http://timeandquantummechanics.com Practical Telepathy/Philcon November 11th, 2017 Practical Telepathy John Ashmead

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Practical Telepathy

John Ashmead

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http://timeandquantummechanics.comPractical Telepathy/WorldCon/San Jose/August 17th, 2018

You must remember this

• A brief history of telepathy

• Mind is what brain does

• What is “telepathy”?

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A brief history of Telepathy

• Mentalism

• Slan

• Rhine

• Side-band information

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• Cartesian Dualism

• Astral Plane

• Brain is a house, Mind is just a renter

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• Like a broad band receiver

• Tendrils (like antennae)

• Scares neighbors

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Rhine & Zener cards

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Smile when you say that!

• Micro expressions

• Reflection of light from face

• Botox

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Mind is what brain does

• Phrenology

• Spike in the head

• Neurology

• The Penfield homonculus

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Things that go Bump in the Head

• Phrenology

• One lobe/one function?

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Spike in the head

• Iron bar rammed thru his head

• Didn’t kill

• But made a profound change in behavior

• “no longer Gage”

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• The case of the color-blind painter

• The Last Hippie

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Penfield’s Homunculus

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what is “Telepathy”?

• Extrasensory perception?

• Or merely unexpected perception?

what is


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• Telescopes into the mind

• A Team of Rivals

• Wide-open two way

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Telescopes into the Mind

• Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

• Electroencephalogram (EEG)

• Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

• Many others

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Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

• Monitor oxygen flow to neurons

• Let’s you see the dynamics

• But a bit slow compared to speed of thought

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Electroencephalogram (EEG)

• Good time resolution

• Poor space resolution

• Inexpensive

• Mobile

• Joysticks

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Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

• Non-invasive

• But lets you create waves of activity in the brain

• For depression,

• Locked-in patients,

• Asperger’s

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Team of Rivals

• The impossible fast ball

• Emergent consciousness

• Advanced loopiness

• Prediction machine

• Thinking fast & slow

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The impossibility of hitting a Fast ball

• 400 ms to plate

• 500 ms to plan response

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Emergent Consciousness

• 80 billion neurons,

• 10000 synapses per neuron,

• And continuously rewiring itself!

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Advanced Loopiness

• Self-modifying code

• Turning oneself into a high performing robot

• Robot is good

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Prediction machine

• Realtime categorization

• Preferably using automated learning

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Thinking fast & slow

• Instinct

• Reason

• Reason gets a veto

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Wide Open Two Way

• Reading thoughts

• Prostheses

• Chips in the brain

• Mind videos

• Two way mind to mind communication

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Hawking/Reading Thoughts

• Predictive

• Latest version was monitoring his brain waves

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Sight for the Blind, movement for Paralyzed

• BCI - Brain Computer Interface

• Bypass nerve damage

• Specific to patient

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A Taste of Sight

• Camera in sunglasses

• Computer converts to low-res gray scale

• Image recreated on electrodes

• User feels images on tongue

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Mind Video• Memories are

not video

• Can monitor, interpret,

• and then recreate

• But very specific

• http://gallantlab.org

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Rat Telepathy

• One rat gets the information

• The other rat is connected by electrodes

• And can use that information

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Mind the Gap• What doors does

this open?

• What could possibly go wrong?

• How do we manage our minds?

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What doors will this open?

• Communication & Cooperation

• Biofeedback

• Theory of mind

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Communication & Cooperation

• Augmented reality

• Extended self

• Communicating with “locked-in” people

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Theory of mind

• Imitation is the ultimate test

• Is there a them there?

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It’s a good life

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Mind Mgmt

• The knowledge illusion

• Inside Out

• The Future of the Mind

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• We know less than we think we do,

• We treat our circle of experts as if they are part of our own head,

• Which is mostly helpful.

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Turning the mind inside out

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The Future of the Mind

• TMS, Asperger’s, & the DLPFC

• Biofeedback, dopamine, & cocaine

• A taste for sight

• The Google glass is half full

• The Mind Frontier

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Parting Thoughts• The Future of the Mind

- Kaku

• Thinking Fast & Slow - Hahnemann

• Your brain is a time machine - Buonomano

• Incognito - Eagleman

• The Knowledge Illusion - Sloman & Fernbach