the current and formed into an arc as big as a truck.

Mane held out his hand and thought, “Let’s see what he got!” When the arc hit his hand, it sounded like a sonic boom. The arc pushed him backwards making him slide. He put his sword on the arc to support his defense. However, the arc eroded him. When it exploded and sent the Leader and Alex fly backwards 5 ft.

Alex started to breathe hard from exhaustion. “Don’t put your guard down Alexander. It’s not over yet.” Mane appeared from the smoke that was left. Mane’s shirt was practically destroyed; blood began to rush from his head over his eye.

“That was very good Alexander. I never even thought that you could wound me. But now it my turn you stupid child!” Mane rushed forward and disappeared, he reappeared right in front of Alex about to slash. Alex blocked the slash, but was sent straight into the air.

I knew he was strong, but I didn’t know he was this strong!” Mane appeared behind readying another slash. Alex quickly turned and blocked the slash again.

He was sent straight into back down to the ground, he hit the ground sliding, slamming his sword into the ground trying to stop.

Mane appeared right in front of him when he finally stopped. Mane readied a stab and said, “Goodbye.” Alex smiled and snickered with joy. He raised his arm; suddenly a white rune appeared before him and blocked the stab.

The block sent Alex sliding five backwards. “I see so you finally know how to use runes properly.” Alex shrugged, “I studied a lot of nights studying those things. And when I took the knight’s exam…I had a lot of practice.”

Alex took his sword from the ground and raised his

arm. The rune under his arm changed design and started to rotate wildly. “Good luck with this one!”

When Alex swung his arm, the rune shot itself at Mane. Mane tried to jump away from the rune hoping to get away, but the rune followed him with ease. Mane cursed to him as the rune circled around his body.

“You might want to hold on to your boxers.” Winds blasted into the rune crushing Mane. Then after a few seconds, it exploded. Dust blasted everyone all around, blinding Alex from Mane. When it disappeared, Mane’s arm was covered in blood.

“I used my arm as a shield to block off that kid’s attack. I can’t believe how much fire power he has!” Mane smiled, “Is that all you got, I will give you one more chance to try to submit me!”

Alex smiled, “Okay this is my chance to try it.” Alex back flipped to his one knee and held his right arm, with his other hand.

Canopus’s body was already almost healed. “C’mon Alexander buy me a few minutes more.” Four runes appeared around all sides of his arm, while one appeared above his hand.

“What is this?” Mane asked as the ground became crushing around him. Alex let his arm to his side and said, “Rune Fist.” Alex got up and ran straight at Mane at high levels of speed. When he reached him, he punched him straight in the stomach. The punch made contact, the runes began to glow. In moments, the rune exploded, with many small explosions. When Mane hit the rock behind him, he made a crater.

Alex took very large breaths for air. “I used too much energy, but I can still fight.” When the dust cleared, he stood there unaffected. “Are you done?”

Alex smiled and said, “Just about.” Mane smiled, he took his sword to his side and half glared at him. “No more holding back!”

Mane rushed forward halfway between them and disappeared. Out of nowhere, Mane kicked him in the stomach. Before he could lounge over, Mane grabbed him by the hair. “You’ve done well so far kid, but now it’s


Mane through Alex back in the air, when he began to fall he punched him back in the air. Alex looked as at Mane as he was motionless in the air. Mane and reappeared above him. He stomped Alex down, into the ocean. When he hit the water, it made a big splash.

Alex held his breathe as he hit the bottom hard. “I knew he was this strong, but not like…” Suddenly a hand grabbed Alex and threw him back in the air. He hit the ground right by Canopus who is almost strong enough to even walk.

Mane appeared in front of Alex and picked him up by his wet collar. “Good, now I just need to finish you off!” He slammed Alex into the rock in front of him. When he hit it, it made a crater.

Mane held out his hand, a black ball of energy swirled around his hand and formed into a ball. “Mane no, doesn’t do it!” The Leader roared as the ball shot straight through Alex’s chest.

The life in Alex’s eyes began to fade away as he began to fall forward. Daniel Riley and Madam Nicole ran up the trail and seen Alex hit the ground. “Alex!” Daniel yelled as Mane grabbed Alex by the throat.

He turned to her and smiled, “Sorry, but the boy is gone.” He threw Alex off the cliff and back onto the sand. Daniel ran through them and jumped off to catch up to Alex.

