PR 24 April Suryananda

PR 24 April

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PR 24 April

PR 24 AprilSuryanandaFrekuensi cordless phone di eropa?- Frequency: 1880 MHz1900 MHz in Europe, 1920 MHz1930 MHz in the US 2. EIRP itu dimana?

3. Daya pancar -30dBm daya terima -80dBm dan receiver sensitivitas -90dBm berapa fading margin?

http://www.packetnotes.com/perencanaan-microwave-bagian-2/44. Bedanya fsl dan path loss?- Path Loss bukanlah redaman / absor bsi power melainkan loss yang disebabkan penerima tidak dapat menerima semua power yang dipancarkan. Free space loss merupakan bagian dari path loss

55. Penetration loss?

https://books.google.co.id/books?id=n-3ZZ9i0s-cC&pg=PA46&lpg=PA46&dq=%22penetration+loss+is%22&source=bl&ots=AyWLVvqada&sig=zMjvo37sLAI55gW-4E9hR5_bsi0&hl=id&sa=X&ei=-r85VcfJPIv28QXlkIDACg&ved=0CCIQ6AEwATgK#v=onepage&q=%22penetration%20loss%20is%22&f=falsehttps://books.google.co.id/books?id=u9v2BwAAQBAJ&pg=PA86&lpg=PA86&dq=%22penetration+loss+is%22&source=bl&ots=lsH4vNpVoS&sig=pu7V58hGI_j5-FZvrHzYDBKWu9E&hl=id&sa=X&ei=-r85VcfJPIv28QXlkIDACg&ved=0CDIQ6AEwBDgK#v=onepage&q=%22penetration%20loss%20is%22&f=false66. Amplefier di Node B apa namanya?A TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) amplifies signals from the antenna reducing the noise figure of a base transceiver station (BTS) which leads to an improved overall sensitivity of the BTS. TMAs also enable base stations to receive mobile signals more clearly in a wider coverage area than they could otherwise achieve. This will allow mobile network operators to achieve the greatest possible coverage allowing less base stations and therefore limiting costs. http://www.ti.com/solution/telecom_tower_tower_mounted_amplifier_tmahttp://www.2wijaya.com/Satelit.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_Mounted_Amplifier77. Proses autentikasi dan algoritmanya di LTE?88. Routing area dan tracking area?bedanya usim dan SIM biasa?- Tracking Area is used in E-Utran to locate the UE for EPS servicesLocation Area is used in Utran to locate the UE for CS servicesRouting Area is used in Utran to locate the UE for PS servicesIn UMTS,location area and routing area udpatesare only done when the mobile is in idle statehowever, that a tracking area update is made inboth idle and connected state