Riley followed her a few seconds after. Madam Nicole turned to him and growled, “You monster!” Her rapier appeared in her hand.” Canopus got up; his sword appeared in his hand as he whimpered, “If only I could have healed any sooner….”

He gave Mane the death stares, “You will pay for this!” Madam Nicole and Canopus charged Mane as he got back in his stance.


Daniel screamed as she reached to see blood beginning to be soaked up by the sand. She ran up to him to see him face front with his head turned.

She turned him around and began to hug him crying. “Please, don’t die Alex!” She began to slap his cheek hoping that he would get up. “Alex!” When Riley got there, Daniel was holding Alex.

Riley ran over to her as fast as she can. “Did him…!” Daniel slowly shook her head no, as she began to cry once more. Riley knelt by her and began Daniel.

Daniel lightly set Alex on a dry area. She got up and walked over to Riley asking, “What are we going to do now! Alex is dead! And Teacher might be dead!”

Riley began hugging her and reassured her, “Daniel, there is always a way. Remember everyone has to die. Even Alex, it’s only normal.” Suddenly a black light began illuminating off them.

When they turned around they seen Alex engulfed in pure black energy. “Alex!” they screamed as they ran to him. The energy made a mini explosion and bounced them both 10 ft backward.

When they looked back up, they saw the energy begin to spiral. “What’s going on here? The power he’s giving off is…just like a lunar bearer!”

Chapter 16

Alex began to get up, Daniel began to run, but Riley pulled her back down. “What are you…?” Riley gave her a hush. They turned back to Alex to see his wound beginning to close up.

He looked up at Daniel and Riley. When they looked in his eyes, they saw the whites of his eyes turn black, and his eyes turned silver. He asked, “What happened?”

He looked down at himself and gasped to himself. “This feels different then from my normal power. I really don’t understand?”

Daniel ran over to him and said, “Are you okay! We were so worried about you!” Riley slowly walked up to him with her eyes squinted.

“Alex I can feel your power. And it’s extremely dark.” Alex cracked a knuckle. “I’m going back.” Daniel grabbed his arm, “Alex, don’t go back up there! You almost died, and we really don’t know what’s wrong with you!”

Alex looked up to see large power rolling off the cliff. “Let me do this.” Daniel hesitated, after a few moments of silence, she let go. “You better not hurt yourself, or I’ll hurt you.”

Alex chuckled at the thought, “Well I’m off.” Alex bent down to jump, when he jumped the ground under him made a crater. “Whoa! This feels epic!” Riley looked up at him and thought, “What’s going on? I never met someone with a power of the lunar bearer that is a star bearer.”


Canopus and Madam Nicole are both knocked backwards. Mane had a slash across his face; the blood that he had spilled was stained over his body.

“Even with reinforcements, you’re both still too weak to take me on.” Canopus growled and thought, “Darn it. If only I was stronger.”

Madam Nicole’s sword was engulfed in white energy. “We can’t just stay here all day. We have to move!” Madam Nicole swung her sword in a small arc. A wide arc of energy shot out and hit Mane.

After a few moments, Madam Nicole felt recoil. She cursed to herself as the sword began to disappear. “It must require huge amounts of power just to perform it. If Alex can continuously fire it, then he really must have some power.”

Canopus turned to her and asked, “Are you okay. I guess that little move of Alex’s must take some energy.” Madam Nicole smiled at the remark, “I really don’t

understand how he can…”

In that moment, Mane was between Madam Nicole and Canopus. He punched Canopus in the face while he swiped at Madam Nicole’s face.

She quickly dodged it and jumped back 4 ft. Mane raised his hand, moments later a black force field of black fire blocked between Mane and Canopus.

Canopus ran up to the force field and tried to break it. As soon as he touched it, it exploded. He staggered backwards as the pain stung his hand.

“Since, your powers are gone for the moment….I can attack.” He shifted forward and disappeared he reappeared in front of him slashing downward, making Madam Nicole look away.

Out of nowhere, she heard a loud clang of metal. When she looked up, she could see Alex, defending the slash with his meteor band.

“Alexander!” Alex turned to her and said, “How’ve you been? I thought I would just come back to back you up.” when she looked into his eyes she froze instantly.

“I know I’m kinda weird right now. I really do not know what is going on with me. But I do know that I will succeed in at least fighting the Ruler.”

Mane snickered and asked, “You’ll never fight me as an equal, they way you are. It’s pathetic!” Alex smiled, “Well, that’s what you think!” Black energy erupted from under his feet. As Mane backed away, Alex raised his hand. Black energy swirled around his hand like a storm for a few moments, when he grasped the storm his sword appeared in his hand.

The sword was exactly like the sword that Alex seen when he fought Brittany. “Wow…” he looked back up at Mane and smiled. “How is this possible! I never met a star bearer, with a lunar bearer’s power!”

Canopus stood froze in horror as he watched Alex’s black energy swirl around him like a raging storm. “Alexander! It’s just as I thought, you are their child!”

Black energy erupted out of his sword as he twirled

it around his head, when he came over he slashed. A destructive arc of black energy shot out at Mane. Mane immediately blocked the attack. The force of the attack began to push him back even further.

The arc of energy began to erode him. After a few moments, he was completely covered in the black energy. When the energy disappeared, there was a wide slash across his shoulder.

“Man, kid. You got a major power boost.” Alex smiled at the results of his new power. “This power is denser than my normal one. And it has more of an edge to it.”

Alex shifted forward and disappeared, “I’ve gotta be careful, this kid got lunar bearer abilities.” Alex appeared right above him with an axe kick, Mane blocked it instantly.

The force of the axe kicked pushed him down and made small cracks into the ground. Mane through him up in the air and jumped. Alex smirked as Mane got closer. Alex shifted sideways and disappeared, he reappeared on top of him. He pushed jumped and made Mane hit the ground.

Black energy engulfed Alexander’s sword, as he swung his sword around his head, he swung the blade. A big black ark of black energy shot at Mane.

When it hit mane, a giant black explosion almost erode Alex. The explosion covered the entire cliff. Moments later Alex appeared on the beach with Canopus and Madam Nicole in his arms.

He lightly dropped them to the ground. Another moments later Alex’s eyes come back to normal, and his sword disappeared in a black flash of light.

“Are you okay Alexander,” asked Madam Nicole in wonder? Alex turned to her with a broad smile, “I’m fine! I actually feel better than I ever had before!”

Canopus thought, “The boy’s power must be whole again. It only makes since, since that half of his power was just awakened.” Alex turned to see Daniel and Riley running over to him.

“Are you alright Alex? We only saw sparks of black energy!” Alex shrugged and said, “I guess the power boost


Alex turned to the cliff, “The dust cleared. You wanna go and check it out?” Canopus got up and answered calmly, “Alright, stay here, all of you.” The Leader disappeared, after a few moments of hearing the waves crashing the shores, he reappeared.

“Mane’s gone; he must have retreated to his own realm. It’s over.” They all took a breather from the relief of disappearance. The Leader took out a piece of paper and handed this to Alex.

“This is was on the ground where you used your final attack.” Alex took the piece of paper and said aloud.

“You did pretty well kid. I did not expect a kid like you to wound me the way you did. Since you did, I will answer the question that you asked me? She is alive; I keep her in the dungeon at the Ruins of the Lunar Wing. If you want her, come and get her. If you don't let her rot in the dungeon that is. Good luck kid.”

Alex looked up to Daniel and Riley. They both looked at him with a sincere look. He turned to the Leader and asked, “What is the Ruins of the Lunar Wing?” The Leader looked up in the sky and answered, “The ruins belong to the monster Lunar Wing. The monster came from the blood and flesh of Mane. The ruins used to be the temple for sacrifices. In the past, we have destroyed the temple, and sealed away the monster. Now it is ruins for mainly capture and execute.”

Alex gulped at the fear of what he said. “Are they gonna…?” The Leader held up his hand. “I am not so sure? He never said he did.” Alex looked down at his hand for a moment and thought about all the things that Samantha has done to her.

Alex clenched his hand and looked up at the Leader. “I need to go out there!” Madam Nicole yelled, “Are you insane, child! You’re not a knight yet!” The Leader observed his facial expression and body language. “He’s dead serious about this. He would go into enemy territory for a former master.”

The Leader said, “After finishing your knight‘s exam, and your performance with fighting Mane. I guess I will assign you you’re first assignment: Go to enemy

territory and rescue Samantha before anymore harm befalls on her.”

Madam Nicole stands up and yells, “Are you out of your mind! You cannot send a child to the front lines. That’s suicide!” Canopus walked up to her and patted his hand on her shoulder, “Its okay Nicole. This boy can take care of her. I do not remember anyone that can take on Mane. That is by far one of the bravest things I have ever seen in a person.”

She turned to Alex and back to Canopus. “I know….but I don’t want anything happening to anyone after…” She began sniffling; one small tear fell from her eyes.

Canopus looked at her as sincere as he can and said, “Don’t worry. That will not happen. I promise you. This boy is strong.” Canopus wipes the single tear from her eye and smiles. She nodded then walked to the side of Canopus, “You can take anyone with you on this journey, but only one.”

Alex smiled and turned to Daniel, “I already have someone in mind.” Daniel instantly took the message and smiles. The Leader smiled, “Alright, before you head to Madam Nicole’s, I want you to come with me…Alex.”

Alex nodded and stood beside Leader. “I want you two to head back to the Sanctuary, and I want you,” to go back to your master’s place.”

He lifted his hand; three white runes appeared before them. “The left one is to the Sanctuary, the middle one is for Alex and I, and the last one is for Riley.” Riley walked up to Alex and Daniel and gave them hugs. “Good luck, you two. Don’t get killed.”

Alex and Daniel smiled. Riley walked into her rune smiling as she walked in it disappeared in a flash of light. Alex turned to Daniel and Madam Nicole, “See you guys later.”

Alex ran straight through the rune. When he went through there was a bright flash of light.

Part 3 The


Chapter 1

Alex appeared in Canopus’s throne. When he turned around, he could see the rune. After a few moments, the Leader came walking through. He turned to Alex and said, “Here, you clothes are all ripped.”

He touched Alex’s chest suddenly a white rune appeared on it. Pieces of cloth that had fallen off reappeared and his socks and shoes reformed around his feet. Alex took

a breath of relief for the newfound warmth around his body.

Canopus said, “You fought my brother, Mane. Do you know why you were able to fight on equal terms?” Alex shrugged, “I wasn’t really paying attention, and I was just fighting.”

Canopus nodded his head in surprise and explained, “Mane was fighting at his weakest.” Alex’s jaw dropped. “Understand Alex, the leaders of each world age slower. And when we age we get weaker. Mane, at that point…is at his weakest.” Alex bit his lips trying to hold in ‘crap’.

“The only way for him to regain his strength, is to take the dark energy of a young, strong lunar bearer and put it into him.” Alex asked, “And what about you sir?”

“I turn to ash. After a few days I emerge from the ash as a baby, with all information of before I turn to ash.” Alex thought, “Wow.”

Canopus resettled in his throne and crossed his arm breathing to ask another question.”

“Has Madam Nicole or Samantha told you about the origin of the realms?”

Alex thought about it and said, “I never really heard of it, but it does sound familiar.” The Leader raised his hand, in a bright flash of light, a book formed in front of Alex’s eyes.

Alex took the book from his hand and read the front cover, ‘The History of the Realms’. When he opened the first page, he read in his head.

“The Legend of the Three Brothers

In the Void of Nothing three brothers were born.  First brother had a happy and cheerful personality, the brother thought about the future of peace and understanding.  

The second brother had a hateful and angry personality, the brother thought about a future of rule and fear.  

The third brother had calm and patient

personality; he thought of the most thoroughly thought plans.  

As the three brothers grew older, they all began to argue and converse with each other. Then suddenly one day in the Void, a shining light appeared in front of the brothers.  

The first item was a pure white blade, this sword radiated with pure love and warmth. The second item was a pitch-black blade, this sword’s power radiated hatred and cold. In addition, the third item was a book that radiated with knowledge.  

 First brother decided to take the pure white blade, Second brother decided to take the pure pitch-black blade, and Third brother took the book.  

The Second brother began to get greedy and tried to kill his brother and take the other sword.  

The two brothers fought, First brother defeated the Second brother, the third told them both to stop and so all three of them decided to make a compromise.  

 First brother decided to make a barrier to divide the Void into three places. Then all three brothers raised their items in the air, pure light came out of the items and into the Void.                

Then on each of their sides, a blinding light appeared, teleporting them to their new worlds they created. 

In Legend, the two brothers fight in a great war that continues today. There was to be a day when a champion from their dimension will fight to the death and whoever wins will decide the fate of the two worlds.  `Each champion will have the quality of one of the brothers, and they will each have a unique power.  

  Second brother found his champion, and then gave him his sword as a sign of respect. The champion soon was given the name of The Sage of Oblivion.    First brother also found a champion, and as the second brother did, he has given the champion his sword as a sign of respect. This champion was then given the name of The Sage of Radiance.    The two had a great battle at the Canyon of the Beyond; suddenly they disappeared leaving only the two brothers’ swords. 

 In legend, the two went to what was left of The Void of Nothings. Over time, they both fell in love. In addition, later so on, they have a child.                   The two then decided to take him back to the first brother’s realm, but they blundered and he ended up in the third brother’s realm, where the people have no powers,” he read to himself.

After he read the page, he thought over the last few paragraphs, when he knew what it meant his eyes widened. He looked up to the Leader and asked, “Am I the child?”

The Leader nodded, “It took me a while to figure out, but after you used that dark power back there, I knew it was you.” Alex stood froze thinking that this was impossible.

“I was born to the two champions?” Canopus smiled and said, “Yes, but now when I think about it. You look so much like your mother. She was always up going, and optimistic. In addition, when there is danger she would stick up for the weak. She never ran away and she never left her comrades behind.”

Alex took some breaths and said, “But wait, I was born from the Void of Nothing, so that means…” Canopus got up, “Since you were born from that realm, we are technically related.”

Alex eyes widened at the thought, “So I’m related to

you? That is….” Alex stopped star struck. “I know I really can’t believe it myself. Since we are related I might as well tell you my name.”

Canopus put his hand on his shoulder, “My name is Canopus, Alexander. Alex I want you to ask something, not as child to leader, but as kin. Can you become the champion of my realm?”

Alex’s eyes widened, “I know this crazy to ask you, but please. Our realm needs help. And we need you to fight for it.” Alex thought over it a couple of moments, “Hey how about this…why don’t I tell you when I come back. That’ll give me a lot of time to think of it.”

Canopus smiled and said, “Alright Alexander.” He grabbed Alexander’s stuff right by his bag. When he threw it to Alex he said, “Thanks Lea…I mean Canopus.”

The Leader smiled as he raised his hand one last time, Alex felt energy trickle down his left arm to his wrist. When he raised his sleeve, he saw an entanglement of runes encircle around his arm.

“This is the mark of the knight. You can use this to communicate with all the knights in this realm that is close by. And you can travel; all you have to do it focus on the place and visualize it in your mind.”

Alex raised his tattooed arm. In a few moments, he felt his arm tingle and warm up. In an instant, a bright ball of light shot out of his hand and stopped.

In a half of a second, it formed a white rune. “I’ll see you soon Alexander, good luck on your quest,” Canopus said with a bright smile.

“Before you go, a knight always receives a nickname for his performance.” Alex raised an eyebrow, “So are you saying you’re gonna nickname me?”

“Yes i am. I will give you a nickname that will be appropriate.” Canopus thought for a moment, rubbing chin and rolling his eyes in thought.

“Yes I got it!” Alex crossed his arms, “Your nickname will be the Heir of Dusk.” Alex smiled, “Thanks, that name will actually suit me!”

Canopus smiled as Alex turned to the rune. As he ran though the rune he said, “Good luck, Alexander Rising.”


The Next Day

Alex fell straight into Madam Nicole’s office. He turned to see Madam Nicole sitting at a desk with Daniel in an armchair. She screamed, “Alex!” As he began getting up off the ground he raised his head.

Madam Nicole asked, “Have you received the mark?” Alex nodded. Madam Nicole got up and said walked towards the door, “Miranda, Andrew would you like to come in?”

In that moment, the door opened behind them. Miranda and Andrew walked in with cups in their hand. “Sorry we were eavesdropping, we had to know what was going on,” said Andrew.

Daniel asked in a tickled tone, “Have you ever heard of knocking.” Andrew and Miranda walked up to them,

“We heard you guys talking about what you’re about to do. We want to wish you luck.”

They both hugged Andrew and Miranda, when they finished them both walked out of the room. “Alright now back to business.” She walked back to her desk and reached into her drawers and grabbed a picture.

She threw the picture to Alex. When he looked at it, he could see a trail with forests on both sides. The sky was completely blue. In addition, clouds were drifting through the sky.

“This is the Lanes of the Comets.” She then took an out a rolled up scroll and gave it to Daniel.” This is the map to lead you straight to the Realm of the Lunar Bearers.”

Alex looked at it some more picturing it in his mind. Daniel picked up her bag by her chair; she put the map in her pack and put the pack around her shoulder.

Alex raised his arm. He felt his arm began to tingle and get warm. In moments a ball of light shot in front of the door. In an instant, the ball turned into a rune.

“Alexander, Daniel.” They both turned around to see her smiling and holding her hands together. “Good Luck.” They both nodded and ran straight through the rune. When they ran through they felt like they jolted several miles forward.

They both ran out of the rune to see them where that are. Alex said, “We should get going.” Daniel nodded in agreement and they began to walk.

As they walked, they looked around to see the trees and feel the soft breeze of the wind. After two hours of continues walking and looking at trees or clouds, they reached a set of cross roads.

Alex asked, “Can you take out the map?” She took out the scroll and unrolled it. When they looked at it Daniel said, “We are here,” pointing at the crossroads. Alex trailed looked at the map and said, “These cross roads both lead to three towns then straight to the border.”

Daniel turned to him and asked, “Are we gonna split up?” Alex rubbed his chin to think about it a little more. “We should split up, we’d cover more ground.”

Daniel looked pained when he said that, but she thought over it a little more and said, “You’re right. We might be able to gather more info about it.”

Alex put his finger at the point they would meet, “Okay, we’ll split up and meet up at this point. Okay.” Daniel nodded she rolled up her map and put it back in her pack. She thought about something for a moment and immediately starts to blush.

When Alex turned to the trail Daniel yelled, “Alex comes here real quick!” Alex turned around and raised an eyebrow. When he stepped in front of her she her face got even redder. “What is it?”

Daniel tells him, “Close your eyes.” Alex raised an eyebrow and does it anyway. “What are you gonna…?” She kissed him.

Alex felt energy jolt through his entire body. After a few moments of confusion he slowly eases into it, after 8 seconds they both stopped.

Alex stood star struck and red in the face. “Did you always…feel that way?’ Daniel turned her head embarrassed and her face completely red as a cherry.

After a few awkward moments of silence, Alex smiled and walked up to Daniel. Alex gave her a hug; she stood there completely gazed. “Hey we can talk about this after we save Teacher.”

She gave him a hug back. “Alright, we’ll talk after. They both stepped hugging and turned to their path. They both looked at each other and walked down both paths.

After 20 minutes trees appeared in the center to block their ways. “I never felt like this before with somebody.”

Alex looked straightforward and said with determination, “Alright Teacher, I’m coming!” Alex began running forward without turning back.


In the town of New York City, three people were walking though the mass crowd of people in the street.

Pushing left and right through crowds in the city.

The first was a father with long curly brown hair. The man had blue eyes and rather small freckles above his nose and below his face. He wore a black suit with a purple tie and a white under shirt. He wore size 13 and ½ black loafers.

The second was a mother with long red hair down to her back with brown eyes. She wore a black leather jacket with a white tank top under it. The woman had ripped blue jeans with black sneakers.

And the third was a teenage girl. The girl had long dirty blonde hair with bright blue eyes. She wore a black tee shirt with light blue jeans and domino tennis shoes. The girl wore a watch locket connected to his belt buckle and a domino wrist band.

The teenager turned to her mother and asked, “What are we going to do when we get to the mall?” The mother rubbed her chin, “Where do you want to go, Rosie?”

Rosie turned and slowly scratched her face. “I want to go to the computer store. Let’s see if we can find something to upgrade my computer.” The mother smiled, “Alright. We’ll go there.”

The father turned to his wife, “Brittany, while, were at the mall can we search for a new notebook for work.” Brittany slapped her husband. “You need to worry less about work. Spend more time with your family, Tray.”

Tray shrugged. He turned his head to look at Rosie, “I guess you’re right. This is my week off. I should worry less about work.”

When they reached the mall, they looked at the building. It was a three story building with a very wide base that went down maybe three blocks. The sign connected to the wall said ‘Central Mall’.

Rosie turned to them and smiled. “We should get going.” Rosie ran straight into the mall, Tray and Brittany held hands. “I wonder if he’s dead. It’s been twenty years, since he’s left.”

Brittany turned to him and smiled, “I know he’s not dead. I have this feeling that he’s still alive. He’ll come

back, when he wants to. Just give him time.” Tray shook his head, “Alright.”